What is the officer's line for? Military history, weapons, old and military maps. Games and graphic exercises with an officer's line

In chapter Science, Technology, Languages to the question how to use the officer's ruler? given by the author Dmitry sov.secret the best answer is So. The officer's line primarily serves to simplify the officer's work with the map. Numbers indicate department numbers. The icon in the form of a parachute is the location of the landing force. Diamonds are tanks, a rectangle with a sharp side is an infantry fighting vehicle, a rectangle in the shape of a car is a supply vehicle or another wheeled vehicle. Triangles, flags and rectangles are divisions. Ovals and roundnesses - units and attack areas, etc.

Answer from Vladislav Sysuev[newbie]
So that's it. The officer's line primarily serves to simplify the officer's work with the map. Numbers indicate department numbers. The icon in the form of a parachute is the location of the landing force. Diamonds are tanks, a rectangle with a sharp side is an infantry fighting vehicle, a rectangle in the shape of a car is a supply vehicle or another wheeled vehicle. Triangles, flags and rectangles are divisions. Ovals and roundnesses - units and attack areas, etc.

Answer from Kofka[guru]
a protractor to measure angles and cutouts to quickly draw figures!
It's a shame not to know!

Answer from Udav[guru]
A protractor for measuring the azimuth along which your battalion will attack, cutouts for marking various points on the map

Answer from Anastasia Chekanova[newbie]
for everything

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Stationery products, which we are now accustomed to seeing everywhere on store shelves, make our lives much easier. Even the improvement of computer technology will not be able to displace such necessary little things as, for example, a ruler from our everyday use for many years.
Such products were popularized back in the eighteenth century, when it was difficult to imagine a dinner party without beautifully designed invitations signed in calligraphy. If we talk about the history of the emergence of such objects, then modern officer's line with division into centimeters appeared more than two hundred years ago. Such even, smooth, thin planks:
measured scale and distance (for example, on maps);
drew straight lines and geometric figures;
took measurements.
Since then, the intended use of stationery items has not changed much, but has only expanded significantly. So now the old-style officer's line is in almost every home, because it is an item that can come in handy at any time. Since the invention of this kind of measuring system, rulers have been popular in everyday life.
What is the modern USSR officer line?
Currently, the ruler contains not only an accurate measuring line, divided into centimeters and millimeters, but also:
stencils for drawing simple geometric shapes;
ribs for drawing wavy lines, etc.
As you can see, these lines are different high performance functionality, so it is difficult to imagine the work process, as well as the learning process, without them. The question of where to buy an officer’s line worries a lot of consumers, because modern market stationery does not always offer customers high-quality products.
The colored plastic from which the ruler is made, which can be purchased in every store, is fragile. Therefore, such writing instruments must be used extremely carefully. What should you do if you want to purchase a truly high-quality product that will serve you for at least several years?
High-quality and functional officer line: buy in the Tylovik store
Our wholesale and retail store offers its customers exclusively high-quality stationery - pens, pencils, accessories, erasers and much more. Not only employees in certain government departments make purchases from us, but also ordinary students who understand that we always guarantee the excellent quality of our own goods.
If you need an officer's line for one purpose or another, you can buy it (Moscow) from us at the best price. It is the excellent quality of goods and their affordable prices that attracts a huge number of customers to us, who are always satisfied with the level of services provided.

Applying symbols on topographic maps and other working documents).

In English - combat mission plotter (line of combat events)

It is used for orienting on a topographic map, on the ground, determining coordinates, with its help it is possible to draw fonts, figures, numbers, and measure angles. In fact, it is a universal tool and full set drawing devices in one tool.

Intended for:

  • measurements, including on topographic maps and plans;
  • application to working documents ( topographic map) conventional signs, such as:
    • friendly and enemy formations.
    • their tasks according to purpose
    • their actions, planned and actual
    • placement of various weapons, equipment and equipment
    • the use of various weapons and equipment
    • prohibited zones, zones of fires, floods, radiation, chemical, biological (bacteriological) contamination
    • military roads, routes, column tracks
  • creating graphic images, diagrams, plans.



  • ruler;
  • protractor (180 degrees) with double-sided millimeter graduation scale;
  • various geometric shapes (circles, rectangles, squares, triangles, ovals, and so on);
  • special graphic images and inscriptions Officer's ruler, prices and manufacturer;
  • scale scale;
  • stencils.



  • USSR - 47 kopecks;
  • Russian Federation - from 7 to 30 rubles.

see also

  • Artillery circle AK-3
  • Chord angle meter

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  • I. D. Pombrick, N. A. Shevchenko, “Commander’s Work Card”, Military Publishing House, Moscow, 1967.
  • Great Soviet Encyclopedia . - M.: Soviet encyclopedia, 1969-1978.
  • Textbook, “Military Topography”, team of authors, Voenizdat, M., 1983.
  • Combat Manual of the Ground Forces, Parts I, II, III, Voenizdat, M., 1983.
  • Universal German-Russian Dictionary, Akademik.ru, 2011.


An excerpt characterizing the Officer's Line

This is the Battle of Pultu, which is considered a great victory, but which is not at all like that, in my opinion. We civilians, as you know, have a very bad habit of deciding whether a battle is won or lost. The one who retreated after the battle lost it, that's what we say, and judging by this, we lost the Battle of Pultu. In a word, we are retreating after the battle, but we send a courier to St. Petersburg with the news of the victory, and General Bennigsen does not yield command of the army to General Buxhoeveden, hoping to receive from St. Petersburg the title of commander-in-chief in gratitude for his victory. During this interregnum, we begin a very original and interesting series of maneuvers. Our plan no longer consists, as it should have consisted, in avoiding or attacking the enemy, but only in avoiding General Buxhoeveden, who by right of seniority should have been our superior. We pursue this goal with such energy that even when crossing a river that has no fords, we burn the bridge in order to alienate our enemy, who at the present time is not Bonaparte, but Buxhoeveden. General Buxhoeveden was almost attacked and captured by superior enemy forces, as a result of one of these maneuvers that saved us from him. Buxhoeveden is pursuing us - we are running. As soon as he crosses to our side of the river, we cross to the other. Finally our enemy Buxhoeveden catches us and attacks. Both generals are angry and it comes to a challenge to a duel from Buxhoeveden and an attack of epilepsy from Bennigsen. But at the most critical moment, the courier who carried the news of the Pultus victory to St. Petersburg returns and brings us the appointment of the commander-in-chief, and the first enemy, Buxhoeveden, is defeated. We can now think about the second enemy - Bonaparte. But it turns out that at this very moment a third enemy appears before us - the Orthodox, who with loud cries demands bread, beef, crackers, hay, oats - and you never know what else! The shops are empty, the roads are impassable. The Orthodox begins to plunder, and the plunder reaches such a degree that the last campaign could not give you any idea. the slightest idea. Half of the regiments form free teams that go around the country and put everything to the sword and flame. Residents are completely ruined, hospitals are filled with sick people, and there is hunger everywhere. Twice the marauders even attacked the main apartment, and the commander-in-chief was forced to take a battalion of soldiers to drive them away. During one of these attacks, my empty suitcase and robe were taken from me. The Emperor wants to give all division commanders the right to shoot marauders, but I am very afraid that this will force one half of the army to shoot the other.]
Prince Andrei at first read with only his eyes, but then involuntarily what he read (despite the fact that he knew how much he should have believed Bilibin) began to occupy him more and more. Having read this far, he crumpled the letter and threw it away. It was not what he read in the letter that made him angry, but he was angry that this life there, alien to him, could bother him. He closed his eyes, rubbed his forehead with his hand, as if driving away all interest in what he was reading, and listened to what was happening in the nursery. Suddenly he heard a strange sound outside the door. Fear came over him; he was afraid that something had happened to the child while he was reading the letter. He tiptoed to the nursery door and opened it.
The minute he entered, he saw that the nanny, with a frightened look, had hidden something from him, and that Princess Marya was no longer at the crib.
“My friend,” he heard from behind him the desperate, as it seemed to him, whisper of Princess Marya. As often happens after a long period of insomnia and prolonged anxiety, an unreasonable fear came over him: it occurred to him that the child had died. Everything he saw and heard seemed to him to be confirmation of his fear.
“It’s all over,” he thought, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead! He walked up to the crib in confusion, confident that he would find it empty, which the nanny had hidden dead child. He opened the curtains, and for a long time his frightened, darting eyes could not find the child. Finally he saw him: a ruddy boy, spread out, lying across the crib, his head lowered below the pillow and in his sleep he smacked his lips, moved his lips, and breathed evenly.
Prince Andrei was delighted to see the boy as if he had already lost him. He bent down and, as his sister had taught him, tried with his lips to see if the child had a fever. His tender forehead was wet, he touched his head with his hand - even his hair was wet: the child was sweating so much. Not only did he not die, but now it was obvious that the crisis had occurred and that he had recovered. Prince Andrey wanted to grab, crush, press this small, helpless creature to his chest; he didn't dare do it. He stood over him, looking at his head, arms, legs, which were located under the blanket. A rustling sound was heard next to him, and some shadow appeared to him under the canopy of the crib. He didn’t look back and listened to everything, looking into the child’s face and his even breathing. The dark shadow was Princess Marya, who with silent steps approached the crib, raised the curtain and lowered it behind her. Prince Andrei, without looking back, recognized her and extended his hand to her. She squeezed his hand.

The 1935 model tablet began to arrive in units in 1936. It was usually made of high-quality black leather with a granular surface that did not give glare. Soldiers could also use civilian tablets, and there were also captured copies. By the end of the war, green or brown became the main color of tablets. The manufacturer's stamp and year of manufacture were affixed to back side top valve.

The 1935 model Meldekartentasche 35 tablet was used by officers, some non-commissioned officers, artillery observers, military field
gendarmerie, signalmen, couriers and other military personnel in accordance with their type of activity.

The most common model was a rectangular bag made of black or black grain leather. Brown. Its upper part was closed with a flap using a strap with a buckle (sometimes a staple was used).

Under the flap there were seven slots for pencils and several pockets for
rulers. Inside the bag was divided by a partition into two compartments.

One of them contained a protective card case made from two transparent celluloid sheets held together by a leather frame.

The tablet was worn on the belt, threading the belt through loops sewn to its back wall.
You could also carry the tablet on a strap slung over your right shoulder. According to the charter, in any case, it should have been located in front on the left side or on the hip

Field Officer Recruitment:

Pencils and erasers:


German map times of World War II

Deckungswinkelmesser - "goniometer"

Deckungswinkelmesser (protractor). It was included in the field kit of almost everyone who was involved in shooting (artillerymen, machine gunners, mortar men). Inside the optical device of the device there is an angle measuring scale with markings up to 30 degrees (in increments of 0.25 degrees). The tablet was stored in a special designated pocket:

Compartments for pencils and protractor

Kurvimeter (Kurvenmesser) is a device for measuring the lengths of curved lines on maps. Must be present in any tablet:

Topographic protractor (kartenwinkelmesser):

"Officer" line

Logarithmic ruler


Celluloid protractor ruler, kept in a specially designated pocket

Pencil sharpeners:

Set of colored pencils

Case for collet pencils capable of writing on any surface, including acetate, celluloid and pigment. Pencils of excellent quality, produced for the army by Eberhard Faber. The name of the model speaks for itself: Taktik.
Nearby lies a kilometer ruler (Kilometermesser). This simple device made it possible to quickly estimate distance on maps of different scales. Plastic, aluminum and painted metal were used as ruler materials.

And other working documents).

In English - combat mission plotter (line of combat events)

Officer's line in the USSR it was made of transparent yellow-gray celluloid, in the modern period of Russia - from hard transparent plastic (polystyrene) of various colors. In the Allied Armed Forces there was also Naval officer line.


The only thing left was the prepared flight maps. In addition to the route with airfields, it was necessary to designate restricted areas, radio navigation aids, elevation of the terrain, and much more. Helped a lot with this officer's line. Officer's line had stencils, and preparing cards was not too tedious. However officer rulers They were not included in the set of mandatory navigator’s equipment, but were sometimes sold in military stores, and were not only officer lines, but also in short supply. I had such a valuable officer's line.

It is used for orienting on a topographic map, on the ground, determining coordinates, with its help it is possible to draw fonts, figures, numbers, and measure angles. In fact, it is a universal tool and a complete set of drawing devices in one tool.

Intended for:

  • measurements, including on topographic maps and plans;
  • applying symbols to working documents (topographic map), such as:
    • friendly and enemy formations.
    • their tasks according to purpose
    • their actions, planned and actual
    • placement of various weapons, equipment and equipment
    • the use of various weapons and equipment
    • prohibited zones, zones of fires, floods, radiation, chemical, biological (bacteriological) contamination
    • military roads, routes, column tracks
  • creating graphic images, diagrams, plans.



  • ruler;
  • protractor (180 degrees) with double-sided millimeter graduation scale;
  • various geometric shapes (circles, rectangles, squares, triangles, ovals, and so on);
  • special graphics and inscriptions Officer's ruler, prices and manufacturer;
  • scale scale;
  • stencils.



  • USSR - 47 kopecks;
  • Russian Federation - from 20 to 100 rubles.

see also



  • I. D. Pombrick, N. A. Shevchenko, “Commander’s Work Card”, Military Publishing House, Moscow, 1967.
  • Great Soviet Encyclopedia . - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1969-1978.
  • Textbook, “Military Topography”, team of authors, Voenizdat, M., 1983.
  • Combat Manual of the Ground Forces, Parts I, II, III, Voenizdat, M., 1983.
  • Universal German-Russian Dictionary, Akademik.ru, 2011.


  • Officer's line in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia.
  • Information portal for parents, Officer Line.
Military topography

Military topography is a discipline of military affairs that studies methods and means of assessing terrain, terrain orientation and making field measurements to support the combat activities of troops (forces), defining the rules for maintaining commanders’ work maps and developing graphic combat documents.

History of computing

Computing is essential component process of calculations and data processing. The first devices for calculations were probably the well-known counting sticks, which are still used today. primary school many schools for teaching numeracy. As they developed, these devices became more complex, for example, such as Phoenician clay figurines, also intended to visually represent the number of items being counted. Such devices seem to have been used by traders and accountants of the time.

Gradually, from the simplest devices for counting, more and more complex devices were born: abacus (abacus), slide rule, adding machine, computer. Despite the simplicity of early computing devices, a skilled accountant can obtain results using simple abacus even faster than the sluggish owner of a modern calculator. Naturally, the performance and calculation speed of modern computing devices have long surpassed the capabilities of the most outstanding human calculator.


A ruler is the simplest measuring instrument, usually a narrow plate with at least one straight side. Typically, a ruler has strokes (divisions) that are multiples of a unit of length (centimeter, millimeter, inch), which are used to measure distances.

According to the classification, it is a multi-valued measure of length (see line length measure).

Drobyshev's ruler

Drobyshev's ruler is a tool (ruler) for precise construction of an orthogonal coordinate grid, named after the inventor - F.V. Drobyshev.

Logarithmic ruler

Slide rule, adding rule - an analog computing device that allows you to perform several mathematical operations, including multiplication and division of numbers, exponentiation (most often squaring and cube), calculating square and cube roots, calculating logarithms, potentiation, calculating trigonometric and hyperbolic functions and some other operations. If you break the calculation into three steps, then using a slide rule you can raise numbers to any real power and extract the root of any real power.

Before the advent of pocket calculators, this tool served as an indispensable calculation tool for the engineer. The accuracy of the calculations is about 3 significant figures.

Rulers produced in the USSR, unlike the ruler in the photo, almost always had an additional centimeter scale at the beveled edge, just like a regular ruler. The standard ruler had a length of 30 cm, which was convenient for geometric work in A4 format. In this case, the logarithmic scales had a length of 25 cm; their designations were usually applied at the ends. Less common were small rulers with scales 12.5 cm long and big size- with scales 50 cm long.

Circular slide rules (logarithmic circles) were also produced, the advantage of which was their compactness. At the beginning of the 20th century, for calculations with increased (10-100 times) accuracy, they used tabletop counting rollers - a mechanical device in which logarithmic scales are applied to the generatrices of cylinders, one of which can move coaxially along the other and rotate around it.

Navigation calculators

Navigation calculators are calculating instruments (special rulers, tablets) designed to perform navigation calculations.

Field bag

Field bag - a special bag for command (commanding) personnel (officers, warrant officers and sergeants), used for carrying, storing and using working documents (maps, etc.), writing instruments and tools necessary for command personnel (officer’s ruler, compass, curvimeter , meter and so on), in early models also included a palette bag.

Also colloquially called - commander's bag, officer's bag, officer's tablet, sergeant's bag, tablet, tablet, palette, flight.

The field bag was widespread in the 20th century in armed forces many states.

Conventional signs (cartography)

Cartographic symbols are a system of symbolic graphic symbols (signs) used to depict various objects and phenomena, their qualitative and quantitative characteristics on maps.

Symbols are sometimes also called "map legend".

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