A bad meeting in the woods. Dash in an incomplete sentence Intonation and connecting dash

The forest often seems to be something creepy and mysterious. No wonder world folklore is full of stories about how unfortunate children and young girls were brought and thrown into the wilderness, how robbers, predators and various evil spirits were operating there. Today we will talk about forests that can inspire fear thanks to anomalies, legends, historical facts and dangerous inhabitants.

drunk forest

On the banks of the Oka near the village of Tarnovo in the Ryazan region, the so-called Drunken Forest grows - this is a rectangle of crooked coniferous trees. It is curious that only coniferous trees are bent and intertwined in this place, while deciduous trees stand straight, as usual. Researchers and scientists have repeatedly tried to unravel the mystery of the Drunken Forest and agreed that there is a geomagnetic anomaly.

The crooked forest is found in some places on the planet, including the Curonian Spit on the coast of the Baltic Sea. There, coniferous trees look as if they were bent and twisted by a giant, which is why the forest was called Dancing.

According to one of the scientific versions, the reaction of the trees to the vortex magnetic field could be the cause of the curvature: it twisted the axes of the trees and created an extraordinary landscape.

Also, the anomalous Krivolissya can be seen in the vicinity of the village of Nowe Tsarnovo in Western Poland. About 400 twisted north-facing trees were planted by the Germans during the occupation in 1930. According to scientists, the Germans were going to make furniture, ship hulls and accessories for plows from bent wood, but how exactly they achieved the amazing bending of the trunks is unknown.

Favorite Suicide Forest

In Japan, there is an ominous place - Aokigahara. This is a dense forest at the foot of Mount Fuji on the island of Honshu, which has been popular with local suicides for more than half a century. Since 1970, the police have been conducting regular searches for bodies in Aokigahara and annually find 70 to 100 corpses. The most common ways to die in the forest are hanging or drug poisoning. Of course, the authorities and social organizations are trying to break the tradition and prevent new deaths. There is a sign at the entrance: "Your life is a priceless gift from your parents" - and a helpline number is indicated. However, suicide has not yet ceased to be popular in Japan: in 2014, there were 25,374 cases of suicide (in 2003 there were 34,427). Aokigahara is the second most popular place in the world to say goodbye to life after and, if not for the tourists scurrying back and forth, it might have broken this mournful record. Books have been written about the suicide forest, films have been made, songs have been sung that romanticize and popularize this place. For example, in Japanese writer Wataru Tsurumi's The Complete Guide to Suicide, Aokigahara is advertised as the best place to die—and is sometimes found near bodies.

UFO date spot

The Romanian forest Hoya-Bachu is known as a paranormal zone. Local residents and some scientists, according to them, observed unidentified flying objects here, heard voices, saw vague figures and outlines. People have nicknamed the forest the Bermuda Triangle and try to avoid it, and those who still visit complain of headaches, dizziness, nausea and other ailments.

There are legends about the forest: that a shepherd with two hundred sheep disappeared here, one woman lost her memory, and once a five-year-old girl disappeared and appeared five years later, not having matured at all.

In the 1960s, biology teacher Alexander Sift settled here: he took a large number of photographs of possible UFOs, unidentified glows and silhouettes, and also studied the phenomenon of a “bald” clearing - an absolutely round, devoid of vegetation plot of land in the forest, which locals consider a portal to another measurement. A comparative analysis of the soil showed that the land in the meadow and from other parts of the forest is no different, which means that there is no scientific explanation for the phenomenon.

Sift noted that, according to local residents, UFOs are more common in this area. In the future, the study was continued by military engineer Emil Barney. He took what was later considered by some to be the clearest and most reliable image of a UFO in Europe. The anomalies of the forest were also described by the scientist Adrian Patrut in the book “The Phenomena of the Hoya-Bachu Forest”.

Forest of screaming ghosts

Near the English village of Pluckley in Kent there is a Screaming Forest, which is believed to be a haunt of ghosts. According to legend, in the 18th century, local residents killed a robber in this forest, and he still wanders and wants to take revenge. In addition to him, a poltergeist allegedly lives in these places and the spirits of other dead people roam, including the colonel and the teacher who hanged themselves on trees. Local residents claim that screams are heard from the forest in the early morning. Numerous ghost hunters believe them: tourists come to tickle their nerves and wander among the trees at night, trying to hear something unusual. For example, The Visual Paranormal Investigation team assures that they were able to speak with the spirits of the Screaming Forest.

Cursed forest

In the USA, in the state of Vermont, there is a forest with a bad reputation: people disappeared without a trace in it. There were also reports of unexplained sounds, unusual atmospheric phenomena and unseen animals in the forest. Writer and folklorist Joseph Sitrow called this place the Bennington Triangle - by analogy with Bermuda. In his books, he claimed that this place has been considered cursed since the time of the Indians: they tried to avoid it long before the arrival of the colonists.

Stories of bad forest have been present in local folklore since the end of the 19th century. It is believed that more than ten people disappeared here, but only five cases are documented: all of them occurred between 1945 and 1950. Among the missing: a 74-year-old hunter and fisherman who knew the area well, an 18-year-old student, an 8-year-old boy, an elderly veteran and a 53-year-old hiker. The body of the latter was found seven months later, the rest were not found, despite a long search.

Reserve of Satanists

Another anomalous forest in the United States is the Freetown Fall River Reserve in southeastern Massachusetts, also called the Bridgewater Triangle: it is believed that this is the territory of Satanists, bandits and suicides. According to legend, these regions have long served as a place of religious rites, including sacrifices and ritual killings of animals. There is evidence of ball lightning seen here, giant snakes, mutilated animals, UFOs and other unusual phenomena.

According to beliefs, these places were cursed by the Indians, angry with the colonists. Their graves were left in the forest. It is said that the spirits of the buried natives roam the forest and seek vengeance.

The police also have a "dossier" on a bad forest: there have been several murders and accidents. In 1998, for example, the police found here the mutilated carcasses of calves and cows, which, apparently, were sacrificed.

radioactive forest

The Red (Red) Forest is an infamous stretch of forest around Chernobyl that has turned reddish-brown in color from the release of radioactive dust. Many trees were knocked down by the blast and died. Due to radioactive decay, the glow of trunks at night could be observed for a long time.

Almost 30 years have passed since the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, but, as experts say, the forest is still radioactive. Last spring, scientists from the United States and France published the results of a study of the Red Forest ecosystem and pointed to an anomaly: dead trees do not decompose, as if they were mothballed at the time of the accident. Scientists conducted an experiment: they collected several bags of leaves that were not affected by radiation and put them in different parts of the forest. The guess was confirmed: in places with high radiation, the foliage rotted 40% more slowly than in ordinary forest areas. This is due to the fact that bacteria and fungi that cause decay are less active during radiation.

According to scientists, the Red Forest is potentially dangerous because of the fire of accumulated vegetation - if it catches fire, the radiation will spread more widely.

Once upon a time, when I was little, I lived with my grandmother in a house near the forest. I really liked this forest. It seemed so mysterious and fabulous that I often ran away to play there. Grandma was very angry. She told me not to run away there, especially after dark. But at dusk this forest was so beautiful that I couldn't help but run away.

I remember how one evening, while my grandmother was dozing, I quietly got out of the house and ran into the forest. I loved the smell of the leaves so much, the mysterious shadows among the trees that can only be seen at dusk. That evening I went so far into the woods that I got lost. I wandered for a long time, looking for the way to the house. But she couldn't find her. For the first time in the time that I walked in this forest, I was frightened. I cried and called my grandmother. But she didn't come.

It was happiness for me when I saw a girl among the trees. I ran to her shouting "Aunty, I'm lost, wait." She stopped. I ran up to her and began to pull at the hem of her long skirt. She hugged me. Having calmed down a little, I again told that I was walking in the forest and got lost. When she asked where I live, I described my grandmother's house. She said she would take me home. On the way, she talked to me. I found out that she has a son, my age, he also ran away into the forest and now she is looking for him. I said that I often walk here and if I see the boy, I will tell him that his mother is looking for him. She only smiled.

Soon we came to my grandmother's house. Grandmother ran out to meet me very alarmed. She led me into the house, paying no attention to the woman. At home, she began to scold me. When I said that everything was fine and that a woman brought me, whom she should thank, and not pretend as if she did not exist at all. I told my grandmother that she should be ashamed, demanded that my grandmother come out and apologize to her. But instead of leaving, my grandmother looked at me in surprise.
- Which woman should I thank, granddaughter? Grandma touched my forehead. - You came alone.

I ran out into the street. The woman was nowhere to be found. She must have gone looking for her son again. No matter how I tried to prove to my grandmother that that woman had brought me, she kept saying that I came alone and there was no woman with me. A little later, my grandmother asked me about her. I described her as I remembered. Grandmother sighed and told me a story that was unlike any of the ones she used to tell me.

Once there was a house nearby, where a woman with a little son lived. Her husband left her and did not come to see her. Her son was her only joy. But one day he went to play in the forest and disappeared. The police, along with her, searched for a long time, but found nothing. A week later, the search was stopped. But the woman could not leave everything so simply. She continued to look for him in the forest herself. She walked day and night through the forest, in search of her son. But I didn't find it. In the end, she hanged herself in the forest. She thought that if he died, then she would find him in the next world, even in the form of a ghost. But apparently, she still hasn’t found him even so, since she walks there in the forest. That's why I keep asking you not to play in the woods after dark. Now you know everything.

Grandma's words shocked me. In the morning I called my mother. She came and took me home. Mom asked Grandma to come with us, but Grandma refused. I came to her in the summer, but I didn’t go to the forest anymore. Then my grandmother died. I was already 16. After the funeral, my grandmother's house passed to me and my parents. We go there every summer. Sometimes, sitting on the porch, I look at the forest. In the evening, sometimes I still see that woman among the trees... she is still looking for him...

Since ancient times, there have been many mystical secrets about the forests. People are attracted by their beautiful landscapes and gray fogs over the grass. In some forests, you can get a boost of energy, while in others, on the contrary, it becomes ill, dizzy, weakness is felt throughout the body. All this is due to the fact that, according to the beliefs of psychics, shamans and some foresters, some mysterious forces, evil or good spirits, as well as various mystical creatures live in the forests.

Black Bamboo Hollow

One of the most anomalous areas in the world is the Black Bamboo Hollow, located in southern China. You can get into it only through the stone gate on the slope of Mount Mean. It is strange that people who come here disappear without a trace, leaving no trace behind. So in 1950 more than a hundred people disappeared. Car accidents that have occurred near this place usually end in the death of people. Planes flying over this forest crash more often than anywhere else in the world. For several decades, scientists, geologists and cartographers disappeared without a trace as a result of the sudden appearance of fog, which, after dissipating, left no signs or clues about where all these people could have disappeared.

In Japan, on the island of Honshu, there is a famous mystical forest at the foot of Mount Fuji, called Aokigahara or "Sea of ​​Trees". This forest began to grow right on the lava plateau after the volcanic eruption, which makes this place already quite unusual. In appearance, the soil looks intimidating, since the roots of plants and trees could not fully go deep through the lava, which is why all the bowels around were turned out.

This place became famous due to the huge number of suicides committed here. Tourists are forbidden to turn off the marked path deep into the forest, as it is easy to get lost, and because of the magnetic anomaly, compasses show the wrong direction.

There are many legends about the ghosts that are in this place, as if they are dead souls who have not found peace. In times of wild famine, the poor brought their young children to this forest and left them so that more food would go to adult family members. The brought child was dying of hunger. He could scream and call for help, but no one heard him because of the density of the trees, and the forest itself did not allow him to go out on his own. Now these souls are trying to avenge their death and are in search of new victims.

Some locals say they saw the white outlines of wandering ghosts in the depths of the forest. These ghosts are the souls of suicides. They do not find rest in the afterlife and wander in ours. At night you can hear them moaning.

The famous Romanian forest of Transylvania. "Dracula" was written thanks to Bram Stoker's walks in these mysterious places. Here people often see flying saucers, ghosts, and also hear children crying. The locals call this forest the "Devil's Lair", as strange things happen in it, and people who get here tend to leave it as quickly as possible. Such a desire is evoked by the forest itself, and the legs involuntarily drag a person away.

This forest received the name Hoya-Bachu in honor of a shepherd who grazed about two hundred sheep. They wandered to the edge of the forest, and he tried to direct them back, when suddenly a fog descended, and after scattering all the sheep disappeared without a trace. No signs of reprisal against animals were found, and forest windbreaks would not allow animals to go further into the depths of the forest. Since then, no one has ever seen his sheep, and the shepherd, shortly after this incident, lost his mind and subsequently died under mysterious circumstances.

After this incident with the sheep, people in this place began to disappear, which is happening to the present. One young couple decided to refute the local legends and went into the forest. The next day, only the mad-eyed girl returned. She couldn't explain where the guy had gone, what happened to them, or where they were.

Another case was in August 1968, when a military officer, at the age of 45, decided to spend his day off in the forest. After numerous warnings from the locals, he nevertheless decided to stay and invited his wife and friends along with him. Having set up camp, he went to look for firewood, when suddenly an unidentified flying object hovered in the sky. Completely without noise, the UFO flew up into the sky. The military man managed to take several photographs, which were later recognized as the best in Europe. It was not possible to fake a photo at that time.

Alexander Swift, who is a biologist, spent about ten years in this scary forest, studying local plants and animals. He gave an interview that during his stay in the Transylvanian Forest, he often heard various voices where they could not simply be, he periodically experienced feelings of fear and anxiety. It is strange that he did not die, but he also could not leave, as if the forest did not want to part with him and somehow inexplicably held him.

After many years of work, the scientist developed photographs taken during all the strange incidents in the forest, and many of them showed incomprehensible and unknown figures. All the material of the biologist, together with photographs, was confiscated by the Romanian special services.

An ordinary forest in the American city of Siler City (North Carolina) hides a strange mystery. Here, in the middle of forests, there is a small clearing where nothing grows. From the outside it may seem that this is bare land, damaged by fire or vandalism, but for several centuries not a single bush, tree or blade of grass has grown here. Those who have visited this forest know that even animals bypass this place.

The first settlers came to this area at the beginning of the 18th century, while the devil's glade already existed. According to legend, it is believed that the rites of the Indians who left their monastery because of the American people and held a grudge against them were performed on this mysterious site. On their side stood the Great Spirit, who marked this forest as the possession of the Indian people.

There is another legend. In the 12th century, these lands were inhabited by Celtic Druids, who were distinguished by paganism and dissent. It's no secret that the druids performed magical rituals. The area, which is 12 meters in diameter, was their place of sacrifice and sacred altar. This absolutely bare land is filled with powerful energy that is not subject to anyone, even nature. Those who visited her at least once felt anxiety, anxiety and discomfort. It is also believed that this clearing was a place where alien ships landed repeatedly. Their cosmic fuel and energy simply burned out all life on it.

The forest got its unusual name because of the burnt-out manor during the Civil War and the War of Independence in the United States. This mysterious forest area is located in the state of Virginia, Matthews County. Two centuries ago, an important American port was located here, near which there was a forest (near the Chesapeake Bay). Since the beginning of the 18th, cases have been recorded in this forest when ghosts dressed in armor and with swords in their hands appeared there. Among the locals, this area is called the ghost forest.

The forest of the old house is visited not only for ghosts and skeletons, but also to find secret pirate treasures. There is a legend that pirates who passed near the port hid in the forest and buried their treasures in this way. Many treasure hunters, having gone in search, never came back. They are considered missing. According to local residents, this zone is guarded by the souls of pirates.

This mysterious place is disputed among scientists, ufologists, shamans and mystics. The forest is located in the state of Maine (USA), Randolph County. The forest is considered sinister due to the regular appearance of flashes of light and bright inexplicable orbs. During the day, the forest looks like an abandoned thicket: a railroad overgrown with grass, abandoned cars and no trails. At night, strange things happen here. Noise, light and bright flashes are noted not only by visitors to the forest, but also by residents of nearby small towns.

The English ghost forest is filled with spirits and ghosts. These phantoms are very warlike, they frighten everyone who dares to enter it. This is due to the fact that robbers Tom King and Dick Turpin used to live and hide in these massifs, who robbed everyone who entered their territory. A little later, this forest began to be carefully guarded and controlled by the British authorities. Due to the fact that the forest is located near London, dozens of corpses began to be found here (victims of murder, rape, robbery). With this, the whole strangeness of the forest of Epping is connected. In addition to ghosts, here you can see lights, phantoms and hear sinister laughter.

This forest is located in Germany, on the land of North Rhine Westphalia. There is a mysterious and mystical sanctuary called Externstein. In appearance, it looks like a column of five stones, each more than thirty meters high and resembles the English Stonehenge. Scientists still have not been able to explain their mysterious appearance. Local legends say that the devil himself erected these stones in just one night.

Exterstein has a large number of caves and passages. Some of them were used for religious ceremonies. The remains of ancient people were found in these rocks, which caused a disagreement between scientists on the question of the period of their life. Some claim that they lived in the Stone Age, others in the twelfth century, others in the Middle Ages. Examination of the remains does not give an exact answer.

Physicists from the city of Bochum, who conducted research at this place, took some rock for laboratory analysis. It turned out that in 1100 BC, fires were already lit in the rocks. Therefore, the appearance of people in Exterstein was at least three thousand years ago. Also, some scientists consider this date to be incorrect, arguing that people lived here at least 6 thousand years ago.

A comparison of the English and German Stonehenge revealed the surprising fact that the location of both was at the same latitude. In one, tribes worshiping the sun lived, in the other, the sun shines directly on the altar inside the rock, on the day of the summer solstice. And on the day of the winter solstice, the sun enters a similar hole in another Stonehenge. These amazing facts and coincidences haunt many scientists and simply lovers of mysticism.

Another surprising fact is that in Ekstrstein the altar and grottoes are located at the intersection of the energy and water flows of the earth. In such a place there is a zone of strong positive energy. The measurements on the Bowie scale in front of the altar were about 50,000 units. A healthy person has only 6,000 - 7,000 Bovis units. Even a minute being near this place fills a person with a special warmth from the inside, while there is a feeling of euphoria, accompanied by slow deep breathing. Therefore, during the war years, the Nazis, who were obsessed with the occult, frequented here to conduct their initiation rites for officers.

It is located in the north of England and has many mystical secrets. All the people who have been in this forest say they have seen ghosts. Some even felt the touch of ghosts, others heard the sounds of running horses, as if someone was nearby grazing a herd.

The wife of the Earl of Leicester, Amy Robsart, mysteriously broke her neck in this forest. A few years later, the husband was hunting in the same forest and saw the ghost of his deceased wife, who said that death awaited him in 10 days. And so it happened. He passed away after an unexplained illness. So there was a legend about whoever meets the earl's wife in Wichward Forest, death awaits him.

Near the English village of Pluckley there is a strange forest that is home to about 15 ghosts. The legend says that the locals took the robber to the forest and hacked him to death with swords, tied to a tree. Since then, the spirit of the deceased has been wandering in the forest, not giving anyone peace. Heartbreaking screams are heard at night. These are the souls of those who got lost in the forest, thanks to the deceased robber, and died of hunger.

In the screaming forest, the ghost of a man walking simply along the path was often seen, as well as a hanged military man in 18th-century clothes. All this is seen and heard by both the inhabitants of the village itself and just passing tourists. Even the air in this area is saturated with an intoxicating aroma, and with a long stay, a deterioration in hearing and vision is recorded.

In other parts of the forest, for example in the east, the image of a carriage with horses, the ghost of a mill worker in a black robe, often appears. To the north, you can see the ghost of an old school teacher hanged near the road. A woman in a white dress and a flower in her hands appears in the library. South of Plunkley and downtown, locals see the Rosecourt suicide, as well as the ghost of a screaming man who's been hit by a cellar wall.

This forest is located in Massachusetts and has an alternative name - the Bridgewater Triangle. The area of ​​the forest is 520 kilometers. Here people often watch unidentified flying objects, meet strange animals and evil ghosts. The locals consider the forest to be cursed, as there are many Indian graves where devilish murders, sacrifices, mystical rituals and terrible crucifixions took place.

Many skeptics have met UFOs and ghosts in this place. Some have even seen troll-like images and heard voices that do not exist in nature. Lovers of mysticism should definitely visit this place to test their resilience.

Radioactive Forest (Red Forest)

This unusual site surrounds Chernobyl. Due to an accident in 1986, radioactive dust was released over a large radius. All trees (leaves, branches and roots) have acquired a reddish-brown color. It would seem nothing out of the ordinary. A huge area of ​​forested areas has acquired its bloody color due to radiation, but anomalous and inexplicable things are happening here. In addition to being potentially dead, such trees do not decompose. Trees don't rot and leaves don't fall off. Their density has increased. Also, the trees are not affected by bacteria or fungi. The same thing happens with other vegetation. It is believed that after the radiation, real monsters began to be born both among animals and among people. This area is closed to tourists.

In the Krasnoyarsk Territory (Russia) there is a completely ordinary forest located on the top of a mountain. If you go a little deeper, you can stumble upon a strange clearing, in the center of which there is a small hole. According to scientists, this is the mouth of a volcano, which opened due to the fallen Tunguska meteorite. People have the opposite opinion. This place is called the Devil's Graveyard. Those who passed through the forest to this clearing often died afterwards. Over 30 years, there are more than 100 dead and about the same number missing.

There is a legend that this is one of the most powerful anomalous zones in Russia. Trees do not grow here, animals or birds do not live, and all living things die prematurely. People left this area long ago, but you can still see unidentified flying objects, light beams and balls. It is believed that the Devil's Cemetery is nothing more than a teleport to a parallel dimension. Those who do not pass through it die, the rest disappear without a trace.

On one of the islands, in the forest, in Mexico lived a hermit - Don Julian Santana. Once he saw a little girl drown while holding a small doll in her hand. Don decided to pay tribute to the child and hung one doll on thousands of trees. Now this forest is empty, only tourists come here. But those who have visited this place claim that this forest island is filled with evil spirits. They have repeatedly deceived tourists with phantoms and ghostly appearances, frightening them and forcing them to leave the sinister place. According to legend, Don Julian Santana died in the same canal as the little girl.

Sinister, creepy and mysterious forests hide many secrets. There are still legends about some so that ordinary people and tourists do not disturb the peace of the dead and spirits. Others have powerful energy that can heal, give strength and unusual abilities. To visit these forests or not - the choice is yours. Perhaps a journey to the mysterious forests will forever change you and your attitude to the world, or maybe you will become a witness to an alien mind and reveal all the mystical secrets hiding in the shadows of the forests.

Very far. The initial meaning is somewhere far away in the forest, since the middle places, the kuliga are a cleared forest glade. "Vulnerable Spot" Achilles' mother held her son by the heel, dipping him into the waters of a magical river to make him invulnerable. Only the heel of Achilles did not touch the water. And he was killed by an arrow that hit the heel. 6

In Japan, this item is called wakizashi, which literally means stuck on the side. What is this item? In the Komi language: blue-eye; bald - needles. Translate the word sinlys into Russian from the Komi language. What is the easiest dairy product to prepare, judging by its name?

1. What proverb calls for the maximum use of livestock reserves? 2. What proverb refers to a zealous digger who, due to his evil nature, commits illegal actions against another subject, but as a result he himself becomes a prisoner of his own trap? 3. What kind of feathered population serves as accounts when summing up the results of the agricultural season? 4. What proverb warns that a skilled worker is the bogeyman of the labor process? 5. What proverb refers to the influence of atmospheric phenomena on the performance of religious rites?

"Extra Fourth" Each line has an "extra" word. Hint: you need to pay attention to the meaning of the morphemes Stool, parquet floor, rocket man, adjuster. Sing, hiss, memorize, speak. Exaggerate, calm, amusing, interrupt. Submariner, janitor, collector, stove-maker.

Fragments of sentences "lost each other." Help everyone find their mate: 1) About a man who was very frightened, they say that ... ... ... a mountain fell off his shoulders. 2) About someone who runs away very quickly, they say that he has ... ... a tooth does not fall on a tooth. 3) About a person shivering from the cold, they say that he has ... ... heels sparkle. 4) If a person experiences great relief, then they say that he has ....... soul went to the heels. 5) If a person is in an awkward position, then they say that he ...... knocked off his feet. 6) If a person is tired of the hassle and running around, then they say that he ....... sat in a galosh.

Correct speech errors: 1) By the end of the competition, the 10-A class team turned out to be in a better position. 2) The participants of the creative expedition spoke about the prospects for the future. 3) The worker was fired for absenteeism without a good reason. 4) At the scientific seminar, the author stated the main gist of this book 5) After the first debut, the young actor began to receive film offers.

"Cunning Comma" Read three sentences. Why is it that in the first of them, rolling up the sleeves, it is highlighted with commas on both sides, in the second - the comma is only in front of these words, and in the third it is not at all? 1. The father turned on the tap and, rolling up his sleeves, began to wash his hands. 2. You must go out into the field, rolling up your sleeves to work. 3. We must roll up our sleeves and immediately start creating a new project.

Do you need a comma in these complex sentences? Ivan Ivanovich has large expressive eyes of tobacco color (?) and his mouth is somewhat similar to the letter Izhitsu. If it had not rained, the greenery would have dried up long ago (?) and the earth would have been covered in cracks and wrinkles. Sailors (?) fuss at the pier and ships solemnly sail into the sea.

In the first sentence, a comma is not put, since Ivan Ivanovich's addition is common to two parts. In the second sentence, a comma is not put, because the conditional clause if it had not rained is common to the two main ones. In the third sentence, a comma is placed, since the member at the pier is not common to both parts. 12

Which sentence is punctuated incorrectly? 1) As soon as the rain stopped and the sun came out, he ran out into the yard. 2) This forest and the strong and courageous people who lived in it seemed mysterious and mysterious. 3) And on ordinary days, this magnificent entrance is besieged by wretched faces: projectors, searchers for places, and an elderly man, and a widow. 4) However, she left and did not say where. 5) I'm just afraid that if I scream, the globe will break off its axis.

1. A comma is placed between homogeneous members of a sentence connected by repeating unions and... and,Yes... Yes,no no,or or,whether... whether,or either,then... then and others, for example: Now you can’t hear the knock, and the scream, and the bells(T.); Everywhere shone close, then distant lights(Bab.).

2. With two homogeneous members with a repeating union and the comma is not put if a close semantic unity is formed (usually such homogeneous members do not have explanatory words with them), for example: All around was light and green(T.); The coastal strip went in one direction and the other(Sem.); It is of interest both lexically and grammatically; Exemplary order both inside and outside the house; He labored in both cold and heat; Yes and no. In the presence of explanatory words, a comma is usually placed, for example: Everything around has changed: both nature and the character of the forest(L.T.). Also: This can end well or badly (and meaning "or").

3. If the number of homogeneous members is more than two, and the union is repeated before each of them, except for the first, then a comma is placed between them all, for example: I myself hate my past, and Orlova, and my love(Ch.); Other owners have already grown cherries, or lilacs, or jasmine(Fad.).

4. If union and connects homogeneous members in pairs, then the comma is placed only between paired groups (there is no comma inside such pairs), for example: Alleys planted with lilacs and lindens, elms and poplars led to a wooden platform built in the form of a shell.(Fed.).

5. If the union is repeated in the sentence not with homogeneous members, then a comma is not placed between them, for example: This virgin forest and the strong and courageous people who lived in it seemed mysterious and mysterious. Wed: The sun rose and flooded the water surface, and the sunken forest, and Kuzma with waves of light and heat.(Seraph.) (only homogeneous members are separated by commas).

A comma is also not put if two homogeneous members with a union and between them form a group closely related in meaning, united by the union and with third homogeneous member, for example: The water had long since drained off in the Terek and quickly ran away and dried up in the ditches.(L.T.).

No comma is used in expressions like 20 and 40 and 60 together make 120(no enumeration of homogeneous members). Same in expression 20 plus 40 plus 60 is 120.

6. Alliances whether... or, standing with homogeneous members of the sentence are not equated to repeating unions, so the comma before or not set, for example: Whether he will continue his work or limit himself to what has been done is a question not yet decided.

7. A comma is not placed inside integral expressions of a phraseological nature, formed by two words with opposite meanings, connected by repeating unions and, neither for example: and day and night, and laughter and sorrow, and old and young, and so and so, neither fish nor meat, neither day nor night, neither alive nor dead, not two, not one and a half, not more, not less, neither this nor that, neither give nor take, neither back nor forth etc.

What else to read