How to write a presentation on a computer. How to make a presentation - step by step guide. Designing a presentation in Word

The presentation is a speaker's lecture accompanied by a slide show. Presentations successfully combine the impressions of textual content and visual imagery. As a result, the effect increases dramatically compared to if the listeners perceived only speech information.

The property of a presentation to attract the attention of listeners makes such conferences an effective tool in marketing, education, and design. One can easily imagine how much better the lecture material will be perceived if the students not only listen to the monotonous voice of the teacher, but also see an exciting show on the topic of the lesson in front of them.

Presentations are often used to present the contractor's vision of the project in the competitive selection process. It is clear that it is a high-quality presentation that allows you to get a profitable client.

Presentation Software

There is a variety of software with which even people who are poorly versed in the art of design and directing can create spectacular presentations. Creating a presentation using such a program can be compared to assembling certain items in a constructor from finished parts.

The user does not need to draw something on their own, but only select and arrange suitable objects. Such a compilation is additionally processed with special effects and as a result professional level product.

The best programs for working on creating presentations are the following:

  • Libre Office Impress
  • Serif Draw Plus
  • Adobe Presentation
  • Flash Presentations

In addition to Libre Office, all other programs are paid and cost quite large amounts of money. However, the capabilities of these commercial applications are an order of magnitude higher than freely distributed software. Free programs are best used for learning at the initial stage.

When a designer has to make presentations to make money, it quickly comes to understand how free programs are not provided and are inconvenient for professional work.

The procedure and features of creating a presentation

It should be remembered that the slide show serves to enhance the impression, attract attention and facilitate understanding of the verbal information presented by the lecturer.

Therefore, the text is written first, and based on the structure of the text, a presentation script is developed. The text is segmented into semantic pieces and the optimal format of visual accompaniment is selected for each episode.

  • The photo.
  • Graph or chart.
  • Infographics.
  • Animation.
  • Video.

After developing the main base - a lecture plus a visual range, it is advisable to test the initial version and see visually - what and where you can add special effects, transitions. And should it be done.

You should not overload the visuals with special effects, otherwise the listeners will turn into spectators and enjoy the beauties of the animation, and the presenter's text will recede into the background. The thing is that it is textual information that is the main content, and visual accompaniment is an intensifying background. You should not turn a side dish into a main dish.

Particular attention should be paid to the inclusion of text fragments in slides and animations. People came to the presentation to listen to the lecturer, and not to read sheets of text on the screen - this can be done at home on a computer, via the Internet.

The text in the slides serves only to mark the key points of the story. After the final revision of the text-visual series, sound accompaniment is added. Strictly dosed and only where it is really needed.

Using Templates

Creating presentations based on ready-made templates not only greatly simplifies the workflow, but also makes it easier for viewers to perceive the program. The bottom line is that people also perceive the world in the format of habitual patterns and pay more attention to things that are constantly present in their everyday world.

If some non-standard images appear on the screen, the listeners simply will not be able to understand what is at stake. Anything unusual requires considerable effort to understand. And most people try to just ignore too much new information so as not to overload the brain.

All of these programs include ready-made templates for presentations on literally any topic. And new options are constantly emerging.

The presentation designer does not need to manually adjust each element and adjust it to the logic of the narrative development. Having chosen a suitable template, all that remains is to fill in the finished slides with your thematic images, videos, and the product is ready for use.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint

Let's figure out how to create a presentation on a computer in Microsoft PowerPoint.

Step one. Open Microsoft PowerPoint and choose a presentation theme.

Step two. I chose the first topic that came across - "Ion (conference room)". You must complete the title page. It is also the first slide of your presentation. We click the mouse in the text input area and write the name of our presentation. If the title is long and the text does not fit, the font can be reduced. As a result, we get a “title page”, the first slide.

Step three. Adding a new slide. To do this, click the "Create Slide" button located at the top left and select the slide format that we need. I chose the "Comparison" format, because I want to compare last year's performance and current. Enter the slide title again. It should briefly describe the theme of the slide. Next, we fill in what we will compare. In my case, 2 columns with headings and a data entry field. In this field, you can select the required data format from the available options: table, chart, graphic element SmartArt, drawing, image from the Internet, video. I insert a table and fill in the indicators. This results in the following slide:

Step four. Let's add another slide. Graphic information looks good in the presentation. And PowerPoint has great possibilities for adding graphic data. Press the button indicated by the arrow in the picture:

And insert a three-dimensional pie chart into the third slide. A table appears in which you can enter data. Next, select a chart style and fill in the title. We have the third slide.

Step five. We add a few more slides with all the information that you want to convey to the audience, and then we make the final slide with information about the speaker and the text "Thank you for your attention." The presentation is ready.

To be able to correctly present your work is a high art. That is why it is so important to know the intricacies of creating a presentation on a computer. But if you have never met this “beast” before, we will tell you in detail and show you how to make a presentation in Word (as well as in powerpoint) with step-by-step instructions.

What kind of presentation can you make yourself?

In the office suite (namely Microsoft Power Point), which most likely all students have already mastered, you can make a very decent presentation - from several sheets (slides), with sound effects, with graphs and diagrams.

But before starting work, you will have to stock up on the most necessary things - without which no presentation will work:

  • high-quality text - it is better to write it yourself, taking into account the characteristics of the audience in front of which you will make your presentation. A little humor (the main thing is not to overdo it) and beautiful design- and the presentation will be held on "Hurrah"!
  • high-quality pictures, graphs, charts, diagrams - it is best to use personal photos or drawings. But if there are none, feel free to use stock images with good resolution. If you don't know which program is better for making drawings for a presentation on a computer, use graph - it does a great job of drawing graphs. If all this is too difficult for you - ok: take a piece of paper and a pen, draw yourself, take pictures and insert into the presentation as a drawing!
  • video (if necessary). If you do not know how to shoot high-quality videos, then it is better not to use them at all. In addition to filming, you also need to be able to process the footage well. However, long live youtube, where you can find a lot of everything useful and already filmed by someone.

And of course, the most important thing you need to make a presentation in powerpoint is a plan! No matter how beautifully your own presentation appears in your thoughts, without a plan and a logical sequence of thoughts, it will be just a set of text, pictures and graphs. Think carefully about your target audience, as well as the time in which you will have to meet.

An invaluable tutorial on how to make a presentation in powerpoint

Here you can create and delete slides, swap them if necessary, set titles for them.

If you're unhappy with the presentation view you've set, play around with your slide layouts. Just click on the slide with the right mouse button on the slide itself. Actions will appear on the left, where select the "layout\..." setting

Now is the time to work on appearance powerpoint presentations. You can select a theme by opening themes - find the "Design" button in the toolbar and select "Themes" there.

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See how the presentation changed immediately? Now let's move on to the content of the slides.

After you have selected the desired type of chart, the program will open a window for you in which you will need to enter the main indicators for display in the presentation. Here's what it will look like:

It is also easy to work with tables - in the tools, select "Insert / Tables", immediately select right amount rows and columns (everything is like in a Word) and fill in to your health!

We agree to the condition of the program that while viewing the slide, the video will play automatically and that's it.

You can also play with different types animation, framing and other "chips", but we are considering the basic creation, so some other time.

  1. Direct Presentation Presentation. To start viewing your presentation, just launch it and press F5. You can also start the presentation, click "Slide Show" and select "Start show again."

So you have created the simplest, but quite nice presentation that will help you achieve the desired effect. If you don’t have the opportunity (well, say, a computer) or time to do it yourself in Power Point, you can always ask for help from!

Our age is the age of computer technology, a time when everything goes digital and is created on a computer. Today, at various events, it is no longer enough just to talk about your idea, you need to present it as best as possible. Presentations made on the computer began to open up new possibilities, for which they gained their immense popularity. Today, we will teach you how to create interesting presentation in Powerpoint (part of the Microsoft Office suite).

1. In order not to lose the attention of the audience, try to make the presentation not very large.

2. Choose the right size, color and font that will be visible and understandable to everyone.

3. Use no more than 25 words per slide.

4. The background of the slides should not merge with the color of the text.

5. Check spelling.

Instruction. How to make a presentation in powerpoint?

Step #1. Properly prepare the information that you want to present through the presentation. Do not forget that this is an addition to your report, not a replacement.

Step #2. We start the program.

Step #3. To create a presentation, click: “File → New → New presentation”.

Step number 4. You can decorate your presentation using the Design → Themes function. Among the proposed topics, you can choose the most suitable for the topic of your presentation.

Step number 5. All entered information can be edited by changing the font, color and size of the text.

Step number 6. You can also place the information you need in the form of graphs, diagrams, tables, pictures and other things.

Using the Insert tab.

Step number 7. How to make a presentation with music? As well as graphic files, you can also add music by setting all the playback settings. In the Insert tab, click Media Clips, then Sound. After that, a dialog box pops up, through which we select the audio file you need.

Step number 8. Each inscription or picture can be embellished a little by adding an animation effect. Animation tab, after selecting any element.

Step number 9. We make switching slides more beautiful, use the "Transition to the next slide" function in the "Animation" tab. The program offers more than a dozen transitions, the choice is yours!

In this article I will briefly talk about how to make a presentation on a computer. By the way, hello everyone! Our time is a computer age, a time when almost everything is converted into an electronic format and formed in the memory of computer technology.

Today, at various events, it will not be enough to simply talk about your project, this idea must be presented in best light.

Presentations created on a PC open up these opportunities for you, and this is precisely what led to their wide popularity. This article will teach you how to create an entertaining and attractive presentation using the PowerPoint software (which comes with the main Microsoft Office suite).

How to make a presentation on a computer? Here are some tips:

To learn how to make a presentation on a computer, read on carefully. If you don't want your audience's attention to wander, try not to clutter your presentation.

  1. Properly selected size, style and font are the main factors that you should pay attention to. They are responsible for the clarity and accessibility of the knowledge that you present.
  2. The maximum number of words per slide is 25.
  3. Choose a background that will be different from the color of the text content.
  4. Don't let it.

The instructions for using the PowerPoint software product are described below.

1. First of all, prepare all the information you need to include in your presentation. Remember that it acts only in addition to the report itself, and is not a full replacement for it.

2. Open PowerPoint.

3. To create a presentation, click on the "File" tab, then "Create" and "New presentation".

4. For decoration, you can use an entertaining function by going to the "Design", "Themes" section. Among the available topics, select the most suitable one, taking into account the topic of your report.

5. You can correct all the entered information, change the text font, its color and size.

6. In addition, you have the opportunity to arrange the necessary information using various graphics, diagrams and much more.

Using the Insert tab.

1. As well as any other graphic information, you can insert. You have the option to add a melody by setting the playback settings. Click on the "Media Clips" tab, "Sound". As a result, a dialog box will appear, with which you can select the desired music file.

2. All text lines or images can be slightly embellished using a special animation effect, it is activated in the Animation tab.

3. Switch slides gracefully. To do this, you need to use the "Go to the next slide" function, which is also located in the "Animation" tab. PowerPoint provides more than a dozen transition options to choose from, you just have to choose the best one.

4. Once you've created your long-awaited presentation, it's a good idea to review it. To do this, press the F 5 key or click on the "File", "Print" and "Preview" tabs.

On a note! I recently wrote a very interesting articles and told or. And I also spoke. Be sure to read all of these articles.

I will end up with this! I hope you understand how to make a presentation on a computer. Do not forget to enter your email under the article and receive new lessons from me by mail. I also look forward to your questions and suggestions in the comments. Peace and goodness to all!

With Uv. Evgeny Kryzhanovsky

Presentation required in different areas life, in a very different society, between different people. The presentation will help to make an advertisement for a new product, a gift with congratulations, a fairy tale for a child, show the presentation part thesis and much more. The main thing is to want to work on yourself, strive for the best and achieve your goals. If you don't know how presentations are created, you just need to understand how to learn how to make presentations, with what program and, in fact, try to make it. Don't be alarmed if something doesn't work at first, it's due to inexperience, although after a couple of minutes of working on the presentation, you will quickly get involved in the process and everything will definitely work out.

In the presentation, you can use photographs, pictures, tables, drawings, diagrams, etc. As a result, you will get a video, which is a presentation. Today, presentations are popular even at home, when you want to “lure” family members to your side, captivate with some idea, etc. In addition, a computer presentation is always much more interesting simple stories or persuasion. With the help of a presentation, you can invite friends to a celebration by sending out finished presentation with an invitation to each of the potential guests by e-mail.

Presentation program.

Let's say you decide to be a part of modern society and now you are interested not only in the process of creating the video presentation itself, but, first of all, in which program to make the presentation. Indeed, to make a presentation, you must first find a program on which you can make the desired video presentation. There are several such programs, but, of course, there are the most popular ones. Among the most common programs:

However, in addition to these programs, there are less well-known ones where it is also possible to make video presentations:

  • king soft Presentation,
  • openoffice,
  • LibreOffice Impress.

These programs are free, but there are those that you have to buy in addition to PowerPoint, these are:

  1. mediator,
  2. twin player,
  3. Macromedia Director MX,
  4. DemoShield.

If you already have an office suite from Microsoft on your computer, then you will also get a presentation creation program for free. If there is no such package as Microsoft Office, it will need to be purchased in order to use PowerPoint. Or you can download it for free on the official website Windows program movie maker. They are very different from each other, but very easy to use, so even a child will figure it out.

We create a presentation.

So, it's time to learn how to make presentations on the computer. The first thing to do is decide on a program. Most Russians have the Microsoft Office suite (installed on their computer before purchase as a gift from Microsoft), so we will consider creating a presentation using PowerPoint.

  1. Think over your presentation, arrange it in paper form. The presentation should reflect the purpose, features in relation to the audience, content. Also think in advance how long the presentation will last;
  2. Launch the PowerPoint program. The first slide will immediately appear in front of you, there will be a narrow column on the left, here you can view existing slides, add new ones and delete unnecessary ones. To create a slide, in the top bar on the right, click Create Slide. You can change a specific slide layout, at least one for the entire presentation, at least a few, at least make everything the same;
  3. Choose the appropriate new presentation template to your liking. To do this, click "Office-Create-Templates-Empty and recent-New presentation". Here, choose the appropriate template (modern, classic, widescreen, etc.);
  4. Choose the perfect slides for your presentation. In order to select them, follow the "Design-Themes-Slides" scheme. It remains only to select the desired slides, and then confirm the choice by clicking on "Apply". By the way, you can change the default theme using the "Background Styles", "Colors", "Effects" functions;
  5. Pick up desired font: size, name, color, etc.;
  6. Insert the necessary photos, diagrams or graphics into the slide using the "Insert - Illustrations";
  7. Add music to your presentation via "Insert-Media Clips-Sound-Sound from File". Set how the music will be played "Working with sound-Sound options";
  8. Select the slide transition effect by "Animation - Transition to the next slide", set the same "Animation - Transition to the next slide - Transition speed";
  9. View the presentation and save it to the desired folder.

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