Optimistic stories of the fight against cancer. Cancer is a disease that must be fought. Effective cancer treatment with hemlock

Consider the topics in this article:

  1. oncology and nutrition
  2. How does oncology occur?
  3. Does fasting help with cancer?
  4. Oncology of the prostate.
  5. Alternative medicine in the treatment of oncology.
  6. Our psychology is as follows: A story about a cancer patient.
  7. what not to eat with cancer
  8. sludge removers
  9. oncology depends on the pH of the environment.

1. oncology and nutrition.

Nutrition plays a decisive role in the treatment of serious diseases.

You yourself know that almost all diseases originate from the stomach, from improper nutrition, from how carefully you chew food.

All our little “weaknesses” in nutrition develop into bad habits of eating wrong.

But unfortunately, there are also congenital diseases, including hereditary oncological diseases.

Today we will touch on the topic of cancer. diseases and chronic diseases that appeared against the background of improper nutrition and bad habits.

The disease creeps up unnoticed.

People who do not have deviations in health are unlikely to understand this.

After all, as long as our buffer systems of the body keep the parameters of life standards within the normal range, we will not notice the manifestations of the disease.

But the strength of the body - the so-called resource of immunity, or the strength of the body's buffer systems is not infinite.

And this is very well understood by those who managed to sit on antibiotics, drowning out the symptoms of the disease in the hope of being cured, or at least knocking off their condition a little.

Ask these people: - did they think that due to some of their habits, this or that sore in them would worsen.

It is unlikely that any of them will say that he expected the disease.

Every day, undermining the immune system, they did not notice how the disease creeps up on small, indirect and hardly noticeable signs.

As a result, the disease came unnoticed.

2. how oncology occurs.

Unfortunately, in many cases, pills alone will not improve health.

Eating right can help.

So, nutrition should be right.

It should include a large number of products that create in the human body as few free radicals as possible, which damage healthy cells and which deplete the resources of our buffer systems.

Have you ever wondered why people who are seriously ill lose their appetite and stop eating normally?

According to some sources, this is due to the fact that the body is trying with all its might to return to a healthy cellular balance, and every meal, even the most healthy and useful, loads the body so that it simply does not have enough strength to fight the disease.

That is why in people with cancer and seriously ill with chronic diseases, after eating, a deterioration in well-being follows.

We know cases when people who did not receive food for a long time, independently cured themselves of their ailments.

But not always everything is so clear.

Not always the observance of the Ph balance of food can guarantee protection against ailments.

Yes, healthy food increases the chances that cancer will never get to you.

But trust us, we've seen cases of people going on pure vegetable diets, with no hint of meat.

And the oncology kept coming.

Perhaps in oncology the sums of many factors that modern medicine does not consider have been combined.

And these causes of cancer and chronic disease are not only related to food or environmental cleanliness.

Apparently, and it certainly is. After all, the level of emotional and psychological stress provides the greatest nutrition for the development of cancer.

The lack of hormonal surges, which should be, but which do not occur for one reason or another, give oncology the ground to develop.

But the excessive release of certain hormones during stress gives oncology a big impetus for development.

And finally, the depressed moral and psychological state of a person also leads to illness.

What to expect after chemotherapy, or in general from any treatment, even natural remedies, if you have not worked on eliminating the factors that led you to cancer .

3. Does fasting help with oncology?

It's not exactly like that..

Here, too, you will not get by with starvation alone. We all remember the case of a man who had cancer and somehow ended up in the mountains, where he was cut off from the outside world.

So, from food he had only garlic.

Eating them from hopelessness, he did not die from cold and hunger, he was able to survive.

By the way, I didn’t get poisoned by garlic, since there is an opinion that garlic in large quantities (more than 1 medium clove per day) is toxic, dangerous, you can lose memory and vision from it. In general, what kind of horrors about garlic do not write!

So, this is not about garlic, but about a person who had a hopeless state of health!

He was found alive, emaciated and tired, and they examined his condition and could not find any signs of cancer in him.

Where did she go?

Was she eaten by garlic or hunger?

And if so, then you can sit at home in front of the TV on a hungry garlic ration and get cured? No, of course not, our dear guests.

We are sure that not only garlic played a role in this story, whose merits in the fight against oncology beat all records, and not hunger, which made oncology dissolve.

We think, and we have reason to believe, that this is a rapprochement with nature, with clean moist air, the absence of any kind of radiation, plus, besides, the body was not littered with unnecessary food, that this would happen at home, as well as contained in garlic, a complex of elements shockedly stopped oncology.

4. Oncology of the prostate.

Let's take prostatitis and oncological diseases against the background of prostatitis. The number of such diseases breaks all records. Hidden chronic prostatitis becomes more severe.

After a while, tumors, prostate adenomas may appear.

But for some reason, this prostatitis was, is and will be in some, while in others it turns into more serious consequences.

The answer is the fact that the hormonal background of some people with prostatitis is so unstable and influenced by the environment that the disease deepens and the pathology turns into the formation of foreign cells, whose division is not controlled by the body.

Prostatitis is a disease of the endocrine system.

Ecology, various electromagnetic radiations, bad water, lack of movement, nutrition are factors that allow oncology to step forward. Among these factors, there is one that can stop oncology, even if all others are violated. This factor is the presence of movement. If a person moves, forces himself to move, then this will slow down, stop or even get rid of oncology.

Movement is the strongest factor that supports immunity.

For example, prostatitis can be cured by three things. The first is movement. For example, walking 5 km a day.

The second is the rapprochement with the opposite sex, at least 2 times a week. And the third is the prevention of the disease with herbs, dietary supplements, or any natural means.

Prostate cancer stops the subject in the same ways.

These 3 important factors should be applied whenever possible.

In case of prostate oncology, it is also necessary with the doctor to select the most harmless drugs to control the pathogenic flora.

A few words about the radiation of at least one cell phone: in case of serious illness, harmful electromagnetic radiation affects the chronicle much more than a healthy person, but fortunately there are means of protection in our time even from mobile phone radiation.

But let's get back to that person who lost food and all the adverse manifestations of human existence, including polluted air and the electromagnetic load of the city.

So, the most important thing saved him - this is a great desire to survive, a desire that made that person overcome those difficulties and stay alive.

Taken together, this has worked.

If you want to feel better, you need to leave a large city for the outback, for clean air, to be treated exclusively with natural remedies, and the result will be higher than that of any oncology clinic.

See a doctor who might be able to help.

It is possible to make an appointment for an interview with a doctor on the issue of cancer. It is possible that you have already been to the doctors more than once.

Perhaps the answers to your health conditions can be given by such a traditional Chinese medicine doctor as , which our team knows, and whose approach to the disease somewhat changes the prevailing opinion about medicine.

You can ask her: “what in general, in your case, can I advise you to do next, in some kind of impasse?” Whether it's oncology, a chronic illness or a simple sore throat. The doctor accepts in Moscow, but often flies to China.

Of course, with such a colossal experience as hers, many have hope.

The main thing is that she is looking for the cause of the disease, which is what we most of all approve of in her approach to the restoration of people.

5. Alternative medicine in the treatment of oncology.

The secret of the popularity of Dorogov's candles is their ease of use.

They also manage the problem with the unpleasant smell of Dorogov's drug, which not all people tolerate.

Candles also have this smell, but these candles are taken orally mainly rectally.

This moment simplifies the intake of Dorogov's drug for those people who could not overcome the fear of an unpleasant odor.

A little bit of the history of the use of Dorogov's drug is outlined! We tried to bring a versatile look into history, despite the great respect for Dr. Dorogov and his drug


These natural substances are very effective against cancer cells.

It will not cure, but cigarettes play a very important role in the formation of healthy cells, it corrects the immune system and it is also able to give an even greater result when used with other means of fighting oncology.

Celandine and are the names of herbs.

6. Our psychology is as follows: A story about a cancer patient.

A couple of words about oncology again.

I come to one of the cancer patients.

She asked me to bring her an ASD-2 made in Armavir to treat her illness.

Yes, ASD-2 helps with oncology, but here the story is like with garlic.

The strongest healing effect lasts just as long as you take the medicine on an empty stomach.

And it is practically useless when taken before or after a meal.

But we cannot resist, in every possible way tempting ourselves to eat as soon as possible, and even gobble up sweets after eating.

In fact, if you take up yourself in terms of explaining at the level of self-suggestion (it’s impossible, then it’s impossible, and under no circumstances reach for the refrigerator).

If you have taken stone oil (it is it that should be taken in oncology, it was it that earned the trust of the people whom it saved their lives), and so taking stone oil is very strict on the diet.

That is, if you do not follow the strictest conditions of the diet, namely:

  • do not take too salty food,
  • complete rejection of sweets, coffee, chocolate,
  • refusal to overeat,
  • adherence to an alkaline diet (this is fruits and vegetables and no meat !!).

Plus, besides, it is required on an empty stomach, 2 hours before a meal, to take stone oil and not eat these 2 hours, trying not to violate the conditions of the diet.

And so for at least 2-3 weeks at least, but in a good way it takes about 2-3 months to continuously such a diet, and yes, you will make sure that recovery will come, BUT !!!

Just think about whether you have the strength to comply with all these conditions when treating with stone oil for, say, 3 months, and take stone oil sitting 3 times a day, then for another 2 hours without food.

Few will survive.

Yes, stone oil requires the most restrictive diet, in fact, makes a person feel constantly hungry, but it also helps, and it is worth it to go through and heal.

and - these natural substances are very effective against cancer cells.

And do not think that I already drank propolis, and it did not cure me.

It will not cure, but it plays a very important role in the formation of healthy cells, it corrects the immune system and it is also able to give a result when used with other means of fighting oncology.

Celandine - an alkaloid that contains celandine is toxic.

It is 10 times more toxic for cancer cells than for healthy cells of the body - this is why celandine is notable for oncology.

Those dosages that a person tolerates completely painlessly - at such dosages of celandine, oncocells stop dividing.

Celandine and hemlock are the names of herbs.

But hemlock is more toxic to cancer cells.

Hemlock is, let's say, a fairly serious step in the treatment of cancer.

When taking hemlock, it is very important to monitor your condition, since its effect on a cancer cell is similar to celandine, only significantly more pronounced in terms of toxicity.

7. Means of purification from slags.

Syrups and tinctures for oncology.

Oncology is generally based on contamination of the body and stress.

Herbs and herbal syrups will help cleanse.

All this takes time and a competent approach.

To alleviate the condition in oncology, you can use.

We have already talked about them, describing the fact that this well-known Altai company manages to produce very high-quality herbal tinctures-syrups at a very favorable price. And this significantly distinguishes these syrups from other products.

Of these syrups, we note the most interesting, in terms of the fight against oncology - this is (oncology of the genitourinary system, lungs), (oncology of the respiratory tract), (oncology of the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system), this is a storehouse of trace elements that can be added to all other syrups , as an additional vitamin support.

Narine herbal tincture syrups are good because they do not require special preparation, they do not even require water for soldering, and they can be used everywhere.

This moment makes your favorite herbs always at hand, and you will not miss their intake on time.

8. what should not be eaten with cancer

Unfortunately, cancer is a disease of our time, and from this we can conclude that all products that have undergone heat treatment, conservation, products of modern production, in the manufacture of which preservatives are used to increase the shelf life, flour products, especially sweets, are very helpful to diseases. root.

It is very important to drink clean water for oncological diseases, also apply

With oncology, rye bread is useful, which is poured with linseed oil and moderately salted. Such bread is used with a small clove of garlic, which makes it especially useful for the treatment of intestinal disorders, with oncology of various stages, this recipe allows you to push back the disease if you use such bread on an empty stomach, 2 hours before meals.

Flaxseed oil is a source of omega acids...

This oil gives more strength to the body with mineral energy losses for the digestion of food, which gives strength to the body to fight the disease.

9. oncology depends on the pH of the environment.

Or rather, not the ph of the products themselves, but the ph of what enters the bloodstream as a result of metabolism in the liver and digestion of food in the stomach and intestines.

An important point is what residues become larger after eating a particular food, acidic or alkaline.

And this, by the way, does not know that if apple juice is used (it is slightly acidic in ph), then the body becomes acidic.

What matters is the metabolites after the decomposition of the juice.

After taking apple juice, the ph of the blood, saliva, and lymph rises.

Oncology - we noticed!

Recall that it is not necessary that acid-containing foods should acidify the body. Let's take apples - acids are a dime a dozen there, and after taking an apple, the ph of human saliva increases by almost 0.5-0.7 units. The fact is that alkalis are formed from acids and vice versa. With a complex chain of metabolism, the example of an apple can demonstrate this well.

Here is an example of products with different Ph values ​​of their environment, but, nevertheless, in the end, the most strongly alkalizing the human body.

Ph Lemon-(2.2-2.4)

Ph Watermelon-(5.5-6.0)

Ph Lime-(1.8-2.1)

Ph Grapefruit-(2.9-4)

Ph Asparagus-(6.0-6.5)

Ph Leek-(5.5-6.2)

But the drug antiseptic Dorogov, has a strongly alkaline reaction from the very beginning, and does not dissociate from alkali into acid.

Thus, greatly helping a cancer patient to increase ph in the tissues of the body and, as one of the mechanisms that stop cancer and chronic diseases, will be one of the first to help increase the ph of the body.

It also has other mechanisms that stop oncology, cure chronically ill patients and boost immunity, but you can read about them on the following page:

Scientists from all over the world are actively working on a drug that could defeat cancer. Recently, Indian experts conducted a study and found a plant extract that selectively destroys cancer cells. This is reported by the publication Nanoscale. Experts have found that a rare plant with an exotic appearance called Anthocephalus kadamba, or Krishna Tree, could help develop a new […]

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According to Alexander Kozhevnikov, deputy director of the Center, scientists used the method of extraction with subcritical solvents to isolate useful substances from the bark. “If a few years ago, in order to obtain antioxidants from birch bark, it took a sufficient amount of time, depending on the method, from a week to several hours, then we managed to obtain an extract in half an hour,” says Alexander Kozhevnikov. […]

Antibiotics that kill beneficial bacteria in the gut reduce the chances of cancer patients beating a serious illness. Two studies at once showed that these bacteria are very necessary for defeating malignant tumors. Two studies have shown that antibiotics interfere with the body's ability to fight cancer. These bacteria-fighting drugs have already gotten a bad rap due to […]

Iron oxide nanoparticles can help in the treatment of cancer. To do this, it is necessary to apply the method of magnetic biodetection, which determines the characteristics of the organism by its response to an external magnetic field. The experts managed to confirm the very possibility of using iron oxide nanoparticles in biodetection. It is noted that due to the use of an electromagnetic field, the microcomponents of the compound contained in the tumor cells are heated and destroy metastases.

Japanese scientists have discovered that genetically modified chicken eggs can be used to fight cancer. Doctors say interferon-beta prices are currently extremely high, but could be halved by using a bizarre new method to create therapeutic drugs. These drugs are already being used to stimulate the body's immune system to fight certain cancers, […]

The idea of ​​a new kind of fight against cancer is to “teach” the cells that are surrounded by the tumor, not to let it grow and form metastases. As a kind of "causative agent" of these cells, the researchers intend to use the SI-CLP protein, which should be delivered to a specific area due to the inactivated virus. Based on the words of the head of the Oncology Research Institute of the Tomsk National Research Medical Center Nadezhda […]

The introduction of vitamin E extract into the bloodstream has a very fast effect: within 24 hours, the cancerous tumor begins to shrink in size, and after ten days it almost completely disappears, according to British scientists from the University of Glasgow. At the moment, researchers have found that vitamin E is able to find and destroy tumors in skin cancer. However, they confidently state that this […]

Researchers at the University of Queensland have found that patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma are much more likely to survive if they have a greater variety of T cells. It is known that T-cells help the human body "fight off" infections, including such as the flu. However, only new data could indicate that they are also capable of killing malignant cells.

Preventing the development of breast cancer and the occurrence of metastases in other organs has become possible, say researchers from the Institute for Cancer Research UK. Scientists conducted a series of experiments on mice. It turned out that the key lies in blocking the LOXL2 enzyme. It is high levels of the LOXL2 enzyme that help cancer cells spread throughout the body, leading to death, experts have found. The researchers used chemical compounds and […]

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to immunologists - American James Ellison and Japanese Tasuku Honjo - for their discovery in the field of cancer therapy by activating the immune response.

James Ellison and Tasuku Honjo discovered a way to unblock our immune cells to attack tumors, since the human immune system most often does not "see" malignant tumors, since cancer cells are cells of our own body. As a result, the necessary protective reaction does not occur.

Previously, doctors could only fight cancer in three ways - surgery, exposure to ionizing radiation and chemotherapy (special poisons that hit rapidly dividing cells).

The idea that immunity and cancer could be linked was put forward by the 1908 Nobel laureate Paul Ehrlich. He suggested that tumor cells can appear in the body all the time, but the immune system blocks their development. Ehrlich's ideas formed the basis of the whole theory of immune surveillance of the tumor.

In the 1990s, a Japanese immunologist from the University of Kyoto discovered the PD-1 (immunity checkpoint) receptor on the surface of lymphocytes, the activation of which leads to the suppression of their activity. Around the same years, the American Allison from the Anderson Cancer Center at the University of Texas studied a protein called CTLA-4, which is located on the surface of various groups of T-lymphocytes (provide recognition and destruction of cells that carry foreign antigens). He and his colleagues noticed that this protein was able to suppress the immune response. Ellison tried turning off a natural blocker in mice with cancer. Tumor cells could no longer hide from the immune system, and the body fought cancer much more effectively, writes Wired.

If you block CTLA-4, T-lymphocytes begin to work much more actively.

In 2001, the first cancer vaccine, ipilimumab, was used to treat melanoma in a woman named Sharon Belvin. After one injection of the drug, her tumors disappeared within six months. Having proven itself well, this drug is now used in the NHS (National Health Service of Great Britain) for the treatment of patients with melanoma. All known treatments that were previously used did not have such good results, writes the British agency BBC.

A protein called PD-1, which was discovered by Professor Tasuku Honjo, normally allows regulatory T cells to suppress those killer T cells that are activated on the “wrong” antigen. The fact is that the activation of this protein on lymphocytes (with the help of the PD-1 - PD-L1 ligand) sends them into apoptosis - the process of programmed cell death or programmed death.

In mice, Honjo's group showed the effectiveness of blocking the new protein in fighting various tumors. This data has been used to develop a new drug called Nivolumab, which is registered worldwide and is used to treat many types of cancer, including melanoma.

On March 8, it was reported that scientists at Harvard University have developed a personalized vaccine that helps activate the immune system to fight cancer.
On February 1, scientists at Stanford University School of Medicine found that activating T-lymphocytes in malignant tumors can destroy cancer cells and even fight distant metastases.

Maxim Nagorny is 37 years old. He learned that he had lung cancer two years ago. Maxim is a fan of outdoor activities. Due to his illness, he was banned from long hikes and favorite bike routes. In his free time, he began to collect unusual things from wood and improvised means - cameras, rotary telephones.

Maxim spoke to Profilaktika.Media about the word "cancer," inaccessible medicine in Russia, and a new attitude to life after a diagnosis.

I was born in Penza. When I was one year old, my parents moved to Perm, where they still live. Dad worked as a foreman at a fan factory, mom graduated from a preschool faculty, worked as a methodologist in kindergartens, and a specialist in the Ministry of Education. Now she is retired, but she cannot imagine her life without children, so she works as a nanny.

In 2006 I graduated from the Faculty of Physics of the Perm State University. I work in the IT field. He got married in 2015 and has no children yet.

In November 2015, during a planned fluorography, a blackout was found in my chest. After that, long trips to the doctors began. After hospitalization and a biopsy in April 2016, a tumor near the left lung was removed. After reviewing the glass blocks, a diagnosis of mediastinal tratoma, a benign formation, was made.

When a control computed tomography was performed in July 2016, they found multiple opacities on the surface of the left lung. Again began consultations of thoracic surgeons and oncologists. The process went slowly.

As a result, in September 2016, a biopsy was again done and the glass blocks were revised. And after that, the final diagnosis was made - “bilateral disseminated large cell lung carcinoma T4NxM1”. Simply put, stage 4 lung cancer or stage 4 squamous cell lung cancer.

In October 2016, chemotherapy began at the Perm Oncology Center, a total of eight courses were completed. And on each control computed tomography there was a negative trend. Each time the doctors said something like: “Well, everything is individual. Let's try another protocol."

By the eighth course of chemotherapy, there was a strong feeling that this treatment was just for show. This feeling was especially strong when I looked at people who did the tenth, fifteenth or twentieth chemo, and they did not have good dynamics.

Speaking of people with: it is important to understand that these were different sequential treatment regimens with different drugs. Chemotherapy is prescribed, then the treatment itself follows. Then evaluate the effect. If there is no effect, then the scheme changes. Unfortunately, due to the lack of information, after several cycles and “chemo” regimens, patients believe that it “does not help”, forgetting that regimens and drugs have changed.

Yes, with each subsequent scheme - that is, a line of therapy - the effectiveness decreases, which is why the most effective drugs are prescribed in the first lines. But if there is no response to standard regimens, then perhaps we still do not know some genetic features of this tumor (for example, some kind of mutation) that makes it sensitive to the drug that was prescribed in the third or fourth line, and there will be an excellent answer! In the process of drug therapy, there are many complexities and nuances that are not visible and often not clear to the patient. This misunderstanding causes denial and hostility. But no one would want to check how long they would have lived without treatment at all.

Therefore, in parallel, requests were sent to Israeli and Turkish clinics, which suggested that it was possible to be treated with a new modern medicine, the active ingredient pembrolizumab. After realizing that this treatment could be more effective for me and my diagnosis, and that chemo could “kill” the whole body along with cancer, I voluntarily abandoned chemotherapy and decided to switch to pembrolizumab. But in August 2017, this medicine had not yet been registered and was only undergoing clinical trials in Russia. So I had to buy it abroad and put it in a private clinic here. Of course, my condition was monitored - every two weeks I donated blood, did a computed tomography. At the same time, the medicine has been used abroad for a long time, they are quite officially treated for melanoma and lung cancer.

Comment by a resident of the Higher School of Oncology Katerina Korobeynikova:

Now everything that chemotherapists do is called “drug therapy.” It includes "classic" chemotherapy - cytostatics, immunotherapy, targeted therapy, biotherapy ... But all this treatment is drugs.

Pembrolizumab, which Maxim is talking about, is a monoclonal antibody, that is, biotherapy. The drug registry says the following about it: "Pembrolizumab is indicated for the treatment of patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer who have confirmed expression of PD-L1 by tumor cells and progression of the disease during or after platinum therapy." That is, they could not immediately prescribe it, since cytostatics with platinum are more effective in the first line (if the tumor is sensitive to them). Unfortunately, the problem of the lack of certain drugs registered abroad really exists in Russia, and it needs to be addressed.

Help groups were created in social networks, a fundraiser for the purchase of the drug began. Of course, personal savings were used, a lot of things had to be sold to buy medicine. My friends helped me a lot, I couldn't have done it without them. At that time, all the help that I received from strangers gave me strength and a desire to fight on. These people wrote to me, supported me, sent money to buy medicines.

By January 2018, I learned that you can take the drug for free - at the expense of compulsory medical insurance. Having received a referral for examinations at the Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center, I underwent examinations, passed tests, on the basis of which I was prescribed pembrolizumab treatment at the Perm Oncology Center.

Now I continue to be treated and I am waiting for the next course after the control computed tomography. By the way, it showed the lack of dynamics in comparison with the previous study. This is a good result.

What helps you in your daily struggle?

Of course, the support of close relatives and friends is of great importance. The closest and best friends helped send all the information to overseas clinics so that initial research could be done, they helped a lot with the creation of a collection group.

It helps to communicate with the same as me - cancer survivors. The name "cancer-living" came up with my new friend, who also has cancer. Sometimes I advise something when people turn to me, sometimes they advise me what to do in this or that situation. And communication with these people gives nourishment, strength and confidence that we are on the right path, the path of recovery.

Of course, after everyone around me learned about my diagnosis, many were perplexed, could not believe that this was happening to me. Some said: “You mean sick? You can see how happy and joyful he is in the photos. He can't have cancer." For this reason, someone left my life, and someone came, new interests, new hobbies, new perspectives appeared. And I am grateful to those and other people for everything.

All my life I have been fond of outdoor activities - rafting, hiking, cycling, parachuting. The most significant for me is a hike along the route Teplyaya Gora - Reserve Basegi - Mount Oslyanka - Kizel. It is 130 km on foot. I remember very well a bike trip across the Crimea from Dzhankoy to Simferopol through Yalta, Alushta and Sevastopol. When I got sick, the doctors recommended that I temporarily stop strenuous exercise. Instead, I walked with my wife and friends, recuperated. This year I began to gradually get on the bike, to ride a little.

At some point, he began to make decorative elements, lighting and furniture from wood, improvised means. I use everything in a row - cameras, rotary phones, in general, what can be found at flea markets. And this occupation makes me happy, distracts and takes up free time. I want to dedicate my near future to this occupation while I recover. Additionally, I work at my previous job in the free mode. This is a definite plus, because I am doing what I really want to do now, and this helps a lot.

What would you like to change in the healthcare system and cancer screening?

Faced with our medical system, I made a not very comforting conclusion for myself: if you are treated for free, get ready for queues, long waits for necessary urgent procedures, lack of drugs. To get the right conclusion or appointment, sometimes it is necessary to fight, to seek justice. So, for example, there was no oncologist in the polyclinic at the place of residence for more than a year, and therefore it was necessary to go between the therapist, the paramedic and the head of the department in order to get a referral for tests and a prescription for medicines.
But all the problems are in the system, not in people. After all, almost everywhere, in all hospitals and clinics, I communicated with adequate, friendly doctors and nurses. They get into position, help as best they can, suggest, seek out options for solving some difficult issues. I think that it is precisely due to such people - responsive, professionals with a capital letter - that our medicine keeps afloat.

Five months have passed from the moment the blackout was detected on my fluorography to some actions (in my case, this is a surgical intervention). For the second time, three months elapsed between the CT scan in July and the diagnosis. I think it's very long. It is necessary to reduce the time for trips between specialists, sitting in queues, because a quick diagnosis can save the lives of a huge number of people. And there will be fewer people like me, who “accidentally” already have the fourth stage of cancer.

What questions were the most difficult to answer?

When I was told my diagnosis, at first my head was empty. Just empty, there was nothing in it. Gradually, awareness began to come, frost on the skin, broke into sweat. Questions “why”, “what's next”, “what did I do wrong” and so on rained down, but then I pulled myself together.
The main thing that I understood is that such a disease is given not “for something”, but “for something”, so that a person understands what needs to be changed in himself, in his attitude towards people, towards life around him.

Of course, it was difficult not to panic and not to look on the Internet, not to look for answers to questions of interest there. Moreover, the panic spread to all my loved ones, everyone was worried, although they pretended that everything was fine. Even now, after a while, I understand that many questions had to be answered elsewhere. The main problem follows from this - in our country, the initial support for cancer survivors is completely absent, everyone is like blind kittens, they do not know what to do, how to act, who to contact. This is very sad, because at first it is necessary to treat treatment, nutrition, and lifestyle very responsibly. In the life of such people everything changes.

What did your diagnosis give you?

I concluded for myself that I love life and want to live. While I had free time in hospitals, I read books on psychology. I realized that life is not as unambiguous as it seemed before, that there is a lot of positive in our world. And with this warmth one must live and nourish one's soul. There is always something to strive for, something to want, someone to love, someone to give your love to.
Once again I realized that you have to fight for your life, for your health yourself, no one owes you anything. It is necessary to take x-rays of the lungs in time, go to the doctors for preventive appointments, take tests.

What advice would you give to relatives of patients and to people who are faced with oncology?

1. Trust your doctor. If you have a problem, don't panic. Do not immediately go online and read everything about your illness, this will worsen an already difficult psychological state. At the initial stage, it is better to trust the attending physician, but gradually begin to check everything yourself. Look for other treatment options, both paid and free. And only after that decide how and where to be treated.

2. Every cancer survivor needs support. It is necessary to support a person, but do not forget about loved ones. It is also difficult for them, they also need support, they also suffer both for the cancer survivor and for themselves.

At the end of March last year, my lymph nodes became inflamed, which were palpable under my arm. Big ones like that. They lasted a long time, but I didn’t panic, just some kind of inflammation. As later the doctors said, it turned out that the disease was born much earlier.

Gradually, I began to feel that I was getting tired much faster, running out of breath, waking up in a cold sweat. I thought it was just overwork. And in May I already went to the operation - I needed to operate on my arm. I broke it a long time ago, they inserted a prosthesis there. But then some problems began, the arm did not unbend.

On the eve of the operation in the evening, I suddenly feel pain on my neck - I touch it, and there are very large knots. This is where I started to panic a little. After the operation, it took me a long time to come to my senses and work out my hand - another weeks or months passed, I don’t know for sure. And then once - and one evening in another place there is another bump. Then I got scared and I’m already surfing the Internet, reading all kinds of horror stories. I was about to lie down to die already, that's all. She signed up in the hospital for an ultrasound of all the lymph nodes.

Photo: Alexey Abanin

It turned out that there are a lot of very inflamed lymph nodes inside me. And the uzistka puts me on suspicion of cancer, sending me to a hematologist. She sent urgently to the surgeon to operate. They cut out several lymph nodes under my armpit. They practically did everything for profit, they only injected [painkillers] a bit. I felt all the dull pain, all the cauterization, smells. I screamed so much that the surgeon turned on Vivaldi on his phone. The tile, a huge room, echoes Vivaldi, and I yell wildly and heart-rendingly with a good obscenity. Then the surgeon solemnly sewed me up, lifts me up by the hand and says: “Well, that's all. Most likely cancer. Heal and don't die, everything will be fine." Like most people, I heard the word "death" and not the word "cancer."

“Well, now we need to wait a few days for the analysis and we will definitely make a diagnosis. For now, go home, ”the doctor said, solemnly handed over the lymph nodes in a box and asked to be taken to some office. For ten days I sat at home and went crazy, preparing to die, thinking about cremation. When the doctor told me all this, I just didn’t understand, I screamed: “How can you tell me that I will die?” That's exactly what I heard. I freaked out and cried. All ten days I lived in horror, but in rejection - I was 99% sure that everything would be fine. It can't be like that with me. Not with me for sure. I tried to distract myself, but every day I cried, I could not sleep, eat. Because of this stupid lack of information, these stupid fears. They saved me with grass. This is the only thing that could put me to sleep, painkillers did not help with postoperative pain. You're just going crazy. Those days were the worst ever.

Then they said that yes, this is cancer of the second, deep stage. And they immediately said that it was not fatal and that he was being treated with chemotherapy. Then a long epic began with the search for doctors and oncologists, research. Cancer of the lymph nodes, it is also called Hodgkin's lymphoma - there are a lot of subspecies, it was necessary to investigate what type, level, a lot of everything. Later, they enlightened the whole body in order to understand where the cancer was, it turned out that my body was almost like that of a baby. Almost all healthy. I think that because of the operation with the hand, when they inserted the prosthesis, they planted immunity very strongly when various liquids were poured in for a long time. They extinguished just immunity, so that the prosthesis, the metal in the hand, would take root. Then it turned out that the prosthesis was initially placed incorrectly, and for all three years the prosthesis dangled. During this time, he did so much trouble in his hand that the immune system went crazy.

I stopped at the 62nd [Moscow city oncological] hospital in Istra. There I was offered an accelerated course - not half a year, but two months - and several irradiation procedures. I was in a hurry to go to the theater, to the stage. It was just summer. In September it was necessary to return to duty. And accelerated treatment is very tough. Severe poisoning of the body. I went for it. I lay down there, poured chemistry. It was supposed to be sick all night, I had a temperature, but I was so afraid of this that I set my brain that I would not lie in the hospital, that I would be active, I would not interrupt work - the shooting was planned. The next morning the doctors came in and were simply stunned to see me brisk. And I just ran away and went home. Since then, I just started coming by myself and injecting chemistry. In parallel, of course, a bunch of pills and injections. I made them myself, took syringes and medicine, injected myself - either in the stomach or in the leg. And so I drove myself to the hospital, poured in, left. So all treatment.

Chemistry is cumulative, it gradually got worse and worse. And every day the body throws something out. You walk down the street - and suddenly your legs fail. Either something is wrong with the teeth, then the vision is junk, then the hearing. Both day and night, constantly sick. You feel like you're pregnant. The first courses of chemistry, I could only eat cold beetroot. I didn’t eat anything else at all, I was shaking. Then the hair fell down, and, of course, I had to shave everything off. Tufts of hair remained in the hands. This was really scary. I held on to the last - I was sure that I would not go bald. One day, my mother and I were walking, and then she sees that her hair just falls and falls on her shoulders, she didn’t even have to touch it. In the morning we left the house, and in the late afternoon, by five o'clock, I already had powerful bald patches. We went to my friend, took the machine in her hands and began to shave herself. My hands shook, tears rolled down in a hail - I look at myself in the mirror like this and see only fear, horror and ugliness. I couldn’t even go out to my mother, I was afraid that she would say that I was a freak. But everyone somehow immediately said that I was beautiful, this is absolutely my style, all that. I didn't believe it, of course. Eyebrows and eyelashes also fell out.

And getting weaker and weaker and weaker. But I continued to act, to play in performances. Physically it was very hard. I even went on tour, shooting began. And only in the last course of chemistry in August, the body could not stand it. I just collapsed and lay there for a week. I just couldn't walk, get up, or sleep. The worst thing is breaking. It breaks the whole body, bones, skull, teeth. I called myself a bedridden drug addict trying to get off the needle. I was terribly thin, just a skeleton. Friends helped, stuffed food into me.

And after a short period of rest, the theater began. And the irradiation began: every day for three weeks. And more droppers, injections, pills. She came by car to Istra to the hospital, and in the evening she played in performances.

Photo: Alexey Abanin

Everyone around me says that I am a superman, so the treatment is impossible to endure: “So thin, small. No one works, no one wears, they lie at home and are treated. And I ran, tried not to cancel anything: I worked out my arm, swam in the pool, practiced in the gym, stretching, sports. It was hard, but the main thing was not to interrupt. Apparently, this cumulative thing caught up with me. When the main treatment ended, I again fell down very badly. The second month I'm just starting to come to my senses and eat off. Lost even more weight.

At the very beginning of treatment, a psychotherapist is assigned to everyone, but I immediately refused: I’m strong, I can handle it. But then I realized that I couldn't handle it. What I blocked on purpose caught up with me. Raging poisoning, operations, stress and work - it took its toll. I went to a psychotherapist and demanded strong drugs.

There were very scary emotional things that I just had no control over. I didn’t understand what was happening to me, panic attacks, terrible nervous breakdowns, tantrums. I couldn't explain why I'm crying now, why I'm inadequate. It felt like everything hurt. I remember, even during the exposure, I ran up the stairs and yelled: "I'll end up in a durke." It’s good that there was always someone nearby: they were brought back by force. Now I understand that this is the most important thing in cancer. It's not about support - you just often don't realize it.

This continues to this day, but not to the same extent, of course. There is a work with the doctor, sedatives. And the body is still weak, hard physically and emotionally.

On February 14, I will have a control CT scan [computed tomography - approx. Rain]. And they will say that [cancer] is in remission or you never know what else. I am convinced that everything is fine, but there is fear. In any case, it will be necessary to recover a lot, a lot. Not even a year, the body is poisoned. And this is even more difficult for me than treatment. Either the nails fall off, or the eyelashes fall out in the second circle. It can hold on for another four or five years.

I realized that the main thing in this disease is to know that you are not weak. Then I started to sign photos on Instagram with the hashtag #sickisntweak. And even earlier I put the hashtag #actressseagull, and now I am writing #baldactressseagull.

I proved on myself that cancer does not have to fall down and lie down. Yes, I was lucky that I did not have an advanced stage, I was lucky. It's still hard physically, but our brain is stronger than it all.

Alexander Gorokhov, Mediazona journalist, 29 years old

In early 2016, I thought something was wrong. Month after month, I worked. But something in the body was not the same as before, strange. Round-the-clock work, nothing but it and drinking - that's all I was interested in. And one summer - it was June - I went to bed, and it hurts wildly down there. Straight eyes climb on the forehead. I lay down on the bed, shouting to my neighbor to call an ambulance. I was taken to the hospital, and I'm getting sicker. It turned out that there was torsion of the testicular cord. Was straight f **** c. Here the doctor is standing, the surgeon, and I, yelling at two floors. And he says, “You know, go for an ultrasound anyway. And the second time, because there is something wrong.” And my aunt was so nasty, she didn’t want to do an ultrasound. The doctor has already taken this thing, done everything and says: “You have a tumor there and, most likely, cancer.” Benign or malignant - it was not clear.

I then could not unbend for three days. I spent two nights in the hospital. On the second night they brought my grandfather, who had incontinence. I wake up, I feel that it stinks. I tell the nurses

“Grandfather screwed up there.

- I will not go.

— What to do?

I wandered around this floor, tried to sleep on a bench, on a chair, and everything else hurts. Somehow he fell asleep on a small sofa. How I survived till morning, I don't know. But then they were already taken to the oncology clinic. And then I don't remember very well. It was a kaleidoscope: pain, tests, waiting for results. A few days later they still said it was cancer. But the stage is not clear. I waited a week at home. And then they told me: "You come to the operation." After all, it was possible to determine the degree only by excising the tumor. I arrived, lay for a long time, prepared for the operation. They said to shave everything from the neck to the knees, and this is a so-so event. I strained my friends to buy me this Veet cream. How long did I have to stand in the shower to shave it all off? The cream saved me.

Photo: Alexey Abanin

I was operated on, had a cavity operation. The sensations were very funny - the tips of the fingers thaw, and then I understand that the toes froze in a different position, but I cannot correct them. I asked my mother to correct them in the opposite direction. It was terribly important in those moments. Then they let me go home after a while. There were two disgusting things: it was very painful when I sneezed and when they made me laugh. Sharpest pain. More time passed, analyzes were carried out. And in the end they said that I had stage IS, testicular cancer. This is not the first, but not yet the second stage.

“We will perform another operation for you, it will be necessary to remove some of the lymph nodes,” the hospital said. The tumor had grown into the circulatory system, metastases could have gone anywhere.

I waited a long time for the operation. Painfully. They did a second operation and said to go for chemo. Well, OK. It was possible to refuse, but I was told that in three years, most likely, there would be something not very good, “so go.” He lay for a week, there was a catheter. I went to bed at four in the morning, the doctors came at seven and started infusing. I woke up already at 11 o'clock from what was tearing me apart and I wanted to go to the toilet. During these four hours, 3.5 liters of liquid were poured. This went on for a week, I was dripping. On Sunday I was released, and it was the day of the Moloko Plus magazine presentation. I felt like normal, I asked my mother to take me to the presentation, I wanted to go out in public. All was good.

The next day I woke up completely exhausted. This went on for almost a month and a half. The worst time of the day is as soon as you wake up. You won’t fall asleep for another 12 hours for sure, but you can’t do anything at all. You look at your phone, answer a couple of messages, put the phone down. That's all there is to it. You can't even lie down, you feel so bad. It doesn't hurt - it doesn't. I walked 20 minutes along the wall to the toilet. You don't want to eat and you can't. The only thing - I can not say that I was very sick. Along with chemotherapy, I was given some kind of drug that seemed to help. Many usually have big problems with this. People turn around the clock. Physical pain is unpleasant. It hurts, but bearable. But this is just survival. Every day you think about when it will all end. Then it passed, but the hair began to fall out. They just lay on the pillow. Went and shaved completely. On this, perhaps, the story ended.

Every three months I take tests, because the risk of relapse is high. And this is 15 thousand each time. I'll go one of these days, they'll say something.

I don't feel like anything is going wrong. And every time you think, what if it happens again. I'm not particularly worried. Even when they told me that there would be cancer. Well, ok, it's cancer, now what to do. I wasn't scared, I wasn't nervous, I wasn't worried. In this regard, it was quite easy for me. Of course, it has to do with my character. Few things scare me. Well, a fatal disease, well, I will die, what should I do now, all mortals. Moreover, I wrote a diploma about euthanasia. So I posted big post on facebook about the disease. First, there is nothing to hide. Secondly, I somehow wanted people to know that they don’t need to withdraw into themselves, the mood is super important. I felt that something was wrong with this disease in Russia. Now, if you look at the States, it’s just a disease there, they don’t attach much importance to it. If I'm not worried, then everyone else shouldn't be.

For a long time I thought about how to do something to express it all. And in July 2017 I made a poster.

Photo: Alexander Gorokhov

The idea dragged on for many months: from the end of 2016 until the summer. Pasted at the bar "Pine and Linden" and at the "Winery". And I was amazed - there are so many photos on Instagram, many people wrote “cool”. For street art, it hung for a very long time - several months. There will be several more projects on this occasion. I really want to say: dudes, do not despair. No need to worry. It may be very difficult for you, you will need to prolong chemistry, you will turn into a mess and it will be difficult. The question of survival during treatment is a complex one. But you know why you're doing it. No one chose it, you just got lucky like that in the heavenly lottery.

Ulyana Shkatova, psychologist, artist, 30 years old

It was 2014. Everything was fine: we worked, walked, dreamed. I decided to remove the mole - not just like that, of course, I had it for several years, changed, grew. I knew that moles are such a dangerous thing, but I had never removed them before. It was small, five millimeters, convex, changed color - I directly felt it on my body. On the shin, on the bottom of the leg. I knew that moles should not be burned out, so I went to an oncologist in a general hospital. He looked and said she was completely normal. "If you want, let's remove it."

If we analyze what happened, I don’t blame this doctor for anything, but the downside was that he didn’t scare me that the mole could be malignant. "Normal, looks good, if you want - we'll delete it, if you don't want - we won't." I came to him only a few months later. He removed it surgically under local anesthesia, sent it to histology. A few weeks later I got the result that everything is fine - the mole is benign. This story completely let go of me, and I did not think about it.

Photo: Alexey Abanin

Almost a year has passed, and in this place (there was a small scar) a bump formed under the skin with half a pea. I did not attach any importance to this, but again went to the oncologist. "It's okay, just in case, let's cut it out again and give it to histology." Leaving the operating room, he told me to go into the office with him. He was very tense and scared: “It doesn’t look like inflammation, it was some kind of formation. We have to wait for the result."

I decided not to read the Internet and do nothing, because as soon as you read it, you will immediately find it all in your place. Mom got the results in the mail. I was at home, lying in bed, I had bronchitis. Nine in the morning - I wanted to call the doctor, but did not have time. Mom came to me, knocked on the door. I was very surprised that she came. They didn't agree.

- Here is the result. You have melanoma.

- And what is it?

- A malignant tumor.

I don't remember that moment and what happened to me.

When you are told the results, you don't realize how much the disease has spread. The first days are the worst. First, the unknown: what is it all about? You know that people die of cancer, that's all. I also had bronchitis and fever. I felt so bad, I sobbed and thought that I would never get out of bed at all again. It is inevitable, you just have to go through this stage.

I had an operation. They take a place where there is a tumor, and cut out a larger place. And six months later, a new bump formed in the same place. And so it went on every six months. Each time they had an operation, they cut out more and more. At some point, there was no longer anything to sew, and they did a skin transplant. They took the skin from the hand and transplanted it there. They sewed it together again, cut it again, again the seams diverged, again operations - there was nothing to grow together there.

Photo: Alexey Abanin

All this time I was treated in different ways. I have a rather stupid diagnosis in terms of treatment - standard chemotherapy does not work. I don't mind at all. Yes, it's a tough method, but at least it heals. Chemistry does not work on melanoma. At first I was prescribed one medicine, I pricked for six months. His condition was terrible - his body ached, his head ached, he had a temperature every day. But it didn't work. Within the framework of the Research Institute [Oncology. N. N. Petrova] in St. Petersburg began experimental treatment. She donated 16 test tubes of blood from a vein and individual vaccines were made from them. I took them for a whole year.

Nobody was told about the disease, I continued to work in my condition. I didn’t want pity, well, there was hope that it would all end. Especially the second stage. This continued until the spring of 2017.

It was a Saturday at the end of March. Morning, I had breakfast and scratched my back (behind my left shoulder). And I feel like a bump under the skin. I went to the hospital for an ultrasound scan - they said that it looks like a metastasis from melanoma. Since the place is remote, the opposite side of the body, they immediately put the fourth stage. And this is a very expensive treatment.

There is no money, I started looking for options on how to get medicines. They are new, recently invented, and are still being tested all over the world. And just registered a year ago, not all doctors in Russia even know how to treat it. I was looking for the best options for what to do to stop the disease. There are few medicines for melanoma - you can count on the fingers. I consulted with the best doctors and realized that I needed a drug that costs 4.5 million a year. The amounts are certainly cosmic!

There was no money, so we decided to try clinical trials. There is not much time, you need to urgently decide something, the fourth stage is not a joke. We studied all the options for a very long time on a special website - in the end, we were given two thousand tests. It took a long time to translate and understand them. They wrote to everyone that came up - and everyone refused. There was one last test - in Germany. I waited a long time for an answer, in the end they said: "Come." Literally in a day, we applied for an urgent visa, packed our things, booked everything we could, and flew with my husband Sasha. I took a risk, there was no other option. Spent a day in the hospital and signed a consent form with them. Came up in all respects - was insanely happy. “In order to be taken into the tests for sure, you need to make an audit of your histology, you need to take blood and check everything again,” the doctors said. I went through all the examinations, and the day came when I was supposed to be given this medicine for the first time. It was the most terrible day of my life.

Photo: Alexey Abanin

I came to the hospital. We waited for a long time, and then entered the office. The doctor said: "You have new metastases in the lungs, and with them you no longer fit." Not only was I not taken to the only test, it also turned out that the disease had spread to vital organs. "Sorry goodbye". All the last money was given to Germany. Just zero. And they were left with nothing.

There were no other options but to ask people for money. It was the beginning of summer. I got ready - done

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