VKontakte application for a repost competition. VKontakte competitions: how to get the desired results and not get banned. Finalist of the competition, winner of the “Reporting” nomination

Tricolor summed up the results of the All-Russian photo competition “Boundless Tricolor”. A total of 2698 works participated.

All 16 winners will receive gifts from the company. A special prize from Tricolor - a 4K UHD TV - will go to the author of the photograph “Tricolor in the sky over Yekaterinburg” from Yekaterinburg.

The winners' works will be presented at the final photo exhibition of the project in one of the largest museums of contemporary art in Moscow - the Gallery of Classical Photography. The exhibition will run from October 31 to November 4, 2018.

“We wanted to see Russia through the eyes of its inhabitants. This project showed that people from different parts of the country are proud of its history and culture and feel a sense of belonging to it. For many years, the Tricolor has united millions of people. We have set ourselves a goal - to go beyond television, to create a unified information space of entertainment and services for the whole family, accessible from any device, anywhere and regardless of time. We thank all participants for reflecting the life of Russia in their photographs,” says Pavel Steshin, Tricolor Public Relations Director.

I have three sons: 7, 9 and 12 years old. By and large, I was only on maternity leave with my first child. It’s truly an honor - I breastfed for a year, walked twice a day with a stroller, pureed soups and cooked porridge. But even at this time I could not sit still. She started blogging and active charity work.

With the other two, I actually didn’t stop working. For example, when I gave birth to my second, I did a big campaign throughout the country called “People with Strollers”: we put stickers on cars that were parked incorrectly and made it difficult for a stroller to pass. I was a pioneer of this movement :) In general, I noticed that the more children, the more energy! My sons inspire me to many activities and positive changes. For example, sports, active walks and travel, self-development. But now, when the children have grown up, I realized that it’s not just kids who need time, but schoolchildren and even more so teenagers. My eldest son Yaroslav was completely neglected in this regard - we were constantly changing places of residence, kindergartens and schools, I hardly did anything with him and now I really want to catch up.

The middle son, Dobrynya, plays sports professionally at the School of Heroes. But the mother of an athlete is a separate job. Nutrition, training, tournaments, emotional support - all this takes time and effort. Well, the youngest, Miroslav, is a first grader. And their system is designed in such a way that only a non-working mother can cope! They study for two to three hours a day and are not busy with anything else. That’s why I have to run around all day: taking me, bringing me, feeding, walking, playing, working out, taking me to a club, to training... I even stopped running in the park, I already run 15 kilometers a day, seriously!

2. Elena Reveko, Moscow

Dear Lisa!" I’ve known you for a long time, I’ve been buying the magazine regularly since I was 18 (I’m 42 now). I decided to take part in the competition “I am a mother!” and tell about your beautiful daughter :)

My daughter was born almost 11 years ago. I endured pregnancy easily, I just “flyed”. I only found out that it was going to be a girl at 32 weeks. And then I found out that, it turns out, my placenta is not feeding my daughter. My baby suffered, she was small and thin. And before that, at all appointments, my doctor from a regular clinic said that everything was fine. It’s good that I went to the maternity hospital in advance to meet my doctor, who was supposed to deliver my baby. And she sent me for an ultrasound and tests. Based on the results of the research, I was put on preservation, and two weeks later I suddenly felt at night that my daughter was not moving much. The next morning I told my doctor. And again endless research... And 2 days later, at 34 weeks, I was urgently operated on, as there was a threat to the baby’s life. This is how my Janusya was born. February 29, 2008.

She was born very weak, 1400 g and 46 cm. But she was alive! Then we were transferred to a hospital where there was a department for premature babies. We stayed there for a whole month, and when we “ate” 2 kg, we were discharged home. It was happiness! And at six months, my daughter was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, as there was hypoxia and hemorrhage at birth... And we began going to doctors, massages, gymnastics... We were immediately told that our daughter would walk, but how and when is unknown. Yanochka walked independently only at the age of 3, but in terms of mental development she was not inferior to her peers. Now she is studying in the 4th grade of a regular school. She has a gait disorder and it is difficult for her to do anything in physical education. We walk her to class and come back to class after school. But our daughter is a very good fellow and a hard worker! We even put her on alpine skiing thanks to Sergei and Natalya Belogovtsev’s “Dream Ski” program, and now we’re also on rollerblades, and we train with an instructor once a week.

My daughter has changed my life a lot. And it is still changing. I am learning to be more tolerant in some places, and in others, on the contrary, tougher. Sometimes it is very difficult to find a common language with her, but as soon as she clings to me and hugs and kisses, all the grievances immediately recede, and my heart is filled with such a wave of love and tenderness for her! Yanochka! Thank you, dear, for being with me!

3 Veronika Bogatkina, Zelenodolsk

Motherhood for me is God's best gift! My husband and I really wanted a baby. After graduating from university, we were ready to become parents, but the long-awaited pregnancy did not occur. I was very worried, nervous and waiting. But when I calmed down and let go of the situation, everything worked out. 5.5 years ago we had a wonderful baby, our son! Our family's life has, of course, changed. Many people told me that it would be difficult, postpartum depression, etc. But when you are doing the pleasant chores associated with motherhood, there is absolutely no time for this! On the contrary, the birth of a baby brought my husband and I closer together; we studied and grew together with our child! It was as if I was reliving my childhood, we were waiting for the first New Year together, first steps, teething, reading poetry, going to kindergarten, first trip to the sea, a broken knee and even the first kiss with a girl!

Our son opened up a whole new world for us! He became an inspiration for us in all our endeavors!

So, for example, when he was 9 months old, we opened a store for expectant mothers. And 2 years ago, when my son was 3.5, the first moving, family puppet theater was opened in our city! Our family has never shown much interest in football. But that was until our baby asked to be taken to the football section. Now, together with my son, we live football! We go to matches, watch on TV, participate in competitions.

Also, after the birth of a child, we, adults, learned to sincerely enjoy the little things, to be even happier regardless of something, to look at the world through the eyes of a child. After all, only children can be natural, spontaneous, believe in miracles and treat everything simply!
The most important thing is that my life has changed, I have found the main meaning of life. I dream of experiencing the joy of motherhood again, I want more children. After all, this is a great happiness, incomparable to anything!

4. Olga Pozdnyakova, Kemerovo

My life will never be the same again after becoming a mother. I learned to love, to love in spite of everything. Yes, children sometimes test my strength, they show their character in every possible way, but the love of a mother for a child is an all-consuming, wise and unconditional feeling that nature has endowed with women. I learned to be strong. Somewhere out there, for the people around me, I am still the same fragile girl. But I simply don’t have the right to be like that for my children. I must be strong, because for them, first of all, I am protection. I learned to enjoy simple things. With the advent of children, I experienced a wide range of feelings and emotions. It’s very cool to walk in the rain in the summer, wait for Santa Claus before the New Year, catch butterflies in the grass.

And this is only a small part of those things from which you can experience truly genuine emotions that we lose over the course of life. Children give us back our memories. I learned to negotiate. Now communication is my strong point! I can agree with anyone and about anything. This came with experience. The list can go on as long as you like, but one thing I know for sure is that motherhood has changed me for the better. And these are wonderful changes, without which I simply cannot imagine my life.

5. Olga Igumentseva, Vladimir

Motherhood is the truest happiness! It is at this moment that you discover in yourself such qualities as care, tenderness, attention, kindness, and hard work. With the appearance of a little person in your life, suddenly everything that previously surrounded you changes. You literally look at the world with different eyes. Everything starts to make you happy. This is what happens to most mothers, including me. After the birth of my daughter Nastya, I forgot about all the problems that worried me. All attention was focused on the little defenseless daughter who needed my love, attention and care.

As soon as I took her in my arms, my heart was ready to just jump out of happiness. This moment is simply beyond words. You hold your little miracle and look at her, you just can’t tear yourself away. I am ready to be with Nastya constantly and never part, even for a minute. I am learning to be a support and support for her in everything. I discovered abilities in myself that I had never known about before. I started drawing together with my daughter and realized that we both liked it. We made very good joint creations. And then we wanted to supplement our joint drawings with some text. As a result, we created our first book together. Subsequently, my daughter herself began to pick up a pencil and draw. The most important thing is that she became interested in it.

Besides creating a book, we also like to cook together. Nastya loves to beat and knead things and loves to decorate. It is very important to never force a child to do something, but only to tell and show what can come of it. So that she wants to try it herself. And if you force it, you can completely discourage the child.

Motherhood changes life for the better! At this moment, you begin to realize that the old regime in your life is a thing of the past and you open the world in a new way. You try to make it fabulous, magical, where there is no evil, but only good. And most importantly, you are not alone in this world and your loved ones help you in everything. A loving husband supports and takes care of us. And we give him love and attention in return. Everyone here literally understands each other perfectly. In our family, since the birth of our daughter, no one raises their voice; everyone speaks calmly and judiciously. Because screaming can only have the opposite effect.

From the first days of our daughter Nastya’s life, I teach her to love life, to enjoy even the little things. Motherhood gives us a chance to express in our children what we once did not receive from our mothers, but what we would so much like. A little more love, attention, care, understanding. The main thing is that children feel it, how dear they are to us from their first days! Motherhood is a gift from God that is given to us from above! It must be appreciated and protected! Only motherhood can change us, make us more gentle, kind, and sensual. Together with our children, we begin to believe in miracles and magic again. Every year we rush to decorate the Christmas tree together and look forward to the arrival of Santa Claus. It’s as if we are given a second chance to feel like children again. This is a very pleasant feeling!

We ourselves often see that various VKontakte groups organize repost competitions and give away all sorts of prizes with their help. The prizes can be trivial things, such as: 100 rubles for a phone, a couple of tickets to a concert, but sometimes expensive things are raffled off, such as a car or a large sum of money.

Quick navigation:

Why are VKontakte repost competitions needed?

Such competitions are not created because they want to just give away gifts; as a rule, the terms of the competition stipulate that in order to receive a prize you need to be in a group, and accordingly the group receives subscribers. Having done this, the participant talks about the group holding the competition on his page and this post will be able to attract more people from your friends.

Is the method relevant today? How fair is this?

A very good community method even today; of course, at the dawn of the emergence of this method, it was mega effective.

People's interest decreases due to the fact that these competitions are not always fair, i.e. the prize can simply be like bait to recruit people into the group. In fact, it either does not exist, or through simple manipulation it falls into the hands of a known person.

Large prizes go to fake participants, like a car in Krasnoyarsk, and what to say about small prizes, they repost these with the thought “suddenly you will get lucky.”

There is such a concept “ Banner blindness“- this is when visitors to Internet resources do not notice advertising banners and what is written on them, the effectiveness of such advertising is lost over the years and for greater attraction, marketers are 100% clever. Repost competitions are no exception; there may be more and more of them, but less and less people see them.

If you are ready to honestly draw prizes from your group, then such competitions can be organized for the purpose of popularization; of course, you should not abuse their frequency. This tool is good along with other methods, interesting content for people.

How to make a repost contest.

You make a regular VKontakte post on a page or page.

Post the following information:

In honor of its birthday, our store is holding a reposting contest among members of our group (friends).
The prize draw will take place (??) on the day at 22:00 using the voter program.
To participate in the competition, you need to be our subscriber and repost.

Attach a picture or several, it is better if it is beautifully designed, for example, see for yourself how they do it in other communities. The Internet is full of free services where you can beautifully process images. VK also has a built-in editor; when uploading an image, click the edit button before sending it. (smiley).

In the built-in editor you can apply various effects and labels with .
In my opinion, it would be better if you write in large letters, “Gift for reposting” so that it catches the eye.

How to sum up the results of the repost competition.

At the end of the competition period, (don’t forget the main thing and be ready 5 minutes in advance, set a reminder in your phone). You can use the proven picker application.

17.12.2018 17:00:00


Dear participants of the competitive selection!

On December 17, 2018, the results of the fourth stage of the competitive selection for the Development-NTI program were approved by the protocol of the Directorate of the Innovation Promotion Fund.

In total, the competition received 355 applications for 8 NTI roadmaps. Of these, 5 applications were not admitted to the competition based on formal criteria. 230 applications are not recommended for support, taking into account the results of the correspondence examination.

33 applications were recommended for funding by the end of 2019, subject to the availability of additional financial resources from the Fund. When funds become available to support applications from this list, the applicants will be contacted by Foundation staff.

If you find yourself on the list of 47 winners, you will need to fill out an agreement with the Fund in the “My Agreements” section in the “Fond-M” system (online.site).

Additionally, we inform you that, in accordance with clause 6 of the Regulations on the competition, the winner of the competition, within no more than 10 calendar days from the date of publication of the results of the competition, must send documents for drawing up an agreement for approval to the address by filling out all forms and attaching documents electronically. In case of violation of these requirements, the Fund has the right to refuse the competition participant to enter into an agreement.

You can read the instructions for filling out the contract using the link ()

To conclude an agreement more quickly, we recommend that you come to the Fund in person with a stamp and original documents presented in the instructions, without waiting for agreements to be approved in the system.

For questions regarding agreements, please contact the project support department:

Demchenko Vyacheslav Olegovich

Curator for Moscow

Zagidulin Igor Vladimirovich

Curator in Moscow, Ural Federal District, Siberian Federal District, Far Eastern Federal District

Kukushkin Sergey Vladimirovich

Curator for the Central Federal District (except Moscow), North Caucasian Federal District and Southern Federal District

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