Where does the greatest amount of precipitation come from? Precipitation. What affects the distribution of precipitation on Earth

My least favorite autumn phenomenon- it's rain! Then all the splendor of fading nature is overshadowed by a gray sky, slush, dampness and cold dank wind. It seems that the sky has broken through... My friend, who now lives far from me, in St. Petersburg, laughs at my autumn blues, because in St. Petersburg rains are a common occurrence. Which city in Russia is the rainiest?

Where in Russia does the most rainfall occur?

For some reason, many people believe that the rainiest city is St. Petersburg. But in fact, this opinion is wrong. Yes, there is a lot of precipitation here, but nevertheless, this city is far from being in first place.

The highest precipitation rates are observed in the Far Eastern region. This primarily applies to Kuril Islands. Installed in Severo-Kurilsk absolute record. Here, about 1840 mm of precipitation usually falls annually. Scientists say that if the water coming from the sky did not evaporate and seep into the ground, but remained on the streets, then this city would short time would turn into huge swimming pool.

Rating of the rainiest regions of Russia: second place

In second place is the well-known and beloved resort city of Sochi. This city is truly one of the most “wet” cities; about 1,700 mm of various precipitation falls here annually. It is worth noting that summer here is not too humid, and the bulk of precipitation occurs in the cold season - the autumn-winter season. There is something very unpleasant here a natural phenomenon– tornadoes arising in the sea. They seem to suck water from the sea into themselves, and then, like from a bucket, water the city.

Rating of the rainiest regions of Russia: third place

This place was won by Yuzhno-Kurilsk. Here, 1250 mm is poured onto the ground during the year. Compared to the two previous leaders, it seems that this figure is not so large. But in fact, this is a lot. So, for example, in St. Petersburg - 660 mm per year, which is even less than in Moscow, where 700 mm falls.

The remaining places were distributed as follows:

  • in fourth place - Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky;
  • in fifth place - Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk;
  • sixth went to Moscow;
  • seventh - St. Petersburg.

So meteorologists destroyed the stereotype about raininess Northern capital, just closing the seven rainiest cities!

Many factors determine how much rain or snow will fall on earth's surface. These are temperature, altitude, location mountain ranges and so on.

Probably one of the rainiest places in the world is Mount Waialeale in Hawaii, on the island of Kauai. The average annual precipitation is 1,197 cm.

The town of Cherrapunji, which is located in the foothills of the Himalayas, perhaps ranks first in terms of rainfall - 1,200 cm. Once, 381 cm of rain fell here in 5 days. And in 1861 the amount of precipitation reached 2,300 cm!

The driest place in the world is in the Atacama Desert in Chile. Here the drought has lasted for over four centuries. The driest place in the United States is Greenland Ranch in Death Valley. There, the average annual precipitation is less than 3.75 cm.

Some regions of the Earth experience heavy rainfall all year round. For example, almost every point along the equator receives 152 cm or more of precipitation every year (from the children's encyclopedia; 143 ff.).

Problem for the text

1. Determine the style and type of speech.

2. Make an outline for the text.

Indicative plan

1. Factors that influence the amount of precipitation.

2. The rainiest places.

3. The driest place.

4. Precipitation at the equator.

Write down and explain the spelling of words. Waialeale, Kauai, Cherrapunji, foothills, Atacama, the most arid, Greenland, equator.

4. Question about the text.

What factors influence the amount of precipitation?

Name the place in the world where the most rain falls in a year?

What is the driest city in the world?

Where it is located?

Tell us about the amount of precipitation at the equator.

5. According to the drawn up plan, present the text.

There are very rainy places on Earth, and below are unique precipitation records ever recorded by meteorologists. So,

Highest rainfall for different time periods

Highest amount of precipitation per minute

Largest quantity precipitation in one minute is 31.2 millimeters. This record was recorded by American meteorologists on July 4, 1956 in the vicinity of the city of Unionville.

Maximum amount of precipitation per day

A real global flood occurred on Reunion Island, located in the Indian Ocean. During the day from March 15 to March 16, 1952, 1870 millimeters of precipitation fell there.

Highest rainfall in a month

The record for monthly precipitation is 9299 millimeters. Saw him in Indian city Cherrapunji in July 1861.

Most rainfall in a year

Cherrapunji is also the champion for receiving the highest annual rainfall. 26,461 millimeters - this amount fell in this Indian city from August 1860 to July 1861!

Highest and lowest average annual precipitation

The rainiest area on Earth, where the most recorded a large number of The city with the highest average annual precipitation is Tutunendo, Colombia. The average annual precipitation there is 11,770 millimeters.
The antipode of Tutunendo is the Chilean Atacama Desert. The surrounding area of ​​the city of Kalama, located in this desert, has not been irrigated by rain for more than four hundred years.

Precipitation - water in a liquid or solid state that falls from clouds or settles from the air onto the earth's surface.


Under certain conditions, cloud droplets begin to merge into larger and heavier ones. They can no longer stay in the atmosphere and fall to the ground in the form rain.


It happens that in summer the air quickly rises, picks up rain clouds and carries them to a height where the temperature is below 0°. Raindrops freeze and fall as hail(Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Origin of the hail


IN winter time in temperate and high latitudes precipitation falls in the form snow. Clouds at this time do not consist of water droplets, but of tiny crystals - needles, which, joining together, form snowflakes.

Dew and frost

Precipitation falling onto the earth's surface not only from clouds, but also directly from the air is dew And frost.

The amount of precipitation is measured by a precipitation gauge or rain gauge (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Structure of the rain gauge: 1 - outer casing; 2 - funnel; 3 - container for collecting oxen; 4-dimensional tank

Classification and types of precipitation

Precipitation is classified according to the nature of its occurrence, its origin, physical condition, fall seasons, etc. (Fig. 3).

According to the nature of precipitation, precipitation can be torrential, heavy and drizzling. Rainfall - intense, short-lived, cover a small area. Cover precipitation - medium intensity, uniform, long-term (can last for days, capturing large areas). Drizzle - fine precipitation falling over a small area.

Precipitation is classified according to its origin:

  • convective - characteristic of the hot zone, where heating and evaporation are intense, but often occur in the temperate zone;
  • frontal - are formed when two air masses meet different temperatures and fall out of more warm air. Characteristic for temperate and cold zones;
  • orographic - fall on the windward slopes of the mountains. They are very abundant if the air comes from the side warm sea and has high absolute and relative humidity.

Rice. 3. Types of precipitation

Comparing to climate map annual quantity atmospheric precipitation in the Amazonian lowland and in the Sahara desert, one can see their uneven distribution (Fig. 4). What explains this?

Precipitation brings wet air masses, forming over the ocean. This is clearly seen in the example of territories with monsoon climate. The summer monsoon brings a lot of moisture from the ocean. And there are continuous rains over the land, as on the Pacific coast of Eurasia.

Constant winds also play a big role in the distribution of precipitation. Thus, trade winds blowing from the continent bring dry air to northern Africa, where the largest desert in the world is located - the Sahara. Western winds bring rain to Europe from the Atlantic Ocean.

Rice. 4. Average annual distribution of precipitation on Earth's land

As you already know, sea ​​currents influence precipitation in coastal parts of continents: warm currents contribute to their appearance (the Mozambique Current off the eastern coast of Africa, the Gulf Stream off the coast of Europe), cold weather, on the contrary, prevents precipitation ( Peruvian Current off the western coast of South America).

Relief also affects the distribution of precipitation, for example, the Himalayan mountains do not allow moist winds blowing from the north to pass through. Indian Ocean. Therefore, on their southern slopes sometimes up to 20,000 mm of precipitation falls per year. Moist air masses, rising along the mountain slopes (ascending air currents), cool, become saturated, and precipitation falls from them. The territory north of the Himalayan mountains resembles a desert: only 200 mm of precipitation falls there per year.

There is a relationship between belts and precipitation. At the equator - in the belt low pressure— constantly heated air; rising upward, it cools and becomes saturated. Therefore, in the equator region there are many clouds and heavy rainfall. There is also a lot of rainfall in other areas globe where low pressure prevails. Wherein great importance has an air temperature: the lower it is, the less precipitation falls.

In belts high pressure downward air currents predominate. As the air descends, it heats up and loses the properties of its saturation state. Therefore, at latitudes 25-30° precipitation occurs rarely and in small quantities. Areas of high pressure near the poles also receive little precipitation.

Absolute maximum precipitation registered on o. Hawaii ( Pacific Ocean) - 11,684 mm/year and in Cherrapunji (India) - 11,600 mm/year. The absolute minimum - in the Atacama Desert and the Libyan Desert - less than 50 mm/year; Sometimes there is no precipitation at all for years.

The moisture content of the area is characterized by humidification coefficient— the ratio of annual precipitation and evaporation for the same period. The humidification coefficient is denoted by the letter K, the annual precipitation by the letter O, and evaporation by the letter I; then K = O: I.

The lower the humidification coefficient, the drier the climate. If the annual precipitation is approximately equal to evaporation, then the humidification coefficient is close to unity. In this case, hydration is considered sufficient. If the moisture index is greater than one, then the moisture excessive, less than one -insufficient. When the humidification coefficient is less than 0.3, humidification is considered meager. Zones with sufficient moisture include forest-steppes and steppes, and zones with insufficient moisture include deserts.

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