Anaconda eats a man. The largest anaconda in the world. Where does the anaconda live

Incredible Facts

Scientist Paul Rosoli(Paul Rosolie) recently announced his determination to become prey for giant anaconda.

On the air of the program " eaten alive"Discovery Channel 27-year-old naturalist, dressed in a special suit, was supposed to swallow a 6-meter anaconda.

Anacondas this size can easily eat large mammals such as jaguars, deer and pigs.

Specialists have developed special suit, which would protect a person from snake teeth, as well as pressure and stomach acid. In addition, he was equipped with a camera and microphone to communicate with the team, and the scientist swallowed a capsule that monitored his vital signs.

Anaconda ate a man (video)

The only thing that the experts could not predict was that the anaconda would not be at all interested in eating a person dressed in such a suit. Moreover, when Rosoli tried to approach the anaconda for the first time, she got scared and tried to crawl away.

Only, when the naturalist decided to provoke the animal, the snake attacked, squeezing its prey.

The snake coiled itself around a man covered in pig's blood to make it more palatable to the predator. The anaconda began to swallow his head, and as Rosoli squeezed, he began to feel that his arm was breaking.

The naturalist was not ready for such a turn and immediately called for help.

In the film, Rosoli compares the strength of an anaconda to that of a team of horses. " The last thing I remembered was her open mouth and then everything went dark.", he said.

Many the audience was disappointed long-awaited shootings, and the defenders environment expressed their outrage, considering the experiment cruel.

However, as the naturalist himself explained, the purpose of the stunt was to raise funds to save anaconda habitats in South America and the animal was not harmed.

The biggest anaconda

Anaconda is considered the heaviest snake in the world. Its weight can reach 250 kg, which is almost 3 times more than the average human weight.

The length of the most big anaconda can reach approx. 9 meters, a average length is 6 meters.

· Anacondas are not poisonous, but they are skilled predators. They hunt their prey (pigs, tapirs, caimans and fish, sometimes jaguars) using their eyesight and heat sensors.

· Anacondas attack in seconds, and as soon as the animal is in a vice, they wrap around it in rings, strangling or crushing the victim.

· As a rule, anacondas live in wetlands and rivers, and they are excellent swimmers.

· Exist 4 types of anacondas: green anaconda, yellow anaconda, spotted anaconda and the recently discovered Bolivian. They all live in South America.

giant anaconda called a water boa poisonous snake. The snake gets its name from the Tamil word that comes with the word anaconda, means "killer of elephants", but in Latin the translation is "good swimmer". Etymologists believe that rattlesnake made similar sounds, and therefore she was so nicknamed. Where does such a snake live, what does it eat and how long does it live? We will talk about this.

Where does the anaconda live

The length of a large snake is more than 5 meters, weight 97 kg and more. Scientists have found that anaconda 9 to 11 meters long is a myth, since its length does not exceed 6.5 meters. The body of the snake is divided into a tail and a huge body with 435 vertebrae. Her ribs are mobile and allow you to swallow very big booty. Scull anacondas consists of movable bones interconnected by ligaments. It is thanks to this feature that it opens its mouth wide and swallows the prey whole. Highly placed eyes and nostrils allow you to breathe underwater. Its eyes allow it to quickly track prey rather than focus, thanks to its transparent scales. Teeth giant anaconda, do not contain poison, although they are sharp and long, so the bite for a person is not deadly. An important organ of the snake is the tongue, which is responsible for taste and smell. The skin of the anaconda is dry and dense, and all because it does not have mucous glands. But it is shiny, thanks to the scales. Her skin color is gray-green with yellow and olive tints, and black spots along her spine allow her to disguise herself.

Where does the giant anaconda live?

As giant anaconda holds most of her life in the water and is an excellent swimmer, she lives in quiet river beds, in swamps and in river creeks. She occasionally crawls ashore and climbs trees. From the drought anaconda buries itself in the mud and waits for the rains. You can meet such a snake throughout South America, in Brazil, in Peru, Guiana, Paraguay, Guyana, Ecuador, Venezuela, Colombia, Bolivia.

How long does an anaconda live

Anaconda can grow all life cycle, on the early stage intensively, then the process slows down. Record how long you live giant Anaconda, failed. It is known that 5-6 years life span of a snake on average, but also a 28 year old snake was found. How long this monster can live, only God knows.


What does anaconda eat

Giant anaconda hunt in the water or on the shore. She motionlessly waits for prey, then quite sharply pounces and wraps herself around the victim, strangling. Her victim dies of asphyxiation, not broken bones. Sometimes, anaconda grabs prey with teeth and swallows. Eats turtles, swimming birds, iguanas, lizards, capybaras, bakers, capybaras, agoutis, caimans, Tupinanbis and even large snakes. Prey become and pets like cats, dogs, and chickens. Anaconda long time may be without food, because the food is digested for several weeks.

People were afraid anacondas and considered her a bloodthirsty snake, in fact, only one attack was recorded on a teenage boy from an Indian tribe.

People promised big money for giant anaconda 9 meters, but its length is not more than 6 meters 70 cm.

In America, anaconda was the best and most terrible character for films.

Anaconda not able to paralyze the victim with a glance! They can only enter into a stupor from their wild smell.



Do anacondas eat people? Interest Ask is not it? How to find the answer to it? Well... there is one way - to face her and wait... And there are only 2 options, which depend on whether you find yourself inside the snake or not.

Researcher Paul Rosolie volunteered for a, to put it mildly, unusual Discovery Channel experiment called Eaten Alive ("Eaten Alive"), during which he was swallowed by an anaconda.

Rosoli, who spent about an hour inside the anaconda, explained that the main purpose of his experiment was to draw attention to the problem of extinction. rainforest Amazon.

“The last thing I remember is the wide open mouth of a snake that hangs over my face. After that, everything went dark,” the researcher said.

In total, Rosoli spent about an hour inside the snake. The researcher did not specify how he got out of the snake.

After the publication of the announcement of the experiment, activists from the organization PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) condemned the actions of the authors of the program. Commenting on PETA's statements, Rosoli said he appreciates the organization's concerns about the snake's health. He specified that the anaconda survived after the experiment and feels well.

We bring to your attention an interview with a fearless scientist.

— Paul, tell us about the construction of the protective suit. He looks very impressive.

“We needed a very strong structure to protect my body from the suffocating embrace of the anaconda. So we made the suit out of carbon fiber. To test its strength, we tested the suit with... trucks. Or rather, with the help of winches that are installed on them. We pressed on the shell with a force of up to 300 pounds per square inch (about 21 atmospheres, with such force the jaws of a bulldog hold their prey - author), but it remained intact. We said, okay, let's try to break his bones anyway. And they turned on the winch at full power. But we could not crush the suit. So I made sure I was safe. To protect my hands from the teeth of the anaconda, I used very strong shark scales. The bodysuit was coated with a special chemical layer that would protect me from the anaconda's stomach acid in case I ended up in her stomach. And before the experiment, I swallowed a pill that gave the doctors the parameters of my pulse and temperature. Incredibly high technology was used to create the costume.

How were you going to breathe inside the anaconda?

— I was wearing a diving mask built into the helmet. The breathing tube was attached to my body. She went through the back, then the leg and in the heel area was connected to a shock-resistant hose. So I knew the air supply would be all right.

Currently, several million snakes live on Earth. They live on every continent except Antarctica and mostly within most bodies of water on the planet. They all have different levels of aggression, gluttony and hostility towards people.

Although some of these deadly reptiles can kill a human in a matter of seconds, the most agonizing attacks occur when the snakes do not have any venom at all, they kill their prey by suffocation. By digging their sharp, inward-curved teeth into the body of the victim, and then, wriggling and wrapping their massive bodies around them, they undoubtedly achieve a slow and painful death.

Over the decades, countless attacks on humans have been reported from anacondas, pythons to common boas. Many have come face to face with these dangerous reptiles in the jungle, in the cities, and sometimes even in their own homes.

Video. Crazy man among huge pythons.
This is expert Jay Brewer, on the eve of the New Year 2015, he climbed up to three large pythons to share a video about animals that he raised himself. But he also noted that it is indeed unsafe.

Below are ten of the most shocking large snake attacks on people around the world.

1 Canadian boys killed while sleeping
In 2013, in the city of Campbelton, New Brunswick, there was a terrifying attack by a hieroglyphic python or rock python (lat. python sebae). This particular breed of snake can weigh up to 80 kg, reach a length of up to 6 meters, and easily kill its prey by strangulation.

In this tragic case, two little boys were injured, who were definitely at the wrong time and in the wrong place. They stayed overnight at the apartment of a family friend who had a peculiar complex in the form of an exotic pet store in the same apartment.

A photo. The boys who were strangled by the snake

The report stated that the boys' cause of death was strangulation, and the escaped python was identified as their killer.

On the night of this incident, a large snake was left in an enclosure not too far from where the four- and six-year-old victims slept. It was understandable how the unclosed python escaped from its cage, as there was a gap at the top due to the fact that the owner did not tightly close the snake in the cage.

The python was able to slip up the ventilation system, which soon collapsed under the weight of the reptile. Nothing prevented the Python from getting to the living room, where he stumbled upon two defenseless sleeping boys.

A photo. The same python

In the end, the reason why the python killed the children was never established, leaving many in bewilderment. Because of this event, many questions and some skepticism have arisen.

A snake expert who owned at least twenty of these snakes in his shop said the incident was highly unusual for this species of pythons, as they tend to be docile and timid. He argued that it was not impossible, but was simply very unexpected and idiosyncratic.

It was one of the most tragic attacks of this breed of snake. The python, who had lived in the complex for almost ten years, was immediately put to death due to this incident.

2 Snake owner charged with murder
Surprisingly, many cases of killings of people big snakes actually take place in their own homes. Snakes that are masters of escape can often be found outside of cages. These reptiles, kept as pets for many years, are usually overlooked by their owners when they are not on the loose.

In Oxford, Florida, the owner of an albino Burmese python was sentenced to jail after his pet escaped his confinement to kill his daughter Shanianna ( Shanianna) in her crib.

A photo. Employees law enforcement 2.5-meter albino Burmese python is carried out of the house where he killed a 2-year-old girl

On the morning of the incident on July 1, 2009, a python named Gypsy was found tightly wrapped around a two-year-old victim, his mouth beginning to swallow the victim's head.

Although isolated incidents in the past have not resulted in any criminal charges, in this case, the incident involved the 21-year-old owner and mother of Jaren Hare ( Jaren Hare), is different. The 2.5-meter predator escaped from his aquarium with such ease that it once again showed the complete lack of care and concern for his defenseless daughter.

The aquarium where the python was kept was covered with a duvet on top of the cage. To make matters worse, the medical examiner testified that the snake was significantly underweight and malnourished, which may have been the cause of the incident.

Jaren Hare and her partner were found guilty of manslaughter of a child, third-degree murder due to the snake attack.

3 Anaconda Attacks TV Show Host
During the incident, the show's TV presenter tropical forests The Amazon in Colombia has been attacked by an angry anaconda. Hoping to get footage for his popular Brazilian television program, famed Toninho Negreiro ( Toninho Negreiro), decided to catch an anaconda in the forest.

During this walk, Toninho was accompanied by El Diablo, a jungle legend who was said to have a mysterious power over snakes.

El Diablo reveals that he can smell snakes and leads Toninho and his team to a beautiful and no less dangerous Amazon. Soon while walking, El Diablo freezes and throws himself into the grass, a second later he pulls out an anaconda that was almost three times longer than himself.

The anaconda was disturbed and began to wrap itself around El Diablo. He gave the reptile to Toninho, and then took it back and released it into the wild.

Video. Anaconda grabs the TV presenter's hand

After this incident, Toninho left the team alone. Soon he began to call for help and people ran to him, seeing him in the arms of an anaconda. He was already in an extremely excited state, the snake instantly attacked him, squeezing his forearm with its jaws and wrapping around his body.

In the end, five adult men with difficulty freed him from the suffocating embrace, but it remained to free himself from the jaws, which the snake was not going to unclench. El Diablo helped get rid of the teeth of the anaconda.

Although only his forearm was affected by the attack, he quickly recovered and returned to the Amazon basin within two months to resume filming.

4. A boa constrictor almost kills a woman in Texas
Even when a snake is trained and consistently calm, it doesn't change the fact that it is still a cold-blooded predator.

A Texas woman with years of experience handling large snakes was attacked by a 2.5-meter boa constrictor on July 26, 2011. Victim, Debi Grudzinski ( Debi Grudzinski) tried to give a snake named Icenia ( Icenia) a little water, then everything happened.

A photo. A boa constrictor attacks a woman

It was a common practice she did on a daily basis as she had been taking care of Aisnia for almost eight years now. In a shocking moment, the boa grabbed Debi's arm and began to coil around her. By the time Aisnia had at least half of her length wrapped around Debi's arm, the woman began to panic, and her daughter immediately dialed 911.

Help arrived within minutes. Debi began to feel weak and the snake already squeezed the woman's hand very tightly. Rescuers 911 should have been quick enough to try to free Debi's hand from the jaws of the reptile.

They managed to quickly free Debi without Aisnia being killed. Debi signed everything Required documents and her pet was sent to an animal shelter for recovery.

SourcePhoto 5A python kills a careless student in Venezuela
In the summer of 2008, working the night shift alone at the zoo among numerous deadly predators, it is obvious that he did not consider this potentially dangerous. Sooner or later, such carelessness could lead to sad consequences. At least zookeeper Eric Arrieta ( Erick Arrieta) violated the rules of the establishment and entered the cage alone.

A 3-meter Burmese python, which had recently been donated to the Caracas Zoo in Venezuela, caused the sudden death of a 29-year-old student.

A photo. Python attacks student

The snake was rather new to the new habitat and was not even on public display at the zoo. Eric foolishly violated one of the most important rules behavior at the zoo when he entered the snake's cage, this mistake ended up costing him his life.

Since he was the only one on duty, no one heard his moans or cries for help when the snake attacked him. Only in the morning colleagues found him in a cage. By this time, the python had already suffocated Eric to death and began to consume him. When the snake was actively swallowing the head of the slain Erik, his colleagues intervened and freed his lifeless body.

Although the attack itself was unusual, since Erik was far beyond perfect size to serve as prey for a 3-meter snake, this was not a shock, since Burmese pythons are the most aggressive snakes among the large boas.

6Pet python attacks owner in New York
Burmese pythons are the most aggressive of the boas, but that doesn't stop people from taking them home. Every year there are dozens of attacks by pythons on their owners and this species is guilty of the largest number injuries and deaths. Owners of these reptiles should always be aware that they must take extreme care when handling them.

A photo. Python will attack its owner

19 year old Grant Williams ( Grant Williams), who did not heed proper warning and safe python handling practices, met his death as a result. One fine day in 1996, he was found in the corridor of his apartment building, dripping blood, a 4-meter-long snake wrapped tightly around him.

Contact with a hungry python is a very stupid act and certain procedures must always be followed. Grant in his last try feed the python was not careful. The snake was outside its cage, and live chicken, which Grant planned to feed the python, was hidden in a box in the immediate vicinity. Creating such a situation was a fatal mistake for Grant.

Since pythons have a very keen sense of smell, the victim's family and friends believe that the hungry snake smelled the chicken he regularly fed, but it only saw a moving target as its dinner, and that was Grant.

Although the snake didn't even begin to ingest it as an alternative meal, unfortunately Grant didn't survive the attack. The paramedics exhaustively tried to resuscitate Williams on the way to the hospital, but, unfortunately, they were unable to do so. Grant was pronounced dead an hour after he was taken to a nearby hospital.

7. 6-meter python against an angry mother with a knife
In Las Vegas, Nevada, a family of three temporarily shared their household with a 6-meter reticulated python. For several weeks, the parents of a 3-year-old boy, 25-year-old Melissa Melendez ( Melendrez Melendrez) and 26-year-old Anthony Melendez ( Anthony Melendrez) decided to take care of their friend's reptile.

A photo. A python that tried to swallow a 3 year old boy

The house remained unexplored for big snake, one day on January 20, 2009, the parents failed to properly take care of the python. After only a few weeks at the new place of residence, the reptile was able to move freely around the house.

Shortly after gaining freedom, the snake stumbled upon something that satisfied her curiosity. The 3-year-old son of Melissa and Anthony was in one of the bedrooms of the house.

Without much hesitation, the snake bit and began to swallow the baby. By the time Melissa discovered this, her son was already sinking into unconsciousness.

She immediately called for help. It took six police officers, a stray animal control officer and Melissa with her handy kitchen knife to finally free her child from the aggressive snake.

The child, with a blue face, was rushed to the hospital, where he stayed overnight. During this time, he recovered well, the future of the injured snake was not so bright. The snake was euthanized shortly after the incident, and the boy's parents were criminally charged for child abuse.

8. Horny python overrules a woman
Reticulated pythons are the strongest and longest reptiles on the planet. It is highly recommended that at least one other adult be present while handling this large and strong snake.

Amanda Black, 25 amanda black), the owner of a 4-meter reticulated python named Diablo ( Diablo), thought she could handle the reptile on her own.

A photo. Python managed to kill a woman

The pet was sick and was prescribed appropriate medications. Amanda took it upon herself to treat the snake, she needed to give the snake medicine. According to Amanda's husband, Diablo didn't like the medical procedures or the process of getting them.

Making a python's large strong and flexible mouth open must certainly be approached with great care. As Amanda tried to give the medicine, the snake naturally didn't like it and became aggressive. In the end, this was enough to attack and overpower her. During the attack, Diablo wrapped himself around Amanda and began to intensely squeeze her neck, which led to death by suffocation.

The python did not kill her in a predatory manner, as is usually the case during most snake attacks on humans. Diablo did not even try to swallow it after death, but immediately fled the scene of the crime. Snake expert Bowen Ledgess says that pythons over 2 meters should be attended by at least two people, and especially if they are being treated with medication.

Source 9Australian mother finds snake in bed with daughter
While it may seem that on many occasions pythons attack people in their own homes when they adopt them as pets, there are some horrific reports when people find these large reptiles that have intruded into their homes. Most of these incidents occur in areas where pythons usually live, such as in Australia.

A photo. Mom and her daughter who escaped from a python

In one such case, a woman lay down on the night of January 5, 2013 with her 2-year-old daughter. She was soon awakened by her cat's hiss and noticed strange writhing movements on her bed. Since Tess Guthrie's suspicion Tess Guthrie) forced her to take her mobile phone to shine a light on something that moves, what she saw left her speechless. What was actually moving was a six foot long python sharing a bed with her and her daughter.

When she saw the python, it was already wrapped around the arm of Guthrie's helpless little daughter. Tess knew she had to act quickly, but when the python sensed that the woman had caught him in the act, he began to fight back. Fearing that the python might kill her daughter, Tess immediately grabbed the long reptile. Because the snake had bitten her daughter, Tess quickly grabbed the snake's head, forced the child to let go, and threw it across the room.

Frightened, they ran out of the room and waited until the snake was taken from the house. Shortly thereafter, they were taken to the hospital, where they spent the whole night healing the wounds inflicted by the python.

10. A man saved his grandson from an anaconda
If we evaluate snakes by weight, then, undoubtedly, the anaconda is in the first place, largest species snakes on the planet. They can reach an astonishing 8 meters in length and weigh up to 100 kg!

Some of these heavyweights live in South America, and sometimes in this region and people have the sad experience of contact with these large snakes.

In one terrible incident, a small Brazilian boy who lived in an area about 250 km northwest of São Paulo fell victim to an anaconda.

A photo. The grandfather who saved his grandson from an anaconda

One afternoon on February 8, 2007, when he and a friend were playing near a stream, they would never have thought that a 5-meter anaconda was watching them below the surface of the water.

As soon as Matheus ( Mateus) approached the water, the hidden anaconda decided to pounce on him. Using its 5-meter muscles, large jaws and teeth, the reptile twisted the boy with ease.

As soon as she began to sink her teeth into Matheus's neck and shoulders, his friend ran for help. But not so soon he returned with the grandfather of Matheus, who was ready to fight.

A photo. Scars on the body of a grandson rescued from an anaconda

With a small machete and a grin, 60-year-old grandfather Matheus was finally able to free his defenseless grandson from predatory beast, who struggled with him for almost thirty minutes.

After wild attack, Matheus was immediately taken to the hospital. After the incident, the 8-year-old boy looked pretty decent. After placing the 21st stitch on the chest where he was bitten, he quickly recovered. He was very lucky to survive the attack and didn't even have broken bones.

Scientist Paul Rosolie recently declared his determination to become prey for the giant anaconda. On the air of the program "Eaten Alive" of the Discovery TV channel, a 27-year-old naturalist dressed in ...

Scientist Paul Rosolie recently declared his determination to become prey for the giant anaconda.

On the air of the program “Eaten Alive” on the Discovery channel, a 27-year-old naturalist dressed in a special suit was supposed to be swallowed by a 6-meter anaconda.

Anacondas of this size can easily eat large mammals such as jaguars, deer and pigs.

Specialists have developed a special suit that would protect a person from the snake's teeth, as well as pressure and stomach acid. In addition, he was equipped with a camera and microphone to communicate with the team, and the scientist swallowed a capsule that monitored his vital signs.

The only thing that the experts could not predict was that the anaconda would not be at all interested in eating a person dressed in such a suit. Moreover, when Rosoli tried to approach the anaconda for the first time, she got scared and tried to crawl away.

Only when the naturalist decided to provoke the animal did the snake attack, squeezing its prey.

The snake coiled itself around a man covered in pig's blood to make it more palatable to the predator. The anaconda began to swallow his head, and as Rosoli squeezed, he began to feel that his arm was breaking.

The naturalist was not ready for such a turn and immediately called for help.

In the film, Rosoli compares the strength of an anaconda to that of a team of horses. “The last thing I remembered was her open mouth, and then everything went dark,” he said.

Many viewers were disappointed with the long-awaited filming, and environmentalists expressed their outrage, considering the experiment cruel.

However, as the naturalist himself explained, the purpose of the stunt was to raise funds to save anaconda habitats in South America, and the animal was not harmed.

· Anaconda is considered the heaviest snake in the world. Its weight can reach 250 kg, which is almost 3 times more than the average human weight.

· In length, the largest anaconda can reach about 9 meters, and the average length is 6 meters.

· Anacondas are not poisonous, but they are skilled predators. They hunt their prey (pigs, tapirs, caimans and fish, sometimes jaguars) using their eyesight and heat sensors.

· Anacondas attack in a matter of seconds, and as soon as the animal is in a vice, they wrap around it in rings, strangling or crushing the victim.

· As a rule, anacondas live in wetlands and rivers, and they are excellent swimmers.

· There are 4 types of anacondas: green anaconda, yellow anaconda, spotted anaconda and the recently discovered Bolivian anaconda. They all live in South America.

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