How to live profitably every day. How to live the day of the eclipse. Do the most complex and difficult things at the beginning of the day.

This is how our world works - there is vanity all around, we are in a hurry all the time, there are so many things waiting for us, and it is difficult to imagine that in order to feel happiness it is necessary to pause. And think about the real, magical NOW. We can experience the most wonderful moments in life only when we are in the present moment, aware of ourselves here and now. It's very difficult because our thoughts are all the time
take us to the past or future, but we still have to try! The technique of active meditation, which we have already written about, will help you a lot with this.

3. Say "Thank you"

Gratitude is a great power that gives us access to an inexhaustible source of energy and wealth, both external and internal!

4. Give compliments

Remember again the source of love within yourself. Remember that it is inexhaustible, quite the opposite than more love you send out into the world, the more you will get back. Genuinely praise someone for something, and make it a goal to compliment at least two people a day. And watch this video to the end, you won’t regret it!

5. Dress nicely

Even if you're home alone, wear fresh, nice underwear and your favorite clothes that are comfortable for the house. And see how your mood changes. And if you go out, take care of how you look. To have a truly wonderful day! Your favorite dress, coat, shoes, accessories, your favorite color and favorite textures, dress to feel comfortable and to please the eyes of others.

6. Apply your favorite perfume

Doctors have found that inhaling pleasant odors slows down the breathing rhythm, pulse, lowers blood and intracranial pressure, and inhaling unpleasant odors lowers skin temperature, weakens hearing and vision, negatively affects pulse, breathing rhythm, blood pressure etc.

7. Open your eyes and ears

Try to wake up and focus now on your sensations, what you see, what you hear, what you smell. No matter what situation you find yourself in, you can always focus on the aspects of it that bring you pleasure. Try turning off the internal radio and tune in external world- how many new things you will discover around you.
Listen carefully to your interlocutor. We all love to talk and don't like to listen. Our dialogues turn into hidden monologues, when the interlocutors, while communicating, talk, as it were, to themselves. By pretending to be attentive, we behave as if we perceive what others are telling us, and we ourselves often find ourselves so filled with our own significant and important opinions, judgments and knowledge that there is simply no room for anything new. When we actually listen to the interlocutor, and not just wait for a pause in his speech, we have the opportunity to get the key to inner world communication partner, gain his trust and understanding, learn something. In addition, people around you will understand that you are listening to them and, internally, will appreciate it. They will be more open with you and, in return, open to receiving information from you. Thus, by listening carefully and sincerely to your interlocutor, it will be easier for you to convey your thoughts to him and, ultimately, influence his opinion.

8. Be kind

Be kind, polite, attentive, friendly to people. This will improve your mood and increase your self-esteem. In addition, a person who does good sincerely receives more recognition and love, because kindness is contagious. “By showing empathy and trying to act with genuine kindness, we develop best sides our personality, while simultaneously giving those around us a chance to also express themselves in a noble manner“, says Boris Masterov.

9. Laugh

Positive emotions, laughter, and humor strengthen the immune system, improve well-being, and can even help heal from a serious illness.

10. Wish everyone a wonderful day!

How was your day? Did you give any compliments? Did you smile at everyone?) Share with us, and maybe you know other ways to cheer yourself up and those around you? Write!

Are you home alone, bored, waiting for some event or just waiting? If you're like most of us, then you have moments in life that you wish you could experience forever. But there are also days when time itself seems to drag on forever. The next time you feel like climbing walls out of boredom during a business meeting or class, a really long trip, or while waiting for someone, try these techniques to speed up the passage of time.



    Take a walk. Go outside, breathe fresh air, this will help pass the time and also relieve stress. Try a quick walk around your neighborhood or just around your office. Even if you only have 10 minutes to spare, walking is a great way to pass the time.

    Meditate . At first you may feel like it doesn't make time pass any faster, but once you become comfortable with meditation, you will be able to enter a timeless state. It is your mind that keeps track of time, and meditation is a cleansing of the mind.

    Take a nap . A short nap may not seem like a very fun activity, but it will help you pass time and also give you energy. When you find yourself nodding off during the afternoon slump at the office, when you work a night or double shift, or when you struggle with drowsiness while driving, a quick nap in a safe place will make you more alert and productive.

    • Try taking a 20-minute nap to recharge your batteries, or sleeping longer to kill time.
  1. Write in a journal or start a blog. Writing down notes is a great way to sort through your thoughts and can also help time pass faster. Try journaling about what's on your mind or starting a blog about something that interests you. You can start a blog about creative writing, cooking, video games, or any other hobby you have!

    • Take time every day to write in your journal or blog. This can be done in the morning for 30 minutes or right after school.
    • Sites like Wordpress and Blogger make creating your own blog an easy task, but it will still take some time, so it's a great way to make time pass faster. You can customize your blog with color schemes, fonts, and images to make it special.

    Entertain yourself

    1. Chat with friends. Spend a few hours talking, joking or your favorite joint activity to kill time with friends. Boredom is afraid of company, therefore, than more people, the more fun. Even if you find just one person to talk to, it will be much more interesting than time alone.

      Listen to music. Whether you're at home, at school or at work, music will help your day go by faster and make it more enjoyable. Try listening to music during the day to speed up time, or listen to a new or favorite song between classes or assignments.

      • For example, if you are studying, you can listen to some fun, electronic music to make the time go by faster.
      • And if you're at work, you can listen to a song and use it as a small reward after completing each item on your to-do list for the day.
    2. Watch your favorite old TV show or movie. If you're at home and want to kill time somehow, pick a show and go on a TV binge! This will help speed up the time as it will prevent you from getting bored.

      • Turn on YouTube or Netflix and re-watch your favorite childhood TV series: "Charmed," "Friends," " Secret materials", "Beverly Hills, 90210", "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", "Charles in Charge", "Are You Afraid of the Dark?", "Quantum Leap" - see how the shows you loved as a child have stood the test of time .
      • Or look New film, which you missed in the cinema, for example, last film about a Marvel superhero or an award-winning movie that your friends have been talking about.
    3. Play games on your phone. Most phones have at least one free game, like Tetris or Pac-Man, that can keep you distracted for a much longer period of time than you're likely to want to kill. But this option is not recommended when you are at school or at work.

      • If you're at home and have a gaming console or computer games, these are another great way to kill time.

    Be productive

    1. Work on what you enjoy. One of the best ways to pass the time - choose a project that will be interesting for you. If you're at work or school, see if you can do something that's more enjoyable and interesting than your other tasks. If you're at home, think about what you like to do just for fun and do what's most fun for you.

      • For example, if you're at work or school and you have a creative project to work on, then pull it out and do it. If you're at home, pick a favorite hobby or activity, such as knitting, baking, playing the guitar, or playing video games.
    2. . For a big one an interesting book time can fly by! Learn more about Amelia Earhart, the history of Rome, or read a book about a foreign country. Whatever you read, you will acquire new knowledge.

      Do your homework. Who would have thought that studying algebra or reading about Grigory Pechorin would help pass the time? You may not like doing homework, but once you get into it, you won't notice how quickly time flies. And if you turn execution homework To kill time, become a habit, it will make you the top student in the class!

      Clean up your room . Start by throwing out all the wrappers, cardboard boxes, trash you can't donate, and anything else cluttering your space. Then go through your things, one piece of furniture at a time, until you have your bed, desk, dresser, closet, etc. clean and perfect. And if you only have an hour or two to kill, then pick one part of your room, tidy it up, and be proud of the work you did.

      Learn a few phrases in a foreign language. Of course, you won't learn it in a day. foreign language, but you can learn to say "Hello, my name is..." and "How are you?" in just a few minutes. Pick a foreign language you've always wanted to learn and spend a few minutes (or more) learning the most popular phrases.

      • Try keeping a phrase-a-day calendar on your desk, at home, or in your backpack. Take five minutes every day to read the phrase to yourself and out loud. This will give you a break and give you something to look forward to every day.
    3. Reply to old emails. Do you have a backlog of emails waiting for your response? If so, perhaps it's time to fire up your computer and respond to all those people—teachers, friends, business partners—who have been waiting for you to respond. You'll feel relieved to finally get through the backlog of emails, especially if you've had nothing better to do.

    Take on a creative project

      Make origami . Focusing on the intricacies of origami creation can also take your mind off time. There are countless varieties of origami you can make, and if you get really passionate about it, you can make an entire origami zoo or bouquet.

      • Try making a soccer ball out of paper and playing with it.
      • Or make jumping frogs with a friend and have a race to see whose frog can jump the farthest.
    1. Draw . Take a self-portrait, a caricature of someone nearby, or create a cartoon. If you don't like the way you draw, close your eyes and try to draw something simple without lifting your pencil or pen from the paper. The results can be interesting and unexpected, and there will be no stress about having to create a masterpiece (although you may surprise yourself).

    2. Complete the Pinterest project. No doubt you've noted these cute polka dot sock puppets, the Jim Carrey-like Halloween pumpkin, and Wedding Dress DIY foil, but when will you get around to doing these innovative projects? Now, of course. Go through your list of projects or find a new one on Pinterest and see which one you can complete in a few hours. And get to work!

      • Of course, if this seems like too much of a task for you, know that just browsing through projects on Pinterest can waste a ton of your time.

Each of us wants to live our day joyfully, as efficiently as possible and with health benefits. But it often happens that the day flies by unnoticed, and by the evening we are so tired that the only thing we dream about is getting to bed. To prevent this from happening, it is enough to use several simple techniques.

Break your day into blocks

It might look something like this:

  • morning block (about it in my article ""),
  • work block,
  • rest block,
  • block of creativity and intelligence,
  • health block.

Depending on your schedule, employment and preferences, fill these blocks with events and impressions that interest you. Distribute them by time of day. And follow your plan daily. And to make it easier for you to decide on your preferences, I have written recommendations.

  • Eat well
  • Focus more on what you want and less on what you don't like.
  • Be aware. Be in the here and now. Remember that all our grievances are from the past, and fears are from the future.
  • Move more and in more variety. Movements determine our emotions.
  • Be open to communication and kind to others.
  • Track your conditions. Study yourself.
  • Try to please your family and friends. Call your parents.
  • Learn new things. Expand your horizons.
  • Do good deeds.
  • Smile every time you remember this.
  • Set yourself one must-do task every day, and do it first.
  • Make time for doing things you love and being creative.
  • Read.
  • Keep a success diary and describe your achievements.
  • Go to new places, travel in different ways.
  • Treat your life like a book you are writing. Give it a name. Make each day a chapter of its own, filled with adventure and meaning.

And remember: when we are truly honest with ourselves, we must admit that our lives are all that belong to us. And what kind of people we are is determined only by what we spend our lives on (Cesar Chavez).

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A solar eclipse is similar to a particularly energetic New Moon, only many times stronger, so it is important to know what can be done at this time to improve your destiny. Since ancient times, people have been afraid of periods of eclipses, since the energies of eclipses are very powerful, not everyone can cope with them, and the events that occur after eclipses have historically not always been the most favorable.

And in privacy sometimes fatal events occur within a period of two and a half years or eighteen and a half years. Observations of eclipses have shown in practice that each of them does not pass without a trace and brings to life different problems. Some of them can be successfully and quickly resolved, while others are fatal or karmic and cannot be rewritten by events.

An eclipse has a very strong effect on people born during an eclipse, near the date of the eclipse, who in their natal chart have an eclipse in the corners of the chart, or on the natal Sun or Moon. Many feel this without even knowing their natal chart: some people become overwhelmed with causeless anxiety, others become irritable. And this is where it is important to spend this day correctly and not start anything new, and how you spend this day will determine your well-being for the coming years, and for some, for the entire 18 years. You can compare an eclipse to a new chapter in your book of life, which opens on this day.

Eclipses primarily influence destinies famous people, politicians, presidents, because the Sun is ancient symbol royal power.

Eclipses affect human health, which often worsens.

The effect of an eclipse on consciousness and psyche is definitely negative, oppressive, even animals prefer to hide during this period
, although in astronomy it’s just interesting and colorful a natural phenomenon, which everyone enjoys watching.

In the old days, it was customary to observe the weather on the day of an eclipse, and if bad weather suddenly happened on that day, it foreshadowed difficult times.

Traditionally, eclipse hours are used to make wishes, to build one’s expression in society, to assess one’s strengths and capabilities, and one’s life program.

All important events occur about a month before the eclipse, and rarely after it. Everyone has their own horoscope, their own special horoscope points. If you delve into the symbolism of a solar eclipse, this is the time when the Sun-Surya hides, this is the time of loss of light, loss of the source of joy, because the Sun is, first of all, the source of life and energy. And when the source disappears, the meaning of life disappears, and the very concept of “life” is lost.

If you analyze the word “eclipse” itself, its deep meaning will be revealed - “behind the darkness,” that is, on the other side of darkness - and this is the essence of the energy of an eclipse - to transport us not just to the otherworldly, but to the other side of it, through the looking glass. And then all the ancient rituals become clear, the essence of which boils down to following the path beyond darkness to light.

What darkness is in the human psyche is, first of all, its subconscious, its deep layer, which stores the history of the family, its ups and downs, and information about ancestors, and about past incarnations of the soul, and about its future path.

That is, the task here is to get out of the restrictions and programs of the past and rewrite your future. The more clearly you imagine your beautiful and happy future during these hours, the higher the chance of your dreams coming true. You go BEHIND the darkness on the path to the light, and this “FOR” can mean both the path on the other side of the darkness and the path following the darkness. And these, as you understand, are two different ways. Which one will be yours, only yours can tell individual horoscope eclipses.

And here it is very important to let go of all your sorrows, grievances, losses, grief, fears, relive them and let them go, so that they go behind the darkness, and you come out without them to the light with new program development.

Symbolically, a candle can also burn throughout the eclipse, pointing the way to the light and illuminating it. If you did everything correctly, then you have a chance to change your life for the better. Eclipses do not occur so often, several times a year, and they are given to people to understand the laws of the Universe, to understand what is light and what is darkness, regardless of their adherence to certain views on life and their place in it.

And if on solar eclipse some losses and trials occur, remember that beyond the dark night the brightest dawn follows, and even if you no longer want to look at it, accept this as the law of the Universe, because the Sun hides in order to rise again. And a new round of life will not be long in coming, whether we want it or not.

If we talk about our desires, then they must be verified, and order must really be restored in life and in the soul. It's no secret that sometimes a wish comes true when we have already stopped wishing, or it doesn't come true the way we would like.

So that everything happens exactly as we want it, there are rituals of eclipses, the practice of eclipses. I'll tell you about them in general outline, and everyone will create it for themselves individually.

So, just before the eclipse, it’s good to take a contrast shower, light a candle, and put on clean, light clothes. Then you can fantasize about what you want, what changes in destiny you want to get from life. And those who like Feng Shui can even make a so-called wish card, when they stick their photo in the center of the sheet, and then the desired objects and events are drawn around it. In principle, it does not matter what methods the visualization will be achieved, the main thing is that by the time the eclipse ends you feel that your desire has already come true. Each of us, I repeat, has our own horoscope and it is very important to know which field of the horoscope needs to be worked out during an eclipse. For some, the eclipse will fall into the House of Money, for others into the House of Marriage or into another field.

The practice of making wishes come true during an eclipse goes back a long way. The ancient Slavs also painted solar signs and runes on their foreheads and wrists, fumigated themselves with incense, rang a bell, in later times lit Easter candles, did not walk with their heads uncovered, covered wells so that the eclipse would not reflect in them and “do not poison the water.” “—that’s how seriously they used to take the eclipse.

Nowadays, the attitude towards eclipses is calmer, but wary.

Very often, despite fears and prejudices, an eclipse in the House of Marriage, especially on the Descendant axis, foreshadows a marriage that will turn your life upside down, or it means the end of an existing relationship. If the eclipse coincides with the Solar, you can expect insurmountable contradictions with your marriage partner or the appearance of a serious opponent in your life, or from this hour your partner will become this opponent. Of course, you shouldn’t expect only negativity from the eclipse, but you need to keep in mind that your relationships will require special attention

In which direction events will turn is a matter of detailed astrological research.

What can you do during an eclipse?

— Pray, conduct spiritual eclipse practice.

What can't you do?

- All the rest. According to astrological tradition, any business unwisely organized on the day of an eclipse is doomed to failure, so it is better to temporarily postpone all undertakings to more favorable days.

Always pay attention to the signs of fate on the day of the eclipse and 1-2 days before it. You can even write down what events happened on these days, so that you can then find confirmation of your guesses in this.

It is believed that the effect of an eclipse is triggered when Saturn, Mars or the Sun make an aspect to the point of the eclipse. and this moment can also be calculated in practice. The good news is that the eclipse of August 11, 2018 is not total, but partial. And partial eclipses negative influence still much weaker than full ones. It will occur at 12.47 Moscow time at 18 degrees Leo. Apparently it will be from China, Mongolia, Central Russia, Kazakhstan, Greenland, Scandinavia, North. Canada.

Long weekends usually put me in the mood to find the formula for a successful day. On weekdays, it’s easier to find an excuse for the hours spent. You just have to constantly grab onto “urgent” things and easily deceive yourself with being busy and constantly active. Activity and fidgeting tire you and discourage you from thinking about the results. On weekends, a TV can save you. Once you turn it on, your mental activity is drowned out by white noise. entertainment programs, TV series, propaganda under the guise of news and talk shows. I'm lucky, I'm allergic to federal TV channels. I physically cannot watch them for more than 15 minutes. Thanks to this, I have time and energy to think.

Conditions for a successful day.

Made the most of what was planned. Opportunities that arose during the day were identified and used to move towards goals.

In various circumstances, we acted by realizing our values ​​and gaining positive experience.

At each moment in time, we understood what we were doing: what planned task we were performing or what value we were realizing by acting in unplanned situations.

A successful day is planned in advance; there are tasks for the day that follow from tasks for the week and month.

An analysis of the past day has been made. Its result is replenishment of the “Inbox” folder.

The day turns out to be successful to the extent that we managed to independently connect our plans and the opportunities provided to us by the surrounding reality for most of it. Planning and analysis are only auxiliary functions of the mastery of intertwining our plans and reality. We weave the fabric of our lives. Day after day. Two skills: dreaming, designing the future and seeing possibilities. All in our hands. We just need to start. Why? Yesterday I sat down and in a paper diary I described how I imagine my future. The phrase “having my head in the clouds” haunted me. So I imagined that I was drawing clouds. One cloud I had was called “Company”. I spent two pages describing what I want our company to be like in the next 5 years. Without thinking about the coherence of the text, with each new line I described one or another line. For example, a large, modern, stylish office. Functional and visited Internet resource. The educational center. I did not limit myself to details and deadlines. Taking into account the fact that this is not the first time I have described such “clouds”, I know that it is important to awaken the imagination, draw, make “visible” the desired future. The second cloud was called “coaching.” The third is “personality”.

After that, I sat down as usual and wrote my “hundred” for each direction. I make a numbered list of a hundred tasks that I want to complete to achieve my cloud desires. The number could certainly be anything. 100 is just a beautiful number. I end up with repetitive or duplicative tasks. It doesn't bother me. The main thing is to sign. This provides raw materials for future daily, weekly, and monthly plans. It didn’t immediately dawn on me that planning this doesn’t mean inventing things for yourself. As I sit down to make my to-do list for tomorrow, I look at my inbox, which is constantly growing. My task is to choose from this list what is more convenient and necessary to do tomorrow. Otherwise, you have to come up with something to do to create the illusion of activity or busyness. By the way, to combat apathy, when you don’t want to do anything, looking at your inbox is a great way to get yourself moving. It seems to me that Forster’s advice to re-read the to-do list in Autofocus is based on this. You will definitely resonate with something from what is written down and begin to complete the task.

It is important for me to constantly replenish my inbox. It doesn’t matter what it looks like for you: a list in a notebook, a text file, a folder in some program like Things. It is important that you upload all the ideas and thoughts that come to mind about what you would like to do or achieve in one place.

The contents of the folder must be constantly processed. Ideas and thoughts turn into tasks. Tasks acquire deadlines and are planned for a certain period of time.

I fill up my inbox as follows. In the way already described, when a stream of tasks thickens from the clouds of dreams.

Analyzing the past day, the completion of each planned task usually entails the following actions or ideas, which are also recorded in a folder for subsequent transformation into actions.

During the day I take notes on workbook or a notepad, I write in

What else to read