Nikita Panfilov and his wife Ksenia. The star of “The Sweet Life” Nikita Panfilov is preparing for the wedding. Personal life of Nikita Panfilov. Actor's wedding

Handsome Nikita Panfilov excites the hearts of many Russian TV viewers. What is known about the actor’s personal life, read our article.

Nikita Panfilov was married more than once. The first wife's name is Vera Babenko. Like Nikita, Vera works in the field of art. Panfilov's first wife is an actress. It is unknown why the lovers broke up. Nikita Panfilov prefers not to talk about his personal life with his first wife.

Nikita and Vera met when they studied together at the Moscow Art Theater School. Perhaps their marriage did not last long only because the lovers were too young for Serious relationships. Vera Babenko herself also prefers not to comment on her marriage to Nikita Panfilov.

Nikita Panfilov’s second wife’s name is Lada. Some sources indicate that the girl came to the theater to film a story about Nikita for Channel One. Behind the scenes, the young people started talking, and the actor realized that he was obliged to invite Lada on a date. Somewhat later, Nikita began to constantly invite the girl to romantic meetings. He always reserved seats for her in the first theater at his productions. After a year of communication, the young people got married.

In other sources, the story of how Nikita Panfilov and his second wife met is presented somewhat differently. Based on another version, Lada worked as an administrator of the Army Store program. The girl was selecting actors. For the first date, Nikita invited Lada to Satyricon. A year later, the lovers got married. The exact wedding date is unknown. Biographical materials dedicated to actor Nikita Panfilov indicate that he got married for the second time in 2010.

Fans of Nikita Panfilov considered his marriage with his second wife ideal. No one could have thought that their relationship was just “ Nice picture"for the public. There was complete misunderstanding between the couple. Nikita Panfilov’s personal life with his second wife was not happy. The fact is that the girl was terribly jealous of the actor for his fans.

Perhaps Lada’s jealousy had reasons for this. Nikita Panfilov is very an interesting man With pleasant appearance and voice. Many girls began to admire him a few years ago, when the series “Sweet Life” was released (Nikita played the handsome Igor). His hero is a flighty guy for whom one-night stands are a matter of course. Lada believed that fans perceive Nikita this way - too approachable.

Nikita’s wife was not embarrassed by the fact that they had a son in their family. The girl believed that having a child would not affect her husband’s “cheating.” By the way, my son’s name is Dobrynya. Quite an interesting combination with the patronymic - Dobrynya Nikitich.

Details of the divorce of Nikita and Lada Panfilov

In an interview, Nikita says that Lada’s jealousy sometimes reached the point of madness. The man could not even think that his wife had such problems with trust. The girl categorically did not want to put up with the fact that the actor was constantly in the center of female attention. Apparently, Lada did not realize with whom she was connecting her destiny when she married Nikita. Excessive attention to his person is purely a work aspect.

The presence of an army of fans suggests that the actor is truly popular with the public. Lada did not want to admit it. The girl dreamed that her husband would belong exclusively to her. Unfortunately for her, this could not happen. Otherwise, Nikita Panfilov had to break with acting once and for all. But the actor himself did not want this.

A little later, Nikita Panfilov will tell the press in an interview why his personal life with his second wife did not work out (see photo). After another quarrel, Nikita deleted the “Married” status on social networks. Lada followed the example of her lover.

Moreover, the girl changed her last name to her maiden name and deleted photos together from the Internet. The couple broke up at the end of 2015 and beginning of 2016.

From unverified sources it is known that Lada has a son from her first marriage. Despite the divorce, Nikita sees both his son Dobrynya and Lada’s son from his first marriage. The actor considers it necessary to participate in the upbringing of both boys.

Actor Nikita Panfilov: p public "harassment"

When Lada and Nikita divorced, things went wrong in the actor’s life. Hard times. Who would have thought that ex-wife will engage in public harassment of Nikita on the Internet. The situation worsened when Lada found out that ex-husband a girl appeared. She wanted in every way to prevent Nikita from establishing her personal life.

Things reached the point of absurdity - Lada called the relatives of Nikita’s girlfriend and his relatives, among other things, to convince them that Nikita was not a match for her.

The actor says that if his ex-wife had put as much effort into saving their marriage as she put into destroying his personal life, they would not have divorced.

In his interviews, the actor says that in Lately communicated with Lada exclusively through lawyers. Contact with ex-wife one on one became simply impossible. Nikita Panfilov’s now ex-wife was the first to file for divorce. The actor did not suffer for a long time and quickly established his personal life.

Nikita Panfilov's new darling

Nikita's current chosen one is Ksenia Sokolova. At the time of meeting Ksenia, Nikita was still married. However, they no longer lived together with Lada. You shouldn't accuse an actor of treason. He for a long time tried to save the marriage, but he failed. When Nikita began dating Ksenia, his feelings for Lada had long faded away. The ex-wife could not believe that the actor never cheated on her during the marriage.

Nikita does not hide his girlfriend from the public. Lovers often appear together at social events. Ksenia Sokolova recently graduated from medical school. The girl has already managed to appear in several domestic films in episodic roles. Previously, Ksenia had no experience working in cinema.

Nikita Panfilov says that he is happy with new darling. The girl supported the actor as best she could in difficult period divorce. Now Ksenia is trying to go to filming with her lover as often as possible.

Are Nikita and Ksenia married?

Some Russian publications managed to write that Nikita and Ksenia got married. The reason for such rumors was the appearance of photographs in social network Nikita's, taken during the wedding celebration. To intrigue subscribers, the actor supplemented the photo with hashtags that are popular among newlyweds.

Did Nikita Panfilov really decide to become a husband for the third time? Let us remind you that information about changes in the actor’s personal life appeared in 2017. It turned out that the photos were taken during the wedding ceremony of Panfilov’s close friends.

Journalists wrote that Nikita Panfilov married for the third time long before this photo appeared. The young people decided to legitimize their relationship without arranging a magnificent celebration.

One would think that this is just another invention of the “yellow press”, if not for one “but”. On the social network VKontakte, the man changed Family status to "married".

In the wife column, Ksenia Panfilova is listed. This means that the young people really got married, since Nikita’s chosen one has already changed her last name.

How did Nikita Panfilov meet his current chosen one?

Nikita says that he and Ksyusha met on the social network Instagram. When the girl liked several photos of the actor, Nikita for some reason decided to go to her page and in response gave several likes. Usually an actor doesn't do this kind of thing.

Later Ksyusha wrote to him: “Hello, how are you?” Nikita answered her. This is how their correspondence began. Later, the girl admitted that it was not she who started the dialogue, but her friend, who at that time had Ksyusha’s phone number.

Nikita says that she usually does not respond to fans on social networks. He himself did not expect that he would find a new darling on the Internet.

If not for the intervention of Ksyusha’s friend, the young people would never have met. It turned out that Nikita Panfilov’s new darling is a closed person. Ksyusha is not ready to let strangers into her life. Despite the fact that she was not the one who started the dialogue, the girl still decided to continue communicating with Nikita. They corresponded for a long time, and then the actor invited new girlfriend to Moscow. The girl flew to him from St. Petersburg. Later, Ksyusha’s mother will tell you that her daughter has never been so angry with anyone before.

" A little brutal and strong - this is exactly the kind of man many women dream of.

The future actor was born in creative family. His father and mother were involved in art, so it is not surprising that Nikita's first roles were played by him in early age . He recalls how at the age of five he played the prince, and when he was 14 years old, he got the role of Father Frost. Moreover, this role was liked by the audience.

But, despite the success of his small roles, Panfilov did not intend to become an actor. The guy went in for sports quite seriously, became a prize-winner and winner of many competitions.

That is why the young man’s plans were to become a famous athlete. Parents were not against this decision and supported Nikita. Later, his decision changed, as he was tired of constant injuries and bruises.

After graduating from school, Nikita decided to enter medical school. He came to the entrance exam and, looking at the future students, realized that he had made a mistake with his choice again. The parents were upset by this result. In order for their son to receive at least some education, his mother insisted on enrolling in a theater university.

After graduation, Nikita began to successfully act in films and TV series, and his personal life became interesting to many fans.

Relationships with women

The actor admits that he has always been an amorous young man. He first fell in love when he was 13 years old. His chosen one was his classmate Julia. They walked together, rode bicycles, and Nikita gave her flowers and treated her to sweets.

When he had his first kiss he was 15 years old, Nikita still remembers this moment. He said that he had never been so worried in his life. His hands were shaking very much, and his heart was ready to jump out of his chest.

Panfilov’s first adult relationship developed when he was a student at the Moscow Art Theater. Then he met a pretty classmate, Vera Babenko. Even before graduation, the young people got married, but pretty soon they realized that they had made a mistake.

For that short period When the newlyweds were together, they constantly argued and fought. The result was a high-profile divorce, after which Nikita and Vera do not communicate.

After the divorce, Nikita was credited with numerous relationships with his filming partners. But each time the actor answered that they were just friends and colleagues.

Casual acquaintance

The actor's second wife's name was Lada. They met completely by chance. The girl worked on Channel One as an administrator of the “Army Store” program. She received the task of finding the hero of the next program. They needed a recognizable actor who had served in the army. It is also desirable for the actor to play a role in a military series.

Interesting notes:

After going through the portfolios of several candidates, Lada chose Nikita Panfilov and went to interview him.

Nikita liked the girl at first sight. During the interview, he was thinking about how to ask her out. And he decided to take this step. On their first date, the couple went to the Satyricon Theater. Afterwards they did not part.

The wedding of Lada and Nikita took place in 2010, a year after they met. In 2013, the couple had a son, whom they named original name Dobrynya. It seemed that the actor’s family life was ideal. He met the woman he loved, who bore him a son.

In 2016, rumors appeared that the Panfilov family was on the verge of divorce. The basis for these rumors was that Nikita changed his status on social networks, and Lada returned to her maiden name.

It turned out that these rumors were true. The couple had not lived together for a year and began divorce proceedings. The former spouses tried not to divulge the details of the divorce to the public. But the reasons for the separation became known. It turned out that Lada found herself another man while Nikita was filming.

For Panfilov, this divorce was very painful. He made every effort to save the marriage, but Lada did not want reconciliation.

Virtual dating

The actor met his third wife through social networks. Several recent photos from the filming of the series were posted on his page. A pretty girl left a comment under one of them and asked Nikita how he was doing. He answered her. And so gradually a lively correspondence began between the young people.

Having examined the girl’s profile, Nikita realized that she was quite pretty, and, most importantly, it was interesting to communicate with her. He didn't know then that he was talking to her friend. Afterwards, he managed to communicate with the owner of the profile, Ksenia Sokolova. She turned out to be an equally interesting interlocutor.

After a few weeks of virtual communication with Ksenia, the actor invited her to visit him. The girl had a little doubt about the correctness of her decision, but still came to Moscow. The young people saw each other and fell in love and decided to live together.

For Nikita's sake, the girl left medical school and moved from St. Petersburg to Moscow. Nikita was incredibly fascinated by Ksenia's inner beauty. The man realized that this was the kind of relationship he had been waiting for all his life.

On the path to happiness, the lovers had to overcome several obstacles. The biggest obstacle was Nikita's ex-wife. She made scandals, called the family of Nikita and Ksenia and talked about how he abandoned her with a small child.

As soon as Panfilov received a divorce, he immediately proposed to Ksenia. They got married secretly. Even the parents of the newlyweds were not present at the wedding. However, the wedding became known the very next day from all publications and websites.

In 2018, a daughter was born in the family, the girl was named Aurora. Panfilov admits that he is very happy now. He is ready to protect his family from all difficulties, because now there are three of them. And family relationships are like a ship that sails smoothly on the waves on a sunny day.

In the photo, Nikita Panfilov's wife No. 1 - Vera Babenko

First wife Nikita Panfilov became a classmate Vera Babenko, but the marriage of these two did not last long, the spouses separated and the relationship this moment do not support. Nikita Panfilov concluded that two creative people not to get along under one roof, he wanted a wife who was homely and economical, and not one who endlessly disappeared at rehearsals and filming.

In the photo, Nikita Panfilov's wife No. 2 - Lada Panfilova

Second wife Nikita Panfilov became a brunette Lada, our hero met her on the set of a certain program "Army store". A charming girl was supposed to interview Nikita, but he liked her so much that he decided to win her hand and heart. This couple stayed together for six whole years, and they had a son in their marriage. Dobrynya.

Nikitich- it looks like the parents decided to make fun of the registry office employees. For fans Nikita Panfilov it seemed that his marriage with Lada Panfilova was strong, but in reality everything turned out to be not so rosy. It turns out that the wife Nikita Panfilov she was very jealous, her husband’s numerous fans infuriated her terribly, she made scandals for her husband at home, wanted her beloved to change his profession, and then she could not stand it at all and filed for divorce. Whether her husband cheated on her, we cannot know, but it is likely that this womanizer has a big head, he too quickly found a replacement for his once beloved wife. Nikita Panfilov gave a detailed interview in which he claimed that his wife Lada she stopped loving him and did not want to reconcile even for the sake of their common son Dobrynya. Panfilov also states that Lada complicates his life in every possible way, not only did this woman want to rip him off during the divorce, but she also asked for a huge amount of alimony. Nikita Panfilov he loves his son very much and would like to take an active part in his upbringing, but it looks like another uncle will do this instead of him. But judging by the photo Lada Panfilova we can conclude that this girl did not want to submit to her man, it is possible that her disposition is not entirely flexible, and she does not intend to make concessions, but Nikita Panfilov I need a quiet, domestic cat, so that she doesn’t particularly contradict him, admires him and forgives everything. And such a girl Nikita Panfilov found shortly after his divorce from his second wife Lada. But Nikita was present at the birth of his wife! And your theory that general childbirth bring the couple closer together, well, that’s not true - it’s not true! Yes, men see how difficult it is for women to have children, but this does not make them go to the left less often; they still leave their wives and impregnate new lovers. But! Do not forget, Nikita Panfilov said that he was not the one who left the family! He's not like that! He wanted to love the only one! He was even ready to forgive her infidelity. But she didn't want to be around Nikita Panfilov. What is the reason? Probably not everything is so simple and you cannot believe 100% in the words of this pretty ladies' man.

Ksenia Sokolova – new girl Nikita Panfilov.

Well, here she is - new love famous actor! Nikita Panfilov claims that they met thanks to Instagram, the girl liked some of his photos, he liked them back, and so a correspondence began. Later it turned out that it was not herself Ksenia Sokolova wrote Nikita Panfilov, all this was done by her friend, herself Ksyusha and had no idea about the ongoing correspondence. But nevertheless, over time Nikita started communicating with Ksenia Sokolova, who by that time lived in St. Petersburg. Word for word, and now the lovers began to meet, living practically in two cities, but when they became completely unable to fall asleep without each other, Ksenia Sokolova moved to Nikita V Moscow.

Nikita Panfilov claims that this girl, who is younger than him 13 years, saved him from the deepest depression into which he fell after divorcing his wife Lada. Now our precious actor laughs again, makes sparkling jokes and doesn’t even think about drinking himself and, because of unrequited love, his life is getting better.

Nikita Panfilov States that Ksenia Sokolova knew nothing about his profession, she thought that her admirer– deputy But this does not seem to be true, because when a girl is in love, she will very carefully study all the photos of her beloved, and there are photos on the Internet Nikita Panfilov so many. In general, having at least some intelligence, it will become clear to anyone that the guy is an actor. Nikita Panfilov also talks about what Ksenia Sokolova shy and closed, it was not easy for her to go to a meeting with an unfamiliar person from St. Petersburg V Moscow. Although, if you analyze Instagram Ksenia Sokolova, it becomes clear that communication with Nikita Panfilov it started in the fall 2015, appeared in December joint photos, declarations of love, hearts, flowers, gifts, and all this Ksenia Sokolova posts on his Instagram.

Well, I wish this couple to stay together as long as possible. Ksenia Sokolova undoubtedly very beautiful girl, Nikita Panfilov handsome too, all that remains is to test the strength of their union with time!

Became a father for the second time. 11 July su spring Ksenia gave birth to the actor's daughter Aurora. Today it became known that the girl was baptized in Kyiv. Only the artist’s relatives and friends were present at the sacrament. The ceremony took place in the very church where Panfilov married his third wife Ksenia Sokolova last year.

“It was funny with the godparents. It turns out that it is now allowed for both sides to have not just a man and a woman, but two couples at once, that is, four godparents! However, on the eve of the event, one of our friends fell ill. For certain reasons there was one godmother and three fathers. As a result, we got one godfather and three godfathers at once! Everything went well. Aurora cried only a couple of times, but then calmed down,” - said the actor"StarHit".

Nikita Panfilov and Ksenia Sokolova

Note that Nikita and his wife hid for a long time, that they had a daughter. Only recently did they report joyful event. The actor was present at the difficult birth, which lasted a day. By the way, Aurora became Panfilov’s second child. He had a son in his previous marriage Dobrynya, which turned five this year. Nikita broke up with the boy’s mother Lada because of her jealousy. Nikita met his third wife, Ksenia, on Instagram. Panfilov corresponded with the girl for two weeks, after which he invited her to move from St. Petersburg to Moscow. Ksenia agreed and even left for the sake of her beloved studying at medical school.

In a recent interview with Panfilov noted that about such a family idyll, . According to Nikita, he and Ksenia have complete mutual understanding. “This is a completely different family, we don’t have any expression. Everything is quiet. I always wanted my wife to be a support, an assistant, and not a provocateur. We spend 90 percent of our time together, on my set too. We try to treat each other kindly and kindly, because we are the closest people. If we want to live happily ever after and die on the same day, then we need to somehow stretch out the pleasure,” he spoke touchingly about family life Nikita.

The 38-year-old actor noted that he and Ksenia have complete understanding

Let us remind you that the third season of the series “Major”, beloved by viewers. Moreover, this part of “Major” will become the longest in the entire history of the project. Instead of 12 episodes, as before, TV viewers will enjoy 16 episodes. Wherein . Executor leading role, talking about the continuation of the series, said that his hero was faced with another challenge.

“That unbridled revenge that began in the previous season needs to be rethought by my character. Realize that revenge is a road to nowhere; Around us, the destinies of dear and close people are only collapsing more and more,” shared Pavel Priluchny. - My hero is even more forced to choose between his two beloved women - he still suffers from the impossible choice when you love two and at the same time hurt each of them. It seems to me that this is no longer the story of the major that everyone remembers, but the story of a man who has gone through many losses, a man who is aware of responsibility for the fate of his loved ones. The stakes are high this season as all the characters are pushed to the limit. extreme point when you have to choose between life and death."

Official trailer for season 3 of the series"Major"

The star of the popular TV series “Major” divorced his second wife in November 2015, who gave birth to his son. Less than a year had passed since he walked down the aisle with Ksenia Sokolova - an ordinary student from Saint-Petersburg.

The huge number of Panfilov’s fans probably became a grain of contention in his relationship with his ex-wife. The spouses could not understand each other and they failed to save family relationships. However, the actor did not grieve for a long time and his new chosen one was Ksenia Sokolova, a medical student. At first, Nikita hid his new relationship quite carefully, but very soon he came out with Ksenia. Apparently, the relationship developed very quickly and the couple already had a wedding this year.

Ksenia Sokolova and Nikita Panfilov: the actor’s path to fame

The famous TV series “Major”, “Sweet Life”, as well as the film “Duhless” brought Nikita Panfilov recognition and popularity.

Nikita was born in Moscow in 1979. Panfilov’s interest in the stage was passed on to the boy from his parents, who were directly related to it. Dad was the artistic director of the theater, and mother was a director.

Nikita did not begin to show his acting talent right away, but early childhood he loved to play sports and planned to build a career in this direction, moreover, he even began to move towards this goal. But after some time, tired of bruises and abrasions, Panfilov left the sport.

After the guy finished sports, he began to dream of a career as a surgeon. Nikita did not expect success in this area either, so his parents, seeing how their son could not find himself, insisted on acting career son.

Ksenia Sokolova and Nikita Panfilov: ex-wife interfered with building relationships

In 2015, divorce proceedings between Panfilov and his second wife Lada began. This woman gave him an heir, a son with unusual name Dobrynya. By the way, Nikita himself was present when his son was born. The couple’s relationship looked quite happy, the spouses seemed to have complete harmony and mutual understanding, but this was only in public.

A large number of fans greatly irritated Lada, she was incredibly jealous and this was the main reason for their frequent scandals. She said that she could not watch how fans did not give her husband passage. Lada was never able to come to terms with her husband’s popularity, and they divorced. The couple did not remain friends after the divorce; they deleted photos together and do not communicate.

A short period of time after the divorce, Panfilov started a new relationship. The beginning of a new relationship was very difficult because of Lada. She tried to do everything to prevent the couple from being together - she constantly called Nikita, as well as his girlfriend’s relatives, proving that Panfilov was not suitable pair For a girl.

Ksenia Sokolova and Nikita Panfilov: the actor again in the role of the groom

The couple experienced many difficulties at the beginning of their relationship, but despite everything, their wedding took place in 2017. For Nikita Panfilov, this marriage was the third, so the wedding was not particularly disclosed. Ksenia Sokolova is the new wife of Nikita Panfilov.

The couple met on a social network. She has absolutely nothing to do with the world of show business. The girl graduated medical university and lived in St. Petersburg. The distance between the cities did not frighten the couple, they were so drawn to each other. The actor did not share much details of his new relationship, unlike Ksenia; the girl posted posts on Instagram screaming about her love for the actor.

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