The appearance of herpes in the throat and methods of treatment. Is it possible to cure herpes in the throat: symptoms, drug therapy and folk remedies, recommendations

Herpes in the throat develops as a result of the course of stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis, chicken pox, and other diseases. That is, it is extremely rare that the pathological process is of a primary nature, much more often it is necessary to talk about secondary angina.

Angina, in the general sense of the word, is an inflammation of the tonsils (tonsils) located in the sky. Another name for the pathological process is acute (chronic) tonsillitis.

There is more than one form of the disease, and as practice shows, in about 10% of cases, the pathology is precisely of herpetic origin and is provoked by this group of viral agents.

All causes of herpes in the throat can be divided into three large groups. The first category concerns penetration into the oropharynx of the herpetic agent.

The second is a decrease in immunity, and finally, the third category of causes are other factors that are triggers (triggers) of the disease.

Basic information about pathogens

Herpes is a non-homogeneous (heterogeneous) pathological structure: more than five strains of this agent are known.

However, types one through five can provoke both acute and chronic.

herpes type 1

Occurs more often than others. It is this strain that causes the occurrence of colds on the lips (small ulcerative formations).

Moreover, it also provokes classic stomatitis with the appearance of sores (aft) on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and gums.

Herpes of the second type (genital form of the pathological structure)

It rarely causes the onset of the disease, however, in people who practice unprotected oral sex, this is a common occurrence.

A thorough diagnosis is required. As practice shows, this strain is extremely aggressive and spreads expansively from the throat to the lower respiratory tract.

The third type (herpes species Varicella-Zoster)

Provokes the notorious chicken pox. Usually the throat is affected in adults as a result of this disease, if it has not been treated.

Children carry chickenpox many times easier, and it is extremely rare that such a disease rarely causes complications in the throat and respiratory tract.

Strain of the fourth type

It's the Epstein-Barr virus. It causes complex and dangerous generalized forms of damage to the body. This disease has its own name - mononucleosis.

Strain of the fifth type

Cytomegalovirus. Extremely dangerous. Herpes sore throat in such a situation is just part of the clinical picture.

This strain provokes cytomegaly with a primary lesion of the respiratory tract, urinary system, and other structures (depending on the form).

Ways of transmission of pathogenic agents

Herpes viruses are extremely contagious. Every person, or at least almost everyone (98% of the world's population) is infected with several types of herpetic agents.

This is due to the mass of possibilities for the transmission of viral structures from person to person.

  • Sexual way. The classic way of spreading genital herpes. With unprotected sexual intercourse, the virus can be transported from body to body.
  • oral-genital route. Directly adjacent to the sexual path. It consists in unprotected contact of an unconventional kind. Herpes of the second type is transmitted into the oral cavity in this way.
  • Contact-household method. It consists in the interaction of a healthy person with household items of an infected person. It is especially dangerous to use the same dishes, towels, toothbrushes and other attributes of personal hygiene. A variant with interaction directly with the sick person himself is possible. Usually, herpes viruses are transmitted through kisses, handshakes (no wonder there is a second name for mononucleosis - kissing disease).
  • Airborne route. The easiest way to "get" the herpes virus, or even more than one type of it, since a person is a carrier of many strains. Microorganisms enter the air through coughing, sneezing, and breathing. Thus, getting infected is not easy, but elementary.
  • Downward path. From the nasopharynx to the oropharynx and, accordingly, the throat.
  • Ascending. From the lungs to the oropharynx. It occurs somewhat less frequently.
  • Transmissible. With insect bites.
  • Generic. When the fetus passes through the infected birth canal of the mother.
  • Mechanical. When touching the mucous membranes of the mouth with dirty hands.
  • Perinatal mode of transportation. Herpes easily passes through the placental barrier and infects the fetus.
  • Lymphogenous and hematogenous. It consists in the transfer of the virus with the flow of lymph and blood throughout the body.

The list is not exhaustive.

Immunity as a risk factor

The immune system is the body's defense system. As soon as it fails, viruses begin to actively replicate using the cellular apparatus of healthy cytological units.

Why does the immune system decrease in intensity:

  • First of all, with the early weaning of the child from the breast and the transfer to an artificial mixture. Immunity in this case remains underdeveloped in adulthood. Mother's milk is an indispensable source of nutrients that form the body's defenses.
  • Abuse of alcoholic beverages. Alcohol disrupts the blood supply to the throat, which makes it difficult for immune cells to flow into this area.
  • Bust with oral contraceptives. Contraceptive pills artificially stimulate the production of estrogen, which directly depresses the immune system.
  • Peak hormonal states. The beginning of the menstrual cycle, puberty, pre- and postmenopause.
  • Excessive physical and heavy psycho-emotional stress. Both those and others provoke the production of corticosteroids and catecholamines, which reduces the normal synthesis of immune cells.
  • Taking cytotoxic drugs as part of chemotherapy. These drugs inhibit the division of the so-called "fast cells", hence hair loss, and, of course, the weakening of the rate of synthesis of leukocytes, lymphocytes.
  • Frequent hypothermia. Usually in the summer, when potential patients quench their thirst with ice water. This is a direct path to disease.
  • Frequent acute respiratory infections and other pathological processes of a viral, bacterial, fungal, helminthic nature.

Other factors in the development of herpetic lesions

The herpes virus in the throat begins to actively divide in the presence of additional trigger factors. Among them are the following:

  • The development of endocrine pathologies. First of all, diabetes. Somewhat less hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. All three pathologies lead to a gradual decrease in immunity, as this affects the likelihood of developing the disease - has already been said.
  • Injuries of the pharynx. Including mechanical, chemical, thermal plan (open wounds and burns, respectively).

Thus, we are talking about a polyetiological (multifactorial) condition.

Characteristic symptoms

Herpes on the tonsils and throat develops according to the classical pattern: acute onset, aggressive course, significant duration, in the absence of therapy.

What are the symptoms of herpes included in the clinical picture:

  • Intense pain syndrome. It always develops. It is characterized by considerable strength, localized discomfort in the throat, palatopharyngeal arch, radiate to the neck, Adam's apple. It is possible to increase the pain syndrome when swallowing, speaking, eating food and cold liquids. When rinsing with warm solutions, the discomfort weakens.
  • Eruptions in throat. With a herpetic lesion, they look like small red papules in the back of the throat, tonsils, soft palate and tongue. They are filled with serous exudate. Requires differential diagnosis. On the 3rd-7th day, the papules open up and the patient feels better. During this period, special attention must be paid to avoid secondary infection of other tissues.
  • The appearance of other rashes, plaque in the throat. Usually grayish in color. Characterizes the active spread of viral agents.
  • Increase in body temperature up to 38-40°C. The hyperthermic process does not always occur. If the immune system does not give an active enough response, the thermometer readings may be within the normal range.
  • Symptoms of general intoxication organisms. Including headache, dizziness, weakness, feeling of body cottoniness. Nausea and even vomiting are possible.
  • Violation of the process of speaking. The voice disappears not always, but often.
  • Swallowing problems. The so-called secondary dysphagia. It is characterized by the inability to swallow food and saliva normally.
  • Tickle and. As a result - unproductive (dry) cough.

The clinical picture may be incomplete, it all depends on the nature of the pathological process and the strength of the body's immune response.

Diagnostic measures

Diagnosis of throat lesions with herpes is the prerogative of a specialist in otolaryngology. It is quite difficult to identify the pathological process at the first stage, since there are no characteristic symptoms yet.

When the rash has already appeared, the diagnostic process is greatly simplified.

At the initial consultation, an anamnesis is taken (the doctor identifies possible factors for the onset of the disease process), as well as an oral survey (the specialist determines the characteristic complaints, their duration and duration).

All data is recorded in writing in order to further analyze the information.

  • Visual assessment of the pharynx. Already at this stage, an experienced doctor may suspect a herpetic lesion. It affects the hyperemia of the throat (redness), rashes of a characteristic type, loose back wall of the glock.
  • Laryngoscopy to identify possible lesions of the underlying anatomical structures. It is not always carried out. In this case, the procedure is rarely resorted to in order to identify concomitant violations.
  • Throat swab for further bacteriological examination.
  • Sowing biomaterial (exudate from the pharynx, smear) on nutrient media to exclude bacterial damage.
  • PCR diagnostics. Search for traces of virus DNA in the patient's biomaterial.
  • ELISA. Similar research. It consists in determining specific antibodies to the virus. Allows you to identify not only the process itself, but also its prescription, the degree of activity.

In most cases, these methods are sufficient. The issue needs to be carefully considered. This depends on the nature of the therapy and its effectiveness.


The treatment of herpes on the mucous membrane of the throat is complex, lasts up to 10 days and consists in eliminating the viral flora and relieving symptoms.

At the first stage, conservative methods are used. Their essence lies in taking specific medicines of several pharmaceutical groups:

  • Anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal origin. They are prescribed primarily for the rapid removal of pathological inflammation and the relief of pain, which is partly due to the production of special substances-mediators. Suitable: Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen, Nise. They also lower body temperature.
  • Systemic antiviral drugs(in the form of tablets, or injections in severe form of the disease). Allow to destroy viral agents. "Acyclovir", "Zovirax", "Valacyclovir", "Panavir", "Retrovir" and others at the discretion of the doctor.
  • Local antiseptics in the form of solutions for rinsing. The most widely used. Suitable means such as "Miramistin", and less often "Chlorhexidine". The first is just created to combat herpetic agents.
  • In addition, drugs that enhance the immune response are prescribed: Cycloferon, Viferon, Kipferon, Levamisole, Amiksin, Pyrogenal, Kagocel.
  • Can be used for severe sore throat topical anti-inflammatory and anesthetic sprays to relieve symptoms: Tantum Verde, Strepsils Plus, Septolete Plus, or lozenges for resorption with the same effect: Gorpils, Septolete Total, Strepsils Intensive.

Antibiotics are not used. They are powerless against viruses.

In extreme cases, when the pathology cannot be stopped by conservative methods, they resort to surgery to remove the tonsils. But this is a temporary measure, moreover, it increases the risk of diseases of the heart and organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

In contact with

Herpes in the throat is caused by viruses that can infect any part of the skin and mucous membranes, including the eyes and genitals. What is the herpes virus and how does a person become infected with it? The types of these viruses, and there are two of them, the first and second, affect the throat in different ways.

The first type, infection occurs as a result of stomatitis and usually occurs in young children. The second type, when herpes in the throat causes the appearance of numerous vesicles, occurs as a result of the penetration of the virus from the nervous system, where it remains to live and develop secretly after the initial infection at some period of life. The herpes virus manifests itself in adverse conditions with a general weakening of the immune system.

In this case, it behaves like a tuberculosis bacillus. It settles in the body forever, but it manifests itself only periodically, when the body is weakened. The insidiousness of the herpes virus is that it moves through the nervous system, which means it can hit any organ at the most inopportune moment. The cost of keeping the virus in the body permanently can be high.

Causes of herpes in the throat and its symptoms

The most important reason for the appearance of herpes in the throat, and indeed on any part of the skin or mucous membrane, is a weakening of the immune system. Infectious diseases such as SARS and influenza, tonsillitis, otitis media, lesions of the gastrointestinal tract put stress on the immune system. Contribute to the manifestation of herpes and stressful situations, general overwork, disturbances in the rhythm of the day and night.

In some cases, taking immunosuppressants, indicated for a number of diseases, also leads to the appearance of herpetic vesicles. Chronic infectious diseases of the nasopharynx, tonsillitis and almost inevitably increase the risk of herpes, since this virus lives in the nervous system in almost all people.

Signs and symptoms of a herpes infection:

  1. It hurts not only the throat, but all the muscles in the body.
  2. Rapid increase in body temperature up to 40 ° C.
  3. The vesicles contain liquid or they are bloody, viruses are in this liquid.
  4. Sudden onset, without any harbingers of the disease.
  5. All signs of an acute inflammatory process.
  6. Severe headache.
  7. Lymph nodes in the neck and under the jaw increase in size.
  8. Numerous watery small vesicles that appear on the mucosa on the second or third day of illness.
  9. General deterioration of health, depressed mood.
  10. Chilliness and pallor of skin and mucous membranes.
  11. There is profuse salivation.
  12. Swallowing food is difficult due to soreness in the throat.
  13. Bubbles can be in bulk or form in groups.
  14. Bubbles first appear in the posterior palate, then dot one of the halves of the pharyngeal cavity.
  15. The bubbles that make up the rash are no more than two millimeters in diameter.
  16. The mucosa with bubbles swells and turns red.
  17. The temperature cannot be lowered with antipyretics.
  18. Nausea and aversion to food.

Stages of development of a herpetic vesicle (vesicle):

  • the whole process of the disease lasts about two weeks;
  • there is a high probability of the spread of herpes lesions to areas of the skin of the face and neck;
  • herpes on the throat is often accompanied by damage to the mucous membrane of the eyes;
  • in place of the bursting vesicle, an ulcerated zone is formed, the mucosa swells and hurts;
  • the vesicle appears, growing out of the mucosa rather quickly;
  • vesicles burst after a few days, usually 2-7;
  • the wound gradually heals, tightening with a thin skin, a scab;
  • the mucous membrane turns red, itches, there is a burning sensation, scratching;
  • the scab falls off, leaving no trace in the form of a scar;
  • a serious complication, if there is a herpes rash in the throat, but still rare, is the defeat of internal organs by herpes;
  • frequent complications in the form of fungal and bacterial infections are already secondary properties.

Herpes infection in the throat testifies, first of all, to two points:

  • First, is the presence of the herpes virus in the body.
  • Second, it is necessary to take measures to increase general immunity, since it is clearly weakened.

Could it be that rashes in the throat are not associated with herpes? This will show only laboratory analysis. The video shows how to properly take tests for herpes.

Treatment of herpes in children

When the child is ill, the herpes virus is installed in the throat, then you should try to alleviate the symptoms of the disease. Of course, at the first signs of the disease, you need to show it to a doctor who will prescribe treatment and advise on priority measures. At the beginning of the disease, it is necessary to provide bed rest, place the child in a ventilated warm room, and isolate him from visits by strangers.

Organize meals so that the food is high-calorie, soft and does not contain spices that irritate the throat. Linden tea with honey and calendula will help relieve inflammation and should be drunk as much as possible. You can use for brewing and other herbs on the recommendation of a doctor. It is not forbidden to eat oranges and tangerines, you can grapefruits.

It is forbidden to use various types of heating and compresses for this disease, but painkillers are acceptable, each of them has instructions for proper use.

Table. Medicines for the treatment of herpes:

Medicines Mechanism of action Efficiency
Ibuprofen Suppresses pain receptors High
No-Shpa -,- -,-
Nurofen -,- -,-
Iodine solution Disinfectant, antimicrobial Medium
-,- -,-
Salt solution -,- -,-
Potassium permanganate solution -,- -,-
Acyclovir Used intravenously in severe cases High
Valaciclovir -,-
Zovirax -,-
Cytotect Promote the production of antibodies High
Neocytotec -,-
Viferon -,-
Amiksin Detrimental to viruses High
Viferon -,- -,-
Giaferon -,- -,-
Leukinferon -,- -,-
Poludan -,-
Nonspecific immunomodulators
Galavit Stimulates overall immunity Medium
-,- -,-
Likopid -,- -,-
Polyoxidonium -,- -,-
Tamerite -,- -,-
Transfer Factor -,- -,-
Galavit -,- -,-
Cordyceps, echinacea preparations -,- -,-
Natural immunomodulators
Rosehip infusion Helps to strengthen the protective functions of the body Medium
Echinacea infusion -,- -,-
Ginseng tincture -,- -,-
Decoction of calendula -,- -,-
Tea with lemon -,- -,-

In children, it is important to establish precisely herpes sores in the throat, as the cause of the appearance of characteristic blisters in the throat, and this can only be established by laboratory research methods. At the initial stage of stomatitis, medical errors are possible. Therefore, scrapings from the oral cavity and blood are taken from the child for analysis.

If the viral origin of the disease is established and the correct treatment is prescribed, then herpes can be dealt with quite easily. Herpes of the mouth and throat, fortunately, is rare. However, this does not exclude the recurrence of the disease, so measures to strengthen immunity must be taken immediately.

How to strengthen immunity naturally? It is necessary to harden, eat more vitamin products, multivitamin complexes from a pharmacy. Physical culture and fresh air will strengthen health and natural immunity.

Treatment of herpes in the throat in adults

The herpes virus is considered dangerous to humans. What a person with herpes looks like, perhaps, everyone has seen.

Its most famous forms are herpes zoster, rashes on the lips and genitals. The herpes virus in the throat is less common, but also requires immediate treatment.

If the disease is diagnosed in time and the drugs are taken:

  1. Acyclovir.
  2. Valaciclovir.
  3. Penciclovir.
  4. Famciclovir.

And also apply local antiviral ointments, combining medication with plenty of warm drinking of herbal decoctions and vitamin drinks, then the disease can be dealt with quickly. How to treat herpes the doctor will prescribe, he will also determine how to treat herpes manifestations in a particular case, since self-medication is inappropriate here.

The herpes virus, we repeat, is a permanent resident of the body, and relapses are associated primarily with a weakened immune system. A healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle can serve as a guarantee against the manifestations of this disease. That is, you can build the building of your health with your own hands and then you will not have to be treated.

Herpes in the throat is a fairly rare form of pathology. The disease manifests itself in the form of a rash in the throat (vesicles). Herpetic rash can affect any part of the body, but this virus injures the mucous membranes of the oral cavity. This form of herpes is very serious.

Usually a virus of a simple form of the disease leads to a rash in the throat. It enters the body of an infected person through the mucous membranes of the nose, eyes, mouth or genitals.

Viral herpes penetrates deep into each cell, where it can exist for many years without manifesting itself. As soon as favorable conditions for the pathogenic organism arise, it will begin to develop, spreading to neighboring areas. Most often this is due to a decrease in the immune system, that is, with weakened protective functions.

In addition, there is a risk of infection through direct contact with an infected person. Herpes in children or in an adult is very tenacious, it is easy for them to get sick using the patient's dishes or towels. Especially from the primary disease, babies suffer, who do not perform hygiene procedures so carefully. Due to the fact that there are a lot of causes of infection, the disease becomes widespread, and it is impossible to completely get rid of the virus.

The disease is transmitted in the following ways:

  • sexually;
  • household way;
  • lack of regular hygiene procedures;
  • infection of a newborn from an infected mother during pregnancy.

Symptoms of the herpes virus in the throat

Herpes on the throat is sometimes difficult to distinguish from other diseases. Pathology is often mistaken for sore throat, bacterial diseases or stomatitis.
In the disease of herpes of the throat, the symptoms will be as follows:

  • acute manifestation with fever up to forty degrees;
  • reddening of the tonsils and oral cavity (gland, palate, gums);
  • the appearance of bubbles with infected fluid;
  • itching with burning, soreness;
  • salivation;
  • enlargement of the lymph nodes.

A rash in the throat is almost always accompanied by intoxication, vomiting, headaches, fever. The person refuses to eat, as it is very painful for him to swallow.

The main symptom that characterizes herpetic eruptions is bubble formations on the mucous membrane of the throat. Usually these are multiple accumulations of blisters with fluid that quickly spread through the oral cavity. Thus, herpes appears on the tonsils, which is quite difficult to get rid of. First, inside the bubbles is a clear liquid - lymph, which will contain viruses in high concentrations. After three to five days, the liquid begins to become cloudy, and the bubbles themselves burst. In their place, ulcers of a bright red hue appear. Such formations are very painful, and the healing of erosion can begin only after one and a half to two weeks.

Treatment of herpes in the throat with medical therapy

If a patient is diagnosed with herpes in the throat, treatment should begin immediately. The disease is dealt with in a complex manner. Due to localization, it is not possible to use the usual ointments. Therefore, most often doctors suggest taking tableted and injectable preparations, as well as gargling formulations. An experienced doctor will tell you how to treat herpes in the throat, but it is not permissible to start a viral pathology. In order to eliminate the herpetic lesion of the throat, it is necessary to take antiviral and immunomodulatory medications.

Herpes in the throat in adults is treated with antiviral drugs such as Valacyclovir, Acyclovir. But it should be noted that these drugs are toxic, therefore they are not used to treat herpes in the throat of a child. Any antiviral agent is prescribed by a doctor, he also calculates the dosage and determines the duration of the therapeutic course. It is possible to alleviate the condition of a person infected with a virus with the help of antiseptics. Doctors advise the use of the following drugs.

  1. "Geksoral" - a drug for the treatment of inflammation in the throat.
  2. Faringosept is a drug with antiseptic, bacterial, antimicrobial effects.
  3. "Septolete" - a medicine for herpes has an antiseptic and decongestant effect.

It is impossible to use only antiseptics to eliminate the virus in the throat. They are able to relieve the main symptoms, but do not affect the pathogen itself. Of course, the signs of the disease can pass without complex treatment, but they will reappear at indefinite intervals. And each time the disease will proceed in a more severe form.

As a concomitant remedy, sore throat can be relieved with painkillers. For this, it is allowed to take Noshpa, Nurofen, Ibuprofen. A very high temperature is knocked down by medications. It is worth noting that the unreasonable use of a large number of drugs can cause the development of allergies. In order to avoid this concomitant disease, doctors may prescribe antihistamines.

An important place in the treatment of herpes is occupied by immunomodulatory drugs. It is necessary to correct immunity, since any manifestation of this virus indicates a decrease in the natural protective functions of the body. If a person has strong immunity, the herpes virus will not be able to infect parts of the body. The following are used as therapeutic agents:

  • "Interferon", which activates the immune system, allowing you to cope with the pathology in a short time and prevent relapse;
  • interferon inducers ("Kagocel", "Alpizarin", "Amiksin", "Pyrogenal") - drugs that stimulate the production of their own immune component;
  • immunoglobulins - drugs containing anti-herpetic antibodies.

Means with interferon must be taken by people who have a frequent occurrence of colds and herpes. In addition to course therapy, it can be used to treat herpes lesions of the throat. These drugs also have an antiviral effect. It is worth noting that pharmacists have developed an anti-herpes vaccine. Vaccinate in cases of frequent relapses of the disease. Serum is injected every 6 months between exacerbations of viral damage.

Treatment of herpes in the throat with non-native remedies

A red blistering rash in the throat always brings pain. Inflammation on the tonsils can also be treated with the help of folk methods. But such therapy should be used only with the permission of the attending physician. In order to relieve pain and swelling, you can use rinsing decoctions and infusions.

Pharmaceutical chamomile, sage or linden, pour boiling water over a tablespoon and insist. The throat can be gargled with this composition for two to three days. A decoction of flaxseeds not only relieves discomfort, but also heals ulcers in the place of burst bubbles in an accelerated mode. It is permissible to lubricate the affected areas with sea buckthorn oil or calendula. Such plants accelerate the regeneration process, eliminating pain.

It is possible to treat herpes, especially during a relapse, with the help of natural remedies that increase immunity. These include wild rose, eleutheroccus, echinacea. Such natural remedies can cope not only with the herpes virus, but also with other bacterial infections.

Patients should not forget that with such a disease it is categorically not allowed to use heating, hot compresses, heating pads or mustard plasters. Under the influence of high temperature, viral organisms develop and spread in an accelerated mode.

During therapy, it is important to drink plenty of fluids in order to remove intoxication. It is best to drink warm teas, you can herbal teas with mint or lemon. Since it is difficult for the sick person to swallow, it is necessary to exclude coarse solid food from the diet, which can damage the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and tonsils. During an exacerbation of the disease, it is better to give preference to pureed dishes. In addition, at the time of the development of the disease, you should not use hot spices, as they irritate damaged mucous membranes.

Preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of herpes

The manifestation of pathology in the throat indicates that the virus has long been in the patient's body. In order for the disease not to disturb those infected with external manifestations, the immune system should be strengthened. This requires the following.

  1. Walk not in the fresh air.
  2. Stick to a healthy diet.
  3. Perform physical activity.
  4. Avoid overwork and stress.
  5. Avoid hypothermia or overheating.

Preventive measures are of paramount importance in order to prevent the development of viral pathology. In addition, strengthened immunity will reduce the likelihood of reactivation of the virus in the body of the infected. Relapses can be controlled with the help of modern measures that are recommended by qualified health care workers.

It must be remembered that if the herpes virus has entered the body, then it is not completely possible to eliminate it. But medical procedures and compliance with basic preventive measures will avoid frequent manifestations of the main signs of the disease. Symptoms are extremely unpleasant, and rashes can be localized on various parts of the human skin and on the mucous membranes of the organs of touch, smell and oral cavity. The disease can affect both children and adults. There are many ways of infection. Timely treatment is necessary with the help of medications recommended by doctors. It is also permissible to use herbal decoctions that have an antiseptic effect.

Herpes is a disease caused by the penetration into the body or activation of a DNA-containing virus that has previously entered it. There are several varieties of the causative agent of this disease. The most common of them is Herpes simplex (HSV-1), in Russian transcription - herpes simplex virus type I (HSV-1).

It is the herpes virus type I that causes the so-called "cold" among the people. "Cold" is manifested by a rash of sharply painful single and merging into groups of watery vesicles. They are localized on the skin of the face around the mouth, external openings of the nose, as well as mucous lips, gums, hard and soft palate.

Herpetic eruptions on the mucous membranes of the soft palate (herpes in the throat) are most often found in children during initial contact with the virus. This happens around the second or third year of life, when the immunity to the disease, previously transmitted by the mother, is depleted. In addition, it is at this age that the child has increased contacts with the outside world, with his peers at the playgrounds and in preschool institutions, and hence with the microflora, which he had not met before.

Herpes virus type I

The herpes virus type I is transmitted by contact and airborne droplets. Sometimes a short stay on the hands in the company of adults, in public transport with a single touch of the handrail and subsequent scratching of the eyes or contact with the mucous membranes of the mouth is enough for the virus to enter the child's body. Infection is also carried out through the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, when children are simply in places of mass stay of adults.

Having entered the body, Herpes simplex can “hide low” for a long time, remaining asymptomatically inside the conductive fibers of the trigeminal nerve, which is responsible, among other things, for the innervation of the skin of the face and mucous membranes of the oral cavity.

In those cases where the immunity for various reasons in a child is initially weak, the symptoms of the disease appear immediately in the form of severe herpetic stomatitis or tonsillitis, sometimes affecting the entire throat. In the future, relapses of herpes in such patients are less aggressive and are limited to a "cold" on the lips.

Clinical manifestations of herpes throat

The disease begins acutely, suddenly for the patient, with a sharp rise in temperature immediately to large numbers - 39-40 ° C and is accompanied by muscle and joint pain.

photo: herpetic rashes on the skin

Sore throat, which marks the appearance of bubbles on the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat, joins within two days from the start of the temperature increase. Bubbles up to 4 mm in size. contain a clear serous fluid, which then becomes bloody. The spread of infection in the throat to the lymphoid glands of the pharyngeal ring (glands) leads to the development.

In addition to a rash on the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat, similar elements can appear on the skin of the vestibule of the nose, on the eyelids.

Vesicles (vesicles) have their own stages of development:

  • Even before they appear, the skin (mucosa) in these places begins to itch and turns red.
  • Then a small watery bubble appears, increasing in size over time.

The bubble contains countless viral bodies. The opening of the vesicle and the release of the herpes simplex virus into the environment occurs spontaneously in the period from two to seven days from the moment of its appearance. The remaining sore then heals without scarring.

The skin and mucous membranes around the rashes are full-blooded and look edematous. The vesicular rash is very itchy and causes the child to have an obsessive desire to scratch it, which causes a sharp pain in response to the rash.

photo: manifestations of herpes infection

Children begin to refuse food due to a sharp, excessive salivation appears, accompanied by a pungent odor from the mouth. At the same time, they increase in size and become painful on palpation of a group of submandibular lymph nodes, as well as the upper third of the neck.

High body temperature usually accompanies the entire period of the rash of pathological elements. Antipyretic therapy carried out at this time is ineffective. While new vesicles form on the skin and mucous membranes of the throat, the general condition of the child remains difficult: weakness progresses, the child complains of nausea, muscle and headaches.

Herpes in the throat lasts from one to two weeks. The patient's condition begins to improve gradually, after the cessation of new rashes.

It is worth noting that there are also severe forms of herpetic infection, ending in the death of the patient. This happens with a very low immune status of the child, as well as against the background of his HIV infection. Such viral herpes is characterized by damage to internal organs - most often the brain. The way the virus spreads through the body runs along the nerve fibers.

Treatment of herpes throat

It is necessary to start treating herpes in the throat after other childhood infections have been excluded, accompanied by the appearance of a rash on the body and in the mucous membranes.

  1. The first step is assigned bed rest, designed to limit the mobility of the child and the spread of infection among households.
  2. Assign a plentiful warm drink and food that is gentle on the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat: not spicy, in the form of cereals, not very hot and not cold.
  3. In cases where the child has a sore throat, and the general symptoms of intoxication are not expressed and the rise in temperature is insignificant (does not exceed 38 ˚С) - you can do without the appointment of antiviral therapy.

Antiviral therapy is prescribed immediately for those children who have chronic diseases upper respiratory tract and internal organs, HIV-infected. The initial use of antiviral drugs is also recommended for children who are prone to seizures due to high fever.

Of the antiviral drugs, Acyclovir (synonyms: Virolex, Zovirax, etc.), Bonafton, Brivudine are used. In their absence or intolerance, other drugs are prescribed: Tromantadine, Famciclovir (Famvir), Valaciclovir (Valtrex), Oxolin, Idoxyuridine, Cytarabine, Foscarnet, Cidofovir, Valganciclovir, Lobucavir, etc.

The forms of antiviral drugs used are varied: from classic tablets to ointments and sprays. In addition, there are preparations in the form of absorbable plates and lozenges.

Gels, ointments, sprays and absorbable lozenges, in addition to the main substances mentioned above, also include auxiliary components that help relieve pain and local discomfort. They must be combined in order for the locally created protective film to constantly act on the mucous membrane of the throat, providing a therapeutic effect.

High efficiency in the fight against herpes in the throat is shown by such sprays as Oracept and Geksoral. In the intervals between their use, the following absorbable tablets (lozenges) can be given: Lizobakt, Faringosept, Septolete, Decatilen, Sebidin, Trachisan, etc.

If the child is quite strong, then remove this unpleasant symptom, reduce local swelling, reduce inflammation, antihistamines help, such as: Diphenhydramine, Suprastin, Zirtek, Clemastin, Claritin, Telfast, Fenistil, Diazolin.

Decrease in body temperature is carried out by taking antipyretics. In pediatrics, the following drugs are used for this purpose: Nurofen, Ibuklin, Panadol, Paracetamol, Efferalgan, Paracetamol. The use of Aspirin (Acetylsalicylic acid) for children under seven years of age, due to the high risk of severe complications, is prohibited.

The treatment complex includes immunomodulators: Immunal, Ribomunil. Additionally, to strengthen the internal protective mechanisms, multivitamins with a predominance of antioxidants (vitamins A, E and C) are included in drug therapy.

Video: herpes - Dr. Komarovsky

Herpetic sore throat or herpes in the throat is a rare and insidious pathology. It does not occur so often, but when it appears, it develops very actively. Let's learn more about the main symptoms and causes of herpesvirus localization in the throat, as well as its treatment.

The reasons

To begin with, we will answer the question: “Can herpes be in the throat?”. The sore most often jumps up on the lip, often it affects other parts of the face and body. So the throat is not an obstacle for a herpetic infection.

The disease can cause 2 types of herpes - I and II:

  1. Herpes simplex virus type I. The most common causative agent of viral herpes on the oral mucosa. It provokes herpetic eruptions on the face. It happens when the bubbles on the lips burst and the virus penetrates the inside, then “spreads” throughout the oral cavity and throat in particular. It is also possible to penetrate the infection through the mucosa in the presence of microtraumas. Often children suffer from this disease - because of their habit of putting their hands in their mouths.
  2. Herpes simplex virus type II. The route of infection may be oral sex - direct contact of mucous membranes. Moreover, the carrier of the disease may not have a viral pathology, and the person may not know about it at all.

The resulting sore must be treated with special means

Herpes in the throat, as well as with other types of this disease, is more susceptible to people with weak immunity.

Factors that can provoke the appearance of the virus:

  • HIV or AIDS;
  • acute diseases of a viral or bacterial nature;
  • stress, negative emotions and overexertion;
  • bad habits;
  • traumatic injuries;
  • lack of regimen and proper sleep;
  • malnutrition;
  • taking medications (antibiotics, corticosteroids).

Symptoms and first signs

Now that we have learned whether there is herpes in the throat, we can find out how it manifests itself. Often sores in the mouth, formed in the throat on the back wall, on the palate or gums, can be confused with other ailments. Transparent or white vesicles can resemble in their manifestation a sore throat, stomatitis and many other diseases of an antibacterial nature. In children, the spectrum of diseases of the larynx is greater than in adults.

Main symptoms:

  • sore throat;
  • the appearance of a sensation as if something is in the way in the palate, in the larynx or on the back of the throat;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • redness and inflammation of the throat;
  • itching, burning, swelling;
  • enlargement of the lymph nodes.

Enlarged lymph nodes and sore throat are signs of herpes

During illness, children may experience seizures.

The patient has loss of appetite, irritability, lethargy, sleep disturbance, decreased performance. Due to the fact that the throat hurts, there are problems with eating: it becomes difficult to swallow, and food with pronounced tastes (salty or spicy food) can get into the lesions and cause burning and perspiration.

Herpetic eruptions on the tonsils can lead to signs of intoxication - cause nausea and vomiting. Sometimes the main symptoms are combined with trigeminal neuralgia, which is accompanied by shooting pain in the mouth and nose.

What herpes looks like in the throat can be seen in the photo.

Herpetic eruptions on the back of the throat, lips and tongue

How long is the disease period?

The disease lasts from 5 to 15 days. Vesicles in the throat are the primary manifestations, they become cloudy and turn white in a couple of days after the onset. Bubbles are not always recognizable, as they are covered with a white coating, which is more reminiscent of a fungal infection.

After 3-4 days, the bubbles burst and red sores form in their place. At this time, the healing period begins: the wounds are gradually covered with a white film, and with proper care, following all the doctor's instructions, they can disappear in 3-4 days.

With complications, recovery takes much longer. Herpesvirus is able to spread throughout the oral mucosa, affecting the palate, cheeks, gums, the inside of the lips and descend through the respiratory tract to the internal organs.

Herpes treatment at home

To date, there are many different means for the treatment of diseases of viral etiology. They are offered by specialists in traditional medicine and adherents of non-traditional methods of therapy.

It is worth remembering that treatment should be based on restoring the body and increasing immunity. Therefore, the patient must first of all be provided with bed rest, plenty of fluids and sparing nutrition (dishes should be warm, salty, spicy and sour foods should be excluded).

Let's find out how to treat herpes localized on the walls of the throat.

Immunity Boost Promotes Healing

Of the antiviral medications, the most commonly prescribed drugs are in tablet form. Since treatment with ointments and gels is difficult if the herpes has reached the throat.

But a variety of tablets can be affordable for everyone. - the cheapest of them, average price: 15 rubles. Other options - most often its derivatives and analogues for pharmacological action:

  • Valaciclovir;
  • Penciclovir;
  • Zovirax;
  • Virolex;
  • Gerpevir.

Resorbable tablets with antiseptic properties will help cure herpes: Pharyngosept, Septolete, Imudon.

In some cases, it is necessary to take antihistamines: Suprastin, Zirtek, Fenistil, Diazolin, Tsetrin. They are used to eliminate symptoms such as swelling and inflammation.

Groups of pills to fight herpes


Of the preparations for topical use, you can use sprays that have antiviral, antiseptic and analgesic effects. Based on patient reviews, Hexoral and Miramistin are considered the most effective. Well proven Oracept. It will help restore the immune system, accelerate the healing of sores and relieve itching, Panavir-Inlight spray.

Other medicines and homeopathy

Since the main cause of herpes lies in the weakening of the body's defenses, doctors prescribe immunostimulants. Usually these are interferon preparations (Viferon and Cycloferon) and interferon inducers (and Levamisole), immunoglobulins.

In acute cases of the disease and with frequent relapses, patients are prescribed an anti-herpes vaccine every six months.

In the treatment of herpes, homeopathy is also relevant. The disadvantage of homeopathic therapy is its duration. The drugs should be taken up to 2 months, and after a short break, repeat the course of treatment again. With herpetic symptoms in the throat, "Corrosive Buttercup" is prescribed.

herpes vaccine

The course and treatment regimen depends on the stage and severity of the affected areas.

How to get rid of herpes: folk remedies

Traditional medicine offers its own methods of treatment. Doctors strongly recommend that they be combined in combination with medications. Below are recipes for gargling.

A sage-based drug helps relieve pain and inflammation:

  • 1 st. l. sage pour 200 ml of boiling water;
  • let it brew for 2 hours;
  • strain and gargle.

Sage will help get rid of herpes

Collection of herbs

You can increase the effectiveness of rinsing by preparing a decoction of herbal ingredients that have various beneficial properties:

  • in equal proportions, prepare a mixture of chamomile, sage, plantain, calendula and mint;
  • 1 st. l. the resulting mixture pour 250 ml of boiling water;
  • put on fire, bring to a boil;
  • Let it simmer over medium heat for 10-15 minutes.

Gargle with a ready-made broth in a cooled and filtered form as often as possible.

Flaxseed has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and enveloping properties. To prepare a decoction of flaxseed, you need 1 tsp. raw materials pour 250 ml of boiling water and boil over medium heat for 10 minutes. It is necessary to perform the procedures with the help of a warm product received every hour.

A decoction of flax seeds helps with herpes in the throat

Flax decoction promotes healing, prevents the attachment of a bacterial infection, and also protects the mucous membrane of the mouth and larynx from thermal damage.

Treatment of herpes in the throat of a child

The herpes virus in the mouth of a child is treated in the same way as in adults: with the help of antiviral, immunomodulating, immunostimulating drugs and traditional medicine. Older children are advised to rinse their mouth with a solution of furacilin and decoctions of herbs. Since babies are not yet capable of such actions, their mothers treat their throats with gauze swabs. Which medicines are suitable for your child, the doctor must determine.

Improving the condition of the baby is facilitated by the intake of Nurofen and Panadol - they can eliminate the inflammatory process and relieve pain. Moreover, in children, the disease is often accompanied by a fever, so if necessary, these drugs can also lower the fever.

Treatment of a viral disease in children

What does Dr. Komarovsky say about the treatment of herpes in the throat? The virus lives in the body of every person, you can only get rid of its symptoms, but not from the herpes itself.

Herpes virus type 6

The situation looks worse in the case of herpes in the throat caused by a type 6 pathogen. Untimely access to a specialist can lead to complications. With a herpes infection of this type, all the same drugs should be taken. But treatment should take place in a hospital under the supervision of doctors.

So that you do not have to treat herpes - take care of your health in advance. Fresh air, walking, an active lifestyle, proper nutrition and hygiene can prevent the development of the disease.

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