Declension of plural nouns in the genitive case. Zero ending of the genitive plural. The genitive case of masculine plural nouns and nouns that are used only in the plural. h

In the practical application of the nominative plural of nouns, students often face the problem of correct spelling of endings. The article provides the basic rules, exceptions to them and examples of spelling endings in such a case.

Features of the Nominative Plural of Nouns

In the nominative plural, nouns do not retain the declension differences characteristic of singular nouns and have endings -s(s), -and I). Nouns I. p. in the plural have the same syntactic meaning as in the singular, and answer questions Who? What?

Examples of nominative plural forms are presented in the table:

Spelling of noun endings 2 declensions

The spelling of the endings of the plural nouns of the nominative case of the 2nd declension depends on the characteristics of each individual word.

  • Ending -s(s)
    • Most monosyllabic nouns (tables, soups, juices);
    • Trisyllabic and polysyllabic nouns with mid-word stress (librarians, contracts, pharmacists);
    • Nouns whose primary form is stressed on the second syllable (salads, berets, watermelons);
    • Foreign nouns with stem on -er/er(often of French origin) (chauffeurs, stuntmen), as well as nouns of Latin origin with a basis in - tor/-ter/-sor (capacitors, lecturers, computers).
  • Ending -and I) have nouns I. p. plural:
    • neuter nouns (windows, grains, pickles);
    • Nouns Denoting Paired Concepts (sleeves, sides, sides);
    • Most two-syllable nouns with stress on the first syllable (cities, voices, boats);
    • Some monosyllabic nouns (houses, forests, varieties).


Masculine nouns 2 declensions with stem on -anyin/-janin form the form of I. p. plural with the ending -e and suffix truncation (citizens, Kievans, Drevlyans).Neutral nouns with stem on -ko(except cloud, cloud, army) have in the form I. p. plural ending -And (apples, shoulders, glasses).

I. The main ending of masculine nouns is -ov / (-ev) -ev: mushrooms, cargo, directors, territories, museums, etc.

Some words have an ending -ey (residents, teachers, knives) and a zero ending (boots, townspeople).

1. The ending -ov / (-ev) -ev is characteristic of those nouns whose final sound in the singular (nominative case) is a solid consonant (except for w and w) or -j (in writing - the letter y): mushroom - mushrooms , cucumber - cucumbers, region - regions, museum - museums, etc.

2. The ending -it is characteristic of those masculine nouns, the final sound of which in the singular is a soft consonant (except -j) or w, w: dove - doves, acorn - acorns, executioner - executioners, knife - knives, kid - kids.

The same ending has a number of words in -a, -ya of the masculine and general gender: dad, uncle, tyatya, raja, Chukchi, young man; mumbling, idler, (not) even, quiet, as well as male informal names with a basis in a soft consonant or hissing: Volodya - Volodya, Seryozha - Seryozha.

3. Zero ending is inherent in nouns, which are the following names:

a) paired items: boots - boots, boots - boots, felt boots - boots, eyes - eyes, leggings - crag, moccasins - moccasins, shoulder straps - shoulder straps, boots - boots, stockings - stockings, boots - boots, epaulettes - epaulettes, and also hair - hair, teeth - tooth.

Exceptions: aiguillettes - aiguillettes, boots - boots, golfs - golfs, pimas - pims, horns - horns (but in phraseology - a horn: God does not give a horn to a vigorous cow).

Some words of this semantic group have variant stylistically equivalent endings: kédy - kédov and ked; sock - sock and socks, high boots - high boots and untov;

b) a number of nationalities, nationalities, tribes (including the names of disappeared peoples, as well as names that were used before), mainly with the final consonant -н or -р (in the singular): English - English, Armenian - Armenian Bashkirs - Bashkirs, Balkars - Balkars, Bulgarians - Bulgarians, Georgians - Georgians, Imeretyns - Imeretyn, Lezghuns - Lezghun, Magyars - Magyars, Moldavians - Moldavians, Ossetians - Ossetians, Romanians - Romanians , Tatars - Tatars, Turks - Turks, Khazars - Khazars, Gypsies - Gypsies.

Some words of this group have variant stylistically equivalent endings: Avars - Avars and Avars, Buryaty - Buryat and Buryatov, Karelians - Karel and Karelians, Sarmatians - Sarmatians and Sarmatians, Turkmens - Turkmens and Turkmens, Uighurs - Uigurs and Uighurs.

But: Aisors, Arabs, Berbers, Bushmen, Hungarians, Kazakhs, Mongols, Negroes and some. others;

c) people at the place of residence into -anin / -yanin (in which this suffix is ​​replaced in the plural by the suffix -an / -yan): city dweller - city dweller, aliennin - alienn, kievnin - kievn, village nin - villager, southerner - southerner, etc .;

d) cubs, non-adult creatures with the suffix -onok / -yonok (changing in the plural to the suffix -am / -yat): wolf cub - cubs, kitten - kittens, chicken - chickens, etc. Wed and slang salazhonok - salazhat; according to the same model, also butterdish - butter, honey agarics - mushrooms,

Note The genitive case from the imp, the imp - the demont, the devilt.

e) people by belonging to certain branches of the armed forces, to a military unit, to certain political parties: partisans, soldiers, cadets.

A number of names according to belonging to the branch of service (including the former), to the rank have variant stylistically equivalent forms: hussars - hussars and hussars, grenadiers - grenadiers and grenadiers, dragoons - dragoons and dragoons, cuirassiers - cuirass and cuirass, uhlans - uhlans and lancers, midshipmen - midshipmen and midshipmen. Wed, for example: “On November 22, Seslavin sent me to clear the left side of the Vilna road with a hundred Sumy hussars, a platoon of dragoons of the Tver regiment and a dozen donets” (A. Marlinsky); ". a Frenchman in a blue overcoat fought off the hussars with a bayonet ”(L.T.); “In the evening of the same day, the tsar sent regiments of guardsmen and dragoons in pursuit” (Buganov V.I. Peter the Great and his time);

e) some units of measurement: ampere, watt (kilowatt, etc. s - watt), volt, roentgen (and compound words with - roentgen). For example, ". the natural radiation background is usually 15–20 microroentgens per hour. "(Koms. Pr. 1990. May 12).

A number of names of units of measurement (in most cases belong to highly specialized vocabulary) have variant stylistically equivalent endings, ángstrom - ángstromov and ángstrom, arshin - arshins and arshins, hertz - hertz and hertz, carat - carats and carats, micron - microns and microns and neck . etc. Compare, for example: “An eleven-carat ruby ​​in a ring” (A.N.T.) and “According to official data, diamond mining should have exceeded 500 thousand carats in 1965” (Abroad. 1966. Jan. 21) .

In texts that are not strictly official, the zero ending (very common in live oral speech, in the author's speech of fiction) can also have nouns hectare, gram, kilogram. Compare: “Sixteen thousand mothers will receive rations at dawn - One hundred and twenty-five blockade grams With fire and blood in half” (O.F. Bergholz From the Leningrad poem); “[Polar explorers] say that they have lost several kilograms of weight over these days” (Orlov V. Chronicle of one drift), but: “More than 40 million hectares of crops are concentrated here” (Pr. 1965. March 31); “The first 415 kilograms of valuable nutritious dry food have been packed” (Zn. 1983. Feb. 3).

In texts that are not strictly official, the literary norm also allows a zero ending for words denoting certain vegetables, fruits: (kilo) apricot, orange, eggplant, tangerine, tomato.

II. 1. For nouns of the middle gender, the zero ending is the main one: bucket - buckets, business - affairs, dwelling - dwelling, building - buildings, window - windows, gun - guns (words like building, gun, i.e. words with a stem on - j, refer to those nouns in which a fluent vowel appears before the zero ending in the genitive plural: i-, if the ending is not stressed, and -е-, if the ending is stressed).

2. Some neuter nouns in the genitive case have the ending -ov / -ev. These include:

a) nouns, in the plural forms of which -j- appears before the ending: bottom → bottom, bottom, link → links, links, wings → wings *, wings; log → logs, logs;

b) nouns on -ko (except for the army, ear **, iblock, iblochko) ***: drevko - drevkov, wheel - wheels, cloud - clouds, lake - lakes, points - glasses, shoulder - shoulders;

c) some nouns with stems in -j (singular and plural); the upper reaches - the upper reaches, the lower reaches - the lower reaches (and the lower reaches), the tip - the points, the dress - dresses, the divorce - the leads, the mouth - the mouths, as well as the word swamp (swamps).

Note. The words saucer, mirror, lake, railing, towel have a zero ending: saucer, mirror, pepper, towel.

Some words in -tse have variant endings, one of which, as a rule, is more common than the second (the more common one is given first below): tree → trees and trees, ring → rings and rings, spindle → spindles and spindle, bucket → buckets and buckets, little business → businessmen and businessmen, little body → little bodies and little bodies, fiber → fibers and fibers, trough → troughs and troughs, blanket → blankets and blankets, logs → logs and logs, tentacle → tentacles and tentacles, hoof → hooves and hooves, lace → laces and laces, shiltse → shilts and shilets. Wed, for example; “[Meresiev] allowed himself to eat only ten spoons and a few fibers of white, soft chicken meat” (Polevoi B.N. The Tale of a Real Man) and: “With a decrease in the amount of twist, the connection of individual elementary fibers is broken” (Anuchin S.A. and etc. Arrangement and maintenance of twisting machines); “The bulk of the trees sold by us are obtained due to the barbaric extermination of the already meager forests” (Lit. Gaz. 1966. December 31) and: “. when the crowns of individual trees merge into a common closed canopy and the trees begin to experience mutual lateral shading, then a struggle arises because of the light ”(Morozov G. Teaching about oneself), etc.

III. For feminine nouns of the 2nd declension, the main ending is zero: (with) roofs, pines, apple trees, (without) pokers, sisters, weddings, etc.

A small number of feminine nouns ending in -а/-я end in -е. It is received by words that have a group of consonants before the end -gl-, -kl-, -chl-: (no) skittles, letters, sakley, rokhley, as well as the words share → doléy, stump → stump, candle → candle (but in phraseology - candles: the game is not worth the candle).

A small number of words have variant endings: barge - barge and barge, karakul - karakul and karakul, song - songs and songs *, handful - handful and handful, sheet - sheet and sheet, bawd - bawd and bawd, shutter - shutters and shutters, aunt - aunt and aunt.

The ending -her is also characteristic of feminine nouns with a soft consonant and hissing (3rd declension): role - roley, fabric - fabrics, night - nights. Only the word sazhen has two forms: sazhen and sazhen.

As for nouns that are used only in the plural form, the difficulties with choosing the correct form of the genitive case relate mainly to proper names. Therefore, common nouns of this type are not considered here, and those interested in the forms of the genitive case of proper names can be referred to the Dictionary of Accents for Radio and Television Workers by F.L. Ageenko and M.V. Zarva.

« Russian language And culture speeches". under the editorship of Professor V. I. Maksimov. Recommended by the Ministry. PREFACE. Chapter I Speech in interpersonal and social relations.

Russian language And culture speeches. Speech and mutual understanding. On the process of mutual understanding speech communication, some features of the use of language in speeches.

Russian language And culture speeches. culture speech communication. Under culture speech communication is understood as such a selection and organization of language tools that contribute to the most effective achievement of the tasks in this area speech.

Russian language And culture speeches. Three main types of interaction between dialogue participants in Russian language.So, dialogic unity is ensured by the connection of various kinds of replicas (formulas speech etiquette, question - answer, addition, narration.

Russian language And culture speeches. Structure speech communications. As an act of communication, speech always facing someone.

Russian language And culture speeches. Establishment (maintenance) of business contacts. Communicative setting, determination of the social and role status of participants in communication, speech contact.

Russian language And culture speeches. Speech, its features.K speeches also refer to the products of speaking in the form speech a work (text) fixed by memory or writing.

A significant place in the textbook is occupied by material related to culture speech communication and paperwork. The textbook is aimed at presenting modern views regarding Russian language And culture speeches at the beginning of the XXI century.

Russian language And culture speeches. General characteristics of styles. Each functional style of modern Russian literary language- this is such a subsystem of it, which is determined by the conditions and goals of communication c.

Russian language And culture speeches.The basis of the classification of varieties speeches there may be various factors that make it possible to distinguish between oral and written forms of existence speeches, dialogic and monologue speech, functional styles and.



Among the forms of nouns, the formation of which may be associated with certain difficulties, one should include the plural forms of the nominative case ( directors or directors, valves or valve?) and the genitive plural form of some nouns ( five grams And five grams, five oranges or five orange?)

1. Plural forms of the nominative case of nouns: directors or directors?

The nominative plural form of nouns is checked in dictionary order (according to the dictionary). See rubric "Word Check" on our portal. Please note: the search for a word in dictionaries is carried out by the initial form (nominative case, singular)!

The dictionary entry reads as follows: if the entry does not contain special indications of the plural form (litter pl.), then the ending is used to form the nominative plural -And or -s. If a different ending is required (or options are acceptable), then a litter is put: pl. -but. For example:

In the modern Russian literary language, options that fluctuate in the form of them. n. pl. h., have over 300 words. The focus of distribution of flexion -and I) are the spheres of vernacular and professional language. For this reason, the forms -and I) often have a colloquial or professional coloring: contracts, locksmith, turner. The forms on -s(s) are more neutral and for most words meet the traditional norms of the literary language. However, in some cases the forms -and I) have already supplanted the forms on -s(s).

In addition, you can remember a number of patterns that facilitate the choice of inflection (ending) of the nominative plural:

Non-standard plurals are formed in words child - children, man - people, bottom - bottom and some others.

2. Plural forms of the genitive case of nouns: five grams or five grams?

For most masculine nouns that end in a hard consonant in their initial form ( orange, tomato, fly agaric, computer, sock), characteristically ending -ov in the genitive plural form: oranges, tomatoes, fly agarics, computers, socks etc. An extensive number of exceptions can be distinguished from this rule - similar to nouns, but having a null ending in the genitive plural: one stocking - no stockings, one Ossetian - five Ossetians, one gram - five grams And five grams etc. These words include:

It should be noted that the names of fruits, fruits and vegetables, which are masculine nouns, in the initial form ending in a solid consonant ( orange, eggplant, tomato, tangerine), in the genitive plural form. hours have an ending -ov: five oranges, a kilogram of eggplant, New Year without tangerines, tomato salad.

For some nouns, the formation of plural forms. h. n. difficult; these are the words dream, prayer, head. On the contrary, words cheek And woodworker do not have other forms, except for the plural form. h. case.

See: "Russian Grammar", M., 1980.

2.2.3. Genitive plural

As with other forms, genitive plural nouns in each type of declension, several variants of endings can be found.

In general, the following regularity operates during the formation of this form.

If in the initial form (nominative singular) the word has a zero ending, then in the genitive plural the ending is usually non-zero:

a house - many houses, a horse - many horses, a steppe - no steppes.

If in the initial form the ending is non-zero, then in the genitive plural it will be zero:

earth - no lands, loop - no loops, business - no business, place - no places, brand - no brands, apple - no apples.

Thus, the language seeks to get rid of the coincidence of the initial form and indirect forms of the noun.

However, in reality, this regularity is not absolute. On the one hand, a number of masculine nouns with a base on a hard consonant have a zero ending:

one soldier - several soldiers; one Georgian - several Georgians, one gypsy - several gypsies.

On the other hand, nouns with a non-zero ending in the initial form can also have a non-zero ending in the genitive case, for example:

feminine words: share - several shares, pin - several pins; neuter words: swamp - several swamps, upper reaches - no upper reaches, bottom of the vessel - no bottoms, shaft - no shafts, face - several faces, point - no points, dress - several dresses, mouth - several mouths, awl - several awls.

In live speech, especially in vernacular, two opposite tendencies are now observed.

Firstly, the ending -ov / -ev, inherent primarily in masculine nouns of the second declension, quite consistently displaces other endings (zero, -ey).

For example: colloquially - a lot of people instead of normative many people ; no places instead of normative there are no places.

The latter trend is reinforced by the fact that in the plural in other indirect cases, all nouns have the same endings:

about songs, about people, about fields, about nights, about kilograms.

Secondly, in common speech there is the use of forms with a zero ending in those cases when in the literary language only forms with a non-zero ending are allowed.

For example: plow 10 hectares of land instead of the literary version - 10 hectares of land.

All this requires special attention to the formation of the genitive plural form, especially since many of these options become an indicator of the level of human speech culture. It is no coincidence that morphological errors in the formation of this form are used in a language game, that is, intentionally - to create a comic effect ( How many people! Delov something!- in modern colloquial speech of the intelligentsia). Such mistakes are also played up in jokes, for example, in the dialogue between an illiterate passenger and an equally illiterate champion of correct speech:

There are no seats on the tram.
Not places, but places. You don't know cases.
- And you don’t care that we don’t know cases.

When forming the genitive plural form in difficult cases, several factors must be taken into account.

1. For nouns of the second declension, the endings -ov / -в, -е are distributed as follows:

for masculine nouns with a solid consonant stem, c or th the main ending is -ov / -ev:

many drivers, fighters, geniuses;

for masculine and neuter nouns with a base for a soft consonant or sibilant, the main ending is -ey:

many inhabitants to her, sex to her, case to her;

nouns ending in -anyin/-yanin (except for the word family man, which does not have a plural form at all), as well as for words barin, boyar, master, Tatar– null ending with clipping -in:

many Slavs, Tatars, bar, citizens.

2. For masculine nouns of the second declension with a hard consonant stem, zero endings and -ov endings tend to be distributed as follows:

but) the ending -ov usually has most of the names of fruits, vegetables, etc.:

five tomatoes, five oranges, five eggplants(admissible - five eggplant);

b) zero ending usually have:

names of paired objects:

a pair of boots, a pair of boots, a pair of boots, a pair of stockings, but: a pair of boots ov, a pair of boots ov(admissible - couple bot ), no rails(admissible - no rail); noun sock in the genitive plural has two literary variants - no knitted socks And sock ov ;

names of nationalities with finals -н, -р:

no gypsies, no Romanians, no Ossetians, but: no Bedouins, no Bushmen, no Swans ;

names of military personnel of various groups and branches of service:

no soldiers (!), no partisans (!); but: no sappers, no miners, no hussars And hussars, no dragoons And dragoons, no grenadiers And grenadier ov, no cuirassier And cuirassier ov, no lancer And uhlans ;

in) nouns that name units of measurement ( volt, hertz, ohm etc.), usually have two forms in the genitive plural - with the ending -ov and with the zero ending. The zero ending is used in the so-called counting form of units of measurement, that is, when indicating a specific amount, the number of something:

100 volts, 100 amps, 200 hertz, 200 ohms, 1000 x-rays etc.

Nouns gram, kilogram, milligram, carat etc. in the countable form, both forms are acceptable - with the ending -ov and with the zero ending:

10 grams And 10 grams; 10 kilograms And 10 kilograms; 5 carats And 5 carats.

Yes, in this collective farm, not only grams, but even kilograms of losses are not counted!

Not all names of units of measurement obey this pattern. The ending -ov is required in any context for the following nouns:

acre (10 acres), hectare (10 hectares), inch (5 inches), liter (10 liters), meter (5 meters), kilometer (5 kilometers), millimeter (10 millimeters), centimeter (10 centimeters), pood (10 poods), pound (10 pounds), foot (5 feet), yard (5 yards).

The ending -ov is usually also masculine nouns with a base on a solid consonant, denoting monetary units:

3. For nouns of the first declension, zero endings usually have nouns with an accent on the basis in the initial form:

a shoe - a pair of shoes, an apple tree - five apple trees, a heron - five herons, a wedding - five weddings, a town hall - several town halls, but: a share - five shares; uncle - no uncles and uncles; skittles - five skittles; a handful - five handfuls and a handful; rokhlya - no rokhlya, a young man - five young men.

The ending -ee can have nouns with an accent on the last syllable in the initial form:

candle - five candles, article - five articles, family - five families, tub - no tubs, melon - no melons, sheet - five sheets And five sheets, but: poker - five pokers, shafts - five shafts And dumbfounded

4. For nouns that are used only in the plural, the most common is the zero ending:

pasta - no pasta, money - no money, sawdust - no sawdust, ink - no ink.

At the same time, a number of such nouns will have a non-zero ending. In this case, the ending -ov / -ev is typical for nouns with a stem on a solid consonant, on r, k, x and a vowel:

jeans - no jeans (!), clips - no clips, wallpaper - no wallpaper, bronchi - no bronchi.

The ending -ee is common among nouns with a stem in a soft consonant:

sleigh - no sleigh for her, gangway - no gangway for her, manger - no nursery for her (!), curls - no curls for her, harp - no harp for her.

How peer options function: rake - no rake And no rakes, stilts - no stilts for her And no stilts, weekdays - no weekdays for her And weekday

5. If the stem of a noun in its initial form ends in a combination of two consonants ( hollow, towel, song, doll), then when forming the genitive plural form with a zero ending, fluent vowels o and e usually appear between these consonants:

no hollows, no canvases, no songs, no dolls, no roses, no boards (permissible - boards), no trees, no swords, no tuffs eh, no kitchens, no twilight, no nozzles and nozzles, but: dachshund - no dachshunds, morning - a few mornings.

6. Pay attention to the formation of the genitive plural form of the following nouns:

Buryats - no Buryats and Buryats, son-in-law - no sons-in-law, commentary - no comments, hooves - no hooves and hoofs, corrections - no corrections, lower reaches - lower reaches and lower reaches, apprentice - no apprentices, polenets - no polenta and towels, Turks - no Turk, ear - without ears, awl - no awls.

Weigh five kilos of oranges for me.

Yeah, you need five kilos of an orange, wait a minute.

It would seem that an ordinary scene in a store, but it makes you think: who uses the words correctly, and who uses them incorrectly? Thus, a problem arises: plural nouns.

Oranges or orange?

For the most part, masculine nouns, which have a solid consonant at the end in the singular, have the ending -ov in the form of interest to us.

  • Many oranges needed for juice.
  • Several tomatoes enough for a salad.
  • heap fly agaric grew around the stump.
  • Five computers brought to the school by sponsors.
  • Dish from eggplant delicious food here.
  • Basket honey agarics was the reward for a two-hour walk through the forest.
  • Kilogram tangerines to the New Year's table will not hurt.
  • Pair socks from grandmother - a gift for the New Year.

Grams or grams?

The names of units of measure have a zero ending if they are used in a "measuring" context:

  • One hundred and twenty volt enough.
  • Normal voltage - two hundred and twenty watt.
  • Hundred gram won't hurt now.
  • Five ampere- too little.
  • A hundred hectare the fields were empty.
  • Here are five hundred gigabyte memory.
  • Eighty arshin red silk went to the flags.
  • Only ten hertz!

If the genitive plural of nouns does not count, then you need to use the ending -ov:

  • You only need to add one hundred grams.
  • Missing five kilograms.
  • Without the necessary gigabytes unable to download all information.

Turkmen or Turkmen?

The nationality of people has a collective meaning, therefore the genitive form of nouns is used mainly with a zero ending:

  • Group Turkmen went to the ladder of the plane.
  • Several Armenians formed a team of builders.
  • He is among English increased.
  • Arrival Bulgarians was furnished solemnly.
  • steppe games Bashkir- this is a tradition.
  • Dancing Lezghins charged with their energy.
  • Speeches Romanian were spelled out in plain text.
  • Attack Saracen was a common occurrence in those days.
  • Many Tatars lives in the Crimea.
  • Offensive Turk was stopped.
  • Dancing Gypsy- the highlight of the program.
  • community Ossetian Petersburg met new members of the community with joy.
  • Some of Buryat already in those days he understood all the advantages of joining Russia.
  • Songs Georgian- my weakness.

This also applies to the word "man": several human acted in support of the opponent.

But these genitive plural nouns also have a number of exceptions:

  • Caravan Bedouin moving slowly across the desert sands.
  • villages Berbers do not differ in the intricacy of buildings.
  • customs Bushmen simple and understandable.
  • Protest blacks on plantations in America was natural.
  • Capital Kalmyks today is a modern city.
  • Performance Kyrgyz was received very favorably by the public.
  • Yurts Mongols scattered throughout the vast steppe.
  • Dancing Oirots bewitch.
  • Someone from Tajiks spoke in his own language, addressing his brethren.
  • settlements Tungus usually located along the banks of rivers.
  • will Uzbeks was heard by their president.
  • Among Khakass Few purebreds.
  • I decided to learn the language Croats.
  • Arrival Yakuts the conference had been arranged in advance.

This also includes military names:

  • Regiment midshipman nestled in the woods. (Several midshipmen were sent on patrol).
  • Squadron hussar flew in from the flanks. (The form hussars is unusual).
  • Songs partisan imbued with the dream of a peaceful life.
  • Company soldier moved into position.

And there are exceptions here: I took it from the miners, gathered midshipmen, sent sappers.

Boot or boots?

The genitive case of the plural of nouns denoting paired objects is mostly expressed by a zero ending:

  • Not shoe The child has.
  • From eye sparks rained down.
  • edge cuffs peeking out from under the sleeves of his jacket.
  • Pair shoulder strap he always kept in reserve in his suitcase.
  • Without stocking much better.
  • Shine epaulet blinded the ladies.
  • Bolt boot echoed across the cobblestones.

Exception: no socks.

From some nouns it is difficult to form the plural form of the genitive case: head, dream, prayer. And the words cheek And woodworker there are no other forms, only genitive plural forms.

Waffle or waffle?

The formation of the genitive plural of feminine nouns is characterized by a zero ending in the words:

  • tutu waffles for the child always lay in the closet.
  • Several domain not launched yet.
  • There was no house at all poker.
  • Tops roofing appeared in the distance.
  • ends shafts stuck into the ground.
  • Bundle rod was already soaked in a trough.
  • It's time weddings- November.
  • No need gossip.
  • ranks estates followed the gardens.
  • nests herons darkened in the reeds.
  • On hands babysitter the child grew up.

Some of these nouns end in -ey:

  • There can be no equal in this matter shares.
  • Lacks pins.
  • Several handful seeds were pumped into Kolka's pocket from the seller's bucket.
  • Roofs sakley disappeared around the corner.
  • Light candles flooded the entire room.
  • We don't have extra sheet.

Young lady or young lady?

The genitive plural of feminine nouns that end in -nya in the singular has a zero ending, and the soft sign is not written in all words:

Outback or Outback?

Nouns of the genitive plural of the neuter gender and some of the feminine gender vary: in the bookish style of speech they have the basis on -й, and in the colloquial style they have the ending -е, and there are words in which there is only one normative form.

Without options, it is written - ij in the following words:

  • rows of sharp copies stretched to the horizon.
  • Beware the deep gorges.
  • Enemies are afraid of ours changes.
  • The grace of her thin wrists struck me.
  • Gotta cover the rear armies.
  • Beware of these tricks minx.

Some words with the ending -ev have the same non-variant form formation:

  • river forests headwaters- Protected areas.
  • Most downstream we fish.
  • We set nets around mouths small streams.
  • Now she had a lot dresses.
  • We should add a few links.
  • The little boy entered the house, carrying an armful logs.
  • Glitter sharpened points instilled confidence in victory.
  • Two apprentices slept on benches.

Nouns gun And bench, judge genitive plural form: guns, benches, judges.

Saucer or saucers?

Without variants, some forms of the genitive plural of a neuter noun have:

  • Basket apples stood under a tree.
  • not deep enough saucer.
  • Not mirror in girls.
  • Lacks blanket for babies.
  • Terry towels is also missing.
  • I haven't tried octopus tentacles.
  • There are many small swamps.
  • This dress is from Kruzhevtsy.

Some words, along with the zero ending, have variant options:

  • knees - knees - knees;
  • knee - knees;
  • trough - trough;
  • hooves - hooves.

Rake or rake?

Genitive plural nouns that do not have a singular form have a zero ending or endings -ov or -ey:

zero-ov, -ev-to her
  • wet moccasins;
  • your attacks;
  • wide pantaloons;
  • night darkness;
  • new leggings;
  • thick twilight;
  • red bloomers.
  • your tricks;
  • early frosts;
  • old clavichords;
  • terrible tatters;
  • beggarly rags;
  • boring antlers;
  • nasty bastards;
  • a bunch of bots;
  • the remaining pomace;
  • rare seedings;
  • on the streets of settlements;
  • lush vycheski;
  • long frosts.
  • your rake;
  • homemade stilts;
  • boring everyday life;
  • peasant firewood;
  • nurseries.

Tasks or tasks?

Genitive plural nouns with a zero ending in sibilant do not have a soft sign at the end.

  • many tasks;
  • several dwellings;
  • your shoulders;
  • heavy burdens;
  • no galoshes;
  • not enough storage;
  • your faces;
  • forest thickets;
  • cottage roofs.

Practical work

Now that you know everything about such a phenomenon as the formation of the genitive plural of nouns, do a few tasks.

1. Replace the question mark with a soft sign or a blank:

  • your(?) friend(?);
  • borscht(?) hot(?);
  • quickly multiply(?)those;
  • will you (?) marry (?);
  • the rich man is good, broad-shouldered (?);
  • hatayesh (?) by the tug (?);
  • collapse(?) back(?);
  • primchish (?) jumping (?);
  • open(?) wide open(?);
  • sword(?) sparkling(?);
  • blue ink(?);
  • do(?) dot(?)-dot(?);
  • accumulation of clouds (?);
  • soon(?) midnight(?);
  • treasure chest(?);
  • buckshot (?) whistles;
  • leash(?) guess(?) false(?);
  • many schools (?);
  • musical ink(?);
  • burn(?) brick(?);
  • minced meat(?) fresh(?);
  • swing(?) backhand(?);
  • beat (?) on solving problems (?);
  • do not say that it is not a dozen (?).

2. Put the words in the plural in the genitive case of the word.

Ambition, acacia, slaughterhouse, hawthorn, headwaters, young lady, heroine, nesting, preparation, arable land, melon, building, definition, cherry, kitchen, bakery, estate, belief, composition, printing house, mountain ash, history, exposition, mouth, anvil, princess, gun, dress, village, apprentice, dancer, nanny, square, operation, meditation, tool, ovation, village, reading room.

3. Form words according to the model:

  • Buryats - Buryats: Bashkirs, Turkmens, Bulgarians;
  • cores - cores: numbers, armchairs, logs, ribs;
  • Kirghiz - Kirghiz: Cossacks, Uzbeks, Tajiks;
  • lace - lace, trough, hooves;
  • socks - socks: straps;
  • boots - boots: stockings, boots, felt boots;
  • lemons - lemons: eggplant, tangerines;
  • amperes - amperes: microns, arshins, volts;
  • grains - grains: feathers, windows;
  • splashes - splashes: beads, vacations;
  • stretcher - stretcher: sled, darkness;
  • apples - apples: pears;
  • towels - towels: blankets, saucers;
  • traps - traps: nostrils, feet;
  • sakli - sakley: strife, skittles;
  • shoes - shoes: waffles, shafts;
  • ticks - ticks: nursery, weekdays.

4. Nominative and genitive plural nouns are closely related. From the nouns in brackets (im) form the correct form (r.p.).

1) A lot of new (towels), (saucers), (blanket), (blanket) were brought in for the opening of (nurseries).

2) A lot (hectares) of forests burned down from summer (fire).

3) What a charm - the smell of flowering (cherries), (apple trees)!

4) What beautiful reservoirs were near (estates)!

5) A huge amount (vitamins) is contained in only one hundred grams (oranges) and (lemons).

6) We have a new counter set to 10 (amps).

7) A new collection (boots) and (shoes) has arrived in stores.

Genitive plural endings are another difficult topic for our speech practice.

How to choose the right ending? How to say no stocking or stockings? Without sock or socks?

Why are we talking Armenians, but Mongols?

How to ask correctly in a store: 5 kilogram or kilograms? Orange or oranges?

When choosing an ending, you should be guided by the following rules.


1. All names of paired items have a zero ending: boot, boot, stocking, trousers, shoulder strap, scissors.

An exception: sock ov .

2. The names of nationalities are subject to the following rules:

a) words with a stem in - n, -r have zero endings: British, Armenians, Georgians, Lezgins, Ossetians, Romanians, Turkmens, Gypsies, Bashkirs, Bulgarians.

An exception:black person ov.

b) words with a basis for other letters have an ending - ov: Kyrgyz ov, Kalmyk ov, Tajik ov, Uzbek ov, Mongolian ov, Yakut ov .

An exception:Turk, Buryat

3. The names of military groups and former military branches require the following endings:

a) without numerals, they have a zero ending: partisan, soldier, grenadier, midshipman, hussar, dragoon, lancer;

b) the former types of troops with numerals have endings - ov: 10 hussars ov, 5 midshipmen ov, 6 hussars ov, 7 Lancers ov.

4. The names of units of measurements are variable:

but) ampere, watt, gram, kilogram, roentgen, pendant;

b) ampere ov, watt ov, gram ov, kilogram ov, x-ray ov, pendant ov.

Truncated forms ( ampere, grams

5. The names of the group "vegetables - fruits" have endings - ov: Orange ov, mandarin ov, banana ov, a tomato ov, eggplant ov.

Truncated forms ( orange, tangerine, banana, tomato) are typical for colloquial speech.

Feminine gender

1. Nouns in - la, -nya have a null ending: waffles, roofs, gossip, nannies, cherries, apple trees.

2. Some nouns have an ending - to her: candles to her, rake to her, sheets to her .

There are also alternative forms: The game is worth the candle but: There are no candles in the house to her. However, the word candle here it is used in direct and figurative (phraseological) meanings (indicate which one).

3. Nouns in - and I have an ending uy: auditor uy, academician uy, conservative uy.

Neuter gender

1. A number of names have a zero ending: apples, shoulders, saucers of towels, mirrors.

Pay attention to the shape of the shoulders ( Dress with and without shoulders!)

2. Regulatory forms are on - uy: coast uy, outback uy, drugs uy.

3. There are also forms on - ev:ust ev, swamp ev, upper ev, lower ev.

And how do those nouns that are always used only in the plural form the genitive case? Nouns that are always used only in the plural (without gender) form the genitive case with the help of various types of endings:

zero: dusk; days;

-ov: freezing ov ;

-to her: weekday to her, nursery to her, san to her .

Questions and tasks

1. What factors influence the choice of the ending of the nominative plural of nouns? Name them.

2. How to form the plural of words with the element -er/-ёr (conductor)? What language do these words come from?

3. Give examples when the endings -ы / -а serve to distinguish words by meaning.

4. What is the ending in the genitive plural of the names of paired items (boots, trousers)? How to say correctly: no socks or no socks?

5. Which of the forms relate to the official business, and which to the colloquial style of speech: grams, pendants / grams, pendant? tomatoes, oranges / tomato, orange?

I. The main ending of masculine nouns - -ov/ (-yov )-ev :mushrooms, cargo, directors, territories, museums etc.

Some words have an ending - to her (residents, teachers, knives) And zero ending ( shoe, townspeople).

1. End -ov/ (-yov )-ev characteristic of those nouns whose final sound in the singular (nominative case) is a hard consonant (except well And w) or -j(on the letter - letter th ):mushroom - mushrooms, cucumber - cucumbers, edge - edges, museum - museums etc.

2. End -to her characteristic of those masculine nouns whose final sound in the singular is a soft consonant (except -j) or w, w:a dove - pigeons, an acorn - acorns, an executioner - executioners, a knife - knives, a kid - kids.

The same ending has a number of words on -and I masculine and common gender: dad, uncle, tya, raja, Chukchi, young man;mumbling, idler,(not)even, quiet, as well as male informal names with a base in a soft consonant or hissing: Volodya - Volodya, Seryozha - Seryozha.

3.Zero the ending is inherent in nouns, which are the following names:

a) paired items: boots - boots, boots - boots, boots - boots, eyes - eyes, leggings - leggings, moccasins - moccasins, shoulder straps - shoulder straps, boot - boot, stocking - stocking, boots - boots, epaulettes - epaulette, as well as hair - hair, teeth - tooth.

Exceptions: aiguillettes - aiguillettes, jackboots - jackboots, golfs - golfs, pimas - pimovs, horns - horns(but in phraseology - horn:a vigorous cow the Godhorn does not give).

Some words of this semantic group have variant stylistically equivalent endings: sneakers - sneakers And sneaker;sock - sock And socks, high boots - high boots And Thisin;

b) a number of nationalities, nationalities, tribes (including the names of disappeared peoples, as well as names that were used before), mainly with a final consonant -n or -R(singular): English - English, Armeniannot - armyn, Bashkirs - Bashkirs, Balkars - Balkars, Bulgarians - Bulgarians, Georgians - Georgians, Imeretans - Imeretyn, Lezghins - Lezghun, Madyary - Madyar, Moldovans - Moldovans, Ossetians - Ossetians, Romanianswe are rumsn, Tatars - Tatars, Turks - Turks, Khazars - Khazars, Gypsies - Gypsies.

Some words of this group have variant stylistically equivalent endings: avars - avar And Avarov, stormyou are the stormT And stormTov, Karelians - Karelians And Karelians, Sarmatians - Sarmatians And Sarmatians, Turkmens - Turkmens And Turkmens, Uyghurs - Uyghurs And Uighurs.

But: Aisors, Arabs, Berbers, Bushmen, Hungarians, Kazakhs, Mongols, Negroes and some others;

c) people at the place of residence on -anyin/-janin (in which this suffix is ​​replaced in the plural by the suffix -an/-yan ):city ​​dweller - city dweller, aliennin - alienn, kievnin - kievn, villagenin - villagen, southerner - southerner etc.;

d) cubs, non-adult creatures with the suffix -onok/-yonok (changing in the plural to the suffix -am/-yat ):wolf cub - cubs, kitten - kittens, chicken - chickens etc. Wed and slang lettuce - lettuce; also in the same pattern butterdish - butter, honey agarics - mushrooms,

Note Genitive from imp, imp - impt, damnT.

e) people by belonging to certain branches of the armed forces, to a military unit, to certain political parties: partisan, soldier, cadet.

A number of names by belonging to the branch of service (including the former), to the rank have variant stylistically equivalent forms: hussars - hussars And hussars, grenadiers - grenadier And grenadiers, dragoons - dragoons And dragoons, cuirass - cuirass And cuirass, lancers - lancers And ulans, midshipmen - midshipman And midshipmen. Wed, for example: "On November 22, Seslavin sent me to clear the left side of the Vilna road with a hundred Sumy hussar, platoon dragoon Tver regiment and a dozen Donets "(A. Marlinsky); "... a Frenchman in a blue overcoat fought off with a bayonet hussars" (L.T.); "In the evening of the same day, the king sent regiments of guards in pursuit and dragoon"(Buganov V.I. Peter the Great and his time);

f) some units of measurement: ampere, watt(kilowatt etc. with -watt), volt, x-ray(and compound words with -X-ray). For example, "... the natural radiation background is usually 15–20 microroentgen per hour ... "(Koms. pr. 1990. May 12).

A number of names of units of measurement (in most cases they belong to a highly specialized vocabulary) have variant stylistically equivalent endings, angstrom - angstrom And angstrom, arshin - arshinov And arshun, hertz - hertz And hertz, carat - carats And carat, micron - micron And micron and some etc. Wed, for example: "Ruby in a ring for eleven carats" (A.N.T.) and "According to official data, diamond mining was supposed to exceed 500 thousand in 1965 carat"(Abroad. 1966. Jan. 21).

In texts that are not strictly official, the zero ending (very common in live speech, in the author's speech of fiction) can also have nouns hectare, gram, kilogram. Compare: "Sixteen thousand mothers of Pike will receive at dawn - One hundred and twenty-five blockade gram With fire and blood in half "(Berggolts O.F. From the Leningrad poem); "[Polar explorers] say that several kilogram weight dropped during these days "(Orlov V. Chronicle of one drift), but: "More than 40 million are concentrated here hectares crops" (Pr. 1965. March 31); "The first 415 kilograms valuable nutritious dry food" (Zn. 1983. Feb. 3).

In texts that are not strictly official, the literary norm allows a zero ending and the words denoting some vegetables have fruits: (kilo) apricot, orange, eggplant, tangerine, tomato.

II. 1. For neuter nouns, the main one is zero ending: bucket - buckets, business - affairs, dwelling - dwelling, building - buildings, window - windows, gun - guns(words like building, gun, those. words with stem -j, refer to those nouns in which a fluent vowel appears before the zero ending in the genitive plural: And-, if the stress does not fall on the ending, and -e-, if the ending is stressed).

2. Part of neuter nouns in the genitive case has an ending -ov/-ev . These include:

a) nouns, in the plural forms of which appears before the ending -j-:bottombottom, bottom, link → links, links, wings → wings *, wings; loglogs, logs;

b) nouns in -ko(except army, ear **, Iblocko, iblocky)***:drevko - drevkov, wheel - wheels, cloud - clouds, lake - lakes, points - points, shoulder - shoulders;

c) some nouns with stem on -j(singular and plural); upstream - upstream, downstream - downstream(And downstream), tip - tips, dress - dresses, divorce - divorce, mouth - mouths, and also the word swamp(swamps).

* The noun wing also used to have the form wings, wings, wings, wings. These obsolete forms are used in modern poetic speech, cf.: "The swallows beckon me there, wings ringing on the fly, July lindens in bloom intoxicate and intoxicate my soul "( M. Dudin); "They made noise over Russia wings funeral, How now the sparrow wings rustle "( Y. Drunina) Outside of poetic sublime speech, such forms are inappropriate. So, the form of the genitive case is unjustified wings instead of wings in the context of the type: "In these inaccessible places they [geese] fly from afar to molt: they drop from wings old feathers and in anticipation of new ones graze and swim" (Pr. 1973. 18 Sep)

** The word eye ("hole in the needle") has the form ears.

*** In the following usage, therefore, there is an error: "The branches of apple trees were bent from many small strong apples" (Jun. 1965 No. 3).

Note. Words saucer, mirror, lake, railing, towel have zero ending: bluekid, mirror, pepper, towel.

Part of the words -tse has variant endings, one of which, as a rule, is more common than the second (more common is given first below): saplingsmall trees And trees, ring → rings And ring, spindlespindles And spindle, bucketbuckets And bucket, businessmanbusinessmen And businessman, calf → calf And body, fiberfibers And fiber, trough → trough And trough, blanketblanket And blankets, logs → logs And log, tentacle → tentacle And tentacles, hoof → hooves And hooves, lace → lace And lace, shiltse → shiltsev And slate. Wed, for example; "[Meresiev] allowed himself to eat only ten spoons and a few fibers white, soft chicken meat "(Polevoi B.N. The Tale of a Real Man) and:" With a decrease in the amount of twist, the connection of individual elementary fiber"(Anuchin S.A. and others. The device and maintenance of twisting machines); "The bulk of those sold with us saplings is obtained due to the barbaric extermination of already scarce forests "(Lit. Gaz. 1966. December 31) and: "... when the crowns of individual little trees merge into a common closed canopy and the trees begin to experience mutual lateral shading, then a struggle arises because of the light "(Morozov G. Teaching about oneself), etc.

III. For feminine nouns of the 2nd declension, the main one is zero ending: (s) roofs, pines, apple trees,(without) poker, sisters, weddings etc.

A small number of feminine nouns -and I has an ending - to her . It is received by words that have a group of consonants before the end –gl-, -kl-, -chl-: (No) kech hey booclass her, saclass she, rochl to her, as well as the words shareshare, stumpstump, candlecandles(but in phraseology - candles:the game is not worth itcandles ).

A small number of words have variant endings: barge - barge And barge, doodle - doodle And karakul, song - songs And song *, a handful - a handful And burnt, sheetsimpleny And sheet, bawd - bawd And set, shutter - shutters And shutters, aunt - aunt And aunt.

* Variant form song, which modern linguistic consciousness associates with the noun song, is the "legitimate" form of the genitive plural of the traditional poetic song, relating to the 3rd declension. Cf .: "What are you starting song military?" (Derzhavin G.R.); "He sang love, obedient to love, And song it was clear" (P.); "The bell rings monotonously, And the road gathers dust a little, And sadly over a flat field Spreads song coachman" (I. Makarov), etc.

Ending - to her also characteristic of feminine nouns with a soft consonant and hissing (3rd declension): roleroll, fabricfabrics, nightnights. Just a word fathom has two forms: fathoms And sazhen.

As for nouns that are used only in the plural form, the difficulties with choosing the correct form of the genitive case relate mainly to proper names. Therefore, common nouns of this type are not considered here, and those interested in the forms of the genitive case of proper names can be referred to the Dictionary of Accents for Radio and Television Workers by F.L. Ageenko and M.V. Zarva.

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