Names of poisonous mushrooms and plants. How to distinguish edible mushrooms from non-edible mushrooms. How to distinguish mushrooms

Mushrooms are a product from which you can cook many delicious dishes. They are not only purchased in a store or on the market, but also collected in the forest and in the steppe expanses. This occupation attracts many Russians. However, experienced collectors know that there are poisonous mushrooms that are dangerous for their toxicity, which can be difficult to distinguish from harmless counterparts. Their use threatens not only health, but also life. Therefore, it is important to be able to distinguish dangerous species from edible ones.

Description of poisonous mushrooms in Russia

In Russia, there are many varieties of dangerous mushrooms.

Death cap

Symptoms of poisoning appear 8-12 or even 20-40 hours after eating mushrooms.

This is one of the most poisonous mushrooms that affects vital organs. It grows both singly and in groups in mixed and deciduous forests. Even a small piece of such a product can be fatal. Heat treatment is not able to neutralize the poison. The pale grebe is dangerous in that it can be confused with russula, floats, champignons.

It can not be touched with hands, and also allowed to come into contact with other mushrooms.

fly agaric

Amanita muscaria is found in deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests.

The mushroom has white flesh that has an unpleasant odor and taste.

Amanita takes the second place in terms of toxicity, for which he received the name "angel of death." Thanks to the red cap, you will not confuse it with any other mushroom. However, there is also a special variety of this representative of the flora - the white fly agaric. It looks like a mushroom and a float. The leg of a white fly agaric is surrounded by a Volvo. Distinguish a dangerous product and characteristic scales on the cap.

Another name for the species is sticky hebeloma

In the people it is called horseradish mushroom. It grows throughout Russia in late summer and autumn. False value is easily confused with the usual. It also looks like russula. Visually, false valui is almost impossible to distinguish from harmless mushrooms. It has an unpleasant odor and a bitter taste.


The fungus grows in groups in moist soil.

Once upon a time, this inconspicuous mushroom on a short stalk was considered edible. However, it turned out that the lectins contained in it, which do not disappear after heat treatment, cause a severe allergic reaction and an asthma attack.

The pig is especially dangerous for people suffering from kidney failure.

False honey fungus

The pulp of false mushrooms has a light yellow tint, an unpleasant odor and a bitter taste.

False honey mushrooms are found in the forest from June to October and grow in groups, most often on rotting wood. There are several subspecies of them. The most dangerous is the sulfur-yellow false frond. Its use causes diarrhea, dizziness, blurred vision, and in severe cases, loss of consciousness. A large amount of such a product can be fatal. False mushrooms are so toxic that they can poison harmless mushrooms in close proximity.

The fungus is found in coniferous forests, especially on sandy soil.

Young gall fungus is easy to confuse with boletus and boletus. Because of the bitter taste, which does not disappear after heat treatment, but intensifies, it is popularly called bitter taste. This species is distinguished from ordinary ones by the color of the spongy part under the cap. The mustard is pinkish. It contains toxins that damage the liver when ingested.

The papillary mushroom grows in groups from August to September

The papillary fungus can cause serious poisoning. It is distinguished by the nature of the plates. In a harmless counterpart, they are hard, dense and look unnatural. The pulp of a false mushroom most often has some shade - pinkish, yellowish, gray.

How to distinguish an edible species from a dangerous one - the main signs

The main thing is not to confuse

In order not to become a victim of poisoning, it is important to be able to distinguish poisonous species from harmless ones. It is sometimes difficult to do this even for the most experienced collectors, since toxic mushrooms are often visually similar to ordinary ones. However, when broken, dangerous representatives darken the flesh. Another distinguishing feature of the "twins" is an ovoid thickening at the base. But these signs are not always found. The main rule for gatherers, which is guaranteed to prevent poisoning, is to collect well-known mushrooms. Even with the slightest doubt, it is better to refuse prey.

Some try the wrong way to define toxicity. It is believed that dangerous "twins" differ from their counterparts in an unpleasant smell and taste. However, it is not. Even the pale grebe does not have a specific aroma. It smells like absolutely harmless champignon.

There is an erroneous assumption that poisonous species are bypassed by insects. But beetles and caterpillars do not refuse toxic products either.

It is impossible to distinguish "doubles" from harmless ones with the help of an onion or a silver spoon, which, according to the assurances of some collectors, darken when in contact with toxic species. This opinion is not justified.

Consequences of poisoning

The main thing in mushroom poisoning is the provision of prompt assistance

Mushrooms are a rather difficult food to digest. Sometimes its use in large quantities leads to discomfort in the stomach and nausea. However, it is important to be able to distinguish ordinary malaise from poisoning and take measures to avoid irreversible consequences.

Slightly poisonous species do not contain a critical amount of toxins. After their use, there is a slight weakness, nausea and indigestion, which disappear after washing. Severe poisoning has life-threatening consequences.

Once in the body, toxins affect the nervous system and cause paralysis of internal organs. In this case, the patient has vomiting, diarrhea, confusion, difficulty breathing, abdominal pain, dizziness. Sometimes these symptoms appear as early as 10-15 minutes after eating a poisonous mushroom. But bright signs can appear after a few hours.

In 90% of cases, poisoning with especially poisonous mushrooms leads to death. It is important to help the patient in the first hours or even minutes after eating a dangerous product. Otherwise, death occurs due to acute liver necrosis and damage to vital organs.

Even the most experienced mushroom lovers should be careful. A huge number of dangerous "doubles" grow on the territory of Russia. It is allowed to eat only mushrooms that have been tested more than once, in which the collector is one hundred percent sure.

Poisonous mushrooms are mushrooms that contain toxins. Toxic substances in them can lead to serious poisoning, and in some cases, to coma or death.

Let's see what are the signs of poisonous mushrooms, what are the symptoms of this type of poisoning? What to do in order not to harm your health? You will find answers to these questions in this article.

dangerous species

Poisonous mushrooms can be divided into 3 types:

  • mushrooms that provoke food intoxication;
  • fungi that affect the central nervous system;
  • mushrooms, the use of which leads to death.

The last one needs to be especially careful. When its representatives only enter the body, the action of toxic toxins at first does not manifest itself in any way. Only over time, they begin to affect the vital organs, causing terrible torment in a person.


The first signs of the described poisoning do not differ much from the symptoms of other food intoxications:

  • diarrhea;
  • temperature;
  • vomit;
  • weakness.

In some cases, this all ends, but it happens that all of the listed signs are followed by severe damage to the kidneys, liver and pancreas. Therefore, in no case do not self-medicate and when the first symptoms of mushroom poisoning appear, immediately consult a doctor!

First aid

While waiting for the arrival of professional doctors, drink 4-5 glasses of boiled water in small sips, in which you can dilute a little soda. Then you should induce vomiting by pressing on the root of the tongue with two fingers or the handle of a spoon. This is necessary in order to cleanse the stomach of poisonous products.

Each person should study the list of poisonous mushrooms, consisting of the 5 most dangerous and most common species.

It is the most toxic of all existing mushrooms. Cases of pale toadstool poisoning do not occur so often, but in 90% of all precedents everything ends in death.

This mushroom has a white color of all parts: a 15 cm long stem, a bag-shaped volva, a strong ring (in some cases erect or hanging), plates (loose, wide, lanceolate, frequent) and spores. Younger grebes have an egg-shaped body hidden under the film. At this stage of development, the cap may have remnants of a flocculent veil.

Toadstools are often confused with russula, rows and floats. But there is still a difference: young floats have pink plates, which become lilac as they grow. In grebes, they always remain white. Also, grebes have a Volvo and a ring on a leg, which russula and ordinary people do not have.

Many people mistakenly believe that absolutely all fly agarics are poisonous. In fact, this is not so: the fly agaric genus has more than 600 species, and some of them are not poisonous mushrooms. We will focus on the most dangerous and common representatives and start with the red fly agaric.

A mature red fly agaric can reach 20 centimeters, and a younger one - 8 centimeters. It has a thick and fleshy leg 1-2 centimeters wide. The color of the cap is red and saturated, covered with white "warts" (in older representatives, the color can be washed off by rain). Mature fly agarics have a hollow white or yellow leg, on top of which there is a hanging membranous ring. Red fly agarics grow on acidic soils in the temperate zones of the northern hemisphere, under birches and spruces.

white fly agaric

The cap of this mushroom is 3.5–10 centimeters in diameter, at first it has a rounded conical shape, which becomes half-spread as it grows. The leg is hollow, fibrous, has the shape of a cylinder and is covered with flaky scales. Its length can reach 12 centimeters, width - from 0.7 to 2.5 centimeters. It has pinkish, white, frequent and loose plates and white spore powder. Volvo cup-shaped and free. Grows in moist coniferous and mixed forests in summer.

It differs from the previous brown or grayish-olive color of the hat, covered with the same pimples. It grows mainly under beeches and oaks.

Hat size - 12 centimeters. The hat itself is slightly sticky and has a conical shape. The size of the legs is 7 centimeters long, 1-1.5 centimeters wide. It is white, even, thickened at the base and has a white ring. It grows in coniferous and mixed wet forests on sandy soils from mid-summer to early autumn.

What should be done to avoid poisoning?

If you have concerns that deadly poisonous mushrooms have ended up in the basket, the best solution is to get rid of them. There is an opinion that after heat treatment, the poison can be neutralized, but this is true more in relation to the so-called conditionally edible mushrooms - poisonous in their raw form, but edible after cooking. These, for example, include morels, pink wave, black breast. In this case:

  1. Boil the collected mushrooms for 15-30 minutes, then pour the broth and rinse the cooked products well. To further protect yourself, repeat the procedure. In this case, toxic substances pass into the decoction.
  2. Dry the mushrooms in a warm and well-ventilated area, stringing them on a thread (drying on a battery and on a stove should be abandoned). This method will help to evaporate toxic substances.

But! Both of these methods are absolutely useless with pale grebe! There is no antidote for this fungus.

We hope this information has helped you. Remember one important rule: if you have doubts about the edibility of a mushroom, then it is better not to put it in your basket.

Are you going to the forest for mushrooms? Be sure to learn to recognize poisonous mushrooms in the inhabitants of forest clearings, decorated with assorted hats. This essential skill, which distinguishes an experienced mushroom picker from an amateur, has saved the lives of millions of gatherers. After all, some mushrooms are thinly disguised as edible being deadly. Even the most thorough cooking does not rid them of poisons.

Mycotoxins - mushroom poisons

hallucinogens and alkaloids

It may seem to prudent and thorough people that it is impossible to accidentally get poisoned by Amanita. Its poisonousness has long become a byword, and you can’t confuse a bright red hat with anything. Why do cases of fly agaric poisoning occur every year? There is two types of mushroom pickers who consciously risk collect them.

1. Experienced mushroom pickers who have information about the edibility of some species. In our forests, a gray-pink fly agaric is occasionally found. It is, after digestion in several waters, it is really edible. In the case of Amanita mushrooms, only a very experienced mushroom picker is able to determine which mushrooms will not harm health. To eliminate the error, it is advisable to focus on their photo and name.

2. Thrill seekers who were not too lazy in search of new pleasures to go to the dense forest for hallucinogenic mushrooms. Red and Panther fly agaric do include alkaloid substances, but their content is negligible compared to toxins. Therefore, the pursuit of pleasure often ends in a hospital bed.

It would hardly occur to an ordinary mushroom picker to collect any kind of hallucinogens - Psilocebe, Conocybe, Paneolus. Too little they look like edible. These mushrooms are poisonous, they cause irreparable harm to human health.

Attention - life threatening

The list of poisonous mushrooms that pose a mortal danger is not very long. Its study should be given special attention. Fly agaric, Pale grebe, Fibre, Brown-red Lepiota, Bordered Galerina, Mountain cobweb, Whitish talker - to be fatal, an insignificant amount of any of these deadly poisonous mushrooms is enough. In the case of the Pale Grebe, even a third of the cap is enough. It is so poisonous that you can get moderate poisoning just by holding it in your hands. Toxins enter the stomach through the mucous surfaces of the eyes, nose, or mouth.

The hats of deadly poisonous Amanitas, contrary to the usual idea of ​​​​them, are not necessarily red with white specks. Such a hat is a hallmark of the red fly agaric. Other poisonous varieties of fly agaric - Panther, Smelly, Grebe-shaped, Sulfur-yellow, Vittadini do not have such a characteristic appearance. The section of the encyclopedia, including poisonous mushrooms, photos and descriptions, will help you understand their types, appearance and habitat.

Simple Safety Principles

The ovoid thickening at the base of the stem, the lamellar structure of the cap in false twins are clear signs of poisonous mushrooms. To confidently recognize each forest dweller who grew up in a clearing or under a tree, study the mushroom encyclopedia. Do you want to cook a delicious dish from the collected gifts of the forest and stay alive? Then follow the three mushroom safety rules:

  1. Never put unfamiliar mushrooms in the basket. Even the slightest doubt is a reason to throw away the find without regret.
  2. Do not try any variety raw, no matter how appetizing they look or smell.
  3. Old and wormy mushrooms of all categories are taboo, even edible centenarians accumulate harmful substances from the atmosphere.

Successful and safe mushroom hunting, smoothly flowing into a pleasant meal!

Mushrooms are one of the most useful and loved by all products. They contain a lot of vitamin A, potassium salts, phosphorus, nicotinic acid and other substances necessary for the human body. People who often eat mushrooms are less likely to get viral diseases, have strong nails, soft, supple skin and silky hair.

But not all of them are safe for health. There are many mushrooms in the world that contain toxins. Eating them can cause death or disability. The article presents a list that includes the most dangerous mushrooms that grow in different parts of the world.

At the end of the article, we have prepared a surprise 🎁 - an exciting test to test your attentiveness 😃

The most poisonous mushroom in the world, growing in all the forests on Earth. Prefers moist soils without light. In the pale grebe, a couple of toxins are phalloidin and amanitin. Their combination causes kidney and liver failure. In order for the patient to survive, doctors urgently perform a transplant of damaged organs. This is followed by a long period of rehabilitation, during which the body is completely restored and cleansed of the poison.

Agaric fungus from the non-rotten family, included in the TOP 10 dangerous plant organisms in the world. It grows throughout the Crimea and settles on fallen, felled or diseased trees. Its chemical composition contains muscarine, a toxin that leads to poisoning.

A fungus from the Bolbitiaceae family, unsuitable for human consumption due to the high concentration of amatoxins poison. Fioliotina wrinkled grows in the forests of Europe, Asia and in the northern part of America. When its toxin enters the human body, severe poisoning occurs, which, without timely assistance, leads to death.


Mushrooms are the oldest inhabitants of the planet. Scientists believe that they appeared over 400 million years ago and survived other plants due to the ability to adapt to a changing environment.

The second name of the fungus is russula vomit. Contains the same toxin as omaflot olive. Its use in food is fraught with severe poisoning, accompanied by vomiting, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract and exacerbation of chronic diseases of the digestive tract.

You can meet him in areas with a temperate climate, mainly in the Northern Hemisphere. A large number of mushrooms of this species begins to appear in the period from July to September. Panther fly agaric contains two toxins at once - muscarine and muscaridine, and the presence of scopolamine in its composition makes it deadly.

In North America, the mushroom is called the "messenger of death", as it is the source of alpha-amanitin and a group of amatoxins that provoke rapid necrosis of internal organs. In parallel, toxins from amanita ocreata inhibit protein synthesis, increase pressure in the cranium and cause sepsis. Without the help of doctors, a person dies in 1-2 weeks from the moment of eating the mushroom.

Zelenushki grow in groups in America and on the territory of European countries, including northwestern Russia. In the 19th century, strong antiviral agents were prepared from them to combat various diseases. In the 21st century, greenfinch is recognized as a poisonous mushroom with a high concentration of toxins. They cause spasms of the respiratory system, nausea and severe poisoning.

A tubular fungus containing specific substances with a strong choleretic effect. It is not eaten not only because of toxicity, but also because of an unpleasant and bitter taste. A couple of hundred years ago, people tried to cook dishes from it, but it turned out that the bitterness does not disappear even with long cooking. Now it is used in the preparation of choleretic drugs.

Better known as satanic pain. This is a variety of mushrooms, common in oak and mixed deciduous forests. You can find it in Russia, the Caucasus, the Middle East, the territory of Primorsky Krai and southern Europe. It has a pleasant smell of onion, but is inedible. 1-2 satanic mushrooms lead to intoxication, as they contain the glycoprotein bolesatin and muscarine.

Beautiful, but dangerous inhabitant of birch forests. In addition to the repulsive aroma, the white row or false row is characterized by an unpleasant taste and the presence of poison, which causes malfunctions in the digestive organs and the cardiovascular system. Its closest relative is the May row. But you can eat it, although it is extremely difficult to distinguish it from a poisonous mushroom.


The most useful mushroom is white. It contains substances that prevent the formation of cancerous tumors and stimulate the growth of soft tissue cells.

Distributed in Europe, America and introduced in the 20th century to Australia. It has an unpleasant chemical odor, which increases several times during heat treatment. Contains a complex of poisons and toxins, leading to indigestion, poisoning and severe intoxication. Treatment is based on the use of plasma-substituting solutions, the intake of enterosorbents and a strict diet.

The mushroom contains a huge dose of amatoxins, which in 90% of cases cause severe poisoning, leading to death. The largest amount of toxin is concentrated in the leg of the bordered galerina, less in the cap. It grows in the Northern Hemisphere, mainly in Europe and Asia. Due to its appearance, the fringed galerina is easily confused with some edible mushrooms.

A cap mushroom that grows in Russia, Siberia and Primorsky Krai. Forms the so-called "witch circles". The waxy talker is included in the list of the most poisonous mushrooms in the CIS, as it contains a number of toxins that lead to dehydration, intoxication and death. Meanwhile, there are several varieties of mushroom that are suitable for eating. But it is recommended to collect them only for experienced mushroom pickers.

A beautiful and deadly mushroom that grows in the countries of the European Union, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan. In Russia, he was not met, with the exception of the Crimean peninsula. According to mycological analysis, brown-red lepiota is rich in two strong poisons - nitrile and cyanide.

Another name for the fungus is white toadstool. It grows in forests, where there are many coniferous trees and firs. Most of all smelly fly agaric in the temperate zone in the Northern Hemisphere. White toadstool is a deadly mushroom. It contains a lot of amatoxins, phallotoxins and virozin. Scientists also forbid eating those mushrooms that lay with the toadstool in the same basket, since dangerous substances can also be transmitted to them.

The stalk agaric grows in European coniferous forests, mainly near spruces. Rarely found near oaks and beech. Recognized as poisonous due to the huge concentration of orelanin, a toxin that causes kidney necrosis and disruption of the whole organism, which often ends in death.

The fiber of Patuillard or torn mushroom grows locally in Europe and northwest Russia. Less common in the Caucasus. A close relative of the white row. The mushroom is deadly poisonous because it contains muscarine. The concentration of poison is 20-24% higher than in the red fly agaric. In case of poisoning, tachycardia, chills, bronchospasm, a drop in blood pressure and severe allergic reactions develop. Without medical assistance, the victim dies within a day.

The official name is hydnellum peck. This is an incredibly beautiful shapeless mushroom, which in the photo looks like cream with strawberry jam. It grows in a wooded area in Europe and North America, is classified as agaric. But unlike its counterparts, hydnellum peka is inedible. It contains poisons and toxins that disrupt the functioning of the heart, liver and kidneys.


When cooked, some inedible mushrooms increase their poisonous properties. Therefore, attempts to "digest" toxins are fraught with death.

A poisonous mushroom from the Strophariaceae family. It is found almost all over the world, except for the Arctic and deserts. Forms groups next to oaks, aspens, birch, spruce. Most often localized near the roads or in clearings. In the chemical composition of Value false, there are poisons that cause severe poisoning. Without timely assistance, this will end in death.

Why You Shouldn't Feed Ducks Bread

Experienced mushroom pickers know that this mushroom is easily confused with edible mushrooms. It grows near fallen and rotting trees, in wastelands or in spruce needles. False mushrooms are dangerous because they contain ketones. Substances irritate the gastric mucosa, ulcers form on it, which bleed and are accompanied by acute pain.

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than for yourself))


How many amateurs are waiting for the start of the season to walk through the forest in search of mushrooms or buttercups. Fry chanterelles, pickle milk mushrooms, marinate boletus to taste at the festive table in winter. Unfortunately, not everything ends well if you do not know whether you have collected. Armed with useful knowledge of how to distinguish inedible species, every mushroom eater is obliged.

How to distinguish poisonous mushrooms from edible ones

You should not go into the forest if you do not know how to determine whether a mushroom is poisonous or not. Ask an experienced person to take you on a quiet hunt. In the forest more often he will tell about edible varieties, show how they look. Read books or find information on websites. Only in this way will you protect your loved ones and yourself from mortal danger. Even one inedible specimen in the basket can lead to trouble if you do not distinguish it and cook it together with others.

Inedible species are dangerous because they can provoke food poisoning, cause disruption of the central nervous system, and lead to death. Experienced mushroom pickers recommend following the rules when collecting:

  • do not taste - you can instantly get poisoned;
  • do not take if in doubt;
  • do not cut dry, overripe specimens - it is difficult to determine their belonging;
  • do not collect everything in the hope of sorting it out at home;
  • visit the forest with experienced people;
  • do not collect specimens with a stem thickened at the bottom;
  • Refresh your knowledge of species features before departure.

What do edible mushrooms look like?

Experienced lovers of quiet forest hunting know how to distinguish edible mushrooms from inedible ones. You can’t go wrong, you can put the copy you like in the basket, and then cook it if:

  • there is a "skirt" on the leg;
  • under the cap is a layer of a tubular type;
  • a pleasant smell emanates from it;
  • hats have a characteristic appearance and color for their variety;
  • insects were noticed on the surface - bugs and worms.

There are varieties that are very famous and popular in the middle forest belt. They are known, collected, although among them there are specimens that have dangerous doubles. To get a unique taste, different methods of preparation are required. Favorite species include:

  • white - boletus;
  • breast;
  • camelina;
  • boletus;
  • honey agaric;
  • boletus;
  • oiler;
  • wave;
  • fox;
  • russula.

What mushrooms are poisonous

How to distinguish edible mushrooms from inedible? Poisonous varieties are often recognized by the following features:

  • color - have an unusual or very bright color;
  • adhesive cap in some varieties;
  • discoloration of the legs - when cut, an unnatural color appears;
  • the absence of worms and insects inside and on the surface - they do not tolerate mushroom poison;
  • smell - it can be fetid, medicinal, chlorine;
  • the absence of a tubular layer under the cap.

Inedible varieties contain toxic substances. It is necessary to carry out the collection very carefully, to know the special signs of dangerous specimens in order to distinguish them:

  • pale grebe - deadly poisonous, has a hat of greenish or olive color, a leg thickened downwards;
  • satanic - different from white in red tones;
  • fly agaric red - has a bright hat with white dots, provokes the destruction of brain cells;
  • thin pig - has a hallucinogenic property when interacting with alcohol;
  • fly agaric smelly - has the smell of chlorine, very poisonous.

How to distinguish mushrooms

Among the variety of species, one can find poisonous specimens - twins, similar to species suitable for consumption. How to distinguish between edible and inedible mushrooms in this case? The resemblance may be distant or very close. Twins have the following edible varieties:

  • white - satanic, bile;
  • mossiness mushrooms, boletus - pepper;
  • chanterelles - false chanterelles;
  • milk mushrooms - waxy talkers;
  • champignons - fly agaric;
  • mushrooms - false mushrooms.

How to distinguish a false white mushroom

Inexperienced mushroom pickers can confuse a strong boletus with false species, although they are not very similar. A real white copy is strong, dense, grows in groups, sometimes making up a path. It is distinguished by a hat, from below it is exclusively olive, yellow, white. Its flesh is firm, dense, the smell is pleasant. If you make a cut, it will be white.

There are two types of falsehoods:

  • Biliary - has a shade of pinkish color. There is a dark mesh on the surface of the leg.
  • Satanic - with a strong smell of rotten onions, it has a velvety hat, yellow or red flesh. The leg is thickened at the bottom. It has a very bright color that varies in height from rich red to shades of green and yellow.

How to recognize a false chanterelle mushroom

How to determine edible and inedible mushrooms, if both look bright and elegant? What are similar and by what signs can chanterelles be distinguished? For an inedible variety, the following are characteristic:

  • a bright, velvety, orange-colored hat;
  • smaller diameter - about 2.5 cm;
  • pulp with an unpleasant odor;
  • leg tapering downward;
  • a hat that looks like a funnel with smooth edges;
  • the absence of worms - the composition contains chitinmannose - an anthelmintic substance.

Edible chanterelles grow in groups in mixed, coniferous forests. They often have large specimens with a hat up to 10 cm. They are distinguished by:

  • thick dense leg, which is never hollow;
  • the hat is lowered down, has bumpy edges, the color is soft - from light yellow to pale orange;
  • the plates are dense, go down to the leg;
  • the flesh is red when pressed.

How to distinguish between edible and poisonous mushrooms

Of particular difficulty is the correct definition of mushrooms, since they collect several edible varieties that have different shapes. They grow on stumps, tree trunks, in the grass, often in large groups. Good mushrooms can be distinguished by:

  • hats from light beige to brown with dark scales;
  • leg ring;
  • cream or white plates under the hat;
  • pleasant smell.

Inedible mushrooms often grow singly. The difference from edible ones is the absence of a ring on the leg. Other features of inedible varieties:

  • brightly colored hat, red, orange, rusty brown, sticky and smooth after rain;
  • the plates are dark - green olive-black, yellow;
  • moldy smell;
  • spots on the hat in black.

Video: how to check mushrooms for edibility

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