Check your internet connection. What is Internet speed and how to check it online. Built-in Windows capabilities

Internet speed both at home and in the office is an important indicator. Many opportunities for transmitting information, such as holding conferences via Skype or downloading video and audio materials for personal or commercial use, directly depend on this factor.

In order to independently determine the possibilities of your access to an external network, a service called “Internet Internet Speed ​​Meter” has been developed. On this moment there are several dozen species of them. Let's look at the most popular and more accurate.

Internet meter from Yandex

Yandex Internetometer page:

One of the most popular and quite accurate services for checking the actual data transfer speed is the Yandex internet meter. It allows you to determine your IP address, the version of the protocol used for communication, location, installed operating system, browser and many more additional parameters. Quite easy to use and does not require any specific skills. At the end of testing, the system provides information about the provider, data transfer speed at the time of testing, and allows you to adjust the time.

Before checking the Internet speed, it is strongly recommended to stop all downloads and programs that can perform them at the time of testing, and also test several times and different time days. This will allow you to get full picture and display the average Internet speed.

An alternative to an Internet meter or how to check Internet speed

Another popular and quite precise service for checking connection speed - SpeedTest, which gives the answer to the question “how to check Internet speed”. It is an alternative to Yanedex Internetometer, it allows you to determine your IP, indicate its location on the world map, indicates information about the city and country in which you are located and provides general information about the company that provides you with communication services with an external network. Unlike other services, it allows you to check the connection speed with different servers on the world map, which allows you to determine the quality of communication with a particular point.

You can use the Internet meter (speedtest) by visiting the website. Also, as in the case of other services, it is strongly recommended to conduct several speed checks at different times of the day. Don’t be afraid that the test result will be better during the day than in the evening. This depends not only on the bandwidth of your line, but also on the load on the servers themselves. Therefore, it is almost impossible to determine the exact data transfer rate, and deducing the arithmetic average based on several data received is a completely feasible task.

Often, when paying for a package that is not the cheapest of Internet services, we suddenly discover that the speed of loading pages and playing dynamic content is much lower than our expectations. Maybe the problem is in our computer? We look at the characteristics of the network card and find no reason for such a conclusion. According to the contract, we should receive one thing, but in reality we get something completely different.

The fact is that the contract with the provider does not indicate the average, but the maximum possible speed of connection to the network. This point is not immediately apparent to consumers, so the only thing left to complain about is yourself. The first thing to do in such a situation is to measure the Internet speed using the Yandex service. Yes, provides such a service. The Internet meter of this search engine allows you to measure the connection speed most accurately.

What will this give us? Is it possible, upon learning that the speed on our network is significantly less than advertised, to file a claim with the provider? Some companies meet the consumer halfway, but this is rather an exception to the rule. In most cases, the provider does not respond to complaints of this kind, and only the most notorious miser would think of going to court over such a trifle. What will measuring Internet speed on give us?

First of all, moral satisfaction - we will be able to reasonedly and gloatingly talk about the kulak tricks of greedy providers. Secondly, this will give us a reason to think about switching to service from another company.

We measure traffic

To measure the speed of your Internet connection using the service, you need to go to the page We'll see something like this:

We launch the internet meter by clicking on the big yellow “Measure” button. You will have to wait, the incoming and outgoing connections will be tested, and as a result, a mini-report on network connection indicators will appear on the screen:

Below and on the side, Yandex will display a lot of other additional information: your IP address, browser type, region in which you are located and other technical information. This should be completely sufficient for the needs of any user. If you doubt the results obtained, try testing your traffic with other tools. There are plenty of them on the Internet. In addition, you can use not web interfaces, but full-fledged programs that are installed on your computer and provide a lot of useful information about the operation of your network equipment.

In this article we will look at the services with which we will measure Internet speed, and also examine a number of issues. How to find out the Internet speed, test the network and determine its functionality?

Speed ​​units

Internet connection speed is measured in kilo/mega bits. For example, the speed stated by my provider is 100 Mbps.

Download speed is measured in kilo/mega bytes. Again, using my example, at the speed declared by the provider of 100 Mbit/s. The download speed will be about 10-12 MB/sec.

You can clearly see this Internet connection speed, for example, in a torrent client. To do this, you need to find a popular torrent file with big amount seeds and see the download speed. By the way, you can read what a torrent is and how to use it.

How to check Internet speed?

The easiest way to check Internet speed is to use special online services. Today, there are many similar services that will measure your Internet speed in a matter of seconds.

The speed of your Internet connection is measured by the information transferred from your computer to the service and back. Next, the average value is calculated per unit of time. According to most online services, the error of the result is no more than 10%.

To obtain the most reliable information possible, it is recommended that you do the following before testing:

  • Close all programs and tabs in the browser, except the one on which the service for checking Internet speed is located;
  • If you are downloading something through a browser or torrent client, wait until the download finishes or pause it;
  • Windows or other programs should not be updated during testing.

For testing I chose 3 services:

  1. SpeedTest;
  2. Yandex. Internet meter;

By the way, it is recommended to use a browser to test speed, since alternative browsers do not always correctly display ping to the server in the test, although I tested in Chrome, the difference was one millisecond. In this article I will be testing in . My provider is OnLime.

Ping is the time it takes for a packet of information to travel from a specific server to your computer and back. In other words, the shorter the time, the better.


As we can see in my example, the test showed the speed exactly as stated by the provider and the ping was only 1 millisecond.

Yandex. Internet meter

Yandex. Internet meter, and click the “Measure” button. The service displays not only speed, but also data about the user: IP address, browser version, screen resolution and region.

As you can see, the speed incoming connection was 78.47 Mbit/s, and outgoing - 89.35 Mbit/s. Let me remind you that the Internet connection speed stated by my provider is up to 100 Mbit/s.


To test, follow the link 2ip and click the “Test” button. This service, like the previous one, displays additional information: it allows you to find out your IP address and much more.

In my case, the incoming speed was 95.32 Mbps, and the outgoing speed was 78.20 Mbps. The indicators differ significantly from the Yandex. Internetometer" and are as close as possible to the speed declared by the provider of 100 Mbit/s.


In my example average speed Internet connection matches the stated speed of the provider - up to 100 Mbit/s. In my opinion, the speed was determined most accurately by the SpeedTest and 2ip services, since Yandex. The Internet meter significantly reduced the incoming speed. I tried to test in different browsers, Yandex everywhere lowers the incoming speed.

If you know of any other services for checking Internet speed, you can leave them in the comments.

When online pages load slowly or there is no connection at all, users almost always blame their providers. However, network speed is affected by many factors. Often, a torrent loaded with files takes up all the megabytes, the virus blocks access to sites, and in the evening (from 18.00 to 23.00) the speed drops due to the load on servers and communication channels. Therefore, in order to establish the reason for the drop in Internet speed and eliminate the possibility of the system being infected by a virus, it is worth measuring the speed of receiving and transmitting data. For this you can use free service Yandex.Internetometer, which checks online speed.

How to use Yandex.Internetometer?

To check your Internet speed for free and online without installing any applications, you should follow these steps:

  • Follow the link to the online resource page.
  • Information about the user's data will immediately appear: IP address, location, browser used, Windows operating system (version).
  • There will also be a “Measure” button here. Click on it to check your network speed.

  • The result will appear within a few seconds. It looks like this: incoming and outgoing data.

This way you can check your Internet speed quickly and for free. To find out how accurately Yandex.Internetometer determines network speed, you can run a test on the website and compare the results.

As you can see, the results are not very different, and therefore the Yandex.Internetometer service can be trusted.

When your computer does not work as fast as you would like when accessing the Internet, and some windows and pages take too long to open, you doubt whether the actual Internet speed matches that declared by your provider. To know for sure that the reason is the Internet speed, and not the work software or in the technical capabilities of the computer itself, you can easily and quickly measure this indicator using the Yandex Internetometer tool.

With the help of Yandex.Internetometer, even an inexperienced computer user can measure Internet speed.

Just follow the link to the page and click the big yellow button “ measure" As a result, in a few seconds you will receive two measured Internet meter parameters from Yandex:

What you need to know about Internet speed

Point 1. The speed of the incoming connection affects how quickly tabs of various Internet resources open and files are downloaded.

Point 2.High speed of outgoing connection allows you to quickly send voluminous information via e-mail, upload files to the cloud and other third-party resources, conduct high-quality audio and video broadcasts.

Point 3. When using the Yandex browser with a slow Internet, there is a turbo mode that turns on automatically, which allows you to open Internet pages faster.

Point 4. The provider usually declares the incoming speed, and the outgoing speed is written in the contract most often in small numbers, since it is significantly lower than the incoming one. If, after repeatedly measuring the speed in Yandex.Internetometer, the indicators turn out to be significantly lower than those indicated in the contract, you can safely complain to the service provider and demand that Internet speeds be provided of adequate quality.

If it is easier for you to perceive information from a video:

The largest analogue of the Internetometer

Another resource, which is one of the most popular for measuring Internet speed, is an alternative to Yandex.Internetometer. But due to the frequent use of this site by consumers of Internet services, some providers are cunning, make the resource a priority, and when connecting with it, the speed turns out to be unexpectedly high, which is not the case when connecting to other sources. Therefore, it is important to check the speed on several designated sites at once in order to get the correct result.

It is important to pay attention in what units you received the measured indicators, and in what units the Internet speed is specified in the contract. A bit is 8 times smaller than a byte. The prefix mega means 10 to the 6th power, the prefix kilo means 10 to the 3rd power.

Ping value in online games

If you do not use the Yandex Internet meter, but Speedtest, there is such an indicator as Ping. It is important primarily for amateurs computer games. When a network program is launched, information is transferred from one computer to another in small portions, packets. The time it takes for a packet of information to reach another computer and transmit a response to yours is called Ping. Its indicators, unlike Internet speed, should be low.

The lower the Ping, the faster the information reaches the network program. If this indicator is too high, the game characters will “slow down”, move after some time after the player presses buttons, and errors and glitches may occur in the game.


  • It’s easy to measure Internet speed with Yandex Internetometer; you don’t need to have one. special knowledge and even a first grader can do this.
  • Pay attention to the units of Internet speed measurement.
  • Don't worry if the incoming and outgoing speeds are significantly different, this is normal.
  • The Ping indicator is important for you if you are a fan of online games, but for other Internet users it is not particularly important.

We wish you to spend your time on the Internet usefully and with pleasure!

In contact with

Many computer users often experience low Internet speeds. If you connected high speed internet, and it freezes repeatedly or constantly, then the first reason for this may be the provider. Internet speed can also be affected by viruses, browser, and computer problems.

Many computer users often experience low Internet speeds. If you have connected high-speed Internet, and it repeatedly or constantly freezes, then the first reason for this may be the provider. Internet speed can also be affected by viruses, browser, and computer problems.

Before deciding what to do to increase Internet speed, you first need to find out its current speed. In this article we will tell you how to check the Internet speed on a computer with Windows 7, and with others operating systems, so that later you can fully express your claim to the provider.

Checking Internet speed via

The most convenient and more accurate site for checking Internet speed is considered

But before you start checking, find out the Internet speed declared by your provider; most often they indicate a speed of “up to”, for example up to 100 Mb/seconds. It’s worth saying right away that this is a lie; you rarely find an Internet that can reach a speed of 100 MG/second (although Rostelecom provides even more than the speed stated under the contract.

In this case, the declared speed is 50Mb, and as you can see in the screenshot, the receiving speed is really higher), but our task will be to check whether there is at least 2-3 Mb/sec, which will be enough to play music or video more or less quickly.

  • 1 . We go to the website using the link
  • 2 . Click on the “Start checking” button or if you have English version"Begin Test" website.
  • 3 . After pressing the button, the Internet speed check will begin. You don't need to do anything, the program will perform the check itself. It is advisable to disable all processes that load the Internet, as they can affect the final results. The verification process will take from a few seconds to a minute.
  • 4 . Ultimately, you will see the ping (Ping), (a little about Ping itself. Ping (from the English ping) is the reaction time of an Internet connection: namely, how quickly the client computer, having sent a request, receives a response from the server. Ping is measured in milliseconds (ms, ms), and naturally, the lower the Ping, the better . The ideal value is up to 40 ms; higher is already poor Ping, which leads to network applications freezing). Download Speed ​​and Upload Speed. The main thing is to find out the receiving speed; if it is 5 Mb/second, then this speed should be enough. Our task is to compare the actual Internet speed with that declared by the provider. If they do not match even closely, then you need to urgently contact your provider or change it to another one.

Checking Internet speed via

If you want to fully verify the speed of your Internet, you can use another site 2ip. But be aware, both sites presented may be slightly off, so take an average after checking your speed.

  • 1 . Visit the site using the link.
  • 2 . On the left side of the screen, click on the “Internet connection speed” button in the “Tests” field.
  • 3 . On the page that opens, check whether your location and Internet provider are indicated correctly. If all the data matches, click on the blue “Test” button.
  • 4 . Wait a few seconds while the program calculates your Internet speed.
  • 5 . After checking, a page will open containing your IP, provider, site, ping and time. Just below the green numbers indicate your Internet speed.
    As already mentioned, both services check in their own way and at different times. If Speedtest was 2 MG/sec, and 2ip was 1 MG/sec, then the average test speed will be 1.5 MG.

Yandex. Internet meter - checking internet speed

Ours has many good and useful services, including checking Internet speed. Follow this link -, and press the “Measure” button

Now you know how to check the Internet speed on your computer. If you want to always know the current Internet speed, you can download a special program to your computer. But such programs have a disadvantage - they slow down the computer and Internet connection a little. Therefore, it’s up to you to decide whether such a program is needed on your computer or not!

Often, when paying for a package that is not the cheapest of Internet services, we suddenly discover that the speed of loading pages and playing dynamic content is much lower than our expectations. Maybe the problem is in our computer? We look at the characteristics of the network card and find no reason for such a conclusion. According to the contract, we should receive one thing, but in reality we get something completely different.

The fact is that the contract with the provider does not indicate the average, but the maximum possible speed of connection to the network. This point is not immediately apparent to consumers, so the only thing left to complain about is yourself. The first thing to do in such a situation is to measure the Internet speed using the Yandex service. Yes, provides such a service. The Internet meter of this search engine allows you to measure the connection speed most accurately.

What will this give us? Is it possible, upon learning that the speed on our network is significantly less than advertised, to file a claim with the provider? Some companies meet the consumer halfway, but this is rather an exception to the rule. In most cases, the provider does not respond to complaints of this kind, and only the most notorious miser would think of going to court over such a trifle. What will measuring Internet speed on give us?

First of all, moral satisfaction - we will be able to reasonedly and gloatingly talk about the kulak tricks of greedy providers. Secondly, this will give us a reason to think about switching to service to another company.

We measure traffic

To measure the speed of your Internet connection using the service, you need to go to the page We'll see something like this:

We launch the internet meter by clicking on the big yellow “Measure” button. You will have to wait, the incoming and outgoing connections will be tested, and as a result, a mini-report on network connection indicators will appear on the screen:

Below and on the side, Yandex will display a lot of other additional information: your IP address, browser type, region in which you are located and other technical information. This should be completely sufficient for the needs of any user. If you doubt the results obtained, try testing your traffic with other tools. There are plenty of them on the Internet. In addition, you can use not web interfaces, but full-fledged programs that are installed on your computer and provide a lot of useful information about the operation of your network equipment.

Yandex Internetometer- This online service, which allows you to independently measure, the maximum amount of information that can be transmitted over the network in a certain time.

As a rule, all providers measure the number of KB processed per second.


When indicating the speed of the tariff you choose, the provider usually has in mind the maximum allowable value.

If your contract with your communications provider specifies that it is 10 Gbps, this means that in a second you will be able to download a file of 10 Gbps, but no more.

Options are allowed when the Internet is less than the declared maximum value.

If you notice that in Lately The Internet works worse, sites do not load so quickly, but freeze, most likely the reason is a poor-quality connection and (server response delay).

You can determine for yourself how quickly global network your PC can transmit/receive data.

You can check your connection speed using one of the following: following methods:

Review of the service from Yandex

Recently, developers from the company presented a new service for measuring connections to the global network. The resource is located at

After the first loading of the web page, the site will automatically detect such your PC settings:

  • and location (you can view IPv4 and IPv6 addresses);
  • Name and version of the browser used;
  • Computer screen resolution and pixel density. When measuring a parameter, the scale specified in the browser is not taken into account.

An Internet meter allows you to measure incoming and outgoing connections, that is, sending and receiving data on the network you are using.

An incoming connection is traffic that comes from the global network to your PC: video images, web pages and other data.

An outgoing connection is the traffic you send over the network while using, streaming services, mail, downloading data to cloud storage and so on.

To measure using Yandex, you just need to wait until the computer parameters are determined. Then click on the "Measure" button. The scanning process will begin.

Work process

If communication with the server is lost, it will notify you about it. You will need to start rescanning using the key "Measure again":

Result of the service– this is the appearance in the main window of data on the speed of the incoming and outgoing connection. Please note that the upload speed is always higher than the download speed.

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