Common mole rat: description and photo. Common mole rat: description and photo Where do common mole rats live

Genus: Spalax Guldenstaedt, 1770 = Mole rats

Species: Spalax arenarius Reschetnik, 1938 = Sand mole rat

The sand mole rat is an extremely narrow-range stenotopic species; endemic, probably a Plestocene-Holocene relic of the Lower Dnieper (Alyoshkinsky) sands (left bank of the Dnieper River). It plays a significant role in the functioning of plant communities, increasing the mosaic and diversity of plant habitats, as well as the main consumer of a significant part of the biomass. The number is stable. Limiting factors: plowing, melioration, afforestation of habitats. No attempt has been made to breed the species in captivity. subject to state protection. Most of the range falls on the territory of the Black Sea Reserve and its buffer zone. Included in the Red Book.

The sizes are large for the genus (second only to the giant and Ural mole rats) and very large for the family. Body length up to 275 cm, hind foot up to 30 cm. The color of adults is gray with yellowish and fawn hues. The forehead and sides of the head are whitish-gray, the belly is pale yellow. The coloration is paler than that of the common mole rat. Sexual dimorphism in body size is well expressed. The maximum length of the skull in mature males is about 63 mm; in females, 57 mm; the alveolar length of the upper dentition is 8.3–9.9 mm (8.7 mm on average). In the structure of the skull of the sand mole rat, there are archaic features that are also inherent in the giant and Ural mole rats. At the same time, a number of features indicate a stronger specialization for a burrowing lifestyle (elongated diastema, high occipital region, elongated alveolar process, etc.). There is no geographic variation. There are 62 chromosomes in the karyotype. It differs from S. graecus in the size of the last pair of submetacentrics.

Spreading. The modern range of the sand mole rat covers an area of ​​about 55 km2. Most of the range is located on the territory of the Black Sea Reserve (left bank of the Dnieper River, Kherson and Nikolaev regions, Ukraine). The range consists of separate isolated areas located surrounded by developed lands. In addition to the reserve, it also occurs in small areas of waste lands adjacent to the Lower Dnieper sandy arenas. In the first half of the 20th century, the northeastern border of the range ran along the line of the settlements of Kakhovka and Brilevka, the southern border along the Brilevka-Ivanovka line. In the west of the range it is limited by the Dnieper River and the Dnieper-Bug Estuary: sandy massifs (arenas) Kakhovskaya, Kozachye-Lagerskaya, Ivanovskaya, Oleshkovskaya, Zburyevskaya, Chalbasskaya, Kinburnskaya (Filipchuk, 1990). The massifs are separated by sections of chernozem-like sandy loams 1.6–6 km wide.

Biotopes. The stenotopic nature of the sand mole rat is manifested in the choice of habitats characterized by light, moderately moist sandy soils, with relatively deep groundwater. Absent on loose sands, solonchaks, dry feather grass steppes on hard chestnut soils. It is noted in birch pegs and in young plantings of pine. On the territory of the Black Sea Reserve, it uses flat areas located among shrub plantations, near forest areas (chopping), in depressions, most often overgrown with cereals. The most preferred habitats are sagebrush-cereal and sagebrush-euphorbia steppes with sparse and very sparse herbage.

Ecology. Information about the ecology of the species is extremely limited. Horizontal feed passages are laid at a depth of 40-50 cm, which is due to the need to maintain sufficient moisture content of sandy soil and temperature conditions (the mole rat cannot withstand temperatures above 27 degrees). The length of feeding passages reaches 200 m, and the area of ​​individual plots of adult animals is more than 80 m2. The depth of the vertical passages slightly exceeds 1 m. The length of the side holes through which the soil is ejected is about 25 (10-35), and in relation to the stern passage they are located at an angle of about 45. The diameter of the base of the ejections is 35-93, and the height is 20 -45 cm; the distance between emissions is 39-275 cm. At high density, the number of emissions can reach 80-130 per 100 m2. The stroke diameter depends on the age of the animal. In underyearlings it is 6-7 cm, in adults it reaches 12 cm. Nest chambers are 20-27x14-23x10-25 cm.

The current abundance of the species in the protected area is estimated at 15-20 thousand individuals with an average density of about 2 ind./ha. The maximum density in optimal habitats is up to 5 ind./ha, between plantings in the fields - up to 2, and in pessimal habitats (sand hills) 0.9-1.2 ind./ha. The habitats of the mole rat adjacent to the Black Sea Reserve have undergone a strong anthropogenic change, including fixed plantings of pine, put into cultivation of vineyards, tilled crops, and pastures. Mole rat settlements found in such places are characterized by low density.

The diet of the sand mole rat is dominated by the most numerous plant species in their habitats (Eryngium campestre, Artemisia campestris, Tragopogon ucrainicum, etc.). The weight of the stored food reaches 10-15 kg. May damage young plantings of trees. In addition to plant food, insects (adults or larvae) were found in the stomachs of mole rats, but the latter, probably, get accidentally.

Behavior. The aggressiveness of the sand mole rat towards relatives is noted. The seasonal aspect is sharply expressed in the dynamics of burrowing activity. In winter, activity is 5-8 times lower than in the spring-summer period.

Reproduction. Reproduction occurs once a year. Mating takes place in March, the birth of cubs - in April-May. Lactation lasts about one month, and in May-June, young ones switch to independent nutrition. The resettlement of the young is observed in May. With a high population density, the settlement distance reaches several hundred meters.

Class: mammals
Squad: rodents
Family: mole rats - Familia Spalacidae
Genus: mole rats - genus spalax
View: Sand mole rat - Spalax arenarius Reschetnik, 1938 (II, 208)

Why is it listed in the Red Book

A rare species that lives in a small area. Many researchers consider this species to be a subspecies of the common mole rat. The number is unknown. The decrease is due to the agricultural development of the habitats of this mole rat. Part of the range of the sand mole rat is part of the Black Sea Reserve.

How to find out

Body length 190-275 mm. In morphology, adaptations to the underground way of life are clearly manifested. Body is heavy. The neck is not visible from the outside. The head is shortened, obtuse in front, flattened from above. The eyes are not visible from the outside. Ear in the form of a small skin roller.

The incisors are large, protruding strongly forward from the mouth: the mole rat uses them when digging the earth. The lips close behind the incisors and when digging, the earth does not enter the oral cavity. The limbs are strongly shortened, five-fingered. The nails are well developed. The coat is thick, soft, but rather low. It differs from other species of mole rats in some structural features of the skull. The color of the hairline is dark ocher-brown.

Mole rat family - Familia Spalacidae. There is one genus in the mole rat family: Spalax mole rats. Sometimes mole rats are not allocated to a separate family, but are included in the Muridae family.

Where does it live

The range is completely located in the USSR and covers a very small area of ​​the Nizhnedneprovsky sands (Aleshkinsky sands) on the left bank of the Dnieper in the Kherson region of the Ukrainian SSR. To the east, the range goes approximately to the line Kakhovka - Brilevka, to the south - to Brilevka - Ivanovka and to the west - to the coast of the Dnieper and the Dnieper estuary.

The genus mole rat is genus spalax. There are 3-8 species in the genus mole rats. Apparently, five species lived in the USSR. Three species were included in the Red Book of the USSR: the sand mole rat S. arenarius, the giant mole rat S. giganteus, and the Bukovina mole rat S. graecus.

They live on slightly moist, soddy, sandy soils with grass-wormwood-forb vegetation. Found in birch groves. They feed mainly on the underground parts of various plants. Feeding passages are made at a depth of 40-50 cm. Reproduction has not been studied. The resettlement of young animals was noted in May. Enemies can be various predators.

In 1991, the State Bank of the USSR began issuing coins of the unusual Red Book series. The coins depicted rare species of animals listed in the Red Book of the Soviet Union. Only 2 coins were put into circulation, after that the USSR ceased to exist, and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation continued to issue new coins of this series. On November 10, 1994, he issued a coin 50 rubles "Sand mole rat".

The sand mole rat belongs to the family of rodents, burrowing mammals that lead an underground lifestyle. Their eyeballs are underdeveloped, so they were called mole rats. They have a large head and a short tail.

Mole rats spend most of their lives underground, dig complex burrows with nesting chambers, latrines and pantries. The chambers are interconnected by a system of tunnels. They try to dig holes in moist, loose, sandy soil. The heat is not tolerated. They eat plant roots, bulbs, fruits, seeds. They make large stocks, sometimes reaching up to 15 kg. In the wild, these burrowing animals are beneficial by loosening the soil, and thereby increasing aeration. In the fields they harm crops.

The sand mole rat lives mainly on the left bank of the Dnieper, in the Black Sea Reserve. It has a large size, up to 27 cm in length. The coloration is gray, with a yellowish tint, the forehead and sides of the head are lighter. Cubs brings once a year, in April-May. A month later, little mole rats can already eat on their own.

The mole rat has many enemies - ferret, fox, weasel, dogs and birds of prey. It is listed in the Red Book.

The image of a sand mole rat can be seen on the reverse of the coin.

Coin50 rubles "Sand mole rat" can become a valuable exhibit of your collection and an original gift to all lovers of wildlife.

Country Russian Federation
coin name Sand mole rat
Series Red Book
Denomination 50 rubles
Obverse image of a double-headed eagle (artist I. Bilibin), inscriptions along the circumference, separated by an ornament: at the top - “FIFTY RUBLES” “1994”, at the bottom - “BANK OF RUSSIA”.
Reverse a relief image of a sand mole rat against a background of vegetation, along the circumference - inscriptions separated by two points: at the top - "RED BOOK", at the bottom - "SAND MOLE MALE".
Alloy copper, zinc/copper, nickel
Circulation, pcs. 300 000
Release date 10.11.1994
Catalogue number 5516-0008
Painter A.V.Baklanov
Sculptor I.S.Kamshilov
Chasing Leningrad Mint (LMD)
Edge decoration 252 corrugations
Quality AC
Purchase You can buy such a coin in any online store, or from official dealers.
Price Price - 450 rubles for 1 piece. Depending on the safety of the coin, the value may vary.

The common mole rat is completely devoid of sight, instead it has tactile hairs, a well-developed sense of smell and hearing. This animal is quite enough for a normal life, during which he almost never sees sunlight. For many land owners, the mole rat has become a real punishment, because it is able to dig up the entire landing area and even affect the stability of the buildings located there.

Few people saw ordinary mole rats live because of their lifestyle. They rarely come to the surface, and their activity increases with the onset of darkness. So many people have to make up some idea of ​​​​the size and lifestyle of the animal only from the traces left by it. To help those who want to know how the common mole rat lives and looks, there are photos and stories of biologists.

Description of the common mole rat

The maximum length of these rodents reaches 32 cm, and their weight is 700 g. They have an elongated body in the shape of a cylinder, a short neck, paws and tail, and a flattened head at the top. The ears of the animals are barely visible, and the eyes are hidden under the skin and completely atrophied. The color of different individuals may have some differences.

The short soft coat of mole rats usually looks like a mixture of brown, gray and brown shades in different proportions, sometimes there are light spots on the head and body. The rodent is usually painted black or. At the first meeting with the common mole rat, the upper and lower incisors extended far forward are striking.

Where do common mole rats live

For permanent habitation, the common mole rat usually chooses the steppe or forest-steppe for itself. He likes to settle near the beams, along the roads dividing the fields, and forest roads. It can be found in Russia, Ukraine and Moldova. In the northern part of the range, the common mole rat is considered rare, although it is the most common species of its genus, which also includes sandy, giant, Bukovinian and Podolsk mole rats.

At the moment, the preservation of the population of the species is threatened by plowing of land, measures to improve the properties of the land and protect plants. Meanwhile, it cannot be said that this species is on the verge of extinction. The concern of the relevant organizations arises only about the conservation of populations in some northern and southern zones, where the common mole rat lives. The Red Book of the International Conservation Union has it in its lists. In view of this, trapping of animals in certain areas is prohibited, and human actions in their native habitats are limited.

How ordinary mole rats live

The common mole rat, in short, all his life, and this is an average of 2.5-4 years, is underground, digs complex tunnel systems and extracts food. Most of all, the animal loves the roots, tubers and bulbs of plants, but it can also eat a stem with leaves. About 10 kg of food supplies must be prepared for the mole rat for the winter. At this time of the year, its vital activity is noticeably reduced, but the rodent does not hibernate.

The optimal common mole rat is 3 individuals per hectare, but this number can reach up to 20. With the help of sharp incisors and paws, the animals break through an extensive two-tier system of holes. The upper tier lies at a depth of 20-25 cm, and the lower one, where the mole rat forms galleries for nesting and placing food supplies, at a depth of 3-4 m. External holes are not permanent, but are formed only in order to extract dug earth to the surface .

How the animal breeds

The social structure of mole rats is made up of family groups, which include one male and one or two females. If there are two females, they give birth in turn in a year. Mating takes place in the spring, and a brood of 2-3 cubs may be born from February to May. Half of the males live apart and do not produce offspring.

The resettlement of young animals occurs at a distance of tens or hundreds of meters. Females do this in the first year of life, getting to the surface, which explains their high mortality. Most often they are the object of hunting birds of prey and foxes. Males separate from their mother after a year without leaving the bowels of the earth. The main underground enemy of mole rats is the steppe polecat.

pest animal

Branched underground labyrinths are great for the life of mole rats, but can be a cause of concern for humans. If a garden or a personal plot becomes the habitat of this rodent, you can say goodbye to the lion's share of the crop. Most likely, the animal will like carrots, potatoes and onions. He may also like onion flowers, legumes, corn and young trees.

Endless heaps of dug earth, subsidence of soil, the sudden disappearance of planted crops and even small trees - this is what people observe when an ordinary mole rat settles on their land. The description of his sabotage can be continued for a long time, and stopping them is an impossible task for many.

How to drive away a mole rat

Only one question arises when a common mole rat starts up on a personal plot - how to get rid of a pest? For many, this becomes a daunting task. After all, the animal is constantly hiding in the ground and its presence, creating new mounds and destroying planted plants, only at night.

It is best to try to create such conditions so that the animal leaves the land on its own. A lot of ways have been invented for this, but none of them guarantees that the animal will run away forever. But still, it is worth making every effort to get rid of the mole rat without spilling his blood.

One of the commonly used methods is to flood its tunnel with water. But this may require too much water, as the underground passages of the animal are very branchy. And if the soil quickly absorbs moisture, this method is completely useless. Some try to smoke a four-legged neighbor with smoke, pouring kerosene or fetid mixtures into the hole. Another way is to create constant noise in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bhis residence, which the common mole rat cannot stand. Alternatively, you can use the installation of an ultrasonic repeller.

Radical ways to get rid of a mole rat

When it is not possible to drive away the mole rat, some resort to a more drastic measure - murder. To do this, you can watch the animal by opening one of its moves. He does not like drafts, so he will definitely want to close the hole with earth. As soon as he approaches, there will be an opportunity to destroy him.

Another way is to make a hole in the hole and place a trap in it so that the mole rat gets into it on the way to the open opening. It is important that the trap does not have a human smell, for which it is worth rubbing it with potatoes or earth. You can use poison to kill rodents. But if there is something to profit from on the site, the rodent may not covet the poisoned food.

The common mole rat is a rodent that few have seen alive. An underground life with nocturnal activity has resulted in few being aware of its existence. Many would rather never know of the existence of such an underground dweller, instead of seeing him destroy the cultures that grow on the site.

mole rat- This is a mammal that belongs to the order of rodents. In the course of evolutionary development, all the organs of this animal have adapted to an underground lifestyle.

The eyes completely atrophied and lost the ability to see. This is almost the only case in the joy of rodents, when there was a complete loss of vision. The lifestyle of these mammals is exclusively underground. mole rats, as well as, they dig long labyrinths of passages, and they push the excess soil that interferes with them to the surface.

There are 4 species in the mole rat family. Each of them has its own habitat. mole rat animal chooses steppes, deserts, forest-steppes and the outskirts of forests for its residence. The soil suitable for their habitation should be of moderate density. Clay and sandy soil is not suitable for them. Their habitat includes forest-steppes and steppes of Moldova, Ukraine and Russia.

The mole rat digs the ground with his teeth

These are mainly pastures or unplowed lands rich in herbaceous vegetation. Mole mole itself is small. Its length is 30-32 cm. Weigh from 700 gr. up to 1 kg. He leads a rather secluded lifestyle, so few people saw him live. To correct this oversight and have an idea about the appearance of this animal, we bring to your attention a few photo of mole rats.

As you can see in the image, it has no ears, its eyes are hidden under the folds of the skin, and the small tail is almost invisible. The limbs of this underground inhabitant are short, and the head resembles a bayonet shovel. By the way, digs its tunnels mole mole exclusively with teeth, not paws.

This happens as follows, the front incisors of a mammal bite into the soil, and then, with the help of a spade-shaped head, crushed lumps of earth are pushed out. The special structure of the jaw and muscles allows you to push the lower incisors and move them forward and backward.

Such work leads to significant wear of the teeth in mole rat. But do not worry, the incisors grow very quickly, so this underground dweller will not be left without a “tool” for digging his tunnels. By the way, thanks to his work, he not only grinds the cutters, but also sharpens them when biting into the soil. Animals in captivity deserve more sympathy.

They do not have the ability to grind their teeth and sometimes they cannot close their mouths due to the fact that the incisors have grown to enormous sizes. The fur of these giants of their business is very soft, dark in color. The nose is covered with a keratinized layer of skin. It is this layer that is protective. It protects against various mechanical damage during the ramming of the burrow walls.

The nature and lifestyle of a mole rat

If moles loosen the soil with their front paws, then sand mole rats wield powerful chisels. Heaps of earth after their activity remain larger than those of moles, and reach about 0.5 m.

Pictured is a sand mole rat

The weight of one such pile can reach 10 kg. From 3 to 20 representatives of this species live on 1 ha of land. The most active period of the life of these rodents falls in the spring months. In summer and winter, they become less active, but do not fall into hibernation. Labyrinths of moves of mole rats of giants special in their structure.

Their distinguishing feature is the tiered system of tunnels. So, the upper floor of "such a building" is considered food, it is located at a depth of 25 cm. On this tier, rodents collect food: tubers, rhizomes of plants. On the second floor there are tunnels, summer and winter nests and storerooms. It is located deeper - 3-4 m.

In winter, the entrance to these underground galleries is clogged with earth, and the animal lives here until the onset of warm weather. The total area of ​​such labyrinths is 450 m. The number of food pantries in such a territory can reach 10 pieces, and winter stocks can be 10 kg. Here is such a thrifty animal.

The lifestyle of giant mole rats is lonely. They carefully guard the borders of their territory. Sometimes, clashes between two males end in fights over territory with a fatal outcome. Their activities cause great harm to agriculture.

Signs of mole rat in the garden- These are hills of the earth. They not only spoil the aesthetic appearance of the site, but also ruin the crop. Corn, legumes, carrots, beets and potatoes suffer the most from these underground animals. In just one day, 1 individual is able to damage 4-6 bushes of root crops. mole rat settled down in your area, how to deal with it?

You can get rid of such a pest by re-digging the soil. So destroy the stern tiers of their moves. It happens that they are repelled by an unpleasant smell, so you can use special purchased repellers. One way to fight is capturing a mole rat by hand. To do this, a fresh entrance to the hole is determined and another entrance is sought. Then the segment between them is dug up.

Pictured is a giant mole rat

This animal does not tolerate drafts, so it will try to eliminate the destruction. It is at this moment that it will be possible to catch this pest. kick out mole rat can be done with water. They find a mound of earth mixed with clay and pour water into a hole nearby.


They eat exclusively plant foods. They eat tubers, bulbs and rhizomes. To get to the stem, they pull on the root so that the whole plant is in their hole. The mole rat's favorite "dishes" are legumes, Compositae and umbrella.

Reproduction and lifespan

Mole rats live singly, but during the breeding season they form family groups. Such a family includes 1 male and 1-2 females. As a rule, members of such families live in the neighborhood. The male digs a tunnel to his chosen one. He moves to the sounds that the female makes.

If there are 2 females in the group, then they breed in turn. One year the first, the second - the other. Such unions break up only in case of death. 2-3 babies are born per year. This significant event falls between February and May.

The resettlement of the younger generation takes place in a peculiar way. So "girls" are resettled to the upper tiers a year after their appearance, and "boys" - in the 2nd year, to the lower floors. They become sexually mature individuals at 2-3 years of age. Mole rat life span is 2.5 - 9 years.

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