Signs about birds - good and bad. Signs about seagulls

Since a seagull is said to be a harbinger of trouble, its presence in a dream often warns of troubles. The dream book emphasizes: it is necessary to muster all the courage to pass the tests with honor. Having shown your best qualities, you can successfully resist the vicissitudes of fate. It is not difficult to understand why such a symbol is dreamed of, remembering all the details of the vision.

Troubles will pass by

To dream of a flock of white seagulls on the sea circling with caught fish - the sleeper will witness very unpleasant events. They will bother him greatly, but they will not touch him, they will bypass him.

Did you dream about a seagull flying high in the sky? The plot foreshadows the receipt of unpleasant news that will not affect the dreamer’s life. He flies low - this message will hurt him. When she pecks him in a dream, the unpleasant news will greatly worsen the existence of the sleeping person.

Meaning according to Miller's dream book

Such birds portend business relationships with stingy partners who may behave dishonestly. You should be alert when conducting general business.

Did you dream about the dead? This dream promises a long separation from friends.

Give yourself more attention

Visions of a seagull are often a harbinger of troubles and illnesses. After such a plot in a dream, you should pay close attention to the circumstances of your life, the people around you, and try to improve what you can.

Why do you dream that these birds are attacking you? The dream book indicates: you are experiencing mental overload, even mental discord is possible. Relax, put your thoughts and emotions in order.

If she pecks at one of your friends or relatives, you may get sick in reality, take care of your health.


Did you dream about a seagull flying right above your head? The dream book warns: you are in some danger, be careful.

If a seagull pecks food from your hands, you should be on guard, because the dishonest person you are dealing with may deceive.

Why do you dream of a white seagull circling over a pile of garbage? You have planned several projects, but you need to abandon them because they will only bring a lot of problems.

Business sphere

Sometimes dream books call it a symbol of success in business, especially if you catch it and hold it in your hands. Things that threaten to fail will improve, and perhaps turn out to be successful.

If a rich man sees her in a dream, his affairs will go badly. For the poor - to improve their financial situation.

The interpretation of a dream about a seagull is favorable when it feeds on fish: this promises wealth, success, and profit. However, if the sleeping person fed her from his hands, trouble awaits him.

Signs about birds are so popular and there are so many of them that entire volumes are devoted to these superstitions. It's hard to put them all together, but we'll try to give you at least elementary representation about the most common of them.

There are people who analyze certain phenomena and specialize in all kinds of predictions. This is a very exciting activity, almost as popular as jokes or stories from the lives of show business stars. Let's see how great the world accepts and believes about birds:

  • some interpreters believe that if a bird knocks on the glass of your window, then this is a bad omen, but if a dove flies into the room, this can mean both death and soon-found happiness;
  • you saw a dove on the windowsill- this, first of all, means the approach of very important news, the same goes for a swallow or a tit, perhaps the main purpose of this event is to warn you about something that will happen soon so that you are prepared;
  • a feathered stranger "inherits" on your clothes– don’t be upset, because this can be a harbinger of great luck;
  • if a black one sits on your head big crow - this is definitely a sign of imminent great wealth; in general, any bird that lands on a person’s head, without fear of him, symbolizes profit in money;
  • the appearance of a stork in your field of vision- this is for the birth of a baby;
  • A nest of pigeons has appeared on your balcony- there will be happiness in your life, and if they also laid two eggs in the nest, there will be no end to happiness.

Interpreters of signs disagree on how to generally evaluate examples related to the appearance of birds. On the one hand, our smaller flying brothers are a symbol of something airy and good. On the other hand, it is clear that there are birds that even in folk tales characterized negatively. There is only one way out - it is better to know folk signs.

Follow the direction of flight - details are important in a sign

Most often, it happens that interpreters of omens tend to interpret the same phenomenon in different ways. One should not be surprised, because, it would seem, in standard situation the same events occur. But in fact, depending on various small details, the interpretation of the same sign can change in the diametrically opposite direction:

  • if the bird made a tour of the room, flying in and out of it- this is for the message;
  • just a feathered guest flew in- wait for news;
  • a heavenly messenger ended up in your apartment, and you see some kind of blade of grass in her beak- very soon will happen good event By the way, in this case it won’t be superfluous if you appease the bearer of good news by feeding her crumbs;
  • a feathered bird is visible above the roof or constantly flies around- a sign of illness in someone at home;
  • if the winged messenger constantly hovers over the home– you need to be extremely careful in your relationships with friends, you can be betrayed, this is all the more true if a bird of prey hovers over the house;
  • you see birds flying past your house, but suddenly they change direction, and even very sharply - in this case, you also need to be careful, this is a sign of approaching danger;
  • feathered chirps are in flight from left to right- you will have good luck in business;
  • Birds fly from right to left- the plans will fail;
  • if heavenly messengers are heading straight towards you, you will be lucky soon;
  • flying birds- a bad omen, there will be no success in business;
  • a flock of birds rushes far from the ground- the day will be absolutely good, everything will come true, but if it’s the other way around, you can stay at home, all your efforts will be useless.

That's how important details are, like birds flying. And one more thing: you got ready for work, left the house and saw a flock of birds in flight - you can safely storm any heights!

White birds foretell your future, be careful

The color, or, as ornithologists say, the color of a feathered creature, the sounds it makes can also serve as a good or bad omen:

  • White bird, seen by you, will bring happiness, and dead bird seen the bird promises misfortune;
  • sitting on the windowsill of your apartment an uninvited guest is a harbinger of minor financial costs;
  • the morning of the wedding came, and the bride and groom saw that the bird had died in the cage– the marriage will be unsuccessful, resulting in divorce;
  • a feathered guest hovering over the roof, and then suddenly flies into the chimney - to the death of someone at home;
  • the one who initially dooms the whole house to misfortune who keeps in a cage a feathered baby caught in the wild;
  • a successful day will be for the one who heard how, flying past, songbird screams;
  • croaking crow and squawking hawk will make your day unlucky;
  • there are cases when, it happens, the cry of a night bird is heard in broad daylight– such behavior of a feathered individual entails misfortune;
  • Sisar sitting on the windowsill with his presence he keeps the whole house under complete protection, any trouble in this case will bypass him.

Quite often, birds serve as amulets for people. It is no coincidence that our ancestors embroidered dresses with designs depicting birds. This served as protection for their owners.

How to make the news good and attract happiness to your head

There are many superstitions that allow you to attract happiness to yourself. One of them is to feed the birds, but there are others:

  • blue-winged the guest cannot enter the house, the windows are closed, he beats his wings in them - do not waste time, open the doors, let the bird in, feed it - then good news will definitely find your home;
  • circles around the house white-winged dove - someone’s death is near;
  • any other bird white color – a sign of an imminent wedding or the birth of a baby;
  • don't chase away the birds, let them find the way to your house in the spring, bringing with them good luck, for example, a stork that has built a nest on the roof brings wealth to the owner and happy life no troubles;
  • if the owner of a large beak, on the contrary, removes the nest- wait for the fire;
  • A stork hurriedly leaves its home - there will be a misfortune soon, but if the stork is just flying - a pleasant person is in a hurry to visit you.

Love birds, study signs with them - and be happy!

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Windows and mirrors have always been mystical things that evoke fear in humans. Especially if you hear a knock on the glass - this is the most frightening thing for any person. And, if such a sound is heard in an apartment that is located on the fourth or fifth floor, it is very difficult to remain calm. The sound may be caused by a bird knocking on the window. On the one hand, nothing like that, especially when you live in a city where there are millions of them. But not everyone knows the signs of why a bird is knocking on the window.

Why is this happening?

Birds sometimes show a sudden interest in glass coverings and that is why they knock on it. They do this in order to understand what it is. Or some insect landed on the glass and the bird decided to eat it, and at the same time made a strange sound, like a knocking.

But there is a small “but”, the bird is considered a messenger of news. Often, they fly in to convey the news, but it’s hard to understand whether it’s good or bad.

The main sign is news

The main sign that a bird is knocking on the window is that it brought news with it. It is believed that if a bird knocks on the glass, most likely it has arrived to convey a message from your deceased relatives. After all, it is believed that birds are messengers from God who fly from the world of the dead to the world of the living. Thus, your loved ones are conveying some news to you, and it does not have to be bad.

Perhaps this is not even just news, but the most ordinary: “Hello.” They want to show that they are always close to you and watching, sometimes it happens that they want to congratulate you. This may be on a birthday, the bird may arrive a little earlier than the appointed day, or, on the contrary, be late.

Good omens

Not many people know why a bird knocks on the window and what it is a sign of. In fact, there are quite a few good signs for this plan. And most of them are related to the fact that luck will smile on you or you will learn good news, you will have a long-awaited child.

  1. Many people say that if a swallow knocks on your window, then wait for the keys to heaven. And when she arrives and sits on your windowsill, and then knocks - just wait happy news. And, if the dream of a child lives in your hearts with your soulmate, then very soon you will hear or find out what you have wanted for so long. The rod brings the same news about an imminent pregnancy.
  2. If a titmouse is beating or flying in, it means that unexpected news will be brought to you, but it will be very joyful and will bring only happiness. If it goes on for a long time and persistently, it means that a long and very powerful good line has come, which will only bring joy and joy. good omens. In this way, the bird delivers a message from the other world so that you are ready. You may also notice that she is sitting and looking at you, this is normal.
  3. Pigeons are considered the most important transmitters of news - this is the most important sign. It is advisable that your window is open, then the bird will have the opportunity to look in and tell us the news. If you believe the superstition, it means that when a bird hits the window with its beak, it means new guests. And, if the bird has some kind of grass in its beak, expect very kind and generous guests who will bring with them a bunch of gifts.

A few tricks

In addition, there are signs among the people that if a bird white and she looked or flew up to the window - it means that soon someone in this apartment will get married or the girl will be proposed to, and how she will answer will depend only on the bride herself.

And, if a dark-colored bird crashed into the window, it means that fate itself is hinting to you, listen to your inner feelings and your “I”. If the bird starts hitting the glass, listen to your feelings at that very moment. If these are disturbing feelings, call your family and friends, ask how they are morally and physically. Often, it is the name that immediately appears in your head that needs your help and support.

The same must be done if the pigeon is not just looking or sitting near the window, but is directly persistently beating with its beak. The person whose name comes to your mind is immediately at risk of a serious illness. Visit this person, perhaps, if something worries him in terms of pain, force him to visit a doctor. In such cases, one must say: “Everyone has their own time, and I am sure that this person’s time has not come. You're just not for us. Amen". To make sure it works, feed them something you didn’t buy at the store.

Another good omen is if a magpie knocks on your door or flies in. This may involve several events:

  • great news;
  • guests you have been waiting for a long time;
  • if someone in the apartment has been sick for a long time, they will soon get better.

It is believed that a magpie will never just fly up to the windows and make itself known.

The seagull doesn't bring good news

It is considered a bad omen if the bird was just sitting on your windowsill, and then suddenly flew away or fell. Superstitions about this say that perhaps something in the house unexpectedly frightened her. It means that there is something bad in your home. We need to clean it, call a priest to baptize the house. If a bird hits the window, this means that you should expect trouble at work or health problems. Often, this means that the dead in the form of a bird flew in to notify you of bad events.

It is believed that a seagull is a bird that carries the souls of dead people to the sea, and if it sings or flutters at you, most likely you may suffer from such an element as water. So, beware of water in the near future, because it is water that will take your life. Or she was flying in front of you - this may mean that something will happen in your life that you won’t even be able to notice. This will happen very quickly and lightning fast. In this case, the danger does not necessarily have to be water.

If a seagull looks in or sits by the window - this is a bad omen, it is interpreted - your loved ones are calling you to their place, this may mean that you may soon become seriously ill and die. If she was fighting around your house, it means she is trying to warn you about something bad, but she is being interfered with higher power. And, if she screams, she is trying to tell you something, but she cannot.

Other bad omens

If a crow flies into your window, this may indicate that you may soon lose someone close to you. Also, if a small bird flew several circles around the house and constantly flew past your window, it is interpreted as death loved one. In this case, a ritual is performed that can ward off this dashing misfortune from your relative or loved one.

If your window is attacked by a cuckoo, this may indicate that your family may be very disappointed. In addition, this may signal that your family may be affected by various diseases and some of them may be fatal. If this happens, you should never give up, you need to act. Perhaps they envied you and caused damage to you, or they specifically turned to the grandmothers and brought mortal damage to the family. Think about who you could cross the path of so much.

Also, there is still folk method- you need to collect all the little things that you have in the house, put them in one bag and take them to the intersection. But you need to not just pour it out, but throw it over your right shoulder, while saying the following words: “Take this money, because I don’t need it. You better grant joy, happiness, health and longevity to me and my loved ones. May success accompany us everywhere.” Today there are more than enough signs associated with the appearance of birds in homes, but not all of them are bad. To believe in them or not is up to you to decide. In any case, it will not be difficult for you to treat the bird with something tasty when it flies up to the window, so that it will not give you bad news, but only good ones.

There are many legends and folk tales around seagulls. They are considered naval orderlies who, like a wolf, clear the shores of carrion and dead fish. They are credited with the fame of harbingers of death. And sailors, contrary to superstition, personify these birds with fortune.

Deadly addiction

One of the bad ones folk signs claims that three seagulls gathered in a flock predict to an eyewitness serious illness and inevitable death. Another warns that killing a seagull is tantamount to own death. But if you take into account the fact that these birds eat up all the carrion coastline, then it is not at all surprising that their extinction threatens humanity with serious consequences - a mass epidemic.

But in England they have their own opinion on this matter. Thus, according to an English legend, an ordinary coast guard officer once accidentally shot at a bird, killing it on the spot. Immediately a flock of feathered fellows surrounded him from all sides, screaming and circling around him.

Having realized that to stand against big family The dead bird was beyond his power, the man hurried away. But they did not lag behind him, chasing him all the way to the house, and then circling around the poor fellow’s home. The next day, the employee's body was found in one of the hollows. sand hills, not far from the place where the bird died. Someone cut his throat, and hundreds of seagulls silently watched the silent body of the deceased.

The story is, of course, creepy. Moreover, the British firmly believe that it is genuine, passing it on from generation to generation. Therefore, before you harm someone, even a defenseless seagull, it is better to think a hundred times what it will cost you.

Seagull far from water bodies

It is not always possible to find a seagull in locality, because we are used to seeing them only near bodies of water. And, despite the fact that some birds have moved to city landfills or are colonizing the open spaces of fish processing plants, for example, they are still not often observed within the city. Perhaps it is precisely this rarity that forms the basis for the following superstitions.

Seeing a feathered specimen on your windowsill, especially if it is knocking on the window, promises trouble for your household. From the point of view of popular prejudices, such an unexpected meeting predicts misfortune for the sailors living in this house, but at the time of the visit the seagull is at sea. But if there are no naval employees in the family, then a difficult situation awaits the head of the family.

But a bird that flew past a passerby on the street and touched him with its wing promises him trouble in society, and sometimes the death of a loved one.

For luck

But if some see only bad things in this bird, others consider it a talisman of good luck. For example, sailors are convinced that if a seagull does not land on board the ship, so to speak, “on the path,” then the voyage will turn into a disaster. Both severe bad weather and enemy ships (pirates, for example) may await you along the way. It also happened that the ship did not return from a long voyage at all. And all because sacred bird did not bless their path.

It sounds incredible, and most of these episodes are easy to explain with scientific point vision or simply armed with logic. But popular rumor is stronger than “some kind of” skeptics.


An unexpected knock on a bird's window not only frightens people, but also makes them think about what they should beware of and where to expect trouble from. If a bird knocks on the window, this sign can have several meanings, and they will not necessarily be negative.

The emergence of signs

However, biologists object to this folk wisdom and reassure the most impressionable with the fact that birds approach people’s homes only when they are hungry. And a dove knocking on the window is not at all a harbinger of trouble, but simply asks for food.

Who brings good news

  • A swallow knocking on the window brings only good news. A family planning to continue the family will soon have a baby.
  • The knocking titmouse also brings good news. If the tapping is persistent and prolonged, then a streak of success awaits ahead.
  • The dove is the main bearer of good news, a symbol of peace and hope. If it hits the window, then you should expect guests. if this bird also holds a twig in its beak, then expect gifts.
  • A white bird knocking on the window. portends fast wedding in the event that there is a girl of marriageable age in this family.
  • If a magpie knocks on the window, then this is a harbinger of good news, soon guests or the recovery of a long-sick person.

Bad news

One of our relatives who have passed on to another world can send us news with birds.

For example, according to legend, a seagull is the soul of a sailor or fisherman who died at sea. The heartbreaking cry of this bird is perceived as the cry of a deceased person. According to the sign, the persistent knocking of a seagull on the window means that the deceased is calling to himself and that soon one of his relatives is destined to leave this world.

Also, about the loss close relative crows, jackdaws, owls and eagle owls knocking on the window warn. If these birds not only knock, but also accompanied by screaming, then the whole family should be careful.

A cuckoo knocking on the window is a harbinger of ruin or serious illnesses, sometimes incurable.

What to do if a bird knocks on the window

If a bird knocks on the window, then under no circumstances should you give up. You need to act by taking a number of measures to ward off trouble from your home.

  • You need to tie a red ribbon to the window that the bird knocked on, or rather, to its handle;
  • collect all the bread available in the house and feed it to the birds on the street;
  • As a talisman, you can hang bunches of rowan berries on the windows;
  • you should wash the windows with holy water and read a prayer;
  • Bring the small change collected in the house to the crossroads, throw it on the ground over your right shoulder, saying: “Take the money - save it from harm.” You need to leave this place without looking back.
  • By placing a board outside the window, you can thus symbolically “block” the window from harm.

If a bird lands on a window, such a sign can carry both sad and joyful news. Regardless of whether a person believes in it or not, it is still worth treating a bird with grain or bread.

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