Media: George Michael's relatives did not invite his boyfriend to his funeral. George Michael's ex-partner Fadi Fawaz breaks his silence

January 10, 2017

During the investigation, new circumstances were revealed mysterious death pop stars.

British singer George Michael, whose body was found on December 25 last year in his own home in the city of Goring-on-Thames (Oxfordshire, UK), for the last year and a half he has repeatedly tried to break up with his friend. The British edition of the Daily Mail reports this.

The musician dated hairdresser-stylist Fadi Fawaz for five years. The couple did not hide their relationship: the press was full of romantic photographs of friends. A source close to Michael's family told reporters that the artist did not have the strength to say "no" to Fawaz. The singer told his friend more than once that he didn’t want to see him anymore, but each time he gave in to pleas not to drive him away.

“George was generally too kind and his main weakness was precisely the inability to say “no” to various kinds of temptations, be it sex or drugs,” note those close to the singer. However, on the day of his death, he still separated Fadi from his home - which is why he, as reported, did not spend the night at home on the fateful night.

George Michael's relatives claim that he did not have any significant health problems. Drug addiction remained in the past. However, it turned out that a month before his death, he and Fawaz flew to Vienna on a private plane - there he visited the AKH General Hospital, where in 2011 he was saved from pneumonia. Then the grateful artist gracefully thanked the doctors by giving them a thousand invitation tickets to his concerts. Was this a friendly visit or was Michael being examined?

There is no need to talk about depression and loneliness, which could, for example, become a cause of suicide. The police found that in last days before Michael's death, dozens of people visited him. The singer was in in a great mood spirit and prepared to celebrate Christmas properly. Perhaps a toxicological examination, which will be ready within 6-8 weeks, will clarify something.

George Michael's ex-partner Fadi Fawaz spoke out on Twitter after a report was published on March 7 that the famous musician's death was due to natural causes. Oxfordshire Chief Coroner Darren Salter confirmed that 53-year-old George Michael, who was found dead at his home in Oxfordshire on December 25, 2016, died from heart and liver problems. This statement put an end to persistent tabloid gossip that the singer might have died as a result of a drug overdose.

After tragic death singer Fadi Fawaz, who first met Michael in 2009 after the latter's breakup with American art dealer Kenny Goss, found himself in the crossfire of the press. Numerous tabloids tirelessly delved into privacy couples in the hope of discovering at least something criminal.

Despite complete absence If there were any evidence that Fawaz had behaved inappropriately, The Sun published an article in which he demanded that the 43-year-old hairdresser answer questions such as “Who exactly was getting the drugs?” and “Why do George’s friends accuse you of sucking his juices like a leech?”

After the coroner's report was released on March 7, Fawaz tweeted a short and succinct response to anyone demanding an explanation of where he was and what he was doing the night Michael died. “F**K YOU.”

Fawaz later posted black and white photograph, which shows him and Michael, with the caption: "Now everyone knows the truth."

According to the coroner's report, George Michael died from dilated cardiomyopathy and myocardial inflammation, as well as fatty liver. The cause of death was ruled natural and no further investigation was required. (Dilated cardiomyopathy is a lesion of the heart muscle, characterized by a pronounced increase in the cavities of the heart and a decrease in the contractility of the ventricles. Myocarditis is an inflammation of the heart muscle, as a result of which its main functions are disrupted: excitability, conductivity and contractility. Fatty infiltration of the liver is a disease in which the liver cells fat accumulation occurs, which leads to an increase in liver failure. The causes of these diseases are very different - infections, alcohol abuse, congenital predisposition, etc.)

It is known that in recent years the musician has had various health problems, and in 2011 he was hospitalized with pneumonia, which is why he had to postpone a series of concerts.

George Michael (real name Yorgos Kyriakos Panayiotou) was born in London on June 25, 1963 and started musical career in the 1980s as part of a duo Wham! During all this time creative activity Michael has sold approximately 100 million copies of his records. He has seven UK number one singles and eight number one singles to his credit. BillboardHot 100 in USA. George Michael is one of Britain's most commercially successful pop musicians.

Darren Hayes, Jodie Foster, Ricky Martin and Ronaldo - the confessions of music, film and sports stars about same-sex relationships became a sensation. But the first, perhaps, was the British singer George Michael. And from him, who was seen with the actress Brooke Shields, either with models Linda Evangelista and Pat Fernandez, or with makeup artist Katie Yong, no one expected a coming out.

Michael came out as gay in 1998, following a controversial incident with a police officer in a public restroom in Beverly Hills and subsequent arrest for "indecent acts." A public statement about homosexuality had a negative impact on the artist’s career. The fans were shocked that the fairy tale was about a beautiful enviable groom collapsed and turned away from the singer.

As a result, Michael's popularity fell sharply along with the sales of his records, which caused a creative crisis. In 2007, the singer admitted that he hid his sexuality for so long, fearing only his mother’s reaction. Like, she was afraid that she The only son inherited the "gay gene" from his uncle named Colin, who committed suicide. “She thought she carried the gene and in a sense allowed my father to be homophobic. My father, a Greek Cypriot and an old-school man, would never accept his son being gay, and my mother was afraid of him.” , said the singer.

Later, the singer will tell you that he had only three girls in his life. And his first great love Brazilian designer Anselma Feleppa became one of the men. They met at a festival in Rio in 1991, and six months later Anselm was diagnosed with AIDS. In 1993, the designer died, after which George stopped caring about his parents’ opinions. He decided to open up to them. “I wrote them a four-page letter. My mother said it was the most wonderful letter she had ever read,” the artist recalled.

Since then, Michael's love interests have become public knowledge every now and then. In 1996, he claimed that he had met the man of his dreams, Kanny Goss, an athlete from Dallas. They had houses in London and Dallas. George kept saying that he and Kaniya would get married soon. But the plans were not destined to come true. The couple broke up in 2009, and this relationship would eventually become the singer's longest. According to close sources, the ex-boyfriend is tired of the drug addiction of the musician and his difficult relationship with the police, and the last straw was the arrest of George Michael for a month for possession of hashish.

Since the fall of 2011, Michael has been dating Fuddy Favac. It was Fuddy who was with the singer when he became seriously ill with pneumonia and canceled the Symphonica world tour. In the summer of 2012, George Michael and Fadi Favaz were relaxing on a yacht and sharing personal photos on Twitter. He became last love an artist who has been given so little - George Michael tonight at the age of 53.

For almost two months, investigators have been trying to find out the cause of George Michael’s death and are not allowing his body to be buried. Meanwhile, the singer’s relatives are preparing for the funeral and, in light of new discovered circumstances, do not want to see Michael’s boyfriend Fadi Fawaz at the funeral.

Hunt for money

Relatives of George Michael, who died suddenly on December 25, always disliked his lover Fadi Fawaz, believing that he was with the singer solely for the sake of fame and money. Now, when the multimillion-dollar fortune of a musician who has no direct heirs is at stake, the celebrity’s relatives, seeing Fadi as a competitor, are trying in every possible way to protect themselves from possible claims on his part.

Persona non grata

If George Michael's blood relatives do not openly express their negative attitude to the stylist, but simply boycotted him, then Andros Georgiou (childhood friend of the deceased star) will continue to give interviews. The other day he said that the singer’s relatives consider Fafaz to be a gigolo and are not going to invite him to Michael’s funeral, especially after they learned that he did not immediately help George.

Late call

It was Fadi who found the lifeless musician, but the police had previously had no complaints against him. After the man's testimony, investigators said he was not involved in George's death. Everything can change...

As journalists found out, from the case materials it follows that the confused Fawaz did not immediately call the rescue service. The man spent an hour trying to bring his boyfriend to his senses on his own, and only realizing that he was powerless did he call the doctors. While talking to the ambulance operator, the stylist said:

"Yes. I've been trying to resuscitate him for the last hour. This is impossible. He's gone, he's blue, he's dead."

As you know, the body of George Michael, who suddenly died at the end of December, has not yet been buried: the police have not yet established the cause of the musician’s death. Meanwhile, the star's relatives are already planning a funeral, which will probably attract hundreds of people. But there is a person whom Michael’s family does not want to see there - his boyfriend, a stylist.

Let us remember that Michael had been dating Fawaz for the last five years, and it was Fawaz who discovered the lifeless musician in his bed and called an ambulance. The police questioned the stylist as part of the investigation, but did not admit any guilt. However, just the other day a recording was leaked to the press phone call Fadi to the emergency services that Christmas morning, January 25th. From the conversation it becomes clear that Fawaz spent an hour trying to bring his friend to his senses. And before that, I waited for 4 hours for him to wake up. After this sensational leak, journalists, fans, and relatives of the pop star began to speculate that 53-year-old George Michael could have been saved if his lover had acted more quickly. Why he didn’t panic earlier is a big question.

But this is not the only thing that outrages Michael’s relatives and the late. The other day, a childhood friend of the late singer, Andros Georgiou (the same one who previously suggested that the singer died from), told The Sun newspaper that all his loved ones were extremely hostile to his companion recent years George Michael. “They know who he really is: everyone thinks Fadi is a gigolo, a money hunter. No one is going to invite him to the funeral because George was going to break up with him after Christmas,” Georgiou told the publication. - “Fadi, in general, was not close to him in Lately. No one has spoken to him since the incident, and he doesn't seem to care at all. This makes me sick."

Most likely, the reason for the discord is the multimillion-dollar fortune that the winner of two Grammy awards left behind. After all, George Michael has no direct heirs, and among the contenders are his godsons, sisters Melanie and Yoda, and Jerry Halliwell’s ten-year-old daughter Bluebell (George and the ex-soloist of the Spice Girls were close friends).

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