I dream of a large onion. Why do you dream about onions or green onions: get ready to shed tears

You will make a discovery, possibly a monetary reward.

If you eat onions, it means family quarrels.

You throw away onions - there may be discord in the family.

Buy a bow - a quick reward.

Various gypsies give different interpretations Such dreams are usually associated with fate, good or evil.

Eating onions, according to some gypsies, means that stolen property will be returned to you.

Many gypsies believe that eating onions is a sign of an intricate dispute, perhaps with one's own family.

Throwing away onions means breaking off relations with your spouse or loved one.

If you buy a bow, you will receive an unexpected reward.

Interpretation of dreams from the Gypsy dream book

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Dream Interpretation - Bow

Onions dream of anger and envy, which you will incur with your success.

If you ate onions in a dream, then your enemies will retreat before you.

If you see how it grows, you will be surrounded by rivals, the fight against which will give you a taste for life.

If you fried onions, a serene existence and a small profit in business lie ahead.

Cut onions and shed tears - you will be defeated in the fight against your rivals.

If in a dream you peeled onions and tears flowed at the same time, in reality you will go to have fun.

Ate boiled onions - to health.

If you ate fried onions, you made an enemy.

If you planted flower bulbs in a dream - wait for the acquisition.

If you admired the bulbs blooming in pots, you’ll have to fork out some cash.

Interpretation of dreams from

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations, evaluate your emotional condition? We invite you to read selected interpretations of dreams about Onions in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these dream interpretations there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about Onions in a dream?

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream and what does the Onion mean?

Symbol-model of the Universe. According to legend, David, the patron saint of Wales, taught local residents draw leeks on their clothes so that they can be distinguished from their Saxon enemies. Since then, the national emblem of Wales has been the leek. Green onions are often associated with false tears, that is, annoying but ridiculous situations that have nothing to do with real trouble. This is where, in fact, the well-established expression “onion tears” or “onion grief” came from. At the same time, onions are known for their healing properties. Seeing an onion or peeling it means good health and success in a difficult undertaking; for more details, if you dream about an Onion, see below.

Dream Interpretation of the Gypsy Seraphim

Why do you dream about Onion, interpretation of sleep:

Peeling onions - you need to take a closer look at what worries you most (what you “cry over”). Since ancient times, a bunch of onions has been considered a good remedy for asthma, bronchitis, common colds and pneumonia. If one of these conditions is present, then the dream may suggest using a bunch of onions as a medicine, this is how this dream in which Onions is interpreted is interpreted.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do you dream about Onion in a dream?

Bulb onions). Seeing a lot of onions means anger and envy of enemies because of your success in business; eat a bow - the enemies will retreat. Green onions- meet rivals. Cooking onions means small profits, peace and serenity. Cutting, crumbling an onion, feeling how it stings your eyes - intrigues of rivals, quarrels over an inheritance, as it is said in the dream book about this dream, for details, if you dream about Onions, see below.

Psychological dream book

Why do you dream about Onion in a dream?

If you see a lot of onions, it means you will be able to achieve success in life, but this will anger your envious people. Eating a bow means victory over all enemies. A dream in which you see onions growing in a garden bed means: the tricks of your enemies will not upset you, but will only provoke you. Cooked onions are a sign that your life will be calm and serene, despite minor troubles. Cutting onions and crying because of it means defeat in the fight against rivals

Modern dream book

Why do you dream about Onion according to the dream book:

Onions dream of anger and envy, which you will incur with your success. If you dreamed that you ate onions, then your enemies will retreat before you. If you see how it grows, you will be surrounded by rivals, the fight against which will give you a taste for life. If you fried onions, you will have a serene existence ahead and a small profit in business. Cut onions and shed tears - you will be defeated in the fight against your rivals. If you dreamed that in a dream you were peeling onions and tears were flowing at the same time, in reality you will go have fun. Ate boiled onions - to health. If you ate fried onions, you made an enemy. If you planted flower bulbs in a dream - wait for the acquisition. If you admired the bulbs blooming in pots, you'll have to fork out some cash.

Leek - If you ate leeks in a dream, there will be both grief and joy. Planted leeks - do something useful.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Why does a woman dream of a bow:

Onion (plant) - A sign of hard work, which will ultimately lead to success. Peeling onions - success in difficult task. Collecting bulbs means receiving a reward that you did not expect. Eating onions means irritation, quarrel. Cutting onions and crying means you will be defeated in the fight. Frying onions is a small but stable profit. Onions in the garden - you will cause envy and anger with your success. Planting and growing onions means you will be overwhelmed by business and worries. Trade onions - you will succumb to the persuasion of ill-wishers. Buying onions means trouble from your friends

Most dream books disagree on the question of why onions are dreamed of. Most often, such a dream is interpreted as a harbinger of tears or evil in any of its manifestations. But it also happens that the image of a bow is considered a good sign.

Onion - Miller's dream book

Seeing mountains of this vegetable in a dream means that in reality you will have to experience severe anger from ill-wishers after you have successfully completed your work. But if you bite the head of an onion, then the enemy’s actions, whatever they may be, cannot harm you in any way.

Seeing many onion ridges in dream pictures means that many rivals will appear on the way to the goal. Watching the onions fry means risky business transactions will turn out to be successful.

Why do you dream about onions - interpretation according to Freud

Frequent observation of tall and juicy trees in a dream bow shooters means your subconscious desire to find young partners.

Bright large bulbs with beautiful yellow skin indicate well-developed sexuality. But an onion braid or just a large bunch can speak of insatiability in terms of intimate pleasures.

Young onion sprouts symbolize that in your heart you are already ready for children.

Onion in a dream according to the dream book of the healer Evdokia

Seeing an onion means experiencing anger openly directed at you. Eating means the presence of hidden internal forces that will help overcome all enemy machinations.

Finely chopping a vegetable with a knife and feeling it sting your eyes promises litigation over the division of inheritance.

Why do you dream about onions - Vanga’s dream book

When you work hard to plant onions and put a lot of effort into it, then such a dream foreshadows the receipt of “rich harvests” in reality, things will go uphill, and any investment of money will pay off. But, if during this you cry a lot, then real life the success that comes will turn into failure.

A garland of large onions means good changes that will come soon.

What does it mean to dream about an onion - interpretation according to the English dream book

Looking at onions in a dream or eating them foretells the discovery of previously lost things for which you have grieved for a long time. This could be money, securities or gold placed in a secluded place and forgotten by you.

Crying from onions in a dream means quick quarrels with relatives. Buying it means a seriously ill friend should get better.

Onion in a dream according to the eastern dream book

Mountains of onions predict success. And the larger the onion scatterings, the more luck you will have.

To see an onion that sprouts and then grows during a dream foretells that enemy actions will only push you towards proper development.

What else could you dream about onions for? Alternative interpretations

In general, usually an onion in a dream speaks of some kind of disorder in the near future.

  • Rotten onions may indicate hidden illnesses.
  • Too vigorous, from which tears never stop flowing, hints at hidden ill-wishers whom you mistake for friends.
  • Yellowed feathers indicate that impending problems will go away on their own.
  • Well-cooked onions in a dream are a sign of good health.
  • Cooking using onions, for example, for stew or soup - fate will grant you a relaxing time.

Seeing onions as a vegetable plant in a dream foreshadows an unexpected illness or a dispute between relatives over an inheritance.

Eating raw onions means that you will learn something that will cause you trouble and make you quarrel with your friends.

Peeling an onion in a dream is a sign of deception or success in a difficult undertaking.

Cutting onions with tears in your eyes means you will be defeated in the fight against your competitors. Frying onions or cooking in any other way portends a calm course of business and a small but stable profit.

Eating dishes seasoned with onions means you will defeat your enemies and cope with difficulties, but at the cost of incredible effort and using all your savings.

Seeing onions in the garden in large quantities means that in reality you will cause envy and anger with your successes.

Planting and growing onions foretells that you will only dream of peace, you will be so overwhelmed by business and worries.

Trading onions in a dream means that you will succumb to the persuasion of ill-wishers and will be drawn into a bad story.

Buying onions means trouble from your friends.

If you dreamed of a bow as a type of weapon, it means that in real life you will have to hire a lawyer to protect your interests.

An ancient combat bow means discord and enmity between close people; a sports bow portends that you will side with the one of the two arguing whom you sympathize with, even if he is wrong.

A homemade bow with hazel arrows is a sign of public insult and a showdown of personal relationships.

If in a dream you shoot from any kind of bow, this means that your prejudiced attitude will cause a sharply negative reaction from your friends.

If you hit the target with a bow, your secret admirers will present you with a gorgeous gift; if you miss, consult a doctor if you feel unwell.

A dream in which you see someone taking aim at you with a bow means the emergence of new enemies.

Seeing Cupid or Cupid in a dream with a bow in his hands and a quiver of arrows on his shoulder means the approach of the denouement love story.

Interpretation of dreams from

Often insignificant objects seen in a dream can be an omen important event in life. The most ordinary things come into dreams: items of clothing, animals, acquaintances and strangers, as well as fruits and vegetables. It happens that quite unexpectedly in a dream a person sees an onion and realizes that he did not think about it or see it for a long time. To find out why you are dreaming onion, you need to remember all the nuances of the dream. They will be decisive in determining the nature of the predictions and the time of their fulfillment.

It happens that completely unexpectedly in a dream a person sees an onion

  • anger;
  • powerlessness;
  • worries;
  • envy;
  • financial losses;
  • quarrels.

But this is only one side of such a dream. Upon closer examination, you may find that the dream promises a find in the form of a large sum of money or jewelry. Perhaps the find will be only a conditionally valuable item that was lost for a long time and was unexpectedly found.

Speaking of troubles, it is worth noting that the more onions, the more tears such a dream promises. Most often, those who see onions in dreams tend to judge others and blame them for their failures. A rotten vegetable only makes the situation worse.

A dream can be a sign of major life changes if the onions in it are bundled. If they are dreamed by a person related to agriculture, then he can expect profit from his main activity.

As with any dream plot, nuances are of the utmost importance. After waking up, it’s worth remembering all the little things associated with the bulbs you saw in your dream.

Why do you dream of green (video)

Seeing a large onion in a dream

Large brightly colored bulbs symbolize the dreamer's developed sexuality. Perhaps this dream means a lack of intimate relationships and a desire to diversify them.

Perhaps this dream means a lack of intimate relationships and a desire to diversify them

Large beautiful bulbs, collected in a large bundle, speak of insatiability in sexual pleasures.

Collect, peel, buy, plant onions in a dream: what does this mean?

More often than not, everyone carries out some kind of manipulation with an object seen in a dream. There are also many activities associated with onions. It can be:

  • cut;
  • clean;
  • wash;
  • sell;
  • buy;
  • plant in the ground;
  • collect and so on.

Each of these actions carries its own sign to the dreamer.

Harvesting onions from the garden symbolizes receiving a significant reward for your services. Perhaps the sleeper did not count on encouragement and did not expect gifts from fate. You should also expect good news during this period.

If a man has to dig up an onion, then he will soon have to enter into competition. At the same time, previously planned events may not come true. Dream books advise you to pull yourself together and coordinate all your actions to achieve your goal. During this period, achieving it will be difficult, but possible.

Peeling onions in a dream means you can safely count on business success. Peeling onions also promises sadness and tears, but they will be minor and short-lived. At this time, you should be wary of lies.

Peeling onions in a dream - you can safely count on business success

If tears flowed while peeling onions, then a quarrel with relatives or other close people is coming. Dry eyes will allow you to reassure yourself that everything will work out.

Buying onions has several different meanings. Perhaps during this period the dreamer should enlist the support of a lawyer. You can also expect recovery loved one from a serious illness. At the same time, other acquaintances of the dreamer will encounter a number of unexpected problems.

Buying a cibul in a dream promises a close journey connected with family matters. At this time, you can receive an unexpected reward.

Planting bulbs promises illness and other troubles resulting from the dreamer’s addictions. If after planting you had to watch the growth of the plant, then soon there will be a gambling rivalry with competitors, which will add thrills to life. In case of loss and financial loss the dreamer will have to restore balance and take revenge for failure.

According to other sources, planting onions promises:

  • troubles;
  • success in business;
  • gaining the respect of loved ones;
  • losses;
  • health problems.

To find out for sure what planting onions in a dream symbolizes, you need to remember how you felt during sleep and awakening. And also a pressing question that does not leave the dreamer’s thoughts in last days. Most likely, such a dream relates specifically to the current problem.

Cutting raw onions in a dream: what does it mean?

In real life, the process of chopping raw onions is associated with tears for many. This analogy is drawn by most dream books. Cutting onions in a dream symbolizes tears, which will be retribution for previously received pleasures. At this time, it is worth assessing the situation well before taking risky actions.

Cutting onions in a dream symbolizes tears, which will be retribution for previously received pleasures

If a young man sees himself chopping onions in a dream and feels tears welling up in his eyes, then most likely in the near future he will be disappointed by losing to his constant rival.

Many unpleasant consequences are associated with cutting onions in a dream:

  • tears of grief;
  • disappointment;
  • offense;
  • anxiety;
  • regret;
  • fear.

After this dream, you should expect quarrels with relatives and loved ones. During this period, you should not enter into a fight with business competitors, as defeat will be inevitable. The result is the loss of large sums of money.

At the same time, you should not deviate from your principles. The fight for them is always a just cause, and the dream simply states the fact of a long and difficult confrontation.

Why do you dream of onions in a bag?

A dream about a big bag of onions promises a dark streak in life. This stage will be full of bad luck and troubles. Difficulties will arise from financial matters. Important deals will be disrupted, issues will be resolved not in favor of the dreamer. At this time, it is recommended to fight prejudices, as they will most often get in the way of acceptance rational decisions. At the same time, you should not start new financial projects or participate in adventures.

For men, the period after such a dream will be marked by unfavorable events in business. Expansion of the enterprise will be impossible.

Another interpretation of sleep, where there is a large number of onions in bags speaks of the opposite situation: the period is so favorable for achieving success in life that it may lead to the appearance of envious people.

Red onions in a dream

Seeing a red onion in a dream means experiencing an obsessive feeling of anxiety related to health close friend or a family member. Most likely, this feeling has no basis. But for personal peace of mind, you should be more attentive to changes in the mood and well-being of loved ones. This will help make sure everything is fine.

Seeing a red onion in a dream means experiencing an obsessive feeling of anxiety

Interpretation of the onion seen in a dream by different sources

To find the answer to the question of why you dreamed about onions, it is recommended to study as many sources as possible and remember all the little things from the dream.

It is better to choose sources from the most popular:

  • children's;
  • female;
  • old Russian;
  • Gypsy;
  • dream book of esotericist Tsvetkov;
  • Freud;
  • Wangi;
  • Small Velesov dream book;
  • Ukrainian;
  • Miller's Dream Book;
  • Medium Hosse and others.

A children's dream book promises strong disappointment and frustration with upcoming events. The dreamer will cry a lot. The women's collection of interpretations speaks of anger and envy, which should be expected after a vision with big amount onions in it. Eating onions means the victory of an enemy, watching growth means the emergence of new rivals. If you have to fry onions in a dream, then you can count on a small income and a smooth, problem-free life.

According to the old Russian dream book, an onion means revealing secrets and mysteries that are unpleasant for the dreamer. Family dream book clearly interprets an onion in a dream as tears of grief and disappointment. The Ukrainian collection of dreams suggests that someone will harbor a grudge against the dreamer. An unexpected prediction can be found in Freud's dream book. It implies a weakening of erection for a man, and a fading of feelings in a relationship with a partner for a woman.

Why do you dream about onions (video)

The more interpretations we can find, the more accurate the prediction will be. Of these, you should choose those that are relevant to the current situation. The best indicator of the direction of search is the dreamer’s intuition.

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