Miller's dream book live chicken. What did you do in a dream with chicken meat? Why dream of a chicken and a rooster

Dream interpretation chicken

If you dreamed of a chicken, you can expect family well-being, a cozy home and peace of mind. It is not for nothing that a too caring mother is jokingly called a "brood hen". This bird, which came to a married woman in a dream, can mean an early pregnancy.

The general symbolic meaning is family comfort, caring for children and comfort in your own home. Seeing a chicken in a dream good sign for those who appreciate family traditions and like to spend time with their relatives. He brings with him the strength and additional energy of the sun to nourish parental strength and health.

In almost every way, a live dream chicken portends a good thing, this is confirmed by time-tested dream books, which are also available online. An exception are dreams in which she is aggressively opposed to the dreamer: she pecks, attacks, or does not allow her to pass.

If you dreamed of a chicken

Also, in order to understand exactly what the chicken is dreaming of, you should pay attention to such details:

  • the color of the plumage (what was the chicken from the dreams - red, white or motley);
  • interaction with the dreamer (just contemplation or in a dream you fed and looked after her);
  • preparing the chicken for the table (whether it had to be cut or was it already headless and plucked).

Matter of color

When an interpretation is required of what chickens dream of, it is important to pay attention to their color. If there are a lot of birds and they are all multi-colored, this is a great sign. This means that almost all areas of the dreamer's life will undergo positive changes.

White - success

If the chicken was white

Understanding why a chicken is dreaming is easy. It's luck in making a profit . And if this White bird- it means that the dreamer is guaranteed success in all matters. Any financial undertakings, new projects, even the most difficult ones, will be doomed to success. You can take on any job - it will be well paid and will bring moral satisfaction.

Too much big head at a white chicken - it means that the dreamer is ready to take a respectable post. And he will be given to him by right, because the work he did was of high quality and completed on time. If the bird proudly paces and has a beautiful crown-like crest and the sleeper paid attention to this, success in the new business is guaranteed. People will truly respect their leader.

Red is love

A red hen, especially a laying hen, symbolizes family and love relationship. For a young girl, a red chicken means falling in love. And a big proud rooster among red hens is a cavalier who sorts out ladies. This dream warns the young lady - she is not the only one, but only one of them. The young man has not yet given preference to any of them.

One red laying hen for an unmarried girl can mean imminent marriage. And if in a dream the bird already has chickens, then young people will create a family in their own house, in which common children will be born.

For married woman such a symbol in a dream means pregnancy and the safe birth of a daughter.

Black - secret signs

If you dreamed of a black chicken

The black chicken symbolizes the connection with the other world. She is a guide to the world of the dead. Such a bird can bring mass useful information if the dreamer is ready to see and understand her.

If a memory definitely arises in the head of the sleeping person: “she tried to peck me” - an alarming sign. When trying to understand magical or esoteric practices, such a dream warns that such an activity should be stopped.

For a woman, such a dream can predict the adventures of her husband. But it’s not worth being convinced of suspicions, as well as trying to track down the faithful. This hobby will soon end, and the man will again be completely devoted to the family.

How did the interaction

An ordinary dream in which a bird was simply contemplated is a statement important direction dreamer's life. Circumstances that do not depend on him. But if there was an interaction, it means that in order to receive the benefits that the bird predicts from a dream, you need to actively act.

  • Breeding a lot of chickens in the yard is a profitable business.
  • Feed with grain or crumbs - if they peck, you can confidently make an additional investment in the business.
  • A mother hen on eggs means an additional windfall. For those who are fond of gambling - extraordinary luck.
  • Pecking grain with chickens - a family idyll.
  • Aggressive, trying to peck - failure.
  • Catch - try to catch luck by the tail. If she is red-haired and it turned out to catch - the fulfillment of her cherished dream thanks to hard work.
  • To choke a caught bird is to stop financing an important business.
  • He doesn’t let him through, he doesn’t let him pass - an obstacle on the part of a person who does not understand the matter at all.
  • They raise their heads and cackle loudly - rumors that will not bring much harm, but will spoil the mood.

Before eating

For those who are engaged in poultry farming, dreams about slaughtering and cutting birds do not require interpretation. These are the realities of life that are reflected by the subconscious.

If you plucked a chicken

But if you have nothing to do with their breeding, then seeing such a process in a dream is not a very good sign.

  • Cutting chickens is wasted money. If you had such a dream before starting a new project, it is better to refuse to participate in it.
  • Chop your head - take the place of your boss.
  • Catch to kill - chores, hard work that no one will appreciate.
  • Strangle - financial difficulties.
  • Carving a carcass from start to finish is a difficult workflow that will bring a very important experience, but not at all pleasure.
  • Seeing severed heads is a lack of adequate leadership in a serious project.
  • Pinch yourself, so that the feathers scatter in all directions - one of the most auspicious dreams that portends the fulfillment of a cherished desire.
  • Ready for cooking fresh carcass - it's time to think about a healthy diet.
  • Frozen - a hidden inflammatory process.
  • Rotten - trouble, serious treatment will soon be required.
  • Cooked, for example, grilled - successful negotiations, an important contract, a significant deal. Boiled - efforts will be in vain.
  • Cut before serving - an analysis of the work done.

Dream book opinion

Almost all popular dream books say that such a dream bird brings home comfort and family well-being. It is quite possible to meet with relatives who live very far away, promises Miller's dream book. Or a large family celebration, which will bring together all family members.

ancient interpretations

The ancients considered the appearance of a chicken in a dream very auspicious sign. She, like the rooster, is a symbol of the sun and prosperity. Only not the main, masculine, but feminine, more calm. This is the keeper of the hearth, which does not allow him to fade away. After such dreams, purchases are possible that are related to home improvement.

To profit or replenishment

Velesov's dream book, explaining why chickens dream, draws attention to the age of the dreamer. This is one of the dreams that promises marriage to young people and a prosperous life with the birth of more than one child for married people.

  • Seeing in the yard is good luck, family well-being. For a young girl - marriage.
  • Mother hen on eggs - profit. Possible addition to the family.
  • Feeding the birds is a chore.
  • To fight off a chicken from a hawk that attacks - you can get out of a difficult situation.
  • Catching a stray chicken is a rivalry. If for a dreamer in this moment important financial sphere This means that there will be a serious competitor at work. And in case of problems in family life- treason.
  • Cutting off their heads is an impossible task.
  • Buying is a good investment.
  • Selling is a hopeless deal.
  • Cutting fried is a great success.

Family comfort - Miller's interpretation

Interpretation American psychoanalyst Miller is connected with family life. What his dream book draws attention to: the chicken seen in a dream symbolizes the behavior of a too responsible mother.

But if you don’t have children, then the appearance of such a symbol in a dream indicates that in the dreamer’s life it’s time to settle down and accept eternal values, and not ghostly ones, such as money.

  • For a woman, a dream in which she sees chickens promises pleasant communication in the family circle.
  • Feed and care - family well-being, work on arranging a new home.
  • Catching the one that tore up the garden - ignorant people will disrupt the delivery of an important project.
  • Chopping her head - difficulties, stagnation in business. Decisive action must be taken, otherwise the field of activity will have to be completely changed.
  • Choking - trouble, stopping important things.
  • The mother hen cackles - to replenishment in the family. This news will cause a stir among relatives.
  • Cutting fried chicken is a successful completion of the business and counting profits.

News - Freud's psychoanalysis

Minor chores

The German psychotherapist Freud, explaining what the chicken is dreaming of, repelled from the constantly made sounds of this bird. Therefore, he said that a chicken in a dream comes to the news. Not necessarily from distant relatives, perhaps you will be visited by a neighbor who will tell you about an ordinary event.

  • Symbolizes news.
  • Feed - care for the person you like.
  • Mother hen on eggs - moral readiness to be a parent.
  • Kill - self-doubt. Hidden fear of embarrassment in bed.
  • Choke - a tendency to unusual ways of self-satisfaction.
  • With chickens - minor worries.

General impression

Despite the fact that this bird, useful in the household, carries, for the most part, only positive interpretation, but still, one should not exclude a personal and individual explanation of sleep.

If the head of a bird is most emphasized in a dream, it means that the dreamer should focus more on a logical analysis of the situation, and not on feelings. Then he will be able to achieve the desired leadership position.

If you dreamed of a chicken, you can expect family well-being, a cozy home and peace of mind. It is not for nothing that a too caring mother is jokingly called a "brood hen". This bird, which came to a married woman in a dream, can mean an early pregnancy.

The general symbolic meaning is family comfort, caring for children and comfort in your own home. Seeing a chicken in a dream is a good sign for those who value family traditions and like to spend time with their relatives. He brings with him the strength and additional energy of the sun to nourish parental strength and health.

In almost every way, a live dream chicken portends a good thing, this is confirmed by time-tested dream books, which are also available online. An exception are dreams in which she is aggressively opposed to the dreamer: she pecks, attacks, or does not allow her to pass.

If you dreamed of a chicken

Also, in order to understand exactly what the chicken is dreaming of, you should pay attention to such details:

  • the color of the plumage (what was the chicken from the dreams - red, white or motley);
  • interaction with the dreamer (just contemplation or in a dream you fed and looked after her);
  • preparing the chicken for the table (whether it had to be cut or was it already headless and plucked).

Matter of color

When an interpretation is required of what chickens dream of, it is important to pay attention to their color. If there are a lot of birds and they are all multi-colored, this is a great sign. This means that almost all areas of the dreamer's life will undergo positive changes.

White - success

If the chicken was white

Understanding why a chicken is dreaming is easy. It's luck in making a profit . And if it is a white bird, it means that the dreamer is guaranteed success in all matters. Any financial undertakings, new projects, even the most difficult ones, will be doomed to success. You can take on any job - it will be well paid and will bring moral satisfaction.

The head of a white chicken is too big - which means that the dreamer is ready to take a respectable post. And he will be given to him by right, because the work he did was of high quality and completed on time. If the bird proudly paces and has a beautiful crown-like crest and the sleeper paid attention to this, success in the new business is guaranteed. People will truly respect their leader.

Red - love

A red hen, especially a laying hen, symbolizes family and love relationships. For a young girl, a red chicken means falling in love. And a big proud rooster among red hens is a cavalier who sorts out ladies. This dream warns the young lady - she is not the only one, but only one of them. The young man has not yet given preference to any of them.

One red laying hen for an unmarried girl can mean imminent marriage. And if in a dream the bird already has chickens, then young people will create a family in their own house, in which common children will be born.

For a married woman, such a symbol in a dream means pregnancy and the successful birth of a daughter.

Black - secret signs

If you dreamed of a black chicken

The black chicken symbolizes the connection with the other world. She is a guide to the world of the dead. Such a bird can bring a lot of useful information if the dreamer is ready to see and understand it.

If a memory definitely arises in the head of the sleeping person: “she tried to peck me” - an alarming sign. When trying to understand magical or esoteric practices, such a dream warns that such an activity should be stopped.

For a woman, such a dream can predict the adventures of her husband. But it’s not worth being convinced of suspicions, as well as trying to track down the faithful. This hobby will soon end, and the man will again be completely devoted to the family.

How did the interaction

An ordinary dream in which a bird was simply contemplated is a statement of an important direction in the dreamer's life. Circumstances that do not depend on him. But if there was an interaction, it means that in order to receive the benefits that the bird predicts from a dream, you need to actively act.

  • Breeding a lot of chickens in the yard is a profitable business.
  • Feed with grain or crumbs - if they peck, you can confidently make an additional investment in the business.
  • A mother hen on eggs means an additional windfall. For those who are fond of gambling - extraordinary luck.
  • Pecking grain with chickens - a family idyll.
  • Aggressive, trying to peck - failure.
  • Catch - try to catch luck by the tail. If she is red-haired and it turned out to catch - the fulfillment of her cherished dream thanks to hard work.
  • To choke a caught bird is to stop financing an important business.
  • He doesn’t let him through, he doesn’t let him pass - an obstacle on the part of a person who does not understand the matter at all.
  • They raise their heads and cackle loudly - rumors that will not bring much harm, but will spoil the mood.

Before eating

For those who are engaged in poultry farming, dreams about slaughtering and cutting birds do not require interpretation. These are the realities of life that are reflected by the subconscious.

If you plucked a chicken

But if you have nothing to do with their breeding, then seeing such a process in a dream is not a very good sign.

  • Cutting chickens is wasted money. If you had such a dream before starting a new project, it is better to refuse to participate in it.
  • Chop your head - take the place of your boss.
  • Catch to kill - chores, hard work that no one will appreciate.
  • Strangle - financial difficulties.
  • Carving a carcass from start to finish is a difficult workflow that will bring a very important experience, but not at all pleasure.
  • Seeing severed heads is a lack of adequate leadership in a serious project.
  • Pinch yourself, so that the feathers scatter in all directions - one of the most auspicious dreams that portends the fulfillment of a cherished desire.
  • Fresh carcass ready for cooking - it's time to think about a healthy diet.
  • Frozen - a hidden inflammatory process.
  • Rotten - trouble, serious treatment will soon be required.
  • Cooked, for example, grilled - successful negotiations, an important contract, a significant deal. Boiled - efforts will be in vain.
  • Cut before serving - an analysis of the work done.

Dream book opinion

Almost all popular dream books say that such a dream bird brings home comfort and family well-being. It is quite possible to meet with relatives who live very far away, promises Miller's dream book. Or a large family celebration, which will bring together all family members.

ancient interpretations

The ancients considered the appearance of a chicken in a dream a very auspicious sign. She, like the rooster, is a symbol of the sun and prosperity. Only not the main, masculine, but feminine, more calm. This is the keeper of the hearth, which does not allow him to fade away. After such dreams, purchases are possible that are related to home improvement.

To profit or replenishment

Velesov's dream book, explaining why chickens dream, draws attention to the age of the dreamer. This is one of the dreams that promises marriage to young people and a prosperous life with the birth of more than one child for married people.

  • Seeing in the yard is good luck, family well-being. For a young girl - marriage.
  • Mother hen on eggs - profit. Possible addition to the family.
  • Feeding the birds is a chore.
  • To fight off a chicken from a hawk that attacks - you can get out of a difficult situation.
  • Catching a stray chicken is a rivalry. If the financial sphere is important for the dreamer at the moment, then a serious competitor will appear at work. And in case of problems in family life - treason.
  • Cutting off their heads is an impossible task.
  • Buying is a good investment.
  • Selling is a hopeless deal.
  • Cutting fried is a great success.

Family comfort - Miller's interpretation

The interpretation of the American psychoanalyst Miller is connected with family life. What his dream book draws attention to: the chicken seen in a dream symbolizes the behavior of a too responsible mother.

But if you don’t have children, then the appearance of such a symbol in a dream indicates that in the dreamer’s life it’s time to settle down and accept eternal values, and not ghostly ones, such as money.

  • For a woman, a dream in which she sees chickens promises pleasant communication in the family circle.
  • Feed and care - family well-being, work on arranging a new home.
  • Catching the one that tore up the garden - ignorant people will disrupt the delivery of an important project.
  • Chopping her head - difficulties, stagnation in business. Decisive action must be taken, otherwise the field of activity will have to be completely changed.
  • Choking - trouble, stopping important things.
  • The mother hen cackles - to replenishment in the family. This news will cause a stir among relatives.
  • Cutting fried chicken is a successful completion of the business and counting profits.

News - Freud's psychoanalysis

The German psychotherapist Freud, explaining what the chicken is dreaming of, repelled from the constantly made sounds of this bird. Therefore, he said that a chicken in a dream comes to the news. Not necessarily from distant relatives, perhaps you will be visited by a neighbor who will tell you about an ordinary event.

  • Symbolizes news.
  • Feed - care for the person you like.
  • Mother hen on eggs - moral readiness to be a parent.
  • Kill - self-doubt. Hidden fear of embarrassment in bed.
  • Choke - a tendency to unusual ways of self-satisfaction.
  • With chickens - minor worries.

General impression

Despite the fact that this bird, useful in the household, carries, for the most part, only a positive interpretation, but still one should not exclude a personal and individual explanation of sleep.

If the head of a bird is most emphasized in a dream, it means that the dreamer should focus more on a logical analysis of the situation, and not on feelings. Then he will be able to achieve the desired leadership position.

A hen from a dream speaks of prevalence family values, most online sources gravitate towards this interpretation.

If little chickens have already hatched, and she does not let anyone near them, then you really need to devote less time to caring for children. They grow up and demand more freedom.

Too bright plumage of a bird indicates that you are obsessed with attention to your own special. And the background clucking symbolizes empty gossip.

Holding a chicken in your hands is a very good sign. Your bird of happiness has already been caught. And she will lay golden eggs.

What is the dream of a live chicken?

Over the years, a huge number of interpretations have accumulated various dreams. The meaning of a dream about a live chicken can be different, since it all depends on numerous factors, for example, it is important to consider who exactly saw it, what exactly the bird did, how it looked, etc.

What is the dream of a live chicken?

A well-fed and well-groomed bird in a dream is a favorable sign that symbolizes well-being in the family. For lonely people, such a dream promises a pleasant and promising acquaintance. A night vision of a live white chicken promises success in all areas of life. A dream in which a live chicken and a rooster appeared promises unexpected profits, but it is not recommended to tell anyone about the source of income. Such a dream can also be a harbinger of happiness in your personal life.

A night vision of a black chicken warns that many worries will soon have to go through. Such a symbol in a dream indicates that in order to change existing situation must be taken tough decision. Seeing a live chicken with chickens in a dream is a reminder that you should devote more time to your parents, as they are very bored. A dream in which a bird pecks grain indicates stability in life.

If a chicken wants to peck at you, then you should watch your own words, as others may misinterpret them. Seeing a lot of live chickens in a dream is a good sign indicating the emergence of an additional source of income. It can also be a harbinger of the arrival of guests, and such a visit will give good mood. Dreaming where I had to long time catching a chicken means that in the near future you will have to ask for help from other people.

Why dream of a live chicken in your hands?

If in a dream you had to hold a chicken in your hands that wanted to escape, it means that soon the dreamer will get a chance, but it can be very easy to lose.

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Dream book chicken

If you dreamed of chicken eggs, the dream promises replenishment in the family or the arrival of a long-awaited guest. Eggs in a dream can symbolize plans to be realized in reality.

When chickens, chickens dream, the dream book believes that you are too worried about children. The dream is trying to let you know that your worries are often unfounded.

To find out what the chicken is dreaming of, pay attention to the day of the week. A dream from Wednesday to Thursday advises to beware of scammers, and from Sunday to Monday warns of possible difficulties in business.

If you dreamed of fried chicken, the dream suggests that household chores will require more time and effort than usual. Grandmother's dream book advises to refrain from selling livestock, as the deal will be unprofitable.

A dream in which there is a live chicken, which, most likely, you remember for its attractiveness or fatness, is a dream for well-being in the family. Lonely, such a dream portends a pleasant acquaintance with a representative of the opposite sex.

If in a dream you had a chance to try chicken meat that was not cooked by you, it is likely that you will soon fall under someone's influence. The dream book allows for the possibility that the authority of another person will force you to reconsider, or even change your beliefs.

Everything that a rooster and a chicken dream of is an omen of happiness in personal life. The dream symbolizes idyll and complete harmony in romantic, family and intimate relationships.

A dream in which raw chicken appears directly indicates your anxiety or dissatisfaction with yourself. The dream calls not to give too much of great importance negative thoughts and moods, since at the moment it is much more relevant to fear illness and injury.

According to Miller's dream book, the chickens about which the dream can tell a lot about how your relationships with people manifest themselves in real life. If the speech of one of your loved ones in a dream resembles a chicken cluck, and in reality do not attach importance to his words, they can mislead you.

According to Medea's dream book, the white chicken from your dream is a harbinger of success. The dream says that you will soon be lucky in that very life sphere which is most meaningful to you. A dream can symbolize professional achievements, creative success or happiness in your personal life.

What is the dream of a chicken with chickens, the dream book considers as a reminder. The dream indicates that your parents are worried about you. It is possible that some of your actions and decisions cause them anxiety. The dream calls to dispel their doubts and try to improve relations in the family.

If in a dream you do not have the opportunity to see a chicken, but you clearly hear its clucking, the dream warns that someone is spreading bad rumors about you behind your back. The dream book advises not to "feed" gossip: try not to give rise to rumors.

A dreaming black chicken promises that the coming days will be full of anxiety and excitement. The dream indicates a tense situation, which is provoked by the need to make a difficult decision. The dream interpretation suggests weighing the pros and cons, since you will have to sacrifice something in any case.

Dead chickens from your dream symbolize a serious danger: one of your ill-wishers has every chance to strike quite a tangible blow and at the same time not give himself away and continue to remain above suspicion until the next opportunity.

A chicken carcass seen in a dream represents your ability to enjoy even the smallest victories and the results of your own work. The dream interpretation recalls that such an attitude has attracted good luck from time immemorial, and promises that it will continue to accompany you.

The dream in which you were going to kill a chicken to cook dinner means that you will find out important news in the near future. The dream interpretation does not specify the nature of the news, most likely it all depends on how you dispose of the information received.

Why dream of boiled chicken, the dream book explains with concern for one's own health. The dream is reassuring that your poor health in Lately easily explained by fatigue or minor malaise. However, the dream book recommends paying more attention to yourself.

If you dreamed of a lot of chickens, you can count on an additional source of income that will greatly contribute to your well-being. The dream also speaks of the upcoming visit of guests, which will delight you, despite the fact that it will cause a lot of trouble.

A dead chicken seen in a dream means that you are looking for help not at all where you could get it. You overestimate the capabilities of the person you mistakenly chose as a patron. Most likely, he now needs support himself.

Why else dream of a chicken in a dream

When fried chickens dream, the dream book believes that you are making serious progress in your work. You are expected by universal recognition, appointment to new position and, consequently, an increase in income.

The dream in which you had to fry the chicken yourself promises the visit of long-awaited guests, you will spend the evening in a pleasant company. True, the dream book warns, you will have to cook and set the table again.

Interpreting what is dreaming about how a chicken laid an egg, the dream book refers to famous saying"lay a golden egg." The dream suggests that a brilliant idea related to making money will come to you soon.

If in your dream a chicken pecks at grains and crumbs, the dream is reassuring that everything is in order with you. But if the chicken is trying to peck you, the dream book advises you to be more careful in communication, your words may be misinterpreted.

When you dream about how a chicken lays eggs, the dream promises well-being and prosperity. If a woman saw such a dream, it means that in the near future she will have a successful marriage.

The modern dream book offers the following interpretation of sleep: the chicken dreams of a change in the weather. Don't be surprised by the thunder clear sky or a sudden rush of rain. A dream can also be a harbinger of a big wash.

A frozen chicken in a dream indicates that you are already tired of overcoming some kind of continuous "obstacle course". People and events constantly interfere with your plans, disrupting them and forcing you to act spontaneously. The dream interpretation promises that the obstacle course is coming to the finish line.

A dream in which you are going to cook chicken for the whole family or big company, indicates the state of the search. To carry out your plans, you will need like-minded people, sleep helps you find the right candidates.

If you dreamed about how you had to feed the chickens, the dream promises that everyone around you will be unusually attentive and courteous towards you. In the near future, the probability of receiving a wonderful gift is very high.

The details of your dream will help you find out what the plucked chicken is dreaming of. If you yourself plucked feathers and down, you can get ready for a party: an evening awaits you in a pleasant company of unexpectedly arriving guests. And if the feathers also flew in the process of plucking, your cherished desire will surely come true. The dream book says that now favorable period for gambling.

If you dreamed of a chicken and eggs that had just been laid, fresh and beautiful, the dream book considers such a dream as a harbinger of unexpected gifts of fate: inheritance, big win, great news.

The dream in which you had to catch a chicken and could not catch it for a long time means that soon you will need the help of other people. The dream interpretation promises that others will meet you halfway.

If you are going to buy chicken in a dream, such a dream can be regarded as a reminder that in real life it will not hurt to replenish food supplies. The dream suggests that right now is a favorable period for the purchase and procurement of products for future use.

What a headless chicken dreams about is that you, through your own fault, risk getting into an unpleasant story. The dream interpretation warns that it will not be easy to get out of it, however, it is possible.

If in a dream you intend to cut a chicken, this dream suggests that in reality you have many envious and rivals. The dream warns that some of them are just waiting for the right opportunity to annoy you.

Perhaps the most original interpretation of the dream in which you had to butcher a chicken offers Italian dream book. According to his interpretation, sleep brings to the surface all your hidden primal instincts.

According to Vanga's dream book, a chicken walking in splendid isolation means the birth of a daughter for a pregnant dreamer. The dream also promises that soon a distant relative will come to visit you, her company will be pleasant for you.

If in a dream you had a chance to cook a chicken, in reality you will have to fuss a lot in order to fulfill your plans. The dream promises that the efforts will not be spent in vain, you will be satisfied with the results of your work.

The dream in which you had a chance to eat chicken, the dream book offers to interpret literally: if the chicken tastes good, the dream book promises a calm and well-fed life. Spoiled meat portends trouble. If you got only bones, the dream portends a loss.

If you cut off the head of a chicken in a dream, but it continues to run around the yard, the dream warns that the unexpected interference of third parties in your plans can delay their implementation for a long time.

Why dream of raw chicken meat, they will tell it appearance and taste. Fresh meat means well-being and good mood. A dream of spoiled chicken is suggestive of a state of health.

When you have a dream in which a chicken pecked at you, be doubly careful, especially when it comes to talking on slippery topics. The dream book calls for weighing every word and, if possible, avoiding disputes and squabbles.

If you dreamed about smoked chicken, the dream book sees a somewhat sinister meaning in this dream. Smoked meat in a dream means that you are at gunpoint magical influence. Perhaps someone hopelessly in love is trying to bewitch you.

The dreaming red chicken symbolizes feminine in all its manifestations: a mischievous girl, a caring grandmother, a passionate lover, a hospitable hostess. A dream may mean that one of the women is occupying your thoughts or needs your help.

My dreams have never failed me.

I dreamed of two chickens on my chest.

I dreamed of a plucked chicken, I began to cook it, tearing off the wings, I realized that it was alive. Not knowing how to kill her, I asked my friends and thought in my heart with a knife, I felt sorry for her, and I was going to kill her. As a result, a friend walked with a chicken half alive with the head of a child. Horror and this dreamed me in the morning, usually everything that dreams in the morning comes true on this day.

If in a dream you quickly cut a chicken and throw the meat across the yard.

I saw in a dream several white chickens that were found under a blanket in Poland.

I saw a black chicken being cut off its head.

Dreamed that youngest daughter eats fried chicken wings. Why is it interesting?

I carried a plucked chicken by the legs and it had a big beak.

I had a very dream a large number of white chickens. I chopped off their heads. I saw both living and no longer breathing chickens. But there were more and more living birds.

I dreamed of a brown chicken in a barn with chickens that a black dog wanted to attack. I picked her up in my arms, and the dog grabbed her leg, kicked him and drove away. She ran and ran, saw more chickens, gathered them all in a box, and some turned into feathers, went on and saw how that dog tore a brown alien chicken into tatters (that woman with whom our family is at odds), what would it mean ?

A chicken with peacock feathers, very beautiful and not alone, and they were talking. So smart and amazingly beautiful.

I dreamed that a chicken with 5 eggs was taken out of the house, and a chicken had already hatched from under it. At the same time, near the house, between the concrete slabs that lay on the ground, I noticed another one. But we decided not to take it or touch it, because. it is empty and the chick will not hatch from it. After that, I had another dream, there was a meadow near the church, I sat down with my husband and started eating seeds, I see the eagle didn’t seem to flash far, after the stork, and then a small cockerel or chicken came up to us white color, like a Greek breed, was very similar. And I threw him a couple of seeds, after which he did not want to leave me. Everyone came and sat next to me. He sat on my shoulders. And the more I resisted and tried to drive him away, the more persistent he became. This is such a strange dream.

I dreamed about how my mother wanted to cook chicken food, but I refused.

I dreamed how they got out of a big baked chicken: one black rooster, followed by a red chicken. And then I dream that I am sitting with little twins. The dream is very strange!

What can a live chicken dream of? It is worth considering all sorts of circumstances under which the dream occurred: how the animal behaved, what the environment was like, whether people were present in the kingdom of Morpheus. Remember the smallest details of the plot - absolutely everything is important.

Interpretations of different dream books can differ dramatically, but we tried to collect the most popular ones. So, are you awake? Remember, or rather, write down the dream in great detail and proceed with the interpretation.

Popular interpretations of dream books

If you dreamed of a live chicken that lays eggs, one of the women in the family is waiting for replenishment. The egg is a symbol of the birth of a new life. But the meaning can also be indirect - eggs can portend the imminent emergence of almost brilliant ideas. If you manage to realize them, your life will radically change for the better.

If there are a lot of chickens in a dream, and they are surrounded by a brood of chickens, this is a sign - in real life you are too worried about your children. You try to tightly control them, constantly come to the rescue, stay close. Weaken the grip of maternal love - with your excessive attention, you only make children worse. Do not stop crushing them with your love - they will grow up as dependent, infantile, useless individuals.

Was the hen with the rooster? Their behavior symbolizes your relationship in a family or couple. If chickens run next to the birds - a reflection of relationships with children. How more favorable climate, the brighter the sun shines, the more greenery around, the better the situation is in matters of the heart.

The day of the week on which the live chicken is dreaming matters:

  • Dream on Thursday portends trouble - some swindlers will try to deceive you, because of which the material well-being of your family will decrease.
  • Sleep on Monday also unfavorable - everything will fall out of hand, and not a single thing can be completed.

If you caught a chicken and then fried it and ate it, you will have a lot of household chores. It is also worth refraining from any, even the smallest transactions - they will end in failure. Important: even the purchase of bread at the grocery store is a sale and purchase transaction.

Private interpretations

IN different dream books such meanings of the dream in which you dreamed of a chicken are also given:

  • The bird was fed, with shiny feathers, contented and kind? A great sign - everything will be fine in your family. If you haven’t got one yet, wait for a fateful meeting with your future chosen one or chosen one
  • We saw a live chicken in a dream, which then someone cooked, did you taste the food? This is a sign that you will soon fall under someone's Negative influence. A certain person will become extremely authoritative for you and impose his beliefs
  • If in a dream a chicken was surrounded by roosters, expect happiness in your personal life. For a girl, such a dream promises a lot of new fans (how many roosters, so many boyfriends will appear), for guys - a huge success with the opposite sex and wild popularity
  • Hen with one rooster- a sign of imminent profit. You are getting an unexpected bonus, a salary increase or winning the lottery, an expensive gift
  • If a rooster in a dream runs after a chicken, the value is neutral. Nothing bad will happen, just in the near future you will be bursting with emotions that you will have to share with someone. You will not be able to keep a secret, so try to tell about it only trusted, honest and sincere people.

A rooster and a chicken in a dream is an image of family life or personal relationships in your subconscious mind, which in such a bizarre way interprets pictures of real life in a dream. Therefore, it is not difficult to unravel the meaning - observe how the birds behaved among themselves, what surrounded them:

  • if there is a lot of grain around, your family will live in abundance;
  • if chickens run around- you will have many children;
  • if the rooster gets away from the hen- wait for the betrayal of your husband or a quarrel with him through your fault. Etc.

If the chicken is alone in a dream, it is desirable that it remain safe and sound. A killed and eaten animal in a dream is a bad sign. Such a dream prophesies large financial losses, failures in personal life, illnesses and problems.

But in general, do not try to attach too much importance to dreams. Sleep is the rest of the brain, the unloading of consciousness from experienced emotions, events, meetings and deeds. The subconscious in a dream can throw up completely absurd, meaningless pictures that are not worth interpreting. Therefore, dreams are not always prophetic, and do not always mean something. Do not get hung up on the interpretation of dream books - believe in good predictions and forget the bad ones!

A dreaming chicken portends guests from among the friends of your house.

An agitated chicken running around the yard - to confusion and mental decline, boredom and despair.

A loud cackling chicken is a sign of the upcoming road, which you will have to go against your will.

A chicken laying eggs portends a rich win and happiness in love.

Seeing a chicken trampled by a rooster means that you will enter into a secret love affair.

A chicken with a brood of chickens indicates that you will regret the lost chance, and for unmarried people, this dream portends their own large family.

If in a dream you buy a live chicken - this is fortunately, if chicken legs - you will be left without money.

Cooking chicken for soup is an unpleasant, but necessary work.

Fry, stew or bake chicken meat - you will be overcome by household chores and chores.

Eating chicken meat in a dream portends a visit to the doctor, possibly a trip to a sanatorium.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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To dream of a chicken

Buy - you will be happy; eat - take care of health; with chickens - you will have your own family; laying eggs - happiness in love; hear clucking - you will go on the road; chased by a rooster - don't trust your buddies

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Hasse

What do chicken dreams mean

It symbolizes a woman who "pecks", "shits" and can "lay" such an egg, which will turn out to be a very unpleasant surprise for the subject.

Interpretation of dreams from the Free Dream Book

Meaning of dreams Chicken

Chicken - buy - you will be happy; profit, profit - eat - take care of health - with chickens - you will have your own family - laying eggs - happiness in love - hear clucking - go on the road - pursued by a rooster - do not trust your friends.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Kananit

What does chicken mean in a dream

Chicken - chickens dream - big chores; attack. Chickens - a new acquaintance. If a woman dreams of a hen with chickens, she will remain a widow with children. Little chickens - something good will happen; chickens - poverty, poverty. If you dream that chickens are cackling, this is slander. Many chickens, chickens - unexpected chores. A hen with chickens are orphans: the mother dies, the children remain.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ukrainian dream book

The meaning of sleep Chicken

Chicken (rooster) is a restless bird that cackles a lot and has a fighting character, often turning into cockiness and pugnacity.

Interpretation of dreams from the Russian dream book

Dream Interpretation Chicken

Interpretation of dreams from the Children's dream book

What does the Chicken predict in a dream

Chicken - in this image, one of the female relatives may appear to you. If the chicken pecks at the grains, then everything will be fine. If a chicken cackles anxiously, she expresses her concern about you - maybe you will get a little sick or get into some kind of unpleasant situation.

Interpretation of dreams from the Children's dream book

What does it mean to see a chicken in a dream

For rain or washing. If the chicken runs around the yard, guests will soon come to you and you will have to fuss. Sleep from Wednesday to Thursday is a sign that you should be more careful and vigilant, as you may be drawn into a scam; from Saturday to Sunday - remember that it is not always necessary to tell everything to friends, even the closest ones; from Sunday to Monday - soon you will encounter an obstacle in business that you cannot overcome alone.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation for Women

The meaning of the dream Chicken

"plucked chicken" (about a sloppy seasoned depraved woman).

"running like a chicken and an egg" worries only about his own, petty, insignificant.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation of Idioms

Sleep Prediction Chicken

Woman, wife, mother. Chickens household chores, chores. Sitting on eggs waiting with benefit, patience, hope. Laid an egg false rumors. With chickens, joy in the house. Gray, black scandals in the house; misfortune with relatives. White marriage, love, bride.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Seeing a chicken in a dream

Seeing a beautiful, healthy, well-fed chicken - to wealth and health. If you saw a chicken with a chicken, a dream promises an addition to the family or a good profit.

Imagine that you have a lot of chickens with chickens, they are all large, beautiful and healthy. You feed them.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

To dream of a chicken

Always symbolizes household chores and fuss.

Seeing how a chicken laid an egg is a call for patience and a promise of a well-deserved reward. Such a dream means that your efforts will bring good results.

Black chicken: a warning about possible troubles related to the house, household or loved ones.

Dead chicken: a sign that your irritation and intolerance may jeopardize your family happiness.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the 20th century

What do chicken dreams mean

Big and beautiful chicken to see - fortunately in love or receiving a share of illegally acquired property.

To see several chickens - to the troubles or the arrival of friends, worldly worries.

Many chickens - to hard work.

Feed chickens - to a gift, affectionate attitude, meeting good man.

Eating chicken is for gifts.

The chicken laid an egg - a joyful event awaits you.

To see a chicken with chickens is to the joy of the family.

A rooster is chasing a chicken - to trouble in family life.

A severed chicken head - to the news, a letter.

Interpretation of dreams from the 21st century Dream Interpretation

What does chicken mean in a dream

Seeing a big and beautiful chicken is happiness.

Chickens to see - petty everyday worries.

There are a lot of them - hard work.

Feeding chickens is a gift / you will be treated kindly / to find a kind person.

To stab, catch a chicken - to achieve love.

There are chicken gifts.

A chicken laid an egg - a joyful event.

To see a chicken with chickens is a joy in the family.

To see a severed chicken head - to lead, a letter.

Seeing chickens is good luck.

Feed them - poverty

Interpretation of dreams from the Noble dream book

Meaning of dreams Chicken

Symbol of personal sacrifice.

Black chicken.

A sign of quick success.

White chicken.

The rooster is a symbol of a boyfriend or a small energetic person.

Seeing one beautiful chicken is happiness in love and family life.

To see a rooster is to be afraid of someone's desired intentions.

Chickens - failure in business, cowardice.

Chicken clucking - to unpleasant news, gossip.

Dream Interpretation from the Dream Interpretation Tutorial

What does chicken mean in a dream

A bird incapable of flight, and therefore an imagination with a utilitarian function.

If the chicken is kept for egg production, then one can then hope for potential growth, unlike the case when it is kept for meat.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychoanalytic dream book

Dream Interpretation Chicken

I dreamed - income.

If the chicken is with offspring, you have support from above.

Chicken clucks - in difficult moment you will always be helped.

You feed the chicken - expect trouble.

Chicken - profit, significant income.

Chicken with chickens - means that you will receive the patronage that you were looking for.

A chicken that lays eggs is good luck.

If you hear a chicken clucking, this means consolation from some kind of grievance.

If you feed chickens, then you are in for minor troubles.

Interpretation of dreams from

If you dreamed of chicken eggs, the dream promises replenishment in the family or the arrival of a long-awaited guest. Eggs in a dream can symbolize plans to be realized in reality.

When chickens, chickens dream, the dream book believes that you are too worried about children. The dream is trying to let you know that your worries are often unfounded.

To find out what the chicken is dreaming of, pay attention to the day of the week. A dream from Wednesday to Thursday advises to beware of scammers, and from Sunday to Monday warns of possible difficulties in business.

If you dreamed of fried chicken, the dream suggests that household chores will require more time and effort than usual. Grandmother's dream book advises to refrain from selling livestock, as the deal will be unprofitable.

A dream in which there is a live chicken, which, most likely, you remember for its attractiveness or fatness, is a dream for well-being in the family. Lonely, such a dream portends a pleasant acquaintance with a representative of the opposite sex.

If in a dream you had a chance to try chicken meat that was not cooked by you, it is likely that you will soon fall under someone's influence. The dream book allows for the possibility that the authority of another person will force you to reconsider, or even change your beliefs.

Everything that a rooster and a chicken dream of is an omen of happiness in personal life. The dream symbolizes idyll and complete harmony in romantic, family and intimate relationships.

A dream in which raw chicken appears directly indicates your anxiety or dissatisfaction with yourself. The dream calls not to attach too much importance to negative thoughts and moods, since at the moment it is much more relevant to fear illness and injury.

According to Miller's dream book, the chickens about which the dream can tell a lot about how your relationships with people manifest themselves in real life. If the speech of one of your loved ones in a dream resembles a chicken cluck, and in reality do not attach importance to his words, they can mislead you.

According to Medea's dream book, the white chicken from your dream is a harbinger of success. The dream says that you will soon be lucky in the area of ​​life that is most significant to you. A dream can symbolize professional achievement, creative success, or happiness in your personal life.

What is the dream of a chicken with chickens, the dream book considers as a reminder. The dream indicates that your parents are worried about you. It is possible that some of your actions and decisions cause them anxiety. The dream calls to dispel their doubts and try to improve relations in the family.

If in a dream you do not have the opportunity to see a chicken, but you clearly hear its clucking, the dream warns that someone is spreading bad rumors about you behind your back. The dream book advises not to "feed" gossip: try not to give rise to rumors.

A dreaming black chicken promises that the coming days will be full of anxiety and excitement. The dream indicates a tense situation, which is provoked by the need to make a difficult decision. The dream interpretation suggests weighing the pros and cons, since you will have to sacrifice something in any case.

Dead chickens from your dream symbolize a serious danger: one of your ill-wishers has every chance to strike quite a tangible blow and at the same time not give himself away and continue to remain above suspicion until the next opportunity.

A chicken carcass seen in a dream represents your ability to enjoy even the smallest victories and the results of your own work. The dream interpretation recalls that such an attitude has attracted good luck from time immemorial, and promises that it will continue to accompany you.

The dream in which you were going to kill a chicken to cook dinner means that you will find out important news in the near future. The dream interpretation does not specify the nature of the news, most likely it all depends on how you dispose of the information received.

Why dream of boiled chicken, the dream book explains with concern for one's own health. The dream is reassuring that your poor state of health lately is easily explained by fatigue or minor malaise. However, the dream book recommends paying more attention to yourself.

If you dreamed of a lot of chickens, you can count on an additional source of income that will greatly contribute to your well-being. The dream also speaks of the upcoming visit of guests, which will delight you, despite the fact that it will cause a lot of trouble.

A dead chicken seen in a dream means that you are looking for help not at all where you could get it. You overestimate the capabilities of the person you mistakenly chose as a patron. Most likely, he now needs support himself.

Why else dream of a chicken in a dream

When fried chickens dream, the dream book believes that you are making serious progress in your work. You are expected by universal recognition, appointment to a new position, and, accordingly, an increase in income.

The dream in which you had to fry the chicken yourself promises the visit of long-awaited guests, you will spend the evening in a pleasant company. True, the dream book warns, you will have to cook and set the table again.

Interpreting what a dream is about how a chicken laid an egg, the dream book refers to the well-known saying "lay a golden egg." The dream suggests that a brilliant idea related to making money will come to you soon.

If in your dream a chicken pecks at grains and crumbs, the dream is reassuring that everything is in order with you. But if the chicken is trying to peck you, the dream book advises you to be more careful in communication, your words may be misinterpreted.

When you dream about how a chicken lays eggs, the dream promises well-being and prosperity. If a woman saw such a dream, it means that in the near future she will have a successful marriage.

The modern dream book offers the following interpretation of sleep: the chicken dreams of a change in the weather. Don't be surprised by thunder from a clear sky or a sudden rush of rain. A dream can also be a harbinger of a big wash.

A frozen chicken in a dream indicates that you are already tired of overcoming some kind of continuous "obstacle course". People and events constantly interfere with your plans, disrupting them and forcing you to act spontaneously. The dream interpretation promises that the obstacle course is coming to the finish line.

The dream in which you are going to cook chicken for the whole family or a large company indicates the state of the search. To carry out your plans, you will need like-minded people, sleep helps you find the right candidates.

If you dreamed about how you had to feed the chickens, the dream promises that everyone around you will be unusually attentive and courteous towards you. In the near future, the probability of receiving a wonderful gift is very high.

The details of your dream will help you find out what the plucked chicken is dreaming of. If you yourself plucked feathers and down, you can get ready for a party: an evening awaits you in a pleasant company of unexpectedly arriving guests. And if the feathers also flew in the process of plucking, your cherished desire will certainly come true. The dream interpretation reports that now is a favorable period for gambling.

If you dreamed of a chicken and eggs that had just been laid, fresh and beautiful, the dream book considers such a dream as a harbinger of unexpected gifts of fate: inheritance, big win, great news.

The dream in which you had to catch a chicken and could not catch it for a long time means that soon you will need the help of other people. The dream interpretation promises that others will meet you halfway.

If you are going to buy chicken in a dream, such a dream can be regarded as a reminder that in real life it will not hurt to replenish food supplies. The dream suggests that right now is a favorable period for the purchase and procurement of products for future use.

What a headless chicken dreams about is that you, through your own fault, risk getting into an unpleasant story. The dream interpretation warns that it will not be easy to get out of it, however, it is possible.

If in a dream you intend to cut a chicken, this dream suggests that in reality you have many envious and rivals. The dream warns that some of them are just waiting for the right opportunity to annoy you.

Perhaps the most original interpretation of the dream in which you had to butcher a chicken is offered by the Italian dream book. According to his interpretation, sleep brings to the surface all your hidden primal instincts.

According to Vanga's dream book, a chicken walking in splendid isolation means the birth of a daughter for a pregnant dreamer. The dream also promises that soon a distant relative will come to visit you, her company will be pleasant for you.

If in a dream you had a chance to cook a chicken, in reality you will have to fuss a lot in order to fulfill your plans. The dream promises that the efforts will not be spent in vain, you will be satisfied with the results of your work.

The dream in which you had a chance to eat chicken, the dream book offers to interpret literally: if the chicken tastes good, the dream book promises a calm and well-fed life. Spoiled meat portends trouble. If you got only bones, the dream portends a loss.

If you cut off the head of a chicken in a dream, but it continues to run around the yard, the dream warns that the unexpected interference of third parties in your plans can delay their implementation for a long time.

Why dream of raw chicken meat, its appearance and taste will tell. Fresh meat means well-being and good mood. A dream of spoiled chicken is suggestive of a state of health.

When you have a dream in which a chicken pecked at you, be doubly careful, especially when it comes to talking on slippery topics. The dream book calls for weighing every word and, if possible, avoiding disputes and squabbles.

If you dreamed about smoked chicken, the dream book sees a somewhat sinister meaning in this dream. Smoked meat in a dream means that you are under the gun of magical influence. Perhaps someone hopelessly in love is trying to bewitch you.

The dreaming red chicken symbolizes the feminine in all its manifestations: a mischievous girl, a caring grandmother, a passionate lover, a hospitable hostess. A dream may mean that one of the women is occupying your thoughts or needs your help.

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