Human behavior during the explosion of a neutron bomb. From fission to fusion: how the neutron bomb works. How does a neutron bomb work and how to protect

The 20th century went down in the history of mankind not only for its achievements in the scientific and technical sphere, but also for the fact that it presented mankind with a weapon of such colossal power and destructive power that not just one state, but our entire civilization as a whole was threatened. One of the varieties of such weapons is the neutron bomb.

Brief description of neutron weapons

Much less is known about this weapon than, for example, about nuclear or hydrogen weapons; many developments are still shrouded in state secrets. It can be stated for certain that the neutron bomb is a special type of tactical weapon, the main destructive force of which is associated with an ultrafast flow of neutral elementary particles. Its undoubted advantage over other types of nuclear weapons is a much larger radius of destruction.

Advantages and disadvantages of the neutron bomb

On the other hand, this type of weapon has its own specifics. In particular, the explosion of a bomb with a neutron charge has a relatively small power. The thing is that if you increase this parameter, then the neutrons will simply scatter in the air, and the damage radius will be about the same. In connection with such a small power, the amount of destruction will be relatively small: for example, even if the most powerful neutron bomb is used, the radius where continuous destruction will be observed is unlikely to exceed one kilometer.

How the neutron bomb works

The creation of the atomic bomb had a huge impact on the appearance of weapons with a neutron carrier. The thing is that at high altitudes, the impact of the main damaging factor of a nuclear explosion, which is the shock wave, is minimized. At the same time, the neutron bomb and the powerful stream of neutral elementary particles it creates are more than effective even at high altitudes. The action of this weapon is based on the fact that the neutrons themselves are able to penetrate the skin of any aircraft and have a negative impact on control systems. In addition, the use of these particles can help in the analysis of what kind of cargo - nuclear or conventional - is carried by this or that aircraft.

The United States is the undisputed leader in the creation of neutron weapons

It is worth noting that the undisputed leaders in this area of ​​WMD are the Americans. Research on the use of neutrons as a weapon here began as early as the late 1950s, and already in 1974 the first such ammunition was put into service. True, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Americans announced the complete elimination of these weapons, but according to the latest information, a number of countries, including the United States, as well as Russia, China and Israel, have everything necessary to quickly expand the production of neutron munitions. At meetings of various levels, questions were repeatedly raised about the inadmissibility of the creation and use of this type of WMD, but it cannot be ruled out that the growing tension in the world may induce a number of states to unfreeze their developments.

Almost all Soviet people remember how the government in the 1980s frightened citizens with a terrible new weapon invented by "decaying capitalism." Political informants in institutions and teachers at school in the most terrible colors described the danger to all living things that the neutron bomb, adopted by the United States, poses. You can't hide from it in underground bunkers or behind concrete shelters. Bulletproof vests and stronger means of protection will not save you from it. All organisms, in the event of a strike, will die, while buildings, bridges and mechanisms, with the exception of perhaps the epicenter of the explosion, will remain intact. Thus, the powerful economy of the country of developed socialism will fall into the clutches of the American military.

The insidious neutron bomb operated on a completely different principle than the atomic or hydrogen “tsar bomb”, which the USSR was so proud of. In a thermonuclear explosion, there is a powerful release of thermal energy, radiation, and atoms carrying a charge, bumping into objects, especially metals, interact with them, are held by them, and therefore the enemy forces hiding behind metal barriers are safe.

Note that neither the Soviet nor the American military somehow thought about the civilian population, all the thoughts of the developers of the new ones were aimed at destroying the military power of the enemy.

But the neutron bomb, the project of which was developed by Samuel Cohen, by the way, back in 1958, was a charge from a mixture of radioactive isotopes of hydrogen: deuterium and especially tritium. As a result of the explosion, a huge amount of neutrons are released - particles that do not have a charge. Being neutral, unlike atoms, they quickly penetrated solid and liquid physical barriers, bringing death only to organics. Therefore, such weapons were called "humane" by the Pentagon.

As stated above, the neutron bomb was invented in the late fifties. In April 1963, her first successful test at the test site was carried out. Since the mid-1970s, neutron warheads have been installed on the American defense system against Soviet missiles at the Grand Forks base in the state. What shocked the Soviet government so much when, in August 1981, the US Security Council announced the serial production of neutron weapons? After all, it has already been used for about twenty years!

Behind the Kremlin's "world peace" rhetoric was a concern that its own economy was no longer able to "pull" spending on the military-industrial complex. Indeed, since the end of World War II, the USSR and the States have constantly competed in creating new weapons capable of destroying a potential enemy. Thus, the creation by the Americans led to the production of a similar charge and its carrier TU-4 in the USSR. The Americans responded to the attack of the Russians - the R-7A intercontinental nuclear missile - with the Titan-2 missile.

As "our answer to Chamberlain," back in 1978, the Kremlin instructed nuclear scientists at the secret Arzamas-16 facility to develop and present domestic neutron weapons. However, they were unable to catch up and overtake the United States. While only laboratory developments were underway, President Ronald Reagan announced in 1983 the creation of the Star Wars program. Compared to this grandiose program, the explosion of a bomb, even with a neutron charge, seemed like a cracker shot. Since the Americans disposed of obsolete weapons, Russian scientists also forgot about them.

The era of the Cold War significantly added phobias to humanity. After Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the horsemen of the Apocalypse took on new guises and began to seem more real than ever. Nuclear and thermonuclear bombs, biological weapons, "dirty" bombs, ballistic missiles - all this carried the threat of mass destruction for millions of cities, countries and entire continents.

One of the most impressive "horror stories" of that period was the neutron bomb - a type of nuclear weapon, "sharpened" to destroy biological objects, with minimal impact on material values. Soviet propaganda paid much attention to this terrible weapon invented by the gloomy genius of the overseas imperialists.

It was impossible to hide from this bomb, neither a concrete bunker, nor bomb shelters, nor other means of protection could save. At the same time, after the explosion of the neutron bomb, buildings, enterprises and other infrastructure remained intact and fell directly into the clutches of the American military. There were so many stories about the new terrible weapon that in the USSR they began to write jokes about it.

Which of these stories is true and which is fiction? How does a neutron bomb work? Are there such ammunition in service with the Russian army or the US military? Are there developments in this area today?

How does a neutron bomb work - features of damaging factors

A neutron bomb is a type of nuclear weapon, the main damaging factor of which is the flux of neutron radiation. Contrary to popular belief, after the explosion of a neutron ammunition, both a shock wave and light radiation are formed, but most of the energy of the released energy is converted into a stream of fast neutrons. The neutron bomb is a tactical nuclear weapon.

The principle of operation of neutron ammunition is based on the property of fast neutrons to penetrate much more strongly through various obstacles, compared to X-rays, alpha, beta and gamma particles. For example, 150 mm of armor can hold up to 90% of gamma radiation and only 20% of a neutron wave. Roughly speaking, it is much more difficult to hide from the penetrating radiation of a neutron munition than from the radiation of a conventional nuclear bomb. It was this property of neutrons that attracted the attention of the military.

A neutron bomb has a nuclear charge of low power, as well as a special block (usually made of beryllium), which is the source of neutron radiation. After the detonation of a nuclear charge, most of the energy of the explosion is converted into hard neutron radiation. Other damage factors - shock wave, light pulse, electromagnetic radiation - account for only 20% of the energy.

However, all of the above is just a theory, the practical application of neutron weapons has some nuances.

The earth's atmosphere dampens neutron radiation very strongly, so the range of this damaging factor is no greater than the distance of the shock wave. For the same reason, it makes no sense to manufacture high-powered neutron munitions - the radiation will quickly die out anyway. Typically, neutron charges have a power of about 1 kT. When it is undermined, neutron radiation damage occurs within a radius of 1.5 km. At a distance of 1350 meters from the epicenter, it is dangerous for human life.

In addition, the flux of neutrons induces in materials - for example, in armor - induced radioactivity. If you land in a new crew that has fallen under the influence of a neutron weapon (at distances of about a kilometer from the epicenter), then it will receive a lethal dose of radiation within a day.

The widespread opinion that the neutron bomb does not destroy material values ​​does not correspond to reality. After the explosion of such ammunition, both a shock wave and a pulse of light radiation are formed, the zone of severe destruction from which has a radius of about one kilometer.

Neutron munitions are not very suitable for use in the earth's atmosphere, but they can be very effective in outer space. There is no air, so neutrons propagate freely over very long distances. Due to this, various sources of neutron radiation are considered as an effective means of anti-missile defense. This is the so-called beam weapon. True, as a source of neutrons, not neutron nuclear bombs are usually considered, but generators of directed neutron beams - the so-called neutron guns.

Even the developers of the Reagan program of the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) proposed using them as a means to destroy ballistic missiles and warheads. When the neutron beam interacts with the materials of the rocket and warhead structure, induced radiation occurs, which reliably disables the electronics of these devices.

After the appearance of the idea of ​​a neutron bomb and the beginning of work on its creation, methods of protection against neutron radiation began to be developed. First of all, they were aimed at reducing the vulnerability of military equipment and the crew in it. The main method of protection against such weapons was the manufacture of special types of armor that absorb neutrons well. Boron was usually added to them - a material that perfectly captures these elementary particles. It can be added that boron is part of the absorbing rods of nuclear reactors. Another way to reduce the neutron flux is to add depleted uranium to the armor steel.

In general, almost all military equipment created in the 60s - 70s of the last century is maximally protected from most of the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion.

History of the creation of the neutron bomb

The atomic bombs detonated by the Americans over Hiroshima and Nagasaki are usually referred to as the first generation of nuclear weapons. The principle of its operation is based on the reaction of nuclear fission of uranium or plutonium. The second generation includes weapons based on nuclear fusion reactions - these are thermonuclear munitions, the first of which was detonated by the United States in 1952.

Nuclear weapons of the third generation include ammunition, after the explosion of which, the energy is directed to enhance one or another factor of destruction. It is to such ammunition that neutron bombs belong.

For the first time, the creation of a neutron bomb was discussed in the mid-60s, although its theoretical justification was discussed much earlier - back in the mid-40s. It is believed that the idea of ​​​​creating such a weapon belongs to the American physicist Samuel Cohen. Tactical nuclear weapons, despite their considerable power, are not very effective against armored vehicles, the armor well protected the crew from almost all damaging factors of nuclear weapons.

The first test of a neutron combat device was carried out in the United States in 1963. However, the radiation power turned out to be much lower than that expected by the military. It took more than ten years to fine-tune the new weapon: in 1976, the Americans conducted another test of a neutron charge, the results of which were very impressive. After that, a decision was made to create 203-mm projectiles with a neutron warhead and warheads for Lance tactical ballistic missiles.

Currently, the technologies that allow the creation of neutron weapons are owned by the United States, Russia and China (possibly France). Some sources report that the mass production of such ammunition continued until about the mid-80s of the last century. At that moment, boron and depleted uranium began to be added everywhere to the armor of military equipment, which almost completely neutralized the main damaging factor of neutron ammunition. This led to the gradual abandonment of this type of weapon. Although, how the situation actually is is unknown. Information of this kind is under many classifications of secrecy and is practically not available to the general public.

The Horsemen of the Apocalypse have gained new features and become real like never before. Nuclear and thermonuclear bombs, biological weapons, "dirty" bombs, ballistic missiles - all this carried the threat of mass destruction for millions of cities, countries and continents.

One of the most impressive "horror stories" of that period was the neutron bomb, a type of nuclear weapon that specializes in the destruction of biological organisms with minimal impact on inorganic objects. Soviet propaganda paid much attention to this terrible weapon, the invention of the "gloomy genius" of the overseas imperialists.

It is impossible to hide from this bomb: neither a concrete bunker, nor a bomb shelter, nor any means of protection will save. At the same time, after the explosion of a neutron bomb, buildings, enterprises and other infrastructure facilities will remain intact and fall straight into the clutches of the American military. There were so many stories about the new terrible weapon that in the USSR they began to write jokes about it.

Which of these stories is true and which is fiction? How does a neutron bomb work? Are there such ammunition in service with the Russian army or the US military? Are there developments in this area today?

How does a neutron bomb work - features of its damaging factors

A neutron bomb is a type of nuclear weapon, the main damaging factor of which is the flux of neutron radiation. Contrary to popular belief, after the explosion of a neutron munition, both a shock wave and light radiation are formed, but most of the energy released is converted into a stream of fast neutrons. The neutron bomb is a tactical nuclear weapon.

The principle of operation of the bomb is based on the property of fast neutrons to penetrate much more freely through various obstacles, compared to X-rays, alpha, beta and gamma particles. For example, 150 mm of armor can hold up to 90% of gamma radiation and only 20% of a neutron wave. Roughly speaking, it is much more difficult to hide from the penetrating radiation of a neutron weapon than from the radiation of a "conventional" nuclear bomb. It was this property of neutrons that attracted the attention of the military.

A neutron bomb has a nuclear charge of relatively low power, as well as a special block (usually made of beryllium), which is the source of neutron radiation. After the detonation of a nuclear charge, most of the energy of the explosion is converted into hard neutron radiation. Other damage factors - shock wave, light pulse, electromagnetic radiation - account for only 20% of the energy.

However, all of the above is just a theory, the practical application of neutron weapons has some peculiarities.

The earth's atmosphere dampens neutron radiation very strongly, so the range of this damaging factor is no greater than the radius of damage to the shock wave. For the same reason, it makes no sense to manufacture high-powered neutron munitions - the radiation will quickly die out anyway. Typically, neutron charges have a power of about 1 kT. When it is undermined, neutron radiation damage occurs within a radius of 1.5 km. At a distance of up to 1350 meters from the epicenter, it remains dangerous to human life.

In addition, the neutron flux causes induced radioactivity in materials (for example, in armor). If a new crew is put into a tank that has fallen under the action of a neutron weapon (at distances of about a kilometer from the epicenter), then it will receive a lethal dose of radiation within a day.

The widespread opinion that the neutron bomb does not destroy material values ​​does not correspond to reality. After the explosion of such ammunition, both a shock wave and a pulse of light radiation are formed, the zone of severe destruction from which has a radius of about one kilometer.

Neutron munitions are not very suitable for use in the earth's atmosphere, but they can be very effective in outer space. There is no air, so neutrons propagate freely over very long distances. Due to this, various sources of neutron radiation are considered as an effective means of anti-missile defense. This is the so-called beam weapon. True, as a source of neutrons, not neutron nuclear bombs are usually considered, but generators of directed neutron beams - the so-called neutron guns.

The developers of the Reagan program of the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) also suggested using them as a means of destroying ballistic missiles and warheads. When the neutron beam interacts with the materials of the rocket and warhead structure, induced radiation occurs, which reliably disables the electronics of these devices.

After the appearance of the idea of ​​a neutron bomb and the beginning of work on its creation, methods of protection against neutron radiation began to be developed. First of all, they were aimed at reducing the vulnerability of military equipment and the crew in it. The main method of protection against such weapons was the manufacture of special types of armor that absorb neutrons well. Boron was usually added to them - a material that perfectly captures these elementary particles. It can be added that boron is part of the absorbing rods of nuclear reactors. Another way to reduce the neutron flux is to add depleted uranium to the armor steel.

By the way, almost all military equipment, created in the 60s - 70s of the last century, is maximally protected from most of the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion.

History of the creation of the neutron bomb

The atomic bombs detonated by the Americans over Hiroshima and Nagasaki are usually referred to as the first generation of nuclear weapons. The principle of its operation is based on the nuclear fission reaction of uranium or plutonium. The second generation includes weapons based on nuclear fusion reactions - these are thermonuclear munitions, the first of which was detonated by the United States in 1952.

Nuclear weapons of the third generation include ammunition, after the explosion of which the energy is directed to enhance one or another factor of destruction. It is to such ammunition that neutron bombs belong.

For the first time, the creation of a neutron bomb was discussed in the mid-60s, although its theoretical justification was discussed much earlier - back in the mid-40s. It is believed that the idea of ​​​​creating such a weapon belongs to the American physicist Samuel Cohen. Tactical nuclear weapons, despite their considerable power, are not very effective against armored vehicles, the armor protects the crew well from almost all the damaging factors of classic nuclear weapons.

The first test of a neutron combat device was carried out in the United States in 1963. However, the radiation power turned out to be much lower than that expected by the military. It took more than ten years to fine-tune the new weapon, and in 1976 the Americans conducted another test of a neutron charge, the results were very impressive. After that, a decision was made to create 203-mm projectiles with a neutron warhead and warheads for Lance tactical ballistic missiles.

Currently, the technologies that allow the creation of neutron weapons are owned by the United States, Russia and China (possibly France as well). Sources report that the mass production of such ammunition continued until about the mid-80s of the last century. It was then that boron and depleted uranium began to be added everywhere to the armor of military equipment, which almost completely neutralized the main damaging factor of neutron ammunition. This led to the gradual abandonment of this type of weapon. But how the situation really is is unknown. Information of this kind is under many classifications of secrecy and is practically not available to the general public.

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As you know, the nuclear of the first generation, it is often called atomic, includes warheads based on the use of the fission energy of uranium-235 or plutonium-239 nuclei. The first test of such a charger with a capacity of 15 kt was carried out in the USA on July 16, 1945 at the Alamogordo test site. The explosion in August 1949 of the first Soviet atomic bomb gave a new impetus to the development of work on the creation of second-generation nuclear weapons. It is based on the technology of using the energy of thermonuclear reactions for the fusion of nuclei of heavy hydrogen isotopes - deuterium and tritium. Such weapons are called thermonuclear or hydrogen weapons. The first test of the thermonuclear device "Mike" was carried out by the United States on November 1, 1952 on the island of Elugelab (Marshall Islands), the capacity of which was 5-8 million tons. The following year, a thermonuclear charge was detonated in the USSR.

The implementation of atomic and thermonuclear reactions opened up wide opportunities for their use in the creation of a series of various munitions of subsequent generations. Nuclear weapons of the third generation include special charges (ammunition), in which, due to a special design, they achieve a redistribution of the explosion energy in favor of one of the damaging factors. Other options for the charges of such weapons ensure the creation of a focus of one or another damaging factor in a certain direction, which also leads to a significant increase in its destructive effect. An analysis of the history of the creation and improvement of nuclear weapons indicates that the United States has always been a leader in the creation of new models of it. However, some time passed and the USSR eliminated these unilateral advantages of the United States. Third-generation nuclear weapons are no exception in this regard. One of the most well-known types of third-generation nuclear weapons is the neutron weapon.

What is a neutron weapon? Neutron weapons were widely discussed at the turn of the 1960s. However, later it became known that the possibility of its creation was discussed long before that. The former president of the World Federation of Scientists, Professor E. Burop from Great Britain, recalled that he first heard about this back in 1944, when he was working in the United States on the Manhattan Project as part of a group of British scientists. Work on the creation of neutron weapons was initiated by the need to obtain a powerful combat weapon with a selective ability to destroy, for use directly on the battlefield.

The first explosion of a neutron charger (code number W-63) was made in an underground adit in Nevada in April 1963. The neutron flux obtained during the test turned out to be significantly lower than the calculated value, which significantly reduced the combat capabilities of the new weapon. It took almost 15 more years for neutron charges to acquire all the qualities of a military weapon. According to Professor E. Burop, the fundamental difference between a neutron charge device and a thermonuclear one lies in the different rate of energy release: "In a neutron bomb, energy is released much more slowly. This is something like a delayed action squib." Due to this deceleration, the energy spent on the formation of a shock wave and light radiation decreases and, accordingly, its release in the form of a neutron flux increases. In the course of further work, certain success was achieved in ensuring the focusing of neutron radiation, which made it possible not only to increase its damaging effect in a certain direction, but also to reduce the danger of its use for friendly troops.

In November 1976, another test of a neutron warhead was carried out in Nevada, during which very impressive results were obtained. As a result, at the end of 1976, a decision was made to produce components for 203-mm caliber neutron projectiles and warheads for the Lance rocket. Later, in August 1981, at a meeting of the Nuclear Planning Group of the US National Security Council, a decision was made on the full-scale production of neutron weapons: 2,000 shells for a 203-mm howitzer and 800 warheads for the Lance missile.

During the explosion of a neutron warhead, the main damage to living organisms is inflicted by a stream of fast neutrons. According to calculations, for each kiloton of charge power, about 10 neutrons are released, which propagate with great speed in the surrounding space. These neutrons have an extremely high damaging effect on living organisms, much stronger than even Y-radiation and a shock wave. For comparison, we point out that in the explosion of a conventional nuclear charge with a capacity of 1 kiloton, an openly located manpower will be destroyed by a shock wave at a distance of 500-600 m. In the explosion of a neutron warhead of the same power, the destruction of manpower will occur at a distance approximately three times greater.

The neutrons produced during the explosion move at speeds of several tens of kilometers per second. Bursting like projectiles into living cells of the body, they knock out nuclei from atoms, break molecular bonds, form free radicals with high reactivity, which leads to disruption of the main cycles of life processes. When neutrons move in air as a result of collisions with the nuclei of gas atoms, they gradually lose energy. This leads to the fact that at a distance of about 2 km their damaging effect practically stops. In order to reduce the destructive effect of the accompanying shock wave, the power of the neutron charge is chosen in the range from 1 to 10 kt, and the height of the explosion above the ground is about 150-200 meters.

According to some American scientists, at the Los Alamos and Sandia laboratories of the USA and at the All-Russian Institute of Experimental Physics in Sarov (Arzamas-16), thermonuclear experiments are being carried out, in which, along with research on obtaining electrical energy, the possibility of obtaining purely thermonuclear explosives is being studied. The most likely by-product of ongoing research, in their opinion, could be an improvement in the energy-mass characteristics of nuclear warheads and the creation of a neutron mini-bomb. According to experts, such a neutron warhead with a TNT equivalent of only one ton can create a lethal dose of radiation at distances of 200-400 m.

Neutron weapons are a powerful defensive tool, and their most effective use is possible when repulsing aggression, especially when the enemy has invaded the protected territory. Neutron munitions are tactical weapons and their use is most likely in the so-called "limited" wars, primarily in Europe. These weapons may become of particular importance for Russia, since, in the face of the weakening of its armed forces and the growing threat of regional conflicts, it will be forced to place greater emphasis on nuclear weapons in ensuring its security. The use of neutron weapons can be especially effective in repulsing a massive tank attack. It is known that tank armor at certain distances from the epicenter of the explosion (more than 300-400 m in the explosion of a nuclear charge with a power of 1 kt) provides protection for crews from shock waves and Y-radiation. At the same time, fast neutrons penetrate steel armor without significant attenuation.

The calculations show that in the event of an explosion of a neutron charge with a power of 1 kiloton, tank crews will be instantly put out of action within a radius of 300 m from the epicenter and will die within two days. Crews located at a distance of 300-700 m will fail in a few minutes and will also die within 6-7 days; at distances of 700-1300 m, they will be incapable of combat in a few hours, and the death of most of them will drag on for several weeks. At distances of 1300-1500 m, a certain part of the crews will get serious illnesses and gradually fail.

Neutron warheads can also be used in missile defense systems to deal with the warheads of attacking missiles on the trajectory. According to experts, fast neutrons, having a high penetrating power, will pass through the skin of enemy warheads and cause damage to their electronic equipment. In addition, neutrons, interacting with the uranium or plutonium nuclei of the atomic detonator of the warhead, will cause their fission. Such a reaction will occur with a large release of energy, which, ultimately, can lead to heating and destruction of the detonator. This, in turn, will lead to the failure of the entire charge of the warhead. This property of neutron weapons has been used in US missile defense systems. Back in the mid-1970s, neutron warheads were installed on the Sprint interceptor missiles of the Safeguard system deployed around the Grand Forks airbase (North Dakota). It is possible that neutron warheads will also be used in the future US national missile defense system.

As is known, in accordance with the obligations announced by the Presidents of the United States and Russia in September-October 1991, all nuclear artillery shells and warheads of land-based tactical missiles must be eliminated. However, there is no doubt that in the event of a change in the military-political situation and a political decision is made, the proven technology of neutron warheads will allow them to be mass-produced in a short time.

"Super-EMP" Shortly after the end of World War II, under the conditions of a monopoly on nuclear weapons, the United States resumed testing to improve it and determine the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion. At the end of June 1946, in the area of ​​​​Bikini Atoll (Marshall Islands), under the code "Operation Crossroads", nuclear explosions were carried out, during which the destructive effect of atomic weapons was studied. During these test explosions, a new physical phenomenon was discovered - the formation of a powerful pulse of electromagnetic radiation (EMR), to which great interest was immediately shown. Especially significant was the EMP in high explosions. In the summer of 1958, nuclear explosions were carried out at high altitudes. The first series under the code "Hardtack" was conducted over the Pacific Ocean near Johnston Island. During the tests, two megaton-class charges were detonated: "Tek" - at an altitude of 77 kilometers and "Orange" - at an altitude of 43 kilometers. In 1962, high-altitude explosions were continued: at an altitude of 450 km, under the code "Starfish", a warhead with a capacity of 1.4 megatons was detonated. The Soviet Union also during 1961-1962. conducted a series of tests during which the impact of high-altitude explosions (180-300 km) on the functioning of the equipment of missile defense systems was studied.

During these tests, powerful electromagnetic pulses were recorded, which had a great damaging effect on electronic equipment, communication and power lines, radio and radar stations over long distances. Since then, military specialists have continued to pay great attention to the study of the nature of this phenomenon, its destructive effect, and ways to protect their combat and support systems from it.

The physical nature of EMP is determined by the interaction of Y-quanta of instantaneous radiation of a nuclear explosion with atoms of air gases: Y-quanta knock out electrons from atoms (the so-called Compton electrons), which move at great speed in the direction from the center of the explosion. The flow of these electrons, interacting with the Earth's magnetic field, creates an impulse of electromagnetic radiation. When a charge of a megaton class explodes at altitudes of several tens of kilometers, the electric field strength on the earth's surface can reach tens of kilovolts per meter.

On the basis of the results obtained during the tests, US military experts launched research in the early 80s aimed at creating another type of third-generation nuclear weapon - Super-EMP with enhanced electromagnetic radiation output.

To increase the yield of Y-quanta, it was supposed to create a shell around the charge of a substance whose nuclei, actively interacting with the neutrons of a nuclear explosion, emit high-energy Y-radiation. Experts believe that with the help of Super-EMP it is possible to create a field strength near the Earth's surface of the order of hundreds and even thousands of kilovolts per meter. According to the calculations of American theorists, the explosion of such a charge with a capacity of 10 megatons at an altitude of 300-400 km above the geographical center of the United States - the state of Nebraska will disrupt the operation of electronic equipment almost throughout the country for a time sufficient to disrupt a retaliatory nuclear missile strike.

The further direction of work on the creation of Super-EMP was associated with an increase in its destructive effect due to the focusing of Y-radiation, which should have led to an increase in the amplitude of the pulse. These properties of Super-EMP make it a first-strike weapon designed to disable government and military control systems, ICBMs, especially mobile-based missiles, trajectory missiles, radar stations, spacecraft, power supply systems, etc. As such, the Super-EMP is clearly offensive in nature and is a destabilizing first strike weapon.

Penetrating warheads (penetrators) The search for reliable means of destroying highly protected targets led US military experts to the idea of ​​using the energy of underground nuclear explosions for this. With the deepening of nuclear charges into the ground, the share of energy spent on the formation of a funnel, a destruction zone and seismic shock waves increases significantly. In this case, with the existing accuracy of ICBMs and SLBMs, the reliability of destroying "pinpoint", especially strong targets on enemy territory is significantly increased.

Work on the creation of penetrators was begun by order of the Pentagon back in the mid-70s, when the concept of a "counterforce" strike was given priority. The first example of a penetrating warhead was developed in the early 1980s for the Pershing-2 medium-range missile. After the signing of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, the efforts of US specialists were redirected to the creation of such munitions for ICBMs. The developers of the new warhead encountered significant difficulties, primarily related to the need to ensure its integrity and performance when moving in the ground. Huge overloads acting on the warhead (5000-8000 g, g-acceleration of gravity) impose extremely stringent requirements on the design of the ammunition.

The damaging effect of such a warhead on buried, especially strong targets is determined by two factors - the power of the nuclear charge and the magnitude of its penetration into the ground. At the same time, for each value of the charge power, there is an optimal depth value, which ensures the highest efficiency of the penetrator. So, for example, the destructive effect of a 200 kiloton nuclear charge on especially strong targets will be quite effective when it is buried to a depth of 15-20 meters and it will be equivalent to the effect of a ground explosion of a 600 kt MX missile warhead. Military experts have determined that with the accuracy of delivering a penetrator warhead, which is typical for MX and Trident-2 missiles, the probability of destroying an enemy missile silo or command post with a single warhead is very high. This means that in this case the probability of destruction of targets will be determined only by the technical reliability of the delivery of warheads.

Obviously, penetrating warheads are designed to destroy the enemy's state and military control centers, ICBMs located in mines, command posts, etc. Consequently, penetrators are offensive, "counterforce" weapons designed to deliver the first strike and, therefore, have a destabilizing character. The value of penetrating warheads, if adopted, may increase significantly in the context of the reduction of strategic offensive weapons, when the reduction in combat capabilities for delivering a first strike (reducing the number of carriers and warheads) will require an increase in the probability of hitting targets with each ammunition. At the same time, for such warheads, it is necessary to ensure a sufficiently high accuracy of hitting the target. Therefore, the possibility of creating penetrator warheads equipped with a homing system in the final section of the trajectory, like a precision weapon, was considered.

X-ray laser with nuclear pumping. In the second half of the 1970s, research was begun at the Livermore Radiation Laboratory on the creation of an "anti-missile weapon of the 21st century" - an X-ray laser with nuclear excitation. This weapon was conceived from the very beginning as the main means of destroying Soviet missiles in the active part of the trajectory, before the separation of the warheads. The new weapon was given the name - "volley fire weapon".

In schematic form, the new weapon can be represented as a warhead, on the surface of which up to 50 laser rods are fixed. Each rod has two degrees of freedom and, like a gun barrel, can be autonomously directed to any point in space. Along the axis of each rod, a few meters long, is placed a thin wire of dense active material, "such as gold". A powerful nuclear charge is placed inside the warhead, the explosion of which should serve as an energy source for pumping lasers. According to some experts, to ensure the defeat of attacking missiles at a distance of more than 1000 km, a charge with a capacity of several hundred kilotons will be required. The warhead also houses an aiming system with a high-speed real-time computer.

To combat Soviet missiles, US military experts developed a special tactic for its combat use. To this end, it was proposed to place nuclear laser warheads on submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs). In a "crisis situation" or during the period of preparation for a first strike, submarines equipped with these SLBMs should covertly advance into patrol areas and take combat positions as close as possible to the position areas of Soviet ICBMs: in the northern part of the Indian Ocean, in the Arabian, Norwegian, Okhotsk seas. When a signal about the launch of Soviet missiles is received, submarine missiles are launched. If Soviet missiles climbed to an altitude of 200 km, then in order to reach the line-of-sight range, missiles with laser warheads need to climb to an altitude of about 950 km. After that, the control system, together with the computer, aims the laser rods at the Soviet missiles. As soon as each rod takes a position in which the radiation will hit exactly the target, the computer will give a command to detonate the nuclear charge.

The huge energy released during the explosion in the form of radiation will instantly transfer the active substance of the rods (wire) to the plasma state. In a moment, this plasma, cooling, will create radiation in the X-ray range, propagating in airless space for thousands of kilometers in the direction of the axis of the rod. The laser warhead itself will be destroyed in a few microseconds, but before that it will have time to send powerful radiation pulses towards the targets. Absorbed in a thin surface layer of the rocket material, X-rays can create an extremely high concentration of thermal energy in it, which will cause its explosive evaporation, leading to the formation of a shock wave and, ultimately, to the destruction of the body.

However, the creation of the X-ray laser, which was considered the cornerstone of the Reagan SDI program, met with great difficulties that have not yet been overcome. Among them, in the first places are the difficulties of focusing laser radiation, as well as the creation of an effective system for pointing laser rods. The first underground tests of an X-ray laser were carried out in Nevada adits in November 1980 under the code name Dauphine. The results obtained confirmed the theoretical calculations of scientists, however, the X-ray output turned out to be very weak and clearly insufficient to destroy missiles. This was followed by a series of test explosions "Excalibur", "Super-Excalibur", "Cottage", "Romano", during which the specialists pursued the main goal - to increase the intensity of X-ray radiation due to focusing. At the end of December 1985, the Goldstone underground explosion with a capacity of about 150 kt was carried out, and in April of the following year, the Mighty Oak test was carried out with similar goals. Under the ban on nuclear tests, serious obstacles arose in the way of developing these weapons.

It must be emphasized that an X-ray laser is, first of all, a nuclear weapon and, if it is blown up near the Earth's surface, it will have approximately the same destructive effect as a conventional thermonuclear charge of the same power.

"Hypersonic shrapnel" In the course of work on the SDI program, theoretical calculations and

The results of modeling the process of intercepting enemy warheads showed that the first missile defense echelon, designed to destroy missiles in the active part of the trajectory, will not be able to completely solve this problem. Therefore, it is necessary to create combat means capable of effectively destroying warheads in the phase of their free flight. To this end, US experts proposed the use of small metal particles accelerated to high speeds using the energy of a nuclear explosion. The main idea of ​​such a weapon is that at high speeds even a small dense particle (weighing no more than a gram) will have a large kinetic energy. Therefore, upon impact with a target, a particle can damage or even pierce the warhead shell. Even if the shell is only damaged, it will be destroyed upon entry into the dense layers of the atmosphere as a result of intense mechanical impact and aerodynamic heating. Naturally, when such a particle hits a thin-walled inflatable decoy, its shell will be pierced and it will immediately lose its shape in a vacuum. The destruction of light decoys will greatly facilitate the selection of nuclear warheads and, thus, will contribute to the successful fight against them.

It is assumed that structurally such a warhead will contain a relatively low-yield nuclear charge with an automatic detonation system, around which a shell is created, consisting of many small metal submunitions. With a shell mass of 100 kg, more than 100 thousand fragmentation elements can be obtained, which will make it possible to create a relatively large and dense field of destruction. During the explosion of a nuclear charge, an incandescent gas is formed - plasma, which, expanding at a tremendous speed, entrains and accelerates these dense particles. In this case, a difficult technical problem is to maintain a sufficient mass of fragments, since when they are flowed around by a high-speed gas flow, mass will be carried away from the surface of the elements.

A series of tests were conducted in the United States to create "nuclear shrapnel" under the Prometheus program. The power of the nuclear charge during these tests was only a few tens of tons. Assessing the damaging capabilities of this weapon, it should be borne in mind that in dense layers of the atmosphere, particles moving at speeds of more than 4-5 kilometers per second will burn out. Therefore, "nuclear shrapnel" can only be used in space, at altitudes of more than 80-100 km, in vacuum conditions. Accordingly, shrapnel warheads can be successfully used, in addition to combating warheads and decoys, also as an anti-space weapon to destroy military satellites, in particular, those included in the missile attack warning system (EWS). Therefore, it is possible to use it in combat in the first strike to "blind" the enemy.

The various types of nuclear weapons discussed above by no means exhaust all the possibilities in creating their modifications. This, in particular, concerns nuclear weapons projects with enhanced action of an air nuclear wave, increased output of Y-radiation, increased radioactive contamination of the area (such as the notorious "cobalt" bomb), etc.

Recently, the United States has been considering projects for ultra-low-yield nuclear charges: mini-newx (capacity of hundreds of tons), micro-newx (tens of tons), secret-newx (units of tons), which, in addition to low power, should be much more "clean", than their predecessors. The process of improving nuclear weapons continues and it is impossible to exclude the appearance in the future of subminiature nuclear charges created on the basis of the use of superheavy transplutonium elements with a critical mass of 25 to 500 grams. The transplutonium element kurchatov has a critical mass of about 150 grams. The charger, when using one of the California isotopes, will be so small that, having a capacity of several tons of TNT, it can be adapted for firing grenade launchers and small arms.

All of the above indicates that the use of nuclear energy for military purposes has significant potential and continued development in the direction of creating new types of weapons can lead to a "technological breakthrough" that will lower the "nuclear threshold" and have a negative impact on strategic stability. The ban on all nuclear tests, if it does not completely block the development and improvement of nuclear weapons, then significantly slows them down. Under these conditions, mutual openness, trust, the elimination of sharp contradictions between states and the creation, in the final analysis, of an effective international system of collective security acquire particular importance.

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