Sequoia propagation. The giant evergreen sequoia is the largest tree in the world. Sequoia - a giant tree

The only species of the genus is the red or evergreen sequoia. Is a symbol American state California. Known throughout the world for its gigantic size and rot-resistant wood.

Sequoia is considered the tallest tree on the planet. Belongs to the genus coniferous plants, which means it is also one of the most ancient plants.

During excavations, it was found that the first sequoias appeared on earth approximately 208 million years ago and occupied vast areas in the northern hemisphere.

Nowadays, sequoia grows freely throughout the state of California. This tree is not widespread because it needs a lot of water for normal growth, so it does not go far from the ocean coast.

On this moment The current record for the tallest tree is 115.5 meters.

This plant was first discovered in the coastal zone Pacific Ocean. For the color of its wood, sequoia received the first name “mahogany”, which is still known today. A little later this plant was bred into separate species.

Due to the excellent qualities of its wood, sequoia gained wide popularity and began to be used for the manufacture of various products.

Sequoia has a conical crown, the branches are located horizontally or slightly inclined downwards. The thickness of the bark is very large and can reach 30 cm, fibrous, relatively soft, immediately after removal the color is red-brown, and fades over time.

The root system is shallow and consists of lateral roots. The leaf size does not exceed 20-30 mm in length. They have a flat and elongated shape in young trees.

Sequoia care

Decorative sequoia is very demanding on the amount of moisture in the soil; it is necessary to constantly monitor its level. Dry soil is very harmful to the plant.

Throughout the entire period of life, decorative sequoia needs mineral fertilizers. You need to monitor the lighting level; on a hot day, the plant can absorb a large number of water, so it needs to be watered regularly.

Sequoia propagation

Initially, sequoia did not grow in our climate, but thanks to the efforts of landscapers and dendrologists, species resistant to cool climates appeared. Sequoia can be propagated by sprouting very small seeds.

These seeds are stored in cones. One cone can contain from 150 to 200 seeds. After lengthy experiments, an adult sequoia began to withstand frosts from 18 to 20 degrees.

It is also possible vegetative propagation: graftings and cuttings. The viability of the redwood tree has been refined over thousands of years.

This tree can easily sprout shoots from an old stump or send out hundreds of shoots from a fallen trunk. Such a rapid renewal became possible thanks to the awakening of dormant buds.

Sequoia planting

Sequoias should be planted in a nutrient substrate; it is advisable to use growth stimulants. It is possible, but not necessary, to lay a layer of coarse sand at the bottom of the planting hole. Young specimens need to be covered for the winter or grown in greenhouses.

Sequoia planting can be done in the spring, from April to May. The plant is very sensitive to transplants, so it is advisable to keep the earth ball on the roots and perform all actions in a short period of time.

Use of sequoia in the garden

Because sequoia is different large sizes, it is often used as a tapeworm in parks. It is not recommended to plant in small areas. Decorative forms of sequoia are often used for bonsai gardens.

Video “Sequoia – the largest tree in the world”

- (Sequoia), genus of evergreens coniferous trees family taxodiaceae. Unity, species S. evergreen (S. sempervirens). It is one of the tallest trees (reaches a height of 110-112 m and a diameter of 6-10 m). St. lives 3000 years. Grows in the mountains of California and South. Oregon... ... Biological encyclopedic dictionary

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SEQUOIA- a genus of coniferous trees of the Taxodiaceae family. The only species of sequoia is evergreen, height St. 100 m, diameter 6 11 m. Natural plantings only in the mountains of California and the South. Oregon (USA). Cultivated for light and durable wood (used... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

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SEQUOIA- a genus of coniferous plants from the family. Taxodiaceae. It is known in fossil form from the Late Jurassic to the Early Cretaceous; It develops widely in the Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic. Nowadays it is preserved only in California. Geological Dictionary: in 2 volumes. M.: Nedra. Under … Geological encyclopedia

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SEQUOIA- (Sequoia), a genus of evergreen coniferous trees of the Taxodiaceae family. The only species of evergreen sequoia (S. sempervirens) is considered a symbol of California. These are the most tall trees in the world, also famous for its beautiful, straight-layered,... ... Collier's Encyclopedia

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The flora of our planet is amazing and diverse. One of the most interesting is a separate genus of trees, consisting of only one species, represented by the evergreen sequoia.

There are several other names for this plant - red sequoia and taxodium evergreen. These representatives of the Taxodia family are the absolute leaders in height not only among conifers, but throughout the entire plant kingdom of the Earth. The maximum amazes the imagination. What power, what strength! Let's talk about this giant, preserved from ancient times.

Sequoia: the giant tree

Sequoia is one of three species of trees known by the epithet "redwood". This is an evergreen conifer, whose lifespan, according to various sources, reaches 3000 years, height up to 115, and base diameter - 5-6 meters or more. The name "sequoia" is supposedly given to the plant in honor of the Cherokee leader Sequoia, but it is possible that this is just a beautiful legend.

Maximum height of evergreen sequoia

These trees are real giants. The height to which they stretch is amazing, and it is difficult for people who have never seen them to imagine a plant reaching the roof of a 46-story building. This is a truly unique tree, because even the average specimens in the bulk exceed the sixty-meter mark. Many conifers of this species can reach ninety meters in height, and there are also record holders. The maximum height of the evergreen sequoia, called the “Father of Forests” and, unfortunately, not preserved to this day, was 135 meters. The modern undisputed leader is the Hyperion sequoia, which has reached a height of 115.6 meters. The diameter of the Hyperion base is no less impressive - almost 5 meters. The approximate age of the giant is about 800 years.

The leadership of this plant was established in 2006 by American scientists. They said that if the top of the tree had not been damaged by birds, then maximum height evergreen sequoia in meters would be 115.8 m. The giant is located in the Californian national park“Redwood” of the state of California, and anyone can admire it. In the history of mankind, the most recorded large diameter the trunk is 7 m, and also a considerable age, reaching up to 3.5 thousand years.

Features of the view

So, sequoia is an evergreen monoecious conifer with a conical crown. Tree branches usually grow horizontally to the ground or with a slight downward slope. The bark, reaching a thickness of 30 cm, has a fibrous, dissected into deep furrows, relatively soft structure and a terracotta hue, darkening after some time after its removal. It was this property of the bark that gave the name to the species - “mahogany”.

Among all taxodiaceae, sequoia has the most valuable wood with a pink-red core and cream or white sapwood, i.e., layers located between the core and the cambium. Surprisingly, the quality of wood in one trunk can vary. The maximum height of the evergreen sequoia, exceeding 110 meters, as business card species, indicates the uniqueness of this plant. One tree can produce significantly more than 1000 cubic meters of wood.

Narrow, decorated with cones, begins to grow above the third part of the trunk. The root system is formed by widely spreading lateral roots that go shallow into the ground.

Sequoia is not only a giant, but also a long-liver - one of the longest living plants on Earth. Its age is more than 2000 years. Young sequoias reach maturity at 400-500 years.

Sequoia propagation

Many amazing events happen in nature. So is the sequoia, the great Gulliver plant kingdom, grows from a tiny seed, the length of which does not exceed half a centimeter. Sequoia reproduces by seeds collected in small single oval-shaped cones, and can produce abundant growth. The cones of the plant, measuring from 15 to 30 mm, ripen in late autumn and contain 3-7 seeds, which spill out when the fruit dries.

A peculiarity of the species is the absence of differences in growth rate and longevity between seedlings grown from seeds and young shoots that arise spontaneously. The maximum height of evergreen sequoia does not change depending on the germination method.

Where do giant trees grow?

Long ago, at the end of the day, these evergreens were distributed throughout the northern hemisphere. Then no one was amazed by the maximum height of the evergreen sequoia.

Today, the remnants of relict forests where it grows have been preserved in limited space west North America: On a narrow strip of Pacific coastline stretching from Monterey County in northern California to the Chetco River in southern Oregon. This strip lasts just over 700 km and is located at an altitude of 600 to 900 meters above sea level. Humid climate sequoia needs it, so it cannot spread further from the coast than 30-40 km, and always remains in the zone of influence of sea air, which carries the water much needed by the plant.

The concept of “redwood forests” first appeared in 1769 when they were discovered on the Pacific coast. At the same time, based on the color of the wood, the plant received the name “mahogany”, which has remained with it to this day. In 1847, the Austrian biologist Stefan Endlicher identified these plants as a separate species, characteristic feature which became the maximum height of the evergreen sequoia, in meters exceeding 100-110.

Properties of wood

The plant’s excellent high-quality wood, dense, light, resistant to insect pests and rot, is widely known in the world and is used as a carpentry material, which is often indispensable in the manufacture of various things - from sleepers and furniture to finished houses.

The complete absence of woody odor makes it possible to use the material in those areas industrial production, where it is necessary, for example, in the food and tobacco industries. The maximum height of the evergreen sequoia is amazing. The photos of these plants presented in the article emphasize their greatness, power and beauty.

Evergreen sequoia wood has high strength. It does not rot for a long time and can withstand lateral loads, making it suitable for a variety of purposes, including sawing. Giant sequoia wood is lighter and more fragile, so it is not used as lumber.

It is quite easy to process such wood, however, due to its softness and possible splitting during drilling and shaping, as well as planing and profiling, work must be carried out with great care.

Due to its excellent wood and rapid tree growth, sequoia is specially grown in forestry. Light and dense, it is not subject to rotting and insect attacks. Redwood wood is widely used for both construction and carpentry material. This wood is used to make furniture, sleepers, telegraph poles, railway cars, paper and tiles. The absence of odor makes it possible to use it in tobacco and Food Industry. It is used to produce boxes and crates for cigars and tobacco, barrels for storing honey and molasses.

IN Lately The construction of houses from sequoia timber, which is ideal for any wooden buildings, is gaining momentum. This structure will appeal to connoisseurs of comfort and convenience. Houses made from sequoia timber are characterized by high environmental safety, aesthetic appeal and a multifunctional, thoughtful layout.

A huge advantage of this material is the presence of oils in it, which protect the wood from rotting. Products made from Californian sequoia will decorate any room, as it is most popular in the manufacture of furniture.

Due to these qualities, sequoia wood is an ideal material for roofing shingles and exterior finishing of buildings. It is also used for the manufacture of racks and profile products for interior decoration. The wood is used to produce plywood and decorative veneer. The thick bark is used to make fiber boards and filter materials.

Use of sequoia

Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plants
Super department: Gymnosperms
Department: Conifers
Class: Conifers
Order: Pine
Family: Cypress
Subfamily: Sequoideae
Latin name
Sequoia Endl. (1847),nom. cons.

Sequoia evergreen

Sequoia sempervirens ( D.Don) Endl.

Biostability and durability make sequoia wood an ideal material for the manufacture of wooden pipes, gutters and trays, tanks, vats, roofing shingles, and for the external cladding of buildings. Also used on coffins, stands and profile products for interior decoration. The wood is used in the production of plywood. The thick bark serves as raw material for fiber boards and filter materials.

It is easy to work with, but due to its softness and possible splintering, care is required when drilling, chiseling and shaping, as well as planing and profiling. To loosen the fibers, it is necessary to sharpen sharply cutting edges and remove waste in a timely manner.

Sequoia varieties

  • Architectural varieties of sequoia are used where appearance must maintain compliance with design requirements long after the project is completed. This quality wood can be supplied either dry or undried. Unsurpassed in beauty and durability, it is best choice for precise and tight assembly of intricate or rigorous design projects.
  • Clean Sound(Clear All Heart) - Most best variety. Can be oven dried, air dried or without drying. Careful observance of geometry, absence of defects on the front side.
  • Clean(Clear) - Similar in quality to Clear Sound, but may contain some sapwood. Ideal for visible parts of ground structures.
  • Yadrovaya B(Heart B) - Contains a limited number of knots and other defects not acceptable in the highest grades. Used in the same way as Pure Sound.
  • Grade B(B Grade) - Similar in characteristics to Sound B, but may contain sapwood. It is used similarly to Clean - for decking, garden structures and other above-ground structures.
  • Construction/Deck Sound(Construction Heart / Deck Heart) - All heartwood varieties contain knots. They are recommended for use near the ground surface, as supports, beams and decks.
  • Construction/Deck Regular(Construction Common / Deck Common) - Contains knots and a mixture of heartwood and sapwood. Recommended for above-ground structures such as fences, benches or verandas.
  • Trading Yadrovaya(Merchantable Heart) - The cheapest of the pure core grades, it tolerates slightly larger and worse knots than construction grades, as well as hairline cracks, small end cracks and a number of manufacturing defects.
  • Trading(Merchantable) - Same characteristics as Merchant Sound, but may contain sapwood. Suitable for fences, trellises and other applications not in contact with the ground.
  • Garden varieties of sequoia Best suited for outdoor use. Their variable texture and knot pattern allow them to be successfully combined with other natural materials. Garden grades can be supplied dried or dry and are usually supplied as edged timber, ranging from 6 meters in length to short trims used for borders and parapets.

Useful tables

List of largest Giant Sequoias by wood volume.
Tree name Location Height Diameter (m) Circumference (m)
General Sharman Grove of the Giant Forest 84.0 m 11,1 32,3
General Grant General Grant Grove 82.1 m 11,4 33,8
The president Grove of the Giant Forest 74.2 m 10 29,3
Lincoln Grove of the Giant Forest 79.1 m 10,5 31,3
Stagg Alder Creek Grove 73.9 m 11,6 34,2
Bul Talking Pool Grove 82.0 m 12,00 35,6
Genesis Mountain Lodge Grove 78.1 m 9,3 27,2
Franklin Grove of the Giant Forest 69.3 m 10,2 29,4
King Arthur Garfield Grove 82.9 m 11,1 32,8
James Monroe Grove of the Giant Forest 76.4 m 9,9 29
Robert Lee General Grant Grove 77.5 m 9,6 27,8
John Adams Grove of the Giant Forest 77.3 m 9,1 26,4
Giant Ishi Kennedy Grove 74.9 m 11,2 33,1
Column Grove of the Giant Forest 75.8 m 10 29,3
The road up Mountain Lodge Grove 75.3 m 9 26,1
Euclid Mountain Lodge Grove 84.2 m 9,1 26,4
Washington Mariposa Grove 72.8 m 10,3 29,9
General Pershing Grove of the Giant Forest 74.9 m 9,8 28,8
Diamond Eightwell Mill Grove 88.3 m 10,2 30,1
Eden Mountain Lodge Grove 76.3 m 10,1 29,7
Roosevelt Redwood Mountain Grove 78.9 m 8,8 25,5
J. Nelder Nelder's Grove 82.2 m 9,7 28,3
"AD" (Common Era) Eightwell Mill Grove 74.5 m 10,6 31,2
Michael Hart Redwood Mountain Grove 85.2 m 8,3 23,9
Giant Grizzly Mariposa Grove 64.8 m 10 29,2
Home Sequoia Grove of the Giant Forest 68.9 m 9,8 28,6
Matthewsla Mountain Lodge Grove 64.5 m 10,3 30,2
Great Goshawk Freeman Creek Grove 88.7 m 9,7 28,5
Hamilton Grove of the Giant Forest 73.8 m 9 26,2
Dean Eightwell Mill Grove 82.8 m 10,4 31
Beautiful Black Mountain Blackrock Grove 79.9 m 8,4 24,2
Giant Saddles Grove Saddle 67.5 m 11,3 33,4
Allen Russell Mountain Lodge Grove 78.2 m 8,8 25,4
Cleveland Grove of the Giant Forest 77.6 m 8,8 25,4
Dalton Grove Muir 84.8 m 8,4 24,2
Louis Ejassis State Calaveras Park 80.1 m 10,5 30,9
Nir Ed Grove of the Giant Forest 78.4 m 8,7 25,2
Evans Kennedy Grove 71.3 m 8,5 24,6
Three Girths of Jack Mountain Lodge Grove 74.3 m 9 26,1
Patriarch Grove McIntyre 84.1 m 8 23,1
Red Chief Longmeadow Grove 75.6 m 8,8 25,6
Guardian Grove of the Giant Forest 79.4 m 8,7 25,1
Bull Buck Nelder's Grove 74.9 m 10,6 31,2
Next to Bezvolny Grove McIntyre 77.7 m 8,3 24
Weak-willed Goliath Grove McIntyre 84.9 m 7,6 21,7
Candelabra Grove Saddle 69.5 m 8,1 23,3
Bannister Freeman Creek Grove 61.3 m 11 32,5
Ghost Grove Saddle 59.3 m 10,2 30

The park is famous throughout the world for its giant sequoias. One of them is the General Sherman Tree - the most a big tree on the ground. This tree grows in Giant Forest, which also contains five of the ten most big trees in the world by volume of wood. In addition, the Park has a number of other attractions. The most popular of them is Tunnel Log - a small road tunnel cut right in the middle of a giant sequoia tree that has fallen onto the road.

Sequoia National Park is located in the southern Sierra Nevada, California. The area of ​​the park is 1635 sq km. It is famous for the fact that on its territory there are the tallest, giant sequoia trees. They got their name in honor of the Cherokee Indian leader Sequoia. The park has mountainous terrain, rising from an altitude of about 400 m above sea level in the foothills, to the top of Mount Whitney, the highest in the contiguous 48 states, at 4,421.1 m. In addition to the unique trees, the Park is also famous for its caves. There are about 250 of them, one of which extends 32 kilometers in length. Only one cave is open to tourists - Crystal, the second largest in the Park.

Fossil samples found give us an idea that redwoods existed back in Jurassic period and occupied vast territories in the Northern Hemisphere. Now they can only be found in California and Southern Oregon. Redwoods feel comfortable here because they love the moisture that sea fogs bring from the Pacific Ocean. Typically, giant sequoias reach 100 m in height and up to 11 m in diameter. Average duration The life of this huge living organism is 4 thousand years. The bark of trees is thick, fibrous, and resistant to combustion. When touched, the palm seems to sink into the wood, creating unusual sensations.

Established in 1890 for the purpose of protecting forest areas formed by redwood trees. Two types of sequoias grow here: giant and evergreen (mahogany). These are trees huge size- more than 100 m in height and up to 10 m in girth, their age reaches 2-4 thousand years.

Sequoias - these giant trees are represented by two species - evergreen sequoia and giant sequoiadendron or mammoth tree. Their height reaches up to 100 meters and their diameter up to 10 meters. Redwoods are known for their age - the tree can live up to 4,000 years. The unique combination of age, size and weight of these trees makes them the largest living creatures on Earth today. And this is one of the few trees that has adapted to forest fires. The giant sequoia is second in life expectancy only to bristlecone pines, which are found in the arid Sierra Nevada mountains.

The park's most popular tree is the General Sherman tree, which is located in the Giant Forest. This is the largest tree in the world, its height is 81 meters, its diameter at the base is about 32 meters, and its age is about 3 thousand years. The Forest of Giants contains five of the ten largest trees in the world by timber volume. The forest is connected by the Generals Road to Grant Grove in Kings Canyon National Park, where another attraction of the park is located - the General Grant tree.

Tunnel Log is a small road tunnel cut right in the middle of a giant sequoia tree that has fallen onto the road.

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