New phone won't charge. What to do if your phone is not charging

Owners mobile phones often encounter the problem of not charging samsung phone. If you also encounter a similar situation and your Samsung has stopped charging, take immediate action. You shouldn't start this problem.

First, you can do the initial diagnosis yourself. Remember after what actions the mobile phone stopped working. If liquid gets into the device, then we do not recommend continuing to use it, since trying to charge it can damage the board. It is better to contact our service center for help, where they will diagnose and determine the cause of the breakdown.

Why does it say Samsung is not charging and what should I do? If your Samsung phone does not charge from a computer (computer) USB or charger, first you should check the cables themselves. If they are working properly, then the reasons may be as follows:

  1. The connector itself is faulty. In order for the device to work again, the part will have to be changed;
  2. The battery of a Samsung phone does not charge even if the connector is partially torn out from printed circuit board. In this case, it is necessary to do diagnostics in order to determine the extent of damage;
  3. The power controller is faulty. If it is truly damaged, then only replacing it will help;
  4. Samsung charges for a long time and slowly if the power circuit is faulty. This part includes many elements; in order to repair it, it is necessary to carry out diagnostics;
  5. approximately 5% is occupied by other problems. Such a breakdown can only be detected after diagnostics.

Why does my Samsung phone battery get very hot when charging?

If your Samsung gets hot, this is normal. During charging or talking, the Samsung heats up because there is increased energy consumption.

You should not repair your cell phone yourself, as this will only make things worse.

  • We issue a warranty for the entire device for any repair, and not just for the replaced part.
  • After repair, the device undergoes free quality control.
  • There are permanent discounts on repairs.
  • Spare parts are original.
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How much does it cost to diagnose a phone and how much does the battery cost for a 2016 Samsung A3?

Good day, Gulsara. Replacing the battery costs 1800, diagnostics are free.

Vadima Alexandrovich February 26, 2019 - 09:52 Samsung Galaxy s7 edge

The phone is not charging, most likely the reason is in the input, how much will a replacement cost?

Good day, Vadima Alexandrovich. Replacement costs 2000.

Sincerely, Administrator of the GrandFon SC.

Does not charge, the indicator blinks when charging. Charging occurs only when the battery is completely empty. Didn't drop it, didn't get it wet

Good afternoon, Rostislav. Bring it to us for diagnostics, we’ll figure out what the problem is.

Sincerely, Administrator of the GrandFon SC.

the phone shows 0%, shows that it is charging but only works on charging, I would like to know the price for repairs

Good afternoon, Oleg. The approximate cost of repairs is 2000.

Sincerely, Administrator of the GrandFon SC.

Cost of replacing the charging socket?

Good afternoon, Nikolay. Replacing the connector costs 1300.

Sincerely, Administrator of the GrandFon SC.

It turns off in the cold, what could be the problem. And I also put it on charge, it says that it is charging as it was at 4% and it stays, but it happens charging in progress.

Good day, Olesya. The problem may be with the battery.

Sincerely, Administrator of the GrandFon SC.

I put it on charge and it doesn’t respond to it.

Good afternoon, Vladislav. Connector repair from 1500.

Sincerely, Administrator of the GrandFon SC.

After updating the software, the phone stopped charging and turning on, is there an out-of-service way to revive it. If not, how much will the repair cost?

Good afternoon, Mikhail. I'm afraid that I'll have to take it to a service center; the cost of repairs will be 1300 or more, depending on the cause of the malfunction.

Sincerely, Administrator of the GrandFon SC.

The battery in the phone is not charging. However, the battery is fine.

Good day, Olga. There may be a problem in the power circuits, the approximate cost of repair is 1500

Sincerely, Administrator of the GrandFon SC.

In the cold the telephone turned off and will not turn on again. Before this there was a fall from a height of 20 cm onto the carpet. But after the fall he turned on. The technician said that the battery was supplying power somewhere, but something was preventing it from turning on; the computer did not see the device. The battery is charged and working.

Good day, Elena. Bring it in for diagnostics, it’s free.

Sincerely, Administrator of the GrandFon SC.

replace the charging connector on your phone, price and time?

Good afternoon, Fedor. Repair to connectors costs 1500, within a day.

Sincerely, Administrator of the GrandFon SC.

The phone suddenly stopped charging, the cable is fine. I would like to know the cost of replacement, the cost of spare parts. I would like to know the maximum price for repairing such a problem, taking into account the cost of the part and the cost of the work.

Hello, Vladislav. The cost of repairs could be 3000.

Sincerely, Administrator of the GrandFon SC.

Articles and Lifehacks

The man turned on his phone and found that phone battery is not charging? What to do? First of all, don’t panic and rush to find out, because every problem has its own solution and this situation is not at all an exception.

Reasons why your phone won't charge

Very often, the phone stops charging due to the fact that the socket into which the plug is inserted is loose (not too careful operation can lead to this mobile device). In addition, the contacts may be dirty, and, as is known, due to dirt they oxidize and conduct current poorly.

No less often, the phone stops charging due to the charger itself or the battery. Chargers break, as a rule, in the area of ​​the cable, which is often twisted, which leads to kinks. And the battery may stop working simply because its service life has expired, because even very good batteries For mobile phones, operating time is limited to three to four years of continuous use.

You should also not forget that if your phone battery does not charge, then you need to check the serviceability software your gadget. After all, as you know, modern smartphones run on some operating system and their system files can be infected by viruses. It is possible that this is what leads to problems with charging the battery.

What to do if your phone battery stops charging

If the phone does not charge, then first of all you need to check that the charger is working properly. You can do this by asking Charger from one of your friends or go to the store and try to connect the phone to a new charger. You can also look for where the cable breaks, but the easiest option is to buy a new one (especially since it is not that expensive). In this case, the user will lose the opportunity, but this is not needed very often.

If the problem lies in a faulty battery, then you need to either take the phone to a service center so that the technician can tell you what’s wrong with it, or go to the store and buy a new one.

Problems with software malfunction are solved depending on what caused them. If it is a virus, you will have to remove it, and if the system crashes, you will need to reset all factory settings and enter them again. The problem with the plug and socket should be solved by service center specialists, because “do-it-yourself repair” may not lead to anything good.

Finally, it should be said that sometimes the phone does not charge due to low voltage in the outlet itself, so you should not immediately panic and blame manufacturers for making low-quality products. Simply plug it into another outlet, and perhaps the problem will solve itself.

The worst thing that can happen to any phone is not being able to charge it. This is an autonomous device, which means the ability to store and accumulate charge is the main one for it; it is this that determines its performance. Therefore, every owner of such a device needs to know what to do if the phone does not charge. There may be several problems, both from the gadget itself and from the position of its charging. In this article we will look at the most common cases in which charging does not occur and will help you determine what to do about them.

The most common reasons

If you are unable to charge your phone, any action should be postponed until you become familiar with the most common problems that lead to this result. Knowing them, you can navigate the current state of affairs much more freely and eliminate the cause yourself and in the shortest possible time. Some of them:

  • Charging malfunction - broken cord, burnt-out elements in the power supply, mechanical damage.
  • Problems or burnout of the power controller.
  • Malfunction of the battery itself - swelling or loss of capacitive characteristics.
  • Problems at the software level - firmware failure or, more often, virus infection.
  • Dirty or heavily oxidized connector.

Each of these points can cause the phone to stop charging altogether. You can find out what is wrong with the charger by applying several diagnostic techniques in succession:

  1. Connect another charger to the phone that is not charging.
  2. Connect your native one to another phone.

In each case, you will have to wait a little before drawing conclusions. Some devices and charge controllers may take time to register changes rather than immediately, so the key here is to take your time. In the case of other problems, you will have to be patient and perform additional procedures.

Controller problems

They manifest themselves in the form of incorrect charge readings and oddities during its accumulation. There are several symptoms that will definitely point to the controller if there are problems with the charging process:

  • Incorrect charge level display. For example, with 10 percent, the phone can work for a whole day or turn off due to insufficient charge at 80 percent.
  • Incorrect registration of charge speed also occurs in both directions. It can charge from zero to 100 in 10 minutes or charge all night and not show even twenty percent.
  • Inability to charge above a certain value. As a rule, this is a rather large percentage, but the battery does not really accumulate a charge higher than this limit.

The reasons for this phenomenon can be either hardware or purely software. In the first case, there is no need to try to disassemble the phone and repair the controller. It's too difficult without special training, so it’s better to take your smartphone to a service center. In the second, battery calibrator programs will help, for example, Battery Calibration, which can be downloaded from Play Market. It will allow you to see the true charge level and help you get full capacity battery and then make the necessary changes to the system files by pressing the Battery Calibration button. A reboot will be required to save the changes.

Typical manifestations of battery failure

Most noticeable external sign that the battery is no longer usable – it is swollen. This means that the thermal effect of other components inside the case led to its failure. Only a battery that has overheated for a long time can behave this way. Other symptoms are similar to a controller malfunction, but if it is calibrated and working properly, the problem is definitely in the battery:

  • Incorrect charging speed.
  • The device is not fully charged.
  • Charging does not start at all, but the socket, controller and charger are known to be working.

In this case, you will have to replace the battery. If it is removable, it is enough to find an analogue at the local radio market or in stores that sell spare parts for phones. If not, you will have to take the phone to the service center and there a specialist will open it and replace the battery with a new one.

Software errors

Very often this reason appears, especially due to the fact that users like to experiment with installed applications and visit unreliable sites through a browser. The main symptoms of software problems, which can also be caused by viruses:

  • No charging indicator on the screen.
  • Freezes and slow phone operation.
  • A rapid discharge that appeared not over time, but suddenly.

All this can be eliminated by checking your phone for viruses with any antivirus from the Play Market. They all have the function of automatically scanning and cleaning infected files, which greatly speeds up the process of removing malware from the system. If this fails, you can try resetting the settings to default values. In this case, all user and program data, including malicious ones, will be erased from the device. It is worth noting that this method will not work if the phone does not charge due to the fact that the firmware itself is infected. Then you'll have to change it. If the user does not know how to do this on his own, it is better to contact a service center.

Connector dirty

To examine this problem, you need to arm yourself with a magnifying glass and a good lamp or flashlight. By holding the phone up to a light source, the user should see one of the following connector-related faults:

  • It is dirty or dusty.
  • Contacts have dark color or indistinguishable at all.
  • The nest is loose and does not sit tightly.
  • There are traces of moisture and its effect on the connector (corrosion).

Depending on the severity of the damage, you can fix it yourself or by contacting a service center. The user can clean the connector using a cotton swab wrapped around a needle and soaked in alcohol. This will remove dirt, corrosion and moisture accumulated inside. In some cases, the method also helps against oxidation of contacts.

If it is clear that the contact pad is deformed, the connector itself has changed shape or is wobbly in the socket, you will have to take the device to the service center in any case, since without full access to the system board and the broken contacts it is impossible to solder them in place.

Charging the battery without a charger

A method for checking the health of the battery itself without having to insert it into a compatible device. It is also suitable for those people who do not want to take the device to a service center and can afford to be out of touch in the evening and at night. To do this, you need a so-called “frog” - a charger that fixes the battery terminals opposite its own and connects to the outlet. The operating principle is as follows:

  1. Remove the battery from the smartphone.
  2. Place it in the “frog”, observing the polarity of the contacts.
  • Do not overheat the phone.
  • Don't drop it.
  • Make sure that the battery does not drain completely too often.
  • Use only compatible chargers. Too high or low charging current can damage both the connector and the battery.
  • Install an antivirus that can quickly and effectively repel all malicious attacks.

By observing such simple rules, you can be sure that situations where the phone does not charge will bypass you and it will last much longer. The most important thing in the operation of any electrical appliance is safety and careful attitude to him.

Owners of Android phones know that their favorite gadgets need to be charged once every 1-2 days - the intensity of use, low battery capacity and high energy consumption affect them. Sometimes users have problems with charging, which makes normal use of the equipment impossible. Android phone won't charge - what to do? Let's see if we can handle this problem on our own.

Troubleshooting problems with the charger

If your Android phone is not charging, try checking the functionality of the charger - they tend to fail. Any gadget that can be charged via a micro-USB port can be used for testing. We take the gadget, connect the charger to it and connect it to the electrical network.

If the charger is working properly, the gadget will charge. In some cases, the charger stops providing the current required for charging. For example, a phone consumes 500-600 mA, while the charger provides only 50-100 mA - to control the current you need to use a multimeter.

If you don’t have a multimeter, but you suspect that the charger you have is not charging as it should, try using a different charger (you can easily find 3-4 extra chargers in every home).

The fastest charge is provided by chargers from tablet PCs - they provide a high charge current, quickly filling the batteries with energy.

So, we have already done two main tests:

  • We checked the charger on another gadget;
  • We checked the charger from another gadget on the current phone.

If you find that the charger is faulty, you can try to localize the breakdown and even fix it - most often the plugs break here and the integrity of the conductors is compromised. To repair or not to repair is up to you, since in many cases it is easier to buy a new charger than to repair an old one.

Your Android phone won't charge even though the charger is working properly? Then you need to inspect the micro-USB connector - the contacts here are thin, they can oxidize, and dust can get into the socket itself. That's why The next task will be to inspect the connector and clean it.

Getting to the contacts will be problematic, so we cannot treat them with cotton wool and alcohol - there simply is not enough space to crawl under. Therefore, we take a piece of paper, fold it several times and try to clean the connector with the resulting sharp corner.

Instead of paper, you can use a thin toothpick. Clean carefully so as not to tear off the contacts in the connector.

After you finish cleaning the contacts, try connecting the charger and observe the results. If the problem was in the connector and the contacts were cleaned, the battery will begin charging. If this does not help, try contacting the nearest service center or repair shop.

Understanding the software

Is your Android phone not charging? This often happens when using various applications designed to save battery. They are built into operating system, control the charging process and unload unused applications from the device’s memory. Often their operation leads to software conflicts, which causes the charging circuit to stop working. Such a conflict is very easy to diagnose:

  • Turn off the phone;
  • Connect the charger;
  • We observe the reaction of the phone.

If the charge still flows when turned off, try removing apps that save battery power. We remove the software, clean it using Clean Master (or any other application), reboot and connect the charger again.

Battery problems

Why won't the battery charge on my Android phone? This is often due to the exhaustion of the battery life itself - it can withstand a maximum of 1000 charge/discharge cycles. With intensive use of the smartphone and inaccurate charging (every half an hour, sometimes 10 minutes in fits and starts), the resource runs out much faster.

Therefore, literally after one and a half to two years, the battery becomes unusable, no longer charging and no longer holding a charge. In this case, you need to replace the battery - it can be purchased at the nearest communication store or in one of the online stores. We do not recommend purchasing batteries in China (through Chinese online stores), as their quality may be very low.

It often happens that the phone does not charge, and this problem occurs on both old and new phones.

There are also situations when charging occurs, but very poorly, slowly, up to a day.

Why such problems arise and what to do to solve them will be discussed further.

Problem #1. Broken cable

Often, USB cables burn out, break at bends, or simply stop transmitting a signal.

Therefore, the first thing to do if the battery does not charge is simply check the charger cable.

If, for example, a defect is found on it, which is shown in Figure No. 1, you can try to manually press one end to the other or wrap the break with electrical tape.

You can also try taking a toothpick or a regular match and literally picking at the inside of the USB tip in those places shown in Figure 2 with arrows.

You can take a regular painting brush for this and walk it along the inner surface of the tip.

It is quite possible that the reason is that there is dust or some kind of debris inside.

No. 2. USB cable tip

To rule out this option, you need to try charging using a different charging cable. You may have to buy a new charger.

If the problem does not go away, then the problem does not depend on charging.

Problem #2. Phone connector

There is only one way to eliminate this option - charge the battery outside the phone itself.

For this purpose, there are special separate devices for charging batteries. An example of this is shown in Figure 4.

The same can be done using another phone that uses the same one. You can also use a homemade charger. It's very easy to make.

This could be two simple wires connected to the battery terminal (shown by the red arrow in Figure No. 5). You can attach them even with the most ordinary electrical tape.

The video at the end of the article explains this method in more detail.

Problem #3. Bad battery

Batteries tends to break down after long use. Therefore, you can install another battery and try to charge the phone again.

You can simply remove the battery and put it back in. There are times when this helps too.

Important! When you open the phone, feel the battery - it is quite possible that there are some irregularities, bulges or other deformations on it. This means that there is no point in trying to restore the battery - corrosion begins to do its job.

Then you definitely need to buy a new one, because otherwise other metal parts will begin to corrode.

If the phone does not have any curved decorative elements on the case, you can simply put it on the table and unscrew it.

If it twists, it means the battery is swollen and this causes some bulges to appear on the back cover.

A swollen battery looks as shown in Figure 6. Of course, it may not reach such a critical state, but if the swelling process has already begun, then it will not end.

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