Program for creating banners. Add your own images or use photos from our library. Customizable designs to suit every wallet

How to create a banner for a website? This is a very popular question these days. The way is very much. I have described only the lightest and most tested. Everyone can

Hi all! If you are a webmaster of the Internet and have your own website, then you are probably interested in the issue of promotion. So, a banner for a site is a key part of a full-fledged and functional promotion.

More than 500 people are interested in this issue every month. Recently, I myself was interested in this issue.

But let's first learn how to create a banner using programs.

Programs for creating banners

1. Sothink_SWF_Easy.A program that can be safely put in the first place. Reviews about this program are only good. Large selection of different templates. You can create any banner with different sizes. All you need to know is just the basic knowledge of the visual editor. There are also over 100 ready-made banners. All you have to do is change the name of the banner and download it to your computer. However, I recommend using this program if you are a beginner. If you have any questions, write in the comments.

2. Atani_4. Software, which is still very popular among webmasters of Runet. Creating banners with this program will not be difficult. When creating a banner with Atani You can use pictures of any format. The editor in the program is very twisted. You can create whatever you want. I recommend to use only professionals. For beginners, this program will be difficult.

3. AleoFlash_Intro_Banner_Maker. The program that I put in third place. Why? AleoFlash even a student can use it. Easy to use. The downside of the program is only a small selection of templates and effects.

To be honest, from these three programs I use only this one. For me, it is very convenient in terms of work. I can be proud of my work. Rate

I created this banner in just 5-10 minutes. As for me, it is very beautiful. Download and create your first banner right now.

How to create a banner for a website online

There are many such sites on the Internet. I chose bannerfans. I really liked him. As for me, the main thing in it is the presence of the Russian language. Creating a banner with this service is quite easy. Also, with the help of this service, you can create a favicon and logo for yourself. Which may well be useful for your site.

Creating a banner can be divided into five stages:

  1. Choosing a banner background
  2. Choose banner size
  3. We write the text
  4. Working with special effects on text
  5. And finally, working with shadows, frames and the like

The service gives us the opportunity to save the banner in various formats (.PNG, .GIF and .JPG).

That's all dear friends. I hope that creating a banner with the help of these programs will not be difficult for you. But still, if you have any questions, unsubscribe in the comments.

Thank you for your attention! See you soon!

EximiousSoft Banner Maker Pro 3.01powerful program for creating advertising banners, web buttons, headers and other web graphics. The program supports the creation of layers for each element of the created web graphics. Raster images and vector shapes can be used to create graphics. The program has pre-made gradients of various styles and background images for filling shapes and text objects. The program does not require any knowledge in creating web graphics at all and can be great for beginners who need to quickly make a banner for their site or a web button. The built-in Wizard will help you quickly and easily create the necessary elements at a high professional level. At the same time, you don’t even need to be able to draw - all the same, Banner Maker Pro lacks a graphic editor, even such a primitive one as Paint.

In addition, the program will automatically generate a code for changing banners for a web page or creating effects when hovering and clicking the mouse. You can download the program via a direct link (from the cloud) at the bottom of the page.

Key features of Banner Maker:

  • Support for creating layers.
  • Import bitmaps or vector shapes.
  • Fill text and vector shapes with gradients and backgrounds.
  • Apply shadow, bulge, textures, and other effects to objects.
  • Support for animated GIF files.
  • Create animation with effects in one step.
  • Export result to JPEG, GIF and PNG formats.
  • Preview of the result in the built-in browser.
  • Easy to use interface.
  • Adding and removing frames in animation.
  • Undo and redo actions at any time.

click on the picture and it will enlarge

System requirements:
Operating system: Windows XP,Vista,7,8,10 (x86,x64)
CPU: 1 GHz
RAM: 512 MB
Hard disk space: 156 MB
Interface language: Russian
The size: 66 MB
pharmacy: included
*archive WITHOUT password

Banner maker software: how to use it + advantages of banner ads + 5 signs of a successful banner + an example of creating a banner + a list of 11 best programs + 15 tips for beginners.

Many of us have seen large colorful pictures on the Internet called banners, which, when clicked, will take you to various sites. This advertising move is one of the most effective + its distribution on the network is growing every day.

Today we will tell you which banner creation program is the best, and also provide a practical example of how to create this advertising product.

What are banners and what is their scope?

The date of the first appearance of the banner on the network is 1994, but then few people realized that such an innovation would soon bring network marketing to a new level.

Initially, posters were interesting, but with the growing pressure in the field of aggressive advertising, now the presence of banners in full screen is a sign of bad taste on the site.

1. Definitions of the concept.

Banner- translated from English as "transparency", but in practice this is a regular image with an embedded hyperlink inside.

The term came from printed publications - readers in the newspaper pages back in 80-90 met this kind of advertising. As soon as the World Wide Web began to develop by leaps and bounds, banners decided to migrate there as well.

  • arousing the interest of potential buyers in certain brands of goods on the Internet;
  • active in the areas of services and goods that were not popular before;
  • an increase in demand for products due to the aggressiveness of the presentation of information - people will be more filled with bright advertising than a contextual link, for example.

For business / other commercial activities, the creation and use of banners is a necessary advertising step that allows you to increase sales by 30-40%.

    At cost, ordering a banner on a website is much cheaper than using other methods of product promotion.


    Creating a banner is a job that does not require a large staff. It only takes one person who is proficient in a graphic editor to make a worthwhile product in a short time.


    Although banner ads are positioned as large pictures on half the screen, but this was the case before. The current approach to creation allows you to make a colorful animated banner of a small size, which will be remembered by a person only from a positive point of view.


    A person can suit a certain theme and audience. Given the production time, this approach will help adjust the tastes of advertisers and visitors within 1-2 days.

With the development of Flash technology, there are many times more programs for creating beautiful banners. And which of them are the best, we will analyze a little later.

2. Varieties and formats of banners.

The combination of targeted and banner advertising is one of the best marketing links that allows you to significantly increase sales by combining several methods of product presentation + everything is kept in mind the subject of the site.

Self-creation of advertising posters using programs has embedded templates - you should not limit yourself to only them. Below we provide a table in which you can get acquainted with the list of standard banner sizes.

Banner nameThe size
1 Hall of Fame728x90
2 Long468x60
3 big rectangle336x280
4 Middle rectangle300x250
5 Large vertical rectangle300x600
6 Square250 x 250
7 vertical rectangle240 x 400
8 half banner234x60
9 small rectangle180x150
10 wide skyscraper160x600
11 skyscraper120x600
12 Button125x125
13 Vertical120x240
14 Button option120x90
15 Another button option120x60
16 Band88x31

More than 80% of sizes are available when working in systems such as Google Adsense and Yandex.

In addition to the size, the creation of banners is also based on the way it is implemented. If earlier only pictures with hyperlinks were available, then with the development of software tools, the presentation variations have also expanded.

Creation methods:

  • Static - an image in .jpg or .png format, accompanied by a hyperlink. From the point of view of the site owner, this option is one of the best, as it takes up little space, which means it does not slow down the page loading speed.
  • Animated - animated picture in .gif format. The advantage over static is the addition of animation effects that can attract the visitor's attention on a static site. Frame rate and number of frames need to be taken into account during the creation process.
  • Flash is the most efficient option, accompanied by high file sizes. Multimedia banners attract attention with their beauty and saturation, but at the same time, the presence of more than 2 such advertisements on the site will significantly affect the page loading speed.

From the point of view of optimizing page loading and serving ads, creating an animated banner is the best solution.

Static ones differ little from pictures, so users can simply skip them. The Flash implementation slows down page loading too much - use it only if you are not afraid to lose 4-8% of your regular visitors.

3. What determines the effectiveness of banners in advertising?

Do not think that any sticky picture can be considered a quality banner. Over the development of a worthwhile banner advertising sprinkled for more than one day without a break. It is very difficult to fit the essence of a product/service on a small piece of space.

Sophisticated buyers are increasingly difficult to attract to. High-quality banners must comply with generally accepted criteria, which are improved annually and supplemented with new conditions.

Signs of a successful banner:

    Attracts attention.

    And this does not mean that each element must be completely flashing and super bright. Oversaturation only causes irritation on the part of the user. The poster should unobtrusively draw attention to itself, thereby stimulating further consideration of its content already on the advertiser's website.


    A dry presentation of text with a picture, even if there is animation, will not be able to interest almost anyone now. The originality of the idea and a touch of humor are welcome.

    Encourages visitors to visit the site.

    If you give everything out at once, a person will have nothing to go further for - everything that was interesting to him, he learned. When creating banners, understatement will only play into your hands.

    Encourages buying.

    The benefit and benefit from the purchase/service is the main thing that should be given to a person who has no idea about the quality of the product. Give a description of the advantages briefly and concisely, accompanying the information with thematic pictures.

    Inspires confidence.

    A necessary condition for the promotion of a brand or the supply of products from a little-known company. Try to take into account the psychology of colors and avoid tones that can cause a person to distrust the manufacturer.

It is important not only the creation, but also the features of the location on the site. Advertising agencies make up a price list not only based on the type of banner. The location and size of the poster are taken into account.

When placing please note:

  • The probability of clicking on the link is proportional to the size of the banner. The most optimal size in this regard is 240x400 pixels.
  • Most of all, attention is drawn to banner advertising, which is placed in the header of the site - this is where the visitor looks at the first transition to the resource.
  • Animated banners grab attention better, regardless of location. The unconditioned reflexes of a person are triggered - he casually draws attention to the movement.

Given all the abundance of varieties, formats and methods of submission, it is very difficult for a beginner to decide which program for creating banners is the best. If almost any graphic editor is suitable for statics, then specialized software is needed for multimedia posters.

Let's analyze this issue in more detail.

What is the best program for creating banners: TOP 11 resources

The network has a wide variety of programs for creating banners for every taste. There are both simple products that any beginner can handle, and real "monsters" that allow you to realize any ideas of the author.

To your attention a list of the best programs that can now be found on the Internet. When selecting, we were guided by the quality of the outgoing product, online reviews, as well as the type of license. You will not see completely paid products here.


A program with a large number of settings, aimed at creating both static and animated products. The interface is built in the form of a conveyor belt, which simplifies the work many times over. It has a large set of tools for transforming and bringing beauty to the project.

  • the ability to edit frame by frame;
  • adding frame interleaving effects;
  • you can save the finished project both in GIF and AVI;
  • test version for 20 uses - convenient for those who have decided to use the program for creating banners once.

The only negative is the crooked Russification of the program, since most of the menu items are displayed in English anyway. The developers promise that in the near future this problem will be solved.

The speed of learning for a beginner and the functionality of the program make it a good tool for creating both simple and more advanced banners.


The program has a clear interface and the function of simultaneous preview of more than 90 units of graphic elements. The skills of a graphic designer are not required for mastering - all functions are simple and are performed step by step, however, this fact is not reflected negatively on the final product.

  • a wide choice in design;
  • you can create banners of absolutely any size;
  • graphics are inserted on the page according to a simplified scheme;
  • high quality of the issued image, which is difficult to distinguish from that developed by professionals.

The program is updated monthly, after which more and more design elements are added for both text and graphic objects. There are 4 save formats available, but Flash is not supported.


Graphic editor that can be used to create banners. Developed by a Russian and distributed free of charge with a basic set of functions, to access the extended version you need to pay $35.

  • a large selection of graphic image processing tools;
  • the ability to create banners by several people at the same time (requires registration on the program server);
  • a large set of brushes for the author's drawing.

If you have the practice of drawing on a tablet, then this program was created for you. Support for plugins will allow you to fine-tune the work of the program for yourself and produce high-quality author's work. Artweaver is the best solution for creative people.


The program is designed to create animated banners with beautiful transitions. In the standard feed, the user can use more than 15 plugins + it is possible to install additional ones, but this feature is available in the paid version of the product, which costs $50.

System updates have not been released for more than 3 years, but this does not prevent the program from staying in the top 10 due to functionality and ease of use.

  • convenient storyboard that simplifies the creation of animated advertising posters;
  • a large number of dynamic effects;
  • final image optimization;
  • synchronization with Photoshop filters;
  • a large selection of formats for saving.

The program allows you to work without restrictions for 15 days, after which you will need to register it. If you do not plan to create banners on an ongoing basis, this option is quite acceptable.


One of the most "powerful" programs for creating banners for every taste. In addition to the standard set of tools for graphic processing, there is functionality for creating full-fledged Flash-movies. There are hundreds of plug-ins on the web that can satisfy the tastes of even the most demanding authors.

  • creation of projects with high quality animation and graphics;
  • works with FLA format;
  • special palettes that allow you to achieve "live" animation;
  • A user can immediately convert a ready-made Flash banner into an embedded script using the ActionScript tool;
  • Flash-movie can be improved by adding musical accompaniment to it.

The program works in a trial period of only 30 days, but there are many cracked versions on the Internet. The cost of the full version of the program is $700. For stable operation of the product, you need 512 MB of RAM + a processor of at least Intel Pentium 4.

No. 6. GIMP.

Absolutely free analogue of Adobe, created for UNIX systems. Given the growing interest in it, it was decided not to be limited to a Linux-only version. Today, anyone running Windows or Mac has the opportunity to use this program on their devices.

  • head and shoulders above other editors in raster graphics;
  • a large number of free plugins for creating unique animated effects in banners;
  • tools for working with tablets that allow you to draw on your own;
  • a huge selection of formats for saving the finished project.

In terms of overall functionality, the program is inferior to Adobe (there is no possibility to create Flash animations), but the difference of $ 700 makes it tilt the scales in the direction of the GIMP program.

Loading the interface takes 4-10 seconds. During its existence, craftsmen have created so many plug-ins (the code is open) that the user himself can change the initial product beyond recognition and turn it into a copy of Adobe Flash.


It will fully satisfy those who specialize in creating static banners. The functionality of the program is quite wide + the product is distributed free of charge. Those who have ever encountered graphic editors will immediately appreciate the content of the program - nothing superfluous, but at the same time, this does not infringe on processing capabilities.

  • high quality drawings;
  • the interface allows you to figure it out in a couple of minutes;
  • quality palette.

For stable operation of the program, you need at least 1 GB of RAM and installation of the .NET Framework 4.5. The amount of hard disk space occupied is only 30 MB! For professional graphics, you will need to install auxiliary plugins.


A complete set of functions for creating high-quality banners. The easy-to-learn interface allows you to get started right away. The abundance of templates and effects makes it possible to create a high-quality logo / advertising banner in just 10-15 minutes.

When animating, the user fine-tunes the frequency, speed, smoothness of transitions, and other parameters of the GIF project.

  • convenient storyboard;
  • the ability to create three-dimensional animation;
  • changing the texture, size, effects of parts of objects;
  • over 2000 built-in 3D shapes.

The program has tools that allow you to quickly place a ready-made banner on the site + the ability to save it in SWF (Flash) format.

The only negative is the price of 2,500 rubles. Trial period - 10 days. While using the test version, a pop-up window with a notification about the purchase of the full version of the product is periodically an eyesore.


A highly specialized paid program for creating Flash banners. The price of the full version is $90. If you decide to create a beautiful video, this option is one of the best. Unlike Adobe, it is easier to understand the interface here + the number of changeable templates is an order of magnitude higher. The built-in script editor will help you change even other people's banners.

  • creation of full-fledged Flash-banners;
  • when creating in the program, the user can edit even insignificant objects (letter, lines, and so on);
    creating your own templates;
  • editing ActionScript through the built-in editor;
  • Over 90 built-in animation effects.

The program allows you to immediately upload the finished video to the site - for this purpose, the built-in publish Wizard plugin is used. To get the SWF file to the web browser pages, follow the step-by-step instructions inside the plugin.

You can use the program for free for no more than 30 days. The reminder window, which constantly pops up at the trial of the product, interferes a little.


Program for drawing banners from scratch with the ability to convert frames to animation. A set of built-in brushes and effects allow you to achieve a high quality outgoing promotional product. The user can draw on the tablet and instantly convert images into animation frames.

  • creation of dynamic banners;
  • 3D effects for all objects in real time;
  • animation of three-dimensional elements;
  • adding sound.

The program is free for 30 days and comes with a reminder window. In addition to GIF and SWF formats, file output to Quictime and AVI is supported. It will be convenient to work here for both beginners and professional designers - the functionality of the product will satisfy everyone.

No. 11. SWF TEXT.

A simple editor for creating animated text in SWF format. It has over 150 text effects + 40 background effects. The program is designed more for beginners - most of the actions are automated.

  • animation on a transparent background;
  • Flash movie compression for optimization;
  • adding music.

Finished projects are saved in GIF, SWF and AVI formats. Product support is no longer available and updates as well. If earlier the application required registration, now the network is full of sites where you can download an already patched version that does not require any additional steps.

Make your choice based on your goals. If to create a static banner it is better to use a powerful graphics editor with the ability to draw, then a highly specialized program is more suitable for Flash.

A Practical Example of Using Aurora 3D Animation Maker to Create Banners

We decided to tell you a little more about how to use such programs, and it is best to do this with an example.

The choice settled on the editor Aurora 3D Animation Maker. He is one of the best in creating animated banners. This is especially true for the presentation of textual information.

How to use this banner maker:

  1. Initially, download the program from the official resource (the link is above) and install it on your computer. The algorithm is no different from installing other software products that you have encountered before.
  2. The username and organization are not required, even the usual character set will do.

    For convenience, some menu panels have been moved out. On the left is the panel for working with elements (2), and on the bottom is a quick access to the animation playback (3). All changes are displayed in real time on the main working area of ​​the program (4).

    To work with textual information, you will often have to turn to changing the size and style - these functions are available from the quick access toolbar or through the context menu when hovering over an element. Immediately the user switches between 2D/3D modes.

    In addition to the font, the style of the text changes, and it also becomes possible to add shadows.

  3. On the right side of the interface, there are extended top bar and menu items. This is where the fine-tuning of the content of the banner is carried out when it is created. A large number of templates + the possibility of self-correction allow you to create thousands of design variations.
  4. Color, style, format are the main components that make the banner text unique. When working with 3D shapes, you can change bevel, front view, and even shadow values.

    For lovers of textures there is a section. There are a lot of variations in the fill built in + it is possible to upload your own.

  5. The flow of bulk text can be easily adjusted in the Bevel tab. Fine-tuning will allow you to give the most acceptable look to both the text and the added forms. It will become much easier to implement the author's idea.
  6. With regard to converting and changing the type of forms, it is possible to change the parameters for filling the background of the text, as well as the side / frontal bevels of shapes and text.

    You can position the element along 3 axes in space both in the positive and negative direction - the effect will be very interesting. Due to the " depth" parameter, the user adjusts the indicator along the Y axis, thereby increasing the thickness of the letters.

  7. In the "Design" section, fine-tuning the parameters of the program for creating banners is carried out. Reflection is added, shape/text shape is distorted, shadows change during text animation is corrected. There are a lot of parameters, in order to achieve the desired effect, you will have to sweat a lot.
  8. In the Animation section, text movement is adjusted. The trajectory is both template and author's. Delay values ​​are set independently. Styling and length of movement arcs are also set by the user.

    With the help of the "Light Animation" checkbox, it is possible to animate not only the object, but also its shadow.

  9. Playing with lighting can surprise you with its results. The possibilities of the program in this regard are very wide - the exact values ​​​​are set for each of the 3 axes. The tilt angle and color can also change and animate in parallel.
  10. The finished project can be saved via export. If you were making a static banner, use " Image export", and if animated - " Export Animation". Animated banner is saved in AVI format.
  11. The banner is ready. Next, it remains to optimize the size and upload it to the site accompanied by a hyperlink.

    The program has a very large number of features that are best learned by yourself. To manage Aurora 3d Animation Maker at an intermediate level, it is enough to spend 5-6 hours of personal time.

Your banners will captivate not only site visitors, but even advertisers. In general, try it and share the results in the comments.

For some reason, the idea of ​​using the considered programs did not suit you?

Learn how to make an animated banner in Photoshop:

Lack of experience is the main enemy of beginners when creating banners. Even advanced programs will not help if a person has no idea how to make a banner on their own.

We see beautiful pictures on the web, but we don’t think that some projects took days of hard work. But how to get a good result right away?

Banner Design Tips:

  1. Do not make "heavy" banners. The optimal size is no more than 100 Kb. The higher the amount of page data loaded, the longer the user will have to wait.
  2. Consider the peculiarities of human psychology - an animated banner has a higher chance of attracting attention than a static one.
  3. It is best to place the banner in the center of the site.
  4. Use prompts to action - "Press!", "Start" and so on.
  5. Interactive banners increase the flow of customers by 20-30%.
  6. Attract users with free and bonus offers.
  7. The color of the banner should not "eat away" the eyes.
  8. The image of girls increases the number of transitions, since more than 70% of users are the male part of the population.
  9. A lot of words on the banner is bad. Use only the essence.
  10. The duration of the video should not be more than 5-7 seconds.
  11. Dropdown banners have a high interest.
  12. The transparency of the banner and the combination with the overall design of the site doubles its effectiveness.
  13. The site should not have many identical banners in size or content.
  14. Intrigue is the key to success for any banner.
  15. Questions about the banner in the text will make a person pay attention to it. The main thing is to skillfully hide the trick.

Use this list to create the perfect banner that will grab the attention of most of your website visitors. It is very difficult to take into account all the nuances, but if you manage to fulfill at least half of the requirements, the chance of success will increase significantly.

Today we've taken a look at how banner maker software works and provided a list of the most worthwhile products with which even a novice can create a banner to their liking.

UNLEAD GIF ANIMATOR 5.05 (Crack) + Crack

Ulead Gif Animator 5.05- a powerful utility for creating, editing, optimizing animated GIF images and various banners. Ulead GIF Animator is world famous, and this version has received a lot of updates and improvements, making it even more popular. You can save the final files in different formats, such as EXE or even Flash, with the choice of different options accordingly. Now you can create an animation, banner, animated banner or flash banner very simply than ever, you will have all the necessary tools for this, no matter what you do it for, just for the Internet or multimedia files, presentations. Ulead GIF Animator supports True Color, giving you the ability to create stunning masterpieces. Using the already built-in plugins in the application, you can add many beautiful effects, such as snow or mosaics, clocks, and so on, see for yourself when you start. Naturally, it also supports the work with tickers, which are often used in banners, it is possible to add an effect that makes your image in space.

The wizard built into Ulead Gif Animator will help you choose the best option for optimizing any picture or animation, which significantly reduces the size of the gif file. Ulead Gif Animator also has additional plugins that can create an effect or animate a static image, which is very useful for creating a banner.

Features of Ulead GIF Animator:

  • intuitive interface;
  • dynamic effects;
  • great opportunities to optimize the weight of the picture;
  • the ability to export to various formats, including Flash, AVI, MPEG and QuickTime.

Other programs for creating banners:

  • Banner Maker Pro 7.0.5 Russian version + video - / free download
  • Banner Designer Pro 5.0 + Patch + Video Tutorials - / free download

EximiousSoft Banner Maker- a powerful program for creating advertising banners, web buttons, headers and other web graphics. The program supports the creation of layers for each element of the created web graphics. Raster images and vector shapes can be used to create graphics. The program has pre-made gradients of various styles and background images for filling shapes and text objects. The program does not require any knowledge in creating web graphics at all and can be great for beginners who need to quickly make a banner for their site or a web button.

Program features:
» Layer creation support
» Import bitmaps or vector shapes
» Fill text and vector shapes with gradients and backgrounds
» Apply shadow, bulge, textures and other effects to objects
» Animated GIF support
» Create animation with effects in one step
» Export result to JPEG, GIF and PNG formats
» Preview of the result in the built-in browser
» Easy to use interface
» Adding and removing frames in animation
» Undo and redo actions at any time.

Program information:
Year of issue: 2011
OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
Interface language: English
Medicine: not required (portable)
The size: 4.95 Mb
File format: rar

SEMWorx Banner Design Studio easy-to-use program to create professional-quality banners in minutes! The program has ready-made templates that you can simply edit, and if you wish, create your own by adding all sorts of effects, text, animation or transitions to certain areas of the banner. Now, creating a professional-grade banner is only limited by your imagination.

Main features and features of Banner Design Studio:
. Over 500 pre-made banner templates.
. Over 450 animated and static backgrounds.
. Customize with 4000 characters, fonts, shapes, images and buttons.
. Text and image animation with transition and overlay effects.
. Output in 14 formats SWF, HTML, AVI, PDF, GIF, JPG, PNG, TIFF, BMP, etc.

Name: Banner Design Studio 5.0
Developer: SEMWorx
Operating system: Windows XP and above
Interface language: English only
Medicine: Present
The size: 42.11 MB

Aleo Flash Intro Banner Maker 3.8 Portable

Aleo Flash Intro Banner Maker- a program for all fans of creating flash animations saves files in SWF, GIF, AVI formats. It has a simple and multi-functional wizard-style interface that will help you easily and professionally create banners, buttons, videos or just inscriptions of unprecedented beauty and creativity, using just a couple of mouse clicks. You don't need to know all the basics of Flash animations and their scripts. The program will help you create a variety of banners. A simple and extremely user-friendly wizard-style user interface will help you create banners of various beauty and creativity with just a few clicks of the mouse, without any knowledge of the basics of Flash and its Actionscripts.

AT Aleo Flash Intro and Banner Maker a large number of background and text effects are built-in that can decorate any project, this also applies to sounds and fonts. If you are an amateur in this field, this program is a must for you. You can embed various links to files and resources on the network into the program.

Benefits of the program:
* Powerful animation design tool in SWF, GIF, AVI formats, will create a beautiful banner for you to use anywhere, including on your favorite site!
*A simple wizard guides you through a few steps to create the final beautiful result!
*A lot of different effects, transitions, fonts, sounds, etc.

Interface language: Rus/Eng
Year of issue: 2012
Name: Aleo Flash Intro Banner Maker
Version: 3.8
Operating system: Windows XP/Vista/7
File format: rar
File size: 14.25 Mb

The first advantage of the banner maker is that it is available online and does not require any additional software to be installed. As you can see on the screenshot, the service itself is small and not overloaded with menu links, control buttons and various settings. There are only 4 of them on the main page. We will need the section My projects and Inspiration. After authorization through Facebook or regular registration (email + password), we can start creating a banner, poster or invitation.

How to make a banner

The service has all the necessary tools to make a banner quickly and efficiently and download in the format we need. Several image formats of ready-made banners are available: JPG, PNG and PDF.

To make a banner, just start. Go to the designer's website.

  1. We can choose a ready-made design from the proposed library of ready-made options. In fact, if we are satisfied with the picture and design, we can only replace the text with our own;
  2. Or, you can start creating from scratch by setting the desired size or choosing from the proposed formats (for Facebook, Instagram, Poster, etc.) and uploading your picture to the service.

After selecting the desired size from the template or setting your own sizes, go to the page for creating a banner. The menu on the left will change and take the form as in the screenshot. Now we can add photos, backgrounds or background patterns from the gallery or upload our own. In the remaining sections, we can find Lines, Frames, Shapes and more.

Each added element can be repainted in different colors, change the size, position and transparency. The text is added separately and you can also do all the modifications listed above with it. Russian fonts are in the service.

The finished project will be stored in your account and you can return to editing when you need to. You can download the finished banner or poster at any time in image or PDF format. If something doesn’t work out for you, watch the video below (the sound is quiet, alas, it happened), where we will try to make a banner, some unpretentious one and download it.

To work with the designer, it is better to use the Chrome browser, since I noticed that when saving Mozile, the .png extension does not fit - this is solved by simply renaming the file and adding the desired (in which it was downloaded) dot and name (png or jpg). Look like that's it.

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