Panther, leopard tortoise (Geochelone pardalis). Panther tortoise or leopard tortoise Leopard tortoise

  • Superclass Quadrupeds - Tetrapoda, Class Reptiles or Reptiles - Reptilia
  • Infraorder Freshwater and land turtles - Testudinoidea

Leopard tortoise - Geochelone pardalis is a large turtle with a beautiful color. It is distributed in the region adjacent to the Sahara, small populations are known in southern Sudan, Ethiopia, East Africa, Zambia, Botswana, Namibia, Angola, and South West Africa. Males are slightly larger than females. The carapace is tall, round in shape, up to 60 cm long, colored light brown with small black spots. Specimens weighing over 35 kg are known. This turtle is growing very quickly.

The leopard tortoise prefers semi-desert, plains covered with grass or thorny bushes. Sometimes found in mountainous areas. This turtle feeds on fruits and fruits, grass, prickly pear cacti, succulent plants (euphorbia, aloe), and thistle.

Under the conditions of detention, the leopard tortoise should not receive juicy vegetables and fruits (tomatoes, lettuce), otherwise colic will occur, leading to death. Lawn grass is enough for her. Meat should also be excluded from her diet. It also does not tolerate humidity and cold, so all amenities should be provided to provide it with suitable living conditions. She should have regular access to water for drinking and water baths.

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Panther or leopard tortoise(Geochelone pardalis)

Class - reptiles
Squad - turtles

Family - land turtles

Genus - Geochelone


A large turtle, the length of its shell reaches 70 cm. The weight of an adult individual can be 50 kg.

Males differ from females more long tail, there is a depression on their plastron. The leopard tortoise's shell is high and dome-shaped. Its main color is sandy yellow. Young turtles have a distinct dark brown, almost black, pattern on their shell scutes. With age it gradually smoothes out. Panther tortoises from Ethiopia have weaker shell pigmentation than all others.


The leopard tortoise's range spans Africa from Sudan and Ethiopia to the southern tip of the continent.

The main habitats (savanna and dry uplands) are characterized by big amount varied vegetation. Animals can also climb mountains to heights of up to 1800-2000 meters above sea level.


The gland at the tail emits a strong and pungent odor, with which the turtle attracts a partner for mating and, conversely, repels the predator. When it gets very hot, the leopard tortoise digs a hole in the ground and stays underground to avoid overheating and losing too much water. She remains in the hole until the temperature drops and again it will rain. If it becomes difficult to find food, the turtle goes a long way in search of food. To keep their shells healthy and their bones strong, turtles eat old bones if they find them while feeding.

Herbivorous, but eats it on occasion protein food animal origin. They can eat watermelons, pumpkins and various legumes in fields.


The turtle reaches sexual maturity at the age of 8-10 years. Pregnancy in a panther tortoise lasts from 70 to 80 days. The number of eggs in a clutch ranges from 5 to 30 pieces. Incubation will last from 125 to 230 days. Incubation can last up to 360-540 days.

This type of reptile can be kept in small groups - a male and several females.

Plants should not be placed in a terrarium, because the reptile will eat them; for the same reason, plants should not be placed in a terrarium. poisonous plants. This can lead to the death of the animal.

In a warm corner of the terrarium, it is necessary to place a pond with low edges, in which the reptile can swim from time to time. The water temperature in the drinking bowl should be at 26-28°C. In the cold corner of the terrarium it is necessary to place shelters (driftwood, broken pots, etc.). must be in the terrarium. The reptile needs good ventilation, so both side walls of the terrarium should be made of mesh.

Animals cannot be kept in an apartment, on the floor instead of a terrarium. Drafts and dust will lead to illness in the reptile, as well as a lack of lighting, warm spots and UV radiation.

The panther tortoise is an omnivore. Plant food should make up about 75% of the turtle's diet. Fibrous, roughage feeds with a low protein content are best suited as a feed base. Reptiles can be given plants such as chamomile, clover, alfalfa, lettuce, beans, cacti or aloe. A turtle should definitely be given carrots, because they are a source of vitamin A. A deficiency of this vitamin will cause problems with the reptile’s scales. Fruit can be given to your turtle no more than once a week. The reptile's diet must be varied, but the turtle should not be given spinach, cabbage and other plants containing oxalic acid salts. As a protein food, the turtle should be given food such as crickets and cockroaches, after killing them. The feeder should have low edges that allow the turtle to eat from there. As the reptile finishes its meal, the food bowl must be removed from the terrarium. Turtles should be fed daily.

The panther tortoise lives up to 75 years in captivity.

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