Night awakenings during menopause causes. Sleep disturbance: treatment and factors influencing the appearance of insomnia in menopause

Menopause is considered a natural phase in a woman's life. Its duration reaches several years. During this time, changes affect various organs, many experience unpleasant physical symptoms, such as irregular menstrual bleeding and hot flashes. Some women experience insomnia.

The ongoing restructuring in the body in women after 45 years of age is physiological in nature and does not need treatment. Changes affect the sexual sphere: menstrual days stop, and at the same time, the activity of the gonads fades. Reproductive function becomes almost impossible.

Only a few menopause is asymptomatic. But in most cases, women experience the following symptoms:

Nature of violationsHow does it manifest
sexyDecreased sex drive. Pain during intimacy. Reduced production of progesterone and androgens.
VegetativeIncreased heart rate. Drops in blood pressure. Head and muscle pain. Flushes of heat and cold.
Other changesDecreased efficiency and concentration, memory impairment. Gastrointestinal and cardiovascular disorders. Numbness of limbs. Exacerbation of existing pathologies.
Endocrine and metabolicSlowdown of metabolic processes, due to which taste, appetite, weight change. The appearance of edema. Hyperhidrosis. Changes in the structure of the skin. Dryness of mucous membranes.
Psycho-emotionalSudden mood swings, anxiety, irritability, tearfulness, panic attacks and fear.

The symptomatology depends on the characteristics of each organism. Such phenomena are not considered the norm, so they need to be treated.

Insomnia during menopause

This problem with menopause is quite common. Women complain of difficulty falling asleep, constant nocturnal awakenings. Sometimes there is respiratory arrest. Such disorders cause not only daytime sleepiness, but also contribute to the development of other abnormalities in the body.


The appearance of pathology is provoked by various reasons. The main among them is a decrease in the production of hormones necessary for women's health. The process of assimilation of magnesium in the body is disturbed, as a result of which muscle cramps, attacks of heat and cold, sweating, and snoring develop.

It's important to know! The lack of a natural sleeping pill - progesterone - will accordingly worsen the quality of rest. Therefore, menopause and insomnia are inextricably linked.

Insomnia during menopause may appear for psychological reasons. Changes occurring in the body cause stress, anxiety and anxiety. The following factors also exacerbate the situation:

The presence of such factors complicates the course of menopause, as the likelihood of night awakenings increases. Given this, some patients successfully deal with this problem by adjusting their lifestyle.

Signs of a sleep disorder

Sleep disturbances manifest themselves differently in all people. During menopause, the following problems are most often observed:

  1. Difficulty falling asleep.
  2. Frequent spontaneous nocturnal awakenings.
  3. Daytime sleepiness.
  4. Snore.
  5. Sleep apnea.
  6. Panic attacks on waking from anxiety.
  7. Sleepwalking: talking and walking during the night's rest.

These signs indicate that insomnia is not always a complete lack of sleep or an inability to fall asleep. During menopause, pathology is further refined by its specific symptoms. It is especially difficult for women who have a combination of several disorders. Many suffer from early awakening, and attempts to fall asleep again are unsuccessful. Others do not even know how often they wake up, and during the day they feel overwhelmed and sleepy.

Consequences of insomnia

The consequences of violations deplete the body. There may be pain in the muscles, a metallic taste in the mouth, numbness of the extremities. Frequent lack of sleep affects the nervous and cardiac systems and provokes the occurrence of complications such as:

During menopause, defenses are weakened, which can provoke an exacerbation of chronic or the development of new diseases.

It's important to know! The consequences of insomnia affect not only the health of the patient. Danger for themselves and passengers is presented by female persons in the process of driving vehicles.

Reduced concentration of attention negatively affects productivity. Due to constant fatigue, it is difficult to cope even with everyday activities and enjoy life.

If the patient suffers from insomnia during menopause for more than a week, what to do in this case, the specialist should decide. The practical recommendations of the doctor will help to be treated without harm to health.

Ways to deal with sleepless nights

The value of a good night's rest during this special period for women is difficult to overestimate. Indeed, in a dream, the substances necessary for the functioning of immunity are produced, the forces and systems of human organs are restored. Some existing diseases may be exacerbated by lack of sleep. Therefore, the treatment of insomnia in menopause is an important task for many specialists.

Today, a wide range of drugs for insomnia with menopause is available.

Most often, pathology occurs against the background of hormonal imbalance, therefore, compensation for hormone deficiency plays a key role in therapy. They are selected according to the structure, similar to women's. They reduce emotional and endocrine disorders.

Sometimes it will be sufficient to use soothing herbal preparations: Sedavit, Fitosed, Valerian and Motherwort (drops and tablets), Dormiplant. If they have not been effective, sleeping pills such as Rozerem, Imovan, Atarax, or the tranquilizer Afobazol are recommended. In especially severe cases, the doctor prescribes antidepressants.

Important! The use of medications should be strictly under the supervision of a doctor. He selects drugs, taking into account the age of the patient, the severity of symptoms and the condition of the reproductive organs.

Additional drugs

Given the long-term use and the existing contraindications, some try to use natural, not synthetic means. Their side effects are less pronounced, and in terms of effectiveness they are not inferior even to sleeping pills. This is a group of phytoestrogens, which is an alternative to hormones. Preparations "Klimaxan", "Remens", "Cleverol" are made from plant extracts, therefore they belong to the field of homeopathy. Many write positive reviews after using dietary supplements "Ci-Klim" and "Feminal", which have the ability to remove problems of a neurovegetative and psycho-emotional nature.

Since during this period, patients do not receive enough vitamins and minerals, it is necessary to replenish them with the help of drugs. Suitable complexes would be "Complivit Calcium D 3 Gold", "Women's Formula", "Magne-B 6". Thanks to these funds, the risk of developing osteoporosis and oncological diseases is reduced, and the nervous system is nourished.

Get by without medication

It is possible to treat insomnia and other symptoms with menopause without the use of drugs. Traditional medicine recipes and alternative methods help to get rid of pathology faster.

Folk recipes

Traditional medicine also has recipes that tell how to deal with insomnia during menopause. The fundamental principle of this therapy is the use of soothing herbs: lemon balm, peppermint, hops, motherwort, chamomile. Often in pharmacies, herbal teas or collections containing a complex of medicinal plants are available. The easiest way is to drink a glass of warm milk with a teaspoon of honey at night. A good relaxing folk remedy is oregano, which is poured with boiling water and infused during the day an hour before meals.

The well-known doctor Malysheva advises during menopause to replace coffee and strong tea with herbal infusions and decoctions, fruit juices. It is important to use them in the right proportion. Otherwise, the expected effect will not be or complications will appear. Elena considers it useful to use Monastic tea during menopause. The plant components present in its basis restore hormonal balance.

A combination of almonds and bananas is considered useful to combat the problem. The components that make up their composition are especially necessary for the female body, they eliminate muscle tension.

Non-traditional methods

These methods are in demand as an alternative when it is impossible to use certain drugs or are used in complex therapy. They help relieve the symptoms of menopause and have a healing effect. These include:

  1. Reflexology - massage of reflex points.
  2. Aromatherapy is the use of soothing essential oils.
  3. Breathing exercises that relax the nervous system.
  4. Hydrotherapy.

During menopause, there should be a balanced diet that compensates for the lack of calcium, magnesium, and vitamins. As a result, it is easier for the body to cope with the emerging everyday stresses. Nutritionists advise including seafood, lean meat, whole grain cereals and bread, more vegetables and fruits, nuts, legumes in the daily menu. Drink at least 2 liters of water a day and take natural herbal teas.

According to experts, if you create favorable conditions for good rest, this will reduce the frequency of night awakenings. The following activities help with this, many of which should be done before bedtime:

  1. Make a comfortable bed.
  2. Ventilate the bedroom.
  3. Follow the sleep schedule: go to bed and get up at the same time.
  4. Keep bed linens clean.
  5. Use contrast showers.
  6. Exclude the intake of spicy and fatty foods, alcohol in the evening.
  7. Don't overeat.
  8. Walk before bed.
  9. Avoid intellectual overload.

It is important to make adjustments to your lifestyle. To refuse from bad habits. Reduce the amount of coffee, tea, chocolate, soda you drink. Allow moderate physical activity throughout the day.

A stable emotional background helps to get rid of insomnia. It is necessary to minimize overwork and stressful situations. Psychological instability stimulates the production of cortisol, a hormone that suppresses the already weakened secretion of estrogens. In this case, the symptoms of menopause will increase. Moderate physical activity relieves emotional stress and increases muscle tone.

The menopause is often accompanied by nocturnal awakenings. Although in most cases this is not given importance, you should not put off a visit to the doctor. Timely measures allow you to use sparing treatment and avoid serious complications.

Sleep disturbance during menopause occurs in many of the fair sex. Not all women know that menopause and insomnia are linked. With the onset of menopause, melatonin, the sleep hormone, is produced less.

In addition, some manifestations of this time deprive the lady of a good night's rest. In this post, we look at what menopausal symptoms contribute to insomnia, how you can get rid of it, and why you should do it.

During menopause, the ovaries gradually fall asleep. They begin to produce fewer sex hormones - progesterone and estrogen. The most important hormones in a woman's body, estrogens, affect both the functioning of the reproductive system and many other processes.

Including the production of melatonin hormone.

Thus, insomnia during menopause develops due to the fact that gradually in the female body and, accordingly, a smaller amount of melatonin is produced, which contributes to a long sound sleep. This is the main reason why a woman with menopause begins various sleep disorders.

What manifestations of menopause interfere with sleep

Alas, there are many culprits.

In addition, due to some climacteric symptoms, the lady's nightly rest is upset. First, a feeling of anxiety and increased nervousness. Against the background of a low level of estrogen, the lady becomes overly irritable and tearful. Being in a depressed state, she reacts very sharply to every remark, and even a sidelong glance.

Many female representatives in the evening mentally live through all the events of the past day, and perceiving them only in black. The lady repeatedly scrolls in her head all the accumulated grievances and this prevents her from falling asleep.

She does not get enough sleep at night, and during the day she feels overwhelmed and tired. It is difficult for her to fulfill her official duties and concentrate her attention.

Secondly, a decrease in the amount of estrogen leads to dryness of the mucous membranes of the genital organs and the bladder. Women develop cystitis and other diseases of the genitourinary system, which provoke frequent urge to urinate. Because of this, the lady's sleep is repeatedly interrupted.

The most specific climacteric symptom

The visiting card of menopause is. The woman's face, neck, arms and upper chest turn red due to the fact that blood is rapidly flowing to the head and upper body. It seems to the lady that she was doused with boiling water from the inside. This state does not last long from half a minute to 2-4 minutes. After that, the woman is covered with copious cold sweat, which is able to completely wet all the clothes through and through in a few minutes.

At the same time, the heartbeat becomes more frequent, dizziness appears or the head starts to hurt, and sometimes very strongly. Tidal attacks occur both during the day and at night. Some women are bothered by them up to 50 times a day. Night tides cause the lady to wake up. She has to take a shower, change clothes, and sometimes change her wet bed linen. This interferes with a good night's rest.

After an attack, it is difficult for a woman to fall asleep. If nothing is done, then insomnia may develop during menopause.

Expert opinion

Elena Sergeevna

Gynecologist-obstetrician, professor, work experience 19 years.

Ask an expert

Factors that lead to sleep disorders include being overweight, being inactive, drinking more than 4 cups of coffee a day, drinking energy and alcohol, and smoking.

Why insomnia is dangerous

Insomnia during menopause is short periods or constantly. No sleep disorder should be tolerated. Treatment of insomnia in menopause is essential. After all, it is during sleep that all systems of the human body are restored and substances are produced that are responsible for strong immunity.

If you do not get rid of sleep disorders, then the body will not be able to recover and fatigue will accumulate.

As a result, general well-being will worsen, and the following complications may appear:

  • dizziness;
  • migraine appears;
  • gastritis develops;
  • possible pain in the heart and malfunctions of the cardiovascular system;
  • the development of hypertension is provoked;
  • possible inflammation of the pancreas;
  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • neuroses and depressive states develop;
  • there are so-called wandering pains in the spine or abdomen.

As you can see, sleep problems lead to serious consequences that require long-term and rather expensive treatment. Therefore, it is important for everyone to know what to do when insomnia begins with menopause.

If sleep problems continue for more than 7 days, then you should seek medical help from a therapist. If necessary, he will refer to a psychotherapist, cardiologist or other specialist.

How to get rid of insomnia?

When sleep problems began along with menopause, the following set of measures will help:

  1. Lifestyle adjustment.
  2. The use of folk remedies.
  3. Treatment of insomnia, individually selected by the doctor.

It is important to start the fight against insomnia during menopause in this sequence. You should not immediately run to the pharmacy and buy sleeping pills without a doctor's prescription. Let us consider in more detail each item of the proposed plan.

What kind of lifestyle is needed for sound sleep?

Let's think about nutrition.

To combat insomnia during menopause, it is necessary to adopt a healthy lifestyle, which includes the following key aspects:

  1. Provide a clear daily routine.
    It is necessary to plan a daily routine and stick to it throughout the week. It is very important to go to bed and wake up at the same time, including weekends. But if there is a desire to go to bed earlier or sleep, if possible, longer, then this should not be resisted.
  2. Review your diet.
    It should be excluded from the menu or limit the use of fatty and fried foods, as well as chocolate, strong coffee and tea. The basis of the diet is fresh vegetables and fruits, which saturate the body with essential vitamins, minerals and fiber. Fermented milk products should be consumed daily, which will restore the intestinal microflora. You should also eat whole grains that help normalize metabolism. It is important that dinner is light, and the body does not spend a lot of energy digesting it. With such nutrition, not only the excitability of the nervous system will decrease, but the general condition of the body will improve.
  3. Moderate but regular exercise is required.
    Sports should be planned for the first half of the day so that the nervous system has time to calm down before going to bed. In the evening, you can safely take a walk in the fresh air and perform soothing breathing exercises.

It is important to develop the habit of getting ready for bed.

Be sure to ventilate the bedroom every evening. Choose a comfortable mattress and pillow for yourself, as well as give preference to bed linen and a nightgown or pajamas made from natural fabrics. A warm bath with relaxing lavender oil or other scents is not a luxury, but part of the usual evening activities.

TOP 5 most effective folk recipes

We have chosen how to deal with insomnia with affordable and effective folk methods. Here are 5 of the most popular recipes:

  1. A glass of warm milk with the addition of a teaspoon of honey or sugar if you are allergic to honey. This drink contains treptophan, which is needed for the synthesis of serotonin in the brain. Only with a sufficient amount of serotonin, the amount of the sleep hormone, melatonin, necessary for a good night's rest, is produced. The drink should be just warm, not hot. It should be drunk just before going to bed.
  2. A glass of homemade tomato juice with a little nutmeg. If desired, you can salt to taste. The drink is drunk 2-3 hours before bedtime.
  3. Dill seeds boiled in red wine. For this recipe, it is preferable to choose Cahors. 50 g of seeds are poured into 150 ml of wine and boiled over low heat for 20 minutes. Before going to bed, take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of the prepared remedy.
  4. Infusion of flowers and hop cones. 2 teaspoons of dry raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water and allowed to brew for 4 hours. Drink 2 hours before bedtime.
  5. Melissa, mint, chamomile, thyme and rosehip tea. You can prepare a collection by taking all the plants in equal quantities or brew tea from any one herb.

As you can see, all the recipes are very simple. They are taken until sleep returns to normal. To prepare such a tool is not difficult, and the effect is very good.

Medical treatment

How to treat insomnia should be decided by the doctor, based on the results of blood tests for hormones. If a lady is prevented from falling asleep by a low level of estrogen, then she may first be prescribed a homeopathic remedy. Such drugs are popular: Remens, Qi-Klim, Klimaksan, Klimadinon and Feminal.

When the level of estrogen in the blood is very low, then, as prescribed by the attending physician, they take hormonal remedies for insomnia during menopause. For example: Divina, Estriol, Klimar, Dermestril, etc. Such therapy is supplemented by sedatives: Valerian, Motherwort, Dormiplant, Persen Forte, Atarax and Grandaxin.

There are medicines that contain melatonin. These include: Melapur, Melaxen Balance, Circadin, Yukalin, etc. They can only be taken as prescribed by the attending physician. First, they have many contraindications. In particular: diabetes mellitus, severe renal failure, autoimmune and oncological diseases. Secondly, the dose and course of treatment are selected individually. Some ladies can take them for no longer than a month.


When insomnia occurs during menopause, measures should be taken immediately to eliminate this manifestation. We have discussed in detail how to deal with insomnia. First you need to review your habits and make adjustments to your lifestyle.

Choose an effective folk recipe to your liking and take it systematically. If insomnia lasts for more than a week, despite your efforts, then you need to see a doctor who will select the right medication. We wish you good health!

What effective ways to treat insomnia do you know?

Insomnia with menopause - what to do, how to return sleep? The question arises for every woman, during the period of extinction of the reproductive function. A complex physiological process affects the nervous system. Insomnia is one of the main symptoms of menopause. Is it possible to get back a good sleep? Who to contact for help?

Origin of insomnia

The human brain, like a computer, must reboot all systems. Sleep goes through several stages, the failure of one of them leads to disorders, health problems. Insomnia does not appear on its own, there must always be a reason. It is possible to return a full-fledged sleep only when it is eliminated, the issue will be resolved. Experts distinguish between several types of insomnia:

Menopause includes all of these types. The main reason lies in the change in hormonal levels. Most women experience a similar phenomenon before menstruation. There is no cause for concern, everything is normal, and sleep disappears somewhere. The woman turns from side to side for hours, cannot fall asleep. The same happens at the beginning of pregnancy. The extinction of reproductive functions occurs gradually, some hormones will replace others. Responsible for all this is the cerebral cortex - the pituitary gland, the hypothalamus. It communicates with all organs and systems through nerve endings. The nervous system is in a stressful situation, changes occur in the psychological, emotional aspect. What to do to return sleep during menopause?

Causes of sleep disturbance during menopause

Insomnia during menopause often occurs in women with a sensitive, vulnerable, delicate nervous system. Impressive ladies react sharply to everything, digest information, scroll through everything several times in their memory. Similar processes are intensified at night. That's when a lot of thoughts are spinning in my head, it doesn't let me sleep.

Every woman should go through menopause, but not everyone is ready for it. The causes of insomnia in menopause lie in internal experiences. Along with other symptoms of menopause, there is:

Against this background, there is irritability, aggression, depression, apathy, depression. Insomnia during menopause is present due to internal experiences.

In addition, pain can interfere with sleep. Frequent attacks of hot flashes, exacerbation of chronic diseases, the emergence of new ones do not give rest. The woman cannot sleep.

Insomnia during menopause appears due to malnutrition. In the body of a woman, along with changes in the hormonal background, the metabolism slows down. Habitual dishes, which were previously well perceived by the body, were digested without problems, now they load the internal organs. Especially affects the high-calorie food before bedtime. Then a sleepless night awaits a woman, an unpleasant morning.

Having dealt with the causes of insomnia during menopause, ways to eliminate it are clarified. What to do to sleep peacefully?

How to get rid of insomnia during menopause

First of all, it is necessary to resolve issues with fluctuations in the hormonal background. It will not work to return the previous state, but you can make the decrease in estrogen slower. How to do this depends on the individual characteristics of the body, the presence of diseases, and one's own preferences.

  • You can regulate the hormonal background during menopause with hormone replacement therapy drugs, homeopathic natural remedies, nutrition, exercise, and sex.
  • In parallel with this, you need to take the time to think about the current situation. Accept it, find the advantages of menopause. By eliminating your secret experiences, you can regain peace, and with it sleep.
  • For women with an extremely sensitive nervous system, natural sedatives can be used. These include tincture of valerian, motherwort. The drug Novo-Passit and the like. Sometimes doctors recommend antidepressant pills to calm the nerves - Afobazole, Glycised, Glycine, Phenibut, Zopiclone, Rozerem.
  • You need to find a way to relieve emotional stress. For example, moderate physical activity improves the functioning of internal organs, increases blood circulation in the pelvic organs, forcing the ovaries to work, and contributes to the production of the hormone of pleasure. It is recommended to do this every day, but in the first half. Physical activity before bed leads to overexcitation, insomnia. Pleasant music relaxes the nervous system, a good light film, walks in the fresh air, sex, yoga.
  • You can increase the level of estrogen, improve the condition of the nervous system with the help of products. For example, banana and strawberries contribute to the production of the hormone of happiness. Contains phytoestrogens garlic, spinach, parsley, soy, sprouted wheat, legumes.
  • The last meal should be at least 2 hours before bedtime. Dinner should be light. Overeating is not allowed. It should be abandoned salty, sweet, fatty, spicy. Fermented milk products, herbal tea with a calming effect are useful.

You should not take sleeping pills. During menopause, they are ineffective. Provoke many side effects, further exacerbate the problem. Reviews of women on forums on the Internet indicate that, in most cases, you can cope with insomnia with menopause on your own. Only severe disorders of the nervous system under the influence of menopause are treated by specialists with certain drugs.

Treatment with folk remedies

Insomnia with menopause is treated with herbs, bee products, juices. Recipes are passed down from year to year, helping women through a difficult phase in their lives.

Before going to bed, tension of the nervous system should be avoided. Both negative moments and positive emotions bring her out of balance. Before going to bed, ventilate the room, and it is even better to take walks in the fresh air. Water procedures save from insomnia during menopause. You can take a bath with sea salt, swim, do foot baths.

  • tides- phenomena of a vegetative-vascular nature, when a feeling of heat, palpitations and sweating alternate with chills, weakness, cold sweat. May be followed by , ;
  • mood swings when a calm state is replaced by irritation, anxiety, restlessness and even tearfulness;
  • depression;
  • the appearance of excess weight due to hormonal changes;
  • insomnia due to nocturnal flushes and anxiety.

Manifestations of insomnia

Manifestations of insomnia in menopause individual for every woman.

They are characterized by:

  • difficulty falling asleep;
  • frequent awakenings after light sleep with prolonged or unsuccessful attempts to sleep;
  • timely but unproductive sleep when in the morning a woman gets up not rested for the night, but broken;
  • early waking up with feverish thinking about various problems, worries and falling asleep when it is already time to get up;
  • inability to relax in sleep with the fact that even the usual quiet sounds become irritants.

Causes of sleep disturbance during menopause

The main cause of sleep disturbance in menopause is hormonal changes in the body, resulting in a significant decrease in the synthesis sleep hormone melatonin.

This process is aggravated by other reasons that are integral signs of menopause:

  • tides. Feeling intense heat, "flux" of blood to the head and neck, accompanied by, which often happens at night. It often changes and.
  • state of nervousness, increased emotionality, when any trifle is dramatized, can cause resentment, depression, infuriates and literally brings to tears. It is aggravated at bedtime with memories of the failures of the passing day.
  • frequent urge to urinate. It's connected with reduced functionality and genital and urinary organs. Hence itching, burning, discomfort, frequent nighttime urination. All this is not conducive to a deep and restful sleep.

Such deviations do not allow a woman to fully rest at night. This affects her condition during the daytime, causing weakness and irritability. A woman constantly wants to sleep, but daytime rest is usually impossible due to busy work.

Insomnia cannot be ignored, as it is often not possible to overcome this condition on your own. In order for the process not to deepen, qualified treatment is necessary.

What to do to avoid insomnia during menopause without medication

In the fight against insomnia, the following activities and factors help:

  • balanced diet, which represents well-formed diet dominated by fruits and vegetables. Before going to bed, heavy food is harmful, because it prevents falling asleep, provokes pressure drops and hot flashes. And drinking a large amount of liquid at night causes swelling and frequent nighttime urination.
  • creation comfortable conditions in the bedroom with airing it before going to bed, the temperature is not higher than 20 degrees, normal humidity, with the absence of bright objects and strong odors.
  • need walk regularly before bed, and during the day to allocate time for sports activities.
  • before laying take aromatic bath, under relaxing and not loud music, make a few simple breathing exercises.


Smoking, alcohol, watching movies and hanging out before going to bed in social networks are the enemies of good sleep, acting on the nervous system excitingly.

Medical treatment

There are many drugs that improve the condition and improve sleep during menopause. Here are the characteristics of some of them.

Complex hormonal agent Angeliq

Softens the effects lack of estrogen, including hot flashes, excessive sweating, insomnia, psycho-emotional disorders, cardiac pathologies.

Another drug improves the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, helps fight skin aging, atrophic cystitis, urinary incontinence and vaginal dryness.

There is evidence of its effectiveness in the prevention ovarian cancer, which kills 100,000 women every year.

Take it one tablet a day.

Ginodian Depot

it combined estrogen substitute, presented in the form of an injection solution in a syringe ampoule.

In a month, only a single intramuscular injection is necessary.

It is effective for treatment asthenic phenomena, atrophy of the urinary system and skin complications associated with menopause. In this case, the drug helps to improve sleep.


Serves for the treatment of menopausal disorders, increases bone density, reducing the risk of fractures, has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, improves skin condition. In addition, it reduces stress symptoms, improves mood and normalizes sleep.

It is well tolerated and does not cause weight gain can lower cholesterol levels.

The product is produced in the form of dragees, of which there are 21 pieces in a box. Of these, 9 are yellow and 12 are brown.

Assigned one piece per day.


This is a hormonal tablet drug, effective in early menopause.

It helps to get rid of hot flashes with increased sweating, is useful for insomnia, neuroses, dizziness, headaches.

It is used after ovarian resection or irradiation, effective in reducing the functions of the mucous membranes and the bladder, serves to treat and prevent osteoporosis.

Three-week courses of treatment are practiced (one tablet per day) with a week-long pause.


The estrogen tablet is used for treatment of vasomotor disorders in menopause, including sweating, insomnia, anxiety, nighttime hot flashes and sweating.

Useful for osteoporosis, reduces the risk of cardiovascular disorders and bowel cancer. Well tolerated, taken intermittently or continuously.


- this is cimicifuga root extract available in tablet or liquid form. Moreover, drops are used on sugar, and tablets cannot be cracked.

Removes vegetovascular and psycho-emotional pathologies caused by hormonal disorders inherent in all symptoms of menopause, including insomnia and tachycardia.

The drug is designed for long-term use, since its effect only affects a couple of weeks after the start of the course. But they can not be used for more than six months.

It is well tolerated by all patients with the exception of those who are allergic to lactose, not recommended for certain types of tumors.


Calming agent based plant extracts, is available in the form of drops and tablets, has estrogenic properties.

It is an antidepressant, helps fight fear and sleep disorders. Helps with autonomic symptoms and tachycardia. The drug is a prophylactic against osteoporosis.

It is taken three times a day in a tablet or in a spoon along with tea or juice.


This is a domestic drug based on extracts of about two dozen plant components which include anise, hawthorn, string, cumin, hops, licorice, eleutherococcus and others.

Such an elixir, when taken continuously, has a strengthening, sedative effect, it relieves fatigue, normalizes sleep, relieves dizziness, hot flashes and emotional disturbances.


The latest domestic development, which is a powder based on more than three dozen herbal and other natural ingredients.

The drug helps to get rid of psycho-emotional disorders during menopause. It strengthens the body, normalizes the functions of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, and helps a productive night's sleep.

These and other remedies should be taken only after diagnosis and as prescribed by a doctor, with the exception of only tincture of valerian and motherwort.

What are the folk remedies

The arsenal of effective folk remedies for insomnia with menopause has dozens of recipes.

Here is some of them:


With the onset of menopause, a woman's body undergoes significant changes that affect her health, activity, well-being. Hormonal surges characteristic of the period, only in 1-2% of cases do not become a source of obvious discomfort. Most ladies have to deal with problems for several years. Insomnia during menopause is one of the most common symptoms of a condition that, depending on the situation, can have a different intensity and form. Many women complain of a decrease in performance against this background, mood swings, general weakness and apathy. If you take a number of simple actions in a timely manner, you can reduce the severity of manifestations, prolong the active life of the patient.

Sleep problems are common among women.

Causes of insomnia during menopause

A variety of unpleasant sensations that occur in women with the onset of menopause are largely associated with changes in hormonal levels. Unfortunately, this is not the only provoking factor, therefore, the situation cannot be corrected by taking special medications alone.

Most often, sleep disturbance after the onset of menopause is the result of several factors affecting the patient at once.

Causes of insomnia during menopause:

  • hormonal surges - symptoms caused by an imbalance of sex hormones disrupt the process of falling asleep, causing frequent nighttime awakenings. This list includes hot flashes, sweating, tachycardia. During menopause, many women experience snoring that was not there before, which provokes sleep apnea. A direct provocateur of insomnia is a deficiency of progesterone, which is involved in the regulation of falling asleep;
  • features of the psycho-emotional state - any changes in life and condition can be frightening, and menopause in the understanding of most women is associated with the onset of old age. A woman begins to be tormented by thoughts about the loss of attractiveness, the inability to have children, the upcoming unpleasant sensations, the inevitability of death. Fears and negative attitudes usually escalate at night, when things are no longer distracting. As a result, the brain continues to work actively, the body cannot relax, sleep disappears;
  • neglect of the rules of a healthy lifestyle - excess weight, a sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise, bad habits, abuse of coffee or chocolate can deprive sleep at any age. In a situation where this is supplemented by physiological or psychological factors, the problem becomes more acute.

Smoking can cause sleep disturbance.

In 90% of cases, insomnia against the background of menopause is the result of the influence of factors from all the above groups on a woman. For this reason, an integrated approach to solving the problem is required. Ignoring insomnia threatens with complications, a decrease in the patient's quality of life, and a reduction in its duration.

Manifestations of insomnia

Menopause is tolerated differently by all women, but there are a number of recommendations, the observance of which will make it easier to go through a difficult period. First, menopause should not be perceived as a disease. This is a physiological state for which one must prepare in advance, focusing on lifestyle.

Secondly, do not be ashamed of your feelings, refuse the help of professionals. By contacting a gynecologist, you can get a lot of useful advice. The occurrence of sleep problems after 50 years is one of the manifestations of menopause and an indication for seeking medical advice.

Manifestations of insomnia, characteristic of its development during menopause:

  • snoring that forces you to wake up at night;
  • signs of sleepwalking, walking and talking in a dream;
  • apnea with the subsequent development of panic conditions;
  • itching, pain, restlessness in the legs;
  • anxiety that makes you wake up at night or in the morning;
  • desire to sleep during the day, which can lead to the fact that a woman begins to doze off in the most inappropriate environment.

The condition is characterized by a desire to sleep during the daytime.

These signs of insomnia that developed during menopause do not necessarily completely deprive you of sleep. Sometimes a woman manages to sleep for the required number of hours, but even after that she does not feel rested. The reason is a change in the quality of sleep, its depth. Consciousness does not turn off completely, the brain continues to work, the body systems do not have time to recover.

What is the danger of lack of sleep during menopause?

Against the background of hormonal disorders that occur during menopause, the body's defenses are reduced.

A woman begins to get tired faster, feels physically and morally exhausted.

When problems with sleep and the inability to have a good rest are added to this, the situation is rapidly aggravated.

Negative consequences of a lack of nightly sleep during menopause:

  • deterioration of the psycho-emotional state - the nervous system begins to experience excessive stress, which it can no longer cope with. There are mood swings, tearfulness, irritability, aggressiveness. If treatment is not started on time, it can reach a nervous breakdown, depression, psychosis;
  • weakened immunity - a decrease in resistance to an infectious disease, an exacerbation of chronic pathologies;
  • dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system - failures in the regulation of the work of the heart and blood channels lead to hypertension, vascular spasms, and disturbances in the functioning of the heart muscle. This increases the risk of stroke, myocardial infarction;
  • problems in the work of internal organs - according to statistics, people with sleep disorders during menopause are more susceptible to the development of diabetes mellitus and obesity.

Sleep problems can provoke violations of the internal organs.

During menopause, women experience physical suffering, emotional outbursts, moral discomfort. The situation, complicated by insomnia, greatly increases the discomfort, bringing the body to a critical state.

Lifestyle changes as a method of combating insomnia in menopause

What to do to eliminate insomnia during menopause in each case depends on the characteristics of the situation.

Often it turns out to be enough to correct the regimen and nutrition, the rejection of bad habits.

Such actions not only contribute to the establishment of sleep, but also weaken other manifestations of menopause.

The transition to a healthy lifestyle, as a method of dealing with insomnia:

  • revision of the diet - the basis of the menu should be lean meats and fish, fruits, vegetables, cereals, nuts. Food should be natural, processed by boiling, baking, steaming. If possible, you should give up coffee, alcohol, energy drinks, carbonated drinks, fast food. You need to eat up to 6 times a day in small portions;
  • sparing physical activity - in the daytime it is recommended to take jogging, walking, swimming, fitness, yoga. In the evening, walks in the fresh air are useful;
  • observance of the daily routine - you need to go to bed and get up at the same time, having developed the habit of rest in the body. It is better to refrain from daytime sleep. The schedule should be planned so that at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night;
  • proper organization of sleep - the room for sleeping should be cool, ventilated. Bed linen is preferably made from natural fabrics. The mattress and pillows are not necessarily orthopedic, but comfortable and of good quality.

To cope with the deviation, you need to remove fast food from the diet.

As statistics show, women who adhere to a healthy lifestyle before menopause experience it much easier. Menopause itself is observed a little later, and its onset is not accompanied by aggressive manifestations.

Treatment with folk remedies

To enhance the beneficial effect of the basic recommendations, alternative medicine techniques can be introduced into the treatment regimen for chronic insomnia during menopause. Before using them, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Some approaches may be prohibited after 50 years of age or in the presence of a number of somatic diseases.

The safest and most effective methods of dealing with insomnia are the use of herbal decoctions. For their preparation, lemon balm, chamomile, mint, valerian, hops, needles or St. John's wort are best suited.

Folk remedies for insomnia on herbs with menopause can be used as an additive to bath water. In this case, infusions are made from the same plant components. Due to the ability to relax muscles, relieve tension, stop inflammation and calm the nervous system, they contribute to fast falling asleep and sound sleep.

To cope with the problem, you can use traditional medicine by adding them to the bath.

Medical treatment

Doctors try not to resort to the use of drugs in the treatment of insomnia against the background of menopause. Due to hormonal changes, it is difficult to predict how the body will react to the product. In the most severe cases, a neurologist may prescribe "Afobazol", "Fenibut", "Rozeren" and their analogues. They restore sleep by calming the nervous system, but are rarely used as a course remedy.

In situations where insomnia becomes one of the many anxiety symptoms, additional treatments may be used. "Femoston", "Orthomol Femin", "Mense" and other combined agents have a positive effect on the synthesis of sex hormones, facilitating the general condition of a woman.

The fight against insomnia during menopause should be comprehensive, long-term, complete. You should not hope that taking hormones or advertised products with natural ingredients will get rid of all problems. During menopause, every little thing must be taken into account to obtain the desired result.

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