Features of the flora of Russia. Ecological, taxonomic and geographical structure of the flora. Characteristics of the flora in the form of a table.

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Concept of flora

Flora is the collection of plant species that live in a certain area. We can talk about the flora of a particular region, region, country or any physical-geographical region (for example, the flora of Siberia, the flora of Europe, the flora of the Omsk region, etc.). Often flora also means a list of plants noted in a given area.

Floras of different territories differ significantly in the number of species composing them. This is primarily due to the size of the territory. The larger it is, the greater the number of species, as a rule. By comparing parts of land that are approximately equal in size by the number of plant species growing on them, poor floras and rich floras are identified.

The flora of tropical countries is richest in species; as you move away from the equatorial region, the number of species quickly decreases. The richest flora is in Southeast Asia with the Sunda Islands archipelago - more than 45 thousand plant species. In second place in terms of richness is the flora of tropical America (the Amazon basin with Brazil) - about 40 thousand species. The flora of the Arctic is one of the poorest, with just over 600 species; the flora of the Sahara Desert is even poorer - about 500 species

The richness of the flora is also determined by the diversity of natural conditions within the territory. The more diverse the environmental conditions, the more opportunities for the existence of different plants, the richer the flora. Therefore, the floras of mountain systems are, as a rule, richer than lowland floras. Thus, the flora of the Caucasus has more than 6,000 species, but on the vast plain of the central zone of the European part of Russia only about 2,300 species are found.

The richness of the flora may also be due to historical reasons. Older floras, many millions of years old, tend to be particularly rich in species. Plants that became extinct in other areas due to climate change, glaciations, etc. could survive here. Such ancient floras are found, for example, in the Far East and Western Transcaucasia. Young floras, formed relatively recently, are much poorer in species.

Significant differences in systematic composition are observed between floras of different territories. In temperate countries, as a rule, the families of Compositae, legumes, Rosaceae, grasses, sedges and cruciferous plants predominate. In arid areas, various representatives of the goosefoot are very common. Tropical floras are rich in representatives of orchids, euphorbias, madder, legumes, and cereals. In savannas and steppes, cereals come first.

Flora elements

Arctic - a group of species whose habitats are in the Far North, in the continental tundra zone and on the Arctic islands. It breaks up into a number of smaller elements, for example, Western Arctic and Eastern Arctic. On the other hand, some arctic species have parts of their ranges (disjunctions) in the Caucasus, Altai, etc., so we can talk about the elemental arctic-caucasian, arctic-alpine, etc. Location of grains.

Northern (or boreal) - a group of species with habitats located mainly within the northern parts of the forest region, namely in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bconiferous forests. Here, too, there are further divisions: Euroboreal - only in the European part, Sibboreal in Siberia, etc.

Central European - a group of species with habitats in Central Europe, extending with the eastern segments of their ranges into western part Union, in some cases even going beyond the Urals.

Basically, this group, more thermophilic compared to the previous one, is distributed in the region deciduous forests.

Examples: common oak (reaches the Urals), Norway maple (as well as field and Tatarian maples), ash, hornbeam, beech, winter oak (Quercus petraea), herbaceous species characteristic of broad-leaved forests, such as hoofweed, Peter's cross (Lathraea squamaria ), lungwort (Pulmonaria officinalis, etc. Range of lungwort.

Atlantic - found in the western regions of the European part of the USSR. This element is most strongly represented in the Atlantic coastal parts of Europe. Some species move more eastward. Among the plants growing on our territory, we can mention lobelia (Lobelia Dortmanna), waxweed (Myrica Gale).

Pontic - a group of species mainly of the southern Russian steppes, but also found in the Romanian and Hungarian steppes (if the species are found mainly in the Hungarian steppes, then this is a Pannonian element). This includes numerous species of our steppe spaces: adonis (Adonis vernalis), chickweed (Stachys recta), purple mullein (Verbascum phoeniceum), yellow scabiosa (Scabiosa ochroleuca), steppe cherry (Cerasus fruticosa), broom (Cytisus ruthenicus), etc. The Pannonian element is very poorly represented in our country. Habitat of the adonis.

Sarmatian - unites species that occupy the territory between the southern steppes and coniferous forests in the north, without going far to the west, beyond the western borders of the Union. These species are less heat-loving compared to the Pontic ones. A few examples: pea (Vicia pisiformis), hill violet (Viola collina), sandy astragalus (Astragalus arenarius) (Recently, some Russian authors have interpreted the Sarmatian element in a different sense: under the name of this element they combine species that cover mainly Northern Kazakhstan with their ranges (and partly Southern Siberia); these are generally steppe species. It is better, in order to avoid confusion, to talk here about the North Kazakhstan element).

Mediterranean - a group of species distributed in dry areas surrounding the Mediterranean Sea, and in the east growing on the coasts of the Black Sea - in the Crimea and the Caucasus (also in the Caspian regions). Trees and shrubs with evergreen leathery leaves and dry-loving herbs. Examples: strawberry tree (Arbutus andrachne), boxwood (Buxus sempervirens), sumac (Rhus coriaria), wild jasmine (Jasminum fruticans), etc. Some authors also include Western and Central Asian elements in the Mediterranean element. Boxwood habitat.

Near Asian. This includes species that have a habitat in the countries of Western Asia - from the borders of Iran in the east to the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. These are mainly plants of dry mountainous countries. It breaks down into a number of elements of a narrower meaning, of which we note the Iranian one, which generally coincides with the Iranian Plateau and extends into our borders in Transcaucasia. 9. Central Asian - confined to Central Asia, to its large mountain ranges (Tien Shan, Pamir-Alai, Tarbagatai, Altai). It is very complex and breaks down into a number of smaller elements.

Turanian - unites a group of species whose habitats are mainly associated with the deserts of the Turanian lowland of Central Asia. Element of desert character. In basic terms, this is the Aralocaspian element of some authors, which, however, is usually understood somewhat more broadly. A typically Turanian element is the group of Central Asian desert wormwoods (Artemisia). Range of white wormwood.

Manchurian is a group of species that has its main area of ​​distribution in Manchuria and extends into the southern parts of the Far Eastern region. A number of trees and shrubs of the broad-leaved type: Manchurian walnut (Juglans manshurica, Fig. 108), Manchurian aralia (Aralia manshurica), velvet tree (Phellodendron amurense, variegated hazel (Corylus heterophylla), etc.

Elements of the flora of the Caucasus. Especially for the Caucasus, it is possible to indicate some more geographical elements that are more spatially limited. Caucasian - consists of species connected by their habitats with the Greater Caucasus; this includes Caucasian endemics (forest and alpine). Colchis is a group of species that have their range in the Colchis province of the Caucasus, i.e. in Western Transcaucasia (Adjara, Abkhazia and the more northern coast). Forest, limestone, mountain-meadow species. The majority are elements ancient in their genesis (tertiary): pontic oak (Quercus pontica), rhododendron (Rhododendron Smirnowii), birch (Betula Medwedewii), etc. Hyrcanian - species occupying the extreme southeast of the Caucasus, but the bulk of species are concentrated abroad - in Northern Iran. Ancient tertiary elements (mainly forest species): Parrotia persica, honey locust (Gleditschia caspia), silk acacia (Albizzia julibrissin), genus Danae, etc.

floristic saturation phytogenic swamp

The concept of floristic richness and floristic saturation

Floristic composition is the complete set of plant species found within a particular plant community.

Floristic composition is the most important constitutional feature, largely determining the structure and functions of the community. This is a very informative sign that speaks about the environmental conditions in which the community is located, its history, the degree and nature of its disturbance, etc.

The floristic composition is characterized by a number of indicators.

The first is species richness, that is, the total number of species characteristic of a phytocenosis. This indicator can vary from 1 (monodominant single-species communities) to 1000 or more species (some tropical forests). According to the witty remark of R. Margalef (Margalef, 1994), species richness can in any case be placed between two extreme situations: the “Noah’s Ark” model - there are a lot of species, but each is represented by only one pair of individuals, and the “Petri dish” - a microbiological culture , in which a huge number of individuals of one species are represented. Species richness is the simplest measure of alpha diversity, that is, biotic diversity at the phytocenosis level.

With all the interest in the indicator of the degree of species richness, it is obvious that its use in comparative analytical constructions is in many cases incorrect. So, for example, a small swamp and a section of tropical forest are incomparable in terms of species richness. Therefore, in geobotany, the indicator of species saturation is much more often used - the number of species per unit area. But here it should be noted that in order to determine the species richness of a phytocenosis, it is necessary in any case to know its species richness.

If species richness is identified using square or round areas of increasing size inscribed within each other, then, as a rule, as the area of ​​the recording unit increases, the number of species identified in the phytocenosis will increase. If you construct a curve from the obtained values, it will fairly well reflect the dependence of the increase in the number of species on the size of the counting area. As a rule, such a curve will initially rise sharply, and then gradually reach a plateau. The beginning of the transition to the plateau will show that on an area of ​​this size the overwhelming number of species in the phytocenosis have already been identified. As a rule, the richer the phytocenosis in species, the smaller size area at which the curve reaches a plateau.

In order to characterize the floristic composition of the phytocenosis as fully as possible, all plants are first recorded, standing at one point on the border of the described area. After all the plants have been marked, including the most inconspicuous ones visible from the observation point, they slowly move along the border, recording new plants that have not yet been included in the list. Walking around the entire area. make its intersection diagonally, continuing to fit in the plants. This method of recording ensures the completeness of the list and saves the described area from trampling by the researcher.

When taking into account the species composition once, it is usually impossible to obtain a complete list of species characterizing the phytocenosis. Some species have a short growing season, dormant for the rest of the year as seeds or underground organs; other species begin their development late and are not included in the lists compiled during the spring description of the phytocenosis. Therefore, to obtain more complete information about the floristic composition of the community, it is necessary to compile lists of plants two or three times during the growing season.

Characteristics of the flora of the world

A section of the earth's surface with its inherent relief, ground layer of the atmosphere, surface and underground waters, soils, communities of flora and fauna, naturally interconnected, is called a natural-territorial complex (NTC). This same concept is also called “geosystem”. An ecosystem, which is the basic concept of environmental science, is a collection of living organisms and their environment in interaction based on metabolism and directed energy flows: These concepts are very similar in content: in all three concepts we're talking about about a certain area of ​​the earth's surface. Geosystems, or PTC, mean areas of the earth's surface at various levels that are in regular relationships, from the smallest - facies - to the global - geographical shell. Ecosystems mean spatial units of various sizes inhabited by organisms characterized by species composition, abundance and biomass, distribution patterns and seasonal dynamics. Ecosystem itself high rank- biosphere. The biosphere and the geographical envelope are almost identical concepts. In ecology and geography, not only global units, such as the biosphere and the geographical envelope, coincide, but also others of a lower rank: as concepts that are close in meaning, but different in form. For example, “facies” in landscape science and “zone” in physical geography are very close in meaning to both biological and ecological terms - “biocenosis” and “biome”.

In ecology, biological organisms, their relationships with the environment, species composition, biomass and energy exchange are placed in the foreground, since living organisms are distinguished by bio-geochemical activity. Especially green plants, which, as a result of the process of photosynthesis, continuously exchanging substances and energy with non-living components of nature, create primary organic products. In nature, only green plants transform solar energy into biochemical and accumulate it. Due to such accumulated energy of green plants, life exists and is preserved on Earth. Animals feed on organic substances synthesized by plants, thanks to which they continue their species. Living organisms that provide continuous metabolism and energy flows form the basis of the ecosystem. The most important component in it is the plant environment, which influences the soil, fauna and microorganisms. The state of vegetation determines the nature of biogeocenoses, their morphological and functional structure.
In solving environmental problems, an important role is played by the preservation of the natural state of green plants, land areas and species diversity in the process of human economic activity. A reduction in the annual production of green plants negatively affects the biochemical cycle of substances and energy flows, and the preservation of ecological balance in the ecosystem. And negative results cannot but affect a person’s life. The ecological situation among animal organisms is directly related to the ecological state of vegetation.

For humanity, the plant world is the most important component of the habitat, the main source of food, medicinal and technical raw materials, building material. Vegetation is the main basis for livestock production. Cultivated plants are also grown to improve the human environment, as well as to increase soil fertility, protect them from water and wind erosion, to consolidate loose sand, etc.

However, vegetation as one of the components of the natural-territorial complex is quite vulnerable and has low resistance to external influences. In the hierarchical system of a natural-territorial complex, vegetation is dependent on a number of components. Of the PTC components, the most stable is the lithological link, i.e. geological structure and relief. Air mass is also one of the stable components of the PTC. After them comes the water component, then the soil, and then just the vegetation. Changing any of the above components will result in disruption of the herbal component. If the relief is disturbed, the soil is washed away, and the water regime is changed, then there can be no question of preserving natural vegetation. But, if other components of nature have not undergone changes, then it is possible to preserve and restore the plant environment.

The fauna is also an important part of the biosphere. Animals are the most vulnerable component of the PTC - the main consumer of primary organic products created by plants, which ensure the circulation of chemical elements in the biosphere.

Animals play a significant role in soil fertility and rock weathering. Animal organisms in the soil, such as earthworms, various beetles, spiders, microorganisms, and digging rodents, constantly mix the soil, loosening it, increasing the pores and voids in it, promoting the penetration of air into the soil and, together with the remains of dead plants and animals, increasing its fertility . Small insects provide plant pollination, thereby creating the possibility of quantitative reproduction. By carrying the seeds of some plants from place to place, they help them spread. Animals improve rangeland to a certain extent, and only an excessive number of them within a limited area can lead to deterioration of the soil cover.

Animals play an important role in people's lives. They provide us with food and serve as a raw material base for industry. Wild animals are a source of genetic fund for livestock breeding. At the present stage, people are trying to domesticate different types of wild animals, in order, for example, to use their valuable fur.
Some species of animals cause serious damage to the farm, and people try to reduce such losses.

The fauna, together with the flora, is the most important component of the ecosystem, the factor that determines it current state. Ecological situations on the ground are determined by the state in which people, animals and plants are.).
The fauna, as one of the components of the natural-territorial complex, is the most vulnerable, especially susceptible to external influences, including those resulting from human economic activity, and has the least stability. This component is dependent on all other PTC components. In the hierarchical series of the geosystem, it occupies the last step, therefore the influence of human economic activity is primarily reflected on it, leading to a sharp increase in the number of some species, a decrease in others, or the complete disappearance of others. The fauna is the most affected of all the components of the PTC from human economic activities.

Floristic division of the Earth

An attempt at floristic zoning of the globe's landmass was made back in the first half of the 19th century. Floristic zoning can be based on various principles. In particular, it is possible to identify individual areas depending on the richness of species, features of systematic composition, and the presence or absence of certain elements of the flora.

However, most often the land area of ​​the globe is divided into a series of mutually subordinate regions, or phytochorions (from the Greek phyton - plant and khoros - space), identified on the basis of similarities and differences in the systematic composition of their floras. As new data is accumulated, it is repeatedly updated. A significant contribution to the zoning of the Earth according to the composition of floras was made by the Russian botanist A.L. Takhtadzhyan in his book “Floristic Regions of the Earth” (1978). Of essential importance in determining the boundaries of phytochorions is the analysis of habitats and the identification of geographical and genetic elements of a given flora.

Where the composition of the main elements of the flora changes, one flora is replaced by another. In works on floristic zoning, the distribution of endemics in floras is especially important.

Endemics are species (of plants) that are not found anywhere except in a given territory. Endemism is a broader concept, since endemic species can form endemic genera and even endemic families over larger areas. The degree of endemism varies greatly among different areas. The floras of isolated oceanic islands are highly endemic. Thus, for the flora of the Hawaiian Islands, 82% of endemics are indicated, for the flora Galapagos Islands- more than 50, in the native part of the flora of New Zealand - 82%. Of the continental floras, the most isolated is the flora of Australia - a continent that has long been isolated from other significant land areas.

Here, out of 12 thousand species, more than 9 thousand are endemic. But the number of endemic families here is still less than in East and Southeast Asia. Among endemics, botanists try to distinguish between paleoendemics and neoendemics. Paleoendemics have ancient origin. These are, as a rule, systematically isolated taxa. The number of paleoendemics largely determines the originality and antiquity of the flora. Neoendemics most often include species, less often genera, that arose relatively recently and have not yet had time to spread widely. There are especially many neoendemics in mountain ranges. A large number of neoendemics indicates active speciation processes and the relative youth of the main core of the flora. The centers of modern diversity of certain taxa are primarily associated with the abundance of neoendemics.

Floristic kingdoms

Floristic kingdoms (regions) of the globe, the largest associations of floras related by origin, historically formed on certain areas of the Earth’s surface. Isolation of F. c. is substantiated primarily by paleogeographical (starting for the most part from the Cretaceous period), as well as modern soil and climatic factors. In every F. c. It has its own complexes of endemic families and genera of plants, the origin and distribution of which over a long geological history took place within its borders. F. c. are subdivided into subordinate floristic units of lower rank (floristic regions, provinces, districts, districts, etc.). Although in the division of the earth's surface into F. c. (or areas) there are discrepancies between different authors, in their principled basis it is uniform (see Floristic zoning).

The vast Holarctic floristic kingdom (or Holarctic region) occupies the entire extratropical space of the North. hemisphere, in the south to the Cape Verde Islands, north. parts of the Sahara and Arabia, the coast of the Persian Gulf, southern. slopes of the Hindu Kush and Himalayas, extreme southern China, in the North. America - to the north. parts of the Mexican Highlands and the shores of the Gulf of Mexico.

Historically, the floras of the Holarctic are associated with the ancient Paleogene-Neogene Arcto-Tertiary floristic complex, its derivatives, and the Amer. Madro-Tertiary floras. Connections with tropical floras proper have long been limited to the vast Tethys basin, the isolating role of which countered the similarity of the climatic conditions of the southern Holarctic with the tropical ones proper. Flora of Holarctic F. c. is highly differentiated, which forces it to be divided into a number of floristic regions: Arctic - has poor floras with a predominance of families such as grasses, sedges, cruciferous plants, carnation plants, asteraceae, etc.; Boreal - characterized by the dominance of coniferous trees; according to the number of species, cereals, sedges, and asteraceae are distinguished; Central European is characterized by the predominance of deciduous tree species (temperate forests), an abundance of grasses, Asteraceae, Rosaceae and other groups common to the Holarctic; Mediterranean - richly represented by Asteraceae, Papilaceae, Poaceae, Cruciferae, Lamiaceae, Dianthus, Apiaceae (the flora is highly differentiated in space, progressive endemism is clearly expressed); Central Asian - relatively poor flora, similar to the Mediterranean, Boreal and East Asian; East Asian has retained many features of Arctic-Paleogene-Neogene species in combination with the development of progressive endemism; Californian (Sonorian) and Appalachian - the basis of the flora is made up of relicts of the Paleogene-Neogene and Madro-Paleogene-Neogene complexes with elements of progressive endemism.

The paleotropical floristic kingdom (or Paleotropical region) occupies the space south of the Holarctic floristic kingdom (in the Eastern Hemisphere) to the subtropics of South Africa, along with the islands of the Indian and Pacific oceans. The flora is rich and highly differentiated. The leading position is occupied by pantropical families, which are characterized by division into the territories of the Old and New Worlds (for example, palm trees and orchids); Rubiaceae, Euphorbiaceae, palms, orchids, melastomaceae, aroids, mulberries, laurelaceae, and a number of groups of tubiferous plants are widespread. Cosmopolitan families and species are represented by cereals, legumes, Asteraceae, etc. There are few endemic families - dipterocarpaceae, pandanaceae, and some others. The species composition of floras is rich, especially in areas where forest vegetation predominates. The richness and differentiation of floras make it possible to distinguish the following regions in the paleotropical kingdom: Sahara-Sindian, Sudano-Zambezian, Guinea-Congo, Kalahari, Cape, Madagascar, Hindustan, Indochina, Malay, Papuan, Hawaiian, Polynesian.

The Neotropical floristic kingdom (or Neotropical region) occupies the space of the New World from the South. California and the Bahamas to 41° S. w. The flora is characterized by the massive presence of cosmopolitan (orchids, asteraceae, legumes, cereals, etc.) and pantropical (palm, myrtle, euphorbia, madder, etc.) families. The families of cacti, bromeliads, etc. are endemic. Changes in the richness of floras mainly depend on climatic conditions (the humid and hot forest areas of the equatorial zone, rich in species composition, change when moving to subtropical latitudes and when ascending to the mountains). The following regions are distinguished: Caribbean, Orinoco, Amazonian, Brazilian, Laplata, Andean.

The southern floristic kingdom occupies the mainland of Australia and the island. Tasmania, New Zealand with adjacent islands, the extreme south of South. America, subantarctic islands and Antarctica. The most distinctive flora of Australia is the myrtaceae (in particular, eucalyptus), proteaceae, mimosa, epacridaceae, humeniaceae, restiaceae, casuarinaceae, etc. There are the Australian (a number of botanists consider it as a floristic kingdom), New Zealand, New Caledonian and Magellanic-Antarctic regions.

Phytogenic factors, their classification and characteristics

In the domestic literature, the most common classification of forms of relationships between plants according to V.N. Sukachev (Table .

Table The main forms of relationships between plants (according to V. N. Sukachev, N. V. Dylis et al., 1964).

Direct (contact) interactions between plants

An example of mechanical interaction is damage to spruce and pine in mixed forests from the whipping action of birch. Swaying from the wind, thin birch branches injure spruce needles and knock down light young needles. This is very noticeable in winter, when the branches of the birch are leafless.

Mutual pressure and cohesion of trunks often has a negative effect on plants. However, such contacts are more often found in the underground sphere, where large masses of roots are closely intertwined in small volumes of soil. The types of contacts can be different - from simple adhesion to strong fusion. Thus, the growth of vines is destructive in the life of many tropical forest trees, often leading to branches breaking off under their weight and trunks drying out as a result of the compressive action of climbing stems or roots. It is no coincidence that some vines are called “stranglers” (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1 Liana plants: 1 - strangler ficus; 2 - dodder; 3 - climbing honeysuckle (according to N.M. Chernova et al., 1995)

According to scientists, about 10% of all plant species lead an epiphytic lifestyle. Tropical forests are richest in epiphytes. These include many species of bromeliads and orchids (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2 Epiphytic orchid with aerial roots: A - general form; B - cross section of an aerial root with an outer layer of absorbent tissue (1) (according to V.L. Komarov, 1949)

The ecological meaning of epiphytism consists in a peculiar adaptation to the light regime in dense tropical forests: the ability to get out to the light in the upper tiers of the forest without large expenditures of substances for growth. The very origin of the epiphytic lifestyle is associated with the struggle of plants for light. The evolution of many epiphytes has gone so far that they have already lost the ability to grow outside the plant substrate, i.e. they are obligate epiphytes. At the same time, there are species that can grow in soil in greenhouse conditions.

A typical example of close symbiosis, or mutualism, between plants is the cohabitation of an algae and a fungus, which form a special integral lichen organism (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Cladonia lichen (according to N.M. Chernova et al., 1995)

Another example of symbiosis is the cohabitation of higher plants with bacteria, the so-called bacteriotrophy. Symbiosis with nitrogen-fixing nodule bacteria is widespread among legumes (93% of the studied species) and mimosa (87%). Thus, bacteria from the genus Rhizobium, living in nodules on the roots of leguminous plants, are provided with food (sugars) and habitat, and the plants receive from them an accessible form of nitrogen in return (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5 Nodules on the roots of leguminous plants: A - red clover; B beans; B - soybeans; G - lupine (according to A.P. Shennikov, 1950).

There is a symbiosis of the mycelium of the fungus with the root of a higher plant, or mycorrhiza formation. Such plants are called mycotrophic, or mycotrophs. Having settled on the roots of plants, the hyphae of the fungus provide the higher plant with colossal suction capacity. The surface of contact between root cells and hyphae in ectotrophic mycorrhiza is 10-14 times larger than the surface of contact with the soil of bare root cells, while the suction surface of the root due to root hairs increases the root surface only 2-5 times. Of the 3425 species of vascular plants studied in our country, mycorrhiza was found in 79%.

An example of the symbiosis of fungi and insects is the symbiosis of the fungus Septobasidium with the insect worm from Coccidae, which gives a new symbiotic formation - varnishes, which, as a single organism, was introduced into culture by humans.

A separate group of plants with heterotrophic nutrition consists of saprophytes - species that use organic substances of dead organisms as a source of carbon. In the biological cycle, this important link that carries out the decomposition of organic residues and the transformation of complex compounds into simpler ones is represented mostly by fungi, actinomycetes, and bacteria. They are found among flowering plants in representatives of the families of wintergreens, orchids, etc. Examples of flowering plants that have completely lost chlorophyll and switched to feeding on ready-made organic substances are saprophytes of coniferous forests - the common moth (Monotropahypopitis), the leafless mullet (Epipogonaphylluon). Saprophytes are rare among mosses and ferns.

The fusion of roots of closely growing trees (of the same species or related species) also refers to direct physiological contacts between plants. The phenomenon is not so rare in nature. In dense stands of Piceaflies spruce, the roots of about 30% of all trees grow together. It has been established that between fused trees there is an exchange through the roots in the form of transfer of nutrients and water. Depending on the degree of difference or similarity in the needs of the fused partners, relationships of a competitive nature in the form of the interception of substances by a more developed and stronger tree, as well as symbiotic ones, cannot be excluded between them.

The form of connections in the form of predation has a certain significance. Predation is widespread not only between animals, but also between plants and animals. Thus, a number of insectivorous plants (sundew, nepenthes) are classified as predators (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6 Predatory plant sundew (according to E. A. Kriksunov et al., 1995)

Indirect transbiotic relationships between plants (through animals and microorganisms). The important ecological role of animals in plant life is their participation in the processes of pollination, distribution of seeds and fruits. Pollination of plants by insects, called entomophily, contributed to the development of a number of adaptations in both plants and insects. Let us name here such interesting adaptations of entomophilous flowers as patterns that form “path threads” to nectaries and stamens, often visible only in ultraviolet rays accessible to the vision of insects; difference in flower color before and after pollination; synchronization of the daily rhythms of opening of the corolla and stamens, ensuring the unmistakable hit of the finger on the body of the insect, and from it on the stigma of another flower, etc. (Fig. 7).

Rice. 7 Insect on a flower (according to N. M. Chernova et al., 1995)

The diverse and complex structure of flowers (various shapes of petals, their symmetrical or asymmetrical arrangement, the presence of certain inflorescences), called heterostyly, are all adaptations to the body structure and behavior of strictly specific insects. For example, flowers of wild carrot (Daucuscarota), caraway (Carumcarvi), pollinated by ants, flowers of the Asarumeuropaeum, pollinated by ants and, accordingly, do not rise from under the forest floor.

Birds also take part in pollinating plants. Pollination of plants by birds, or ornithophily, is widespread in tropical and subtropical regions of the southern hemisphere. There are about 2,000 species of birds known here that pollinate flowers while searching for nectar or catching insects hiding in their corollas. Among them, the most famous pollinators are sunbirds (Africa, Australia, South Asia) and hummingbirds (South America). The flowers of ornithophilous plants are large and brightly colored. The predominant color is bright red, most attractive to hummingbirds and other birds. Some ornithophilous flowers have special protective devices that prevent nectar from spilling out when the flower moves.

Less common is plant pollination by mammals, or zoogamy. For the most part, zoogamy is observed in Australia, in the forests of Africa and South America. For example, Australian shrubs of the genus Driandra are pollinated by kangaroos, who readily drink their abundant nectar, moving from flower to flower.

The distribution of seeds, fruits, and spores of plants with the help of animals is called zoochory. Among plants whose seeds and fruits are dispersed by animals, in turn, a distinction is made between epizoochorous, endozoochorous and synzoochorous. Epizoochorous plants, mostly in open habitats, have seeds and fruits with all sorts of devices for fastening and holding on the surface of the animal’s body (outgrowths, hooks, hitches, etc.), for example, large and cobwebby burdock, common Velcro, etc.

In the shrub layer of forests, where many birds live, endozoochorous plant species predominate. Their fruits are edible or attractive to birds due to their bright colors or juicy pericarp. It should be noted that the seeds of many endozoochorous plants increase germination, and sometimes the ability to germinate, only after passing through the food tract of an animal - many Araliaceae, Malussieversu apple tree, etc.

Animals do not eat edible fruits and seeds of oak and Siberian pine immediately, but take them away and put them in stock. A significant part of them is lost and, under favorable conditions, gives rise to new plants. This distribution of seeds and fruits is called synzoochory.

In indirect transbiotic relationships, microorganisms often act among plants. The rhizosphere of the roots of many trees, for example, oak, greatly changes soil environment, especially its composition, acidity, and thereby creates favorable conditions for the settlement of various microorganisms, primarily bacteria, such as Azotobacterchroocoteum, Tricholomelegnorum, Pseudomonassp. These bacteria, having settled here, feed on secretions of oak roots and organic debris created by the hyphae of mycorrhizal fungi. Bacteria, living next to the roots of the oak tree, serve as a kind of “defense line” against the penetration of pathogenic fungi into the roots. This biological barrier is created by antibiotics secreted by bacteria. The settlement of bacteria in the oak rhizosphere immediately has a positive effect on the condition of plants, especially young ones.

Indirect transabiotic relationships between plants (environment-forming influences, competition, allelopathy). Changing the environment by plants is the most universal and widespread type of relationship between plants when they coexist. When one or another species or group of plant species in the C, as a result of its life activity, greatly changes the basic ecological factors in quantitative and qualitative terms in such a way that other species of the community have to live in conditions that differ significantly from the zonal complex of factors of the physical environment, then this indicates environment-forming role, environment-forming influence of the first type in relation to the others. One of them is mutual influence through changes in microclimate factors (for example, weakening of solar radiation within the vegetation cover, depletion of it in photosynthetically active rays, changes in the seasonal rhythm of illumination, etc.). Some plants influence others through changes in air temperature, humidity, wind speed, carbon dioxide content, etc.

Another way of interaction of plants in communities is through the ground layer of dead plant debris, called in meadows and steppes rags, herbaceous decay or “steppe felt,” and in forests - litter. This layer (sometimes several centimeters thick) makes it difficult for seeds and spores to penetrate the soil. Seeds germinating in (or on) a layer of rags often die from drying out before the roots of the seedlings reach the soil. For seeds that fall into the soil and germinate, soil residues can be a serious mechanical obstacle to the seedlings’ path to light. Relationships between plants are also possible through the decay products of plant residues contained in the litter, which inhibit or, on the contrary, stimulate plant growth. Thus, fresh litter of spruce or beech contains substances that inhibit the germination of spruce and pine, and in places with scanty precipitation and poor washing of the litter they can inhibit the natural regeneration of tree species. Aqueous extracts from forest floor They also have a negative effect on the growth of many steppe grasses.

A significant way of mutual influence of plants is interaction through chemical secretions. Plants release various chemicals into the environment (air, water, soil) during the process of guttation, secretion of nectar, essential oils, resins, etc.; when mineral salts are washed away by rainwater, leaves, for example, of trees, lose potassium, sodium, magnesium and other ions; during metabolism (root secretions) gaseous substances released by above-ground organs - unsaturated hydrocarbons, ethylene, hydrogen, etc.; when the integrity of tissues and organs is violated, plants release volatile substances, so-called phytoncides, and substances from dead parts of plants (Fig. 8).

The released compounds are necessary for plants, but with the development of a large plant body surface, their loss is as inevitable as transpiration.

Chemical secretions from plants can serve as one of the ways of interaction between plants in a community, having either a toxic or stimulating effect on organisms.

Rice. 8 The influence of one plant on another (according to A. M. Grodzinsky, 1965): 1 - miasmins; 2 - phytoncidal substances; 3 - phytogenic substances; 4 - active intravital secretions; 5 - passive intravital discharge; 6 - post-mortem discharge; 7 - processing by heterotrophic organisms

Such chemical interactions are called allelopathy. An example is the secretion of beet fruits, which inhibits the germination of cockle seeds (Agrostemmagithago). Chickpeas (Cicerarietinum) have a suppressive effect on potatoes, corn, sunflowers, tomatoes and other crops, beans - on the growth of spring wheat; root secretions of wheatgrass (Agropyronrepens) and brome (Bromusinermis) - on other herbaceous plants and even trees growing near them. As an extreme form of allelopathy or the impossibility of the existence of one or another species in the presence of another as a result of environmental intoxication, it is called amensalism. Amensalism corresponds to direct competition, antibiosis and antagonism. So, thanks to the secretion by roots toxic substances Hawkweed (Hieraciumpilosella) from the Asteraceae family displaces other annual plants and often forms pure thickets over fairly large areas. Many fungi and bacteria synthesize antibiotics that inhibit the growth of other bacteria. Amensalism is widespread in the aquatic environment.

In different plant species, the degree of impact on the environment and thus on the life of the inhabitants is not the same in accordance with the characteristics of their morphology, biology, seasonal development, etc. Plants that most actively and deeply transform the environment and determine the conditions of existence for other co-inhabitants are called edificators. There are strong and weak edificators. Strong edificators include spruce (strong shading, depletion of soil nutrients, etc.), sphagnum mosses (moisture retention and creation of excess moisture, increased acidity, special temperature regime etc.). Weak edificators are deciduous trees with an open crown (birch, ash), and herbaceous forest plants.

Competition is identified as a special form of transbiotic relationships between plants. These are those mutual or unilateral negative influences that arise based on the use of energy and food resources of the habitat. Strong influence Plant life is affected by competition for soil moisture (especially pronounced in areas with insufficient moisture) and competition for soil nutrients, more noticeable in poor soils. An example of competition is the relationship between meadow foxtail (Alopecurus pratensis) and fescue (Festucasulcata). Fescue can grow in moist soil, but does not grow in the foxtail meadow community due to suppression by the shade-tolerant and fast-growing foxtail. In the formation of a fescue or foxtail phytocenosis, the decisive factor is not soil moisture, but the competitive relationship between fescue and foxtail. In drier habitats, fescue drowns out foxtail, but in moist meadows, foxtail emerges victorious.

Interspecific competition manifests itself in plants in the same way as intraspecific competition (morphological changes, decreased fertility, abundance, etc.). The dominant species gradually displaces or greatly reduces its viability.

The most severe competition, often with unforeseen consequences, occurs when new plant species are introduced into communities without taking into account already established relationships.

Swamp concept

A swamp is an area of ​​the earth's surface characterized by abundant stagnant or weakly flowing moisture in the upper horizons of soils, on which specific swamp vegetation grows, adapted to conditions of abundant moisture and lack of oxygen in the soil.

If the thickness of the deposited peat is such that the roots of the bulk of plants reach the underlying mineral soil, then in this case the excessively moist land areas are classified as wetlands or swamps in the initial stage of their development.

The task of hydrology includes the study of the hydrological (and especially water) regime of swamps both in the initial stages of their formation (wetlands and waterlogged reservoirs) and in subsequent phases of development (marsh massifs).

The division of wetlands into wetlands and swamps is largely a reflection of differences in vegetation composition. Purely swamp forms of plant groups do not appear simultaneously with the beginning of the swamping process. As long as the thickness of the peat is small and the root systems of the main plant species are not detached from the mineral soil underlying the peat, the vegetation cover includes plants characteristic of both swamp and non-marsh habitats.

Due to the fact that the condition that determines the existence of certain plant associations in excessively wet areas is primarily the water regime, the indicated difference between wetlands and swamps in the subsequent stage of their development also has hydrological significance. In addition to defining a bog as a hydrological object, there are definitions in which a bog is considered as an object for peat extraction, that is, from the point of view of the presence or absence of fuel reserves in it.

Ways of formation of swamps

There are three main stages in the development of swamps.

First stage.

Lakes are natural bodies of water in depressions of land (basins), filled within the lake bowl (lake bed) with heterogeneous water masses and not having a one-way slope. Based on their origin, lake basins are divided into tectonic, glacial, river (oxbow lakes), coastal (lagoons, estuaries), sinkholes (karst, thermokarst), volcanic (in the craters of extinct volcanoes), dammed lakes, artificial (reservoirs, ponds). According to their water balance, lakes are divided into drainage and drainageless; according to the chemical composition of water - fresh and mineral.

This is not unimportant, since a huge amount of mineral substances are delivered to the lakes by ground or above-ground waters, and organic matter (plus mineral substances) is brought with the waters of coastal washout and springs (ground type of nutrition).

Water mineralization, saturation of water with inorganic (mineral) substances found in the form of both ions and colloids.

During the life of plants and animals, a substance called sapropel, organic silt, consisting mainly of organic substances and residues, is formed at the bottom of lakes. aquatic organisms. Sapropel is used as fertilizer. Plants along the shore of the reservoir (trees, shrubs) correspond to the types found in the area. But aquatic and wetland plants (reeds, reeds, water lilies, pondweed) are already beginning to do their job.

At this stage, representatives of fish, fish-like organisms, mollusks, etc. are still visible. You can also see plankton, which reproduce especially abundantly during the period of spring mixing of water, when its temperature promotes the reproduction process and the amount of oxygen reaches its highest level (oxygen dissolved in water).

Dokturovsky V.S. wrote: “From the edges of the shores of the lake, wetland vegetation gradually moves towards the middle of the reservoirs... leaving in their center only a small lake, which, instead of shores with mineral soil, is surrounded by peat...”

Second stage of development.

A layer of lowland peat is formed here (it unites 24 species), and marsh plants predominate. The boundaries of peat and sapropel coincide. Atmospheric recharge maintains weak washout from the banks and promotes swamping by replenishing the upper layer with water. Evaporation processes are negligible compared to the process of water entering from the soil and atmosphere.

The supply of water from the ground may be partially disrupted, but more often a constant supply prevails. This process contributes to the growth of the swamp, which gradually increases its volume. But the volume is due to the growth of peat, which in turn is the main reason for the increase in the volume of the swamp.

Peat formation occurs within the peat layer. This layer is located at the top (0.2 -0.7 m) of the peat deposit.

When water stands high, anaerobic conditions arise and decomposition processes slow down.

Third stage.

At this stage of development, the type of swamp is fully formed, that is, we can already determine what kind of swamp it is: lowland, transitional or upland. Consider, for example, a low-lying swamp. So, before us is a formed lowland swamp. The layer of lowland peat accumulated during the growth of the bog landscape is quite high. The vegetation cover is widely represented by the marsh plants described above. Representative trees - spruce and birch - spread across the surface of the swamp. The sapropel layer is significantly increased. The boundary between peat and sapropel with interpenetration can be traced. Atmospheric nutrition brings oxygen and contributes to swamping of areas. The supply of water from the ground in some cases supports, and in others contributes to an increase in the volume of the swamp. Evaporation processes are slowed down. Continuous vegetation cover retains moisture. Growth processes prevail over decomposition processes. And in this sense, swamps are one of the first places in terms of productivity (its relation to decomposition processes).

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The impact of all of the above and other factors has led to the formation of specific plant communities in the urban ecosystem! with a unique species composition. In this case, two opposing processes can be observed. On the one hand, many plant species characteristic of the conditions of a given region are disappearing, on the other hand, new species are appearing.

So, in the flora of any city you can find local (aboriginal) Wilsh or autochthonous by origin and species allochthonous(from aNosis - ChuayaV i.e. who came to this territory from other regions of the globe. Sravlin

Recently introduced species began to be called adventive, or newcomers. Introduced species can be either cultivated or weedy. The spread of adventive species can occur spontaneously or deliberately. Purposeful human activity to introduce into culture in a given natural-historical region plants that previously did not grow there, or transfer them into culture from the local flora is called introduction.

The number of adventive species in cities is very large. The share of adventive species in urban flora can reach up to 40%, especially in landfills and railways. For example, currently 370 adventive species have been identified in Moscow and the region (Ecopolis-2000..., 2000). Sometimes they can behave so aggressively that they displace native species. Most local representatives disappear from the urban flora already when cities are founded. It is difficult for them to acclimatize in the city, since the new habitat conditions are not similar to natural ones. It has been established that of the surviving local species, there are usually few forest species. Wednesday newcomers More Avdas come from the southern regions.

The ecological composition of the urban flora is also somewhat different from the zonal one. Naturally, species adapted to lack of moisture (xerophytes) and soil salinity (halophytes) take root better.

The enrichment of urban flora is partly due to the wilding of some ornamental plants. Thus, 16 such species were found in parks near Moscow, which turned out to be very resistant to anthropogenic loads (Frolov, 1989).

Vegetation in the city is unevenly distributed. For major cities The most typical pattern is the following. The increase in plant species encountered is from the city center to its outskirts. City centers are dominated by "extremely urbanophilic" species. There are very few of them, which is why the centers of some cities are sometimes called “concrete (asphalt) deserts.” Closer to the periphery, the proportion of “moderately urbanophilic” species increases. The flora of the surrounding area is especially rich; “urban-neutral” species are also found here.

Leading the way in urban greening temperate zone occupied by deciduous species, conifers are practically not represented. This is explained by the weak resistance of these breeds to the polluted environment of the city. In general, the species composition of urban plantings is very limited. For example, in Moscow, mainly 15 tree species are used for city landscaping, in St. Petersburg - 18 species. The predominant trees are broad-leaved trees - linden, including small-leaved linden, Norway maple, balsam poplar, and Pennsylvania ash. smooth elm, small-leaved birch.

The share of participation of other species is less than 1%. On the streets of the city you can see such species as rough elm, pedunculate oak, Scots pine, American maple

Kansky, horse chestnut, poplar of various types (Berlin, Canadian, black, Chinese), large-leaved linden, common spruce, European larch, etc.

Another characteristic feature of urban flora and its clear difference from natural flora is its great dynamism and instability. The floristic composition and the total number of species can change in a fairly short period of time. The age of the settlement has an impact, for example, the younger the city or microdistrict, the more unstable the flora. It is also necessary to take into account such factors as the expansion of buildings, the demolition of old buildings, the development of industry and transport.

The ever-increasing collection of wild plants has a noticeable impact on the flora of large cities. There is a ban on collecting any wild plants on the territory of Moscow. Currently, more than 130 species of native plants should be considered rare and vulnerable, some of them are on the verge of extinction. 29 species are included in the list of wild plants subject to special protection in Moscow and the Moscow region.

As for herbaceous plants, in addition to cultivated plants (lawn grass mixtures) in the city there are many weeds and garbage (ruderal< растений. Они отличаются достаточной степенью устойчивости по отношению к антропогенным факторам и высокой агрессивностью. Эти растения в большом количестве растут на пустырях, около дорог, по железнодорожным насыпям, на запущенных свалках и т.д. Для нормального функционирования им даже необхо­димы постоянно идущие нарушения.

The living conditions of plants in cities are very similar. The proportion of synanthropic species is constantly increasing. This leads to the fact that the floristic composition of cities in different climatic zones becomes very similar, and in fact, urban vegetation turns into azonal. Thus, 15% of plant species are common to all European cities, and if we compare only the centers of these cities. then this figure will be much higher - up to 50% (Frolov, 1998).

The total lifespan of urban plants is significantly less than that of natural ones. So, if in the forests of the Moscow region linden lives up to 300-1,400 years, then in Moscow parks - up to 125-150 years, and on the streets - only up to 5-80 years. The growing season also differs.

Features of the urban environment affect the course of life processes of plants, flora, their appearance and structure of organs. For example, urban trees have reduced photosynthetic activity, so they have a thinner crown, smaller leaves, and shorter shoots.

City trees are extremely weakened. Therefore, they are excellent places for the development of pests and all kinds of diseases. This further aggravates their weakening, and sometimes causes premature death.

The main pests are insects and mites, such as moths, aphids, sawflies, leaf beetles, psyllids, herbivorous mites, etc. About 290 species of various pests have been recorded in Moscow alone. The most dangerous are the gypsy moth, larch cap moth, linden moth, viburnum leaf beetle, etc. Now the number of trees affected by elm sapwood is growing. Also, many green spaces suffer from the typograph bark beetle, which has been actively breeding in recent years.

It is noteworthy that in urban conditions the leaves of many plants dry out at the edges, brown spots of various sizes and shapes appear on them, and sometimes a white, powdery coating appears. Such symptoms indicate the development of all kinds of diseases (vascular, necrosis-cancer, rotting, etc.). In Moscow, a widespread spread of rot diseases in plants has been revealed, which affects the quality of the city’s green spaces. This is especially noticeable in areas of new development, mass recreation and landfills. Due to the high incidence rate, the volume of sanitary felling carried out in the city exceeds all others for the same period.

Thus, there is a clear difference between the urban flora and the natural one. Urban communities are characterized by much lower species diversity, strong anthropogenization, and a large number of ruderal species. The biodiversity and gene pool of plants can be preserved to some extent in the territories of forest parks and parks. However, there are still trends in decreasing species diversity in the urban area. To increase it, first of all, it is necessary to conduct research that will provide more data on the ecology of certain species.

    The concept of flora…………………………………………………………….3-8
    Contribution of flora to overall biodiversity………………………..9-10
    Characteristics of the flora of Bashkortostan……………………….11-39
    Protection of biological diversity and flora
    as its component…………………………………………. 39-47
List of references……………………………….…..50

Preserving biodiversity is one of the key problems in building a society with sustainable development.The most important component of biodiversity is flora as a set of plant species growing in a certain area. Flora serves as the basis for the formation of not only vegetation, but also ecosystems. In accordance with the well-known ecological principle “diversity begets diversity,” flora predetermines the composition of heterotrophic components of ecosystems. For this reason, the study of flora, its rational use and protection are the most important components of a broad program for the conservation of biodiversity as an exhaustible resource.
There is undeniable progress in protecting biodiversity around the world. A number of important international documents have been adopted and are being implemented, such as the “Concept on the Protection of biological diversity"(Rio de Janeiro, 1992), "Pan-European Strategy for the Protection of Biological Diversity" (1996), etc. International cooperation in environmental issues is expanding and the activities of international organizations are intensifying - UNESCO, World Union Nature Conservation (IUCN), World Wildlife Fund (WWF). The WWF office operates in the Republic of Bashkortostan and makes a significant contribution to the protection of flora.
In recent years, increasing attention has been paid to the protection of biodiversity in Russia and Bashkortostan. The need to preserve biodiversity is reflected in such documents as the “Concept of the Russian Federation’s transition to sustainable development” (1996), the federal law “On environmental protection (2002), the “Ecological Doctrine of Russia” (2002), the law “On specially protected natural territories of the Republic of Bashkortostan" (1995), republican comprehensive program "Ecology and Natural resources of the Republic of Bashkortostan for 2004-2010”, “Concept for the development of a system of protected natural areas in the Republic of Bashkortostan” (2003).
Purpose of the work: to talk about the uniqueness of the flora as a hotbed of biodiversity of global significance, economic value, state of use and protection; characterize the flora of Bashkortostan.

I. The concept of flora.
Flora (in botany, lat. flora) - a historically established set of plant species distributed in a certain territory at the present time or in past geological eras. Houseplants, plants in greenhouses, etc. are not included in the flora.
The name of the term comes from the name of the Roman goddess of flowers and spring blossoms, Flora (lat. Flora).
In practice, the expression “Flora of a certain territory” often means not all plants of a given territory, but only vascular plants (Tracheophyta).
Flora should be distinguished from vegetation– a collection of different plant communities. For example, in the flora of the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere, species of the families of willows, sedges, grasses, ranunculaceae, and Asteraceae are richly represented; from conifers - pine and cypress; and in vegetation - plant communities of tundra, taiga, steppe, etc.
Historically, the development of flora is directly determined by the processes of speciation, the displacement of some plant species by others, plant migrations, their extinction, etc.
Each flora has specific properties - the diversity of its constituent species (richness of flora), age, degree of autochthony, endemism. Differences between the floras of certain territories are explained primarily by the geological history of each region, as well as differences in orographic, soil, and especially climatic conditions.

Flora analysis methods:

    geographical analysis - division of flora by geographic distribution; identification of the proportion of endemics;
    genetic analysis (from the Greek genesis “origin, emergence”) - division of flora according to the criteria of geographical origin and history of settlement;
    botanical-geographical analysis - establishing connections between a given flora and other floras;
    ecological and phytocenological analysis - division of flora by growing conditions, by types of vegetation;
    age analysis - division of the flora into progressive (young in time of appearance), conservative and relict elements;
    systematic structure analysis - comparative analysis of the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of various systematic groups that make up the given flora.
All methods of flora analysis are based on its preliminary inventory, that is, the identification of its species and generic composition.

Flora typification

Flora of specialized groups
Collections of plant taxa, covering specialized groups of plants, have corresponding specialized names:
Algoflora- algae flora.
Bryoflora- moss flora.
Dendroflora, or arboriflora- flora of woody plants.
Three more terms appeared before these groups of organisms were no longer classified as plants:
Lichen flora- lichen flora.
Mycoflora- mushroom flora.
Mixoflora- flora of myxomycetes (slime molds)

Flora of the territories
From the point of view of the nature of the territories under consideration, they are distinguished:
Flora of the Earth as a whole
Flora of continents and their parts
Flora of individual natural formations(islands, peninsulas, mountain systems)
Flora of countries, regions, states and other administrative entities

Flora according to external conditions
According to the criterion of external conditions, the territories under consideration are distinguished:
Flora of chernozem and other soil types
Flora of swamps and other special areas of the earth's surface
Flora of rivers, lakes and other fresh water bodies
Flora of the seas and oceans

Basic approaches to the study of floras.

Flora as a set of species of a certain territory is formed under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors. For this reason, studying its composition is one of the tasks of environmental monitoring.

Regional floras.
Most often, regional floras are studied within the boundaries of administrative units (republic, administrative district, city or rural settlement). This is the most traditional type of floristic research, the most important task that allows for one of the options for biomonitoring - monitoring the state of biological diversity of plants in the region.
The result of the study of regional flora is a complete list of plant species with an assessment of their distribution. This makes it possible to identify rare species and compile the “Red Book”. With periodic repeated examinations, a tendency for changes in the flora under the influence of humans is revealed, primarily adventization, i.e. an increase in the proportion of alien species and a decrease in floristic diversity.
The study of regional floras is necessary for the geobotanical study of vegetation, the assessment of botanical resources and the development of a system for the protection of plant biodiversity in the region.

Specific floras.
Unlike regional floras, which are identified for any territory, regardless of the diversity of environmental conditions (they may include different natural zones, plains and mountains, etc.), specific floras are identified for ecologically homogeneous territories (with one type of climate, one type of geomorphological structure of the surface, one type of predominant vegetation). For example, the flora of the Baymak or Abzelilovsky district, which include lowland and mountainous territories, cannot be considered as specific floras. The flora of the steppe part of the Bashkir Trans-Urals, the flora of the southern part of the mountain forest zone of Bashkortostan, etc. can be considered as specific.
The identification of specific floras is carried out over a fairly large area, within which the influence of the natural complex and human activity on the composition of plant species is fully manifested. This value can vary from 100 km? in the Arctic up to 1000 km? in the tropics.

Partial floras.
The concept of “partial flora” was proposed by B.A. Yurtsev within the framework of the method of specific floras, but this concept is also used in the study of regional floras. Partial flora is understood as the flora of a certain type of habitat and, accordingly, a certain type of plant community associated with it (in this case, the partial flora is called coenoflora). Thus, partial floras of reservoirs and coastal-aquatic habitats, lowland, transitional and raised swamps, southern steppe rocky slopes, post-forest meadows, wastelands, and fields are distinguished. When studying the floras of populated areas, partial floras of vegetable gardens, courtyards, trampled habitats, ditches, dung heaps, etc. are identified.

Assessing gamma diversity.
Gamma diversity is a form of biological diversity, defined as the number of plant species in a landscape or geographic area. It is synonymous with regional flora.
Gamma diversity depends on the area of ​​the study area and is formed as a result of the interaction of two forms of diversity:
Alpha - diversity - species diversity of communities;
Beta diversity - diversity of communities.
These two indicators are related nonlinearly, because In different communities, species richness is different, however, it is obvious that the richer the community is in species and the higher the diversity of these communities, the higher the gamma diversity. Naturally, both components of gamma diversity depend on the characteristics of climate and topography. On the flat territory of the desert zone, the values ​​of alpha and beta diversity and, accordingly, gamma diversity will be minimal. In the temperate zone, with a complex topography that combines species-rich communities of steppes, meadows, forests, and, in addition, there are coastal-aquatic and aquatic communities and ruderal and segetal communities associated with human influence, gamma diversity will be high.

Analysis of flora composition.
Any flora (regional, specific, partial) consists of species that differ in a significant number of parameters: systematic affiliation, life form, geographical characteristics, biological characteristics. For this reason, a qualitative analysis of the composition of the flora (compilation of various spectra) is one of the mandatory sections of any floristic study.
Flora analysis includes compiling spectra based on the following parameters.

Systematic composition.
The representation of different families is analyzed, special attention is paid to the first 10 families, which are called leading. The degree of their participation in the flora and the complex of soil-climatic factors, and the history and current state of the flora under human influence. Thus, for the natural flora of the temperate zone, to which Bashkortostan belongs, the leading families (Table 1) are characterized by the participation of Asteraceae, grasses, roses, sedges, legumes, cruciferous plants, cloves, noricaceae, etc. With increasing human influence (synanthropization and adventivization flora) the proportion of species from the families Chenopodiaceae and Cruciferae is increasing.
When analyzing the systematic composition of the flora, such indicators as the average number of species in a genus, the average number of genera in a family, the average number of species in a family that can receive an evolutionary interpretation are used (the more genera in families, the older they are; the more species in genera , on the contrary, they reflect later stages of evolution).

Spectrum of life forms.
This spectrum also reflects the diversity of environmental conditions in which the studied flora was formed. Thus, phanerophytes predominate in tropical rainforests; temperate zone, to which Bashkortostan belongs, despite the fact that phanerophytes dominate, hemicryptophytes predominate in the flora. In the steppes and meadows there are few phanerophytes and the predominance of hemicryptophytes is more complete. Therophytes predominate in deserts. The significant participation of therophytes indicates synanthropization of the environment.

Synanthropicity of the flora.
Assessing the replenishment of flora by adventitious plants is an informative method of biomonitoring, because the proportion of alien plants is directly related to the intensity of vegetation transformation by humans.
This version of the analysis includes the compilation of spectra for the proportional participation of different groups of synanthropic species from among local species that have adapted to intense human influence, as well as adventive species.

Phytosociological spectrum.
The most promising way to compare floras (especially specific ones) is to evaluate the modern ecological structure of the flora and the degree of its adventivization.
By comparing the share of species of different orders or classes of vegetation, one can obtain the most integrated information about the geography, ecology and anthropogenic disturbance of the studied flora.

    Contribution of flora to overall biodiversity.
The most important component of biodiversity is flora as a set of plant species growing in a certain area.
Let's consider the connections between plants and wildlife in the forest, between flora and fauna. The forest is inhabited by many different living creatures - from the smallest insects to large animals. They differ not only in their size, but in their lifestyle, type of nutrition, and many other characteristics. They all play a certain role in the life of the forest as a whole. This is an obligatory component of the forest biogeocenosis.
The relationship between representatives of the flora and fauna in the forest comes down to the fact that the flora affects the fauna, which, in turn, has the opposite effect. In other words, the impact goes in two mutually opposite directions.
Let's consider the influence of flora on fauna. Plants play an important role in the life of the animal population of the forest, providing it with food, providing an opportunity for settlement, shelter from enemies, reproduction, etc. There are many examples that can be given. Take food resources, for example. The living mass of forest plants provides food for a variety of forest inhabitants - all kinds of herbivorous insects, birds, and animals. Among insects, these are, for example, butterfly caterpillars, the larvae of some beetles, and the beetles themselves. Plant food plays a large role in the diet of grouse birds, wood mice, squirrels, not to mention deer, roe deer, wild boars, moose... Leaves, shoots, buds, needles, etc. are eaten. The fruits of forest plants are also important food resource. They feed primarily on various birds and four-legged animals. The role of juicy fruits is especially great. Of greatest importance for animals and birds are the juicy fruits of mass plants, which usually form thickets in the forest - blueberries, lingonberries, raspberries. The succulent fruits of rowan, bird cherry, elderberry, buckthorn, honeysuckle, euonymus, viburnum, etc. are of significant nutritional value. Birds especially readily eat them. Dry fruits also serve as food for forest fauna. Hazel nuts are eaten in large quantities by squirrels, oak acorns by wood mice, etc.
Living creatures living in the forest use not only the green mass of plants and their fruits for food, they also take other “tribute” from plants. Insects, for example, collect pollen and nectar from flowers. The caterpillars of some butterflies and the larvae of certain species of beetles feed on living tissues of ovaries and unripe fruits (for example, caterpillars of the acorn moth, larvae of the acorn weevil, etc.). Aphids and scale insects use special devices to suck out the “juices” of plants. Moles, mice, and shrews feed on living underground parts of plants, especially succulent ones. In short, plants serve as suppliers of a wide variety of food products for fauna.
However, forest inhabitants use not only living parts of plants for food. Many also feed on dead plant debris, primarily those that fall to the ground. They also contain many consumers - earthworms, various soil insects, their larvae, etc. All these living creatures in one way or another process dead plant matter, which contributes to its faster decomposition.
Other examples of the connection between plants and animal life can be given. In particular, the role of plants as a place of shelter for all kinds of living creatures is very important. Some forest birds nest in dense thickets of bushes in the forest. Hollows in the trunks of large old trees serve as a refuge for forest bees; owls and eagle owls need them to raise their chicks. Woodpeckers make nests in aspen trunks.
The role of plants in the life of animals also lies in the fact that they serve as suppliers of building material for homes, nests, etc. Plant material is used, for example, to build the nests of some forest birds. Do you remember what beavers build their dams from? And here we cannot do without building materials borrowed from plants. The example of ants is no less familiar. These forest orderlies build their homes from plant debris - dry needles, twigs, leaves, etc.
So, in the forest the role of plants in the life of animals is very significant and this is manifested in many ways. It is important to note one thing: the animal world is highly dependent on plants. Flora serves as the basis for the formation of not only vegetation, but also ecosystems. In accordance with the well-known ecological principle “diversity begets diversity,” flora predetermines the composition of heterotrophic components of ecosystems.
    Characteristics of the flora of Bashkortostan.
Bashkortostan is a hotbed of floristic diversity of global importance

According to the latest data, the flora of vascular plants of Bashkortostan includes 1730 species, bryoflora - 405 species, lichen biota - 400 species. The floristic diversity of different regions of Bashkortostan varies. Areas with a high concentration of species are the Iremel and Yaman-Tau mountains; shikhans (mountains - outliers) Tratau, Yuraktau, Tastuba, Balkantau, Yaryshtau, Susaktau; ridges Mashak, Zigalga, Irendyk, Krykty, Kraka, Shaitan - Tau; valleys of the rivers Belaya, Inzer, Ural, Sakmara, Zilim, Nugush, Uryuk, B. and M. Ik, Zilair, Fortress Zilair, Tanalyk; lakes Yakty - Kul, Urgun, Talkas, Karagaily; swamps Tyulyukskoye, Tygynskoye, Zhuravlinoe, Septinskoye, Arkaulovskoye, Lagerevskoye, etc.
The formation of high floristic diversity is associated with the influence of a number of natural, historical and anthropogenic factors.

    Relief. The Southern Urals mountain system is located on the territory of Bashkortostan. The mountainous terrain allows due to vertical zonality within a limited area, different biomes can be combined - from mountain tundras and boreal forests to deciduous forests and steppes.
The contribution of vertical zonation to the BR of the region is significantly increased by the large extent of the Southern Urals from north to south: forest communities are depleted of forest species proper and are saturated with meadow and steppe species.
    History of flora. The enrichment of the flora was facilitated by the complex history of the territory of Bashkortostan, especially its mountainous part. It contains many relics that reflect the history of the region over the past 1.5 million years, when climate cooling and warming alternated in the Pleistocene and Holocene.
The composition of the flora was especially strongly influenced by climate fluctuations in the Holocene, when during cold periods species from the Arctic and the highlands of Southern Siberia penetrated into the Southern Urals. Now they are part of the mountain tundra of the highest peaks of the Southern Urals. Climate cooling is also associated with the penetration of broad-leaved forests into the zone along the western macroslope of the Southern Urals up to the latitudinal bend of the river. White linden-spruce forests with a boreal suite of herbaceous plants (annual moss, Siberian zygadenus, common wood sorrel, etc.).
The thermal maximum of the Middle Holocene is associated with a significant penetration of steppe groups deep into the Southern Urals.
Endemic species that were formed during the transformation of local conditions in the pre-glacial and Pleistocene periods make their contribution to the flora of Bashkortostan.
    Geographical location: the junction of Europe and Asia. The position of Bashkortostan at the junction of Europe and Asia has led to the combination of Siberian and European species in communities (the formation of an ecotone effect on a geographic scale). Thus, in the forests of the Southern Urals, typical European species are combined, such as amazing violet, lungwort, woodland grass, foxglove grandiflora, fragrant bedstraw, and species of the Siberian range - Siberian adonis, northern aconite, Gmelin's rank, unripe lance-shaped, etc.
A similar mixture of European, Siberian and Central Asian-Kazakh species is observed in steppe communities. At the same time, species of the southern Russian steppes are widely represented in the steppes of the western macroslope (Salvia nutans, Razumovsky's kopekweed - Hedysarum razoumovianum, Kaufman's mytillary - Pedicularis kaufmanni, etc.), and on the eastern macroslope - species of Asian flora (Siberian, Central Asian - Kazakh): lustrous chives (Achnatherum splendens), drooping onions (Allium nutans), cold wormwood (Artemisia frigida), silken cinquefoil (Potentilla sericia), etc.
    Latitudinal zone. The location at the junction of forest and steppe zones gave rise to widespread hemiboreal forests with pine dominating the tree layer (with the participation of birch, larch and aspen). These are the richest forests in the Southern Urals, which is also due to the ecotone effect. With the undeniable dominance of boreal species in the herbage (reed grass, northern aconite, lily-leaved bellweed), nemoral and subnemoral species are common in these forests: male shield grass, spreading boron, stiff-leaved chickweed, common gooseberry, amazing violet, etc. A significant role is played by meadow, meadow- steppe and steppe species, such as: steppe cherry, chiliga, Russian broom, oregano, etc.
The position of the Southern Urals on the border of Europe and Asia and at the junction of the steppe and forest zones has become the reason for the saturation of its biota with species that have habitat boundaries in this territory.
The dense network of habitat boundaries creates special problems for the protection of BRs, since species near the boundaries of their distribution form populations with reduced resistance to the influence of anthropogenic factors.
    Human influence. During the period of sustainable environmental management, characteristic of the Bashkirs before the reform of 1861, anthropogenic factors did not cause significant damage to BR and other renewable resources. Moreover, some forms of human influence were a factor that increased BR. Thus, it was thanks to humans that species-rich communities of lowland and mountain post-forest meadows were formed. After the disappearance of natural large steppe phytophages (saiga, tarpan), it was the school horse breeding of the Bashkirs that was the main factor in the preservation of the steppe biome. Schools of horses constantly moved across the steppe landscapes, ensuring uniform grazing of phytomass. In addition, horses have the least detrimental effect on steppe communities: hoof pressure is minimal, and a wide diet contributes to uniform consumption of grass.
More than half of the foothill territory of the Southern Urals is occupied by arable land with the complete destruction of natural steppe and partly forest ecosystems, in addition, another 20% of the territory is occupied by natural forage lands. Grazing causes great harm to BR forests. All this led not only to the destruction of a significant part of the natural biota, but also to the destruction of soil humus - the main treasure of soil fertility.
Over the last century, the area of ​​forests has decreased significantly, especially in the foothills of the Urals. In addition, in some of the populated areas there was an undesirable change from species such as pine, spruce and oak to low-value ones - birch, linden, and aspen. As a result, a shortage of coniferous wood arose in the region and a significant amount of overmature wood from birch forests accumulated. The resources of secondary forest use - medicinal raw materials - have been depleted.
Significant damage to renewable resources was caused by the process of urbanization, which is particularly active in the conditions of the Southern Urals and currently more than 70% of the population lives in cities. Cities in the region are constantly increasing their area, which reduces the share of natural, primarily forest, ecosystems. In addition, the urban population has a strong recreational impact on natural ecosystems within a radius of tens of kilometers.
A significant part of the territory of the Southern Urals is occupied by solid industrial waste storage facilities - waste rock from mining, ash dumps, industrial waste dumps, etc. In vast areas around industrial enterprises and transport highways, as a result of atmospheric emissions, soils are contaminated with heavy metals and other environmentally hazardous substances. Huge quantities of untreated or under-treated industrial and municipal wastewater are discharged into aquatic ecosystems, primarily rivers, which cause colossal damage to the BD of these ecosystems.
Habitats disturbed by humans have become a haven for dozens of alien species that occupy the niches of local plant species, thereby adversely affecting the native BR. In recent years, dangerous alien species of the North American genera Ambrosia and Cyclachaena have become naturalized in the Republic of Belarus.
This combined influence of negative anthropogenic factors has created high risks for many species of the flora of Bashkortostan. Thus, currently more than 150 species of plants are threatened, including: 40 steppe, 27 forest, 22 swamp, 20 mountain-tundra, 14 meadow, 13 meadow-steppe, 12 rocky.
    Systematic composition of the flora.
The flora of vascular plants of Bashkortostan includes 1730 species, 593 genera, 124 families. Horsetails are represented by 8 species, lycophytes - 4, ferns - 30, gymnosperms - 8.
Flowering plants are represented by 1680 species and 107 families (natural 103, cultivated 4). Including dicotyledons - 86 families (445 genera, 1279 species), monocotyledons - 21 families (121 genera, 401 species).
The distribution of species by family is shown in Tables 1 and 2.
There are 4 species each in the following families: Asclepiadaceae, Fumariaceae, Hypericaceae, Lemnaceae, Lythraceae, Nymphaeaceae, Papaveraceae, Polygalaceae, Solanaceae. .
The families contain 3 species each: Aceraceae (Maple), Cannabaceae (Hemp), Cucurbitaceae (Pumpkin), Elatiniaceae (Gumaceae), Hydrocharitaceae (Hydrocharitaceae), Illecebraceae (Cartilaginous), Lentibulariaceae (Bubblewort), Polemoniaceae (Santalaceae), Santalaceae (Santalaceae) , Thyphaceae (Cataceae), Ulmaceae (Elm).
    Table 1. Representation of families of higher spores and gymnosperms in the flora of Bashkortostan.
Family Number of births Number of species
Division Equisetophyta (Equisetaceae)
Equisetaceae (Equisetaceae) 1 8
Division Lycopodiophyta (Lycopophyta)
Lycopodiaceae (Mossaceae) 2 3
Huperziaceae 1 1
Division Polypodiophyta (Ferns)
Onocleaceae 1 1
Athyriaceae 6 9
Woodsiaceae 1 2
Dryopteridaceae 2 5
Thelypteridaceae 2 2
Aspleniaceae 1 4
Polypodiaceae (Centipedes) 1 1
Hypolepidaceae (Hypolepisaceae) 1 1
Ophioglossaceae 1 1
Botrychiaceae 1 3
Salviniaceae (Salviniaceae) 1 1
Division Pinophyta (Gymnosperms)
Pinaceae (Pine) 4 4
Cupressaceae (Cypressaceae) 1 3
Ephedraceae 1 1

Table 2. Representation of the main flowering families in the flora of Bashkortostan.
Family Number of species
absolute %
Asteraceae (Asteraceae, Compositae) 207 11,97
Poaceae (Poaceae, Grasses) 163 9,43
Rozaceae (Pink) 108 6,25
Cyperaceae (Sedges) 100 5,78
Fabaceae 96 5,55
Brassicaceae (Brassaceae, Cruciferous) 79 4,54
Caryophyllaceae (Cloves) 77 4,45
Scrophulariaceae 76 4,40
Lamiaceae (Lamiaceae, Lamiaceae) 55 3,18
Apiaceae (Celery, Apiaceae) 51 2,95
Ranunculaceae (Ranunculaceae) 51 2,95
Chenopodiaceae (Chenopodiaceae) 47 2,72
Polygonaceae (Buckwheat) 38 2,20
Orchidaceae (Orchids) 36 2,08
Boraginaceae (Borage) 30 1,74
Salicaceae (Willows) 26 1,51
Rubiaceae (Madiaceae) 20 1,16
Liliaceae 19 1,10
Juncaceae (Russia) 17 0,99
Potamogetonaceae (Potamogetonaceae) 17 0,99
Violaceae (Violaceae) 16 0,93
Euphorbiaceae (Euphorbiaceae) 16 0,93
Alliaceae (Alliums) 16 0,93
Primulaceae (Primroses) 15 0,87
Campanulaceae (Campanulaceae) 12 0,70
Geraniaceae (Geraniaceae) 12 0,70
Gentianaceae (Gentianaceae) 12 0,70
Orobanchaceae (Barrapaceae) 11 0,64
Onagraceae (Willowweed) 10 0,58
Ericaceae (Ericaceae) 10 0,58
Plantaginaceae (Plantainaceae) 9 0,52
Cuscutaceae (Dodder) 8 0,47
Betulaceae (Birch) 7 0,41
Crassulaceae (Crassulaceae) 7 0,41
Limoniaceae (Cermeceae) 7 0,41
Pyrolaceae (Wintergreens) 7 0,41
Caprifoliacea (Honeysuckle) 7 0,41
Linaceae (Flax) 7 0,41
Dipsacaceae (Teaseleaceae) 6 0,35
Malvaceae (Malvaceae) 6 0,35
Amaranthaceae (Shchiritsa) 5 0,29
Iridaceae 5 0,29
Alismataceae 5 0,29
Grossulariaceae (Gooseberries) 5 0,29
Saxifragaceae (Saxifragaceae) 5 0,29
Sparganiaceae (Hedgeheads) 5 0,29
Urticaceae (Nettles) 5 0,29
Valerianaceae (Valerianaceae) 5 0,29

2 species each contain families: Aristolochiaceae (Cistaceae), Asparagaceae (Asparagus), Balsaminaceae (Balsamaceae), Callitrichaceae (Swampaceae), Cepatophyllaceae (Hornworts), Cistaceae (Cistaceae), Convolvulaceae (Convolvulaceae), Droseraceae (Dundewaceae), Frankeniaaceae (Frankeniaceae) . .
The families contain 1 species each: Adoxaceae, Araceae, Berberidaceae, Butomaceae, Celastraceae, Cornaceae, Elaeagnaceae, Empetraceae, Fagaceae. . , Tiliaceae (Linden), Trapaceae (Waternut), Zannichelliaceae (Zanichelliaceae).

Resource characteristic

Let's consider the main groups of useful plants of the flora of Bashkortostan: forage, medicinal, melliferous, food, as well as “anti-useful” plants - poisonous, many of which, however, are used as medicines.

Forage plants
Forage plants form the basis of hayfields and pastures. Their number in Bashkortostan is at least 500 species. Forage plants are divided into agrobotanical groups: cereals, legumes, forbs, sedges, wormwood. In turn, these groups can be divided into steppe and meadow.
Steppe: Agropyron pectinatum (crested wheat grass), Festuca pseudovina (false fescue), F. Valesiaca (Welsh grass), Koeleria cristata (crested grass), Poa transbaicalica (steppe bluegrass), Stipa capillata (feather grass), S. Lessingiana ( K. Lessing), S. Pennata (K. pinnate), S. Sareptana (K. Sarepta), S. Tirsa (K. angustifolia), S. Zalesskii (K. Zalesski).
Meadow: Agrostis gigantean (giant bentgrass), A. Stolonifera (shoot-forming species), Alopecurus pratensis (meadow foxtail), Bromopsis inermis (awnless brome), Calamagrostis epigeios (ground reed grass), Dactylis glomerata (urchin grass), Elytrigia repens (wheatgrass) creeping), Festuca pratensis (meadow fescue), Phalaroides arundinacea (reed grass), Phleum pratensis (meadow timothy grass), Poa angustifolia (angustifolia bluegrass), P. pratensis (meadow grass).
Steppe: Astragalus danicus (Danish astragalus), Medicago romanica (Romanian alfalfa), Melilotus albus (white sweet clover), M. Officinalis (officinalis), Onobrychis arenaria (sandy sainfoin), Trifolium montanum (mountain clover), Vicia tenuifolia (pea narrow-leaved).
Meadow: Lathyrus pratensis (meadow chin), Medicago lupulina (hop alfalfa), Trifolium hybridum (hybrid clover), T. pratense (meadow pea), T. repens (creeping pea), Vicia cracca (mouse pea).
Steppe: Achillea millefolium (common yarrow), Centaurea scabiosa (cornflower), Filipendula vulgaris (meadowsweet), Galium verum (bedstraw), S. stepposa (steppe sage), Serratula coronata (crowned cornflower), Thalictrum minus (small cornflower ).
Meadow: Achillea millefolium (common yarrow), Carum carvi (common cumin), Filipendula ulmaria (meadowsweet), Fragaria viridis (green strawberry), Geranium pratensis (meadow geranium), Heracleum sibiricum (Siberian hogweed), Leucanthemum vulgare (common cornflower) , Pimpinella saxifrage (saxifrage), Plantago maior (great plantain), P. media (medium), Polygonum aviculare (bird knotweed), P. bistorta (snake), Potentilla anserina (cinquefoil), Prunella vulgaris ( common blackhead), Ranunculus polyanthemos (multifloral buttercup), Rumex confertus (horse sorrel), R. thyrsiflorus (pyramidal sorrel), Sanguisorba officinalis (burnet), Tanacetum vulgare (common tansy), Taraxacum officinale (dandelion), Tragopogon orientalis ( eastern salsify).
Meadow-marsh: Caltha palustris (marsh marigold), Lythrum salicaria (willow loosestrife), Symphytun officinale (comfrey), Trollius europaeus (European bathhouse).
The main part of sedge species is associated with wet and swampy meadows. Sedges are poorly eaten on pastures, and sedge hay is considered of little value. The feed value of sedge forage increases when it is ensiled.
The most common in Bashkortostan on waterlogged soils are Carex acuta (sharp sedge), C. Acutiformis (pointed sedge), C. cespitosa (turfy sedge), C. juncella (sedge sedge). C. pediformis (stop-shaped), C. Praecox (early), C. muricata (spiny) and others are common in steppe meadows and steppes.
Among the saline species, C. asparatilis (rough) and C. distans (distanced) are of greatest nutritional importance.
Artemisia (genus Artemisia) form the basis of semi-desert communities, which do not exist in Bashkortostan. However, some species of wormwood are found in disturbed meadow and ruderal communities (A. Absinthium - wormwood, sieversiana - Siversa village, A. vulgaris - common wormwood), however, most of the wormwood is associated with steppe grass stands, with a special role played by Austrian wormwood ( A. austriaca), dominant in the steppes with heavy grazing. All wormwoods are poorly eaten in pastures and hay.
Medicinal plants

The great medieval physician Paracelsus said that “the whole world is a pharmacy, and the Almighty is a pharmacist.” Currently, the flora of Bashkortostan includes about 120 species used in scientific medicine, and more than 200 species used in folk medicine. List of medicinal plants of the flora of Bashkortostan used in scientific medicine:
Achillea millefolium (common yarrow)
Adonis vernalis (Spring adonis)
Alnus incana (Grey Alder)
Althaea officinalis (Althaea officinalis)
Angelica archangelica (Angelica officinalis)
Artemisia absinthium (Wormwood)
Betula pendula (Warty birch)
Bidens tripartita (Tripartite series)
Bupleurum aureum
Capsella bursa – pastoris (Shepherd's purse)
Carum carvi (Cumin)
Centaurea cyanus (Blue Cornflower)
Centaurium erythraea (Common centaury)
Chamerion angustifolium (Ivan - narrow-leaved tea)
Chamomilla recutita (Chamomile)
Chamomilla suaveolens (Chamomile)
Chelidonium majus (Great celandine)
Convallaria majalis (May lily of the valley)
Crataegus sanguinea (Blood red hawthorn)
Datura stramonium (Datura stramonium)
Delphinium elatum (Tall Larkspur)
Digitalis grandiflora (Foxglove grandiflora)
Dryopteris filix – mas (Male fern)
Echinops sphaerocephalus (Echinops sphaerocephalus)
Elytrigia repens (Creeping wheatgrass)
Erysimum diffusum (Erysimum diffusum)
Equisetum arvense (Horsetail)
Fragaria vesca (Wild strawberry)
Frangula alnus (Break buckthorn)
Glycyrrhiza korshinskyi (Korzhinsky's licorice; the species is included in the Red Book of the Republic of Belarus)
Gnaphalium rossicum (Russian dryweed)
Humulus lupulus (Common hop)
Huperzia selago (Common sheep)
Hyoscyamus niger (Black henbane)
Hypericum perforatum (St. John's wort)
Inula helenium (Elecampane)
Juniperus communis (Common juniper)
Leonurus quinquelobatus (Moonwort five-lobed)
Lycopodium clavatum (Moss moss)
Melilotus officinalis (Melilot officinalis)
Menyanthes trifoliate (Trifoliate watch)
Nuphar lutea (Yellow egg pod)
Origanum vulgare (Oregano)
Oxycoccus palustris (Swamp cranberry)
Padus avium (Bird cherry)
Plantago major
Pinus sylvestris (Scots pine)
Polemonium caeruleum (Blue cyanosis)
Polygonum aviculare (Knotweed)
Polygonum bistorta (Snake knotweed)
Polygonum hydropiper (Water pepper)
Polygonum persicaria (Knotweed)
Potentilla erecta (Potentilla erecta)
Quercus robur (English oak)
Rhamnus cathartica (Gester laxative)
Ribes nigrum (Black currant)
Rosa majalis (May rosehip)
Rubus idaeus (Common raspberry)
Rumex confertus (Horse sorrel)
Sanguisorba officinalis (Burnet)
Sorbus aucuparia (Rowan)
Tanacetum vulgare (Common tansy)
Taraxacum officinale (Dandelion)
Thermopsis lanceolata (Thermopsis lanceolata)
Thymus serpyllum (Creeping thyme)
Tilia cordata (Little Leaf Linden)
Tussilago farfara (Mother and Stepmother)
Urtica dioica (Nettle)
Vaccinium vitis – idaea (Lingonberry)
Valeriana officinalis (Valerian officinalis)
Veratrum lobelianum (Lobel's hellebore)
Viburnum opulus (Viburnum)

Honey plants
Beekeeping is a traditional branch of the Bashkir economy, and the main food supply for bees consists of plants of wild flora, which determines the high commercial quality of Bashkir honey. Honey plants include plants from which bees collect nectar and pollen. Bees get sugar (carbohydrates) from nectar, and protein and fat from pollen.
All plants, including nectar bearers, provide pollen, but wind-pollinated plants are especially rich in it. Among them: tree and shrub species from the genera Alnus (alder), Betula (birch), Corylus (hazel), Populus (poplar), Salix (willow), Quercus (oak), Ulmus (elm); herbs – Cannabis ruderalis (hemp), Humulus lupulus (hops), species of the genera Amaranthus (sorrel), Artemisia (wormwood), Bidens (chain), Chenopodium (pigweed), Rumex (sorrel), Typha (cattail) and others.

    E.N. Klobukova - Alisova identifies the following groups of honey plants.
Spring supporting honey plants: Adonis vernalis (spring adonis), Aegopodium podagraria (common cherry), Betula pendula (warty birch), Crataegus sanguinea (blood red hawthorn), Lathyrus vernus (spring chin), Padus avium (common bird cherry), Populus alba (white poplar) , P. nigra (black), P. tremula (aspen), species of the genus Salix (willow), Quercus robur (pedunculate oak), Taraxacum officinale (dandelion), Tussilago farfara (coltsfoot), Ulmus laevis (smooth elm), Viburnum opulus (viburnum).
Summer honey plants: Centaurea cyanus (blue cornflower), Echium vulgare (common cornflower), Melilotus albus (white sweet clover), Rubus idaeus (common raspberry), Tilia cordata (small-leaved linden), Capsella bursa – pastoris (shepherd's purse), Centaurea jacea (meadow cornflower ), Cichorium intybus (common chicory), Origanum vulgare (oregano), Raphanus raphanistrum (wild radish), Rubus caesius (gray blackberry), Trifolium medium (medium clover), Viscaria vulgaris (common gum).
Autumn supporting honey plants: these include many summer species with an extended flowering period: Achillea millefolium (common yarrow), Arctium lappa (large burdock), Bidens tripartita (tripartite), drooping thistle, Chamerion angustifolium (Ivan - tea), Delphinium elatum (larkspur high), Echium vulgare (common bruise), Medicago falcata (yellow alfalfa), Trifolium repens (creeping clover).
Food wild plants
Currently, their role in the nutrition of the population of the republic is small, however, they contribute to the diversity of food and are sources of vitamins and many microelements necessary for the human body.
The most important food plants include: Adenophora liliifolia, Aegopodium podagraria, Allium angulosum, Arctium lappa, Artemisia absinthium, Bunias orientalis, Capsella bursa – pastoris (shepherd's purse), Carum carvi (cumin), Fragaria vesca (wild strawberry), Humulus lupulus (common hop), Hupericum perforatum (St. John's wort), Origanum vulgare (oregano), Oxycoccus palustris (swamp cranberry; the species is listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Belarus), Padus avium (common bird cherry), Pimpinella saxifraga (saxifrage), Pteridium aquilinum (common bracken), Ribes nigrum (black currant), Rosa majalis (May rose hip), Rubus caesius (gray blackberry), R. idaeus (common raspberry), Rumex acetosa (common sorrel), Scirpus lacustris (lake reed), Sorbus aucuparia (common mountain ash), Taraxacum officinale (dandelion), Tilia cordata (small-leaved linden), Urtica dioica (nettle), Viburnum opulus (common viburnum).

Poisonous plants
Some of the flora of Bashkortostan is represented by poisonous plants, and many of the plant poisons in low doses are used as medicines. The most important poisonous plants are the following: Aconitum septentrionale (tall fighter), Actaea spicata (spike-shaped crowberry), Adonis vernalis (spring adonis), Anemonoides altaica (Altai anemone), A. ranunculoides (buttercup), Chelidonium majus (greater celandine), Cicuta virosa (poisonous plant, this is the most poisonous plant), Conium maculatum (spotted hemlock), Convallaria majalis (May lily of the valley), Daphne mezereum (wolf's bast), Equisetum palustre (swamp horsetail), E. pratense (meadow horsetail), E fluviatile (x. river), E. sylvaticum (x. forest), Hyoscyamus niger (black henbane), Juniperus Sabina (Cossack juniper), Paris quadrifolia (four-leaved crow's eye)
Brief description of natural areas of the Republic of Bashkortostan

1. Kama-Tanypsky region of broad-leaved, broad-leaved-dark-coniferous and pine forests
The undulating plain between the rivers. Kama, Belaya and Bystry Tanyp. The climate is moderately warm, well-humidified. Gray and light gray forest, soddy-podzolic and floodplain soils predominate.
Human influence. The area is heavily developed and densely populated. Factors of threat to biodiversity and deterioration of the ecological situation: cutting down the last fragments of indigenous forest types and replacing them with artificial plantings; air pollution from industrial emissions and acid rain; pollution (soil, atmosphere, water) during oil production; soil erosion; overgrazing; destruction of natural vegetation during the preparation of the bed of the Nizhnekamsk reservoir; unregulated recreation in coniferous forests (Nikolo-Berezovskoe district); anthropogenic swamping of forests, etc.
Vegetation, flora. In the past, broad-leaved-dark coniferous (linden-fir-spruce, oak-fir-spruce), broad-leaved (linden-birch, linden-oak, etc.) and, along the sandy river terraces, broad-leaved pine forests dominated, which, at present , were mostly replaced by secondary forests, meadows, artificial plantings and farmland. The main forest-forming species: spruce, fir, pine, birch, linden, oak, aspen. The vast swamp areas that existed in the past (Katay, Cherlak-Saz, etc.) in the Pribelskaya Lowland have been destroyed or severely disturbed by land reclamation. The flora is mixed, boreal-nemoral, relatively poor. Relict and endemic species are almost absent.
Objectives of biodiversity protection. Key areas with rich biodiversity: river valleys and their terraces (the Kama, Belaya, Bystry Tanyp, Piz, Bui, etc. rivers), the Karmanovskoye reservoir, the green zone of Neftekamsk, restricted forest strips along river banks, preserved and restored island indigenous types of forests and swamps. The level of protection is low: 1 reserve and 6 natural monuments.
Main objects of protection: standard and rare types of forests (broad-leaved-dark-coniferous and pine, southern taiga pine forests, green moss and lichen, pine-larch-linden - on sandy soils, spruce-white moss forests, etc.), preserved and potentially restored swamps (sphagnum pine, sedge-hypnum, etc. .), rare species of plants (Siberian iris, sandy astragalus, perennial forest grass, wild rosemary, marsh cranberry, grasshopper, etc.). Species requiring reintroduction or restoration of habitats: narrow-cupped carnation, anomalous peony, slender cotton grass.
2. Zabelsky region of broad-leaved forests
General characteristics of the natural complex. Gently undulating and hilly plains of Pribelye. Karst landforms are widely represented. The climate is moderately warm, well-humidified. To one degree or another, podzolized gray forest soils predominate.
Human influence. The area is heavily developed and densely populated. Factors that threaten biodiversity and deteriorate the ecological situation: logging of indigenous forests, overgrazing, soil erosion, river pollution. White industrial wastewater, air pollution, destruction of swamps, unregulated recreation around cities, poaching, urbanization, etc.
Vegetation, flora. In the past, broad-leaved forests (oak, linden, maple, elm) dominated, which have now largely given way to secondary forests (linden, birch, aspen) and farmland. In the north of the region, minor fragments of broad-leaved and dark-coniferous forests have been preserved. On the slopes in small areas there are steppe meadows and meadow steppes. Along the banks of the Belaya and Sim rivers, small fragments of pine forests have been preserved. The flora is mixed, relatively poor.
Security tasks. Key areas with rich biodiversity: valley natural complexes (the Belaya, Sim, Bir, Bystry Tanyp rivers, etc.), restricted forest strips along river banks, numerous sphagnum swamps in karst depressions, old-growth forests, relict island pine forests along the Belaya and Sim. The level of protection is low: 20 small natural monuments and 2 zoological reserves.
Main objects of protection: rare species of plants (salvinia floating, ephedra bispica, rusty schenus, yellow iris, oblique onion, swamp cranberry, water chestnut, blue-blue, etc.).
Species requiring reintroduction or habitat restoration: beautiful feather grass, wood apple tree.
3. Region of deciduous-dark coniferous forests of the Ufa Plateau
General characteristics of the natural complex. A flat hill deeply dissected by river valleys with absolute heights of 450-500m. Karst landforms are widely represented. The climate is moderately warm, well-humidified. Mountain gray forest soils predominate. There are unique frozen soils under green moss forests.
Human influence. The area is heavily developed (long-term logging) and sparsely populated. Factors that threaten biodiversity and deteriorate the ecological situation: logging of the last fragments of indigenous forests (including in restricted areas), air pollution from industrial emissions and acid rain, forest fires, unregulated recreation around the Pavlovsk reservoir, poaching.
Vegetation, flora. In the past, linden-dark coniferous and dark coniferous (spruce, fir) forests predominated. In addition, oak forests were widespread in the western part, and pine and broad-leaved pine forests were widespread in the northern and eastern parts. At present, indigenous forests, disturbed to one degree or another, are preserved mainly only in restricted strips along the Ufa, Yuryuzan, and Ai rivers. The rest of the territory is dominated by secondary birch, aspen and linden forests. Areas of steppe meadows and sphagnum bogs are rare. The flora is mixed boreal-nemoral, enriched with relict Siberian species (Siberian zygadenus, Siberian adonis, bitter bitter, etc.). An endemic species of the Ufa Plateau, the Ural moth, has been described.


Mounds are ancient burial places covered on top by a dome-shaped earthen embankment. The burial mound culture was very widespread in the past. In Ukraine, the construction of mounds lasted over 4 thousand years (from the end of the 3rd millennium BC to the 13th century AD), over several eras: the Chalcolithic, Bronze Age, Early Iron Age, Antiquity and the Middle Ages. This type of burial is characteristic of many peoples, and among the peoples who inhabited the Black Sea region at different times - for the Cimmerians, Scythians, Sarmatians, Huns, Bulgarians, Hungarians, Pechenegs, Turks, Cumans, Nogais, etc. In general, more than 50 thousand mounds are known in Ukraine.
Before the massive plowing of the south of Ukraine, the mounds were surrounded by virgin steppe vegetation for centuries, which contributed to the formation of steppe vegetation cover on them that was close to natural. During the development of the steppes, on most mounds (especially not large ones), the steppe vegetation was destroyed (mainly by plowing), or the mounds themselves were completely destroyed. However, some of the mounds, especially large ones, have never been plowed up and the steppe vegetation cover has been preserved on them, which differs sharply from the segetal vegetation that surrounds them, in most cases.
As part of the study of the flora of mounds in the steppe and forest-steppe of Ukraine, in 2004-2006 we examined the features of the flora of mounds located in the desert steppe zone, in the Golopristansky and Skadovsky districts of the Kherson region of Ukraine. For the study, 26 well-preserved rather large mounds with a slightly disturbed surface were selected, which had a height of 3–10 m, a diameter of 25–90 m. The mounds are located on chestnut solonetzic soils, in combination with solonetzes and solonchaks. Most of the mounds are located on the territory occupied by desert-steppe and halophytic vegetation (salt marshes, salt licks, saline meadows), which is now unsuitable for crop production (due to salinization) and is used as pastures. Some of the mounds are located among agricultural fields, as well as one each in a park, a reed swamp and in a forest belt near the road. We identified 5 ecotopes on the mounds (top, southern and northern slopes, southern and northern foot), for each of which a separate floristic list was compiled using a 3-point abundance scale. Theoretically, the maximum abundance of the species on all mounds and in all ecotopes can reach 390 points (26 x 5 x 3). We used the abundance data to determine species activity on the mounds and to calculate floristic indices. In this publication, given the limited space, only the most general results of the study of mounds in desert-steppe zone south of Ukraine. In the future, we plan to publish our data in more detail [Black Sea Botanical Journal, 2006].
In total, 303 species of vascular plants were identified on 26 mounds, which belong to 191 genera and 48 families. On one mound, a minimum of 48 species were recorded, and a maximum of 103 species (average 84). The families most represented in the flora are Asteraceae, Poaceae, Fabaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Brassicaceae, Lamiaceae, Scrophulariaceae, Rosaceae, Apiaceae, Boraginaceae ( Latin names are given after Mosyakin & Fedoronchuk, 1999). Among the identified species, 234 turned out to be native, and among the last 117 species were classified as non-synanthropic. In particular, a number of rare species subject to protection were noted on the mounds, since they are included in the World Red List (Allium regelianum A.Becker ex Iljin, Dianthus lanceolatus Steven ex Rchb., Linaria biebersteinii Besser); European Red List (Senecio borysthenicus (DC.) Andrz. ex Czern.); The Red Book of Ukraine (Anacamptis picta (Loisel.) R.M.Bateman [= Orchis picta Loisel.], Stipa capillata L., Tulipa schrenkii Regel.) and the Red List of the Kherson region (Cerastium ucrainicum Pacz. ex Klokov, Muscari neglectum Guss. ex Ten. , Quercus robur L. - the latter, not in a natural setting, but only as planted or wild on a mound in an old abandoned park).
The identified species are represented in different ways on the mounds. The most abundantly represented on the mounds (with a total abundance score of more than 200): Agropyron pectinatum (M.Bieb.) P.Beauv. (242), Artemisia austriaca Jacq. (240), Holosteum umbellatum L. (236), Festuca valesiaca Gaudin s.l. (230), Poa bulbosa L. (214). The majority of identified species (219, which is 72.3%) have a sum of abundance scores less than 26. Another 33 species (10.9%) have a sum of abundance scores in the range of 26-50, 29 (9.6%) - 51- 100, 17 (5.6%) – 101-200. The basis of the natural vegetation cover on the mounds is made up of turf grasses Agropyron pectinatum, Festuca valesiaca, Stipa capillata (107), Koeleria cristata (L.) Pers. (61). In accordance with zonal characteristics, xerophilic salt-tolerant chamephytes Kochia prostrata (L.) Schrad take a significant part in the vegetation cover. (173), Artemisia santonica L. (154), Halimione verrucifera (M.Bieb.) Aellen (70), Camphorosma monspeliaca L. (63) . Among the steppe forbs, the most common (with more than 100 points): Artemisia austriaca, Poa bulbosa, Taraxacum erythrospermum Andrz., Achillea setacea Waldst. & Kit., Falkaria vulgaris Bernh. Short-lived plants (annuals and young perennials) are widespread on the mounds: Cerastium ucrainicum, Consolida paniculata (Host) Schur, Erophila verna (L.) Besser, Holosteum umbellatum, Lamium amplexicaule L., Myosotis micrantha Pall. ex Lehm., Trifolium arvense L., Valerianella carinata Loisel., Vicia lathyroides L. This group of plants in the flora of mounds of the desert steppes dominates in the spectrum of life forms (46.5%), hemicryptophytes prevailing in real steppes occupy only second place (31, 4%). The significant predominance of short-lived plants is partly due to the synanthropization of the flora, but is also an expression of the zonal features of desert steppes, compared to real ones. It is significant, in this regard, that short-lived plants are more common on the driest and warmest “desert” ecotopes - the southern slope (56.0% in the spectrum of life forms of the flora of this ecotope) and the top (54.6%) of mounds, gradually decreasing on their northern and lower parts up to 43.0% in the lower foothills. Ephemeroids are poorly represented in the studied flora. Only one species, Ficaria stepporum P.Smirn., has an abundance score of over 100; Gagea bohemica (Zauschn.) Schult is also noted. & Schult.f., G. pusilla (F.W.Schmidt) Schult. & Schult.f., G. ucrainica Klokov, Muscari neglecta, Ornithogalum kochii Parl. , Tulipa schrenkii. Halophytes Halimione verrucifera, Hymenolobus procumbens (L.) Fourr., Limonium meyeri (Boiss.) O.Kuntze, L. bellidifolium (Gouan) Dumort often invade mounds located in the coastal zone. (=L. caspium (Willd.) Gams), Petrosimonia oppositifolia (Pall.) Litv., Puccinellia bilykiana Klokov, Salsola soda L., Suaeda prostrata Pall. etc., which is a characteristic feature of mounds located in the desert-steppe zone. Halophytic plants grow mainly at the foot of the mound, while the slopes and top of the mound are occupied mainly by steppe plants, which makes them sharply different from the halophytic flora of the surrounding area and the foot of the mounds. In our opinion, steppe “islands” on mounds among coastal halophytic vegetation arose in connection with the ongoing marine transgression, and also, partly, in connection with the abundant spread of irrigated crop production, which led to the halophytization of coastal depressions, as a result, initially built on steppe territories, the mounds found themselves among halophytic vegetation.
The flora of the mounds is characterized by a wide phytocenotic spectrum. The largest number of species is represented by the class Festuco-Brometea Br.-Bl. et R.Tx. 1943 (Latin names of syntaxa are given from: Mirkin, Naumova, 1998 and Matuszkiewicz, 2001). Species of this class, as well as Festucetalia vaginatae Soo 1957 and Polygono-Artemisietea Mirkin, Sakhapov et Solomeshch in Mirkin et al. 1986 are confined mainly to the slopes of the mound. At the base of the mound, depending on its environment, species of halophytic communities are mainly concentrated (Asteretea tripolium Westhoff et Beeftink in Beeftink 1962, Thero-Salicornietea R.Tx. in R.Tx. et Oberd. 1958, Salicornietea fruticosae (Br.-Bl . et R.Tx. 1943) Tx. et Oberd. 1985 em. V.Golub et V.Solomakha 1988 and meadow (Molinio-Arrhenatheretea R.Tx. 1937 em R.Tx. 1970, Althaea officinalis V.Golub et Mirkin in V.Golub 1995, Galietalia veri Mirkin et Naumova !986, Festuco-Puccinellietea Soo 1968) vegetation. Among synanthropic vegetation, the largest number of species are represented by Stellarietea mediae R.Tx., Lohm. et Prsg 1950 and Artemisietea vulgaris Lohm., Prsg et R. Tx. in R. Tx. 1950.
Despite the fact that we selected the best-preserved mounds for study, their vegetation cover turned out to be more or less synanthropized. In total, 69 species of adventitious plants (anthropophytes) were identified on the mounds, which belong to 57 genera and 22 families. On one mound, from 4 to 29 species of adventitious plants were noted (on average 16). Among the adventitious species, archaeophytes predominate (41 species, or 60.0%), which by their origin are mainly associated with the Mediterranean-Iranian-Turanian region. Kenophytes are represented less significantly, there are 28 species (40.0%). Among them there is a large share of American (32.1%) and Asian (35.7%) species. The level of adventitization of the mound flora depends on the use of the territory that surrounds it. Among the studied mounds, the largest proportion of anthropophytes is on mounds located among agricultural fields. The main factor in the adventitization of the flora of mounds, which are under weak anthropogenic influence, are burrowing wild animals, which, in the course of their life activities, disturb the surface of the mound and create ecotopes suitable for the growth of anthropophytes.
Thus, today many mounds are a refugium of steppe vegetation in the agricultural landscapes of southern Ukraine, and obviously in the steppe part of Eurasia in general. In addition, in the conditions of the coastal desert steppes of the south of Ukraine, mounds often act as a refugium for steppe flora, but already in the situation of the advancing marine transgression of the last millennia, since some of them, originally built in the steppe territories, ended up among the coastal halophytic vegetation. In recent decades, intensive agricultural activities in the region have also contributed to the salinization of coastal areas. The differentiation of ecotopic factors can be seen on the mounds, which makes their flora quite rich. The part of the mound - the top and bottom - is usually more anthropogenically altered, which contributes to the concentration of synanthropes there. More favorable conditions for steppe vegetation cover are on the slopes, where steppe species and communities are mainly preserved.


1. Archeology of the Ukrainian RSR. – Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1985. – 430 p.
2. Boyko M.F., Podgainy M.M. Red list of the Kherson region. – Kherson: Ailant, 1998. – 33 p.
3. Lavrenko E.M., Karamysheva Z.V., Nikulina R.I. Steppes of Eurasia. – L.: Nauka, 1991. – 146 p.
4. Mirkin B.M., Naumova L.G. Vegetation Science: (History and Current Status of Basic Concepts). – Ufa: Gilem Publishing House, 1998. – 412 p.
5. Moisienko I., Sudnik-Voitsikovska B. Adventive growths on mounds in the desert steppes of modern Ukraine // Synanthropization of the vegetation cover of Ukraine (m. Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky 27–28 April 2006): Abstracts of scientific evidence . – Kiev, Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky, 2006. – P. 42–144.
6. Mosyakin S.L. Rosliny of Ukraine at the light of the Red List // Ukr. nerd. magazine – 1999. – 56, No. 1. – P. 79–88.
7. Nature of the Kherson region. Physico-geographical drawing. – Kiev: Phytosociocenter, 19. – 132 p.
8. Chervona book of Ukraine. – Kiev: Ukr. Encycl., 1996. – 608 p.
9. Mosyakin S.L., Fedoronchuk M.M. Vascular plants of Ukraine. A nomenclature checklist. – Kiev, 1999. – 346 p.
10. Karte der nat?rlichen Vegetation Europas. Mastab 1:2500000. Legende und 9 Blatten. – Bonn: Bundesamt f?r Naturschutz, 2000. – 153 p.
11. Matuszkiewicz W. Przewodnik do oznaczania zbiorowisk ro?linnych Polski. – Warczawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 2001. – 540 p.

I. Moisienko, B. Sudnik-Wojcikowska


Environmental education of schoolchildren, the formation of a responsible attitude towards nature and the rational use of its resources is the most important problem of our time. One of the forms of environmental education can be school sites, where students acquire the basics of environmental knowledge and carry out systematic research work on current issues of ecology and biology. this work dedicated to the significant date of our school, it turns 25 years old. The purpose of our work is to determine the current state of the flora on the territory of the secondary school site with. Aikino, Ust-Vymsky district, Komi Republic. To achieve this goal, specific tasks have been identified:

    To most fully identify and determine the species composition of the flora on the school site.

    Conduct a taxonomic, systematic, geographical and ecological-biomorphological analysis of vascular plants growing on the school site.

    Assess the current state of flora on the school site and offer recommendations for its further landscaping and for long-term monitoring.

The scientific significance of our work lies in the fact that on its basis it is possible to conduct monitoring studies to clarify the dynamics of the development of various phytocenoses in a given area, as well as to ecologically substantiate scientific and practical recommendations for expanding the list of ornamental woody plants, enriched with introduced species in village and school landscaping . The results of our research will be included in the environmental passport of the school site and are already being used to conduct lessons in biology, geography, environmental discussions, lectures, games, quizzes and excursions along ecological trails.

Natural conditions of the study area

The climate of our region is temperate continental, with lower total temperatures during the active growing season and uniform distribution precipitation. A general idea of ​​the climate of the region is given by the data of climatic factors given in Table 1 based on long-term observations of the Ust-Vym weather station.

The growing season (the period with an average daily temperature above 5 °C) begins in early May and ends in September. Its average duration is 100–120 days, which is compensated by the presence of long daylight hours. The sum of active temperatures above 10 °C in this area is 1200–1400 °C (Geographical atlas..., 1994). In terms of precipitation, the study area is classified as overly wet (Atlas..., 1997).

There is an average of 500–600 mm of precipitation per year, with a large number of days with precipitation (204 days per year). The amount of precipitation (522 mm) exceeds its annual evaporation (352 mm). More than 56% of annual precipitation falls during the growing season, which has a beneficial effect on plant growth.

The average annual air humidity is 79%. Its lowest levels fall in the spring and summer months, the highest in autumn and winter (Isachenko, 1995). The average depth of soil freezing is 98 cm. The average dates of freezing up of rivers are November 10–15, and break-up dates are April 30–May 5.

According to soil zoning, the study area is included in the Vychegdo-Luzsky region of typical podzolic soils (middle taiga) of the Vychegdo-Mezen geomorphological district. Boggy varieties develop on peaty-podzolic soils, in varying degrees gleyed soils, since waterlogging appears due to the weakening of atmospheric water flow (Zaboeva, 1973). Soil acidity is strong – pH=3.6–4.5

Table 1. Data on climatic factors based on long-term observationsUst-Vym weather station


On zoning of vegetation of the Komi ASSR Yu.P. Yudin (1954) study area belongs to the middle taiga subzone. The study area is included in the Vychegda-Sysolsky geobotanical district, the northern border of which is the valley of the river. Vychegda. There are few dry meadows, they are very unstable, quickly become covered with moss and overgrown with shrubs and forest. Agriculture from the mainland is partially shifting to river valleys and southern slopes. Meadows in the valley of the lower Vychegda are forbs, cereals and cereals. The grass yield of these meadows is high (3–4 t/ha).

Method of collection and processing of material

Field research of flora and vegetation on the school site. Aikino was carried out by us in the summer periods of 2004–2006. To study the flora of this area, the method of specific (elementary) floras (CF), developed by A.I. Tolmachev, was used. (1974). Using this method, the flora throughout the site was examined. We laid out routes throughout the entire site, along which the species of plants, epiphytic lichens and mosses were determined; obscure species were taken into bouquets, into the herbarium and identified at school, at home, and at the Institute of Biology of the Kola Scientific Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The collected material was determined according to the “Flora of the North-East of the European Part of the USSR” (1974–1977). The names of the species are given according to the summary of S.K. Cherepanova (1995). To characterize the flora of the school site, a general list of vascular plants has been compiled, the number and percentage of species, genera, and families of this flora have been determined, and a separate list of the assortment of ornamental woody plants used in school landscaping with the number and percentage of species, genera, and families of this group is given. To analyze the flora, the method of biographical coordinates was used. The analysis of life forms was carried out according to the system of I.G. Serebryakova (1962). An analysis of species was carried out according to Raunkier biotypes, according to their ecological and coenotic location.

Research results and discussion

The territory of the school site under study (3.7 hectares) is located at the address: Aikino, st. Central, 100 "A". It is covered with vegetation over an area of ​​3.3 hectares. Unlike natural communities, anthropogenic landscapes are characterized by direct human intervention in the habitat of animals and plants. This leads to the formation of a new natural-economic complex. In our case, this complex is a school site.

When analyzing its flora, we discovered 220 species from 137 genera and 44 families, which is slightly less than half (45%) of the entire flora in the vicinity of the village. Aikino. There are 8 spore-bearing vascular plants (pine and horsetails), and 212 species of angiosperms (of which 39 are monocots, 173 are dicots). The set of ten leading families turned out to be almost identical to the flora of the taiga zone.

On the school site, the first 3 places are occupied by aster families( Asteraceae ) – 29 (13.2%), bluegrass( Poaceae ) – 22 (10%) and Rosaceae( Rosaceae ) – 17 species (7.7%), and in the flora of the taiga zone this trio includes the sedge family (Cyperaceae ), which in our case takes only 11th place. Increased role of the familyLamiaceae due to a significant number of weed species from the genus Pikulnik (Galeopsis ) .

The ten leading families include 62% of the total species composition, which is typical for floras of the middle taiga zone and indicates the boreal nature of the flora of the school site. The spectrum of births begins withCarex ( 7) andSalix (6 types). This is common for boreal floras. One third of the families (convolvulaceae Convolvulaceae , cyanotic –Polemoniaceae ) and a large number of genera (chastukha -Alisma , adoxa – Adoxa ) have only one species each, which indicates a certain impoverishment and migratory nature of the boreal floras (Tolmachev, 1954).

The features of the flora and vegetation of the Boreal floristic region, which includes the studied area, are determined by the boreal latitudinal group of species (Martynenko, 1989). More than 70% of vascular plants belong to it. Boreal species are forest-forming species (Siberian spruce -Picea obovata , forest pine –Pinus sylvestris ), bushes (black currant –Ribes nigrum , rosehip May - Rosa majalis ) and grass (meadow foxtail -Alopecurus pratensis , fence peas –Vicia sepium ).

The second place in species diversity is occupied by the polyzonal group (19%), which includes species widely distributed in several natural zones (common groundsel -Senecio vulgaris , shepherd's purse -Capsella bursa - pastoris ). Economic activity is carried out on the school territory, as a result of which there is an increase in the coenotic role of eurytopic polyzonal species. Southern latitudinal groups – nemoral (1 species: folded manna –Glyceria notata ) and forest-steppe – make up about 7% of species. The forest-steppe latitudinal group includes species that are usually common in herbaceous communities of the steppe and forest-steppe zones of our country, such as bluegrass angustifolia ( Poa angustifolia ), astragalus Danish (Astragalus danicus ) and others.

A very small group (1.4%) is formed by species of northern latitudinal groups, the distribution area of ​​which lies in the Arctic and Subarctic - arctic-alpine (alpine bluegrass -R oa alpina ) and hypoarctic (willow phyllicolium -Salix phylicifolia and zhika multiflorum -Lusula multiflora ). More than half of the longitudinal groups of the flora of the school site have Eurasian habitats (aspen -Populus tremula , meadow geranium –Geranium pratense ), the second place (23.6%) in this indicator is occupied by the Holarctic (circumpolar) group (black sedge -Carex nigra , field violet –Viola arvensis ). A significant proportion (15.4%) of the flora consists of species with European ranges, many of which play a significant role in the composition of forests (gray alder -Alnus incana , silver birch -Betula pendula ) and meadows (giant fescue -Festuca gigantea , awnless rump –Bromopsis inermis ) communities.

About 7% of the flora belongs to the pluriregional (almost cosmopolitan) group, including mainly polyzonal weeds (field bindweed -Convolvulus arvensis , Veronica field –Veronica arvensis ) plants widely distributed across the globe. The proximity of our republic to Siberia and historical connections with the Siberian flora have determined the presence of a certain number of Asian (Siberian) species here (0.9%) - bristly currant (Ribes hispidulum ) and needle hips (Rosa acicularis ). Near the school, in a flowerbed, the only representative of America grows self-seeding year after year - upturned acorn (Amaranthus retroflexus ), once introduced with other cultivated flower seeds.

More than half of the plant species grow in meadow communities (54.6%), and one third grow in weed-ruderal habitats. Abandoned areas of fields and meadows are noteworthy. Weeds actively grow here - horsetail (Equisetum arvense ), wheatgrass (Elytrigia repens ), Sosnovsky's hogweed (Heracleum sosnowskyi ), sow thistle (Sonchus arvensis ). At one time, dozens of biologists worked on the creation of Sosnovsky's hogweed, combining the best characteristics of several plants. We got the “ideal plant” with high biomass and seed propagation energy, extremely unpretentious.

Now this introduced plant is a problem XXI century. It fills everything around, displacing other plants. Thus, uncontrolled human impact on nature can lead to harmful consequences (Orlovskaya et al., 2006). A large number of ruderal species grow in manured areas (nettle -Urtica dioica , common toadflax –Linaria vulgaris , curly thistle –Carduus crispus ). More than half of the weeds belong to adventitious species brought from the southern regions of our country (Silene noctiflora , Arabis gerardii ).

The forest cenotype (10%) is represented mainly by woody plants - Siberian larch (Larix sibirica ), mountain ash (Sorbus aucuparia ), goat willow (Salix caprea ) and others. The presence of swamp (3.7%) and coastal-water (1.4%) cenotypes is due to insignificant water content in the ravines where springs flow.

The identification of ecological groups of plant species was made on the basis of their relationship to the moisture factor (Poplavskaya, 1948; Goryshkina, 1979). Most of the plant species at the school site are mesophytes (76.5%), growing in conditions of sufficient moisture (white pigweed -Chenopodium album , sour sorrel –Rumex acetosa ).

The second place in the number of species is occupied by plants of dry habitats that can tolerate a significant lack of moisture - xeromesophytes (cinquefoil -Potentilla intermedia , rough cornflower –Centaurea scabiosa ) .

The hygrophyte group belongs to 10.4% of plant species (marsh white grass -Parnassia palustris , marsh bedstraw –Galium palustre ), living in excessively moist habitats. According to the life forms of Raunkier, hemicryptophytes predominate in the flora of the school site (60.5%), which is typical for the forest zone, the second place is in therophytes (18.5%), represented mainly by plant species in the anthropogenic disturbed areas of the school.

In the analyzed flora, 90% of the species are herbs, of which 67.3% are perennial, among which rhizomatous (32.7%) and taproot (15%) plants predominate. This ensures that the former have their stable establishment in the territory and good distribution even with weakened seed regeneration due to intensive vegetative propagation (thistle is bristly -Cirsium setosum , coltsfoot -Tussilago farfara ). There is a significant proportion of annuals and biennials (19.1%) - these are mainly anthropochorous species (stellaria average -Stellaria media , bird's knotweed -Polygonum aviculare ). They take an active part in open groups and in the overgrowth of disturbed areas.

The range of woody life forms on the school site is not rich – 10%. A large area is occupied by lawns and flower beds (91%), and trees and shrubs cover only 0.5 hectares. During our research, 33 species of woody plants (12 of them introduced) from 22 genera and 9 families were identified. Of the decorative tree species, the most typical are downy birch (Betula pubescens ) and warty (B . R endula ) and many species of willows, as well as introduced ones - balsam poplar (Rohr ulus balsamifera ) and yellow acacia (Caragana arborescens ).

The systematic composition of woody plants is variegated. The largest number species are represented by the family Rosaceae (Rosaceae ) – 10 (30%) and willow (Salicaceae ) – 8 (24%). Red elderberry is included in the Red Book of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1998).Sambucus racemosa ), which is very rarely found in the southern forests of our republic and is used in landscaping our village and school. The Komi Republic has 74% of the forested area (State Report..., 2005), however, the species composition of woody plants is poor, represented by only 101 species (Flora of the North-East..., 1974–77), of which only 45 are suitable for landscaping.

In this work, 21 species of woody plants from the local flora are identified and used in landscaping the school site. The most promising ecological and geographical areas for attracting tree and shrub plants are: the European part of Russia, North America, East Asia, the Far East (Skupchenko et al., 2003).

The list is made up of 29 species of woody plants, taking into account fruiting or successful propagation by vegetative means, seedlings of which can be purchased at the arboretum of the Institute of Biology of the Kola Scientific Center Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences or nurseries of the Aikinsky and Chernamsky forestries. List of woody plant species recommended for landscaping. Aikino

                Acer ginnala Maxim .

                Berberis amurensis Rurp .

                Cotoneaster integerrimus Medic .

                Crataegus chlorosarca Maxim .

                Crataegus curvicepala Lindl.

                Crataegus dahurica Koehne

                Crataegus submolis Sarg.

                Euonymus europaeus L.

                Euonymus verrucosus Scop.

                Fraxinus pensyvanica Marsh.

                Malus cerasifera Spacy.

                Malus prunifolia (Willd.) Borckh.

                Malus purpurea (Barbier) Rehhd.

                Padus maackii (Rupr.) Kom.

                Philadelphus coronarius L.

                Philadelphus coronarius "Luteus"

                Picea pungens Enggelm.

                Ribes alpium L.

                Salix alba L.

                Sorbaria sorbifolia (L.) A. Br.

                Sorbus sambucifolia Roem.

                Spirea beauverdiana Schneid.

                Spirea beauverdiana Schneid. x billiardii Hering.

                Spirea chamaedryfolia L.

                Spirea trilobata L.

                Syringa amurensis Rupr.

                Syringa josikaea Jacq. Fil.

                Syringa wolfii Schneid.

                Swida alba "Argenteo - ; line-height: 150%"> It should be noted that some woody plants (hawthorns, rose hips, birches, Tatarian maple, Siberian larch) have well-developed dust retention properties and gas resistance (poplars, bird cherry), therefore they are used in plantings to reduce environmental pollution.

                On the territory of the school site, we identified 24 species of epiphytic lichens from 18 genera and 7 families, and according to life forms - 4 bushy, 11 foliose and 9 crustose. Nitrophilous lichens are very abundant among foliose lichens: fiscia stellate (R hyscia stellaris ) and blue-gray (Ph . aipolia ), xanthorium wall (Xanthoria parietina ) and scale: scoliosporum chlorococcal (Scoliciosporum chlorococcum ).

                Bushy forms have been noted - grooved ramalina (Ramalina sinensis ), bryoria (Bryoria sp . ), falling asleep hard (Usnea hirta ) and Evernia plum (Evernia prunastri ) – in a depressed state. Also identified are 3 types of epiphytic mosses - Pilesia multiflorum (Pylaisiella polyantha ( Hedw .) Graut – sem.Hypnaceae), Leskea prolifica (Lescea polyocarpa Hedw . – sem. Lescaceae ), orthotrichum beautiful (Orthotrichum speciosum Ness in Sturm – sem. Orthotrichaceae ), which grow well at the base and on the north side of old trunks deciduous trees in populated areas.


                1. In the flora of the school site with. Aikino, Ust-Vymsky district, 220 species from 137 genera and 44 families were identified, which is slightly less than half (45%) of the entire flora in the vicinity of the village. Aikino, as well as 24 species of epiphytic lichens from 18 genera and 7 families and 3 species of mosses.

                2. Ecological and biological analysis of the school site showed the predominance of species of the boreal Eurasian element and the advantage of mesophilic herbaceous rhizomatous perennials of the meadow cenotype.

                3. 33 species of woody plants from 22 genera and 9 families were identified and used in landscaping the school site.

                4. It is necessary to use an expanded list of landscaping assortment of woody plants proposed by the staff of the Institute of Biology of the KSC UB RAS and create long-term monitoring on the territory of the school site in the village. Aikino, Ust-Vymsky district to continue research work.

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