Nutrition for an 11 month old baby menu. Approximate diet

Therefore, when determining a child’s diet at 11 months, it is necessary to be based, first of all, on the characteristics of your baby. If he still needs breast milk, do not rush to wean your baby (the reason could only be the mother’s desire to say goodbye to breastfeeding or a quick return to work).

According to pediatricians, breast milk is still important for the development of the baby’s immunity and helps his digestive system cope with complex foods (meat, fish). And when choosing between breast milk and cow's milk, it is necessary to give preference to the first product, since the second can safely be present in the baby's diet only after 1 year.

Not only the diet of an 11-month-old child is individual, the table of which mainly includes foods that the baby likes, but also the regimen. If sleeping twice a day is no longer convenient for the baby (he refuses to fall asleep in the morning, it is difficult to put him to sleep during the day), then it is possible to switch to a one-time nap.

But there is a significant caveat to eating 4 times a day. Ideally, the feeding regimen of a child at 11 months includes exactly 5 meals, the volume of each of which reaches 200 grams. In this case, you ensure the healthy functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and help saturate the baby with a physiological portion.

Proper nutrition is the basis for healthy development

Eleven months is an inquisitive period when the baby develops more and more consciously, masters skills, and “babbles” his first words. He studies the world around him not only visually, but also by touch (with his hands) and taste (with his tongue).

At the time when the child grabs everything in a row, fine motor skills of the hands develop. Don’t be upset when your daughter or son throws something on the floor: the trajectory of a flying object and the sound of landing are also part of its development.

Memory is actively developing:

  • visual;
  • tactile;
  • auditory;
  • olfactory.

Because of this experience, the baby reacts warily or turns away if a spoon with vegetable puree is brought to his face, the taste of which was not delightful the last time. It is necessary to take into account the fact that even small individuals form their own opinions on the taste of dishes and diet.

You need to be patient in order to respond correctly to children's whims and wisely turn minor troubles into a game. If the baby has eaten, but wants to play with the porridge with a spoon, let him experiment. So what if you wash your whole head in semolina after feeding, but you won’t be so persistent in taking the spoon away every time.

It is also necessary to teach an 11-month-old “capricious” to be independent, even if he holds a spoon of soup clumsily, spilling half of it. If he wants to convey it to his mouth, give him the opportunity, then change his clothes. If parents have enough patience, then at 11-12 months children are able, albeit uncertainly, to hold a cup and a spoon, although they do not always get it into their mouth.

The diet of an 11 month old baby is by the hour. During this period he sleeps 2 times a day. The night schedule is calmer, so mom also rests. If it seems that the baby does not have enough basic nutrition in 5 meals, give him a treat during an unscheduled wakefulness. For example, give milk with soft, unsweetened cookies or apple compote.

Children under one year old are more and more active: they begin to walk, new rooms are a whole universe for them. In order for an inquisitive “naturalist” to have enough energy to “fly in dreams and in reality,” his diet must be high in calories and balanced in vitamins and important amino acids.

During this period, children must learn to chew, even with the few teeth they already have. But food should not be hard for them, requiring a long chewing - not every baby wants to fully cope with such a task when there are only 6-8 teeth. It is better to grind food that is too dense or hard with a blender.

There is no question of seeds: babies under one year old do not yet know how to separate it from plant pulp with their tongue and extract it on their own. Help him chop meatballs, sausages and cutlets with a fork. Make sure your child doesn't overeat if they give him his favorite food.

The proper development of a baby depends entirely on nutrition. At this age, the baby can speak simple words: mom, dad, give. The child is actively crawling, trying to stand on his legs in order to study the objects around him. If you take the baby by the hand, he even walks, or moves on his own, holding onto the bed, table or sofa.

If a child’s nutrition at 11 months is prepared according to all the rules, then he will be active and curious, and his development will progress rapidly. With a complete and nutritious diet, the baby should not wake up in the middle of the night.

11 months have passed since the birth, mother’s milk has long been no longer the main source of nutrition for the baby, but only an addition to the main menu. The first acquaintance with adult food is behind us. The mother already has some experience in preparing delicious and healthy dishes for the child.

She knows what her child prefers and what she eats reluctantly. But how can you be sure that your diet is appropriate for your age? The main sign is good health and sufficient activity. If a child receives from food all the substances necessary for development, the following points apply:

  • no signs of anemia, hemoglobin 110 or higher;
  • a blood test shows that leukocytes, red blood cells and other indicators are normal;
  • restful, sound sleep;
  • active behavior while awake;
  • good immunity, the baby rarely gets sick;
  • height and weight correspond to age;
  • the first teeth appeared on time;
  • there is no lag in psychomotor development.

In order for the baby to start every day with a smile, have fun throughout the day, and sleep peacefully at night, the mother must take care of a balanced diet. The range of products is expanding monthly. What should be included in a child's diet at 11 months? The question of how to properly plan a menu is worth studying in more detail.

Recipes for popular dishes for children of the first year of life

There are general recommendations, but each baby has his own taste preferences. The weekly and daily diet of an 11-month-old child is varied with foods that are gentle on the child’s digestive tract. Avoid foods with coarse fibers that are difficult to digest.

Breast milk is on the menu for an 11 month old baby when the mother has it. But the basis, in addition to milk, already consists of:

  • stewed and chopped vegetables;
  • porridges and soups;
  • cottage cheese, yogurt and kefir;
  • soups and casseroles;
  • purees and steamed dishes;
  • yolk, meat (minced meat) and fish;
  • juices and drinks;
  • light desserts.

Adapted formulas, which children at 11 months readily eat, are gradually being replaced by “adult” food, which will be preferred after a year. You should not overdo it with cow's milk if the baby is not artificial: the percentage of proteins differs from the mother's.

Children at eleven months are already very active, they behave differently at the table: some eat actively and willingly, others are capricious, demanding breastfeeding, and do not want to get used to the taste of lightly salted meat and fish. Some people like the smell of fruit juices, others wince when they feel the natural sourness and specific aftertaste.

Many mothers try to give them to children who love adapted milk formulas and prepared baby cereals as often as possible: they are faster and easier to prepare. This does not mean that other products should appear on the children's menu only sporadically. Breastfeeding fades into the background - preferably 2 times a day.

The baby has grown up, behaves quite consciously, and there are already favorite dishes on the menu. While he is awake, he willingly watches his mother cook. And it’s worth spending more time not only on its development, but also on diversifying the diet for an 11-month-old child.

You should add exotic fruits, beef liver, nuts, legumes (foods that are difficult to digest) little by little as a component of other dishes. It's better to start with asparagus, avocado and spinach than to rush into citrus fruits and berries.

To avoid the question of what to feed him today, pediatricians and nutritionists recommend creating a menu for 2-3 days in order to make rational purchases. Five meals for the daily nutrition of an 11-month-old child is quite enough, if it is tasty, satisfying and varied.

As children approach the age of one year, they become more energetic and inquisitive. At this age, they are already using their teeth and the child’s nutrition becomes more varied. Mothers can now approach the choice of dishes more freely. The menu is approaching the norm for “adult” food, but it is still too early to transfer the baby to the common table.

What to feed a baby at 11 months?

Natural and bottle feeding are still included in the baby's diet at 11 months, but these sessions are becoming less frequent and shorter. At the turn of the year, the baby’s menu is already so diverse that still unknown natural food products for children at 11 months fit into the short list. These are mainly allergic provocateurs:

  • nuts;
  • some seafood;
  • Exotic fruits.

The list of what is permitted is much more extensive:

  • cereals;
  • meat and fish products;
  • and vegetables;
  • fermented milk products.

Breastfeeding at 11 months

By the age of one year, children already have a large table. However, experts say that there is no need to stop breastfeeding at 11 months, but it is better to extend the process until the baby reaches the age of two years. The best way to extend a baby’s natural nutrition for a longer period of time at 11 months is to breastfeed more often, stimulating milk production.

Complementary feeding at 11 months

The range of products that can be fed to an 11-month-old baby is expanding significantly every day. The baby has already tried a lot, but now only the combination of ingredients and serving size are changing. In one go, you can offer your baby porridge, egg yolk and even a fruit dessert - puree. A child's nutrition at 11 months must be balanced and varied. At this stage, new foods may appear in the diet. If you haven't started giving it to your baby yet, now is the time. The daily norm is no more than 50 g of fish puree from lean varieties:

  • river perch;
  • zander;
  • pollock;
  • pollock;
  • haddock.

How to properly feed an 11 month old baby?

One of the pressing questions is how much food should a child receive at 11 months?

Pediatricians advise limiting the daily intake of products as follows:

  1. Infant formula should be given no more than 200 ml per feeding.
  2. It is better to reduce the portion of porridge to 150 g.
  3. If you offer your child kefir, you should not give it more than 150 ml.
  4. 50 g of cottage cheese is enough in one sitting.
  5. You can already give more meat puree - up to 60 g.
  6. Chopped fish fillet can make up a 40 g serving.
  7. When offering an egg, it is better to refrain from the white, but the yolk, introduced into complementary foods from 7-9 months, remains in the standard portion - ½ part per feeding.
  8. You can give 100 g of fruit puree, and up to 200 g of vegetable puree.

Baby's diet at 11 months

Every mother knows perfectly well how many times to feed her baby at 11 months. Five meals a day last from six months to life. However, meal times may vary between children who are early risers and night owls. The diet at 11 months is calculated taking into account the time the child wakes up and goes to bed.

Children are early risers:

  • 6:00 - 7:00 – breast milk substitute or breastfeeding upon awakening;
  • 9:00-10:00 – full breakfast;
  • 13:00 - 13:30 – hearty lunch;
  • 16:30 – 17:30 – dinner;
  • 20:00 – 21:00 – breast milk substitute or breastfeeding before bedtime.

Owl children:

  • 9:00 – breast milk substitute or breastfeeding upon awakening;
  • 11:00 - 12:00 – hearty breakfast;
  • 15:00 – 15:40 – full lunch;
  • 18:30 - 19:30 – protein-carbohydrate dinner;
  • 21:30 - 22:00 – breast milk substitute or breastfeeding before bed.

Nutrition for a child at 11 months - menu

Regardless of the fact that the menu for a growing baby at 11 months will be extensive, such children’s cooking still has multiple rules and restrictions:

  1. The regimen is five meals a day, where the first and second meals consist of milk and formula.
  2. Ban on fried and fatty foods. Preference should be given to steam treatment.
  3. Limit on sweets and salt.
  4. There is no need to grind food into puree. You can simply cut the ingredients into small pieces.
  5. Allergic ingredients are strictly prohibited from appearing on the baby's table.
  6. The introduction of new products should be carried out gradually, starting with minimal doses of ½ teaspoon.
  7. The drinking regime must be strictly observed. Clean water, in addition to water, must be present.

Diet for an 11 month old child per day

When creating a baby’s menu, it is worth remembering that the diet at 11 months must meet all pediatric requirements. The norm for children of this age is 1000 - 1200 kcal per day at the rate of 115 kcal for each kg of the child’s weight. In this case, the BZHU can be found out using the following diagrams:

  • proteins - 3.5 g x per child’s weight in kg;
  • fats – 5.3 g x per child’s weight in kg;
  • carbohydrates – 13 g x per child’s weight in kg.

For five meals, the child should receive nutritional supplements and calories in full. Here we must not forget about minerals, so all products must be included in the diet. An approximate menu for a child for a day for 950-1000 kcal will look like this:

1. First feeding: breast milk or breast milk (200 g) – 130-140 kcal.

2. Breakfast:

  • oatmeal porridge with milk (150 g) – 153 kcal;
  • egg yolk (8-10 g) – 35 kcal;
  • children's cookies (10-15 g) – 40-60 kcal;
  • pear puree (50 g) – 25-27 kcal.

3. Dinner:

  • vegetable stew of zucchini with potatoes and cauliflower (100 g) – 36 kcal;
  • veal meatballs with zucchini and steamed rice (50 g) – 57 kcal;
  • a slice of white bread (8-12 g) – 27 kcal;
  • sweet organic curd “Tema” (40 g) – 45 kcal;
  • banana (40 g) – 39 kcal.

4. Dinner:

  • cottage cheese casserole with semolina (50 g) – 70-80 kcal;
  • kefir 2.5% (150 ml) – 70-75 kcal;
  • applesauce (50 g) – 41 kcal;

5. Last feeding: mother's milk or its substitute (200 g) – 130 – 140 kcal.

Cottage cheese casserole


  • low-fat cottage cheese – 180-220 g;
  • semolina – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • fresh egg – 1 pc.;
  • granulated sugar – 20 g.


  1. Pour semolina with warm water for 1 hour to swell.
  2. Grind the cottage cheese through a fine-mesh sieve.
  3. Beat the egg with sugar and combine with cottage cheese and semolina.
  4. Pour the resulting mass into muffin tins and bake for half an hour at 170°C.

Child 11 months – meals for a week

A nutritious diet for a baby at 11 months should be balanced and not monotonous, so that the child does not get hung up on a certain type of porridge or puree from one vegetable. To avoid repeating dishes, you can create a diet chart for the whole week. To do this, it is better to study the recipes in advance and create the optimal menu.

Children's menu for IV at 11 months

With unnatural feeding, a baby's nutrition at 11 months will not differ significantly from breastfeeding, only in the first and final feedings. The break between meals is normally 3-4 hours:

  1. 6:00. Baby food for a child aged 11 months is the first breakfast. 200 ml of the mixture is enough to satisfy the baby’s hunger after sleep.
  2. 9:30-10:00. For an afternoon snack, it is best to offer your child 150 g of porridge with butter (5 g). Dessert – 50 g banana.
  3. 13:00-14:00. For lunch, it is wiser to prepare vegetable soup with lean veal broth (150 g), zucchini, pumpkin or cabbage puree (80 g) and give 10 g of white bread.
  4. 17:00-18:00. Cottage cheese (50 g), 2-3 Heinz cookies and a glass of kefir are ideal for dinner.
  5. 21:00-22:00. Before going to bed, the baby should be fed with formula milk in a volume of 200-210 ml.

Vegetable soup


  • beef broth – 400 ml;
  • salt – 1 pinch;
  • potatoes - 1 tuber;
  • carrots – ½ pcs.;
  • zucchini – 100 g;
  • cauliflower – 80 g.


  1. We clean and chop all the vegetables into small cubes, and separate the cabbage into small inflorescences.
  2. Place all the vegetables into the boiling broth and cook the soup over medium heat for 20 minutes.
  3. At the end of cooking, the dish should be salted quite a bit.

Baby's menu for breastfeeding at 11 months

Eating an 11-month-old child on an artificial mother's milk substitute is not much different from the diet of a "natural" child. The only difference is in morning and night feeding, when the baby receives natural mother’s milk:

  1. 6:00 - breast-feeding.
  2. 9:30-10:00 – a hearty breakfast with porridge (150 g), several baby livers (10 g), a piece of “Peasant” butter (5 g) and half an yolk.
  3. 12:30-13:30 – for lunch you can offer your baby fish (40 g) or steamed meat cutlet (60 g), and as a side dish finely chopped or crushed boiled vegetables (100 g). For dessert, fruit juice in a volume of 10 ml.
  4. 17:00-18:30 – It’s better to make dinner protein or carbohydrate. Cottage cheese casserole (50 g) or porridge (150 g) will perfectly satisfy your baby's hunger until evening feeding.
  5. 21:00-22:00 - attaching to the chest.

Steamed cutlets


  • turkey meat – 120 g;
  • salt – 1 pinch;
  • zucchini – 35 g;
  • onion – 15 g.


  1. Grind the fillet with vegetables in a blender until creamy and add a little salt.
  2. Form small cutlets and place them in a steamer.
  3. Steam the balls for 20 minutes.

Menu for an allergic child at 11 months

Mothers of children with allergies often wonder what to feed their baby at 11 months, how to diversify the menu and how to introduce complementary foods. The most important thing is to exclude all allergens from the diet, and expand the diet gradually and strictly one product at a time. First you need to give it to your child in a very small amount, about a quarter of a teaspoon, and then monitor the body’s reaction. If there are no signs of allergy, you can already give half a teaspoon of this product and so increase the dose daily to the norm for a healthy child.

Your baby is growing by leaps and bounds. They say that time flies especially quickly after six months. I am sure that every mother is ready to say these words about her baby. Now your baby is all grown up. I think he already knows where his place is at the dinner table, and every time he looks with curiosity at what interesting things you have prepared for him today. By the 11th month of life, many babies almost completely switch to adult food. As they say, there are only two usual meals left to “keep your pants up.” Most often, these are the most important for the baby - after waking up and before going to bed at night. But there are situations when a mother’s imagination runs out.

How to please or surprise your baby? Let's look today at what the menu should be like for the 11th month of life, and what rules for its preparation should be taken into account.

Of course, by this period of time, creating a menu for your baby is an easier task than a menu, for example, for the first feeding. But you still need to know a few rules and subtleties. The essence of the diet for both a bottle-fed child and one who is breastfed at 11 months is approximately the same. “Dairy snacks” and drinking formula should remain 2 times a day. Ideally, if this is the first morning and evening feeding, just before bedtime.

You need to create a menu and cook in compliance with certain rules:

  1. Dishes need to be cooked only by steaming, stewing or boiling, and you need to cook as much as indicated in the recipe.
  2. Seasoning with spices, sugar, starch and other seasonings is prohibited.
  3. There is no need to puree the food anymore. The pieces can remain whole, but they should still be smaller than those of adults. Meat and fish should also not be chopped too much; they can be taken apart into fibers or mashed with a fork.
  4. A child's diet at 11 months should exclude strong allergens: chocolate, citrus fruits, exotic fruits and nuts.
  5. Consider your child's food preferences. If he wants to eat bananas and not apples, then give him bananas. The same goes for cereals and meat: give only what he prefers.

Sample menu for a week for a child aged 11 months

A child's nutritional menu at 11 months should include meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, cereals and dairy products. Don't forget to take into account the child's wishes. The menu of a child, both bottle-fed and breastfed, at 11 months should consist of approximately 5 meals.

Let's look at an approximate menu option for what you can feed a baby at 11 months:

  1. First meal (approximately 6:00)- breast milk or regular formula.
  2. Breakfast (9:00-10:00)– fruit or vegetable puree, porridge, quail or chicken egg (1/2 pcs.).
  3. Lunch (13:00-14:00)– vegetable soup in meat or chicken broth with cereal, meat puree, steamed cutlet or meatball with grated fresh vegetable salad, porridge with half an yolk.
  4. Afternoon snack or dinner (17:00-18:00)– kefir, cottage cheese, fruit puree.
  5. Second dinner (21:00-22:00)– breast milk or formula.

Dosages and volumes

The volume of food consumed is another important aspect, since the child should eat enough, but not overeat. The dosage for children who are breastfed is slightly different from that intended for children who are bottle-fed.

Let's look at what dosage is considered acceptable:

Nutrition For breastfed children For a bottle-fed baby
Breast milk or formula200 ml180-200 ml
Groats150 g130-150 g
Kefir150 g150 g
Vegetables120-130 g120-130 g
Meat50 g50 g
Liquids (juice, tea, compote)20-30 ml50-60 ml

As for the use of other fermented milk products, rely on the wishes of your child. Many children do not like cottage cheese in its pure or even baked form. But still, by the 11-12th month of life, the amount of protein found in breast milk decreases, so cottage cheese should be present in the child’s diet. The only thing is that you can’t give children store-bought or homemade cottage cheese; an alternative option is children’s cottage cheese bought in a store. In addition, try preparing casseroles or other dishes with the addition of dried fruits.

A single dose of the dish can be no more than 50 g for children who are on any type of feeding. If you want to sweeten your baby's life, give him steamed dried fruits. In this case, the child will be able to determine the dose that is comfortable for himself, and if you want to give him cookies, then the dose should be no more than 10-15 g at a time. And finally, regarding the fish. Surely you have already tried this product and know if your baby is allergic to it. If there are no allergies, diversify your usual menu with a piece of river fish, preferably with white meat.

Prepared meals or home-cooked meals

The range of baby food in stores is so wide that you can choose exactly the product that your baby likes. Modern factories and factories produce not only vegetable and fruit purees, but also meat purees. This alternative helps not only to expand the baby’s diet, but also to make life easier for the mother. After all, you can mix mashed potatoes prepared at home with carrot or meat. You can also steam meatballs or cutlets, and serve industrially produced vegetable puree as a side dish.

As you can see, there are a lot of cooking options, however, in this case, you require the most responsible approach to the issue of choosing industrial products. You should not listen to the opinions of your friends or rely on television advertising in this matter. First, carefully examine the packaging and check the expiration dates. In addition, children's products must be certified, which is indicated on the packaging itself. And now the most important thing - the composition. Carefully inspect and study it: the product you purchase should not contain dyes, flavors, flavor enhancers, sugar or preservatives. Only after making sure of this can you buy this product. And one more thing: try to take small volume products for the first time, for example, a single pack or the smallest jar. The fact is that the child evaluates the taste of the product, and if he doesn’t like it, he will have to throw it away, and this, today, is not the cheapest pleasure.

Kitchen helpers

Of course, a young mother does not have much time to spend on cooking. Above, I offered you one of the options for what you can feed a baby at 11 months and a way to diversify this menu without much time and physical investment. But still, if you refuse children's store-bought products, you can use kitchen aids to prepare meals.

It's very quick to cook if you have it on hand. multicooker. You just need to add the necessary ingredients and turn on the desired program. In addition, many of these machines have a “Delayed Start” program. By selecting it, you can program the assistant, and she will prepare food for you right before you return from a walk or immediately upon waking up after a nap.

Use blender at this stage it is no longer entirely appropriate, since the child is able to chew, and he should be offered food with a non-puree consistency. But still, if you want to prepare some special dessert or dish, you can use this assistant.

It's no longer considered something special. oven, since, most often, it is in every family. Don't forget to use it to prepare food for little ones. After all, you can cook stewed vegetables, meat, and fish in this way.

Delicious and healthy recipes for an 11 month old baby

Surely every mother, starting with, has already selected the most delicious dishes for her little one, but still I will try to surprise you. I have made a selection of the simplest, but very interesting options for preparing food for your baby.

Meat or fish dishes

Meat is very healthy for a child, as it contains the necessary protein. Starting from 11 months, tongue, liver and heart can be introduced into the child’s diet. Also, cook only with lean meats, such as rabbit, beef, veal or turkey. You can also feed lean chicken or pork. The most economical in terms of time and physical costs is to prepare minced meat, and then you can make meatballs or meatballs from it, or simply add it to cereals. If you know that you won't have time to cook, choose a time and make preparations. Make patties and freeze them, then remove them as needed. Here's a tasty alternative to regular cutlets:

Chicken quenelles

Cooking time will be: 35-40 minutes.
Servings: for 4-5 feedings.
Kitchen appliances: 150 g chicken fillet, a slice of white bread, 1 yolk, 100 ml breast milk or formula and a little butter.


  1. To begin, wash 150 g of chicken fillet in running water and remove excess films. By the way, you can easily replace chicken fillet with turkey fillet in the same proportion.
  2. We pass it through a meat grinder twice. The first time is the fillet itself, and the second time - along with a slice of bread soaked in milk.
  3. Add the yolk and a little butter into the mixture.
  4. Knead the resulting mixture with your hands until smooth and form quenelles.
  5. Steam them until fully cooked.
  6. It is better to serve this dish to your baby with grated fresh vegetables or vegetable stew.

Vegetable dishes

The easiest to prepare and very tasty dish is vegetable stew. If you have the task of preparing lunch, then add a little more broth or breast milk, and then you will get an unsurpassed soup.

Cooking time will be: 55-60 minutes.
Number of servings: 2-3 feedings.
Ingredients: 1 potato, a piece of zucchini weighing 60 g and 1 cabbage leaf, 1 tsp. vegetable oil.


  1. Peel the potatoes and cut into slices.
  2. Place the chopped vegetable and cabbage leaf washed in water into a saucepan.
  3. Pour in 100 ml of water and place on low heat. After boiling, all ingredients should simmer for 30 minutes.
  4. During this time, we need to peel the zucchini and also cut it into cubes.
  5. Mix all ingredients in a saucepan and continue cooking for another 15 minutes.
  6. When the vegetables are ready, place them in a colander and let them drain.
  7. Add 5 tbsp to the finished mass. l. breast milk or formula.
  8. Season the finished stew with 1 tsp. vegetable oil.

Porridge recipes

In this case, the recipes are generally very simple.

  1. Rinse 150 g of any cereal that you decide to cook in hot and then cold water and let it drain.
  2. We put water in a saucepan in a ratio of 1:2, that is, for 150 g of cereal we need 300 g of water.
  3. Place the pan on the fire and bring to a boil. As soon as the water boils, add the washed cereal and cook until tender.
  4. The finished porridge will have a fairly thick consistency, so add expressed milk or formula before serving. You can adjust the consistency of the porridge with the amount of milk.

Modern pediatricians and scientists prove that drinking fresh juices up to 4 years of age leads to problems with the pancreas. On the one hand, this is surprising for many, since juices have a number of positive properties, especially if they are homemade. But on the other hand, this information also has its confirmation. Be that as it may, we all want health for our children, so it’s better if we don’t tempt fate, especially since there are a lot of alternatives for juice.

In the summer, you can prepare compote, and in the winter, uzvar. However, you shouldn’t cook these drinks for a long time; just boil them for literally 5 minutes after boiling. Also, don't forget about drinks like tea and plain water. There is nothing better than simple, clean water. Everything else should only complement the diet, but not replace the main one. Do not forget also that introducing drinks from new berries or fruits should begin carefully, with 1 teaspoon per day, and then observe the child’s reaction. If there is no reaction to this drink, then you can safely introduce it into your diet. The volume of liquid drunk per day should be 80 ml, and over time this portion should grow to 200 ml.


I suggest you watch a short video in which a young mother shares her recipes for preparing delicious dishes for little ones. In addition, in this video you can see what a baby can eat at 11 months.

It seems that only recently you were thinking about how to properly establish breastfeeding and, as the time has already come. The mother’s first acquaintance with her baby’s food is long behind her. Now your baby’s menu is quite rich and varied. He can already show his preferences and express his wishes to you.

Share how your first complementary feeding went, and what your baby had already tried by the time he was 11 months old. In addition, it is interesting to know how many mothers cook their own food, and how many resort to purchasing industrial food; tell us more about this in the comments on the site.

The baby is growing up every day, becoming stronger, and eating funny. It's interesting to watch him - he's almost a year old. Young mothers are given the opportunity to expand their diet, although many questions arise. Feeding a child at 11 months - what is possible, what should not be rushed? How not to provoke an allergy with new foods, should you continue to give breast milk? The topic is broad and interesting, it is worth understanding in detail.

There are general recommendations, but each baby has his own taste preferences. The weekly and daily diet of an 11-month-old child is varied with foods that are gentle on the child’s digestive tract. Avoid foods with coarse fibers that are difficult to digest.

It is important to monitor your child's reaction to new foods. Test times are given a teaspoon so that the children get used to it. If an allergy or individual intolerance appears, it is easier to notice and cancel.

Breast milk is on the menu for an 11 month old baby when the mother has it. But the basis, in addition to milk, already consists of:

  • stewed and chopped vegetables;
  • porridges and soups;
  • cottage cheese, yogurt and kefir;
  • soups and casseroles;
  • purees and steamed dishes;
  • yolk, meat (minced meat) and fish;
  • juices and drinks;
  • light desserts.

Adapted formulas, which children at 11 months readily eat, are gradually being replaced by “adult” food, which will be preferred after a year. You should not overdo it with cow's milk if the baby is not artificial: the percentage of proteins differs from the mother's. Excessive amounts of protein are an additional burden on the kidneys, which is why the amount of vegetables in the diet of a one-year-old child should increase when they switch from formula to a natural product.

Children at eleven months are already very active, they behave differently at the table: some eat actively and willingly, others are capricious, demanding breastfeeding, and do not want to get used to the taste of lightly salted meat and fish. Some people like the smell of fruit juices, others wince when they feel the natural sourness and specific aftertaste.

Many mothers try to give them to children who love adapted milk formulas and prepared baby cereals as often as possible: they are faster and easier to prepare. This does not mean that other products should appear on the children's menu only sporadically. Breastfeeding fades into the background - preferably 2 times a day.

The baby has grown up, behaves quite consciously, and there are already favorite dishes on the menu. While he is awake, he willingly watches his mother cook. And it’s worth spending more time not only on its development, but also on diversifying the diet for an 11-month-old child.

You should add exotic fruits, beef liver, nuts, legumes (foods that are difficult to digest) little by little as a component of other dishes. It's better to start with asparagus, avocado and spinach than to rush into citrus fruits and berries.

To avoid the question of what to feed him today, pediatricians and nutritionists recommend creating a menu for 2-3 days in order to make rational purchases. Five meals for the daily nutrition of an 11-month-old child is quite enough, if it is tasty, satisfying and varied.

Try not to give sausages with spices, fried and peppered, fatty and salty foods. Don't overdo it when you want to sweeten cereals and drinks. Do not give salads with a large number of components: the children's enzymatic system will not cope with their absorption. Children's menus up to one year old consist of proven classic recipes; there is no room for experimentation or the use of “special” culinary skills.

Baby development at 11 months

Eleven months is an inquisitive period when the baby develops more and more consciously, masters skills, and “babbles” his first words. He studies the world around him not only visually, but also by touch (with his hands) and taste (with his tongue).

At the time when the child grabs everything in a row, fine motor skills of the hands develop. Don’t be upset when your daughter or son throws something on the floor: the trajectory of a flying object and the sound of landing are also part of its development.

Memory is actively developing:

  • visual;
  • tactile;
  • auditory;
  • olfactory.

Because of this experience, the baby reacts warily or turns away if a spoon with vegetable puree is brought to his face, the taste of which was not delightful the last time. It is necessary to take into account the fact that even small individuals form their own opinions on the taste of dishes and diet.

You need to be patient in order to respond correctly to children's whims and wisely turn minor troubles into a game. If the baby has eaten, but wants to play with the porridge with a spoon, let him experiment. So what if you wash your whole head in semolina after feeding, but you won’t be so persistent in taking the spoon away every time.

It is also necessary to teach an 11-month-old “capricious” to be independent, even if he holds a spoon of soup clumsily, spilling half of it. If he wants to convey it to his mouth, give him the opportunity, then change his clothes. If parents have enough patience, then at 11-12 months children are able, albeit uncertainly, to hold a cup and a spoon, although they do not always get it into their mouth.

The diet of an 11 month old baby is by the hour. During this period he sleeps 2 times a day. The night schedule is calmer, so mom also rests. If it seems that the baby does not have enough basic nutrition in 5 meals, give him a treat during an unscheduled wakefulness. For example, give milk with soft, unsweetened cookies or apple compote.

Under no circumstances force your baby to eat when he is not hungry or lethargic: there is a suspicion that he is sick! A healthy product “fed” with negativity has every chance of becoming unloved for a long time. Possible vomiting and indigestion - a rejection reaction.

Children under one year old are more and more active: they begin to walk, new rooms are a whole universe for them. In order for an inquisitive “naturalist” to have enough energy to “fly in dreams and in reality,” his diet must be high in calories and balanced in vitamins and important amino acids.

During this period, children must learn to chew, even with the few teeth they already have. But food should not be hard for them, requiring a long chewing - not every baby wants to fully cope with such a task when there are only 6-8 teeth. It is better to grind food that is too dense or hard with a blender.

There is no question of seeds: babies under one year old do not yet know how to separate it from plant pulp with their tongue and extract it on their own. Help him chop meatballs, sausages and cutlets with a fork. Make sure your child doesn't overeat if they give him his favorite food.

When, what and how to feed your child?

  1. Feeding at night is not recommended if babies are sleeping peacefully. Even if the baby does not sleep and shows a desire to eat, liquid food is enough. The path to caries is leftover food in the mouth at night. Children eat differently at night - some are hearty, others are light. If there is enough breast milk, then feeding at night is quite enough.
  2. Babies are given more drinks if there is no more breast milk. Children drink half a glass of fruit juice or drink at one time, but it is important to monitor the amount of sugar. You don’t need to add a lot of sugar or add a few tablespoons of honey to sour juices; it’s better to replace them with a liquid with a more neutral taste. Water, dried fruit compote, sour milk and milk formulas, herbal tea according to a “children’s” recipe are relevant.
  3. The main diet is on schedule - children should eat approximately 5-6 times. Sometimes it seems to the mother that the baby has a poor appetite, but, most likely, he is full. A serving of approximately 200 grams is quite enough. One meal includes the entire volume with liquid and complementary foods.

When deciding what to feed a child at 11 months, you need not only to understand your baby’s preferences, but also to protect his diet from harmful foods. At this age, the child can be offered several new dishes that benefit the body.

With breastfeeding, you need to create a menu, taking into account the 2-time consumption of mother's milk per day. Formula-fed babies need to receive an adapted special formula twice a day. It is best to feed your baby milk immediately after waking up and just before bed.


  • The child’s diet consists of heat-treated foods: stewing, boiling, steaming. It is no longer permissible to cook porridge separately, since the baby can easily consume healthy food prepared for the whole family. Of course, starch, dyes and spices are not allowed in it.
  • The main products suitable for a baby during this period are cereals, vegetables, meat, fish, fruits and fermented milk ingredients. The choice of a specific type depends only on the tastes of the child himself. You should prepare rice and oatmeal porridges, and for fruits, stick to apples and bananas.
  • All food should be homogeneous or at least consisting of small fragments. The vegetables are mashed with a fork, and the meat is simply torn into small fibers.
  • Exotic fruits, citrus fruits, nuts and whole milk should not be included in your child’s menu. Under the age of one year, such products provoke severe allergies.
  • At 11 months, it is important to teach your child to eat properly on his own. It is not necessary to teach every day, but the baby will certainly be interested in the offer to drink from a cup and operate a spoon without the help of adults. But don’t forget to wash your baby’s hands first and put on a waterproof bib.

We create menu options

At 11 months, the baby's nutrition is still divided into five feedings throughout the day. The interval between meals is at least 4-5 hours.

  1. In the morning, milk formula is given or applied to the breast. Typically, the volume of liquid absorbed is 200 ml. Even if you decide to breastfeed your baby only once a day, breastfeed when he wakes up, at 6-7 am.
  2. It is best to serve porridge for breakfast. You will get more benefit from the porridge by adding a little egg yolk. Special porridges in packs are easy to steam; porridge cooked by yourself is better to strain using a sieve or grind well in a blender. For dessert, it is useful to offer your child some fruit puree and juice.
  3. For lunch, you should choose hearty puree. The most suitable vegetables from which this dish is prepared are zucchini, carrots, potatoes and cabbage, seasoned with oil. The puree should be served with meat in the form of a steamed cutlet or meatball. Or, instead, cook vegetable soup, adding a little pearl barley and rice. At 11 months, the child is allowed to feed a salad of grated vegetables with the addition of oil.
  4. Most mothers prefer to give their child cottage cheese for dinner. With the introduction of kefir into the diet (about 150 ml per day), it is better to reduce the consumption of cottage cheese products to 30 g. Capricious children usually like cottage cheese in the form of a casserole, but the choice of option is up to the parents. A baby who is too active should be offered vegetable puree for dinner, but should refuse meat in the evening. Fruit mixture and juice are again suitable as dessert.
  5. At later times of the day, the baby is again breastfed (milk formula). You are also allowed to pour a little kefir.

Regardless of the method of feeding the baby, the menu of an 11-month-old child should include plenty of liquid between meals. Some time after lunch you are allowed to eat cookies.


The menu for an 11-month-old child, although not very different from previous diet options, now includes those foods that were previously prohibited.

  • Pasta. Noodle dishes are great for dinner in combination with meat and fish puree. Milk soup also works well with pasta.
  • Kissel. The drink on the baby menu is complemented by a duet of juices and compotes. You should prepare jelly only from fruits that your baby has tried before. Wash and clean the ingredients, wrap them in cheesecloth and squeeze the juice into the pan. It is better to prepare jelly for babies without sugar, so that the baby’s taste preferences do not change much.
  • Pudding. Not the easiest dish and it takes a long time to prepare. There are a lot of options; puddings are made with the addition of pasta, vegetables and meat. Pudding is a great opportunity to solve the problem of a child refusing kefir and milk in its pure form.
  • Fish. It is allowed to be introduced into the baby’s menu a month earlier, but there is no need to rush if the baby is prone to allergies. For lunch, it is allowed to give fish broth from lean fillets of crucian carp, pike perch, and pelengas (fish varieties like salmon and sturgeon are not suitable).

You should offer your child new products little by little. You should start with half a teaspoon, and then gradually increase the dose.


To diversify your baby’s diet, include some healthy dishes based on new recipes in the list of usual cereals and soups.

  1. Delicious veal soup is very easy to make. Cut 20 g of meat into pieces, add one chopped potato and carrot. Boil the products in water for 40 minutes, and then beat the mixture with a mixer.
  2. Meat pudding is prepared as follows: mince 60 g of liver, add 20 g of grated boiled carrots, 5 g of butter, 1 raw yolk and 10 g of ground crackers. Whisk the mixture thoroughly and place in a greased pan. Steam the dish for about 40 minutes.
  3. Since fish appears in the diet of an 11-month-old baby, steam the soufflé. Boil 100 g of fillet and grind with a meat grinder. Add 5 g of butter, yolk and mix. Cook in a water bath with a lid.

Let's sum it up

  • Both breastfed and bottle-fed babies need to be fed at least 5 times a day. At the same time, a special formula or breast milk is needed twice.
  • There is a certain table describing how many times and what is best to feed the baby. But remember - the serving size and composition of dishes are chosen based on the activity of the baby and the individual reaction of the small organism.
  • At 11 months it is allowed to eat fish and pasta, and include jelly in the diet. Many parents, however, do not know how much to allow their baby to eat for the first time. First, any dish should be prepared using less than a teaspoon.
  • Give up the idea of ​​feeding your child exotic fruits and chocolate. The simpler and more familiar the food is to the baby, the lower the risk of allergies.
  • Not knowing which cottage cheese your baby will like best, choose medium fat. For kids who are overweight, offer a dietary product with a fat content of up to 2.5%.
  1. Regardless of whether your baby is breastfed or bottle-fed, do not overfeed your baby at night. Otherwise, there may be problems with the functioning of the stomach and intestines.
  2. The baby's diet should consist exclusively of fresh foods. Do not prepare a lot of food in advance: when you reheat the food, it will lose its nutritional value, and the baby may not want to eat due to a change in taste. If, when creating a sample menu, you are focusing on ready-made dry cereals, be sure to follow the recommendations on the packaging.
  3. Do not make food too hot to avoid burns and food refusal.
  4. It is correct to introduce not only fruit but also vegetable juices into the baby’s diet. However, the latter often cause discomfort in children. In this case, it is worth mixing the juices of several fruits and vegetables, then you will get a tasty and nutritious mix.
  5. Of particular importance is how many times you feed your baby certain heavy foods. For example, cottage cheese and egg yolk should be allowed only twice a week.

When choosing a sample menu intended for a baby, try to provide the diet with a maximum of essential minerals. Ready-made sweets are definitely not suitable for dessert.

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