Salo with a layer. We salt the fat ourselves. How to salt lard in a jar at home

Salted homemade lard with meat layers has not lost its popularity for many years. This is a tasty and healthy dish, both on its own and as an appetizer. There are many ways to salt lard, I offer you a simple, affordable recipe. The most important ingredient is, of course, bacon, and you need to be able to choose the best among others, and for this I will give you a couple of tips. So, it should be elastic and dense, not hard and not very soft, the knife should be easily pierced, it is advisable to take fat from a young pig, from the sides or from the back, but not the abdominal part. It also matters from what gender the pig was - “girl” or “boy”, and so from a young “girl-pig” fat is tastier and more tender. Also, the fat should not be very thick, from the skin 2 - 2.5 cm, and the entire width, together with the layers of meat, is about 7 cm. The skin is thin and soft, light. Good fat should be free of foreign odors, clean. In color - white or a little pinkish, but not yellow - this is already bad, old fat. And most importantly, buy lard in special places, on the market in the meat pavilion, to be sure that the carcass passed the test and the pig was healthy before slaughter. After all, lard will only be salted, and salt will not be able to protect against various diseases. Now you know enough about the choice of fat, you can start cooking.

Salt Salt Ingredients:

  • Pork fat with meat layers - up to 1 kg. (brisket)
  • Salt, coarse - 1.5 cups
  • Bay leaf - 2-3 pcs.
  • Black peppercorns and ground
  • Red pepper - to taste
  • Garlic - 5 large cloves (or to taste)
  • You can use different spices according to your taste.

Preparation of salted lard:

In order to salt lard at home, you need to take a glass bowl, pour half the salt on the bottom.

Rinse the lard with layers of meat under cold running water, wipe well with a paper towel. Before salting, the fat should be at room temperature, this is necessary so that it can absorb the aroma of all the spices and salt well. What to do with the skin?

At your discretion, if you come across a piece of fat with a thick and hard skin, remove it, and leave the soft and thin one and carefully scrape it with a knife.

Peel the garlic and cut into thin slices. Rub the lard well on all sides with spices, you can say so - massage the lard, put it in a bowl with salt,

put the bay leaf, peppercorns, garlic, top with the rest of the salt, cover and refrigerate for 3-4 days.

I have an indifference to fat.
Both fresh and in the pan.
It's the tastiest and best
Single and in a set with vodka.

Uncle O.

If you agree with the statement that the best fat is the one that you salted yourself, then you are here. We will tell you how to salt lard in brine.

There are many ways to salt salt. But the fastest is salting in a “wet” way, that is, in brine. Salo is aged in brine from three days to three weeks, depending on taste preferences. Much, of course, depends on the size of the pieces, and on the concentration of salt. We will talk about this later, but for now - a few tips on how to choose the right fat on the market.

  • Salo should be light. Not yellow, not grayish, but pale pink or white;
  • The skin on the fat should be soft, clean, without hairs, well processed, without spots and bruises;
  • If you press your finger on the surface of the fat, the dimple is not restored;
  • Many people like lard with streaks of meat. There should not be very many such veins, because it is much more difficult to salt the meat. Yes, and lard without veins is much softer;
  • It is especially insulting to run into a boar's fat. In order not to get such disappointment, smell the selected piece of fat. You can ask the seller to cut off a tiny piece of lard and set it on fire (with matches or a lighter). The smell of urea will immediately appear. And do not be shy about such checks - you pay money and have the right to get exactly the quality that you need for them.

Peel the selected fat with the blunt side of the knife and cut into pieces 4-5 cm wide. You don’t need thicker, it will take longer to salt. Salt for brine should be taken only large stone or sea table salt, but by no means iodized. Spices - bay leaf, red or black pepper, garlic, etc. - each adds to taste and desire.

The easiest way to prepare a brine: for 3 liters of water, take 1 cup of coarse table or sea salt, put the brine on the stove and bring to a boil, stirring. The salt should completely dissolve. The brine must be cooled and pour the fat.

Another way of preparing the brine is more interesting: a raw egg is placed in cold water and the salt begins to dissolve. Salt is added until the egg floats. The egg is taken out, the brine is put on fire and brought to a boil. This brine is called brine.

An even stronger brine can be obtained like this: put a pot of cold water on the fire and start adding salt. Heat to a boil, stirring and adding salt until it no longer dissolves. Cool down.

For salting fat in a “wet” way, glass jars or enameled pans are used. It is better not to take plastic, since not all plastic containers can be safely used for storage, and even more so for salting products.

Remove the salted lard from the brine, dry, wrap in cling film and put in the freezer. Here, in principle, is the whole algorithm of how to salt lard in brine. Everything else is in the recipes.

Salo with garlic

1 kg fat,
4 liters of water
2 stack salt,
5-8 pcs. bay leaf,
10-20 garlic cloves (to taste)

Prepare a brine (boil water with salt and cool), put a bay leaf in it. Peel the lard, cut into pieces 4-5 cm thick. Peel the garlic and cut in half, you can roll the garlic cloves in ground pepper. With a narrow sharp knife, make deep punctures in the thickness of the fat and put garlic in them (stuff, in other words). Loosely place the fat in a jar and fill with brine. Cover (loosely) and leave for 3 days or more.

Salo with garlic in Ukrainian

1.5 kg fat,
1 liter boiled cold water
2 tbsp salt,
1 tbsp ground black pepper,
5-6 black peppercorns
3-5 bay leaves,
6-8 garlic cloves.

Cut the lard into bars 5 cm thick. Place the pieces of lard in a wide enameled bowl and pour over the brine. For the brine, combine cold water, salt and spices. Cover the fat with a flat plate and set the weight. Put in the refrigerator for three days. Then take the fat out of the brine, dry it, you can cover it with chopped garlic petals, wrap it in plastic bags and put it in the freezer.

Salo in brine hot

1 kg fat,
1.5 liters of water,
5-6 cloves,
8-10 garlic cloves,
10 black peppercorns,
7-8 tablespoons salt,
3-5 bay leaves.
For coating:
ground black pepper,
sweet ground paprika.

Boil water, put salt and all spices, boil over medium heat and remove from stove. Cut the lard into wide bars and fill with hot brine. Let cool, cover with a bowl or wide lid and refrigerate for three days. After the time has passed, mix finely chopped garlic (do not press it in the press!), salt and a mixture of peppers, grate the dried pieces of lard, wrap in cling film and put in the freezer.

Salo with onion peel

1 kg fat,
4 liters of water
2 stack salt,
1-2 handfuls of onion peel (from a regular, yellow onion),
ground black pepper - to taste.

Salo will have the taste and aroma of smoked. When preparing the brine, add salt and onion peel to the water, boil and hold over medium heat for about 15 minutes. Let the brine cool, remove the husk. Put the lard in a jar and fill with brine. Keep in the refrigerator for 5 days.

In this recipe, garlic is passed through a press. The brine from this becomes somewhat unclear, but this does not affect the taste at all. But what a flavor!

Salo "Lady's"

1 kg of fat with streaks of meat,
5 garlic cloves,
3-4 bay leaves,
10 black peppercorns,
10 white peppercorns,
5 tbsp with a hill of salt
1 liter of water.

In cool boiled water, put crushed peppercorns, broken bay leaf and garlic, passed through a press. Add 5 tbsp. with a heap of salt. Carefully cut off the skin from the fat. Put the fat in a jar, not too tight, and fill with brine. If there is more brine, put all the spices in the jar! Cover with a tissue and refrigerate for three days. After three days, remove the lard from the brine, pat dry with paper towels. Ready lard can be sprinkled with ground sweet paprika, ground black pepper or other spices to taste. Wrap the fat in plastic bags and put in the freezer.

Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Few people know how to deliciously salt lard at home. There are three main ways of salting, but the recipes themselves are an incredible amount. In our article you will find only the best ways to prepare this dish.

Lard is a good source of essential fatty acids and vitamins.

Salo is a kind of cult in some countries, its huge variety on the shelves and a large number of recipes suggests that people love it, and it is beneficial.

In addition to the three main methods, there are other cooking methods. One of them is smoking. True, for this you will need a smokehouse or a cold smoked smoke generator.

How to choose the right fat for salting

To make your homemade lard delicious, you must initially choose a first-class piece, so knowing how to choose it correctly is very important. You are unlikely to find it in a regular store, so you will need to go to the market.

There are several basic rules:

  • Pay attention to the color of the fat, it should be white, or a little with a pink tint. If you see yellowness or gray in a piece, look for another;
  • Uniformity - there should be no veins, except if you want to salt it with a layer;
  • Thin skin - such a piece is more appreciated, and will be softer;
  • When pierced with a knife or a toothpick, a slight elasticity should be felt, you should not take too hard or very soft fat;
  • The thickness of the piece should be about 5 cm.
  • If you are not sure about the supplier or seller, it would not be superfluous to look at the license.

Choosing a good piece is very important, but it's not difficult. If the product raises doubts or suspicions, do not dwell on it. Look for a thick piece, with thin skin, a uniform white and pink color, I think you will understand if the piece is really fresh and of high quality. This is immediately visible.

As soon as it's not cooked. There are a variety of ways, but almost everywhere the same ingredients for salting are used.

Fat 4 cm thick is considered ideal for salting.


  • The fat itself;
  • Salt;
  • Pepper (both peas and ground);
  • Garlic;
  • Bay leaf;
  • Other spices as desired.

There are some specifics in cooking in one way or another

  1. Dry salting- the simplest, fastest and rather tasty method, many complain about the short shelf life of the finished product, but whoever interferes with storing it in the freezer, nothing will happen to him there for a very long time.
  2. Salo in brine- this method is a little more time consuming, here you will need to prepare a brine, marinate, and wait much longer than with dry salting. But in the end it is stored longer and it turns out more tender.
  3. boiled method- is used for greater safety and in this way it is cooked in onion skins.
  4. Smoking- this is one of the most delicious methods, but before smoking it needs to be salted.

But the most important point is that lard cannot be salted. It always takes as much salt as it needs. Especially with regards to dry salting, I usually practice only it. It is enough to overlay it with spices, pepper, garlic, thicker coarse salt and seal it, either in a container, or in foil or a bag. And in a day it is ready. What else is needed?

How to cook salo in brine

First you need to cook the brine, in which the salting will actually take place. For 0.5 liters of water, we will need 4 tablespoons of salt, black pepper - a handful, peppercorns - 5-8 pieces, parsley, coriander and other seasonings of your choice.

Salo in brine is very tender.

Bring the water to a boil, put all the ingredients for the brine, and keep it on low heat for 5-10 minutes so that the salt melts and the water soaks with spices.

Next, we need to take the fat itself and the jar in which salting will take place. Depending on the size of the pieces, select the size of the jar and start laying. It is better to do this in layers and put garlic between the pieces. You can cut it or pass it through a garlic press. When all the pieces are laid, fill it all with brine, only it should be slightly cooled. After 4-5 days, the product will be ready and you can eat it.

You will need to store the fat in the freezer, and after you get it, dry it on a towel. To add more piquancy, you can cover it with pepper, garlic, wrap it in foil and put it away for storage. That's how it turns out quite tasty in brine.

Salo with a layer

If you cook it with a layer and with boiling, then first you need to boil the pieces for 10 minutes in salt water, then take it out and sprinkle with pepper, again with salt, garlic and wrap it in a bag. We put it in the refrigerator for a day and you can eat.

If you cook with a layer in brine, then dilute the brine (preferably in hot water), add salt, pepper, parsley, garlic. We dissolve the salt, and immerse the pieces of lard in the cooled brine. You can put the load on top. It should stay for about 3 days. Then we take out the pieces, dry them with a towel, cover them with garlic and pepper, and wrap them in a film or bag. And put it in the freezer. It will freeze and you can eat it.

How delicious to pickle lard - my father's recipe

This is a dry way of salting fat, and in my opinion, no worse than others. It is very easy to prepare, even a child can handle it. Take a good piece, cover it on all sides with pepper, both ground and peas, garlic (chopped plastics), you can make cuts and insert pieces of garlic and put a little pepper. Then sprinkle with salt. There is no need to be afraid here. It won't take too much. Then we remove the piece in the bag, and put it on a plate. You can put another plate on top and put a load - a jar of water. After 8 hours in warmth or a day in the refrigerator, our yummy is ready. Freeze it for easier cutting and tasting. This will be a very tasty dish.

That's all. Finally, I can say that you should not be afraid to experiment with this product, it is almost impossible to spoil it. There are a huge number of recipes, but they are all about the same. Somewhere there is more salt, somewhere less, sometimes they hold longer, sometimes faster. The essence of this does not change. It will get salty anyway. Even in a very short time. My father salts it overnight. And we say goodbye to you, we hope that the recipes will help you.

Enjoy your meal!

It is no secret that salted and fresh lard have enormous differences not only in taste, but also in price, which is several times higher than the cost of a package of salt. But it is salt that is the key ingredient in this case, spices only complement the overall culinary picture, and you can easily find them in almost any kitchen.

In a word, we suggest you save and salt lard on your own at home, especially since it is not at all difficult.

Basic cooking principles

Both the quality of salted lard and, in fact, its very taste, directly depend on the product used for its preparation. It is not recommended to choose excessively thick or, conversely, too thin pieces of bacon. But the presence of a meat layer is welcome!

There are the following methods of salting fat:

  • hot;
  • using brine;
  • dry;
  • wet.

Least of all time will be taken by cooking bacon, which can be tasted just an hour later (often it is allowed to cool completely without removing it from the broth). Other salting methods will require more significant periods of time (an average of four to five days).

The finished product should be stored in sealed packaging on the shelf of the freezer or refrigerator so that it does not lose its original taste and magical aroma.

Express method of salting lard at home per day in a jar

If you have a piece of lard in the refrigerator and you want to pickle it quickly, then you will like this recipe, as it is easy.

Salting lard in a jar is as easy as shelling pears: it is important to choose the right spices and salt, pick up a solid piece of lard (you can even without meat) and leave it for a day. After this time, it will be possible to make sandwiches with lard, add it to various dishes (for example, baked potatoes) and enjoy the taste.

As you already understood, the whole process of salting lard with meat will take you no more than a day. Do not forget that lard is a very high-calorie product (800 kcal per 100 grams), so it is not suitable for people who are losing weight. But at the same time, for men who want to replenish their strength, a sandwich with lard will be relevant.

The main plus is that it is impossible to oversalt the fat. It will absorb exactly as much salt as required, so if you are still in doubt, be sure to try salting it.


  • lard with meat - 1 piece (about 150 grams),
  • salt - 2 teaspoons,
  • bay leaf - 3-4 pcs.,
  • black peppercorns - 5-6 pcs.,
  • oregano - 1 teaspoon.


Take a piece of lard with meat. First, you can pickle a small piece for a sample and, if you like it, then make another portion.

Cut the salo into thin slices. You can also cut it into strips, then you will have to peel off the salt longer. Therefore, the layers are quite suitable for salting, and after you remove the excess salt, cut it as you like.

Pour salt into the jar.

Add bay leaf.

Sprinkle black peppercorns.

Put in the oregano.

Put the fat that you cut into the jar.

Stir well the lard in a jar, closing the lid. Put in the refrigerator for a day.

Before serving, remove all the salt from the fat. Great for sandwiches, cracklings and baked potatoes.

The main nuances of the dry salting method

This method is one of the simplest and does not require special skills or time. Before use, you only need to scrape off the layer of salt with a blade (you can also rinse it properly and then dry it).


  • one kilogram of raw fat;
  • one kilogram of coarse salt;
  • black pepper.

You can also use any seasonings and spice mixtures.

How to cook

The first step is to prepare the lard: peel the skin, rinse with running water, wipe dry thoroughly and cut into equal pieces, so that in the future it would be more convenient to remove the product from the freezer in one-time portions.

We make a mixture of pepper, salt and other spices chosen for salting, and roll a piece of lard in it from all sides, not excluding the skin.

At the bottom of the container in which salting will be carried out, we pour a layer of salt about five millimeters thick and put pre-cut pieces of fat on it so that there are small gaps between them. Sprinkle the whole thing with salt and add two or three bay leaves.

After that, lay out the next layer of fat and pour the remaining salt on top, after which we cover and send it to heat for the next twenty-four hours and another five days in the refrigerator.

The finished product is best stored in some cool place, you can also pack it tightly and send it to the freezer, increasing its shelf life several times.

Another way to deliciously pickle lard in brine with your own hands

This quick and fairly simple method is used by many housewives. For the preparation of brine, it is best to choose sea salt, but ordinary coarsely ground table salt is also suitable.


  • 800 grams of water;
  • kilogram of fat;
  • a glass of sea or table salt;
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • two leaves of laurel;
  • black pepper in the form of peas or any other seasoning of your choice.

How to cook

We cut the pre-washed and carefully wiped lard into pieces of arbitrary thickness, then we clean and cut the garlic (each clove into four parts).

We make cuts in the fat of medium depth and put garlic in them, then mix a large amount of salt with black pepper, rub the pieces and add salt on top, then put the stuffed pieces in a bag, which, in turn, put in a saucepan, bowl or any other capacity. For one day we send to a warm place, and then for five days in the refrigerator.

Salo in brine with garlic

For cooking, the following components will be needed:

  • one kilogram of lard;
  • four cloves of garlic;
  • five leaves of laurel;
  • white ground pepper;
  • black pepper in the form of peas;
  • one liter of water;
  • five tablespoons of salt.

Peel the skin from existing impurities, rinse the lard thoroughly and cut it into pieces of arbitrary thickness and shape, and then place it in a deep container, sprinkle with black pepper and add finely chopped garlic and bay leaf.

Dissolve the salt in cold water and pour it over the fat, then leave it under oppression for three days (the brine should completely cover the contents).

After the specified period, remove the product, wipe it with a towel, sprinkle with pepper and roll in as finely chopped garlic as possible.

The most effective ways to store salted lard

To keep the prepared lard, and with it all its taste qualities, preserved as long as possible, use the following method:

  • Pick up a container with small holes (an old leaky pan or a regular wooden box will do). Holes are needed in order to ensure the free flow of brine into the pan, while the product itself was able to remain dry.
  • The bottom of the box should be lined with several layers of newspapers or any other paper and pour a layer of salt on top of it, laying pieces of bacon on it, and then cover it again with a layer of salt on top.
  • Before laying fat for long-term storage, we recommend that the product be rolled in a mixture of fragrant herbs, sprinkled with pepper or stuffed with garlic.
  • A freezer is also a good place to store it, before putting it into it, cut the lard into small pieces, and then wrap each of them with a napkin and pack it in cellophane. You can store fat in such conditions for many months.

The nuances of choosing a product for salting

First of all, try to purchase the product along with the skin, while the thickness of the piece should reach an average of three centimeters. The consistency of the fat should be as uniform, dense and elastic as possible (you can verify this by piercing a piece with a knife right on the counter).

For salting, it is the fat of a pig, and not a boar, that is much more suitable.

In places of incisions, a quality product will have either a pink or slightly whitish tint, in no case should you buy yellow fat!

As you can see, the salting process does not require any special skills or serious efforts. At the same time, there is no need to use exactly those components that are indicated in the recipes; it is quite possible to replace them with others that are more appropriate to your taste.

The cold has come and you want something more nutritious and tasty.

We suggest preparing salted brisket or pork meat layers with instant lard in onion skins for breakfast.

This appetizer is more advantageous than store-bought smoked bacon or sausage. And besides, cooked with your own hands, at home.

Layers or brisket in onion skins with garlic and spices

I immediately cook two or three pieces of such pork layers in the husk, leave one in the refrigerator for cutting, and put the rest in the freezer. As needed, the next piece simply migrates to the refrigerator and is used for its intended purpose.

Fresh brisket is better to choose meat, where there is less fat. Such a treat can be eaten not only for breakfast with a piece of homemade freshly cooked white or, but also proudly served as a cut to the festive table.

There are many ways to prepare delicious lard and layers, which can be divided into two groups: long salting and quick cooking.

Pork lard can be salted dry (with salt or spices), wet in brine and hot (this is the case when lard or layers are boiled in brine, steamed or baked in the oven). In addition, lard and layers can be smoked hot or cold.

All options are delicious and loved. But in our family, the recipe for making lard or pork layers in onion peel is considered special. Such boiled bacon or brisket in onion peel can be tasted the very next day, as it cools down.

This is the recipe I would like to share with you today. It turns out that in a decoction of onion peel, you can not only paint eggs for Easter, but also cook delicious homemade lard.


  • Pork layers - 1 kg. (2 pcs.) I got enough meat parts of the layer
  • Onion peel - 5 handfuls
  • Water - 2-3 liters
  • Salt - 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • Garlic - 7 cloves (the amount of garlic may increase or decrease to taste)
  • Seasoning for salting lard - 1 pack. (50 gr.)
  • A mixture of black and red ground pepper - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Baking paper - for storing the finished brisket.

Cooking process:

The photo shows a mixture of celery roots, parsnips and parsley - in the course of cooking lard in onion peel, I did not use this seasoning. I considered the above two seasonings sufficient.

Rinse pork layers under running water.

Pour water into the pan, add the washed onion peel and lay out the layers.

We put the pan on the fire and bring to a boil, remove the resulting foam. Salt. The water must be salty enough.
We cook lard with meat in onion peel over medium heat so that the broth boils - 1.5 hours.

During cooking, the layers become a beautiful dark brown color from onion peel, in appearance these pieces look like smoked ones.

When the cooking time is up, let the layers cool down right in the broth.

Then we take them out of the onion broth on a dish.

Look at the photo, what a beautiful brisket in the husk turned out!

We squeeze the garlic through a press and carefully rub each piece on all sides so that they are completely saturated with garlic aroma.

Then sprinkle the pieces of the layers with a mixture of peppers, grind, and also add the seasoning for salting the lard to the layers, also carefully rubbing into the lard.

The aroma of this pork belly is just crazy, it makes you want to cut off a piece and eat it with a piece of bread. But we need to wrap each grated piece of pork belly in baking paper and send it to cool in the refrigerator.

Boiled pork layers are very beautiful, fragrant and insanely tasty.

For breakfast, it's the best…

Such a tasty and quick salted bacon in onion peel with garlic and spices is very popular in our family, it is very easy to cook them.

Anyuta and her friends' notebook wishes you bon appetit!

We thank Svetlana Burova for the recipe and step-by-step photos of cooking meat layers with lard.

If you like the recipe, please leave a comment. The author will be very pleased!

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