Psychodiagnostics conclusion. A sample of the psychological conclusion of the child. Request in counseling and psychodiagnostics: differences and their consequences

Every good leader cares about strengthening the authority and increasing the effectiveness of their activities. A competent manager is always interested in obtaining reliable information about his potential, personal characteristics, professional qualities. After all, it is known that most people find it difficult to evaluate themselves objectively. Often we are either too demanding of our person, or, conversely, we tend to somewhat “embellish” our virtues. In such cases, the professional assistance of a qualified specialist is invaluable.

Business consulting, psychological diagnostics- methods that will allow you to get reliable information about your character, positive, negative personal and professional qualities. In addition, an experienced specialist, based on the data obtained in the study, will be able to give you valuable recommendations on how to increase the efficiency of your work, overcome certain mental problems, and optimize the activities of the entire enterprise.

However, practice shows that some managers are often not very enthusiastic about such diagnostic examinations, even if it comes to testing by professional psychologists? The main reason for this is most often the lack of time. It is clear that many managers already have irregular working hours and carve out two or three hours from their schedule for diagnostics, it seems too wasteful for them. However, we should not forget that we live in the age of new technologies, where useful information is often equated with objective values, since it allows you to increase labor productivity and significantly improve the quality of life of a manager.


In building a business, it is impossible to do without change, and most managers are well aware of this. To learn how to survive in today's market economy, companies must reach a completely new level of activity. Other requirements are also imposed on the heads of enterprises, who are obliged to correspond to their status, always be aware of events and control the situation.

The market situation is changing almost daily: new directions appear, subsidiaries and departments are formed, management information systems and innovative technologies are being introduced. All these aspects require transformations in the overall structure of the business, as well as in the system of personal and professional qualities of the management of enterprises. Diagnostics allows the leader to determine their strengths and weaknesses, create an individual strategy to achieve their goals.


What is the main purpose of the work of the management team of the company? Efficient, high-quality and timely performance of their professional duties - management of the enterprise, its development, improvement, increase in profitability. What is needed for this? To have certain professional knowledge, skills, personal characteristics and the desire for success.

Leadership Diagnostics allows you to:

  • measure the degree of managerial capacity,
  • determine the degree of conflict of the leader and the trust of subordinates in him,
  • open for the manager the priority areas of work,
  • show new opportunities
  • raise morale, increase self-esteem and increase motivation.

It is clear that such work should be carried out by external experts in order to ensure an objective assessment of the data obtained. Methods for diagnosing a leader are quite diverse, ranging from simple tests to complex programs that require accurate calculations.

We use in diagnostic procedures only proven, tested methods that have proven their effectiveness and efficiency. In each case, we select a special set of research methods that take into account the specifics of the enterprise, the industry in which it operates, and the characteristics of the team. Individual approach, significant experience, professionalism and focus on the interests of the client are the main principles of our work.


Diagnostics of the control link is carried out in several stages and includes, first of all, the study of the professionally important qualities of the subject. Such procedures make it possible to determine the exact psychological portrait of the leader and identify his potential opportunities in the working field. Diagnostics of the management staff will differ significantly from similar studies for subordinates.

In addition to assessing professional knowledge and skills, the diagnostics of a manager necessarily includes testing, which is aimed at identifying his personal characteristics. This may be a study of intelligence and attentiveness, stress resistance, responsibility and the ability to respond to any non-standard situation. The use of various methods in combination allows you to create the most accurate portrait of a person in a leadership position.


Diagnostics of the manager opens up new horizons in the work of the enterprise.

Ultimately, it performs the following functions:

  • Identification of the strengths and weaknesses of the leader.
  • Determination of the strategy and tactics of the manager's behavior.
  • Personnel reshuffle planning, top management rotation.
  • Purposeful construction of a new organizational structure at the enterprise.

Head diagnostics - the most important aspect for self-knowledge and an excellent tool for people practicing business communication.

Knowing his professional and personal characteristics, development prospects, a person gets the opportunity to effectively build harmonious relationships, both with top management and with subordinates.

It will also be useful for each enterprise to conduct a comprehensive personnel diagnostics. Comprehensive diagnostics gives an assessment of the management situation as a whole: problems, opportunities, people's behavior, processes, structure, centers of influence and authority of the leadership. This kind of research is very important when changing the commanding staff, they allow you to choose a worthy candidate for the role of a future director, or in acute crisis situations, when the company is literally falling apart before our eyes.

In any case, the manager's diagnostics will be useful both for the leader himself and for the entire company, even if its results are not used to the full. This is a responsible act of a leader who is ready to take a step towards the team. Today, such studies are becoming increasingly popular, and this is quite obvious, because many business owners understand that in order for a business to always flourish and develop, first of all, you need an excellent commander.

Do you think that your company needs positive changes?

Start with yourself!

Professional diagnostics will help you determine the path of further development!

Home > Educational and methodical complex

11. Test tasks 1. Methodology for self-assessment of business and personal qualities of a manager Research conducted by psychologists. They showed that the characterological personality traits of a manager, a senior manager, are (willingness to cooperate, friendly attitude towards people, accommodating), emotional stability, high self-control (developed volitional qualities, a sense of duty, etc.), developed self-consciousness (awareness of one’s own aspirations and actions, awareness of one's strengths and weaknesses, etc.) For a manager, obviously, there is a certain optimum in the development of his abilities and intellect. The methodology for determining the self-esteem of a leader according to F. Fiedler is described below. In table 1, we note 10 business and 10 personal qualities. The subject should evaluate each of these qualities inherent in him and his employees in a 10-point school (from 0 to 9).

Business and personal qualities of a manager

personality traits

your mark

Self assessment

Most Preferred Colleague

Least Preferred Colleague
Business:1. Diligence 2. Initiative 3. Neatness 4. Professional literacy5. Organization 6. performance 7. Energy8. Responsibility9. Ability to work 10. Discipline
Personal: 11. Goodwill 12. Fairness 13. Collectivism 14. Ability to keep one’s word 15. Responsiveness 16. Balance 17. Modesty 18. External attractiveness 19. Cheerfulness 20. Breadth of outlook
Average for paragraphs. 1-10
Average for paragraphs. 11-20
General average

Instruction (for assessing the business and personal qualities of a leader)

Rate on a 10-point scale (from 0 to 9) the psychological qualities of your most preferred employee, without naming his last name. Assess the qualities of the least preferred employee, also without naming his last name. Then evaluate yourself. 9 points - the highest level of quality development. 0 - its complete absence.

Analysis and interpretation of test results

The table shows business (items 1-10) and personal qualities (items 11-20). Calculate the average scores for business and personal qualities (points 1-10) and 11-20) of all persons you evaluate (most preferred, least preferred, yourself). Output the overall averages for all twenty psychological qualities. Analyze and interpret test data for the following items. 1. Have you given any high ratings to your least preferred employee? Have you given any low ratings to your most preferred employee? Are the ratings that you have personally given yourself varied? Or are these scores basically constant? 2. What qualities do you value most in yourself? Business or personal? For what qualities (business or personal) do you most appreciate the most preferred employee? Why do you dislike your least preferred employee? It may turn out that some of his qualities are similar to yours, and in some ways they are opposite to yours. What are these qualities? Why are they more important to you than others? 3. on the conditional scale (see below), place the symbols and your employees. Employee (-) I'm Employee (+) __I_____________________________I______________________________I___ 0 points 9 points Symbols: employee (+) - the most preferred; employee (-) is the least preferred. Which of your employees is closest to your self-esteem? In which of the 20 psychological qualities are you closer to one and in which are you closer to another employee? What new things have you learned about yourself? Are there any qualities that make you superior to your colleague (+)? What are these qualities? Are there any qualities in which a colleague (-) surpasses you? Having assessed himself, a person can consciously, and not spontaneously, control his behavior and engage in self-education. Usually, for an effective manager, the differences between the average ratings of the most and least preferred colleagues are small. The leader is able to see both the advantages of an unpreferred colleague and the disadvantages of a preferred colleague. 2. Test "Personnel Service Potential" (the test was developed in the coordination group for the study of the nature of the Center for Sociological Research of Moscow State University) The potential of the personnel service is an indicator of the compliance of work with personnel in a particular organization with modern requirements. Any organization can be assessed using this test. Any professionally competent employee who has worked in the organization for at least a year and knows the real state of affairs well, except for managers and employees of the personnel service, can serve as an expert or direct organizer of testing.


The test contains 10 positions, each of which contains 10 judgments. Choose the option of judgment that is most appropriate to the state of affairs in the organization being assessed. Each answer ranges from 0 to 10 points. The score is determined by the values ​​indicated next to each of the 10 judgments. The sum of points for all 10 positions will show the value of the determined potential. It is useful to compare the results obtained with the results of evaluations of other organizations. This will identify strengths and weaknesses in the activities of the personnel service. 1.Personnel service: deals only with registration of admission, relocation, dismissal, etc. - one; personal accounting and training - 2; also certification - 3; also performs one or two other functions - 5; performs eight standard functions (they are named in paragraphs 2-9 of this questionnaire) - 8; performs more than eight functions - 10. 2. Hiring: carried out by itself, due to circumstances, without the participation of the personnel service - 0; by ad - 1; under contracts with other organizations, departments, educational institutions - 2; through short published announcements - 3; thanks to detailed publications with a list of requirements for employees - 5; there is a special employee of the personnel service, who selects a small part of the workers - 7; he selects most of the workers - 10. 3. Staffing units: produced purely by chance and only on a professional basis - 1; the manager by eye tries to select an employee, taking into account who will work with whom - 3; there are methods that ensure the psychological compatibility of workers and a normal psychological climate, but only in a certain order - 10. 4.Contract system: missing - 0; used for individual workers in the most general form - 2; for many workers in general - 4; for a few employees, but clearly provides for rights, obligations and sanctions in case of non-compliance on both sides - 7; for almost all employees from top to bottom in a clearly defined form - 10. 5. Job descriptions: practically absent – ​​0; exist for individual workers in the most general form - 2; for many workers in the same general form - 4; for a few, but with a short list of duties and functions - 5; for a few, but a very detailed list, supplemented by regulations, contracts and mode of operation - 7; practically such instructions are introduced everywhere – 10. 6. Current training: practically absent – ​​0; concerns only training in working and technical specialties - 3; occasional lectures are held and/or individual employees are sent to refresher courses - 4; lecture cycles are arranged regularly and/or many are sent to the courses – 6; there is a unified system of current education, including internal, external and independent study - 8; such a system covers all personnel without exception - 10. 7. Job promotion: the case is random, unpredictable and largely dependent on the boss - 0; depends on the boss, who takes into account in the selection both business qualities and personal attitude towards the employee - 2; depends on specific leaders who make objective, but strong-willed decisions during the selection - 4; produced on a competitive basis, but purely formally - 5; on a competitive basis according to objective criteria - 7; there is a promotion schedule for everyone and methods to ensure job suitability – 10. 8.Certification: practically not carried out - 0; carried out on a case-by-case basis for certain categories of personnel - 1; for most categories of personnel, but purely formally - 3; for almost everyone and by several methods that ensure objectivity, but regularly - 5; according to the same methods strictly regularly every three to five years - 6; according to test methods that ensure the automaticity of obtaining results - every three years - 8; according to test methods annually - 10. 9.Dismissal: carried out simply, without delay and is a routine - 0; management is trying to detain under a plausible pretext those who leave of their own accord - 1; personnel service employees or management are morally responsible for any fact of dismissal - 5; each fact of dismissal; on their own and not their own will is reflected in the pocket of the personnel service - 10. 10.When reducing staff: workers are immediately fired in accordance with labor legislation - 0; those leaving are warned about it in advance – 1; they try to find some other job - 3; they are looking for another job and always in their specialty - 5; vocational guidance and, if necessary, give a new specialty at their own expense or together with the hiring enterprise - 10. 3. Form for a conversation for a manager position Date___________2007 1. Rating (assessment) 2. Comments_______________________________________________

not only what the applicant can do, but also his stability,


diligence, perseverance, ability to communicate with others, confidence


in yourself, leadership qualities, age, reasons for applying for this


work, as well as home situation and health

Interviewed by _________________________________________________ 3. For a vacant position _____________________________________ 4. Last name, first name, patronymic _______________________________________ 5. Date of birth ______________________________________________ 6. Phone number _____________ Current number _________________ City __________ Region __________ How long have you lived there? _______ 7. Did you serve in the armed forces? ?___________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Have you been admitted to the hospital during your service?_____________________ 8. Do you receive a salary?__________________________________________ 9. Do you work now? If yes, how soon will you be able to take up your duties?________________________________ 10. Why do you want to take this vacancy?

What is the main reason - prestige, security, earnings?

11. Work experience _______________________________________________

Tell about everything. This information is essential


Record last job first


Military service experience must be recorded as work experience

Last or current place of work 12. Company __________________________________________________ 13. City _____________________________________________________ 14. From ________ to __________ (hours of work) 15. How did you get a job? ________________________________ Who did you know there? ____________________________________________

Has the applicant expressed confidence in


getting a job?

16. The essence of the work at the beginning __________________________________________

Can work experience be used?


the applicant in their previous places to work in this position?

What salary were you initially paid?____________________________ 17. How has your job changed over time?____________________________

What progress has the applicant made?


on this job?

18. What did you do at work before the moment of dismissal? ___________ What _____________________________________________________________

Was the applicant responsible?

19. Salary until the moment of dismissal? _____________________________ 20. Chief __________ His position __________________________ What is he like? ___________________________________________ How did the applicant develop relations with the boss? How closely did he watch you? ___________________________________ What kind of power did (have) you? ________________________________ How many people were under your supervision? _______________________ What did they do? _________________________________________________ Is the applicant a leader? 21. Policy Statement Responsibility____________________ Did the applicant have _____________________________________________________________

responsibility in the management system?

4. Test "Assessment of a candidate for a job" This test can be used to determine the student's ability to conduct a selection interview (interview), as well as the degree of assimilation of the relevant topic of the training course. Instruction Read each statement and mark it with the letter "P" (correct) or "L" (false).


    When interviewing a job applicant, it is best to rely on your feelings. Enumeration of the list of requirements for the employee is an indispensable condition when conducting a conversation with the applicant. To determine if the applicant can work independently, it is best to ask him to describe how he coped with his current job. The question of what hobby the applicant for a place has allows, among other things, to conclude whether he is sociable or not. If a company representative describes the conditions at the new workplace as very difficult, he will be able to find out if he is ready for such work and what loads he can endure. Do not miss the opportunity to ask the applicant about his attitude towards the opposite sex. The question of whether everything is in order with the applicant in married life should be omitted for reasons of tact. Asking how the applicant feels about working in the room will help give you an idea of ​​his leadership style. This will help to understand how the applicant raises his children. You can try to find out the religious views of the applicant. The answer to the question of what newspapers and magazines the applicant regularly reads gives an idea of ​​what his political views are. By knowing which tailor the applicant sews his clothes, you can find out what position he aspires to achieve. Intelligence and education should be critical in evaluating an applicant. No need to ask why the applicant wants to leave his former job: in this case, he will never tell the truth. If the one who decides to hire a candidate for a managerial position, after a 20-minute conversation with him, makes the wrong choice, then he himself is to blame for this.
This test should encourage you to look at the problem of assessing applicants from a different angle.

Take stock

Using the key, evaluate your result. The statements contained in the test are evaluated as follows: mark "L" assigned to questions: 1, 6, 7, 13, 14, and the mark "P"- questions: 2, 3,4,5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15. 5. Exercise "Certification of a young specialist" (developed by D. K. South, modified by G. Vorobyov, used for young professionals in a number of categories) Evaluate a young specialist whom you know from your work (if this condition is not feasible for you, select a student). You will be asked 33 questions grouped into 5 skill groups with a maximum score of 20 for each group, for a total of 100. Each question is a statement about your employee, worth a number of points. Based on this number, set your score between 0 and this number (as you see fit). Comment on the data obtained for individual groups and as a whole. The number of points scored and their comparative analysis make it possible to judge the main groups of qualities of a young specialist (or student). Communication skills(20) Writes in such a way that everyone can understand him - 3.9 Works written by him rarely require alteration - 3.6 His speeches are always carefully considered - 2.8 Working notes are always correct and accurate - 2.7 Always knows how to emphasize the most important; does not immerse himself in details - 2.5 Can discuss the results of his work concisely, clearly, exhaustively - 2.3 Can give explanations - 2.2 Relationships(20) Patient with those who have less knowledge than him - 4.5 Gets along well with all types of people - 4.4 Respects the judgments and abilities of other people - 3.9 Ready to take advice - 3.6 Listens to another's point of view – 3.6 Motivation(20) Ready to work overtime when necessary - 4.6 Gives all his strength and abilities to the solution of the task assigned to him - 3.7 If free time is given, actively looks for work - 3.1 Often performs work "in excess of the norm" - 3.1 Does not quit work until it is done - 2.8 Strive to complete the task completely, without imperfections - 2.7 Special Skills(20) Prefers to lead rather than push them - 3.6 Knows how to organize the work of others - 3.6 Spends time reading specialized literature - 3.1 Requires serious evidence before agreeing with the proposal - 2.9 Knows how to put into practice their theoretical knowledge - 2.4 Can find some way to solve an existing problem - 2.4 Can break a complex problem into relatively simple things - 2.0 Independence(20) Doesn't get upset by surprises at work - 3.8 Doesn't get upset by factors such as work overload, tight deadlines, etc. - 3.8 Does not avoid decisions and does not hesitate when making them - 2.5 Solves problems on his own, does not ask others about it - 2.2 He easily tolerates remarks and frivolous reproaches - 2.2 Is not afraid to ask questions - 2.1 Relies on own judgment where it is possible and reasonable - 1.9 Ready to admit a mistake if, in fact, he made one - 1.5 6. Expert list for a situational-comprehensive assessment of the activities of managers FULL NAME. Expert ____________________________________________________ Full name Evaluated leader ___________________________________ To assess the effectiveness of the leader, use the following scale: 0 - not effective 1 - not very effective 2 - not effective enough 3 - somewhat effective 4 - relatively effective 5 - practically effective 6 - effective


Score in points

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
BUT. Situations arising in connection with the logistics and staffing of the subdivision 1) with a delay in the receipt of raw materials, materials, reagents, equipment, documentation; 2) if the subdivision is understaffed; 3) in case of unsecured financing.
B. Situations that arise in the process of functioning of the unit. 1) in case of non-fulfillment of planned targets on time; 2) when the unit performs unscheduled work; 3) in case of poor-quality performance of work.
AT. Situations arising in connection with the organization of work of the head of the unit. 1) when busy with work with documents; 2) if necessary, rational distribution of working time; 3) in case of inconsistency in the conduct of activities by higher management.
G. Situations that arise in connection with the attitude of subordinates to the work performed. 1) when preventing violations of labor discipline by employees; 2) when preventing violations of technological discipline; 3) with a non-initiative, formal attitude of employees to the performance of tasks.
D. Situations that arise in connection with the peculiarities of the relationship and communication of managers and subordinates. 1) when criticizing the style and methods of leading subordinates; 2) with distrust and mutual misunderstanding of subordinates caused by differences in age, experience, knowledge; 3) when the work of the unit is disorganized, caused by the activities of informal leaders, individual employees; 4) when using moral encouragement to increase team cohesion, to develop cooperation.
AND. Situations arising in connection with the peculiarities of relationships with higher authorities. 1) when responding to criticism from higher management; 2) upon receipt of vague conflicting instructions; 3) upon receipt of orders with which he fundamentally disagrees.
TO. Situations arising in relations with adjacent units. 1) in case of inconsistency with related departments, work plans and their implementation; 2) with a fuzzy delineation of functions between departments; when providing assistance to an adjacent unit.
L. Situations arising from the performance of public work. 1) if necessary, “cut out” time from a very busy schedule; 2) when overloaded with social work.
M. Situations arising in the preparation and implementation of innovation. 1) if necessary, take into account the views, suggestions, including those of subordinates; 2) if necessary, defend the innovation with opposition from authoritative persons; distinguishing between the main and the secondary.
This technique was developed by V.P. Zakharov. The methodology is based on 16 groups of statements reflecting various aspects of the interaction between the management and the team. The methodology is aimed at determining the style of leadership of the workforce.

The application of the technique does not require individual testing. It is possible to use it in a block of tests, it is especially effective to use it together with sociometry in order to optimize the socio-psychological climate in the team.


“The questionnaire contains 16 groups of statements that characterize the business qualities of a manager. Each group consists of three statements marked with letters a, b, c. You should carefully read all three statements in each group and choose the one that best fits your opinion of the leader. Mark the selected statement on the questionnaire with a “+” sign under the corresponding letter. If you are evaluating two or more executives at the same time, compare them to each other on the three statements above. Choose one of the statements that characterize each leader (or one statement that characterizes two or more leaders), and mark your opinion about each on the questionnaire with different signs: *; +; -. Put marks on the answer sheet.

Questionnaire text

A. Central leadership requires that all business
reported to him.

B. He tries to solve everything together with his subordinates, single-handedly solves only the most urgent and operational issues.

B. Some important matters are actually solved without the participation of the leader, his functions are performed by others.

A. Always orders something, orders, insists, but never asks.

B. Orders in such a way that you want to do it.

B. Doesn't know how to order.

A. Tries to ensure that his deputies are qualified specialists.

B. The head does not care who works for him as a deputy, assistant.

B. He achieves trouble-free execution and subordination of deputies, assistants.

A. He is only interested in the execution of the plan, and not the attitude of people towards each other.

B. Not interested in work, approaches the matter formally.

C. When solving production problems, he tries to create good relations between people in the team.

A. Probably, he is conservative, because he is afraid of the new.

B. The initiative of subordinates is not accepted by the leader.

C. Encourages self-employment.

A. The leader is usually not offended by criticism, he listens to it.

B. Does not like to be criticized and does not try to hide it.

B. Listens to criticism, even intends to take action, but does nothing.

A. One gets the impression that the leader is afraid to be responsible for his actions, he wants to reduce his responsibility.

B. Distributes responsibility between himself and his subordinates.

B. The manager alone makes decisions or cancels them. 8. a. Regularly consults with subordinates, especially with experienced workers.

B. Subordinates not only advise, but can give instructions to their leader.

B. Does not allow his subordinates to advise him, let alone object.

A. Usually consults with deputies and subordinate managers, but not with ordinary subordinates.

B. Regularly communicates with subordinates, talks about the state of affairs in the team, about the difficulties to be overcome.

B. To perform any work, he often has to persuade his subordinates.

A. Always addresses subordinates politely, kindly.

B. In dealing with subordinates often shows indifference.

B. In relation to subordinates, he can be tactless and even rude.

A. In critical situations, the leader does not cope well with his duties.

B. In critical situations, the leader, as a rule, switches to more stringent methods of leadership.

C. Critical situations do not change the way he leads.

A. He solves even those issues with which he is not very familiar.

B. If he does not know something, he is not afraid to show it and turns to others for help.

B. He cannot act on his own, but waits for a “nudge” from the outside.

A. Perhaps he is not a very demanding person.

B. He is demanding, but at the same time fair.

Q. We can say about him that he is too strict and even picky.

A. Controlling the results, always notices the positive side, praises subordinates.

B. Always very strictly controls the work of subordinates and the team as a whole.

B. Controls work from case to case.

A. The leader knows how to maintain discipline and order.

B. Often makes comments, reprimands to subordinates.

B. Cannot influence discipline.


A. In the presence of a leader, subordinates have to work in tension all the time.

B. It is interesting to work with the leader.

B. Subordinates are left to their own devices.





1. a b c

9. a b c

2. a b c

10. a b c

3. a b c

11. a b c

4. a b c

12. a b c

5. a b c

13. a b c

6. a b c

14. a b c

7. a b c

15. a b c

8. a b c

16. a b c

Ready-made conclusion form with various options in brackets. Choose the right one, remove the excess, maybe you improvise somewhere - and the conclusion is ready.

according to the results of psychological examination
F.I. child_____________________________ age _______

Psychological examination was carried out on request ( parent, educator, specialist, etc.) with the aim of ( identifying the level of actual development, presenting at the PMPK, determining the educational route, studying the features of the cognitive / emotional-volitional sphere, etc. R). Psychological diagnostics was carried out (dates) in an individual form ( through observation).

In the process of psychological examination, the following features of the emotional-volitional sphere and behavior of the child were noted.

Makes contact quickly and easily not immediately, refuses), but it wears unstable ( stable, formal, superficial, shows negativism) character.

The emotional reaction to the examination situation is manifested in the form of excitement ( interest, alertness, indifference, inadequate cheerfulness, aggressive manifestations, crying, negativism).

When encouraged and approved, it demonstrates foolishness, inappropriate behavior ( positive emotions, joy, performance improvement, indifference).

After the remark made, he tries to correct the mistake ( refusal to take further action, irritated, withdrawn, no reactions, negative, aggressive reactions).

In case of failures, disorganization of activity is observed, manifested in a chaotic enumeration of options, while maintaining the desire to complete the task ( turning to an adult for support, loss of interest, disinhibition in the form of rapid inadequate manipulations with the object, passive avoidance of the task, inadequate emotional reactions, avoidance of the task in the form of aggressive actions).

The emotional background throughout the examination is adequate ( balanced, anxious, indifferent).

Vivid emotional reactions are noted ( emotional tension, seriousness with severe indecision, excessive severity of negative emotional reactions, weak expression of emotions, increased excitability).

Emotionally balanced frequent mood swings, emotional rigidity).

Communication is active ( reactive, passivity in communication with reduced mental activity, unproductive activity in communication).

Self-regulation and control are low ( insufficiently expressed, absent) due to low concentration of attention, unformed speech regulation, insufficient visual-motor coordination.

Critical in evaluating the results of his work ( understands his successes and failures, criticality is reduced, non-critical).

The activity of the child is characterized by the following indicators.

Interest in completing tasks is generally persistent ( expressed interest at first, but disappearing due to low performance or distractibility or failures, superficial, weak).

The instruction is understood and retained until the end of the task ( difficulty getting into work, loses instructions, does not save to the end, does not accept).

Orientation activity is active and purposeful ( pronounced activity and purposefulness, reduced external activity during rational search or unproductive, chaotic unsystematic manipulation).

Can't do the job on his own independently starts and completes the task without help) due to low concentration of attention, inability to build an action plan ( fear of making a mistake - stimulating help is needed, satiety with activities - organizing help is needed, superficial or unstable interest).

Activity is unstable ( stable, inert, aimless, chaotic) character: purposefulness and activity drop sharply due to the rapid switching of attention ( failures or remarks, satiety with activities).

The dynamics of activity is uneven ( uniform), the pace is predominantly fast ( moderate during the entire task, slowness, haste, disinhibition, lethargy).

Normal performance is maintained until the end of the task ( moderate - satiety is observed from the middle or towards the end of the task, the flickering nature of performance, low).

By the nature of the help organized in the performance of tasks, the child mainly needs an organizing, trained ( stimulating, explanatory, visual - effective, controlling) help.

There are no errors while executing the task ( correct themselves, are not noticed without the help of an adult).

Voice accompaniment is absent or does not relate to the activity performed ( speech plays a planning function that accompanies action, stating).

The results of the study of mental functions are as follows. There is difficulty in distinguishing between primary and tint colors. Distinguishes geometric shapes. The visual perception of the form is low. The level of spatial perception is low. The level of development of short-term and long-term memory is below average. Has no difficulty writing stories. Phonemic perception is impaired. Visual Action Thinking: Mailbox collects through visual matching, targeted trials. Visual-figurative thinking: "Cut pictures" collects by visual correlation, targeted trials, enumeration of options. The level of operation, abstraction is low. The level of the generalization operation is low, there is a pronounced selectivity of thinking. The level of understanding of the meaning of causal relationships is below average. The level of development of both verbal and non-verbal imagination is low. Attention is superficial, unstable, organizing assistance is effective. The manipulative function of the hands is somewhat limited.

Thus, the structure of the violations revealed in the child is as follows:

  • Immaturity of all forms of thinking;
  • Low concentration of attention;
  • Lack of self-regulation and behavior control;
  • Violated orientation in terms of right-left;

Preserved functions: the motivational sphere, the sphere of communication, motor skills are relatively preserved.

  • the formation of generalizing concepts, visual-figurative and logical thinking.
  • development of phonemic perception.
  • development of concentration, switching of attention.
  • development of visual perception of color, shape, size,
  • development of verbal imagination.
  • Development of emotional, sphere, communication skills
  • Impulsivity Correction

Date __________________ Full name, signature of the psychologist____________________


According to the results of psychological research.


Research Date:

November 2, 2016, 11:00 a.m. – 12h00 and

November 9, 2016, 11 am 00.min. – 12h00 min

Location of the study ;

_______ city, st.XXXXXXXXX,

office of a teacher-psychologist.

Research production base :

Request (name of parent)XXXXXXXXXXXXXdated November 1, 2016 to conduct a psychological study in relation to her minor son, the full name of the child and the year of birth for the court.

Researcher: teacher-psychologist Full name of the specialist

Child,XXXXXXlives permanently with motherXXXXXXX. and brother.

With the father of the child, the mother is divorced fromXXXXyears, the child did not see his father for 4 years, practically did not communicate.XXXXXXXXXXresponsible, responsive parent, loving mother for her children. Her children are always in the first place for her, she pays enough attention to them,XXXXXXloves her and feels her support.

Research questions:

    What is the psycho-emotional state and what is the level of mental development of the childXXXXXXX?

    What is the actual attitude and attachment of the child (XXXXXXXXXX) to each parent?

Methods used:


    casual conversation;

    projective methods "Free drawing" (diagnostics of actual needs and values);

    The projective technique "Family Drawing" (diagnostics of the child's perception of intra-family relations):

    Luscher test (diagnosis of conditions and intrapersonal conflicts)"

    Method "Mail" (diagnostics of the relationship of the child to family members). Modified by A.G. Leaders and A.V. Anisimova

    Methodology "Drawing of a person" (study of the general intellectual status)

    Express diagnostics in kindergarten. N.N. Pavlova, L.G. Rudenko (diagnostics of the child's mental processes).

    Questionnaire "Analysis of family relationships" E.G. Eidemiller, V.V. Justickis

Experimental psychological study of a child

(name of child and date of birth)

The child entered MADOU No.XXXSeptember 17, 2012. At the age of 2 years. The adaptation was successful, in an easy form. The psychological development of the child for the entire time spent in kindergarten corresponded to the age of the child.

observation and conversation

The child enters into contact with interest, is free, but restrained in communication. He only answers questions that are asked of him. When it comes to his brother and mother, the background of the mood is bright, light, he speaks of them with special warmth. But when questions relate to a conversation about dad, the child immediately tenses up, anxiety and fear are felt in his voice. The child has conflicting feelings for the father. The child himself told how his father took him to him, but he did not want to, how he was in the same apartment with an unfamiliar woman, in another city, how scared he was, and he wanted to go to his brother and mother. And then he suddenly remembered that his father promised to show him the plane next time. These contradictions are observed further in the study. For example, in one of them, in the method "Mail"XXXXnoted dad with such letters: “I don’t love him” and “He is the kindest and best.” The child, as it were, resists the natural cordial attachment to the father. The child noted his mother with letters: “always regrets”, “loves me”, “I love”, “I like to help her”, “always cheerful”. Brother - “always plays with me”, “I always miss him”, “I love to play and read with him”, “I often tell him my secrets”.

From the picture "My Family" it is also clear that the child prefers to communicate with his mother and brother, it is with them that he is comfortable and safe. And this situation causes anxiety and concern.

The situation that has developed at the moment has a depressing effect on the child, he is depressed, emotionally tense, he strives to escape from this situation. This spontaneous trip with the boy's father scared him, the child is under stress. During the conversation, the child said several times that he did not want to live with his dad, but would just like to see him sometimes. At the moment, the child has a functional overload, exhaustion, a state of depression. This was shown by the Luscher color test, which is based on an experimentally established relationship between a person's preference for certain colors (shades) and his current psychological state.

From the "Drawing of a Man" it can be seen that the child at the moment has mental instability, imbalance, self-doubt and is very attached to his mother.

The emotional background throughout the examination was adequate, balanced and persisted until the end of the examination.

The child easily learns the instructions for the methodological material and is guided by them when performing experimental tasks. The child has a good rate of performance. Attention, perception and memory are developed in accordance with the age of the child. According to the Ladder test, the child has adequate self-esteem.

In the study of thinking, it turned out that the child does not know some generalizing words, but is able to combine objects into groups according to certain characteristics, selects suitable objects to each other, linking them together in meaning, classifies objects (furniture, dishes, vegetables, fruits, transport, etc.). etc.). He builds light logical chains, but the story is obtained from each picture, not connected by a single storyline. Knowledge about the surrounding world corresponds to age.

Speech is not developed enough, as there are pronounced violations of sound pronunciation. It is also necessary to develop fine motor skills and right-left orientation.

When examining the child's development of basic mental processes according to "Express Diagnostics for Kindergarten", the child scored 17 points out of 24, which corresponds to the average level of development of the child.

To study the attitude of the mother to the child, to determine her style of parenting, psychological diagnostics (full name of the parent) was carried out .... with the help of methods: a test questionnaire of parental attitudes, the authors of which are A.Ya.Varga and V.V. Analyzing the results obtained, it can be seen that the “Cooperation” scale received high scores, which indicates that the motherXXXXXXX. shows a sincere interest in what is important for the child, highly appreciates his abilities, encourages independence and initiative, tries to be on an equal footing with the child. She accepts the child as he is, respects his individuality. This is the best way to assess the pedagogical abilities of an adult. The mother considers the failures of the child accidental and believes in him. Mom devotes a lot of time, effort, attention to the child. Therefore, we can say that the methods of raising a child are psychologically correct, and the child, in turn, feels the love and support of the mother and has a positive attitude towards her.

Thus, answering the questions posed at the beginning of the study, we can say that the child is currently in a stressful depressed state, the current situation has a depressing effect on the child and he wants to get out of it as soon as possible, is in a state of forced tension and helplessness. The child has ambivalent feelings for the father - the boy also feels love for his father, which he does not want to recognize and fear. It is more comfortable and safer for a child to be in his usual environment, next to his relatives, mother and brother. His brother is very significant and congenial to him. Only to himXXXXXXcan trust their secrets. He loves to play with him. If we compare the relationship of the examined child to both parents, then the mother is emotionally closer to him, it is she who he perceives as the bearer of social norms and rules.

Teacher-psychologist MADOU No.XXXX____________________ XXXXXXX

Head of MADOU No.XXXX ________________________ XXXXXXX

I have read and agree with the conclusion ______________ name of the parent.

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