How to make a photobook in photoshop. DIY photobook: beautiful design of unforgettable moments of life

Many interesting and unusual household items are sold in stores. But to make a thing with your own hands in order to please yourself and loved ones, while knowing that no one else has such a unique product, is much more pleasant.

Unusual book of memories

AT recent times all more people they try to create a photo book with their own hands so that bright memories of the irretrievably flowing moments of life remain. And I no longer want to lay out the photographs in a boring, unremarkable, stereotypical photo album, but I want it to be completely different - elegant and beautifully designed.

Available in specialized stores a large number of decorative elements to create your own work. But before you buy everything you need, you definitely need to decide which topic will dominate. Or maybe a do-it-yourself photo book will be dedicated to a single event?

This fact is important, because then it is possible to clearly define:

  • what materials for binding and decor will be needed;
  • what is useful for background decoration;
  • how to decide on the choice of texts.

Most often, making a photo book with your own hands is caused by important events, for example, the birth of a child, an anniversary both in personal life and in a work team, a wedding. And even an ordinary country trip can be imprinted forever if a whole book dedicated to a short trip appears.

Number of pages

When the event and theme are determined, you need to pick up all the items that will be needed during work. The number of pages in the photo book must also be determined in advance and take a little more - all of a sudden you have to add photos. Sheet sizes also matter and are selected according to the size of the photographs.

All photographs are selected in advance, the texts for them must also be selected. The most elementary material for the pages of a photobook should be dense sheets. The main thing is to decide how to place the pictures. It will be necessary to experiment, putting a photo on paper. It will take quite a lot of time for this procedure, but then the finished album will turn out at a decent level.

Can different ways attach picture:

  • The usual method, but the photo will take the entire spread, or you will have to cut the edges. You can give photos an unusual shape using one or more templates for this.
  • Frame each picture, decorating each with an exquisite pattern. But the frames will also require certain conditions, since you should decide what thickness should be, what color shades will look most harmonious.

An original do-it-yourself photobook is obtained when a two-page layout is used, on the first half, allocating space for a photograph, and using the second for a witty text or poem. But you can put a lot of photos on the spread - this is how fantasy tells. An important condition: do it in such a way that you don’t get a thoughtless pile of pictures and don’t lose the semantic style. Otherwise, browsing through such a chaotic book will not be easy.

Text additions

Many, when creating such books, do not take into account the texts. They are right in their own way, because usually texts are used if they want to supplement the captured moment with some important information understandable to the viewer. You can make a short note, indicating exactly where the photo was taken or who exactly was captured if the person or event is unfamiliar.

But do not emphasize what is clear without words. If you want to make headlines or small texts, be sure to find a place for them to match a specific photo. But they should not be so good that they will attract attention to themselves more than a photo.

Be sure, when creating your own photo book, you should follow the rules of sequence and remember the given topic. Having decided how many sheets will be involved and what size will be needed, you should decide how to design the cover so that it looks attractive and explains what the do-it-yourself photobook is about.

When the basis of an unusual book is ready

Most easy way to get your own original edition is to take the prescribed number of thick sheets (landscape sheets are ideal) and bend each in half. Using glue, they must be attached in this way: last page glue the previous turn to the first part of the next sheet. When the last sheet remains, it should be attached at the top, as this is already the cover. So the basis of the photobook will appear.

Now, page after page, the album is filled with photographs, which must have a clear sequence if we are talking about the development of any event. The layout obtained in this way can be useful if it is possible to make up a book in a graphic editor. To make a do-it-yourself photobook at home more durable, they buy sheets of thick cardboard. If you need to cut them, do not use scissors, but a clerical knife, since it is easier, faster and more convenient for them to cut.

Beautiful design

Photos hold up well when attached with double-sided tape. Glue in this case is a poor helper, because it deforms the pictures. You should not decorate the pages too intensively with voluminous applications or patterns, otherwise the book will not close completely. For easy design of each page, a convenient photo book should be created. With your own hands, templates can be made in any quantity. It is easier to work on such blanks, but the pages should not be overloaded with colorful and numerous drawings.

But the cover provides a lot of room for creativity. It can be decorated with all sorts of ribbons, velvet, small artificial flowers, beads, macrame or crocheted all sorts of patterns. The materials from which decoration can be made are very different. You just need to remember that they must fully correspond to the theme of the entire photo book.

Connection of parts

During work, you must not forget from the edge where the album should have a spine, leave a place of about 2 cm, so that the assembly of the photobook with your own hands can be done quite easily in the future. Binding is the most labor-intensive work. It would be easier to give the parts to an experienced craftsman so that he puts the book together, but you can try to complete the work you have begun on your own. It is possible to connect the sheets using springs, but only if they are not as dense as cardboard. Using a hole punch, you can make holes and connect all the pages using satin or silk ribbons.

With the help of rings, you can make a more durable structure. You can do it yourself, which will require a vice and a hole punch. The sheets are brought together and fixed so that they do not move. Only then can holes be punched. So that the resulting holes do not deform and do not deteriorate, eyelets need to be strengthened there. It is not necessary to buy metal rings, they are suitable from plastic. But the braid will also perfectly connect all the cardboard sheets.

You can start your own business

If the self-made photo book turned out well, earned the approval of others, an order may be received from those who want to have their own album. You can eventually make this work the main occupation. People have many reasons to remember important events that occur in their lives, so orders will always be in demand. But in this case, more solid materials will be required, and these include:

  • a machine designed for assembling sheets and making covers;
  • a machine that rounds corners;
  • a device that cuts corners;
  • a machine that allows you to attach corners to the cover.


All devices, accessories will require costs, but this business is just emerging, so there will always be customers. The efforts and expenses will pay off and will soon bring profit. So if at first the question was only how to make a photo book with your own hands for your family, then soon this hobby will begin to provide an excellent income.

In our time, it has become very fashionable to have photo books in the home archive instead of ordinary photo albums. On the one hand, it is much more convenient, since you do not need to spend time selecting photos, printing them, and then arranging them. But on the other hand, a photo book is not a cheap pleasure. Given the above, I want to bring to your attention my response to expensive photo publications. I propose to make a photo book with your own hands in budget option, that is, 8 cm * 8 cm format and with 20 photographs. This mini book in hardcover, I hope, will be a worthy addition to your photo archive.

So, to create it you will need:
1. printed photos (even number);
2. double-sided adhesive tape on a paper basis (or glue "Moment");
3. double-sided adhesive tape on a foam basis;
4. piece of leather (leatherette, fabric);
5. iron corners (optional).

And now everything is in order.
I. We need printed photos. Get them in right size possible in two ways.
First way: select the desired photos and insert them two by two together in the program Microsoft Word.

There ask them required size on the corresponding tab, if necessary - crop. 6 photos will fit on an A4 sheet (3 blocks of 2 photos of 8cm * 8cm in size).

After processing all the photographs, we print them on a printer on photo paper.
Second way: you can do everything the same as in the first method using the program Adobe Photoshop if you have sufficient skills to work in it.
Photos must be MANDATORY an even number plus two on the cover. Their size will determine the size of the entire photobook. Photo paper should be taken one-sided, better matte with a density of 160-200 mg / cm3. If it is not possible to print on a color printer, you can do it in black and white, especially since it is now in fashion, a kind of retro chic!

II. Cut out the photos in blocks of two and one for the cover.

It is better to use a clerical knife and a ruler for this, rather than scissors.
III. Now glue all the blocks together except for the cover. To do this, you can use double-sided tape, or you can take glue like "Moment". Personally, I prefer tape, because it is more convenient to work with, does not require special care. However, it costs much more than glue, given its high consumption. In the end, you get such a “book” photo block.

IV. We make a cover. To do this, cut out of any cardboard two squares in the size of two covers.

Glue the first to the front of the block, and the second to the back.

Now we need to decorate the end of our almost finished photo book. We take a piece of leather (leatherette, fabric) as high as a book, and 2 cm wide more than the width of the end of the book. We glue it in a stretch exactly to the end and with an overlap on the covers.

You should not pull too hard, otherwise the book will open on its own. The gaps on the cover do not need to be more than 5 mm, because. cover will peel off. And now the most important thing - cut out photo covers with glue.

We enjoy our work.

As a kind of exclusive detail, you can make a voluminous cover. To do this, you need to print one copy of the cover (front) more. From it we cut out any details that, in your opinion, are suitable to create the desired effect. I have a camera lens and a tape with an inscription.

We stick on double-sided adhesive tape on a foam basis for a 3D effect. Voila, the photo book is ready!!!

PS: If you are having difficulty working with Microsoft Word -

Thank you for your attention. Successful creation!

A photobook is more than a photo album. It conveys the mood, impressions, reflects the history captured in photographs and supplemented by drawings, patterns, fragments of phrases. A photo book can be made in expensive binding, on high-quality paper and in any available format.

The photobook does not have to be used as a personal photo album. It can be a corporate book or a chronicle of the city's historical events in photographs. The application options are endless. Wedding photobooks are very fashionable now.

Many printing houses offer services for the production of photo books. It can also be designed and made up in most photo studios. But a designer will never be able to convey your feelings through printed pages the way you can. After all, in order for a book to come to life, you need to put your soul into it. Then there will never be two identical books.

In fact, creating a photobook on your own is not so difficult. There are a large number of graphic editors to create it. They differ in functionality, interface, cost, availability of online communities and technical support services.

The program interface is all means and methods of human interaction with this program, used both for entering information and for receiving processed data.

Of course, your choice should be made in favor of the program with the lowest cost with the greatest functionality and simplicity of the interface. However, if you are only mastering design art, then you do not need the widely presented possibilities of graphic editors.

Pay attention to the intuitive interface, large library of templates and low cost. You can even start with the free version of the photobook software.

In addition to all the other advantages of creating a photobook on your own, it is worth noting one more. You can not order its production in paper form, but store it in electronic form and send it to your friends and relatives by e-mail.

Popular graphic editors

There are several popular programs for creating photobooks.

HP Photo Creations Editor is a graphical editor that allows you to change the design of a photo book, calendar, collage, postcard. The editor uses over 1800 art samples High Quality, 1300 graphic segments, fields using text, frames, editing tools.

Scrapbook Flair - developed by Aurora Digital Imaging. Its simplicity is ideal for beginners. The program is offered with the support of the Scrapbookflair online community. You also have the opportunity to use patterns, textures and other elements to decorate the photo book.

Wondershare Photo Collage is a simple, powerful editor that allows you to create photo albums as well. The program has templates, cliparts, .

Clipart is graphic elements design. Used in the creation of design projects. They can be presented as separate objects or whole images.

Adobe Photoshop is a very good graphics editor. professional level. Perhaps, its only disadvantages include too much space on the hard drive and an interface that is difficult for beginners to understand (requires additional time to study).

Not all programs are equally compatible with different operating systems. The graphic editors named above work in Windows. At the same time, Apple iPhoto runs on Mac OS.

When I first encountered the design of my own photo book,I had a lot of questions. Finding answers to these questions took a lot of time. Then I came across an article by one wonderful girl who explained in detail how to create a photo book with your own hands. Thanks to her, this passion appeared in my life. I will try to repeat her feat - to describe the whole process of creating an individual design for your unique photobooks.

It all starts with what you have to think through

1. What type of photo book will you choose. In this article I will talk about the individual design of premium photobooks. In photobooks "Premium" the turns of the indoor unit are revealed by 180 degrees. This allows you to use the entire space without loss and place images at the joints. Features of a photobook of the "Premium" type

2. Select a photo center where you can print premium photobooks. This must be done from the very beginning, because. on the sites of these photo centers you can find out the sizes of the sheets of your future photo book.

3. We proceed to the choice of the size of the sheets of the photobook (we choose from those sizes that the photo center offers). I want to clarify that the sizes of the sheets of a photo book for self-creation in different graphic editors (including Photoshop) are different for all photo centers !!!

4. Now, you must decide on the content (themed). What event or holiday is your photobook dedicated to: vacation at sea, birthday, anniversary, wedding, first bell at school, or maybe just the past summer. In addition, it will be interesting if the book contains not only your photographs, but also text (your memories, poems, notes from diaries, entries from your kids' albums), memorabilia (such as postcards, notes, a ticket to the theater or cinema, souvenirs ). Such nice little things can always be photographed (scanned) and added to your photo book.

5. After that, you need to choose the style in which your future photo book will be. What I mean? If you are going to make a photo book about a baby, then it is natural to use bright and cheerful colors, and if it is a wedding or an anniversary, then soft colors will be more suitable. But this is your individual choice. There are no rules here. Everything is decided by your preferences and imagination. Examples

6. The next step is to choose a background on which the entire composition of your photobook will be built. It can be a background from a photograph, a nature background, a texture background (wood, paper, fabric), a solid background, a gradient, and much more. The background can be the same on all pages of the photobook or different on each spread. All this can be found on various Internet resources.

7. After choosing a background, we prepare photos that will be used in the design of your photo book. If necessary, we process them (color correction, sharpening, eliminating photo imperfections, etc.), but for the first work, all this can not be done.

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