The smallest country in the ocean. Size matters: the smallest countries in the world by area and population

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There are more than 200 countries in the world whose names we have heard at least once. But there are also states on our planet whose existence we did not even know, because some of them occupy a very small area or even include several houses.

website will tell you about 10 countries with very small territories, the population of which is less than not the largest city, but in some places even the village.


Palau is made up of over 300 islands. different sizes. Palau is one of the most amazing places on Earth, in the waters of which there are 130 species of sharks that are on the verge of extinction. The rainforests of Palau are full of unique plants and birds, but the most interesting attraction of the country is the lake, inhabited by 2 million jellyfish, which, in the process of evolution, have lost the ability to sting.


Niue is an island and a state in Oceania. Tourism is not developed in the country and there is not a single industrial enterprise, but it lives on subsidies from New Zealand. But there is an airport and a capital, however, metropolitan city is a small village with more than 600 people. The island even has a real supermarket - the only one in the whole state.

Saint Kitts and Nevis

The state consists of two islands, one of which is called St. Kitts, and the other - Nevis. One of the main sources of income for the island nation is the sale of citizenship, which can be acquired by anyone who has at least $250,000 to invest in the local sugar industry. Another way to obtain citizenship is to purchase property worth at least $400,000 on one of the islands.

Principality of Hutt River

Hutt River Principality is a virtual state located in the province of the same name in Australia. Its territory completely coincides with the territory of the farmlands of the Casley family, since it was one of its members, Leonard, who became the founder of a new, albeit unrecognized, country. By the way, travelers can see the busts of the founder in different parts principalities.


Tuvalu is one of the smallest and poorest countries in the world. Economic situation the dwarf state could be completely useless if Tuvalu did not get the .tv Internet domain, on the sale of which the country earns millions of dollars annually.


Nauru is the smallest independent republic and the smallest island state on the planet. Nauru does not have an official capital and public transport- on 40 km of roads, local residents drive their own vehicles. The island has a poor ecological situation, so tourism is practically not developed here. And another record of Nauru, however, with a minus sign - this country has the largest percentage of the population suffering from obesity.

Principality of Seborga

Another state on the map of Italy, however, this time virtual, is the Principality of Seborga, which includes the village of the same name near the border with France. The title of the ruler of Seborg sounds like "His Greatness", and the army unrecognized state consists of 3 people: the Minister of Defense and two border guards.

There are many on our planet different countries but each one is amazing in its own way. Half of the magnifying glass is not visible on the map. :) And why? Every time I ask myself this question. Yes, because they are so small and hidden from prying eyes of the state. But many, including me, are interested in the question. What is the smallest country in our world?

Which country has the title of the smallest

Opinions differ here, some believe that it is the smallest power, but this is not so. The legal right to call itself the smallest country has . It is located in the capital of Italy - Rome. It's not a country, it's a city-state, so to speak. It has a very small area: only 44 hectares. Most of the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis state is allocated to large and beautiful gardens- one of the main attractions of the Vatican. The population is also quite small. about 1000 inhabitants.


What is this unusual city-state famous for?

In addition to a small population and area, this city-state is also famous for:

  • their architectural structures and large gardens.
  • - this is the only state in the whole world that is located inside another state.
  • All residents of this unusual city are very educated and know more than four foreign languages.
  • No products are made here.
  • The entire economy of this state is supported by donations from Catholics and tourism, which is very flourishing here.
  • The Vatican has its own train station and helipad, but there are no highways in the middle of the city.

Here it is - the smallest country in the world.

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Almost everyone knows that the smallest state in the world is the Vatican. Its area is 0.44 km², and the population is about 1000 people. Due to the fact that the Vatican is located on the continental territory, a logical question arises, and which is the smallest of the island states. I will answer it.

smallest island nation

The top position in the list of the smallest island countries belongs to Nauru. This country is located on the island of the same name of coral origin. Its area is only 21.3 km². About 10,000 people live in this area. fun fact is the absence of an official capital on Nauru. The population of the largest city of the island is about 800 inhabitants.

I will touch on the history of the country a little:

  • The island became known to Europeans since 1798 thanks to English sailors.
  • The first settlers from Europeans here were deserters and runaway convicts.
  • During two world wars the island was under occupation (by Australian and Japanese troops).
  • Independent state was proclaimed here in 1968.

The level of development of the smallest island country

Several decades ago, Nauru was considered rich country. financial well-being provided by the export of phosphorites. But when the deposits were exhausted, it turned out that the created reserves were extremely insufficient. Phosphorite mining has caused enormous damage to the local ecology. Significant areas of the island began to resemble a lunar landscape.

In the 1990-2000s. They tried to improve the welfare of Nauru by declaring the country an offshore zone and by mass selling passports to foreigners. But under external pressure, all this had to be abandoned. The main current source of funding is Australian cash injections. To a large extent, this is a payment for ecological problems, which appeared due to the activities of Australian phosphorite miners.

As for tourism, it is poorly developed here due to the same environmental troubles. It is noteworthy that for Russians wishing to visit the island, no visa is required.

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Once in Thailand I talked with the locals and asked them which country in the world is the largest. They thought that the United States, and I explained that Russia! We are lucky to live in big country world, and what is the smallest country? Who is our opposite? The question is quite interesting.

The smallest countries in the world are located in Europe

I was good at geography at school, so I remember that there are many dwarf states in Europe, and each of them has its own unique properties:

  • Andorra. ski resort in the Pyrenees.
  • Monaco. Principality. Known for its casino and the city of Monte Carlo.
  • Liechtenstein. World leader in the production of teeth! Well, if you count per capita.
  • San Marino. The oldest state in Europe, it is about 1700 years old.

In addition, there are three more states in Europe that are almost invisible on the map, but they are just the smallest on the planet.

The Vatican is the smallest UN member state.

The Vatican hid inside the capital of Italy, so it is essentially invisible on the map of the world and Europe. The country is small, but influential, because there are hundreds of millions of Catholics on the planet!

The Vatican is in the UN, they even have their own armed forces, which are staffed by Swiss guards. This tradition originated from the Middle Ages. Then the Swiss were considered elite infantry in Europe. Thus, the Vatican is small, but remote, as we say in Russia. It is visited by millions of tourists every year, because the museums there are worthy of attention. Curiously, the Vatican is essentially the only theocratic monarchy on the planet. Rare political system.

However, there are two states in Europe smaller than the Vatican. Firstly, the Order of Malta, which is also located in Rome, and secondly, the funny state of Sealand on a platform in the North Sea, but this is more like humor.

If you search well on the map of Europe, you can find two more funny microstates like Sealand. This is a republic creative people Užupis in Vilnius and the Free City of Christiania in the capital of Denmark. They are popular with all sorts of party people, for example, hippies.

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It seems to me that if we discard such a necessary thing for the state as international recognition, and to judge the actual existence of a country by the presence of its state features (its own territory, money, authorities, etc.), then the only and smallest state on the planet is Sealand. This country is located at sea, on a former military anti-aircraft platform, off the southeast coast of Great Britain.

History of the smallest country in the world

Sealand begins its history in 1966, when retired English major Bates and his friend O'Reilly bought a small military platform located in the sea. During the Second World War, there was a soldier's garrison and based anti-aircraft guns.

Friends also thought to organize an amusement park on it. However, they soon quarreled and O'Reilly decided to seize the platform, and Bates held the defense for two days, firing from a rifle and throwing Molotov cocktails at the attackers. O'Reilly had to retreat with nothing. 09/2/1967 Bates announced the creation sovereign state Sealand, with a system in the form of a constitutional monarchy (the document includes only 7 articles), and proclaimed himself its prince - Roy I. In 1968, the British government tried to regain control over the platform, and patrol boats even approached it, but Roy I was again an armed rebuff was given, and the British were forced to retreat. As a result, the British government filed against Bates trial still dragging on.

State signs of Sealand

This country has most of the features of an acting state, except for recognition - it is not recognized at all by any country. These include:

  • Your flag and coat of arms.
  • Stamps.
  • The presence of ministries in the power structure (the ministry of tourism works most successfully).
  • own passports.
  • Coined money.

Although the size of the state is small - only 0.004 sq. km., but he has his own territorial waters and even there are claims to the British. Currently, the head of Sealand is Prince Michael the First (son of Bates).

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I think everyone knows this popular song "Little Country". So, "who will tell and who will show where she is, where she is?". I will be that person. Follow me, I will describe everything in detail!

The country that is the least

In general, there are many such countries. This is:

  • Vatican;
  • Order of Malta;
  • Monaco;
  • Liechtenstein.

The Order of Malta is considered the smallest state in the world. However, not all countries recognize the sovereignty of this country, but the order itself exposes itself as a separate state. It is located inside Rome. It has tiny dimensions - 1200 meters long and 1200 meters wide. Imagine a kilometer there and a kilometer back, and you have already walked the country far and wide!

1300 people live here, who have their own passports and currency. There are only three buildings in the Order, two are in Rome, and the third is in Birgu. Getting into them is quite difficult, and sometimes impossible!

Cars have their own state signs. Amazing country!

Principality of Monaco

A fairly well-known dwarf country, which hosts the famous Monaco Grand Prix racing competitions. It occupies only 200 hectares of land. 31.7 thousand people live. The population density is the highest here.

The Principality is divided into districts:

  • Monte Carlo;
  • Monaco;
  • La Condamine.

By the way, it is in Monaco that the popular Monte Carlo casino operates. Although the country is small, business is developed here, and there is also Golden Square, where there are boutiques of the most famous brands.

And another principality

We are talking about Liechtenstein, a small state with big ambitions. The economy and industry are well developed here. The population is 32 thousand people, and only two thirds of them are indigenous people.

There are 11 communes in the principality, which are divided between two districts - Upper and Lower Liechtenstein.

The country is practically made up of mountains. There are few minerals here, but agriculture is developed. And here it is very beautiful nature.

It will be interesting for tourists to visit Vaduz. This is the capital of the country. Attractions are National Museum, museum postage stamps, winery.

All these countries are interesting in their own way, as they say, small, but remote.

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When I was in the seventh grade, our history teacher said about medieval states: “you could get around on foot in a day.” This comparison shocked me to the core and made me dig into the all-knowing Internet. Especially I have always wondered which country is the smallest in the world these days.

The smallest in the state

The smallest country in the world is the Order of Malta - a knightly organization that miraculously survived to this day. Its total area is only 0.012 km² and consists of a residence in the center of Rome and the tiny Fort St. Angelo on the island of Malta. A little less than 13 thousand people have citizenship of the Order of Malta. At the same time, he maintains diplomatic relations with 107 countries and holds the post of an independent observer at the UN.

The second place rightfully belongs to the Vatican, another state inside Rome with an area of ​​0.44 km². Only 836 people have his citizenship today.

"Bronze medal" from Monaco, a sovereign principality that is part of France. Almost 36 thousand inhabitants live on an area of ​​2.02 km².

The smallest island states

Most of the countries with the smallest populations are located not on continents, but on the islands and atolls of the Pacific Ocean:

  1. Niue. There are only 1,398 people in this country, although the size of the island is impressive: 261 km².
  2. Nauru. This 21-hectare island is home to 9,322 people.
  3. Tuvalu. It consists of 4 islands and 5 atolls, but their total area does not exceed 26 km². And the population is 10.5 thousand people.
  4. Cook Islands. A little over 19 thousand people live on the archipelago, with a total area of ​​​​263 km².
  5. Palau. This unique country consists of 328 islands, and only 20,842 people live on them.

However, the smallest country in the world (although not recognized by other states) is Sealand - oil Platform in the North Sea, which declared its independence in 1967 and has stubbornly defended its "borders" ever since.


Little country

It’s not about that small country from N. Koroleva’s song, where animals with kind eyes and life is full of love, but about Vatican.:)

It has square only 44 hectares and is located on the territory of the capital of Italy - Rome. Even though he is so little, yes, as they say, remote ... Judge for yourself:

  • most valuable treasures of culture and art kept in the Vatican;
  • Vatican - center of the catholic faith and the Catholic Church;
  • Literacy Rate here one hundred percent;
  • the Vatican has influence Not only to politics Italy, but also to other countries;
  • Roman confession preaches good deeds and humility;
  • the only state that recognizes life on other planets;
  • The Vatican has its radio station, which broadcasts in almost 30 languages;
  • nothing in the Vatican do not produce or sell(the budget is replenished by donations and tourism);
  • in the Vatican the most accurate meteorologists in the world.

For those traveling to the Vatican

If you are thinking of going to journey to Italy and decide to look into the Vatican, then take note of the following:

  • currency here as well as throughout Europe - Euro;
  • language predominantly Italian, French and English because the Vatican does not have its own language;
  • in the Vatican, all buildings areattractions;
  • the largest number crimes in the Vatican commit tourists(Be carefull!);
  • climate here soft with virtually no rain or frost. No sweltering heat in summer(temperature 20–28 °C) and winter is warm and snowless (0–12 °C).

Vatican Gardens is the first thing that catches your eye. These luxurious plantings oak, pine, cypress occupy half of the Vatican. Animals and birds most likely won't call you special interest because parrots, field and bats, squirrels and rabbits live in the gardens.

write about little Vatican I can endlessly, but perhaps on this stop today.

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It's hard to believe that in such big world there are entire countries so small that they can easily be located in one of the districts of Moscow. People living in such countries are no different from those who inhabit countries with major cities and villages, they do not feel that they are somehow different from the rest. But for residents of countries with large territories they are considered as exotic as any plant. If you ask the question, which is the smallest country in the world or a state, only a person with a broad outlook, one who is interested in the unusual and amazing, will answer correctly.

Considering the smallest countries, it is worth saying that there are also very small states in the world. In order not to confuse them, you need to know how a country differs from a state. So, a country is a community with its own culture, history, land. At the same time, a country is considered a state if it has sovereignty, so to speak, political freedom.

Some might think: what could be interesting in a country with such a tiny territory? But it turns out that they are quite interesting not only with exotic nature, but also with history, picturesque landscapes,. So let's get to know smallest countries and states on our planet.


Among the blue expanses of the Indian Ocean is the Republic of Maldives, which is considered the smallest country in Asia.

She is known to many as Maldives or the Maldives. It consists of many tiny islands. The area does not exceed 298 sq. km. 396 thousand people live in the Republic. The capital is Male, about two-thirds of the population lives in it. It gained its independence in 1965, and a couple of years later the Maldives became a republic.

If not so long ago, the inhabitants were more engaged in the export of dried tuna and other gifts, coconut cables, today the main income of the islanders is tourism.

Video about the Maldives:


The smallest state in the world, namely in Africa, is the Seychelles.

A couple of decades ago, the islands were completely subordinate to Great Britain; they became independent since 1976. To provide decent life, the inhabitants were engaged in the export of vanilla, cinnamon and coconut, with independence, tourists began to come here. Thus, today the main income of local residents is tourism. Seychelles can be found on the map north of Madagascar, they include 115 small islands in Indian Ocean. According to the data, the archipelago has an area of ​​455 sq. km, where 84 thousand people live.

Video about the Seychelles:


A tiny state located next to Austria and Switzerland - Liechtenstein - real find for businessmen.

The low tax rates in force in the state attract many businessmen from all over the world who are registered in it. At the same time, rich businessmen are not embarrassed that the state does not even have its own, and the nearest one is in Zurich.

In area, Liechtenstein occupies about 160 square meters. km, the population is approximately 29 thousand people. Basically, the state prospers thanks to the export of food, dental instruments, microchips and postage stamps. It is also visited by many tourists who bring additional income to residents. The state is inhabited by Austrians, Germans and Swiss. The main language is German, but you can meet residents who speak several dialects. The city of Vaduz is the capital of a tiny state.

Video about the state of Liechtenstein:


If you travel by the Pacific Ocean, then know that in the south in Micronesia is the Republic of Nauru - a tiny island nation of the whole world. On an area of ​​21 sq. km is home to approximately 9 thousand people.

Even in the last century, the inhabitants of the island were considered the richest in the world. Thanks to the extraction of phosphates, they earned huge fortunes. The authorities of the Republic employed almost all the inhabitants of the island, education and medicine were made free. Truth, high school few people appreciated it, only some children visited it.

Over time, the phosphate deposits ended and almost the entire territory of the island ceased to be useful. Today, the former prosperity of the inhabitants is reminiscent of the mined-out and abandoned mines. But that's not all: there is no island in the world where people suffer from obesity as much as in Nauru. Most residents lead a sedentary lifestyle, eat very fatty foods and a lot of alcohol, the result is obvious - those suffering from diabetes. The state cannot protect itself because it does not have armed forces, but in 1999 the UN took him under its wing.

Video about the Republic of Nauru:


If you want to know which is the smallest country in the world - then you should visit the Vatican.

The most beautiful buildings in the world, such as the Sistine Chapel, the Apostolic Palace, St. Peter's Basilica, are located in a small but powerful Vatican. It is located in one of the Roman districts. 770 people live on 44 hectares and work there. The residence of the Pope is located in the Vatican.

The Swiss Guard keeps order and. The guard consists of a hundred people, but to get into its composition, a person must be a single Catholic and a resident of Switzerland. The main income of the Vatican consists of donations that flow into the treasury from all over the world, as well as additional income from the sale of books and tourists visiting the country.

Video about the Vatican:


Monaco is second among the smallest countries in the world.

On an area of ​​2 sq. km is home to about 24 thousand inhabitants. More recently, the Grimaldi family, which came from Genoa, was considered the rightful ruler here. Today the Prince and the National Council have taken their place. Monaco is next door to France and is located on the shores of the beautiful Ligurian Sea.

The country is very attractive to the richest people in the world, because here they are offered attractive tax incentives. Despite the fact that tourism is very developed in the country, many residents are successfully engaged in agriculture and offshore banking.

The small country has become famous thanks to the world-famous casino, which is located in Monte Carlo. The Formula 1 Grand Prix of Monaco was held here. The capital of the country is called Monaco.

Video about Monaco:

Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis

On the islands in the Atlantic between North and South America fit a tiny state - the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis, which has an area of ​​​​261 square meters. km and a population of 50,000.

In addition to tourism, they are engaged in the electrical industry, the export of sugar and shellfish, which brings good profit.

Video about the state - Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis:

Marshall Islands

The smallest state in Europe is the Marshall Islands, which consist of many coral islands, tiny in size, and reefs. State in 180 sq. km inhabited by 52 thousand inhabitants.

Mostly they speak here English language. The islands are known for their turbulent history, having been under the government of Germany, the Japanese Empire and Spain. As a result of the events of World War II, the United States liberated the island from the Japanese government, but the inhabitants received final freedom only in 1986. Thanks to the support, the island is still thriving today, despite the fact that it does not have its own resources and well-established exports. Residents of the Marshall Islands are engaged in the sale of fish, copra. Additionally, the treasury is replenished thanks to the developed tourism.

Video about the Marshall Islands:

San Marino

In the heart of Italy, on the slopes of Mount Titan, rises the miniature state of San Marino.

On the territory of 61 sq. km is home to approximately 28 thousand people. Colloquial residents - Italian. The state has its own ancient history that all residents are proud of. They tell about the mason Marinus, who came to these lands back in 301, fleeing from the Christian hater and persecutor of the emperor Diocletian. So that the emperor would not find him, the mason hid in the mountains of Titan, where he later created his own Christianity. The owner, who owned the mountain, recorded it in the name of the Christian community, so the territory was first known as the "Land of St. Marinus", and later - San Marino.

This tiny state, at the end of the war, was also considered the poorest, thanks to which it managed to maintain its independence.

After millions of tourists began to visit the country every year, the treasury of San Marino began to replenish rapidly. In addition to tourism, the state trades in the export of quality goods, including wine, ceramics, stone for construction and chemicals. Today, the inhabitants of a tiny country can be safely called the richest inhabitants of Europe.

Video about San Marino:


Although the ocean level is constantly rising, the inhabitants of the tiny state of Tuvalu are in no hurry to leave it.

The country is located in the Pacific basin and consists of four islands and five atolls. At 26 sq. km lives 10.5 thousand people. It became independent relatively recently - in 1978. Previously, the British crown ruled here and were known as the Ellis Islands.

In order to survive, the inhabitants fish and farm, but this is not enough, so they receive great support from Australia, Japan, the USA, and New Zealand.

Video about the state of Tuvalu:

So you got acquainted with the smallest countries and states.

The smallest state in the world (photos below) is the Vatican. It is the smallest on the planet both in terms of the area occupied by the territory and the number of citizens. It should be noted that in this case only officially recognized countries are taken into account. The residence of the Pope of Rome is located here, because this miniature city-state is considered the center of the entire Catholic world.

general description

The smallest state in the world in terms of area occupies a territory whose size is only 0.45 km 2. It is located in the heart of the Italian capital - Rome. The total length of the Vatican border is 3200 meters. From all sides the state is surrounded by high walls. It has its own post office, police station, railway station, publishing house and even the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Starting from the nineteenth century, it also had its own monetary unit - the lira of the Papal State, but after the introduction of the euro in Italy in 2002, this currency began to be used in the Vatican.

Short story

The country had a small size throughout the history of its existence. In ancient times, no one lived on the territory of the modern Vatican. The point is that in Ancient Rome this place was considered holy. It began to be inhabited in 326, after the construction of the Basilica of Constantine over the supposed burial place of St. Peter. In the period from 752 to 1870, the smallest state in the world in terms of population occupied an area of ​​​​about 41 km 2. At that time it was called the Papal States. The country was invaded by a united Italian army in the middle of the nineteenth century.

The situation was resolved in 1929. It was then that the Lateran Treaty was signed, according to which the independence of the state was proclaimed, and Pope Pius XI recognized the Kingdom of Italy in return.


As noted above, the Vatican is the smallest state in the world in terms of population. About 850 people who are citizens of this country permanently live on its territory. All of them have the status of ministers of the Holy See. You can get Vatican citizenship only in this way. After the completion of this work, it is instantly canceled. The local army has a hundred people.

AT daytime There are about 3,000 hired workers in the country, who are mainly engaged in menial labor. They are not subjects of the Vatican and live outside of it. The overwhelming majority of these people are Italians.

Political system and language

Based on international law, the smallest state in the world is an absolute theocratic monarchy, which is administered by the Holy See. In other words, the entire executive, legislative and judicial branch here is concentrated in the hands of the Pope, who is elected for life by the cardinals. He leads, in fact, only the Holy See, while the country is governed by the governor of the Pontifical Commission appointed by him.

All legislative acts issued by the Vatican come into force only after they have been published in Italian and Latin. Thus, we can say that both of them have an official status in the country. At the same time, work in any world language is allowed here, which is associated with the presence of representatives of many nationalities among church ministers.

financial policy

There are no industrial enterprises in the Vatican, and therefore, the smallest state in the world receives almost all financial income from investments, donations and tourism. Basically, this money is used for ordinary expenses, including salaries, renovation of buildings, maintenance of the Holy See, and so on. The annual state budget of a country whose economy is of a planned type is on average 310 million US dollars. At the same time, the power is known due to the charitable activities of the pontiff. In particular, funds are allocated to support people who have suffered from natural disasters, as well as to build churches in all corners of the planet.

Social politics

To ensure close contact and dialogue with Catholics, as well as the dissemination of the teachings of the church, the Vatican has its own television channel. It hosts live broadcasts of state celebrations and services of the Pope, as well as documentary films. In addition, it has its own radio. It is available not only on shortwave AM and FM, but also via the Internet. AT recent times social politics, which is held by the smallest state in the world, is criticized by parishioners. In particular, many of them do not like conservative teachings, which do not correspond to the realities of our time.

tourist attraction

As noted earlier, tourism is considered one of the main sources of income for the Vatican. This is not surprising, since millions of people come here every year who want to see with their own eyes the ancient architectural ensembles and the world famous works art created by great masters. The most popular among them are the Cathedral and St. Peter's Square, the Sistine Chapel, the Vatican Museum and Library, as well as the gardens that occupy most territory of the country.

The Vatican received the status of the official residence of the Pope in 1377.

Any visitor to the country has the opportunity to use the services of local mail, in particular, send commemorative postcards with unique stamps to their relatives and friends anywhere in the world.

Local museums are the third most popular on Earth, second only to the Louvre and the British Museum.

There is no airport on the territory of the Vatican. At the same time, the smallest state in the world can boast of having a heliport that has been operating since 1976. From here, the pontiff usually flies to Roman airports or to his residence, Castel Gandolfo.

The country has its own railway with the station. Its length is 700 meters.

The Vatican is extremely high level crime. For each local resident, there is an average of one crime per year. Usually it's theft. However, it should be borne in mind that they are made mainly by service personnel or tourists.

In the state, marriages are almost never concluded and children are not born.

Literacy of local residents is 100%.

Other tiny countries

As a rule, the smallest states in the world have very rich history and have a high tourist attraction. Below, in descending order, are the five smallest countries on the planet.

In fourth place on the list is the Pacific island nation of Tuvalu. It gained its independence from England in 1978. population local population is about 10 thousand people. The state is located on 4 islands and 5 atolls with a total area of ​​26 km2.

The third position belongs to Nauru - an island nation located in the South Pacific Ocean. It has the status of an independent republic and is distinguished by the absence of a capital. The area of ​​​​Nauru is 21.3 km 2, and the population is about 9.5 thousand people.

Monaco ranks second in the ranking of "The smallest countries in the world." The Principality borders France and is located on the coast of the Ligurian Sea. The area of ​​the country in which permanent basis about 36 thousand inhabitants live, is 2.02 km 2. Thanks to tax incentives, the capital of the richest people on Earth is attracted here. The capital has the same name.

The tiniest state in the world is the Vatican, which was discussed in more detail earlier in this article.

The size of the country was decisive in ancient world and the Middle Ages. More citizens and the size of the territory - more warriors, peasants, workers, arable land. Now great importance have developed tourism, investment, good diplomatic relations with all countries to sell passports to wealthy people, business opportunities to work with low taxes.

At present, small countries usually originated from former appanage principalities or island colonies of Great Britain, Spain and France. Some preferred independence to association, union and other forms of subordination to their former mother countries. Find out which is the smallest country today will help this article.

20 smallest countries in the world

The list does not include territories that are former colonies associated with major countries and dependent on them. Only sovereign and separate.

  1. Order of Malta (not Malta). The area is 120 square meters. On this territory is the palace-headquarters of the order, standing in Rome. This building is essentially the state. They issue their own stamps, car numbers, passports. It is the smallest country in Europe and it is also the smallest country in the world in terms of area.
  2. Vatican. 0.44 km². This is official location center of the Catholic Church. About a thousand people have citizenship, mostly priests, cardinals, archivists, papal representatives (legates).
  3. Monaco. 2 km². Former principality currently associated with France. Here are expensive casinos, Formula 1 venues and other entertainment for the rich. The most populous state in Europe.
  4. Nauru. 21 km². Small island, located in pacific ocean. It had large deposits of phosphorites, thanks to which its inhabitants became one of the richest people on earth. However, they soon ran out and the economy collapsed sharply, plunging the country, which was not prepared for such a scenario, into poverty.
  5. Tuvalu. 26 km². Everyone is used to considering the poorest countries in Africa. However, this island-state is located in the Pacific Ocean. Earns by reselling the .TV domain, bought by TV channels around the world.
  6. San Marino. 61 km². According to legend, it was founded by a bricklayer named Marino, who founded a Christian community on the mountain. A small but proud state was not touched even by Napoleon when he captured Italy.
  7. Liechtenstein. 160 km². In the gorge between Switzerland and Italy grew from medieval city separate modern state while being rich. It is named so because of the surname of the ruling dynasty.
  8. Cook Islands. 236km². They receive help from New Zealand, earn money from tourism, sea fishing. This name was given in the 19th century from the Russian navigator Ivan Kruzenshtern. James Cook himself at one time called them differently.
  9. Saint Kitts and Nevis. 261km². State of two islands in the waters caribbean. They export tobacco, sugar, oils, fruits. And quite successfully: in terms of GDP - 74th place in the world. The smallest country in South America.
  10. Maldives. 298 km². It is an archipelago, a chain of 26 small atolls, consisting of coral reefs, out of 1192 in total. It is located in the Indian Ocean.
  11. Malta. 316 km². The name comes from the words sweet honey. Such a small area in the Mediterranean could belong to Russia, because. Emperor Paul was chosen as the head of the Order of the Johnites (who inhabited the island from the moment of discovery) and the ruler. However, his death and the policy of the new sovereign Alexander of commonwealth with England violated all plans. So the British made their military base there, and in the 60s of the last century gave independence.
  12. Grenada. 344 km². country interesting story. First there were plantations with slaves, then there was a revolution and the power of the communists, and then a new coup and the power of conservative supporters of the Western model of the economy.
  13. Barbados. 431 km². It was a colony of the Portuguese, then after an uprising of slaves an independent territory.
  14. Antigua and Barbuda. 440 km². The name translates as ancient and bearded. Classically descended from a former colony.
  15. Seychelles. 455 km². Successful against the background of other African powers due to the offshore economy and highly developed tourism industry.
  16. Andorra. One of the richest (minimum salary 1000 euros) and ancient (mentioned in 778) states in Europe. At the same time, it is small - 468 km². The economy is independent of the government, the budget is filled with tourism and banking services.
  17. Saint Lucia. 616 km². Discovered by Columbus on the feast of Saint Lucy. Later became a possession of England.
  18. micronesia 702 km². The name comes from the word small, which is confirmed in practice. Consists of 116 islands. Depends on US assistance, providing them with a base for the fleet in return. Dogs are bred for meat for export.
  19. Bahrain. 766 km². Exports gas, oil, pearls, offshore zone. Located in Persian Gulf. One of the few places on the planet where there are more men than women.
  20. caribati. 812 km². Consists of atolls (coral reefs that have become dry land). First it was occupied by Japan, then gained independence. The country is threatened by flooding, overpopulation, climate change, which the president (he is also the Minister of Foreign Affairs and head of government) often declares from the UN rostrum. On one of the islands, tests of nuclear and hydrogen bomb USA.

TOP 10 smallest countries by population

  1. Vatican. The smallest country in terms of area, it also has the least population. About a thousand people have citizenship. Basically it is temporary, for those who work under the contract in the Vatican. Monks-priests and the apparatus of the Roman Catholic Church have a life term.
  2. Tuvalu. 10,000 people. Small area and just a small number of people on it. 94% of this indigenous population - the Indians.
  3. Nauru. 10,500 people. AT Good times the population was many times larger, and foreigners among them accounted for 70%. Now they are about 10%.
  4. Cook Islands. 17,500 people. The population mixed with New Zealand citizens. There it mainly flows from the island due to unemployment.
  5. San Marino. 30,000 people. Obtaining citizenship for foreigners is almost impossible: you need to be born in San Marino, or have been married for 15 years, or simply live in the territory for 30 years.
  6. Liechtenstein. 37,000. Natives of German-speaking peoples live in the country. At the same time, Liechtenstein has a rather high birth rate, and not at the expense of migrants.
  7. Monaco. 37,800. Very high population density due to small area. Average duration life 90 years, more than in Japan.
  8. South Ossetia. 50,000. This little-recognized state, which broke away from Georgia together with Abkhazia in 2008, is doing pretty well: schools and its own university are working, trade and tourism are developed. Ossetians consider themselves part of Russia and seek to unite with it.
  9. Saint Kitts and Nevis. Approximately 50 thousand people. The territory was used for plantations, African black slaves were brought there. Now 94% are their descendants. Whites are only 1.5%.
  10. Dominica. 73,000. Located in Latin America. From Dominica high percent emigration. At the same time, life expectancy is quite high (77 years).

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