Happy Ramadan greeting cards. Postcard (playcast) “Holy month - Ramadan!!!!! Congratulations to all Muslims on the beginning of fasting

On the evening of May 15, 2018, the holy month of Ramadan for all Muslims begins and strict fast Uraza, which lasts the whole month until the holiday of Uraza Bayram (June 15, 2018).

For Muslims, the beginning, like every new day of Ramadan, is a spiritual holiday, a chance to become better and purer before the Almighty. On the day of the beginning of Ramadan, it is customary to congratulate each other on this wonderful date, send warm words of wishes and beautiful pictures.

The editors of the site congratulate all Muslims of Russia on the holy month Ramadan and wishes so that happiness accompanies you.

May your prayers be accepted this month. Don't forget to pray (pray a lot). May you have a holy month Ramadan with your loved ones in health and peace. May this month be happy for all humanity! And in the future may it bring you strengthening of faith and spirit. Let your soul and body be cleansed of everything unnecessary. With the beginning Ramadan.

The holy fast has come
No releases
Let's put all worries aside
The soul keeps a vow
Let's repent of what we did
Allah will forgive us all
All people have become better
Cleanses, enlightens
Quran and Lent
They will give us paradise
Ramadan will protect you from sin.

While the light was in the sky
It is necessary to refuse
Prohibition of water and bread
Yes, a woman's delight...
Ramadan is the basis of Faith
And Allah is the teacher of everyone
In pleasures without measure -
Very little the right topics
My Koran, every page
... and with every line of it
Teaches you to become smarter
You can take everything from the sura!

Congratulations to everyone on the holy month Ramadan- this month is a special time for believers, a time of cleansing from everything bad and testing the fortitude of the spirit.
May the Almighty protect you and your loved ones, and also hear all our prayers addressed to him! I wish you trust, prosperity in your family, strong faith and only good deeds!

Congratulations on the advance Ramadan A. Let there be strong faith in life, pure love and lasting happiness. We wish to preserve everything that you value and value. Have a nice day, good people on life path and respect from others.

Holy month came up
And I congratulate everyone.
He wandered for a long time and walked for a long time,
But still he landed.
And we must meet him,
With pure, tender love.
And these days are very important.
They are like inspiration.

Ramadan (Arabic: رمضان) or Ramadan (Turkish: Ramazan) is a month of obligatory fasting for Muslims (saum) and one of the five pillars of Islam. During the month of Ramadan devout Muslims V daytime refuse to eat, drink, smoke and intimacy. The length of a month is 29 or 30 days and depends on lunar calendar(See Islamic calendar). Fasting begins at dawn (after the morning adhan) and ends after sunset (after the evening adhan).

Every day, before fasting, Muslims pronounce their intention (niyat) in approximately the following form: “I intend to fast tomorrow (today) for the month of Ramadan, for the sake of Allah.” It is advisable for Muslims to finish half an hour before dawn. morning reception food (suhoor) and begin breaking the fast (iftar) immediately after the time of breaking the fast. It is recommended to break your fast with water, milk, dates, etc.

Purpose of the post:
The complete renunciation of simple human needs, even on the hottest and most grueling days, provides an opportunity for Muslims to demonstrate the strength of their faith. During fasting, Muslims strive to curb their instincts and passions (nafs). In addition to external purity, during this month the fasting person tries to strictly observe internal purity - liberation from all thoughts and actions that defile a person. The fast of a Muslim whose deeds and thoughts are unclean and not pleasing to God is considered invalid because “Allah does not need abstinence from food and drink of one who has not abandoned falsehood.” Muslims believe that observing spiritual and physical fasting during the month of Ramadan has an extremely positive effect on their souls.

During this month, Muslims approach prayers more responsibly than in ordinary months, read the Koran, do good deeds, and distribute voluntary (sadaqah) and obligatory (zakat) alms. Many Muslims who for some reason stop performing prayers most often return to observing this pillar of Islam during this month. This is why Muslims look forward to Ramadan with reverence.

Ramadan is the ninth and exalted month of the lunar calendar among Muslims. This period is sacred for all believers, because it was in this month that the Koran appeared. During the entire month, Muslims must observe a strict pillar. In this sacred period there is the night of Kadra, which has great significance and a certain magical mystery. Pictures with the month of Ramadan are always performed in a religious, magical context. At the same time, in many postcards you can find text aimed at wishes for the best in life and, of course, peace for the soul, the opportunity to move away from all existing grievances. The catalog contains a variety of pictures with the month of Ramadan, so you should try to find a worthy option and present it with personal wishes to a believer. Remember that such attention always promotes rapprochement and openness in communication!

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