The ideal cage for songbirds. Room for birds. Is it possible to make a bird house yourself

Once in tsarist Russia, siskins were held in high esteem. A cage with this wonderful bird was an integral element, whether it was a tavern, a craft workshop or a room in which a high school student lived. Since then, of course, the situation has changed, the market has been filled with various exotic birds, but siskins are still popular pets.

As for the positive emotions evoked, the siskin is second only to. Watching the behavior of these little energetic birds is a pleasure. They are almost always in motion: they spin or hang upside down, grabbing their paws for some kind of support; make jumps, suddenly finding themselves on the wall of their cage.

A siskin falls into a trap more easily than a canary. Unlike their wild relatives, finches, a couple of siskins get used to a new environment among people so well that they even decide to build nests in cages and create full-fledged families.

Where to put the cage?

Experience shows that adult canaries, which lived all the time in the forest before being in captivity, very rarely become tame. On the contrary, in the case of siskins, the situation is quite different. It will take quite a bit of time for the bird to gradually learn to fly out of the cage, and then return there again. The process of finally getting used to takes no more than three weeks. It seems that the bird has lived in a cage since its birth. Chizhik fearlessly sits on an outstretched hand or a substituted shoulder. Soon, the desire to leave the patron's house and return to freedom completely disappears. You no longer have to worry about the fact that the bird will beat on the window glass or fly off into the open window.

The window sill is considered the best place for a cage. But, it is highly undesirable for siskins to stay in the zone of direct sunlight, which create uncomfortable conditions. It is better to create deaf fences, covering with suitable material from above and partially from the side of the window.

Even if it accidentally leaves the premises, sits on the balcony railing, it is not difficult to return it to the cage: the bird will be tempted by the delicacy in the outstretched palm. But it is better to prevent the opportunity to explore a busy city street.

Keeping siskins at home has a number of advantages over other birds. One of them is that the bird has a good-natured, peaceful character, due to which it almost never provokes a conflict with other cohabitants of other bird species. At the same time, keep in mind that each individual is in some way a person with specific habits and preferences.

Cage or box: which is better for a siskin?

Siskins are unpretentious in relation to housing. At the pet store, you can buy a cage with a rectangular base. All sides must be open. In cages intended for keeping parrots, the shape is semicircular. In the case of siskins, it cannot be considered convenient.

If you wish, you can contact the master, who specializes in the manufacture of cages for songbirds. As one of the possible options - a wooden cage (box), the pallet of which is movable, i.e. can be pushed in and out. Inside, attach the perches at such a distance from each other so that the inhabitants of the cage can jump over and flap their wings a little.

It is better to put a male and his girlfriend in a cage, the width and length of which are at least 40 by 25 cm, respectively, and the height is 30 cm. Although, in the absence of such, the spouses will be content with a smaller living space, as they say "lovely paradise and in a hut." If replenishment is expected in the family, it is time to think about replacing the cage, perhaps even with an aviary. In this case, the length of the base of the bird house should be 70 cm, width - 50 cm, cage height - also 50 cm.

These dimensions should not be taken as a dogma. The main thing is that they should not be smaller. The dwelling of siskins has its own characteristics. Since, as mentioned above, in most cases the cage is located closer to the window, it is necessary to completely close one side and back wall, making them, as they say, deaf. They also close half of the ceiling, using a piece of cloth or paper for this.

The interior of the cage should at least remotely create the illusion of being in the forest. One option is to hang spruce twigs and hardwoods. In a distant, little-visited corner, make one or two nests, similar to those that are built for canaries. As an alternative, a kind of platform with a small house made of the same spruce branches.

Cage residents must be given the right to choose the construction method and place for their nest. All that is required from the owners is to provide their pets with building materials. As a rule, this list includes feathers, tufts of wool and cotton, the remains of dried grass, moss. All this put on the bottom of the cage.

Having noticed that the bird family has begun laying the nest, the following rules should be followed:

  • do not disturb the siskins at this time;
  • remove debris and litter from the cage carefully and less often;
  • move containers with water and food away from the nest being built.

Siskins belong to the category of those birds that take body hygiene very seriously. Therefore, in addition to drinking utensils, there should be a container near the birds to satisfy the bird's need for bathing and putting plumage in order. Naturally, do not allow water to stagnate and clog in the drinker. Periodically pour out dirty water, and pour clean water instead.

Given that the siskin cannot sit still for literally a minute, he must sometimes be released so that he enjoys the freedom of flight in the room.

If you follow the advice of experts regarding the correct maintenance of a siskin in the house, then it is quite possible to count on the fact that the pet will live happily and for a long time, at least up to 15 years, like. All these years, the singing of a bird will cheer up the guests of the apartment and their guests.

In contact with

People have been keeping pets for a long time. Initially, our smaller brothers were kept for various purposes (protection of the home, hunting, etc.), but over time it became common for people to keep decorative animals.

In ancient times, domestic birds were decorations of palaces and castles of noble people.

They delighted with their diversity, fervor and wonderful voice. The fashion for decorative birds has reached our days.

When looking for pet birds for yourself and looking at their photos and names, you can’t help but notice the finches. These interesting birds are quite popular and are often kept at home.
It is quite easy to distinguish females from males, since finches have developed sexual dimorphism. Males have a reddish chest, and their head and neck are decorated with bluish plumage in the warm season. Females have a discreet color - brownish-green.
Finches quickly get used to people and become tame.


These birds are valued for their great singing. If you are not annoyed by loud trills, you can safely buy a canary. Moreover, the bird will delight the owners not only with its flooding voice, but also with the color of the plumage. Today there are types of kenars of various colors.

Important! In canaries, only males sing.

This feathered singer does not need a large cage, and they quickly get used to a person. However, you should not impose your society on them, they have a great time alone.
Canaries are unpretentious and have one feature - they love to swim. If it is not possible to add food and clean the cage every day, then the bathing water should always be fresh.

You can let this pet fly around the room, but it is worth remembering that there are many dangers in the room for a small canary.
Kenars are ideal poultry for.

You can feed them with ordinary grain bird food, adding natural products to it: chopped boiled egg, cottage cheese and grated. It will also be useful to give some crushed chalk.

Did you know? They learned about canaries in Russia in the 17th century from Tyrolean merchants. People fell in love with jellied trills, and birds began to be bred at home.

The most popular parrot, perfectly coexisting with humans. The aratinga got its name due to the bright color of the feathers. The main tone is fiery yellow, and the intensity of the color depends on the species.
The cage for the aratinga should be spacious so that when the parrot swings, it does not damage the wings. To make the bird feel comfortable, it is advisable to equip a small nest in the cage, and for entertainment - place perches, swings, mirrors and toys.

It is also worth remembering that these birds very sensitive to drafts and temperature changes.
Under natural conditions, these parrots eat plant foods - seeds, fruits,. At home, their food can be diversified and given boiled eggs and sprouts. In no case should salt, avocado and oil be given to aratingas.

The main drawback of the aratinga is its loud voice. Therefore, it is not recommended to keep them in groups.

If you are interested in what kind of birds you can keep at home in a cage, but do not dare to get a large parrot yet, pay attention to the Amazons. They can talk well (almost like a gray), but at the same time not touchy and more affectionate.
Amazons are fairly easy to train and adapt well to new environments and environments. Like many parrots, they love to swim.

Due to the fact that Amazons have a rather strong beak, cages for their maintenance must be all-metal.
Grain should be present in the diet of these birds, but it can be given in limited quantities. Amazons also need fruits and greens.

Important! The male and female are colored the same, so they are quite difficult to distinguish.

Quite a large South American parrot with a powerful beak. Popular for its bright colors.
The macaw cage should be spacious, it must be equipped with objects that the parrot will split with its beak.
The diet should include:

  • fruit;

These birds will always delight the eye with their diversity. They will not talk, but they are distinguished by sociability and funny behavior.
Lovebirds are better keep in pairs, so they need a spacious cage. Since these birds are big fidgets, the cage must be equipped with toys, perches and mirrors.
You can feed with a regular grain mixture, adding fresh herbs and.

These birds become companions of the owners for life, as they are centenarians. Cockatoos live in captivity 50 and even 80 years old.

A distinctive feature of this parrot is a colorful crest that rises in case of alarm or excitement.
If you like silence, then you should remember that the cockatoo is a noisy bird that loves to talk and shout. The cockatoo has a great intellect, and it is necessary to raise such a feathered bird from childhood, otherwise it will tire the family with its assertiveness and bite painfully.

In order for the bird to keep its beak in order, branches, twigs and solid food (for example,) must be present in the cage.
Many representatives of this species love to swim and take a shower with pleasure.

The larger the cockatoo, the larger its beak, which is why they got their second name - “flying wire cutters”. Therefore, before buying, think about whether your home is ready for such a pet.

But here is the bird you have chosen. However, before you buy it, you need to prepare a cage and a place for it in the apartment.

An important question is where to place the cage? This place must meet a number of requirements. There should be enough sunlight and no drafts. It is not recommended to put the cage on the windowsill: the bird may overheat or catch a cold. It is better to place the cage on the side or opposite wall from the window, so that the sun's rays illuminate it for 2-3 hours a day. Tobacco smoke, fumes and various smells from the kitchen should not enter the room. Care should be taken when using various aerosols for the destruction of domestic insects and other volatile substances with pungent odors. And the very behavior of a person caring for birds must change. You can't make sudden movements. With daily feeding, you need to talk to the birds in a quiet voice, while changing water and food very carefully and calmly. Cleaning must be done at least once a week with the same care and attention.

Now about the cells themselves. Their sizes and shapes depend on what kind of bird you want to purchase. To hear the song of your pet in full sound, male songbirds should be settled one by one in small cages. If the bird is the size of a carduelis, then a cage 50 centimeters long, 35 centimeters high, and 30 centimeters wide is quite sufficient. The same cage is suitable for other small species.

The larger the bird, the more it needs a cage. A starling-sized bird must be placed in a cage at least 70 centimeters long, 60 centimeters high and 40 centimeters wide.

The materials from which cells are made are different - wood, plastic, metal. Rods can be stainless, galvanized wire or bamboo, but not copper. (Birds can be poisoned by copper oxides.) For crossbills that gnaw on wooden parts, it is better to use all-metal cages.

In terms of shape, rectangular cells are most practical, without a dome, devoid of any architectural excesses. They can be installed one above the other, saving space in the apartment. This makes it easier to change food and water.

Several small birds can be placed in a larger cage - a cage. The optimal size of the cage is 80 x 35 x 50 centimeters. It is also good for keeping young birds that require a lot of movement to strengthen their muscles.

Many experienced hobbyists build enclosures for their pets. Their size depends on the space allotted for them. They have enclosures in a room, on a balcony or in a garden and decorate them under the corner of the forest. With the right selection of birds and their incomplete settlement, many species breed better here than in cages.

Aviaries can be made combined - with winter and summer rooms that communicate with each other. Keeping birds in such enclosures has great advantages: birds do not need to be transplanted twice a year, and the freedom to move from one room to another gives them the opportunity to receive additional doses of ultraviolet rays in early spring and late autumn (for the southern regions of the country and in winter).

The aviary should be sheltered from drafts and rain. To do this, the back wall, two side walls and most of the aviary are covered with a galvanized or stainless steel mesh with a mesh of 1.5-2 centimeters for large and 1 centimeter for small birds.

It is better to populate the birds in the premises prepared for them in the morning, during the day they will get used to the new conditions and spend the night calmly.

With a mixed content, the nature of the birds must be taken into account. Among them there are calm individuals who get along with other birds both in cages and in aviaries. But there are aggressive birds, the joint keeping of which with others is undesirable. Especially in small cells, where their aggressiveness is more pronounced. Such bullies are adult males of many songbirds - goldfinches, buntings, cardinals. It is better to keep them separately. There are birds that are only aggressive towards their own kind. These include, for example, robins. They can not stand next to individuals not only of their own species, but also birds, only somewhat reminiscent of robins.

Our native songbirds, which we hear in the field, in the forest and sometimes in the park, can live in a house in a cage. Previously, it was the songbirds of their area that were kept at home, enjoying their singing and chirping. Budgerigars were often kept because of the beauty of plumage and the ability to imitate sounds and human speech. Currently, preference is given to outlandish birds and large breeds of parrots.

At home, you can keep granivorous songbirds - finches, canaries, linnets, crossbills, bullfinches, siskins, goldfinches. Insectivorous songbirds also live well in cages - redstarts, larks, tits, starlings, nightingales. With a good attitude and care, the birds live at home in cages for up to 25 years and at the same time perfectly retain the ability to sing.

Canaries have adapted perfectly to life in captivity and even breed. Various breeds of canaries differ in plumage and manner of singing and are willingly kept at home for the sake of wonderful singing. Bullfinches are kept for their colorful plumage, like many other birds.

bird cages

All birds in the house are kept in cages. For small birds, cages 40-50 cm long, 40-50 cm wide, up to 40 cm high are suitable. The material from which the cage is made does not matter much, the main thing is its size. Cells can be made with your own hands, if you have carpentry skills, or you know how. In small cages or under cramped conditions, flying birds beat off their feathers on their wings and tail, in addition, not being able to move, the birds grow fat. One bird should live in one cage, if there are more birds for them in aviaries. The aviaries are spacious rooms, it is very comfortable for the birds in them, the conditions in them are closer to natural ones and the birds feel good in them, they are more relaxed.

If you put a small bird in a cage that is too spacious, it will take a long time to get used to a person and remain shy. In a songbird cage, it is better not to hang various bells and rattles, this is more suitable for parrots. Of course, you can decorate the cage from the outside as you like, it can be a painting or a pattern created.

Cages for ground birds such as the lark should have a slightly larger floor area than for other perched birds.

A cage for songbirds and other birds should be chosen with a double floor, so that one slides out for cleaning. The cage must be equipped with a feeder firmly fixed to the floor. There should also be a drinking bowl, in which there is always fresh water. River sand can be poured onto the floor in the cage to absorb impurities, in addition, birds peck at the grains of sand they need for better digestion. The cage should have perches with a diameter of 8-12mm.

Songbirds are lovers of fresh air and constant temperatures. Birds are frightened by sharp sounds, the barking of a dog, or the sharp approach of a domestic cat. Sharp movements of a person can also frighten a bird; during a sharp take-off, it can hit its head on the metal bars of the top of the cage, which will lead to its death. Therefore, for birds that are difficult to get used to humans, cages should be placed as high as possible and at first create complete peace.

Wanting to buy a pet bird, many are faced with a difficult choice. After all, I want the pet to please with its own and activity, without causing difficulties in leaving. For these reasons, they pay attention to unpretentious chicks, which are “simpler” than representatives of exotic species.

One of these birds is a siskin, popular in our area, to which this review is dedicated.

general characteristics

This songbird can be called a relative of the kenar. They are a bit like sparrows, only siskins are larger and brighter. The body length rarely exceeds 11–12 cm, and the weight is almost not felt - only 13–15 g.

The standard color is greenish-olive or green-yellow interspersed with blurry dark spots. The so-called tail and flight feathers are yellow. You can distinguish a male by black feathers on his head (such a “cap”).

In nature, they are found wherever there are forests. They live in the tops of trees. It is quite difficult to see the nest of a siskin - “dwellings” made of grass, twigs and moss are usually located at high (over 10 m) heights. In the same place in April (more rarely - at the end of June), clutches of 5–6 eggs hatch.

Important! In hot summers, the cage is slightly covered or moved- prolonged exposure to sunlight is undesirable for forest birds.

In the warm season, siskins live in pairs, and in autumn they gather in flocks, although not all individuals fly south for wintering.
A distinctive feature of these birds is that they are relatively easy to pick up, falling into various traps due to their gullibility. Living in captivity for a siskin is not a disaster; already a day after “settlement” in a cage, he will no longer be afraid of the owners, and a week later he will be its full owner.

Everyone has heard about how wonderful the siskin sings. In this business, he does not know tired - a healthy individual can display their roulades 9–10 months a year.

Did you know? In St. Petersburg, on one of the bridges near the Fontanka, there is a monument to the folklore Chizhik-Pyzhik. The monument came out to match the bird- only 11 cm in height.

If you listen to these "chants", it turns out that their motive is very simple, but it is more than compensated by the enthusiasm and emotionality of the bird. "Chants" begins with a characteristic "tulle-tulle", followed by a transition to the main program - a long and loud chirping.
Often attentive siskins copy sounds heard from other birds or animals. Hoarse sounds like “chrrr” mean one thing: the performance is over for today.

It has been noted that males living alone sing less willingly than birds living in pairs. Indeed, it is more interesting for them to communicate with their "wives" and "colleagues" than to attract the attention of a person with trills.

The choice and arrangement of the cell

Having found out what kind of bird this siskin is, after looking at the photo and description, many will immediately want to take such a handsome man home.

But the first step is to prepare the cage. In most cases, these are ordinary structures made of bars, the “foundation” of which is a solid plastic pallet.
Chizhiks do not need a huge aviary - one chick will have enough “apartment” 40 × 25 cm in size and 30 cm high. For a couple, you will have to take a larger cage (about 40 × 40), but of the same height. If the task is to breed chicks, then here you already need a cage with dimensions of 70 × 50 cm and a height of at least 0.5 m.

Important! The best time to move in is early spring.- the pet quickly comes to tone and masters on the spot.

There is one more nuance regarding the size: the distance between the bars should be such that other pets (especially cats) cannot reach the bird with their paws.

Everything is simple in terms of materials: a traditional metal crate is combined with a plastic base. The main thing is that the bottom should be made solid, without cracks and bumps (they can injure).

For the "situation" you will need:

  1. feeder. A "kruglyash" of small diameter, bought at a pet store, will do.
  2. Drinker. Small volume nipple systems (30–50 ml) are most practical.
  3. Bath. You can’t do without this open container - the bird is very clean. We'll have to put up with a small "swamp" that occurs when swimming.
  4. House. It can be a canary nest or a hut assembled from twigs.
  5. "Attractions" in the form of perches. They are placed with a small gap so that the siskin jumps from one to another (and does not fly). For this, small twigs will fit. The only thing is that their surface should not be smooth. Small irregularities will keep the legs in good shape.

Just before settling, the back and one of the side walls are covered with cardboard, making them deaf. The top is also covered, but half. In the most secluded corner they put the house or nest itself - siskins love comfort, reminiscent of overgrown treetops. Therefore, you can add an element of decor by scattering a few coniferous branches.

Do not forget about "building materials" - birds love to mess with wool, moss, small feathers and dry grass.

Did you know? The familiar species has an American “relative”, which surprises with its bright yellow color, contrasting with black feathers. Such beauties can be bought, but the price scares off many.

Home Care

Siskins favorably differ from the "exotics" in their unpretentiousness. Caring for them is associated with simple manipulations:

  • regular replacement of water with fresh water (both in the main “cup” and in the bath”);
  • washing all the containers in the cage;
  • periodic (every 1 month) general cleaning, during which the pallet is washed, contaminated cartons are changed and the bars are wiped.

Some owners add some purified river sand to the feeders, with which pets clean their beaks before eating.

An active siskin must be released from the cage, keeping it open. Unlike the same parrots, these birds return “to base” without any problems.

Such sorties are quite short, so there are no difficulties.

Before you release the bird, cover the windows. If these are the first walks in a new place for her, it is better to cover them with curtains to avoid injury - when she sees a window, a siskin can fly into the glass at full speed. It is better to isolate pets at this time, and remove sharp objects or at least cover them (curiosity is sometimes fraught with trouble).
Do not let a mobile pet into the kitchen, where he can get hurt. Yes, and you will have to close the doors carefully - the chick can sit under them or right on them, so look carefully.

Siskins are quite thermophilic, and when kept in cold areas with long winters, they may need additional lighting in the form of a conventional 75 W lamp, which is turned on for several hours. At the same time, you should not place the cage near batteries or heaters that are working with might and main. The best location would be the windowsill.

What to feed

This is the most common question among beginner poultry farmers. Yes, and more experienced owners will not hurt to remember what exactly to feed the siskin kept at home.
The easiest way is to buy a ready-made grain mixture at a pet store. It consists of:

  • small oatmeal;
  • millet light varieties;
  • flax seeds;
  • colza;
  • rape.
The daily norm of grain feed is from 1.5 to 2 tablespoons without a "slide".

Did you know? The song about the chizhik, familiar to everyone, is also immortalized in the cinema. In the legendary "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession" it is this motif that the unlucky Bunsha "rang out" when he got entangled in the bell cords.

The diet should be balanced, and dandelion, plantain or quinoa seeds are added to the mixture. Seeds collected from young spruce and pine cones are considered a special delicacy, although not everyone can prepare them in the right amount.
They can be replaced with pre-crushed sunflower seeds in small doses - oily causes obesity.

An obligatory "dish" will be greens - leaves of cabbage, lettuce or tradescantia. In winter, grated carrots are also added mixed with breadcrumbs. Small apple slices are also good sources of vitamins.

Feeding captive-bred chicks is a little more difficult. In nature, babies are fed insects. Ant pupae are best suited. A soft crumbly mixture is also good: a hard-boiled egg is rubbed and “diluted” with grated carrots and breadcrumbs in a ratio of 60/20/20.

Lifespan in captivity

You already know about the rapid adaptation of a bird to living in a cage. With proper care, the siskin will delight the owners for 10-15 years (which is much longer than the lifespan of their wild "brothers").
But here, too, there is a nuance. Many bird lovers believe that simply catching a bird in the forest is enough. This is not entirely true - such individuals can be infected with a viral infection, which will immediately pass to other feathered inhabitants of the apartment. So it is preferable to take a chick from people who breed them.

Joint keeping with other birds

Chizhi are well-known "collectivists". Their friendly disposition makes them ideal neighbors for kindred canaries or peaceful goldfinches. Other small birds will do as well.

Important! Chicks are weaned from their parents at the age of 27–30 days. By this time, the male is already feeding them.

They rarely show aggression (these are isolated cases). Unlike other species, living in such a "collective farm" does not affect the chizhik's vocal inclinations in the least - and in the common enclosure he sings his songs.
By equipping a large cage for several birds, many owners “duplicate” drinkers and feeders so as not to provoke conflicts between pets. On the other hand, you should not force it tightly with dishes - leave plenty of room for games.

We learned what it takes to successfully and long-term keeping vociferous siskins in the house. We hope these data will help our readers to make such a singing friend. More joyful notes every day!

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