The real fate of Matryona Rasputina. Flowers of emigration: what happened to the fate of Matryona Rasputina, the daughter of the most controversial Russian prophet. Varya's last letter

Matryona Grigorievna Rasputina, who later changed her name to Maria Rasputina, is the daughter of a well-known Russian elder. After the murder of her father, she went abroad, where she became famous for her performances in the circus arena as a trainer, and also as a writer. Matryona Rasputina wrote several books, including the memoirs “Rasputin. Why?" about the father, emperor and patroness of Grigory Rasputin, the Empress, and most importantly - his view on the history of the murder.

Matryona (in her father's arms) with her brother and sister | Wikipedia

Matryona Rasputina was born in the small village of Pokrovskoye, which is located on the territory of the modern Tyumen region. She became the youngest of three children in the family of Grigory Rasputin and his wife Praskovya Fedorovna. Matryona had a brother, Dmitry, and a sister. When the father received a high appointment in St. Petersburg, the daughters moved with him to the capital, and the son remained to live with his mother in Siberia. It should be noted that, according to eyewitnesses, Matryona was the beloved daughter of Grigory Rasputin. The girl studied at the Steblino-Kamenskaya private preparatory school, and then at the gymnasium, where she lived at the boarding school.

Matryona with her parents | Planet Earth is our home

It was there that they began to call her by her new name Maria Rasputina. On holidays and weekends, she and her sister visited the house famous father. From him the girl learned to be generous to people, even when she herself was “broke.” Since childhood, Grigory Rasputin taught Matryona not to leave the house with empty pockets, but to take something that she could give to the poor. It was the daughters who reported the disappearance of the old man to the police, the day after the prince took him to his house. And according to legend, it was Matryona who noticed her father’s galoshes that floated out of the river. This is how the body of the dead Grigory Rasputin was discovered.


After the revolution, Matryona Rasputina left with her family for the capital of Romania and got a job there as a dancer in a cabaret. She later moved to Paris, where she worked as a governess and again as a cabaret actress. At one of the performances, she was noticed by the brothers Barnum and Bailey Ringling, famous circus owners in their time. They offered her a high payment if the woman could enter the cage with the lions. Matryona gathered all her courage, used the “heavy Rasputin look” and completed the task. So she became a trainer large predators.

Circus poster of Rasputina the trainer | Russian planet

During the first half of the 30s, Matryona Grigorievna toured with the Ringling circus, and then moved to the more expensive Gardner brothers circus. Her performances were advertised as "Tamer of Lions and Tigers, Daughter of the Famous Mad Monk, whose exploits in Russia surprised the world." With Gardner's troupe, Rasputin traveled almost all over the world, but at one of the American performances a woman was attacked polar bear, after which her career as a circus performer ended.


Matryona continued to travel with the circus, no longer performing, until she ended up in Florida, where she got a job at a US Department of Defense plant. She worked as a riveter throughout the Second World War. world war, and in 1945 received United States citizenship. Rasputina gave about another 10 years to American defense enterprises, and when she retired due to age, she began working as a nurse in hospitals, as a nanny for families, and as a Russian language teacher.

Books by Matryona Rasputina

TO literary activity the daughter of Grigory Rasputin appealed after the book by Felix Yusupov was published, in which he described the murder of her father. This was back in the French period of life. First, Matryona sued Yusupov and Grand Duke Dmitry Pavlovich Romanov, demanding huge financial compensation for moral damage caused. But this claim was rejected by the Parisian judiciary, since, according to French law, it had no right to consider cases that took place in another state.

Photo by Matryona Grigorievna Rasputina | Marie-Mary's Diary

Then Matryona Rasputina’s book, memoirs “Rasputin. Why?”, which was followed by two more printed publications in the form of memoirs of Rasputin’s daughter, Matryona. In addition, much later, the woman published a cookbook that contained recipes for Russian cuisine, including Grigory Rasputin’s favorite dishes.

Personal life

The personal life of Matryona Rasputina took shape in October 1917, literally a few days before October revolution. She married a Russian officer Boris Nikolaevich Solovyov. Soon the couple was born eldest daughter Tatyana, and younger Maria was born already in exile. It is noteworthy that one of the girls many years later will become close friend, daughters.

With her second husband Grigory Bernadsky and daughters from her first marriage

Matryona Rasputina's husband used his last funds to open his own restaurant in Paris, but quickly went bankrupt, since Russian immigrants were often unable to pay for their orders, and Boris Nikolaevich did not know how to refuse them. Having closed the culinary establishment, he got a job automobile plant, where he fell ill with tuberculosis and died in 1926. Later in America, Matryona Grigorievna Rasputina gets married again. In 1940, she met an old acquaintance from pre-revolutionary life in Russia, white officer Grigory Bernadsky, with whom she lived for just over five years.


The last years of her life, Rasputin’s daughter lived in Los Angeles, not far from the legendary Hollywood. She received a substantial allowance social security and lived to be almost 80 years old, outliving her brother and sister by almost half a century.

Matryona Grigorievna Rasputina in Los Angeles | Photochronograph

Matryona Rasputina died of a heart attack in the fall of 1977 and was buried in the Angel Rosedale cemetery. The grandchildren of the daughter of the infamous Elder still live in France and the USA, some of them regularly visit Russia.

Of the entire family of Grigory Rasputin, only she survived.

Here she is in the picture - in her father's arms. On the left is sister Varvara, on the right is brother Dmitry.
Varya died in Moscow from typhus in 1925, Mitya died in exile in Salekhard. In 1930, he was exiled there along with his mother Paraskeva Fedorovna and his wife Feoktista. My mother did not make it to exile; she died on the way.
Dmitry died of dysentery on December 16, 1933, on the anniversary of his father’s death, outliving his wife and little daughter Lisa by three months.

Varvara Rasputina. Post-revolutionary photo, saved by a friend. Damaged deliberately, out of fear of reprisals from the Soviet government.

The Rasputin family. In the center is the widow of Grigory Rasputin Paraskeva Feodorovna, on the left is his son Dmitry, on the right is his wife Feoktista Ivanovna. In the background is Ekaterina Ivanovna Pecherkina (a worker in the house).

The frozen body of G. Rasputin, found in Malaya Nevka near the Bolshoi Petrovsky Bridge.

On the night of December 17, 1916, Rasputin was killed at the Yusupov Palace on the Moika. A note was found in his old sheepskin coat (Matryona wrote, according to her father):

“I feel that I will pass away before the first of January. I want to tell the Russian people, Dad, Mom and children what they should do. If I am killed by ordinary murderers and my fellow peasant brothers, then, Tsar of Russia, you will not have to fear for your children. They will reign for many more centuries. But if the nobles destroy me, if they shed my blood, then their hands will be stained with my blood for twenty-five years and they will leave Russia. Brother will rise up against brother. They will hate and kill each other, and there will be no peace in Russia for twenty-five years. Tsar of the Russian land, if you hear the ringing of a bell that tells you that Gregory has been killed, know that one of yours arranged my death, and none of you, none of your children will live more than two years. They will be killed...
I will be killed. I am no longer among the living. Pray! Pray! Stay strong. Think about your blessed family!”

In October 1917, shortly before the uprising, Matryona married officer Boris Nikolaevich Solovyov, a participant in the attempt to free Nicholas II during his Siberian exile.
Two girls were born into the family, named after the Grand Duchesses - Tatiana and Maria. The latter was born in exile, where Boris and Matryona fled from Russia.

Prague, Berlin, Paris... The wanderings were long. In 1926, Boris died of tuberculosis and Marochka (as her father affectionately called her) was left with two children in her arms with almost no means of support. The restaurant opened by her husband went bankrupt: poor emigrants often dined there on credit.

Matryona goes to work as a dancer in a cabaret - the dance lessons she took in Berlin from the ballerina of the Imperial Theaters Devillers have finally come in handy.
During one of her performances, the manager of an English circus approached her:
- If you enter a cage with lions, I’ll hire you.
Matryona crossed herself and entered.

They said that one of her famous “Rasputin” looks was enough to stop any predator.

Soon American entrepreneurs became interested in the young tamer, and Matryona, having moved to the United States, began working in the Ringling Bros., Barnum and Bailey Circus, as well as in the Gardner Circus.

She left the arena only after she was once injured by a polar bear. Then all the newspapers started talking about a mystical coincidence: the skin of the bear on which the murdered Rasputin fell was also white.

Later, Matryona worked as a nanny, a nurse in a hospital, gave Russian language lessons, met with journalists, wrote big book about his father entitled "Rasputin. Why?", repeatedly published in.

Matryona Grigorievna died in 1977 in California from a heart attack at the age of 80. Her grandchildren still live in the West. One of the granddaughters, Laurence Io-Solovieva, lives in France, but often visits Russia.

Laurence Huot-Solovieff is the great-granddaughter of G. Rasputin.

I am the daughter of Grigory Efimovich Rasputin.
Baptized by Matryona, my family called me Maria.
Father - Marochka. Now I am 48 years old.
Almost as old as my father was,
when he was taken from home scary man- Felix Yusupov.
I remember everything and never tried to forget anything
from what happened to me or my family
(no matter how the enemies count on it).
I don't cling to memories like those who do
who are inclined to savor their misfortunes.
I just live by them.
I love my father very much.
Just as much as others hate him.
I can't make others love him.
I don’t strive for this, just as my father did not strive.
Like him, I just want understanding. But, I'm afraid - and this is excessive when we're talking about about Rasputin.

I am the daughter of Grigory Efimovich Rasputin.
Baptized by Matryona, my family called me Maria.
Father - Marochka. Now I am 48 years old.
Almost as old as my father was,
when he was taken away from home by a terrible man - Felix Yusupov.
I remember everything and never tried to forget anything
from what happened to me or my family
(no matter how the enemies count on it).
I don't cling to memories like those who do
who are inclined to savor their misfortunes.
I just live by them.
I love my father very much.
Just as much as others hate him.
I can't make others love him.
I don’t strive for this, just as my father did not strive.
Like him, I just want understanding. But, I'm afraid - and this is excessive when
We are talking about Rasputin.

Maria (Matryona) Rasputina (daughter of G. Rasputin) is the only one who survived from the family of Grigory Rasputin

From the publisher
Matryona Rasputina - the eldest daughter of Grigory Rasputin - was born in 1898
year. On October 5, 1917, she married officer Boris Solovyov. Soon
After the revolution, Matryona and her husband managed to leave Russia. Family
settled in Paris. In 1924, the husband died. Matryona was left with two
daughters in their arms, with virtually no means. By that time the beginning
her career as a (quite successful) dancer. Later, already in America, Matryona
mastered a profession that was perhaps more suited to her temperament -
tiger tamers.
She died in Los Angeles (California, USA) in 1977 from a heart attack.
She called her notes about her father, in a foreign way, “Rasputin.
Why?" - Matryona Grigorievna (however, in America she was known as
Maria) wrote from 1946 to 1960. For unknown reasons, she herself does not
published, although she tried - even agreed to their use
by his American neighbor in a nursing home (see below).
I acquired this manuscript in 1999 from its last owner, who
For some reason she didn’t allow me to announce her name. I'll call her Mrs. X.
Mrs. X herself was born and lives in Paraguay. Her maternal grandfather was one of
those Cossacks who, having fled Crimea in 1920, decided to try their luck in
South America - hundreds of them were then lured by fertile lands and
you can quickly get to your feet.
Mrs. X's aunt married and went to America in 1957. For some reason
reasons, she almost did not maintain contact with her family, so the message about
inheritance from a childless relative became for Mrs. X.
unexpected. In addition to a fairly significant amount of money, she brought from America
business papers and a box with a manuscript, which, of course, I looked into, but
no more. In my opinion, due to a lack of knowledge of the Russian language, Ms. X.
not really even before three thick notebooks with mass are filled
included, inherited from her aunt. How Rasputina's manuscript came to her aunt,
she does not know.
In the fall of 1998, Mrs. X. was shown the books I published, “The Romanovs.
The Imperial House in Exile" and "Memoirs" of Prince Yusupov, the murderer of Rasputin.
“That’s when I decided that maybe you would like to publish his daughter’s recordings,”
Mrs. X explained to me later.
It took us six months to negotiate (after all, everything was done only by mail, no
she doesn’t have faxes), it took several months for the manuscript to reach
What are the notes of Matryona Rasputina?
This, if you try to define it in one phrase, is an explanation with those
who considers Grigory Rasputin to be the culprit of almost all the troubles that befell
to Russia.
And here it must be said that, blindly purchasing notes from Rasputin’s daughter
(Mrs. X. did not agree to my preliminary acquaintance with the manuscript), I
acted with some caution. It was justified to wait from Matryona
Rasputina talk about her own notes about her father, published even before
howl, a very naive and completely apologetic book. (Separately necessary
talk about a book published in English in the USA in 1977 under two names
-- Pat Barham and Maria Ras -- "Rasputin beyond the myth." I even
ordered its translation, but did not publish it - my daughter had a share in it
Ras was reduced to the transmission of episodes from the life of his father, and they, to
completely drowned in cranberries and molasses. However, not with notes,
which are in front of you, no doubt.)
This time a pleasant surprise awaited me. Now he is waiting for you. Three notebooks
covered in the handwriting of a not-too-zealous student, turned out to be quite amusing
by reading. A fascinating and educational read for both the general reader and
to a narrow specialist.
The book is structured as an interpretation of the life of his father - from birth in the village
Pokrovsky to death in the waters of the Neva in Petrograd. And precisely in the unexpected (but
always absolutely logical psychologically) interpretation of Gregory’s actions
Rasputin is the charm of Matryona's notes. At the same time, it is natural that
answering the question “why?”, Matryona conveys a lot of details,
eluding others, as she writes, “memorizers.”
What is the connection between the deaths of the brothers - Mikhail and Grigo Rasputin,
happened to almost forty years old; between Elizabeth of England and
Anna Vyrubova; between the craving of Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich for hunting and
Russia's entry into the war in 1414; between religiosity and eroticism in
Rasputin himself, etc.? Matryona Rasputi knows about all this.
How accurate is her knowledge? Just enough for what she's talking about
says, “it was quite possible.” The beauty of recording Matryona Rasputina and in
that every reader himself can, if he wants, determine the distance from
possible to actual. By the way, Matryona Rasputina hints at this -
So, they say, both Zhevakhov and Kokovtsov talk about this, but they never
understood what they were talking about...
Reading is not at all hampered by the author’s not always following exactly
chronology - only the time frame is preserved, and some events are "set
out of place." "Why?" wins the battle with "when?".
The degree of Matryona’s internal involvement in the events she describes
is also visible from the way it reflects everyday details. They are far away for her
not the main thing, but she is from that time and cannot ignore them in any way. So
lovely details seem to appear through the foreground.
A special matter is the tone of the notes. No aspiration, centi exactly
as much as it should be, so that they do not happen again. But no doubt...
Matryona adores her father. But he adores, so to speak, with dignity, leaving behind
others have the right to dislike him (don’t love him, but at least understand, don’t
brush it off). And really, it’s hard to dismiss. At times on pages of notes
The temperament that the daughter clearly inherited from her father just bursts in.
Probably, it was temperament that forced Matryona Ras to neglect in
the most tense places with the rules of spelling (of course, the old one), not
speaking of punctua. She seems to be in a hurry to speak out, sometimes she doesn’t
adding words or shortening them in the most bizarre way.
Actually, the publisher’s work was reduced to decoding not words,
very minor style edits (except due to the fact that as
progress towards the end, Matryona's Russian language became more and more
Americanized), collating quotes and bringing them to the form in which they
reproduced in modern editions.
To make reading easier, I divided the text into chapters and subchapters and gave them
titles. Applications are also added by me.
And finally, I conclude this protracted explanation with the reader with a brief
reference "Who is who in the memoirs of M.G. Rasputina." I only give names and
the occupation (at the time of the events described) of the main persons mentioned by her.

Alexander Mikhailovich (Sandro) -- Grand Duke, uncle of Nicholas II,
married to his sister Ksenia. . Anastasia Nikolaevna (Stana) - great
princess, daughter of the Montenegrin prince Njegosh, wife of Grand Duke Nicholas
Badmaev Petr Aleksandrovich - the son of a rich Buryat
cattle dealer, doctor, used the techniques of Eastern medicine.
Beletsky Stepan Petrovich - acting Director of the Police Department,
Comrade Minister of Internal Affairs.
Botkin Evgeniy Sergeevich - house doctor of the royal family.
Botkina-Melnik is his daughter.
George Buchanan is the British Ambassador to Russia.
Witte Sergei Yulievich - count, statesman.
Voeikov Vladimir Nikolaevich - palace commandant.
Vyrubova Anna Alexandrovna - maid of honor to Empress Alexandra
Feodorovna and confidant of the royal family.
Hermogenes (Dolganev Georgy Efremovich) - Bishop Sarah and
Tsaritsynsky, retired.
Golovina Maria Evgenievna (Munya) - bride of Nikolai, brother of Felix
Yusupova, fan of Rasputin.
Gurko Vladimir Iosifovich - chamberlain, comrade mini of internal affairs,
dismissed after a scandal involving money fraud.
Dmitry Pavlovich - Grand Duke, cousin of Nicholas II, lover
Felix Yusupov.
Evreinov Nikolai Nikolaevich - theater figure, li.
Elizaveta Fedorovna (Ella) -- Grand Duchess, elder sister
Empress Alexandra Feodorovna.
Zhevakhov Nikolai Davidovich - prince, chamber cadet, acting. comrade
Chief Prosecutor of the Holy Synod.
Iliodor - see Trufanov.
John of Kronstadt (Sergeev Ioann Ilyich) - rector of Andreevsky
Cathedral in Kronstadt, church preacher and writer.
Kovalevsky P. - publicist.
Kovyl-Bobyl Ivan is a publicist.
Kokovtsov Vladimir Nikolaevich - count, minister of finance, after the murder
P.A. Stolypin was appointed prime minister (until 1914).
Lakhtina Olga Vladimirovna - wife of an active duty officer
advisor, fan of Rasputin.
Maria Fedorovna - wife Alexandra III, mother of Nicholas II, widow
Milntsa Nikolaevna - Grand Duchess, daughter of the Montenegrin Prince Njegosh,
wife of Grand Duke Peter Nikolaevich.
Nikolai Nikolaevich - Grand Duke, uncle of Nicholas II.
Palaiologist Maurice is the French Ambassador to Russia.
Protopopov Alexander Dmitrievich - the last Minister of Internal Affairs
Tsarist Russia.
Purishkevich Vladimir Mitrofanovich -- large earth, Deputy II,
III and IV State Duma, the basis of the Union of Russian People and the "Chamber
Michael the Archangel."
Rodzyanko Mikhail Vladimirovich - large landowner, chairman of III
and IV State Duma. He was one of those who explained to Nicholas II
the need to grant con in the name of preserving the monarchy.
Rudnev Vladimir Mikhailovich - Comrade Prosecutor Ekaterinoslavsky
district court, in March 1917 included in the Extraordinary Commission of Inquiry
with the order to “investigate the source of irresponsible influence at court.”
Simanovich Aron Semenovich - merchant of the first guild, Juve, personal
Rasputin's secretary.
Trufanov Sergei Mikhailovich (hieromonk Iliodor) - on how
a promising preacher and zealot for the faith. In 1912 he publicly renounced
"God, Faith and Church."
Feofan (Vasily Bystroe) - bishop, rector of St. Petersburg spiritual
academy and at one time the confessor of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna.
Philippe is a French adventurer.
Yusupov-Sumarokov-Elston Felix Feliksovich - prince, heir
richest fortune in Russia, husband of Irina Alek, daughter of the great
Prince Alexander Mikhailovich, niece of Nicholas II.
Any irregularities in the text in the author's spelling of names, surnames and
positions are not specified.

You know that out of the entire family of Grigory Rasputin, only one of his daughters survived, about whose life I suggest you read further. Quite interesting facts.

Here she is in the picture - in her father's arms. On the left is sister Varvara, on the right is brother Dmitry.
Varya died in Moscow from typhus in 1925, Mitya died in exile in Salekhard. In 1930, he was exiled there along with his mother Paraskeva Fedorovna and his wife Feoktista. My mother did not make it to exile; she died on the way.

Dmitry died of dysentery on December 16, 1933, on the anniversary of his father’s death, outliving his wife and little daughter Lisa by three months.

Varvara Rasputina. Post-revolutionary photo, saved by a friend. Damaged deliberately, out of fear of reprisals from the Soviet government.

The Rasputin family. In the center is the widow of Grigory Rasputin Paraskeva Feodorovna, on the left is his son Dmitry, on the right is his wife Feoktista Ivanovna. In the background is Ekaterina Ivanovna Pecherkina (a worker in the house).

The frozen body of G. Rasputin, found in Malaya Nevka near the Bolshoi Petrovsky Bridge.

On the night of December 17, 1916, Rasputin was killed at the Yusupov Palace on the Moika. A note was found in his old sheepskin coat (Matryona wrote, according to her father):

“I feel that I will pass away before the first of January. I want to tell the Russian people, Dad, Mom and children what they should do. If I am killed by ordinary murderers and my fellow peasant brothers, then, Tsar of Russia, you will not have to fear for your children. They will reign for many more centuries. But if the nobles destroy me, if they shed my blood, then their hands will be stained with my blood for twenty-five years and they will leave Russia. Brother will rise up against brother. They will hate and kill each other, and there will be no peace in Russia for twenty-five years. Tsar of the Russian land, if you hear the ringing of a bell that tells you that Gregory has been killed, know that one of yours arranged my death, and none of you, none of your children will live more than two years. They will be killed...
I will be killed. I am no longer among the living. Pray! Pray! Stay strong. Think about your blessed family!”

In October 1917, shortly before the uprising, Matryona married officer Boris Nikolaevich Solovyov, a participant in the attempt to free Nicholas II during his Siberian exile.
Two girls were born into the family, named after the Grand Duchesses - Tatiana and Maria. The latter was born in exile, where Boris and Matryona fled from Russia.

Prague, Berlin, Paris... The wanderings were long. In 1926, Boris died of tuberculosis and Marochka (as her father affectionately called her) was left with two children in her arms with almost no means of support. The restaurant opened by her husband went bankrupt: poor emigrants often dined there on credit.

Matryona goes to work as a dancer in a cabaret - the dance lessons she took in Berlin from the ballerina of the Imperial Theaters Devillers have finally come in handy.
During one of her performances, the manager of an English circus approached her:
- If you enter a cage with lions, I’ll hire you.
Matryona crossed herself and entered.

They said that one of her famous “Rasputin” looks was enough to stop any predator.

Soon American entrepreneurs became interested in the young tamer, and Matryona, having moved to the United States, began working in the Ringling Bros., Barnum and Bailey Circus, as well as in the Gardner Circus.

She left the arena only after she was once injured by a polar bear. Then all the newspapers started talking about a mystical coincidence: the skin of the bear on which the murdered Rasputin fell was also white.

Later, Matryona worked as a nanny, a nurse in a hospital, gave Russian language lessons, met with journalists, and wrote a large book about her father called “Rasputin. Why?”, which was published several times in Russia.

Matryona Grigorievna died in 1977 in California from a heart attack at the age of 80. Her grandchildren still live in the West. One of the granddaughters, Laurence Io-Solovieva, lives in France, but often visits Russia.

Laurence Huot-Solovieff is the great-granddaughter of G. Rasputin.

I am the daughter of Grigory Efimovich Rasputin.
Baptized by Matryona, my family called me Maria.
Father - Marochka. Now I am 48 years old.
Almost as old as my father was,
when he was taken away from home by a terrible man - Felix Yusupov.
I remember everything and never tried to forget anything
from what happened to me or my family
(no matter how the enemies count on it).
I don't cling to memories like those who do
who are inclined to savor their misfortunes.
I just live by them.
I love my father very much.
Just as much as others hate him.
I can't make others love him.
I don’t strive for this, just as my father did not strive.
Like him, I just want understanding. But, I'm afraid - and this is excessive when it comes to Rasputin.
/From the book "Rasputin. Why?"/

On the 97th anniversary of the assassination of the Tsar's Friend...

Grigory Efimovich Rasputin-New was born on January 9 (21), 1869 in the village of Pokrovskoye into the family of peasant Efim Yakovlevich Rasputin (12/24/1841-autumn 1916) and Anna Vasilievna, née Parshukova (1839/40-01/30/1906). This was an ordinary family that didn’t stand out in any way among the other several dozen families in the Pokrovskaya settlement. It must be said that the ancestors of Grigory Efimovich settled here from the middle of the 17th century. and were already native Siberians. By that time, Gregory was already the fifth child in this family. After the marriage of his parents, which took place on January 21, 1862, the following were born in succession:

Evdokia (11.02.1863-26.06.1863)
Evdokia (??.08.1864-until 1887)
Glyceria (05/08/1866-until 1887)
Andrey (08/14/1867-December 1867)
Gregory (01/09/1869-12/17/1916)
Andrey (11/25/1871-before 1887)
Tikhon (06/16/1874-06/17/1874)
Agrippina (06/16/1874-06/21/1874)
Feodosia (05/25/1875-after 1900)
Anna (?-?)
another child (?-?)

Efim Yakovlevich Rasputin. 1914

As we can see, out of nine children born to adolescence Only two survived - Gregory himself and his sister Theodosia. The latter married the peasant Daniil Pavlovich Orlov from the village of Kosmakov. There were children in this marriage godfather of which Grigory Efimovich was.

G. E. Rasputin with his sister Feodosia

Grigory Efimovich himself married at the age of eighteen the peasant woman Paraskeva Fedorovna Dubrovina (10.25.1865-1930). The wedding took place on February 2, 1887, and a year and a half later their first child appeared. In total, Grigory Efimovich and Paraskeva Fedorovna had seven children:

Mikhail (29.09.1888-16.04.1893)
Anna (01/29/1892-05/03/1896)
Georgy (25.05.1894-13.09.1894)
Dmitry (25.10.1895-16.12.1933)
Matryona (aka Maria) (03/26/1898-09/27/1977)
Varvara (28.11.1900-1925)
Paraskeva (11.10.1903-20.12.1903)

Grigory with his wife Paraskeva Fedorovna

Children: Matryona, Varvara (in her father’s arms) and Dmitry

After the rapprochement of Gr. Rasputin with Royal Family, daughters Matryona and Varvara moved first to Kazan, and then to St. Petersburg, where they studied at school. Son Dmitry remained on the farm in Pokrovskoye.

Matryona and Varvara in St. Petersburg

After the revolution, the fate of those children who remain in Russia will be rather sad.

Varvara would never marry anyone and, after all the ordeals, she would die in Moscow in 1925 from typhus and tuberculosis.

Varvara after the revolution

On February 21, 1918, Dmitry married Feoktista Ivanovna Pecherkina (1897/98-09/05/1933). Until 1930, he lived with his wife and mother in Pokrovskoye, and then the order came and they were dispossessed and sent into exile in Obdorsk (Salekhard). On the way, the widow of Grigory Efimovich dies, three years later Feoktista Ivanovna dies of tuberculosis, and after her, three months later, Dmitry himself dies of dysentery. There are no direct descendants of Grigory Efimovich Rasputin in Russia after this.

The family of Grigory Rasputin in 1927.
From left to right: son Dmitry Grigorievich,
widow Paraskeva Fedorovna,
Elizaveta Ivanovna Pecherkina (worker in the house and relative of Dmitry’s wife),
wife of Dmitry Feoktista Ivanovna

The fate of Matryona turned out differently. The people's blogger of Russia recently told about this story sadalskij RASPUTIN'S DAUGHTER. All that's left to do is add some finishing touches.

In September 1917, she married Boris Nikolaevich Solovyov (1893-1926), the son of a close friend of G. E. Rasputin, an official of the Holy Synod Nikolai Vasilyevich Solovyov (1863-1916). In 1920, their daughter Tatyana (1920-2009) was born, and two years later, already in exile, their second daughter, Maria (03/13/1922-04/19/1976).

The first husband of Gr.'s daughter. Rasputin Matryona Boris Nikolaevich Solovyov

After the death of her husband, Matryona toured the world with the circus, until in the late 1930s. does not permanently move to the USA.

Matryona performs in the circus

Here she marries for the second time, to a Russian emigrant, a certain Grigory Grigoryevich Bernadsky, whom she knew from Russia. The marriage lasted from February 1940 to 1945.

Matryona Rasputina with her second husband Grigory Bernadsky in 1940

Matryona (right) with her friend Pat Barham (left) and famous
American actress Phyllis Diller (center)
. 1970s

Two granddaughters of Gr. Rasputin fully settled abroad and both got married.

In Verkhoturye in 1909.
From left to right:
Hieromonk Ioannikiy (Malkov), Bishop Theophan (Bistrov),
monk Macarius (Polikarpov), Grigory Efimovich Rasputin-New

Tatyana Borisovna (presumably her married name was Frerjean) gave birth to three children: Serge (b. 07/29/1939), Michel (b. 08/06/1942) and Laurence (b. 11/30/1943). Her last daughter, Laurence Io-Solovieff, visited Russia several times, including the village of Pokrovskoye. Serge has children: Valerie (b. 1963) and Alexandra (b. 1968); Valerie gave birth to Basil in 1992. Michelle had a son, Jean-Francois (1968-1985). Laurence herself has two children: Maud (b. 1967) and Carol (b. 1966).

Matryona Rasputina-Solovieva with daughters Tatyana and Maria in 1928

Great-granddaughter of Gr. Rasputina Laurence Io-Solovieff

Maria Borisovna married the Dutch diplomat Gideon Walrave Boissevain (1897-1985) from whom she gave birth to a son, Serge (07/10/1947-01/03/2011) and had two granddaughters: Katya (b. 1970) and Embr (b. 1978). It is interesting that while in Greece with my husband in the late 1940s. Maria met and became friends with Felix Yusupov’s daughter Irina (1915-1983), and their children, Serge and Ksenia (b. 1942), played children’s games together.

Maria Borisovna Solovyova (married Boissevain)

Portrait of G. E. Rasputin by artist Teodora Krarup.
Completed four days before the assassination - December 13, 1916

Group about Grigory Efimovich Rasputin VKontakte.

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