Shadows for gray eyes and dark hair. Change eye color with makeup! Makeup for blondes with gray eyes

When creating daytime makeup, you should only take into account the main rule - it should not be too bright, so you should not use saturated shades, as well as mother-of-pearl and shiny shadows on the entire surface of the eyelids. The main task of daytime eye makeup is to add expressiveness to the look.

Natural makeup for gray eyes

The simplest version of daytime (everyday) makeup for gray eyes is natural, the main principle of which is minimalism in the use of cosmetic products, an emphasis on natural, natural beauty. The design of the eyes should be light and almost invisible.

Shades should not contain glitter or pearls. When choosing the color of the shadows, preference should be given to soft pastel colors - peach, sand, milky, cream. These shades give a fresh look. They can be combined, but it is better to use no more than two shades of shadows at the same time and shade them carefully to avoid clear boundaries. With natural makeup, eyeliner and contour pencil are not used.

Mascara when applying natural makeup can be black or dark brown - depending on the color of the hair and skin tone. It is applied in one thin layer from the middle of the eyelashes to the tips. Lower eyelashes with this type of makeup is better not to stain.

Day makeup rules for gray eyes

As already noted, day makeup for gray eyes should be light and discreet. Therefore, all products used should be applied in moderation. You should carefully approach the choice and their combination so as not to get intense contrasts.

In order to give gray eyes brightness and shine, you need to use white, milky or light pink shadows or a pencil. By the way, applying white shadows on the lower eyelid, you can visually enlarge the eyes, make the look more open.

When choosing a shade of shadows, you should focus on skin tone. Light-skinned women with gray eyes are more suitable for beige, golden, sand shades. Blue, gray, lilac and green shades are also acceptable, but subject to careful shading. To focus on the eyes of owners of dark skin, it is recommended to use metallic shades of shadows - gold, silver, bronze.

Very often, gray eyes have an additional pigment of a different shade - blue, blue, green. In this case, in order to emphasize the color of the eyes, it is recommended to use gray, blue and silver shades when creating a daytime makeup for gray-blue eyes, for blue-gray - lavender and grey colour, and for gray-green - emerald and light green.

Secrets of fashionable and beautiful makeup for gray eyes, optimal eyeshadow colors. Walkthrough applying makeup for different occasions.

The content of the article:

Gray eyes are unique in nature. There are an infinite number of shades and various patterns of the iris. The modern makeup industry offers a wide range of decorative cosmetics that emphasize the depth of the eyes and their attractiveness. Depending on the mood, the reason to put on any image and the time of day, there are several ways to apply makeup for gray eyes.

Features of a combination of shades for gray eyes

For gray-eyed beauties, the fashion industry has prepared a lot of different looks and MakeUp combinations with clothing style and hairstyle. To create beautiful make-up for gray eyes, you need to consider not only the color of the eyes, but also the color of the hair and skin. Also essential is the reason for creating makeup.

There are many ways to combine shades of shadows, but there are some mandatory points:

  • Suitable for a beautiful make-up various shades shadows, but you need to be very careful in combining colors. An unsuccessful combination will make the image ridiculous and pretentious.
  • We apply natural light colors (peach, pink, beige) to the middle of the eyelid, framing the crease of the moving eyelid with darker tones.
  • To create an amber effect, i.e. shadows, add mother-of-pearl.
  • When applying shadows, pay attention to the transition lines between the colors of the shadows, they should not be visible.
  • Excessive shading can also turn makeup into a shapeless stain.

How to do makeup step by step for gray eyes

Pure gray eyes are rare. The second, but no less important violin is in creating eye makeup (blue, green and brown). Consider the options for applying makeup, taking into account the shade of the eyes.

Doing makeup for gray-blue eyes

Correctly applied makeup will hide small imperfections around the eyes, open small eyes, give the desired shape and make the eyes expressive. The use of corrector, foundation, pencils, eyeliners for gray-blue eyes is acceptable. But everything should be appropriate and in moderation. Gray-blue eyes are most often light eyes, and expressive makeup with a bright palette of colors or the use of only dark shadows can be imprinted on the face with the effect of old age or pretentiousness.

Perfect matching colors shadows for gray-blue eyes are considered: gray-blue tones, blue and blue shadows, light shades of purple, pale pink shades, silvery shadows, metallic color, wet asphalt color, all shades of gold shadows. Also, when choosing shadows, it is worth considering the color of the skin and hair. For brown-haired women, dark colors of shadows are acceptable: chocolate and dark purple.

How to apply beautiful makeup step by step:

  1. Apply foundation to clean skin.
  2. Apply white or silver shades to the inner corner of the eye.
  3. On top of the light shadows, we apply brown shadows, with a red or brick tint.
  4. Shape the eye with a pencil or eyeliner.
  5. Paint over the eyelashes with mascara, do not forget about the eyebrows.

How to do makeup for gray-green eyes

Gray-green eyes in the associations of many people seem magical. And a girl with gray-green eyes can bewitch not only a young man, but also a girl. Therefore, the owners of gray-green eyes are always a mystery and an attractive force for others.

In this case, there are some features of applying makeup. To make the eyes brighter will help some tones of the shadows. An eyeshadow palette that matches gray-green eyes: a combination of brown shades with gold tones, purple, lilac, graphite tones, a silver palette, from light silver to metallic, beige tones.

Makeup instructions:

  • For long-lasting makeup, use a primer, it will help to better blend the shadows and prevent the shadows from rolling or crumbling.
  • With a pencil of any cold shade, for example, plum, draw a line on the upper eyelid, along the lash line. Blend the pencil line.
  • Apply a pearlescent shade with a pink tint to the brow area and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe inner corners of the eye.
  • Apply light lilac shadows on the moving eyelid.
  • To give the eye an almond shape, apply and blend dark purple eye shadow on the border of the crease of the mobile eyelid, moving towards the temples.
  • A white or light beige liner will help to brighten the white of the eye, draw the inner line of the eyelid with it.

Advice! Be careful with the shades you choose. The combination of blue and green colors is unacceptable. And purple shades will show even slight traces of fatigue.

Instructions for creating makeup for gray-brown eyes

The darkest eyes in this category, so the makeup palette has no boundaries. You can use shadows from the lightest shades to dark brown and graphite with a light heart. In this case, nature has already given expressive eyes to female representatives, and the degree of their emphasis depends only on the purpose of the event.

We offer to consider the most beautiful makeup for gray-brown eyes - amber:

  1. We paint over the eyelids with beige or flesh-colored shadows or powder them.
  2. We apply shadows, dark gray or dark silver. Shading them carefully, directing the brush to the top.
  3. On top of the shadows, we draw shadows of not very dark tones, blue or purple, you can use eggplant.
  4. We emphasize the thin line of eyelashes with a pencil, giving the desired shape to the eye.

Successful makeup for gray eyes depends not only on the shade of the eyes, but also on the time of day and destination. In the evening, make-up should be more expressive and rich. Everyday, on the contrary, is almost imperceptible.

Evening makeup for owners of gray eyes

Evening makeup involves playing a certain role, so you can experiment, change your usual style. In addition, evening makeup is a great opportunity to feel like a star. To do this, you can use almost any combination of shadows.

Instructions for performing evening makeup:

  • To make the makeup perfect, you need to carry out preparatory measures for the skin around the eyes. For this, it is necessary to apply a large number of liquid foundation, blend it well, give the skin a little time to absorb the tinting agent. The tone will even out and prepare the skin for applying shadows. Shadows will not crumble and will lie evenly.
  • Dark circles, spider veins, unwanted age spots are masked with a concealer. Make sure that there is no "mask" on the face. If after a few minutes the skin has absorbed the cream, and there is clearly an extra foundation, gently blot with a napkin. An excess amount of concealers can roll with shadows, this will ruin not only makeup, but also the mood for the whole evening. Then once again walk over the face with a brush or fingers.
  • We apply light shadows on the upper eyelid, for example, beige matte. Draw with dark shadows on the upper eyelid (outer corner) a horizontal V-line for a third of the eye. Blend a little. Walk along the lower lash line with the same shadows. Fill the middle of the triangle with shadows a tone lighter, directing the brush towards the inner corner of the eye. On top of the dark triangle, apply dark mother-of-pearl shadows. Emphasize the inner corners with light mother-of-pearl shadows.
  • We draw a line of eyes with a pencil or eyeliner, starting from the outer corners or from 2/3 of the upper lines of the eyelids. You can use a pencil in dark shades, shading it. Or complement it with purple or brown mother-of-pearl shadows.
  • We apply mascara. Fluffy and long enough eyelashes will complete the look. If the mascara fails to make the lashes desirable, it may be wise to stick a few lashes on the outer corner.
  • Lipstick can be a soft peach color or light pink shades. Remember that bright lipstick can make evening makeup vulgar and tasteless.
You need to be careful with bright, expressive shadows; when using them, it’s good if you first consulted with a competent makeup artist. Bright shadows can neutralize the beauty of the eyes, switching attention to the variegation of makeup.

Advice! Do not overdo it when blending the shadows, so as not to lose the clarity of the makeup. The main task when shading is to smooth the previous contour.

Day makeup for girls with gray eyes

The main goal of daytime makeup is fresh and beautiful view. At a young age, beauty and naturalness are a constant input. Therefore, the application of excess cosmetics, the use of bright, extravagant colors in daytime makeup is a bad form. For a great daytime makeup, minimalism is inherent.

A skillful combination of shades of shadows, an underlined expressive look will give confidence for the whole day. The combination of hair color, clothing style and perfect makeup will highlight your elegant and stylish look among the gray everyday life.

Daytime makeup for gray eyes is performed as follows:

  1. Apply foundation, the tone should be almost invisible. Rolled foundation or uneven application looks terrible. Choose a tone in the color of your skin, if you want to refresh the image a little, you can take a little lighter, better not yellow shades, but peach or pink.
  2. If necessary, hide all imperfections with a corrector. AT daylight, especially in sunny weather, all flaws will become visible.
  3. Using a light-colored pencil, draw a massive line along the lash line, blend it.
  4. Apply pearlescent shadows on top, a little darker than the shade. You can take dark graphite shadows, draw and blend a line on the moving eyelid.
  5. With the same tone, draw a line along the line of the eyelashes of the lower eyelid.
  6. To complement daytime makeup to give depth to the look, a drop of white or light beige shadows in the inner corners of the eyes will help.
  7. Apply mascara, make sure that the eyelashes do not look like tufts of dirt. Clumped eyelashes with lumps of mascara on them have no right to exist.
  8. lips in daytime it is better to paint over with a gloss of warm tones. Lipstick should not scream.
In daylight, special attention should be paid to the eyebrows. Makeup should begin with examining your eyebrows, destroying the excess, combing them. Then you can paint over gently, with dashed movements, forming the desired shape.

Another attribute of daytime makeup that gives radiance to the eyes is good mood and sincere smile. Believe that this day will bring you success, glow positively from this thought.

How to do everyday makeup for gray eyes

The art of looking your best every day is an understandable science. You can look good every day by following our instructions:
  • Girls with gray eyes and blond hair are strongly discouraged from using dark eyeliner. To shape the eyes, use light-colored pencils, perhaps in different color. If you have small eyes, then forget about eyeliner altogether. It visually reduces the eyes even more.
  • It is absolutely not necessary to use shadows every day for a great look. To do this, you can use only a pencil, light colors. For example, metallic color or silver-blue. By drawing a line and shading it, you get an excellent make-up. Also emphasize the lower eyelid along the lash line.
Looking great every day will help a balanced diet and a moderate pace of work and rest. No matter how well you apply makeup, red eyes from lack of sleep and dark bags under the eyes will not be able to give freshness and beauty to the image.

For everyday make-up, it may be enough to slightly shade the moving eyelid and a little upper eyelid with light shadows, outlining the eyebrows with light pencil movements.

Smokey eye makeup tutorial for gray eyes

Makeup in the style of smokey ice is suitable for both daytime makeup and evening makeup. Depending on the time of day, the predominance of calm shades and more saturated ones varies.

The application technique is as follows:

  1. Even out skin tone.
  2. As close as possible to the eyelashes, we bring the eyes with a dark pencil.
  3. Shade carefully, using a small and dense brush, you can use a small sponge.
  4. We impose shadows of dark tones, on the borders from the lash line to the crease of the mobile eyelid, moving with a brush to the outer corner of the eye.
  5. We shade with light shadows from the inner corner of the eye to the middle of the eyelid, we strive somewhat towards the top. All border crossings must be leveled. But the eye should not look like a shapeless spot. Despite the necessary thorough shading, makeup should be rich and clear.
  6. On the lower eyelid we impose a transitional tone of the shadows.
  7. We touch the inner corners of the eyes with light mother-of-pearl shadows.
  8. Apply bulk mascara.

Advice! Smoky makeup can be easily spoiled by obtrusive, bright lips and the use of bright blush. Blush should be taken soft pink and slightly touch their cheekbones.

Every beauty can make a beautiful make-up at home, and our tips will help with this. Fulfilling simple rules professionals, you will always be on top:
  • To make makeup resistant and even will help such cosmetics like a concealer or primer. Do not ignore the simple rules of makeup artists, and your MakeUp will not let you down even in extreme conditions.
  • For even application, be sure to use a tonal foundation. But at the same time, avoid excess amounts of tinting agents. With their excess, tonal products can roll up and ruin makeup.
  • An eyeliner will help complete the look. With its help, we form the shape of the eye, for example, almond-shaped. You can outline the eyes with a pencil with a wide line, then shade it. And you can use a thin line, making the image elegant and sophisticated. For the stability of the makeup, the pencil needs to be powdered after application, apply shadows of the same tone on top.
  • Perfect eyebrows are an essential part of flawless makeup. After combing the eyebrows with a brush, you need to paint over them with eyebrow gel or shape them with a pencil or shadows.
  • Lips are the object that everyone pays attention to. Using lipstick is not enough to achieve a great result. Periodic use of scrub and moisturizers will make lips flawless. Lip gloss or lipstick will be the final touch to your look.
  • Experiment with looks, go beyond the usual, but do not forget that elegance and femininity are the main indicators of beauty.
How to do makeup for gray eyes - look at the video:

Looking charming for women with gray eyes, without the daily services of a makeup artist, is easy! Naturalness, femininity and professional make-up tricks - what a real sorceress needs!

Owners of gray eyes have a large number of opportunities to make a beautiful make-up. Before proceeding to the procedure for applying cosmetics, you need to find out suitable shades. Thanks to this, you can make an amazing daytime makeup for gray eyes. step by step photo and detailed recommendations will help you easily perform these manipulations at home.

Suitable shades for gray eyes

The main value in creating daytime makeup is the color of the shadows, eyeliner, pencil or mascara. After all, it depends on the right chosen palette how expressive the look will become. in addition, bright and catchy tones are not acceptable in creating an everyday look. Makeup artists recommend choosing discreet shades for gray eyes. But at the same time, they do not have to be boring and faded.

So what colors of cosmetics should be used for natural makeup of gray eyes? Stylists recommend trying the following palette:

  • lilac;
  • pink;
  • dark blue;
  • silver;
  • brown;
  • graphite;
  • beige;
  • olive;
  • emerald.

The above range can be used as the main tone, or be combined with other colors. Daytime make-up should not contain excessively dark lines and smoky-eye strokes. It is better to replace it with smooth transitions, carefully shading the shadows. Experts advise using both matte products and mother-of-pearl shadows in makeup. These consistencies will ideally complement the make-up.

How to do daytime makeup for gray eyes - step by step photo

To create a beautiful image, you can prepare shadows of two shades. One tone will be used as a base, it will be light. With the help of a dark color, you can give the make-up the main accent. A step-by-step photo will help you navigate the stages of work.

For a daily look, you need to prepare all the accessories:

  1. Throughout the upper eyelid, it is necessary to distribute the cream or a special makeup base.
  2. We apply shadows of a natural beige shade on the upper part.
  3. Black underwater should be applied neat and even line along the upper lash line.
  4. With the help of eyeliner, it is necessary to highlight the lower eyelid in the same way.
  5. Dark gray shadows are applied to the outer corner of the eye.
  6. We shade cosmetics with a special brush.
  7. The final step is to apply mascara.

Step-by-step photos for creating makeup in pink and green tones

Girls who have light eyelashes are advised to lightly tint with mascara and lower eyelashes. For these purposes, you can choose a lengthening or voluminous agent. Such simple and accessible manipulations with step-by-step instructions will allow you to make beautiful daytime makeup for gray eyes.

Before starting to create stylish look, it is recommended to pay attention to the eyebrows. After all, unkempt arcs and irregular shape can negatively affect the entire image. will help create spectacular lines for gray eyes.

The content of the article

To say that gray eyes are universal is to say nothing. There can be many edemas of gray eyes - with green, blue, brown patches, with a dark rim and a metallic tint, and so on. At the same time, each of their owners will be sure that her color is unique. But as for the selection of a color palette, such eyes are universal in this. And yet, choosing which one can be done, it is worth considering what skin color and hair color you have.

Ideal colors for gray eyes

A perfectly matched color for gray eye makeup is one that will emphasize all their beauty. To do this correctly, you need to focus on the shades of the eyes. So, if the eyes have a blue tint, then gray-blue, slightly purple, pink or golden colors are perfect for them. Remember that it is not recommended to choose shadows that will completely match the color of the iris, which will simply “get lost” against such a background. For gray-blue eyes, mother-of-pearl shadows are perfect.

With dark gray eyes for makeup, you should choose silver and dark blue shades. With a “warm” color type of appearance, you can use a dark chocolate palette of shadows. Makeup artists recommend that women with gray eyes do complex makeup using several shades of different colors.

If gray eyes with a green tint, then you can use shades of brown shades with a golden or copper tint. Also, such eyes go well with purple, lilac, silver and graphite colors.

Do not forget to consider the color of the hair when choosing the color of the shadows. For example, gray-eyed blondes can choose brown, beige, silver and gray shades, and brunettes - lilac, purple and dark blue shades.

Contour eyeliner in gray

Contour eyeliner in gray is selected in the style of the overall color scheme of the image. To prevent gray eyes from fading against the background of a bright contour, you should not let them down with a very dark eyeliner. The right choice of color is the key to effective makeup. For example, brown and dark gray or blue eyeliner is suitable for warm hair and skin color. If eye makeup is done with metallic shades, then a dark blue pencil will be combined, and a chocolate contour will be combined with a warm beige-brown range.

For a natural make-up (without the use of shadows), you should use a light pearlescent pencil and draw a contour with it along the growth of the upper eyelashes. For daytime makeup, it is recommended to completely abandon dark eyeliner. In addition, it is also not worth using the contour for fair-haired girls and with small eyes.

How to give gray eyes any shade

Gray eyes are excellent material for a fantasy flight. They have unique properties - changing the color of the iris depending on the color of the shadows. Such properties can be used to create any type of makeup.

For example, if you want to give your gray eyes a marine tint, then you need to apply dark blue shadows on the upper movable eyelid, and sand or orange on the lower one. To create a blue or green tint, use eye shadow and a pencil of a similar color. Remember, you should not do makeup in one tone. It is recommended to apply the selected color on the upper eyelid, and emphasize the lower lash line with shadows of contrasting shades.

To make the look more expressive and bright, you need to bring the lower eyelid with a dark blue pencil, and the inner corner with white. Experts use this technique to create for gray eyes, which will visually expand the eyes and emphasize depth.

Day makeup for gray eyes. Step-by-step instruction

Day makeup for grays should be natural and simple. When creating it, you do not need to use a lot of cosmetics. However, the main rule still remains to correctly combine shades with the color of hair, skin and outfit. Makeup begins according to tradition - with the alignment of skin tone, the color must be selected to match the skin tone.

Knowing secrets of daily makeup for gray eyes, it can be done easily. Fashion offers step by step instructions such makeup.

1. On the upper eyelid, draw a thick line along the growth of eyelashes with a silver pencil.
2. Blend the drawn line towards the crease of the eyelid with graphite-colored shadows, bring the lower eyelid (from its middle) to the lower eyelid with the same color.
3. Apply white shadows to the corner of the eye near the bridge of the nose and blend the borders.
4. Eyelashes, if desired, can be twisted, and then apply blue or gray mascara in several layers.
5. Use a light lip gloss or natural lipstick.
Take care of the correct shape of the eyebrows in advance, otherwise the effect of the makeup will be spoiled.

Evening gray eye makeup step by step

The choice of color palette for gray eye makeup is quite diverse, so it is recommended to decide on the main color and create your own unique look.

Consider a step-by-step version of evening makeup for gray eyes, on the basis of which you can experiment.

Owners of gray eyes can not limit themselves and use everything existing colors and makeup techniques. This iris shade is versatile and allows you to experiment and amaze in a new way every day. Makeup for gray eyes is different depending on whether it is a day or evening option. Everyday make-up should be light, not focus on yourself a lot of attention, but only gently emphasize the dignity of the girl. Creating an evening look, you can make up your eyes and lips with bright mother-of-pearl shadows, use sparkles and shimmer.

Surprisingly, pure gray is not common. More common options are blotches of green (autumn color type) or blue (summer color type). These features must be taken into account when performing step-by-step makeup for gray eyes in order to correctly present the beauty and charming attractiveness of the girl.

What shadows are suitable for gray eyes

Although gray shade iris and combined with any shadows that completely match the color of the eyes, the tones are not recommended. If you do makeup for gray eyes with ashy shadows, your face will appear tired and painful. However, light silver shades are not prohibited. They will beautifully highlight the depth and mystery of the eyes, help make make-up easy and unobtrusive.

To choose the optimal color for gray-blue eyes, you need to take into account their shade:

Makeup for gray eyes with a blue tint is not recommended for orange, red, caustic green and yellow shadows.

  • Grey-green eyes go well with warm undertones. Makeup for gray eyes with a green tint can be done with peach, coral, milk, cream, yellow, brown shadows. For this type of appearance, cold gray and charcoal black should be avoided.
  • Gray eyes with brown patches are a real gift from nature. Shades of dark olive, chocolate, dark gray will help to beautifully emphasize their originality.
  • Makeup for gray eyes without inclusions can be done in any color scheme. In this case, it will be correct to take into account the outfit and the reason for doing the make-up.

Makeup for gray eyes is almost impossible to do without the use of a contour pencil or eyeliner. By itself, the color of the eyes is not very bright, so a black, dark blue and brown pencil will help to correctly highlight their outline.

Makeup for every day for gray eyes

Day makeup step by step

At work, meetings and negotiations, a woman should still remain beautiful. Emphasize beauty, tenderness and charm will help natural makeup for gray eyes. Performing a business make-up is a jewelry job, the skills of which need to be honed. Proper daytime makeup is so light that it is almost invisible to the naked eye. The nude technique is very successful, but it is not necessary to limit yourself to only beige. You can beautifully make up your eyes with light blue, turquoise or light gray shadows.

The following step-by-step plan will help you make the right daytime makeup for gray eyes:

To make a daytime make-up look really beautiful, it must be natural and soft. You need to practice shading, as well as choose light matte shadows.

Indian look and makeup

Features of oriental makeup

For going out or a stylized party, you can make an Indian make-up. It is too bright and not suitable for every day, but as an evening make-up it can be one of the most successful options for large and mysterious gray eyes. Indian make-up has the following distinctive characteristics:

  • Emphasis on eyes and lips at the same time;
  • Dark skin;
  • The presence of a special point on the forehead - bindi.

If you have naturally fair skin, use a self-tanner or a dark-colored foundation.

Indian make-up for gray eyes step by step:

  1. Cleanse the skin of the face with cosmetic milk or tonic.
  2. Apply moisturizer.
  3. Cover imperfections with concealer and then apply foundation.
  4. If the foundation is significantly different from the skin tone, it will be right to make up the neck as well so that there is no sharp transition.
  5. Make up the eyes with two shades of shadows. If the make-up is performed in brown tones, a lighter beige shade is applied to the entire surface of the eyelid, and a moving crease is gently emphasized with dark chocolate.
  6. Make up the upper and lower eyelids with black eyeliner or a pencil, connecting the lines at the outer corner of the eye and drawing an arrow.
  7. The eyes must be emphasized especially expressively. To do this, apply 2-3 layers of lengthening mascara to the eyelashes.
  8. Make up your lips with a contour pencil, and then with bright lipstick.
  9. Blush in a neutral shade to emphasize the cheekbones.
  10. Draw a bindi on the forehead.

It is not necessary to perform an Indian make-up in brown tones. You can emphasize the depth and mystery of gray eyes with shades of golden, yellow, green. In order to make up the lips, it is better to use red or rich coral lipstick.

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