Social educational and leisure work with youth. Recommendations recommendations for the design of government institutions for conducting social, educational and leisure work with children, adolescents and young people at their place of residence. Methodological support

Leisure is an activity in free time outside the sphere of social and everyday work, thanks to which an individual restores his ability to work and develops in himself mainly those skills and abilities that cannot be improved in the sphere of work. Since leisure is an activity, this means that it is not an empty pastime, not simple idleness, and at the same time not according to the principle: “I do what I want.” This is an activity carried out in line with certain interests and goals that a person sets for himself. Assimilation of cultural values, learning new things, amateur work, creativity, physical education and sports, tourism, travel - this is what and many other things he can do in his free time. All these activities will indicate the achieved level of youth leisure culture.

The social well-being of a young man and his satisfaction with his free time largely depend on the ability to direct his activities during leisure hours to achieve generally significant goals, implement his life program, develop and improve his essential powers.

The specific features of youth include the predominance of search, creative and experimental activity. Young people are more prone to gaming activities that capture the entire psyche and provide a constant flow of emotions. New sensations, and has difficulty adapting to monotonous, specialized activities. Gaming activity is universal; it attracts people of almost all ages and social status. Interest in gaming activities among young people is quite pronounced. The range of these interests is wide and diverse: participation in television and newspaper quizzes, competitions; computer games; sports competitions. The phenomenon of the game gives rise to a huge, incredibly fast-growing world into which young people are immersed recklessly. In today's difficult socio-economic conditions, the world of gaming has a serious impact on young people. This world provides young people with an interruption from everyday life. As they lose orientation towards work and other values, young people turn to games and move into the space of virtual worlds. Numerous observations of the practice of preparing and conducting youth cultural and leisure events indicate that their success largely depends on the inclusion in their structure of game blocks that stimulate young people’s desire for competition, improvisation and ingenuity.

Other features of youth leisure include the uniqueness of its environment. The parental environment, as a rule, is not a priority center for youth leisure activities. The vast majority of young people prefer to spend their free time outside the home, in the company of peers. When it comes to solving serious life problems, young people willingly accept the advice and instructions of their parents, but in the area of ​​specific leisure interests, that is, when choosing forms of behavior, friends, books, clothes, they behave independently. This feature of youth was accurately noticed and described by I.V. Bestuzhev-Lada: “..for young people “to sit in company” is a burning need, one of the faculties of the school of life, one of the forms of self-affirmation!.. With all the importance and strength of the socialization of a young person in the educational and production team, with all the need for meaningful activities leisure, with all the scale of growth of the “free time industry” - tourism, sports, libraries and clubs - with all this, young people stubbornly “get lost” in the company of their peers. This means that communication in a youth company is a form of leisure that a young person needs organically” (2, p. 16). The desire to communicate with peers is explained by the enormous need of young people for emotional contacts. It can be thought of as:

a necessary condition for human and social life;

source of creative transformation of an individual into a personality;

form of transfer of knowledge and social experience;

the starting point of a person’s self-awareness;

regulator of people's behavior in society;

independent type of activity;

A notable feature of youth leisure activities has become a pronounced desire for psychological comfort in communication, the desire to acquire certain skills in communicating with people of different socio-psychological backgrounds. Communication among young people in leisure activities satisfies, first of all, the following needs:

in emotional contact, empathy;

in information;

in joining forces for joint action.

The need for empathy is satisfied, as a rule, in small, primary groups (family, group of friends, informal youth association). The need for information forms the second type of youth communication. Communication in an information group is organized, as a rule, around “erudites”, individuals who have certain information that others do not have and which is of value to these others. Communication for the sake of joint coordinated actions of young people arises not only in the production and economic sphere, but also in the leisure sphere of activity. All the variety of forms of communication among young people in leisure activities can be classified according to the following main characteristics:

by time (short-term, periodic, systematic);

by nature (passive, active);

by the direction of contacts (direct and indirect).

Starting one’s own family significantly stabilizes the temporary budget, reduces a young person’s free time and makes his leisure time similar in structure to that of an adult. Before children appear, young married couples still retain many of the habits of youth. With the birth of children, free time is sharply reduced, especially for women. There is an increasing trend towards family leisure activities, in which the recreational function is enhanced.

It should be emphasized that the characteristics of youth leisure from the point of view of the culture of its organization and conduct cover many aspects of this phenomenon - both personal and social. Leisure culture is, first of all, the internal culture of a person, which presupposes the presence of certain personal properties that allow him to spend his free time meaningfully and usefully. Mindset, character, organization, needs and interests, skills, tastes, life goals, desires - all this constitutes the personal, individual-subjective aspect of youth leisure culture. There is a direct relationship between a person’s spiritual wealth and the content of his leisure time. But feedback is also true. Only leisure that is rich in content and, therefore, effective in its impact on the individual can be cultural.

Leisure culture is also characterized by those activities that are preferred in free time. We are talking only about those types of leisure activities that contribute to the normal reproduction of the ability to work, improvement and development of a young person. He must certainly participate in many of them himself.

Finally, the culture of development and functioning of relevant institutions and enterprises: clubs, palaces of culture, cultural and leisure centers, folk art centers, cinemas, stadiums, libraries, etc. At the same time, the creative activity of employees of these institutions is of particular importance. Much depends on them, on their ability to offer interesting forms of recreation, entertainment, services and captivate people. At the same time, the culture of spending free time is the result of the efforts of the individual himself, his desire to turn leisure into a means of acquiring not only new impressions, but also knowledge, skills, and abilities.

An excellent quality of cultural youth leisure is its emotional coloring, the ability to bring into every opportunity to do what you love, meet interesting people, visit places that are significant to them, and be a participant in important events.

The highest meaning of true leisure is to bring valuable loved ones closer and to separate or abolish empty, unnecessary things. Here, leisure for a young man turns into a way of life, filling his free time with various, meaningfully rich activities. The main features of cultural leisure for young people are a high level of cultural and technical equipment, the use of modern leisure technologies and forms, methods, an aesthetically rich space and a high artistic level of the leisure process.

Each person develops an individual style of leisure and recreation, an attachment to certain activities, each has his own principle for organizing free time - creative or non-creative. Of course, everyone rests in their own way, based on their own capabilities and conditions. However, there are a number of general requirements that leisure must meet in order to be fulfilling. These requirements stem from the social role that leisure is called upon to play.

In today's socio-cultural situation, youth leisure appears as a socially conscious necessity. Society is vitally interested in the effective use of people's free time - in general, socio-ecological development and spiritual renewal of our entire lives. Today, leisure is becoming an increasingly broader sphere of cultural leisure, where the self-realization of the creative and spiritual potential of youth and society as a whole occurs.

Youth leisure implies a person’s free choice of leisure activities. It is a necessary and integral element of a person’s lifestyle. Therefore, leisure is always considered as the realization of individual interests related to recreation, self-development, self-realization, communication, health improvement, etc. This is the social role of leisure.

The importance of these needs is extremely great, because the presence of only external, even if determining, conditions is not enough to achieve the goals of comprehensive human development. It is necessary that the person himself wants this development and understands its necessity. Thus, active, meaningful leisure requires certain needs and abilities of people. Undoubtedly, leisure should be varied, interesting, entertaining and unobtrusive. Such leisure can be ensured by providing everyone with the opportunity to actively express their initiative in various types of recreation and entertainment.

In modern cultural and leisure institutions, it is necessary to overcome the consumerist attitude towards leisure, which is inherent in many people who believe that someone, but not themselves, should provide them with meaningful leisure time. Consequently, the effectiveness of using youth leisure largely depends on the person himself, on his personal culture, interests, etc. A person’s activities in his free time are determined by his objective conditions, the environment, material security through the network of cultural and leisure institutions, etc.

The activities of a cultural and leisure institution and its improvement depend not only on the skillful organization of leisure, but also on taking into account psychological and pedagogical factors. The activities of young people in the sphere of free time are based on voluntariness, on personal initiative and on an interest in communication and creativity. In this regard, questions arise about communication in groups and the typology of leisure behavior. Therefore, we can talk about the content of events, about the forms and methods of work only when the psychology of the individual and the psychology of groups, the psychology of teams and the masses are taken into account. Realizing the goal of developing creative abilities, taking into account personal initiative and voluntariness in leisure conditions, the type of activity of people, leisure organizers create events that include programs of self-development and creativity. This is a fundamental difference between activities in the conditions of a cultural and leisure institution, from regulated conditions (educational process, work activity), where the development and enrichment of the individual is of such a voluntary nature.

But under these conditions one cannot fail to take into account the general psychological characteristics of a person, which are manifested in cognitive and creative activity. Therefore, we cannot abandon general methods of pedagogical influence on the individual. The object of these influences in a cultural institution is each individual individual and a group of people, a team, an unstable audience and various social communities visiting the cultural and leisure institution. It is not without reason that they say that cultural and leisure institutions are an intermediary between the individual and society.

All these conditions must be taken into account when organizing leisure time for young people and improving it.

The system of organizing leisure time is determined by the interests and needs of young people in their free time. Leisure needs have a certain sequence of manifestation. Satisfying one need usually gives rise to a new one. This allows you to change the type of activity and enrich your leisure time. In the sphere of leisure, there must be a transition from simple but increasingly complex forms of activity, from passive recreation to active recreation, from satisfying deeper social and cultural aspirations, from physical forms of recreation to spiritual pleasures, from passive assimilation of cultural values ​​to creativity, etc. .P.

When a person’s social status and level of culture changes, changes immediately occur in the structure of leisure. Leisure becomes enriched as free time increases and the cultural level grows. If a young person does not set himself the task of self-improvement, if his free time is not filled with anything, then the degradation of leisure occurs, the impoverishment of its structure

The structure of leisure consists of several levels, which are distinguished from each other by their psychological and cultural significance, emotional weight, and degree of spiritual activity.

The simplest form of leisure is rest. It is designed to restore the forces expended during work and is divided into active and passive. Passive rest is characterized by a state of rest that relieves fatigue and restores strength. What you are doing does not matter, as long as you can be distracted, free from tension, and get emotional release. Habitual, simple activities at home induce a mood of peace. It could be a simple connection or a flight, watching a newspaper, playing a board game, casual conversation, exchanging opinions, a walk. Rest of this kind does not set itself far-reaching goals; it is passive and individual. contains only the beginnings of positive leisure.

And, nevertheless, such rest is an integral element of human life. It serves as a preparatory degree for more complex and creative activities.

Active rest, on the contrary, reproduces a person’s strength above the initial level. It gives work to muscles and mental functions that have not found use in work. A person enjoys movement, rapid changes in emotional influences, and communication with friends. Active rest, unlike passive rest, requires a certain minimum of fresh strength, willpower and preparation. It includes physical education, sports, physical and mental exercises, tourism, games, watching movies, visiting exhibitions, theaters, museums, listening to music, reading, and friendly communication.

Researchers identify three main functions of active recreation: restoration, development and harmonization. The first provides a person with a physiological standard of health and high performance, the second - the development of his spiritual and physical strength, the third - the harmony of soul and body. In general, many aspects of personality can be developed and improved by active recreation if the disabled person has a well-developed ability to relax. It is a kind of art, which consists in the ability to know the capabilities of your body and make a choice of the most suitable activities at a given time.

Sociologists, psychologists, and economists have established a direct relationship between work and rest. In cultural and leisure activities, a number of studies have also been carried out in this area. The most accurate and fruitful are the studies of Yu.A. Streltsov, who believes “that any type of free activity carries within itself both the function of restoring strength and the function of developing a person’s knowledge and abilities. However, one of these functions is predominant, dominant: as a type of activity, it tends to develop a person or primarily restore his strength” (24, p. 39) of course, rest and entertainment are closely intertwined with each other, but there are also differences.

Traditionally, “entertainment” refers to those types of activities in free time that provide an opportunity to have fun, distract from worries, and bring pleasure, i.e. entertainment always requires activity, unlike rest, as mentioned above, which can be passive or semi-passive. Let us also clarify that during the process of rest a person restores his physiological state, and entertainment is necessary to relieve psychological stress, overload, and fatigue. Consequently, entertainment requires a special emotional load.

Active recreation is associated with the activation of spiritual interests, which encourage a young person to actively seek in the field of culture. These searches stimulate the cognitive activity of the individual, which consists of systematic reading of serious literature, visiting museums and exhibitions. If entertainment serves mainly as emotional release, then knowledge helps expand cultural horizons, cultivate feelings, and demonstrate intellectual activity. This type of leisure is purposeful, systematic; it is mastery of the world of cultural values, which expands the boundaries of the spiritual world of a young person.

Cognitive activity brings immediate satisfaction and has independent value for a person. Here, the most serious way of spending free time, designed not directly for consumption, but for the creation of cultural values, is gaining strength - creativity. The need for creativity is deeply characteristic of every person, and especially the young. Creativity brings the highest satisfaction and at the same time is a means of spiritual improvement. Many forms of leisure contain an element of creativity, and the opportunity to create is open to everyone without exception.

After all, every person is capable of creativity. Any activity can be creative if it captivates and absorbs the best mental strength and abilities of a person. Creativity includes arts and crafts, artistic and technical types of leisure creativity. The first includes handicrafts, sawing, burning, chasing, growing home flowers, and culinary creativity. The artistic type of creativity includes literary activities, folklore, painting, composing music, songs, participation in amateur performances (stage creativity). Technical creativity involves invention, design, and innovation.

Of course, leisure creativity, which is predominantly amateur, does not always reach the highest, professional level, however, it, acting as a reliable means of revealing the talent of each person, has a great social effect.

It should be said that not only creative and cognitive activities can act as a pedagogical process. As well as organizing recreation. After all, organizing a collective vacation means including each person in a common activity, combining his personal interests with the interests of other people. And the effectiveness of this process will largely depend on the participation of young people themselves in it, their ability to relax.

Since rest allows you to determine the place and role of an individual in the social system (social group, team, society as a whole) in accordance with his individual qualities and characteristics. All this makes rest a social and pedagogical activity. It is important that each person does what he loves and performs those social functions that best suit his interests and capabilities. Also, in addition to the need for active activity, a person has a need for a living contemplation of the world and his inner life, for poetic and philosophical reflection.

This level of leisure is called contemplative. It corresponds to communication between like-minded people.

Nowadays, the needs and interests of young people are constantly changing and growing, and the structure of leisure is becoming more complex. Free time is unevenly distributed among different groups of the population. Therefore, it is necessary to develop differentiated forms of organizing leisure time for different groups of the population. This organization must include various activities. People are heterogeneous in age, professional and social status. Different categories of people differ from each other in their needs, levels of cultural and professional preparedness, free time budgets and attitudes towards it. This is exactly what should be taken into account in the work of modern cultural and leisure institutions; they should offer people the most effective leisure activities in each specific case, freedom of choice and the opportunity to change different types of activities.

Let us briefly characterize these communities from the point of view of social psychology. To do this, let's start with the characteristics of the personality itself.

To improve leisure activities, understanding the processes, connections and relationships occurring in so-called small groups is of great importance. They are the central link in the “individual-society” chain, because the degree of harmonious combination of public interests with personal interests and the interests of the microenvironment surrounding a person largely depends on their mediation.

In the whole cycle of social sciences, a group is understood as a really existing entity in which people are brought together, united by some common characteristic, a type of joint activity. But for the socio-psychological approach the character has a slightly different angle of view. Performing various social functions, a person is a member of numerous social groups; he is formed, as it were, at the intersection of these groups, and is the point at which various group influences intersect. This has two important consequences for the individual: on the one hand, it determines the objective place of the individual in the system of social activity, on the other, it affects the formation of the individual’s consciousness. The personality turns out to be included in the system of views, ideas, norms, and values ​​of numerous groups. So, a group can be defined as “a community of people interacting in the name of a conscious goal, a community that objectively acts as a subject of action”

By entering such various social communities in small groups in cultural and leisure institutions, their members not only receive information, but also learn appropriate attitudes and ways of responding to social situations, and get to know other people. Modern cultural and leisure centers provide ample opportunities to regulate the communication of people at leisure, the possibility of continuously raising the level and improving interpersonal contacts, and work on the rational use of free time by people.

The needs that lead to participation in mass events and especially expanding opportunities and ways to satisfy them give rise to other needs - communication in a narrow circle, especially people close to each other. Hence the growing tendency towards the development of chamber genres of amateur performances.

An even more characteristic community for a cultural and leisure institution is the collective. The nature of relationships in a team has a special property: recognition of the most important role of joint activity as a factor that forms the team and, subsequently, the entire system of relations between its members. The most important feature of a team, according to Makarenko, is “not any joint activity, but socially positive activity that meets the needs of society. The collective is not a closed system, it is included in the entire system of relations of society, and therefore the success of its actions can only be realized when there is no disagreement between the goals of the collective and society.” (1, p.240)

Most researchers agree on the definition of the main characteristics of a team. We can identify those characteristics that are called by various authors as mandatory signs of a team. First of all, this is the unification of people to achieve a certain, socially approved goal (in this sense, a team cannot be called a cohesive, but an antisocial group, for example, a group of delinquents). Secondly, this is the presence of the voluntary nature of the association, the reasons for voluntariness here are not understood as the spontaneity of the formation of a collective, but such a characteristic of the group when it is not just determined by external circumstances, but has become for the individuals included in it a system of relations actively built by them on the basis of common activity . The main feature of a team is also its integrity, this is expressed in the fact that the team always acts as a certain system of activity, with the distribution of functions inherent in organizations, a certain structure of leadership and management. Finally, a collective represents a special form of relationship between its members, which ensures the principle of personal development not in spite of, but along with the development of the collective.

And in leisure, the team also acts as the main link between the individual and society, and the main form of all cultural and leisure activities. Classes in a club team are carried out at a higher level of activity, not limited only to cognitive activity, as happens in production and educational groups.

In stable teams, as well as in traditional events, interest develops, the activity of participants increases, and attention becomes more stable. It is important that team members constantly share their successes with others and constantly interact. Practice has proven that cultural and leisure institutions by their nature have the ability to develop stable common interests among people and rely on them. It is precisely amateurism based on passion that causes increased, sustained attention in a person, which is a condition for creativity. We must strive to ensure that mass events generate greater participation from participants. Accordingly, such activity arouses attention and maintains it at a high level.

The nominal group - people who met by chance - is an unstable audience, characterized by weak connections among themselves and different goals. This limits the possibilities for the development of dynamic processes in the group and the possibilities for self-affirmation of its members. But this does not mean at all that in unstable classrooms there is no spread and consolidation of socio-psychological changes in the consciousness of individuals and subgroups. Of course, this happens more massively; it goes more through satisfying needs than through developing their abilities (which is typical for stable teams).

This also includes a mass audience, which in many ways differs from a circle (group) audience, consisting of visitors who constantly interact. Its members are not organized organizationally, there may not be any permanent contacts between them, they do not even know each other, but during the event they are united by a common goal and a common occupation. And this is important, since in a cultural and leisure institution, on the one hand, a heterogeneous audience is created (according to personal, group, collective characteristics), and on the other hand, it is unified, uniting everyone on the basis of common interests, the same motives for visiting.

The nature and level of relationships between people that develops in a leisure community drives or inhibits the development of “leisure” interests, influencing the attitude towards recreation. Therefore, it is very important in a cultural and leisure institution to take into account the various relationships between personal and group aspects with various social processes.

This allows you to find as many options as possible for social balancing of the young person with the environment of leisure activities, and it will also expand the mobility of both individuals and entire groups of visitors to the institution.

The selection of material for any event is complex and contradictory. After all, the mass audience may include people with different education and ages. Social status, cultural level. Some demand a high quality event, others do not think about it, so it is necessary to satisfy the tastes of representatives of both low and high levels of training, it is necessary to provide material that performs simple and more complex pedagogical functions.

Thus, in an unstable audience, the leisure organizer deals with many needs (for relaxation, for communication, for knowledge, and for pleasure) and with many different interests. Therefore, he must have pedagogical efficiency in identifying and using these moments. It is necessary to take into account the features of advertising the event, consider the motives for visiting a cultural and leisure institution.

Studying visitors to a cultural institution or participants in an event helps to understand these motives. Based on this, we will obtain data on the general orientation of people in the field of leisure and recreation, present the dynamics of the random and natural in their behavior, and on this basis build the prospect of visitors’ transition from passive perception of material to a more active one in the form of an exchange on an issue of interest. Then provide the opportunity to acquire relevant practical skills and abilities related to the development of abilities, the need to deepen interests, changing to a certain extent even the general orientation of the individual.

Youth leisure, as if taking over the baton of teenage leisure, consolidates, and in many ways instills in a young person such habits and skills that will then completely determine his attitude towards free time. It is at this stage of a person’s life that an individual style of leisure and recreation is developed, the first experience of organizing free time is accumulated, and an attachment to certain activities arises. In young years, the very principle of organizing and spending free time is determined - creative or non-creative. One will be attracted by travel, another by fishing, a third by invention, a fourth by light entertainment...

Of course, everyone rests in their own way, based on their own capabilities and conditions. However, there are a number of general requirements that leisure must meet in order to be fulfilling. These requirements stem from the social role that leisure is called upon to play.

Based on this, we will formulate requirements for organizing and conducting leisure time for young people. First of all, it is necessary to approach it as a means of educating and self-education of a person, the formation of a comprehensively, harmoniously developed personality. When choosing and organizing certain classes and forms of leisure activities, it is necessary to take into account their educational significance and clearly understand what personality traits they will help to form or consolidate in a person.

The social value of youth leisure is most clearly revealed from the point of view of the problem of a person’s purpose, the meaning of his existence.

These words, which formulate the life task of everyone, especially a young person, express the ideal of our society - a comprehensively, harmoniously developed personality.

The task of a person to comprehensively develop his abilities is of a special nature. The fact is that the formation and development of abilities can be realized on the basis of satisfying needs.

The latter, in this relationship, are the driving force of abilities. In this regard, this task presupposes the comprehensive development of human abilities and the equally comprehensive satisfaction of his needs. It is clear that the solution to this problem is impossible without the sphere of leisure, where a whole range of needs is satisfied, including the individual’s need for development and self-improvement. It manifests itself as her conscious desire to specifically influence herself with certain activities and exercises for the purpose of self-improvement and development.

The significance of this need is extremely great, because the presence of only external, even if determining, conditions is not enough to achieve the goals of comprehensive human development. It is necessary that the person himself wants this development and understands its necessity. And if he is an Oblomov by nature and attitude, if he is not accustomed to setting a goal for himself, to be active, to improve himself, then no matter how much, for example, stadiums and sports grounds are built for him, he will not go in for physical education and sports.

Thus, active, meaningful leisure requires certain needs and abilities of people. Emphasis on creative types of leisure activities, on ensuring the direct participation of every young person in them - this is the way to develop personal qualities in boys and girls that contribute to meaningful and active leisure time.

The second requirement for organizing youth leisure is that it must undoubtedly be varied, interesting, entertaining and unobtrusive. By what means are these qualities of leisure achieved? Of course, both the content and the form of the proposed activities and entertainment are important here, which should meet the needs and interests of young people and be organically perceived by boys and girls. The only way to ensure just such leisure is to provide everyone with the opportunity to actively express themselves and their initiative in various types of recreation and entertainment.

The most convenient forms for this have already been developed by life - amateur associations and interest clubs. What is attractive about these clubs? They are primarily multidisciplinary: political, sports, tourism, health, nature lovers, scientific and technical creativity, readers, amateur songs, collectors, book lovers, weekenders, young families, etc.

A club is a relatively small association of people sharing a common interest or activity. It is a school of education, education and communication. People come to the club who want to master a certain activity or leisure “qualification” to perfection. Some clubs and amateur associations even organize appropriate forms of training.

But a hobby club is also a skillful educator. Perhaps this is the main criterion of his activity. The fact is that each of the members of this association strives to bring their knowledge and skills to the people. Communication in a circle of like-minded people promotes enrichment and mutual education. Interest in an activity turns into interest in people. A person came to the club to learn something, but having learned it, he doesn’t want to leave, because he really became friends with people. He is bound by a special atmosphere of equality, goodwill and initiative.

Observations of the work of club associations convince us: in order for leisure to become truly attractive for young people, it is necessary to base the work of the institutions and organizations providing it on the interests of each young person. It is necessary not only to have a good knowledge of today’s cultural needs of young people and to anticipate their changes, but also to be able to quickly respond to them by regulating the appropriate forms and types of leisure activities.

Nowadays, the practice of many cultural and sports institutions increasingly includes sociological research, with the help of which they try to study the leisure needs of young people.

Socis magazine conducted research on the preferences of urban youth (using the example of Zelenograd

Table No. 1

Leisure preferences of young people



Reading books, magazines

Watching TV shows, videos;

listening to radio programs, audio cassettes

Folk crafts (knitting, sewing, weaving, embroidery)

Artistic crafts (drawing, modeling, phytodesign, painting on various materials, etc.)

Essay (poetry, prose)

Computer (games)

Computer (programming, debugging)

Sports, healthy lifestyle

Pet care

Chat with friends

Difficult to answer

Interest clubs (dog handlers, bard song lovers, environmentalists, joggers, football enthusiasts)

Sport sections

Visit the skating rink, swimming pool, sports grounds on your own

Foreign language courses

Sections and circles of technical creativity

Sections and circles of folk crafts

Teaching music, dancing, drawing, etc.

Electives at educational institutions

Visiting the library, reading rooms

Visiting cinemas

Visiting theaters


Visiting cafes and bars

Dacha, homestead

Mass holidays, festivities

Professional association

Political associations

Communication with peers in free clubs

Difficult to answer

The survey data indicates that the bulk of modern youth prefer entertainment, more often passive, less often active. Only a small portion of respondents devote their free time to education, knowledge and self-development.

Life suggests that the leisure of young people has always been interesting and attractive depending on how it met the tasks of complex education, how the organization of free time for boys and girls combined together the most popular forms of activities: sports, technical and artistic creativity, reading and cinema, entertainment and game. Where they do this, they first of all strive to overcome the consumerist attitude towards leisure, inherent in some young people who believe that someone from the outside should provide them with a meaningful way to spend their free time, but not themselves.

The next requirement for organizing and conducting youth leisure is its complete dealcoholization. No type of leisure activity should include activities or entertainment that directly or indirectly promote the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Differentiation of leisure time by interests should be complemented by division of its activities, taking into account different groups of young people. In age, professional, territorial terms, youth, as a special social group, is heterogeneous: rural, urban, students, employed in various spheres of the national economy, family and non-family, etc. Naturally, all these subgroups of youth differ from each other in their needs, level of cultural and professional preparedness, free time budgets and attitude towards it. This is exactly what leisure organizers should take into account, offering the most effective activities, entertainment, and games in each specific case.

As you know, among the most popular leisure activities among young people, physical education and sports dominate, ensuring not only health and normal physical development, but also the ability to control oneself and one’s body. By the way, an individual’s attitude towards his physical constitution is an indicator of his true culture, his attitude towards the rest of the world. Convenient forms of involvement in physical education and sports are sports clubs, sections, health groups. As evidenced by the experience of Severodonetsk, where running clubs, a teenage wrestling club, a weightlifting club, a tennis school, a cafe - club "Chess" are very popular, tourist associations, sports and technical sections are very popular, the friendship of the population with sports and physical education can not only to improve his health, but also to create a special living environment, a special mood. People not only work and relax better, but also understand each other. Mastery of special mental exercises creates the foundations of mental self-regulation and reduces the time for recovery of nervous forces.

Games occupy an “important” place in the lives of young people, but not all boys and girls have a high gaming culture. Some of them are not at all familiar with modern mass games and do not realize their value for themselves, while others approach games primarily contemplatively (sitting in front of a television screen, on the stands of a stadium). Play as a form of leisure is a serious matter. We must not forget the way to the gaming halls and game libraries. True, there are not so many of the latter yet, but a wide network of them is needed, and gaming clubs would be useful. In such establishments (paid and free), play should reign: serious and funny, with and without partners, theatrical and simple. Here, in addition, you can solve funny problems, unravel complex detective stories, participate in scholarly competitions, dance, and drink a cup of coffee or tea. You can come here either alone or with your family and children.

Young people are attracted to leisure games involving the use of slot machines and computers.

We can highlight the most attractive forms of entertainment for young people: shows, light music, dancing, games, television programs such as games - spectacles, KVN. Today, in view of the rise in the spiritual needs of young people, the growth of their level of education and culture, the most characteristic feature of youth leisure is the increase in the share of spiritual forms and ways of spending free time, combining entertainment, saturation with information, the possibility of creativity and learning new things. Such “synthetic” forms of organizing leisure time included interest clubs, amateur associations, family clubs, artistic and technical clubs, discos, and youth cafe-clubs.

The most serious way of spending free time, designed not directly for consumption, but for the creation of cultural values ​​- creativity, is gaining momentum. Many forms of youth leisure contain an element of creativity, and opportunities to create are open to everyone without exception. But if we keep in mind the actual creative forms of leisure, then their essence is that a person devotes his free time to creating something new.

So, leisure gives the modern young man the opportunity to develop many aspects of his personality, even his own talent. To do this, it is necessary that he approach his leisure time from the standpoint of his life task, his calling - to comprehensively develop his own abilities, to consciously shape himself. What are the most general trends and problems of modern youth leisure?

Let us consider the leisure of young people as a special social group as a whole. You can “sit in company,” which is a burning need, a form of self-affirmation for a young man. Research by scientists, and even the simplest everyday observations, show that despite all the importance and strength of socialization of a young person in an educational and production team, with all the need for meaningful activities in leisure time, with all the scale of the growth of the free time industry - tourism, sports, library and club business etc. - despite all this, young people stubbornly “get lost” in the company of their peers. This means that communication in a youth group is a form of leisure that a young person needs organically. It is clear that in view of all this, home leisure, like a magnet, attracts young men and women. His noble, developing influence on the personality of a young man cannot be denied. And yet, this type of leisure is not without its drawbacks: the isolation of a person in a “box” of four stacks, communication with spiritual values ​​only “at the reception”, separation from physical education and sports forms of leisure, and this cannot but increase the passivity and inertia of the young person.

Undoubtedly, the home leisure of boys and girls requires the correct participation of elders, especially parents, their help and control. A convenient form in this regard is going on vacation with the whole family and organizing leisure time in family clubs (cooperatives). Vacations with the whole family greatly unite and enrich children and parents. But, unfortunately, it is not always possible yet.

What should a young person take into account when choosing certain forms of leisure? First of all, his attitude towards them should not be one-sided. We need to learn to see in each type of leisure all its content (cognitive, aesthetic, educational, entertainment elements). This will help you manage your own development correctly.

Helping a person get rid of the monotony of everyday life, boring evenings that no one needs if they are wasted, finding rational ways and forms of spending leisure time - all this is an urgent and far from simple task, the solution of which, of course, will allow many to give free time a higher meaning , cleanse it of the influences of anticulture, expand the scope of one’s “sublime activity”, and experience the joy of creativity.

Relevant for our society is the problem of improving the mechanism for managing free time, leisure activities, stimulating the latter, creating in the individual a conscious need for creativity, educational, cultural and social-leisure activities.

It would seem that now the possibilities for filling free time are inexhaustible. Everything is available to a modern young person: self-education, going to the cinema and theater, playing sports, meaningful communication with friends, nature, etc. But this is in theory; in practice, not everything is so simple. Because of this, the problem of improving youth leisure comes to the fore.

The sphere of youth leisure has its own characteristics. The leisure of young people differs significantly from the leisure of other age groups due to its specific spiritual and physical needs and its inherent social and psychological characteristics. Such features include increased emotional and physical mobility, dynamic mood swings, visual and intellectual sensitivity. Young people are attracted to everything new and unknown. Specific features of youth include the predominance of search activity. We can highlight the most attractive forms of entertainment for young people: shows, light music, dancing, games, television programs such as entertainment games, KVN. Today, in view of the rise in the spiritual needs of young people, the growth of their level of education and culture, the most characteristic feature of youth leisure is the increase in the share of spiritual forms and ways of spending free time, combining entertainment, saturation with information, the possibility of creativity and learning new things. Such “synthetic” forms of organizing leisure time included interest clubs, amateur associations, family clubs, artistic and technical clubs, discos, and youth cafe-clubs.

Thus, the task of cultural and leisure centers is the maximum implementation of developmental leisure programs for youth, which are based on the principle of prostate organization, mass participation, inclusion of uninvolved groups of youth. Improving the organization of cultural forms of youth leisure will provide them with the opportunity for informal communication, creative self-realization, spiritual development, and will contribute to the educational impact on large groups of youth.

For a long time in Russian social science, young people were not considered as an independent, separate group. The identification of such a group did not fit into existing ideas about the class structure of society, and contradicted the official ideological doctrine of socio-political unity.

The first definition of the concept of “youth” was given in 1968 by V.T. Lisovsky: “Youth is a generation of people who are going through the stage of socialization, acquiring, and at a more mature age having already acquired, educational, professional, cultural and other social functions.

Not much later, a more complete definition was given by I.S. Kon: “Youth is a socio-demographic group, identified on the basis of a combination of age characteristics, characteristics of social status and determined by theme or other socio-psychological properties. Youth as a certain phase, stage of the life cycle is biologically universal, but its specific age framework, associated social status and socio-psychological characteristics are of a socio-historical nature and depend on the social system, culture and the patterns of socialization inherent in a given society.”

Youth is the path to the future, it is chosen by the person himself. Choosing the future, planning it, is a characteristic feature of young age. He would not be so attractive if a person knew in advance what would happen to him tomorrow, in a month, in a year.

In developmental psychology, youth is characterized as a period of formation of a stable system of values, the formation of self-awareness and the formation of the social status of an individual. The consciousness of a young person has a special sensitivity, the ability to process and assimilate a huge flow of information. During this period, critical thinking, the desire to give one’s own assessment of various phenomena, the search for argumentation, and original thinking develop. At the same time, at this age some attitudes and stereotypes characteristic of the previous generation still remain. This is due to the fact that during the period of active activity the young man faces restrictions; he is not fully included in the system of social relations.

Hence, in the behavior of young people there is an amazing combination of contradictory qualities and traits: the desire for identification and isolation, conformism and negativism, imitation and denial of generally accepted norms, the desire for communication and care, detachment from the outside world. The instability and inconsistency of youth consciousness influence many forms of behavior and activity of the individual. The consciousness of young people is determined by several objective circumstances:

  • 1. In modern conditions, the process of socialization itself has become more complex and lengthened, and accordingly the criteria for social maturity have become different. They are determined not only by entering into an independent working life, but also by completing education, obtaining a profession, real political and civil rights, and financial independence from parents. The action of these factors is not simultaneous and unambiguous in different social groups, therefore the assimilation by a young person of the system of social roles of adults turns out to be contradictory. He can be responsible and serious in one area and feel like a teenager in another.
  • 2. The formation of social maturity of young people occurs under the influence of many independent factors: family, school, work collective, media, youth organizations and spontaneous groups. This multiplicity of socialization mechanisms is not a rigid system; each of these mechanisms performs its own specific functions in personality development.

Youth is the time when everyone must determine their own destiny, find the only true life path leading to success, which will allow them to realize their abilities and talents to the maximum. This is a period associated with a painfully difficult process of self-knowledge, finding one’s own “I”. A person needs to determine the boundaries of his real capabilities, understand what he is capable of, and establish himself in society. However, on the other hand, at the same time he needs to form an idea of ​​the world around him, systematize value orientations, as well as political, moral and aesthetic views. Life confronts a young person with the need to make a number of important decisions in the face of a lack of life experience. This is the choice of a profession, the choice of a life partner, the choice of friends. This is only a partial list of problems, the solution of which largely shapes the way of subsequent life.

The characteristic features of young people are the desire for everything new and unusual, interest in technology, the desire to be on an equal footing with adults, and the desire for active work. It is during adolescence that much of what was habitual and already established in a teenager breaks down. This applies to almost all aspects of his life and activities. The nature of educational activities undergoes especially noticeable changes. In adolescence, the basics of science begin to be mastered. This requires a change in the usual forms of work and thinking, a new organization of attention, and memorization techniques.

In close connection with the formation of moral beliefs, young people develop moral ideals. This makes them significantly different from younger schoolchildren. Ideals in adolescents come in two main forms. For a younger teenager, the ideal is the image of a specific person, in whom he sees the embodiment of qualities that he highly values. With age, a young person experiences a noticeable “movement” from images of close people to images of people with whom he does not directly communicate. Young people are beginning to make higher demands on their ideal. In this regard, they begin to realize that those around them, even those they love and respect very much, are for the most part ordinary people, good and worthy of respect, but are not the ideal embodiment of the human personality. Therefore, at this age, the search for an ideal outside of close family relationships acquires special development.

In the development of young people’s knowledge of the surrounding reality, a moment comes when the object of knowledge becomes a person, his inner world.

Analysis of the practice of educating young people increasingly convinces that the effective organization of the educational process in educational institutions is unthinkable without a deep study by those working with youth of the system of value orientations of young people, which guides them in their lives, both in a specific individual act and in life principles.

Insufficient knowledge by subjects influencing young people of the features of the spiritual world of the younger generation, the inability to take into account in pedagogical activities the patterns of personality formation identified by psychological science, significantly weakens the educational process, causes internal rejection by young people of valuable social moral principles.

The most intensive formation of value orientations and other personality substructures, as proven by psychological science, occurs in adolescence. It is in adolescence (16 - 18 years old) that in the need-motivational sphere, the individual’s awareness of the expansion of his capabilities and motivational forces increases, and a structural restructuring of this sphere, including value orientations, occurs. It is rightly believed that a youthful dream is the most important factor in the formation of a person’s value orientations. It creates numerous “projective situations” in which a person develops his attitude towards the values ​​existing in the culture.

What values ​​do young people of adolescence prefer? What motivates actions and behavior? What is it striving for? These are issues that are very relevant and significant for society. It is known that if young people’s answers to these questions coincide with social progress, they determine social and professional activity and act as driving forces of development and personality formation. In those cases when such answers (and therefore views and attitudes) run counter to moral norms, they demoralize young people, direct their behavior in an asocial direction, and criminalize them.

But the situation in which modern youth finds itself is ambiguous. On the one hand, the political and social conditions of Russian reality have significantly expanded the life opportunities of a young person; on the other hand, growing up occurs in a situation of instability of society as a whole and a protracted crisis of habitual norms and values, expressed in the absence of norms of behavior and clearly structured normative models.

The best way for a young person to adapt to society is to give him the opportunity to feel significant, useful, and exceptional in his own way. Self-realization for young people is the manifestation of their talents, capabilities, a painless search for themselves, even if this happens by trial and error. It is possible to make this process as less painful as possible with the help of cultural and leisure institutions.

Cultural and leisure institutions in working with young people must follow the principles of competition, mutual respect, trust and attention of participants to each other, an individual approach and unity of individual interests. In cultural and leisure institutions, all conditions are created to relieve certain psychological stress, intellectual, psychological, pedagogical, educational and developmental qualities of the individual are revealed, initiative and independence are liberated.

When creating conditions for youth recreation in a cultural and leisure institution, organizers need to take into account the working conditions for a full range of leisure services through entertainment, restoration of physical and spiritual strength, contributing to the formation of a person’s leisure culture. At the same time, cultural institutions must comply with the requirements of the social customer. At the heart of its work, a cultural and leisure institution should focus on achieving the following goals:

  • - meeting the needs of all demographic groups of the population, regardless of their level of preparedness for active leisure activities;
  • - providing a set of activities that provides each of the club’s visitors with a full opportunity to implement leisure activities;
  • - revitalization of the activities of all existing public service institutions by developing and staging high-quality programs on their basis that are in demand among the population.
  • - cultural and entertainment programs with the active involvement of visitors in the theatrical performance;
  • - outdoor games and entertainment that allow equal participation of trained and unprepared, untrained people of all ages;
  • - recreational activities to regulate physical and mental stress, which balance the general condition of a person and his well-being; logic and business games that simulate conflict and problem situations that are familiar and interesting to all visitors;
  • - attractions, developing dexterity, coordination of movements, attention, reaction;
  • - leisure ceremonies and rituals, communication, dancing.

The ideology of a cultural and leisure institution in working with youth is the principles of humanism, social justice, education and upbringing. The main task is to give young people the opportunity to realize and feel that they are not the dregs of society, that they are people, individuals needed by the Fatherland, that everyone has a future.

Leisure is an activity in free time outside the sphere of social and everyday work, thanks to which an individual restores his ability to work and develops in himself mainly those skills and abilities that cannot be improved in the sphere of work. Since leisure is an activity, this means that it is not an empty pastime, difficult idleness, and at the same time an activity not according to the principle: “I do what I want,” but this is an activity carried out in line with certain interests and goals that one sets for oneself. Human. Assimilation of cultural values, learning new things, amateur work, creativity, physical education and sports, tourism, travel - this is what and many other things he can do in his free time. All these activities will indicate the achieved level of youth leisure culture. The social well-being of a young man and his satisfaction with his free time largely depend on the ability to direct his activities during leisure hours to achieve generally significant goals, implement his life program, develop and improve his essential powers.

Specific features of youth include the predominance of search, creative and experimental activity. Young people are more prone to gaming activities that capture the entire psyche and provide a constant flow of emotions. Gaming activity is universal; it attracts people of almost all ages and social status.

Every person is capable of creativity. Any activity can be creative if it captivates and absorbs the best mental strength and abilities of a person. Creativity includes: arts and crafts, artistic and technical types of leisure creativity. Decorative and applied arts include:

Handicrafts, sawing, burning, chasing, growing home flowers, culinary creativity.

The artistic type of creativity includes: engaging in literary activities, folklore, painting, composing music, songs, participation in amateur performances (stage creativity). Technical creativity involves: -invention, design, innovation. The most convenient forms have been developed by life, where every young person can express himself and his initiative; these are amateur associations and interest clubs. Interest clubs are multidisciplinary. Among them are: political, sports, tourist, health clubs, clubs for nature lovers, scientific and technical creativity, reading clubs, amateur and art songs, clubs for collectors, book lovers, weekend clubs, young families and others.

Of course, both the content and the form of the proposed activities and entertainment are important here, which should meet the needs and interests of young people and be organically perceived by boys and girls. A club is a relatively small association of activities that share a common interest. It is a school of study, education and communication. Young people come to the club who want to master a certain activity or leisure “qualification” to perfection. A hobby club is also a skillful educator. Maybe this is the main criterion of his activity. The fact is that each of the members of this association strives to bring their knowledge and skills to the people. Interest in an activity turns into interest in people. A young man, coming to the club, learns something, and, having acquired knowledge and skills, does not want to leave, because he has truly become friends with people. He is bound by a special atmosphere of equality, goodwill and initiative.

What kind of leisure should a young man have in order for it to become the most effective means of self-expression?

In our opinion, the leisure time of every young person should be educational and varied.

Many young people have a favorite thing, something they love and know how to do most in their free time. In this case, he naturally needs to continue to master his favorite activity and deepen his knowledge in the area of ​​interest. Over time, he will probably be able to achieve good results in this area, not to mention the fact that he will simply enjoy doing what he loves.

Recently, young people are increasingly attracted to the art of music. The music can be anything - classical, popular, folk, hip-hop or ultra modern - “progressive”. The core element in domestic youth culture turned out to be the satisfaction of musical and entertainment needs.

Young people who are interested in painting visit Hermitages, plein air museums, and express their thoughts through the brush.

Among today's youth there are film lovers. Detective, horror film, thriller, action, comedy or melodrama - you can take away something useful from every quality film. This may simply be a set of certain factors, various emotions (horror, joy, sadness, misunderstanding), or there may be deep reflections that change the point of view, changing the worldview.

One of the most popular leisure activities among young people is martial arts. They concentrate external beauty and aesthetics of movement; focus on a healthy lifestyle; physical and spiritual improvement.

Ways to improve the organization of social, educational and leisure work with young people in the city of Novoaleksandrovsk.

Despite the differences in content and approaches, diverse socio-cultural centers are distinguished by a common feature for all - their integrative function in the public education of youth.

The activities of cultural and leisure centers for organizing leisure time for youth in the city of Novoaleksandrovsk confirm that they are currently going through a rather difficult period, which is characterized by the following negative processes: insufficient funding, a decline in public interest in the activities of leisure institutions; the consequence of this is their low attendance, many forms of leisure activities are simply outdated, etc. Significant socio-cultural and socio-pedagogical resources in the formation of civic and personal qualities of young people are embedded in the leisure sphere, which is the dominant element of youth culture. The social and pedagogical value of leisure activities largely depends on the ability of a young person’s personality to self-regulate this activity.

To solve the problems of organizing youth leisure and improve work in this direction, it is necessary to develop new forms and methods of organizing youth leisure. To improve and increase the efficiency of the activities of cultural and leisure centers for organizing youth leisure in the city of Novoaleksandrovsk, satisfying spiritual needs, developing a civic position in the younger generation, searching for new forms and methods of organizing youth leisure. Creation of a unified data bank of talented youth of the city, support of young talents in order to develop the intellectual and creative potential of the city, increasing individual skills. Satisfying the information needs of young people, creating a city information center. Creation of a sports club that will allow differentiated consideration of the interests and needs of those involved in sports. Conduct consulting work among them, provide youth with greater opportunities to realize their abilities.

Having analyzed the experience of Novoaleksandrovsk youth organizations, such as “RSM”, “Patriots”, I am a volunteer.” , I found that the activities of these institutions to organize leisure time for young people are carried out in various directions. As part of the state youth program, I propose the project “The Right Path »

Project "The Right Path"

An important area in the crime prevention system is the comprehensive development of the problem of early prevention of juvenile delinquency. It is possible to prevent juvenile delinquency if the family and immediate environment are involved in preventive work.

One of the most pressing and socially significant tasks facing society is to find ways to reduce the growth of crimes among minors and increase the effectiveness of their prevention. The need to quickly solve this problem is due only to the fact that more and more minors are being drawn into the sphere of organized crime, dangerous crimes are being committed by criminal groups created by teenagers, and their number has increased at the end of 2014.

Such criminalization of the youth environment deprives society of prospects for establishing social balance and well-being in the near future.

Integration of the efforts of society can be carried out only within the framework of a scientifically based system of re-education of the personality of a minor, provided with effective technologies, through consistent pedagogical and educational-preventive influences, ensuring the formation of a personality with firm and correct life attitudes.

The most significant reason for juvenile delinquency is shortcomings in their moral education. Consequently, the prevention of juvenile delinquency lies primarily in the orientation of various spheres of moral influence in the process of raising children and adolescents on the age-related characteristics of minors, which require a psychologically and methodologically competent approach to this contingent.

The goal of the Project is to resolve issues of social adaptation and rehabilitation of minors and families in difficult life situations and socially dangerous situations.

Project Objectives:

ensuring the regulatory framework for the implementation of the Project and the state order for its constituent activities;

formation of a register of minors and families in a socially dangerous situation and difficult life situation, minor mothers in the Stavropol Territory;

creation of platforms for social adaptation of minor mothers;

support for families in socially dangerous situations and difficult life situations;

socialization and vocational guidance of minors;

support for minors who find themselves in difficult life situations and in need of social protection;

creating favorable conditions and promoting proper rest for minors;

maximum coverage of the target audience;

expanding the scope of activity of specialists from institutions working with youth at the place of residence;

improving the quality of work of commissions on the affairs of minors and the protection of their rights in municipal districts and urban districts of the Stavropol Territory;

coordination of the activities of bodies and institutions of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency in the Stavropol Territory;

development of interregional relations with commissions for minors of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Expected final results:

1. Support for minors and families in socially dangerous situations and difficult life situations.

2. Social adaptation of teenage mothers.

3. Reducing the level of crime, drug addiction and alcoholism among young people, preventing crime among young people.

4. Assistance in organizing leisure and extracurricular education of minors.


The direction in which Russia's further development will go will depend not only on the successful progress of socio-economic reforms, but also on how committed Russian youth are to active participation in them. For the most part, young people are ready to carry out the difficult tasks that need to be solved during the global transformation of Russian society. Let us determine the status and position of youth in our society and the tasks to be addressed by the activities of social workers engaged in the field of work with youth.

The distinctive features of young people relate mainly to their qualities as workers, the closely related financial situation of young people, their moral character and behavioral characteristics, as well as the role of politics in their lives. Young people compare favorably with the older generation in their level of qualifications, the presence of those knowledge and skills that are highly valued in the modern labor market, the nature of work motivation, as well as their willingness to take into account market requirements, including retraining, if necessary. A special case of this readiness is the activity with which young people acquire new knowledge.

The enormous creative and physical potential inherent in young people is one of the main sources of current and future transformations. It is the young people who can build a new Russia. Therefore, we must strive to ensure that our youth today are close and understandable to such moral categories as patriotism, reverence for the spiritual and cultural traditions of ancestors, national pride, and respect for other nations.

Any civilized society, realizing this, strives to use a conceptual approach in the formation and implementation of youth policy through state administrative and public structures, a system of scientific institutions and information centers.

Preservation and transmission from generation to generation of established youth traditions is not nostalgia for the past, but a requirement of the future, so that in the third millennium Russia will again become a leading power.

Youth is a strategic rebus of society, the unrealized potential of youth, unresolved youth problems set back not only youth, but the entire society, becoming a problem for everyone, not just the young.

As has been shown, the Government of the Stavropol Territory, the Committee for Youth Affairs, ministries and other committees of the Administration, city and district public organizations are doing a lot in the implementation of youth policy in our region. Naturally, the Youth Affairs Committee plays the role of coordinator in this work. Certain results have been achieved in various areas of youth policy, in the area of ​​specific work with youth.

For the further development of youth policy, a general concept and ideology of working with youth, its system-forming principle, is necessary. It seems that such a principle should be the understanding of youth policy as work on spiritual and moral education, socialization of all youth, literally from early childhood to 30 years. The systems approach implies consideration of the object of its application in the unity of structural, functional and historical-dynamic aspects. Social services for young people, based on information and consulting services, are a fundamental technology of social work, the most important link in informational and social support and protection, a mechanism that makes it possible to practically solve the most complex issues of the life of society, family, and young people. At the same time, this is a new sector of the social sphere of society, first constitutionally enshrined in Article 7 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, in which Russia is declared a social state.

Even though we live in the age of information, and a huge amount of it is useful, it is given in a form that makes it difficult for young people to understand. Therefore, a consultant on GMP becomes extremely necessary, and good organization of information and consulting work will allow establishing strong feedback with young people.

For the successful implementation of state youth policy, it is necessary to increase the efficiency of management activities of youth affairs bodies at all levels; the quality of the decision is influenced by the following factors:

a) quality of information about young people;

b) quality of information for young people;

c) competence of consultations for youth affairs authorities at all levels;

d) competence of consultations for youth.

These factors make it possible to make decisions that change the situation among young people locally, significantly influence the solution of social problems, and increase the social tone of young people.

Today, all work in the youth environment is considered in the light of the Strategy of State Youth Policy in the Russian Federation; effective youth policy should become a policy of priorities.

Priority should be given to such areas, work in which will provide youth with opportunities to independently and effectively solve emerging problems, create conditions and opportunities for successful socialization and effective self-realization of youth. Only this approach will help improve the quality of life for the vast majority of the younger generation.

Taking into account the trends in the socio-economic and socio-political development of Russia in the medium term, state youth policy in the Russian Federation should implement three priorities:

1) Involving young people in social practice and informing them about the potential opportunities for youth activity;

2) Development of creative activity of youth;

3) Integration of young people who find themselves in difficult life situations into the life of society.

Youth policy is designed to combine state and non-state resources, target them in accordance with the specified priorities and ensure:

1) Systematic involvement of youth in diverse social practices and development of independent life skills of young residents of the country. The most important tool for engagement should be to fully inform all young people about the opportunities for their development in Russia and in the world community, promoting a culture of using the opportunities for personal and social development created in the country. To achieve this, it is proposed to create conditions and opportunities to involve young people.

Identification, promotion, support of youth activity and achievements in the socio-economic, socio-political, creative and sports spheres. This will give young people the opportunity to express themselves, realize their potential and receive well-deserved recognition in Russia;

3) Involving young people who are experiencing problems in the process of integration into society into a full life. These, first of all, include disabled people, graduates of orphanages and correctional institutions, closed educational institutions, victims of violence, war, disasters, displaced persons and migrants, persons released from prison, young people and families who find themselves in socially dangerous situations. situation, unemployed, HIV-infected and young people addicted to psychoactive substances. This will minimize the costs that society and the young person will incur in the process of overcoming a difficult life situation, will prevent the unification of young people on the basis of unhurriedness, and will reduce the base of various phobias in the public consciousness. In addition, this work will help reduce the burden on the social sphere associated with direct financial support for these categories of residents of the country.

Such a system of priorities maximizes the contribution of young people to the success and competitiveness of the region and at the same time compensates and minimizes the consequences of mistakes that are objectively characteristic of young people.


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41. Sociological research. Ministry of Education of Russia, - M.: 2014. 57 p.

42. Strategy for the development of youth policy in the Stavropol Territory until 2020 (draft) Stavropol, 2010.15 p.

43. Strategy of state youth policy in the Russian Federation for the period until 2016, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 18, 2010 No. 1760-r (as amended by orders of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 12, 2011 No. 301-r, dated 28 February 2010 No. 251-r, dated July 16, 2010 No. 997-r);

44. Federal program “Youth of Russia (2008-2011)” 2011.

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48. Khorakh I.A. and others. Youth and its value orientation // Humanization of Education No. 2, 2015. P. 33-34.

49. Shirokov D.A. Youth policy: problems of developing priorities // Power No. 12 (6), 2012. pp. 27–37.

50. Shchenina O.G. Youth in modern Russia, 2010. 92 p.

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Chapter 1. Historical and pedagogical aspects of social education of student youth in conditions of leisure activities 14

1.1. Social education of students in leisure activities as a research problem 14

1.2. Social and pedagogical characteristics of cultural and leisure activities of student youth 36

1.3. Analysis of the solution to the studied problem of increasing the effectiveness of social education in the educational process of higher education 63

Chapter 1 Conclusions 102

Chapter 2. Organizational and pedagogical conditions for the effectiveness of social education of students in cultural and leisure activities 106

2.1. Diagnostics of the spatio-temporal structure and content of students’ free time 106

2.2. Formation of students' experience in organizing cultural and leisure activities 130

2.3. Training of students and teaching staff in the specialization “Social and pedagogical animation” 160

Chapter 2 Conclusions 185

Conclusion 188

Bibliography 191

Applications 206

Introduction to the work

The relevance of research. The interests of any society, its prosperity, and security have at all times been largely determined by the intellectual power and level of spirituality of the population. World experience shows that many countries have achieved socio-economic progress through the priority development of the education system and social upbringing, which has ensured the social development of the younger generation and the constant increase in the spiritual and material wealth of society.

State-political and socio-economic transformations at the turn of the 20th-21st centuries. had a certain impact on the status of education in higher educational institutions, updating its structure and content, promoting and disseminating best practices in educational activities in higher education. Many higher educational institutions have developed their own educational programs that correlate with the concept of modernization of Russian education for the period until 2010.

However, the state of the current education system as a whole can be characterized as complex, which is associated with the collapse of the main goal-setting elements of educational policy and the search for new guidelines in training and education. There are changes in value orientations among various socio-demographic groups of the Russian population, including young people and, above all, their representative part - students.

Students, as the most educated and socially active macrogroup of young people, are especially acutely aware of the ongoing changes in the life of society. As a result of well-known innovative and destructive trends in social development, there is an increase in pragmatism and individualism among young people and students, recorded by sociologists.

In these contradictory conditions, social education becomes in demand at all levels of public life. It is social education that today can and should exert its effective influence on the formation of spiritual values ​​and ideals, individual

individual and social worldview, behavioral stereotypes and specific actions.

A significant role in the education of a socially oriented personality belongs to higher education, which corresponds to domestic pedagogical traditions that take into account the interests of the individual, society and the state as a whole. At the same time, higher school is called upon not only to prepare highly qualified specialists, but also to cultivate in them socially approved qualities, a willingness to fulfill socially significant social roles, using modern pedagogical technologies.

The education of students is significantly complicated by the lack of a purposefully implemented state youth policy in the country, as well as a clear concept of social education of students in higher education. Despite the fact that the trend in personality-oriented education is intensifying and the main goal of the university has been and remains the formation and development of a specialist’s personality, pedagogy at all levels of the educational process has been replaced by didactics.

Leisure has a huge impact on all spheres of human life and contains significant educational potential. However, a characteristic trend of our days in the field of youth and student leisure, noted by researchers L.A. Akimova, N.D. Vavilina, Yu.A. Streltsov, V.Ya. Surtaev and others, is the significant lack of demand for the cultural and developmental potential of sociocultural spheres with a significant proportion of young people. As social practice shows, leisure with a relatively low culture of its use (spontaneity, consumer attitude, prestige-conformist motivation, etc.) not only does not bring the expected restoration of lost strength, spiritual, cultural and physical development, flourishing of creative abilities, and sometimes turns into a criminogenic factor in society.

Thus, at present, the problem of effective use of the educational potential of cultural and leisure activities in the system

education in universities has acquired particular relevance. Having the opportunity to choose activities in their leisure time at their own request, due to the lack of necessary skills and insufficient organizational and pedagogical assistance, students are often not ready to make an informed choice of activities that contribute to their full development.

In recent years it has become noticeably worse contradiction between the need of students to use leisure as a sphere for satisfying creative needs, self-affirmation, full-fledged communication and the inability to realize themselves in their free time due to insufficient efforts in organizing educational work on the part of universities, which today most often comes down to individual entertainment events or to the transfer of methods and methods into the sphere of leisure forms of educational activity. Due to the lack of systematic organization, coordination in the implementation of educational work and underestimation in this process of new trends in the lifestyle of young people, the educational potential of the leisure sphere, as well as the extensive experience in organizing cultural and leisure activities accumulated by domestic higher education and abroad, is not fully realized least.

The degree of scientific development of the problem.

The works of many modern scientists are devoted to social education as an integral part of social pedagogy, among them V.G. Bocharova, M.P. Guryanova, I.P. Klemantovich, A.V. Mudrik, L.E. Nikitina, M.M. Plotkin , V.D. Semenov, G.N. Filonov, etc. Domestic scientists address the problem of social education in the field of leisure and socio-cultural activities in general: L.A. Akimova, S.R. Demyanenko, A.D. Zharkov , T.G. Kiseleva, Yu.D. Krasilnikov, I.A. Novikova, Yu.A. Streltsov, V.M. Chizhikov and others. From a large number of foreign specialists, we highlight J. Dumazedier, T. Parsons, K. Franer and etc.

Issues of pedagogical organization of leisure in a broad sociocultural context were developed by R.N. Azarova, G.A. Evteeva, M.B. Zatsepina, V.Ya. Surtaev, B.A. Titov and others; professional training of future specialists

6 cialists in the educational system - L.G.Archazhnikova, A.Yu.Goncharuk, I.P.Klemantovich, A.I.Luchankin, E.M.Priezzheva, L.A.Rapatskaya, V.A.Slastenin, A.A .Snyatsky, I.I.Shulga and others.

Modern studies of the problem of educational work in a university are represented by the works of V.A. Berezina, E.V. Bondarevskaya, I.A. Vintin, N.S. Dezhnikova, I.M. Ilyinsky, T.S. Komarova, E.A. Levanova , V.L. Matrosov, E.I. Sokolnikova and others. The problems of extracurricular time at a university are studied in the works of A.A. Bartolomei, B.Z. Vulfov, L.I. Novikova, V.A. Slastenin and others.

Methodological problems in the study of youth as social
demographic group, psychological and pedagogical characteristics of teenagers
pre-adolescent age are comprehensively covered in studies
L.I. Bozhovich, L.S. Vygotsky, S.N. Ikonnikova, N.P. Ishchenko, I.S. Kona,
S.I. Levikova, V.T. Lisovsky, A.V. Mudrik, V.S. Mukhina,

A.V. Petrovsky and others; students as a special independent social group A.S. Vlasenko, T.V. Ishchenko, T.N. Kukhtevich, A.S. Panarina and others.

Despite the presence of a large body of socio-pedagogical literature, research carried out to date on the problems of social education of student youth in leisure conditions does not provide answers to many of today's pressing questions and recommendations for creating conditions for their cultural and developmental leisure activities that are adequate to the problematic trends that have place in the sociocultural sphere of modern Russia.

The relevance of the study of this problem, the insufficient level of its theoretical and methodological development determined the choice of the dissertation topic: “Social education of student youth in cultural and leisure activities.”

Purpose of the study: to develop and implement a pedagogical model of social education of students in cultural and leisure activities using modern educational technologies.

The object of the study is the social education of students; subject - organizational and pedagogical conditions for increasing the effectiveness of social education of students in cultural and leisure activities.

Research hypothesis: the effectiveness of social education of students in cultural and leisure activities can be significantly increased if the following are developed:

a system of organizational and pedagogical conditions, methods and means aimed at developing the leisure culture of students, their professional development of cultural and leisure technologies, namely: developing skills for the rational use of their free time, creative development and dissemination of spiritual and cultural values; increasing the level of leisure activity by participating in socially significant cultural and developmental forms of leisure; development of skills and abilities in organizing cultural and leisure activities;

pedagogical model of social education of students in cultural and leisure activities using technologies of socio-cultural animation, which involve the implementation of programs for the development of a cultural and creative personality, active intellectually and physically developing recreation, socio-psychological consolidation of the student body, the creation of pedagogical relationships in the process of leisure interaction in the basis of the values ​​of culture and art.

Research objectives.

    To determine the theoretical and methodological foundations of social education of students in cultural and leisure activities.

    To characterize the pedagogical essence and educational significance of cultural and leisure activities in the process of social education of students, to explore the structure and content of their free time.

    To identify and justify organizational and pedagogical conditions for increasing the efficiency of organizing cultural and leisure activities in the process of social education of students.

    To develop and implement a pedagogical model of social education of students in cultural and leisure activities.

Methodological basis of the study general philosophical, sociological and psychological-pedagogical conceptual provisions about the facts and patterns of personality development in society, educational relations in leisure conditions, in particular, the natural, cultural and social conditionality of this process, contained in the works of A.I. Arnoldov, Yu.K. Babansky, L.S. Vygotsky, S.V. Darmodekhin, I.A. Zimneya, S.N. Ikonnikova, I.S. Kon, V.V. Kraevsky, V.T. Lisovsky, A.V. Mudrik, A.V. Petrovsky, I.N. Semenov, E.V. Sokolov, V.A. Yadov, E.A. Yamburg, N.N. Yaroshenko and others.

To solve the problems and test the evidence of the put forward hypothesis, the following were used: methods:

theoretical: comparative theoretical analysis of psychological-pedagogical, philosophical, cultural, sociological literature;

empirical: observational: observation, conversation, interview, analysis of activity products; experimental: modeling, pedagogical experiment; diagnostic: questionnaires, testing, interviews, conversations; statistical: mathematical and statistical processing of the results obtained, their systematic and qualitative analysis, tabular and graphical interpretation.

Credibility and reliability of scientific results is provided by the methodological basis of the study, the theoretical basis of the problem, the variety of research methods used, adequate to its subject, hypothesis, objectives and logic; representativeness of the research base; the ability to reproduce empirical data; compare

lack of theoretical and experimental data with innovative mass practice.

Scientific novelty of the research.

Philosophical, socio-pedagogical, psychological approaches to understanding the importance of social education in the formation of the personality of student youth are analyzed, taking into account today's sociocultural situation.

The process of social education of student youth is considered from the perspective of their involvement in cultural and leisure activities organized in the conditions of higher education, where both recreational and entertainment and cultural and developmental components are of great importance in organizing educational work.

The pedagogical meaning and potential of cultural and leisure activities in the educational system of universities, its cultural and developmental essence and social significance are determined. Organizational and pedagogical conditions are identified and justified to ensure the effectiveness of social education of students, taking into account the modern socio-cultural situation, the specifics of the student environment, their leisure preferences, and the use of modern technologies of socio-cultural activities in educational work using the appropriate socio-cultural infrastructure.

Theoretical significance of the study.

Consideration of student youth as an object of influence of the leisure environment is carried out from the position of their value-orientation attitude to their free time. The leisure interests of students in the modern socio-cultural situation, the motives for their participation in leisure activities have been identified.

daily activities, as well as problems associated with organizing their free time.

The conceptual foundations of the pedagogically appropriate organization of cultural and leisure activities of students are determined, according to which a necessary condition for the effectiveness of this process is the formation of a leisure culture among students and their professional development of leisure technologies. A pedagogical model of social education of students in cultural and leisure activities has been developed using socio-cultural animation technologies.

Practical significance.

The provisions and conclusions of the study, the developed pedagogical model and scientific and practical recommendations aimed at improving the process of preparing students for organizing cultural and leisure activities can be used in the preparation of teaching aids, development of programs for organizing cultural and leisure activities in work centers with children and youth, in educational institutions, in the educational process in humanities courses, as well as in the training of teachers, social educators and social workers whose professional activities relate to the field of education and upbringing in leisure settings.

Based on the results of the study, specialization 031344 “Social and pedagogical animation” was developed and included in the educational process in specialty 031300 (050711.65) “Social pedagogy”, aimed at professional training of students for organizing cultural and leisure activities (approved by the Educational and Methodological Association for specialties pedagogical education November 14, 2006 No. 25/03-08).

The following provisions are submitted for defense: 1. Social education plays one of the leading roles in solving problems of personality formation and involves coordinated participation in this

11 in the process of all educational institutions, based on the full use of the individual’s potential, educational means and the capabilities of the socio-cultural environment. The sociocultural sphere and, in particular, education in the higher education system are considered as an important component of the social education of the younger generation.

2. Pedagogical essence of cultural and leisure activities of students
in the process of social education is determined by the fact that leisure is, first of all,
in fact, a necessary and integral element of their way of life is
space to satisfy students' needs for creative
self-expression, spiritual and cultural growth, intellectual and physical
self-improvement, fulfillment of a wide range of social roles, topics
is most considered as the most favorable educational field.

The leisure sphere contains broad educational opportunities based on the use of cultural values ​​accumulated by society. The full implementation of the educational potential of the leisure sphere is due to the pedagogically appropriate organization of cultural and leisure activities, where the emphasis is on spiritual, cultural, creative, intellectual and physically developing components.

From a socio-pedagogical point of view, students’ leisure time is considered as: a time of spiritual communication, where they are given the opportunity to freely choose socially and personally significant social roles; a sphere in which their natural needs for freedom and independence, active work and self-expression are fully revealed; activities that develop the capabilities of students, their creative abilities in the most appropriate use; a social environment in which students are open to the influence of various public institutions and organizations.

3. Organizational and pedagogical conditions for the effectiveness of the organi
tion of cultural and leisure activities in the process of social education
Students' knowledge are:

formation of leisure culture of students, namely: development of

the skills of rational use of free time through planning your free time, focusing on self-education, creative activity; increasing the level of leisure activity through involvement in participation in socially significant cultural and developmental forms of leisure;

the use of the entire surrounding sociocultural infrastructure when organizing cultural and leisure activities for students, the involvement of specialists in the field of leisure pedagogy;

development of students' skills in organizing cultural and leisure activities through the use of socio-cultural animation technologies, which involve the creation of pedagogical relationships in the process of leisure interaction based on the widespread use of public spiritual and cultural values, traditional types and genres of artistic creativity, providing individuals with real conditions for inclusion in educational, creative, recreational, entertainment and other activities.

4. The pedagogical model of social education of students in cultural and leisure activities takes into account the content-target basis of organizing leisure time, the specifics of student subculture in the modern socio-cultural situation, their leisure preferences and is based on the widespread use of the pedagogical potential of the leisure sphere, the use of modern educational technologies.

Experimental research base served by the Moscow State Humanitarian University named after M.A. Sholokhov and its branches with the active participation of students of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, as well as the organizational assistance of the teaching staff of the departments of theory and methodology of educational work and applied psychology.

Stages of research.

The first stage (2001-2003) is search-theoretical (ascertaining): study and analysis of philosophical, cultural, social

pedagogical, psychological literature; definition and formulation of the goal, object, subject, general hypothesis and objectives, research plan and strategy; establishing the starting points of the study; determination of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the study, clarification and specification of basic concepts and significant indicators.

The second stage (2004-2005) is experimental and diagnostic (formative): accumulation, systematization and scientific analysis of accumulated data, their theoretical interpretation. Carrying out diagnostics, quantitative and qualitative analysis and summarizing the results obtained, formulating primary conclusions, searching for ways to solve problems identified during the research.

The third stage (2006-2007) is the final and generalizing stage (control stage): development and implementation of an experimental pedagogical model, systematization and presentation of research results. Formulation of conclusions and methodological recommendations based on the results of the study, preparation of the dissertation.

Testing and implementation of research results. The main provisions and results of the study were used by the dissertation author in his practical educational work on organizing various cultural and leisure activities with students studying at the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of MTU. M.A. Sholokhov. They became the basis for reports at scientific and practical conferences, meetings of the department of theory and methods of educational work of the above-mentioned university. Some research ideas were discussed and approved at a scientific and practical conference dedicated to “Civic formation and patriotic education of student youth,” held at the first Moscow multicultural school No. 1650.

Dissertation structure corresponds to the logic of the study and includes: introduction, two chapters, conclusion, bibliography, appendices.

Social education of students in leisure activities as a research problem

Along with the increasing role and influence of man in the modern world, the importance of education and the education of society increases, which is associated not only with an increase in its well-being, the development of the state’s economy, and an increase in its competitiveness. Educational policy aimed at the social formation of the younger generation of the new Russia is becoming the main, most important component of state policy, an instrument for ensuring fundamental rights and freedoms of the individual, increasing the pace of socio-economic, scientific and technical development, humanizing social relations, and the growth of culture.

From what the rising generations of the near future will become, from the level and quality of their education, upbringing, preparedness for life in rapidly changing conditions, from the modernity of their thinking, devotion and civic responsibility, the initiative of their social participation in the affairs of their country, from their readiness ( and preparedness) for political and social choice - the future of the country depends today.

These and other qualitative characteristics of a young person, in demand at the current stage of development of society and its future development, indicate a fundamentally new formulation of the problems of education and approaches to its understanding and implementation. In the scientific literature, there are at least three meanings of the concept “upbringing”. One of them interprets “education” broadly, meaning such processes as “nurtures life”, “educates family and school”, “educates every square meter of land”, etc. In this case, the influence of the natural and social environment on a growing person is implied. At the same time, cultural values, knowledge, customs, and traditions that have developed in a certain nation, family and neighborhood community, or social group are transmitted to the next generation.

Another meaning of the concept of “education” is interpreted by A.V. Mudrik as the purposeful creation of conditions for human development. Or: education as a relatively socially controlled process of human development during his socialization.

From this we can conclude that: education can be carried out in the family, and in this case we are dealing with family education; education is carried out by religious organizations, and in this case we are talking about religious or confessional education; education is carried out by society in social institutions specially created for these purposes, or in social institutions of society that are engaged in education in addition to their main functions. In this case we are talking about public or social education; education carried out in special organizations (for example, for deaf-blind people with mental and social defects and deviations) is adaptive and correctional education.

We support the point of view of M.M. Plotkin, which is that social education permeates all areas of education that “go beyond” the institutional environment and in which there is a social component in one form or another - micro- and macroenvironmental factors that have an impact on its influence on the processes of socialization of the individual, social relations between individual institutions and subjects of socialization.

Finally, the third definition of the concept of “education”. I.P. Klemantovich considers education to be the most important function of society and defines it as “a social process consisting of purposeful influences on human behavior and activity from all educational institutions of society, the influence of the environment and the activity of the individual himself as a subject of this process.” S.D. Polyakov also interprets this concept as a targeted influence on the development of personality and clarifies that the influence on the development of “... the most important motivational and value sphere of a young person.”

In explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language, the morphological meaning of the word “upbringing” consists of the interpretation of its components - the prefix “voe” and the root “nutrition”. In Russian, the prefix “voe” is “the same as “cart”...; written instead of “voz” before voiceless consonants.”

The semantic meaning of the prefix is ​​associated with replenishment, and answering the question: replenishment of what? The prefix “voe,” which is identical to the prefix “voe,” can fill the word “education” with the meaning of “cultivation.” It is to this semantic meaning that the interpretation of “education” in S.I. Ozhegov’s explanatory dictionary is closest. He points out: “Educate, -ay, -ay, -itany; 1. whom (what): raise (a child), influencing spiritual and physical development, giving education, teaching rules of behavior. V. children. 2. whom (what): through systematic influence, influence to form (character, skills). V. specialist. V. student. 3. what (in whom): instill, instill something. someone V. in children there is love for the Motherland."

Over the past decade, during the sociocultural transformation of Russia, its transition to a democratic model of governance and a market economy, the appearance of student youth has changed significantly.

Social and pedagogical characteristics of cultural and leisure activities of student youth

The leisure sphere is one of the dominant spheres in people’s lives, it is of utmost importance and has a decisive influence on the development of personality. Leisure is a necessary and integral element of lifestyle and contains significant potential for personality formation.

Leisure activities are one of the most important means of realizing the essential powers of a person and optimizing the socio-cultural environment surrounding him, as well as an important factor in the implementation of the leading principles of democracy: openness and freedom of speech, liberated consciousness. The special value of leisure is that it can help young people realize the best that they have. The cultural and developmental significance of leisure activities lies in its influence on the development of creative inclinations and abilities of young people.

Through leisure activities, spiritual and cultural values ​​are transmitted, generational continuity is ensured, traditions are passed on, and creativity is stimulated.

In the sphere of leisure, active contact of the developing person with the outside world occurs, and the necessary social experience is accumulated. Various forms of cultural and leisure activities are an integral part of spiritual life and meet the needs of a particular community and individual. Therefore, thanks to cultural and leisure activities, favorable conditions are created for successful socialization - “the development and self-realization of a person throughout his life in the process of assimilation and reproduction of the culture of society.”

Studying the problems of social education of students and the leisure sphere as a socializing environment and its educational potential is impossible without a detailed consideration of the concepts: “free time”, “leisure”, “cultural and leisure activities”.

The term “leisure” is already found in the philosophical and pedagogical heritage of Plato (427 BC - 347 BC) and his student Aristotle (384 BC - 392 BC .e.) Leisure, according to Plato, is the property of a society that has completely freed itself from labor and uses its leisure time not so much to restore the mental and physical energy necessary for work, but to transform this energy into forms worthy of a free citizen and corresponding to his high purpose. Aristotle owns the concept of “high leisure”, in which he puts the intrinsic value of free time, all its riches as sources of joy and happiness.

The term “leisure” and the adjective from this word “leisure” have been known since the ancient Russian era, since the 14th century, although they are rarely found in written monuments and therefore their meaning is contradictory. Judging by the contexts given by the linguist I.I. Sreznevsky, the term “leisure” had the following meaning: “skill”, “understanding”, “ability”. The researcher takes this explanation from a 14th-century bonded charter: “cook at your leisure... as best you can.” He says about Ivan the Terrible: “similar in courage and leisure.”

In the historical and etymological dictionary of the modern Russian language by P.Ya. Chernykh, there is evidence that the word “leisure” in etymological terms was first explained by I.M. Zheltov in the work “Etymological Aphorisms” in 1875-1876. He connected the term "leisure" with the Old Slavonic word - "to achieve." This explanation was further confirmed in the article by B.M. Lyapunov “From semasiological studies in the field of the Russian language,” which says: “Leisure is actually the ability to reach with one’s hand, hence the ability to do something and free time as a condition for this possibility.” Both scientists, from our point of view, give not only a linguistic, but also a philosophical and sociological interpretation of this term. According to B.M. Lyapunov, the development of the meaning of the word leisure was as follows: “achievement” - “success”, “opportunity”, apparently, we are talking about the ability to manage one’s time after finishing work and, finally, “rest”.

There is a need to turn to the authority of the researcher and collector of words of the Russian language V.I. Dahl, who interpreted the term “leisure” this way: “Leisure is free, unoccupied time, partying, leisure time, space for work...leisure is fun, activities for relaxation, partying, idleness.” And here: “Leisurely - skillful, capable of work, dexterous, skillful, a good master of his craft or a jack of all trades... To have time to do something - to find free time, leisure, to find time for oneself.” V.I. Dahl’s interpretation of the term “leisure” is of a stage-by-stage nature, it contains: a) characteristics of time (free, unoccupied), the way it is spent (partying, leisure time, etc.); b) spheres of activity (it’s time for the idle - able, capable of doing business, etc.); c) the activity itself (skill, dexterity, ability to do business, mastery), the opportunity for leisure, to demonstrate the properties of leisure.

In the second part of the definition, V.I. Dahl puts unexpectedly contrasting characteristics of “leisure”: “a person who knows a lot, has the ability to do something, a jack of all trades, “a merciful husband has a wife who has leisure”, “a wife who is leisurely, kind and without a husband”; “leisure is more valuable than leisure”; to find time to find yourself in your free time.”

In the popular dictionary of the Russian language S.I. Ozhegov says: “Leisure is time free from work.” In the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary (1998), the same interpretation: “Leisure is free time.”

Culturologist T.G. Kiseleva analyzes the definitions of the essence of leisure according to the most authoritative dictionaries in England and the USA. Webster's Dictionary of Sociology: “Leisure” is freedom from obligations or business, idle time, time free from work, during which a person can devote himself to rest, recreation, etc.” .

Diagnostics of the spatio-temporal structure and content of students’ free time

The study of the spatio-temporal structure and content of students’ free time is based, first of all, on the analysis of their leisure sphere and is aimed at identifying the leisure interests and inclinations of students; motives for their choice of activities in their free time; needs and the possibility of satisfying them in leisure activities; problems associated with students’ organization of their free time; as well as determining the development potential of young people in the leisure sector.

Diagnostics of leisure sociocultural processes makes it possible to record stable combinations of the properties of various types of leisure activities, their cultural potential and educational capabilities, to identify certain features of the personality manifestations of young people, their needs and motivation, and on this basis to predict the development and improvement of the leisure sphere in order to create optimal conditions for personality formation.

In the field of sociology of leisure, diagnostics is knowledge of the state and quality of functioning of the leisure sphere, the relationships between the main features and parameters of leisure processes and their socio-psychological characteristics. Diagnosis of the state and nature of leisure, based on reliable and comparable information about the positive and negative aspects of leisure processes, the ability to break them down into their component elements, allows us to identify the real state of affairs, understand the essence of the contradictions of a particular leisure situation, and understand the logic and dynamics of its changes. The basis of a sociological diagnosis is the analysis of cause-and-effect relationships, observed signs with the internal properties of the real process being studied. Diagnostics is differentiated knowledge about the patterns and characteristics of the leisure sphere. It allows you to make a holistic description of an object based on finding its universal constant properties, patterns, their stable combination, subject specificity and the optimal set of directly recorded indicators of the state of leisure processes and phenomena.

The study took place on the basis of the Moscow State Humanitarian University named after M.A. Sholokhov with the participation of students from various faculties of full-time, part-time and part-time education in the amount of 248 people, of which 36 were boys and 212 girls. Of the entire population of respondents, those young people whose age was 17-21 years old (67%) were analyzed. For a significant number of respondents (77%), studying at a university is the main activity; the rest have permanent or temporary work during non-curricular time.

Consideration of student youth as an object of influence of the leisure environment is most productive, in our opinion, from the position of a value-oriented attitude towards leisure.

One of the methods we used to study various features of the leisure sphere of students was the “projective situation” method, when the subject being studied is given a certain ideal, but quite possible situation (a questionnaire containing options for statements from which the respondent must choose one or more that correspond to him). , as well as the possibility of the respondent himself including what was not taken into account).

At the initial stage of this study, during numerous discussions, we tried to find out what “leisure” is in the understanding of students, why it is valuable for them, whether they are aware of its social and personal significance, cultural and developmental essence. Below is a typology of definitions (see table No. 2)

When considering this seemingly easy-to-understand and “close” concept for everyone and trying to give the most specific and correct definition, difficulties arose, and this is natural, since each participant in the discussion, when characterizing the concept of “leisure”, was guided by his own interests, needs, values, living conditions and thereby avoiding objectivity, he gave a (more or less justified) definition of his personal leisure. But there were also quite correct options, distinguished by specificity and objectivity.

The most common version of the definition turned out to be: “Leisure is free from work..., study..., household (almost only for girls) affairs,” in which the guys simply contrast leisure with work or study, although there are many leisure activities related to creative labor and quite energy-intensive (for example: blacksmithing, carpentry, gardening, etc.). With this approach, young people clearly missed the fact that not all people work and study (for example, preschool children, pensioners, disabled people and simply not working people). According to sociological research, only 44% of the population is engaged in labor activity (working in production, in the service sector, etc.) and then it turns out that leisure time for them lasts constantly.

Training of students and teaching staff in the specialization “Social and pedagogical animation”

Since the mid-90s, the country's universities have been working to train specialists in such specialties as “manager of socio-cultural activities”, “technologist of socio-cultural activities”, “director of cultural and leisure programs”, “social teacher of leisure” etc. In accordance with the State Standards of Higher Professional Education, such specializations are provided for specialty 053100 “socio-cultural activities”. Curricula and specialist training programs have been developed. Issues of professional development of leisure organizers are the subject of scientific analysis by a significant number of researchers (A.D. Zharkov, T.G. Kiseleva, Yu.D. Krasilnikov, D.A. Streltsov, N.N. Yaroshenko, etc.).

The training of such specialists is carried out in many cultural universities of the Russian Federation. However, taking into account the current sociocultural situation, namely, the urgent social need to most effectively use the educational potential of leisure, to reduce the impact of the global process of informatization with its destructive content on the developing personality, it is legitimate to talk about the need to increase attention to the training of specialists in this profile within the framework of higher pedagogical education, Moreover, educational activities in a sociocultural environment are the field of activity of social pedagogy.

The existing system of training students in specialty 031300 “Social pedagogy” with various specializations focused on working in society has enormous potential for training specialists in the field of children’s and youth leisure.

The sphere of free time, as a special space of self-expression and personal self-realization, places special demands on a teacher specializing in this area. In the qualitatively new status of a teacher-animator, the dominant features are his high cultural education, spiritual and moral education, and professional competence. Pedagogically organized leisure, as a certain system, cannot be reduced to the sum of its constituent elements. It has a special integrative quality, which is determined by the object of the animator’s professional activity. On the one hand, this is a child, a teenager, a young man in all the richness of his life, and on the other hand, this is high professionalism, elements of public culture that a social teacher possesses.

Our proposed concept of social education of student youth in the process of cultural and leisure activities involves an in-depth study of the processes of preparing social educators for practical activities in the field of sociocultural animation. Our task is not only to prepare a specialist as an impeccable functionary, but also to give him the opportunity to solve the problems of modern society at a qualitatively new, spiritual level, involving the implementation of programs of creative rehabilitation, active cultural and developmental recreation, social -pedagogical consolidation of public groups based on cultural values. The ability to inspire, create a favorable educational environment in the process of pedagogical interaction, to fully use the cultural and developmental potential of socio-cultural activities, including the educational potential of higher education - this is what today is in the first place of social expectations from the professional activities of a social teacher .

Having positive experience in using pedagogical technologies of socio-cultural animation in educational work on the basis of organizational and pedagogical conditions that contribute to their effective implementation, we decided to include this component in the teaching and educational process.

In this regard, we propose to introduce the specialization “Social-pedagogical animation” into the process of training specialists in specialty 031300 “Social Pedagogy”. The need for this is recognized by the majority of the teaching staff and students of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Moscow State Humanitarian University. M.A. Sholokhova. Our research on this issue among the teaching staff of the faculty shows that the basis for the argument “for the introduction of this specialization” is the following: the need to increase the leisure culture and creative potential of future social educators - 54%; as a way to become familiar with ethnocultural values ​​- 26%; as a way to create consistency in professional thinking, which will allow not only to successfully achieve goals in professional activities, but also to ensure the client’s comfort in the social and pedagogical process - 20%.

Among students, arguments prevail that argue for the need to include this specialization in the educational process of a more pragmatic nature.

Firstly, this is an increase in the level of competitiveness of specialists in the labor market - 36.2%.

Secondly, this affects the success of a specialist in practical activities, his confidence in the correctness of the decision made, since specialization significantly expands the range of means of communication with the socio-pedagogical environment - 24.6%;

Thirdly, specialization expands the possibilities for ensuring a high status position in microsociety, as it provides an increased opportunity for more stable, comfortable conditions of communication with clients - 18.3%...

  • Specialty of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation13.00.05
  • Number of pages 371


1.1. General scientific characteristics of the category dga, interdisciplinary interpretation of it

1.2. Rescriptive analysis of the development and functioning of the category dga in sociocultural and educational theory and practice

1.3. Approaches to modeling the maintenance of the dga structure


2.1.Youth as a temporary society: valuable orientations and their projections on daily activities

2.2. Formation and development of the maintenance and forms of cultural and cultural activities of youth

2.3. Regulatory and legal framework for organizing a temporary youth community

CHAPTER 3. SUBJECTIVE ASSESSMENT OF LEISURE BY MODERN RUSSIAN YOUTH (results of empirical research and their implications)

3.1. Methods for conducting empirical research

3.2. General problems of the temporary youth community and dga structure

3.3. Forms of dga and their preferences in assessing temporary youth


4.1. Modern presentation of pedagogical modeling

4.2. Structural-functional approach to the pedagogical organization of dga as an object-cultural pedagogical uplift

4.3. Model implementation of pedagogical organization and cultural activities

Introduction of the dissertation (part of the abstract) on the topic “Social and pedagogical organization of leisure for students”

The relevance of research. In the last decade, a number of important documents have been adopted in the field of culture, education, social and youth policy, which to one degree or another address the problems of youth leisure. These are primarily documents such as the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” (1992), the National Doctrine of Education in the Russian Federation (2002), the Concept of modernization of Russian education for the period until 2010, Federal target programs “Youth of Russia” (2001-2005), “Children of Russia” (2003-2006), State program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2001-2005”; Program for the development of education in the Russian education system for 2002-2004. and others, reflecting the main directions of the state’s socio-cultural and educational policy in the field of providing conditions for the upbringing of children and youth. However, the adopted documents, while raising the question of the importance of leisure, do not consider the problem of its pedagogical organization.

One of the fundamental documents in the field of education, which for the first time in recent times provides the characteristics of leisure, was the Concept of modernization of Russian education until 2010. Along with such important goals of education as the creation of a health-preserving environment, the formation of a person’s value and semantic orientation in the world, citizenship, norms of social interaction, tolerance, etc., this document reflects approaches to the development of cultural and leisure competencies of subjects of the educational process ; the need for special pedagogical organization of leisure time is noted along with other requirements for the education system. The main provisions of this document are adopted in the dissertation as the basis for the development of a pedagogical model for organizing leisure time for students, taking into account the integration of the capabilities of the education system and the main directions of socio-cultural activities using the example of a separate region.

The problem of leisure is not new in science. It occupied the minds of ancient thinkers. As the analysis showed, it was quite widely represented in the works of both foreign and domestic authors, especially starting from the 19th century (K. Marx, F. Engels, J.; Dumazedier, M. Fourastier, J. Kelly, R. Stebbins, J. Rivers and others; G.A. Evteeva, S.N. Ikonnikova, G.P. Orlov, E.V. Sokolov, Yu.A. Streltsov, V.Ya. Surtaev, E.N. Fedina and others. ). The conducted system analysis made it possible to identify the essential characteristics of leisure in relation to the category “free time”, which consists in its activity content. The comprehensiveness of the interpretation of leisure made it possible to give its model representation in the form of a semantic-network model, which reveals its essential integrity, attributes, and functions.

Leisure is considered by the authors in relation to the entire age range of a person: childhood (T.S. Komarova, A.V. Sharonov, S.T. Shatsky, A.I. Shemshurina, etc.); teenage (N.K. Krupskaya, A.M. Makarenko, O.M. Potapovskaya, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, E.G. Tesova, etc.); youth (A.L. Andreev, V.T. Lisovsky, I.M. Ilyinsky, V.V. Pavlovsky, etc.), including in various conditions of public leisure organization (A.Yu. Goncharuk, G.M. Kodzhaspirova, V.D. Putilin, S.A. Shmakov, etc.); people of mature and older age (I.N. Semenov, E.V. Sokolov, etc.). Gender aspects of leisure are also studied (E.A. Zdravomyslova, A.A. Temkina, S.L. Rykov, etc.). However, the leisure time of students of general, primary, secondary and higher professional education in its comparative characteristics has not yet been the subject of special study. Moreover, the problems of purposeful organization of leisure time for the entire population of such students were not considered.

Issues of organizing leisure time in the educational system were developed in pedagogy (V.A. Karakovsky, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, S.T. Shatsky, etc.) within the framework of specific pedagogical systems. The problem of its pedagogical organization in a broad sociocultural context in relation to all student youth, who are included in its various forms and in different periods of their free time, has not previously been specifically studied. For such a consideration, it is essential that the process of organizing leisure time is considered in the broad context of education (I.D. Demakova, V.A. Karakovsky, V.T. Lisovsky, B.T. Likhachev, V.A. Slastenin, etc.), additional education (V.A. Berezina, A.K. Brudnov, N.A. Morozova, A.I. Shchetinskaya, etc.). It is noted that the educational activities of an educational institution are carried out in interaction with such social institutions as the family, additional education, public associations, etc.

The analysis of scientific pedagogical literature made it possible to identify the theoretical and methodological foundations for the development of leisure as part of the educational system in the Russian education system. The works of S.V. are devoted to this topic. Darmodekhin, I.A. Lipsky, E.A. Orlova and others, revealing the features of education in sociocultural activities and reflecting the interaction of social institutions in matters of education, including the organization of leisure. In this context, the problems of continuity of education in educational systems are considered (T.S. Komarova and others); scientific and methodological foundations for modeling the educational process (N.S. Dezhnikova, I.V. Tsvetkova, A.I. Shemshurina, etc.) and a number of other issues related to the organization of leisure.

The study of the state and trends in the development of education and the organization of educational influence on youth in modern Russian education has shown the fragmentation of existing leisure theories, concepts and models, the absence of a pedagogically sound system for organizing leisure time for modern youth, and, accordingly, a pedagogical model for its organization. At the same time, it should be noted that in the current socio-cultural situation, the state system of upbringing and education also does not fully resolve the issues of organizing leisure time for modern youth, including students. The interests of society require the creation of conditions for organizing full-fledged leisure, for which it was necessary to develop a pedagogical model for organizing leisure activities for students, taking into account the new social and pedagogical conditions that arose in Russia at the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st centuries. The need to resolve this contradiction led to the formulation of a scientific research problem - the creation of a general concept for organizing leisure time for students. Resolving the contradictions underlying this problem is central to this study.

The purpose of the study is to theoretically substantiate and develop the pedagogical organization of leisure for students based on the presentation of sociocultural leisure as a complex multidimensional phenomenon, revealing its structural and functional nature.

The object of the study is the leisure time of students.

The subject of the research is the socio-pedagogical organization of leisure activities for students.

A number of interrelated tasks of a methodological, theoretical and applied nature follow from the target setting.

1. Methodological tasks: identifying the main approaches to considering leisure as a scientific category; disclosure of the conceptual content of leisure in relation to the concept of “free time”; a model representation of the content of leisure in the unity of its essential integrity, attributes and functions; comparison of existing conceptual and theoretical provisions, interpretations of leisure, identification of its structural foundations.

2.Theoretical tasks:

Revealing the genesis of the concept of leisure in the history of science;

Determining the specifics of youth leisure activities in the education system at the present stage;

Analysis of the interpretation of leisure in socio-psychological and pedagogical aspects;

Research of organizational and innovative resources of youth leisure activities in the education system; consideration of approaches to creating a pedagogical model for organizing leisure time for young people.

3.Applied tasks:

Conducting empirical research to determine the leisure preferences of young people;

Generalization of experience in organizing leisure time for students in the region (city);

Development of a model of pedagogical organization of youth leisure.

Research hypothesis: Leisure activities of students can be the object of a pedagogical organization in the current situation of the transition period of Russia's development, provided that: a) leisure is interpreted as activity-occupied free time; b) a multi-level model representation of leisure activities that is adequate to the modern sociocultural situation; c) taking into account existing preferences and desired forms of leisure activities for young people when forming a model of pedagogical organization of leisure activities for students; d) modeling the organization of leisure activities in the continuum of the existing life time of students.

The general research methodology in the dissertation was made up of general scientific provisions about the universal connection, mutual conditionality and integrity of phenomena and processes in the surrounding world. An important methodological basis for this study is the structural-functional approach to leisure as an object of pedagogical influence and organization, which creates the prerequisites for a comprehensive, systematic study of leisure and the construction of a model of its pedagogical organization.

When developing the methodological foundations for organizing leisure time, the dissertation widely uses the theoretical potential of the system (I.V. Blauberg,

E.G. Yudin, A.A. Rean, etc.), activity (A.N. Leontyev, S.L. Rubinshtein, etc.), functional (V.A. Slastenin, etc.) approaches, as well as the main ideas of system-integrated (including pedagogical, cultural, socio-psychological aspects), functional-activity and structural-functional approaches. The systematic approach acted as the basis for pedagogical modeling of leisure organization in this study (I.I. Blauberg, V.N. Sadovsky, E.G. Yudin, etc.).

The study of the problem posed is based on the provisions of modern philosophy, political science, sociology, cultural studies, psychology, and pedagogy. The theoretical foundation for the study of leisure was philosophical views on the essence and social nature of leisure (Plato, Aristotle, K. Marx, F. Engels, M. Weber, E. Durkheim, N. A. Berdyaev, etc.); works of modern researchers (M.A. Ariarsky, V.T. Lisovsky, S.N. Ikonnikova, V.E. Triodin, etc.), who considered leisure (leisure activities) as a specific human form of active attitude towards free time , as a special resource of man and society.

The specific research methodology is the concept of free time, of which leisure is a part. The theoretical basis for considering this phenomenon was presented by foreign researchers: K. Marx, F. Engels, T. Veblen, J. Dumazedier, M. Kaplan, J. Kelly, S. Parker, J. Rivers, R. Stebbins, M. Fourastier and others, as well as domestic researchers: G.A. Evteeva, V.O. Klyuchevsky, V.Ya. Surtaev, B.A. Tregubov, V.A. Yadov et al.

The theoretical basis for illuminating the current state of leisure, socio-psychological, cultural and pedagogical nature were innovative trends that carry the values ​​of leisure humanism: A.N. Andryushina, I.A. Butenko, N.I. Vavilova, A.F. Volovik, E.G. Doronki-na, D.A. Zharkov, T.G. Kiseleva, V.I. Kislitsky, M.M. Pavlovsky, Yu.A. Streltsov, E.I. Yatsenko, N.N. Yaroshenko and others, which is also reflected in pedagogy and psychology of leisure (in relation to youth)

N.V. Andreenkova, V.N. Boryaz, S.N. Ikonnikova, I.M. Ilyinsky, I.S. Kohn, V.T. Lisovsky, B.S. Stepin and others); socio-psychological development of problems of socialization of youth, which is reflected in the works of K.A. Abulkha-nova-Slavskaya, A.G. Asmolova, B.C. Borovika, I.S. Kona, D.B. Elkonina and others.

The study is based on general problems of youth socialization (B.G. Ananyev, L.P. Bueva, V.V. Moskalenko, A.V. Mudrik, V.G. Nemirovsky, B.D. Parygin, etc.). Within the framework of the problem of socialization (based on sociological research), leisure activities are also partially affected (A.S. Orlov, V.D. Patrushev, E.V. Sokolov, V.A. Yadov, etc.);

The study was also based on modern concepts of education and management of the pedagogical process (O.S. Anisimov, E.V. Bondarevskaya, I.A. Zimnyaya, V.A. Karakovsky, L.I. Novikova, M.I. Rozhkov, N.M. Talanchuk, N.E. Shchurkova, etc.) and the concept of humanistic educational systems (L.K. Balyasnaya, O.S. Gazman, V.A. Karakovsky, E.A. Yamburg, etc.). "

The study of the theoretical and methodological foundations of leisure was also based on the theories of youth leisure (I.N. Andreeva, V.G. Bocharova, O.I. Karpukhin, "V.T. Lisovsky, L.G. Novikov, S.P. Paramonova, O.V. Romakh, B.L. Ruchkin, etc.); concepts of leisure in educational systems, considered both in the works of foreign researchers (R. Armer, C. Jerry, D. Simpson, D. Shivirs), and in the works domestic authors (E.G. Zborovsky, A.D. Evseev, G.P. Orlov, A.S. Smirnov, E.N. Fedina, etc.).

The main sources of normative and legal interpretation of leisure problems were state documents on issues of education and upbringing, culture, youth policy and organization of leisure; educational programs for students of lyceums, gymnasiums, colleges, vocational school students, students of state and non-state universities; regulatory documents for heads of educational institutions in a number of regions of the Russian Federation.

Research methods. To solve the problems and test the evidence of the put forward hypothesis, the following methods were used: theoretical analysis of general pedagogical, socio-pedagogical, psychological, cultural, economic, managerial and methodological literature on the problem of youth leisure; comparative historical analysis, which allows us to identify the features of changes in stereotypes of leisure activities of social groups under the influence of socio-cultural transformations in society; modeling; surveying: a) students of the general and vocational education system (lyceum graduates; vocational school students; students of state and non-state universities) to identify the main leisure preferences; b) heads of educational institutions in a number of regions of the Russian Federation and constituent entities of the Moscow region to identify the attitude of adults to the problems of youth leisure and their assessment of this phenomenon.

Statistical processing of empirical research data was carried out using computer programs Microsoft Excel and Microsoft XP. The data obtained made it possible to identify the conditions for organizing leisure time both in the education system and in the wider sociocultural space.

The basis of the empirical research was institutions of general and vocational education in the cities of the Moscow region (Podolsk, Klimovsk, Shcherbinka, Troitsk).

The systematic research was carried out in three stages over nine years (1996 - 2004) in the conditions of the regional socio-pedagogical space. The study included the following stages:

At the first stage (1996-1998), the evolution of leisure theories was examined based on an analysis of the main theoretical and methodological approaches to the problem of leisure. The main research problems are identified. An analysis was carried out of the state of organizing leisure time for youth in sociocultural institutions, including institutions of primary, secondary and higher vocational education.

The second stage (empirical) (1998-2002) included an analysis of the content of youth leisure in connection with changes in their lifestyle in modern Russia; determination of the proportion of forms and types of leisure activities of young people in free time; studying the specifics of the choice of leisure forms by modern youth, the motivation for this choice; conducting an empirical study to determine leisure preferences.

The third stage (final and generalizing) included a systematic analysis of empirical data; theoretical synthesis of research results and preparation of the dissertation text (2002-2004).

Scientific novelty and theoretical significance of the work.

The history of the development of the interpretation of leisure in the scientific literature is reviewed and systematically presented;

The conceptual content of the term “leisure” has been expanded; theories, concepts and models of leisure are systematized, where leisure is presented as an activity-occupied sphere of free time; given its own definition of the categories “leisure” and “free time”;

A network (semantic) model of leisure is proposed, which makes it possible to identify the components of an integral multidimensional system of leisure in their unity and integrity as a necessary condition for developing a model for the subsequent pedagogical organization of leisure activities for students;

A set of social and pedagogical conditions has been identified and justified to ensure the effectiveness of the pedagogical organization of leisure for young people, taking into account: the characteristics of the social and pedagogical environment of the last decade in Russia; working with teaching staff providing the organization of leisure activities; conditions of social and pedagogical organization of leisure; practicing forms of leisure activities; organizing pedagogically meaningful leisure for students, taking into account their preferred leisure forms;

The scientific problem of a model representation of the pedagogical organization of leisure for students has been posed and solved;

A conceptual model of the pedagogical organization of youth leisure has been constructed based on taking into account youth preferences within the socio-pedagogical environment in relation to the region.

The reliability and reliability of scientific results are determined by: the methodological validity of the initial theoretical positions, based on systemic, structural-functional, organizational and managerial approaches; the unity of general scientific conceptual research methods adequate to its tasks and logic of research; representativeness of the research base; the ability to reproduce empirical data; comparability of theoretical and experimental data with innovative mass practice; continuity and interconnectedness of the results obtained at different stages of the study.

Practical significance of the study. Based on the presented holistic multidimensional theory of leisure: a model of pedagogical organization of leisure has been developed in relation to the conditions of a particular region (Podolsk); educational and methodological materials have been prepared on the organization of youth leisure in the general context of the educational work of the region (manuals “The current state of the problem of youth leisure in its socio-psychological and cultural aspects”, “Organization of youth leisure in the region and the city as a factor in education”, etc.; course lectures, information and analytical material), which is used in seminars for heads of educational institutions, teachers, teacher-organizers, representatives of various departments as part of advanced training and improvement of pedagogical skills. Questionnaires designed for students (schoolchildren, students of vocational schools, colleges, universities), as well as for heads of educational institutions, teachers and parents to determine the leisure preferences of young people, are widely used in different regions of Russia.

The following provisions are submitted for defense:

1. The problem of leisure, since antiquity, has a long history of consideration, during which different interpretations of this phenomenon have been proposed both in content and in relation to the category of a person’s busy and free time; both in relation to a person in general, and the concept relating to his different ages (youth, adults, people of the third age); both a concept relating to youth in general, and to its individual categories, in particular, to high school students, students, which allows us to assert the heterochronicity and heterogeneity of the historical development of this concept.

2. Leisure of students, as shown by the historical and semantic analysis, has reason to be considered as an activity-occupied sphere of time free from compulsory production and non-production activities (for example, transport to work) of time, which makes it possible to determine the content-target basis of its organization as the inclusion of a person in different forms of activity correlated with his interests and abilities.

3. Leisure can be presented in the form of a semantic network model, the structure of which reveals the essence, attributes, functions and connections of this phenomenon, which makes it possible to design a three-level model of the pedagogical organization of leisure for students, including a structural model of the subject of the organization, a model of interaction between subjects ("S - youth" - "S - organizer", a model of pedagogical organization of leisure activities for students, taking into account socially significant content, preferred forms, socio-cultural conditions of the organization and educational conditions as a potential opportunity for youth to self-realization.

4. The leisure preferences of students, recorded during a massive systematic study, revealed: a) the current dominance of those forms of leisure time for young people that provide them with a combination of emotional and physical release (for example, disco parties with close communication and rhythmically incessant musical influence); b) a significant difference in the forms of leisure preferred by students of different educational levels (for example, vocational school students and university students, where students are the most active youth group of modern Russian society, focused on comprehensive additional education, professional and cultural-leisure activities in the context of targeted socially significant values ); c) changes in the nature of youth preferences over recent years due to changes in the socio-economic situation in Russia; d) certain differences between the forms of leisure time desired by students from those actually implemented by them at present (thus, in particular, sports, recreational and active forms of leisure are desirable for high school students and university students).

5. The social and pedagogical organization of leisure activities for students, based on a structural-functional approach, is a multifaceted education, including content-targeted, formal-organizational, managerial, personnel aspects and taking into account the social-age, educational-status characteristics of students, and also the forms of leisure she currently prefers and desires in the future, correlated primarily with certain periods of her free time, including vacation time.

6. The presented project of a socio-pedagogical model of organizing leisure time for students, taking into account the content-target basis of the organization, the specifics of personnel and organizational and managerial decisions, is based on the acceptance of the diversity of forms and types of leisure activities for youth and on the inclusion of the entire complex (developed by I.A. Zimnya for the organization of educational activities of educational institutions in general) conditions of employment, activity, emotional-physical release, self-construction, correlated with each of the proposed forms.

The empirical research conducted during the dissertation work showed the viability and pedagogical effectiveness of the developed model and methods based on its application.

The pedagogical model for organizing leisure time for students, developed in the dissertation, taking into account theoretical principles, was based on data from a massive empirical study of the leisure preferences of students both in the present and in the desired future. The model acted as the basis for the socio-pedagogical organization of youth leisure, included in the practice of educational work in the regional socio-cultural space.

Testing and implementation of work results. The main results of the study are reflected in four monographs: “Youth and time (problems of leisure of Russian youth at the turn of the 20th-21st centuries), “Leisure activities of modern youth (from the experience of the Podolsk region of the Moscow region)”, “Current state problems of youth leisure in its socio-psychological and cultural aspects”, “Social and pedagogical foundations of organizing leisure for modern youth”; in teaching aids, articles - a total of over 45 printed sheets.

The materials of the work were presented at the Russian scientific and practical conferences: IX Symposium “Qualimetry of Man and Education” (Moscow, MISIS, Research Center for Problems of the Quality of Training of Specialists, 2000); regional scientific and practical conferences dedicated to the problems of youth, including the organization of leisure: Moscow, Moscow State Regional Pedagogical University, 2002; Kolomna State Pedagogical Institute, Moscow region, 2001; Department for Youth Policy of the Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region based in Podolsk 2003. The applicant presented reports and communications on current research results at annual scientific conferences in institutions of general and vocational education in the Podolsk region, as well as during lectures, scientific, methodological and practical seminars for organizers of leisure activities for youth in Podolsk, Podolsk region, Klimovsk, Troitsk, Moscow region.

The innovative experience of basic institutions of general and vocational education was published in the all-Russian magazines of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation “Pedagogy” (2005) and “Public Education” (2004), in the scientific and information Bulletin of RUDN University (Russian Peoples' Friendship University) in 2004 -2005 gg.

The theoretical and practical provisions of the dissertation are introduced into the practice of general education institutions, as well as institutions of primary, secondary and higher vocational education in Podolsk, Moscow region.

Structure of the dissertation. The structure of the dissertation corresponds to the logic of the research and includes: introduction, four chapters, conclusion, bibliography (523 sources), 4 appendices.

Similar dissertations in the specialty “Theory, methodology and organization of socio-cultural activities”, 13.00.05 code HAC

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  • Social organization of youth leisure: regional and municipal aspect 2010, Candidate of Sociological Sciences Surovitskaya, Anna Vladimirovna

  • Leisure as a sphere of life for modern Russian youth 2004, candidate of sociological sciences Batnasunov, Alexander Sergeevich

  • Leisure time for students: state and development prospects: based on materials from the city of Orel 2006, Candidate of Sociological Sciences Shekhovtsova, Ekaterina Yurievna

  • Formation of leisure culture of modern student youth in the process of arts and crafts 2009, candidate of pedagogical sciences Pogorelova, Alexandra Nikolaevna

Conclusion of the dissertation on the topic “Theory, methodology and organization of socio-cultural activities”, Azarova, Raisa Nikolaevna

Based on the spatial semantic model of leisure, on a detailed examination of the socio-pedagogical features of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. (features of the socio-pedagogical environment; work with teaching staff ensuring the organization of leisure activities; socio-pedagogical organization of educational opportunities of the individual (employment, activity, relaxation, self-building); development of forms of leisure activities), we came to the following conclusions:

1. The model of organizing youth leisure makes it possible to clarify that, on the one hand, domestic pedagogical science has accumulated experience of an intersectoral nature, which creates the prerequisites for identifying the theoretical foundations of the formation and development of leisure, on the other hand, to design interaction with other institutions of society (including in the region) to organize full-fledged, socially-oriented, humane leisure.

2. A model for organizing youth leisure, showing the relationship of social institutions with the priority position of the education system in this process, reduces the deviation from the conceptual (theoretical) model of leisure, which implies an accessible, open, humane and socially oriented nature of leisure.

3. The totality of forms of leisure development varies significantly and is carried out differently in the regions of the Russian Federation, which requires pedagogical influence, high pedagogical skills and the achievement of advanced experience of all social institutions in the system of organizing leisure time for youth in a particular region.

4. Creating a model for organizing youth leisure in an educational institution together with other subjects of society required providing a methodological justification and presenting leisure as an object of pedagogical influence. For this purpose, pedagogical influence is considered as a type of management based on subject-subject relationships, serving as the strategic basis of management and marketing, applicable in this study as a modeling tool. The choice of this approach is associated with the laws of socio-pedagogical reality and the logic of the functioning of leisure as a developing system in a situation of an objective competitive environment (as a manifestation of socio-cultural characteristics at the turn of the 20th - 21st centuries), when each institution of society tries to find its place in this system by studying the demand (needs) of young people. Marketing here enters as a tool that determines the needs (preferences) of young people, but can only be applied on the basis of pedagogical influence, since the lack of educational influence can lead to uncontrolled, commercial, asocial leisure as a factor in the modern market.

5 . Turning to the scientific discipline - management, as a non-traditional (innovative) type of management, presupposes a more active managerial (activity) position of the institution (organization) and greater freedom of choice from what young people prefer, maintaining competitiveness and a niche in the system of leisure services. Considering that leisure is an element of pedagogy (as a way to exert a pedagogical influence), it is quite logical to turn to management with its new methods, organizational techniques of directed influence. At the same time, the pedagogical influence is enhanced in order to achieve socially oriented, spiritual and moral results in the sphere of leisure. Management is ready to satisfy the demand for young people to choose various forms of leisure with the help of marketing, and also take into account the economic aspect as an external environmental factor: given the current shortage of resources, management helps to get the maximum result from organizing leisure activities, which makes it possible to recognize the model of organizing leisure not only effective, but and effective.

6. The model of pedagogical organization of leisure for students involves working with personnel (personnel), which necessitates the growth of professional competence and intensification of creative processes of organizers of leisure activities, and also stimulates the search for effective means and methods of activating the human resources potential of the education system together with other subjects of society.

7. The use of educational conditions in an educational institution as a living system (an organization of a non-technical type) (ZARYA according to I.A. Zimnyaya) and their comparison with the forms of leisure existing in domestic practice made it possible to consider leisure as a relaxing, developing phenomenon, providing employment and bringing value and meaning. satisfaction.


1. The theoretical, methodological and empirical study of leisure, as a complex multidimensional phenomenon, showed the main trends in its development in world (domestic and foreign) theory and practice at different historical stages, which allowed us to conclude that most authors consider leisure in the context free time. Uncertainty in the interpretation of leisure, difficulties in its systematic, scientific understanding required an adjustment of the conceptual apparatus. The theoretical analysis of the interpretation of leisure in scientific, cultural, and pedagogical literature, including several hundred works, showed that most studies emphasize that leisure is not just free time. This is also evidenced by historical and semantic analysis, which shows (despite the fact that many authors use the terms “leisure” and “free time” as synonyms) that in the content of the concept “leisure” there is a specific feature that characterizes its essential side - employment and/or activity. Defining activity as the fundamental essential characteristic of leisure allows us to streamline other grounds for its consideration and reveal its potential using structural and functional analysis.

A comparison of existing approaches to the definition of leisure and free time made it possible to give our own interpretation of these concepts, where the starting point is the philosophical concept of time as an objectively existing category: free time is objectively existing time, in the space of which various types of activities are carried out. Leisure is a period of time subjectively assessed by a person as belonging to him and filled with purposeful activity, which allows us to assert that leisure and free time are not sinongsha. Leisure acts as a specific part of free time that has meaningful content for a person. In other words, free time is only a condition of leisure, which realizes the possibilities of free time through the inclusion of a person in various types of activities.

2. It was revealed that in the history of science and education, leisure for several centuries acted as an independent object of theoretical understanding, during which theories, concepts, and models of leisure were created. Thus, the following were developed:

Theories of leisure that reveal the structural multi-foundation of leisure within the framework of presenting existing theories as the highest form of organizing knowledge about leisure. During periods of long evolutionary development of leisure, the leading role was played by empirical innovative experience, however, in the conditions of a new socio-cultural policy, the modernization of Russian education (against the background of the increasing importance of cultural and leisure activities), leisure should be comprehended in the concepts and terms that form the basis of any theory. Thus, the following are identified: the theory of free time: space for free activity (K. Marx); theories of leisure without society (Ro-jek Ch.), social identification theory, theory of relationships, institutional theory, political theory (J. Kelly); the theory of “de-energization” (getting rid of excess energy (F. Schiller, G. Spencer); the theory of “preparation for life,” which represents the area where a person tests in practice what he should follow in life (St. Hall); theory of “self-expression” (E. Mitchell, B. Mason, etc.); theory of the leisure industry (society of developed leisure) (G. Wakkerman, S. M. Zaglazyeva, O. V. Terekhova, etc.). At the end of the 20th century a theory of renewal of sociocultural norms appeared, which is reflected in the theory of the same name by G. Bloomer - “theory of sociocultural renewal." Foreign sociologists characterized this period as postmodern. In this regard, the “theory of postmodernity” (or theory of post-industrial society) appeared - author R. Inglehart. This The theory showed a shift from materialistic values ​​(emphasizing economic and physical security) to “post-material” values ​​(emphasizing issues of individual self-expression and quality of life), which represents a critical component of a broad consideration of youth leisure.

Leisure concepts presented by foreign and domestic researchers, allowing to create a common vision of the subject (all leisure activities). Based on the analysis of those existing in world theory and practice, the following were identified: the concept of “revolution of the chosen time” by S.-D. Parker, the concept of a consumer society (Affluence Society, Welfare Mass Society) by T. Veblen, the concept of leisure for education (D. Simpson, C. Jerry, R. Armer, D. Shivers), the socio-pedagogical concept of leisure as an important factor in socialization and realization of the socio-cultural potential of young people, their involvement in cultural and leisure activities (V.Ya. Surtaev and others). Existing concepts give rise to new social mechanisms as certain conditions that provide not only the practical essence of leisure - its pedagogical organization, but also the theoretical one associated with improving the theory of leisure as logically derived from many approaches to leisure, as certain phenomena and its interpretations, which expands the capabilities of the system education in varying forms of leisure activities;

Leisure models, as a method of studying an object or as a way of applying it in a real-life system, as a result of which “humanistic; therapeutic; quantitative; institutional; epistemological; sociological model; model of social differentiation" (Kaplan M.); “stereotypical; balance; systemic; psychological model; relationship model; model of spontaneous (immediate, random) leisure” (J. Kelly); “cultural-creative, cultural-consumer, recreational model” (B.A. Tregubov). Generalization of models allows us to systematize them and present our own model of leisure as a way of replacing its multidimensionality and a model of pedagogical organization of leisure for students as a mechanism for the implementation of their life activities;

Consideration of the genesis of the concept of leisure in the history of science allows at the same time to affirm its essential multidimensionality due to the fact that in the process of research various of its characteristics were identified, for example, such as functions, forms, areas of activity:

Leisure functions: social; education and self-education (G.E. Zborovsky, G.P. Orlov); household (E.A. Yadov); informational (A.D. Evseev); self-regulation function (E.N. Fedina). Functional multi-foundation reveals leisure as an inter-integration phenomenon, which makes it possible to complement the holistic concept of leisure, on the one hand, and, on the other, to give leisure humanistic content in the context of the pedagogical organization of leisure activities for students;

Directions or types of leisure: areas of activity (types of activity) represent a unique path of development, where the direction of activity is understood as a given vector, and the type of activity as the implementation of a given direction, which in this case coincides; forms of leisure: as a result of coupling with general methodological principles, the category “form” acts as a way of existence and expression of the content of leisure. The level of the dialectical approach reflects the inevitability of changes in the form of leisure as a result of deformation of the content in the conditions of socio-cultural changes at different specific historical stages. In this study, acceptable deformation of the content of leisure means a combination of the most preferred forms of leisure for young people with traditionally existing ones based on pedagogical influence within the framework of the presented model of the pedagogical organization of leisure activities for students. The theoretical representation of leisure, therefore, is one of the most important conditions for the subjects of the educational process to master the organization of students’ free time in the education system.

The definition of the multidimensionality of leisure allows us to assert that according to

282 there is no single universal theory. Such a statement is based on the absence of a generalizing scientific construct in this area of ​​human activity. However, considering leisure from different positions and finding diverse meanings in it creates the necessary prerequisites for building a theory of leisure in modern society. Considering that theory is understood as a complex of ideas, views, concepts, concepts aimed at interpreting an event, it can be argued that the conceptual representation of leisure, the many proposed definitions and interpretations, its multidimensionality and polymorphism in the form of highlighted aspects, etc. , are the body for constructing a theory of leisure. Such concepts include: a set of structural entities of leisure, presented socially and formally, as a complex of views and ideas about leisure; a set of attributes, where the attribute is formally defined as a function; many connections, like the interaction between leisure components using statements logically derived from a set of assumptions. In essence, a method is proposed for dividing information into an object and/or essence, connections and attributes, which are presented in this study in the form of a network model of leisure in order to provide an explanation of multiple information about leisure, necessary for the further construction of a model of the pedagogical organization of leisure for students. Therefore, the presentation of leisure as a complex and multidimensional phenomenon allows us to form a certain unifying model of leisure within the framework of a variety of structural data about it. We have chosen the modeling method as the most effective method for logical presentation of leisure data as a form of replacement for the multidimensionality of leisure.

In the structure of basic types of models (analog, physical, mathematical), the network model occupies a special place. In pedagogical science, the network model is recognized as an important direction, the scientific justification of which is given in the works of V.G. Afanasyeva, V.A. Venikova, B.A. Glinsky, I.B. Novik, V.A. Shtoff et al., where modeling of pedagogical processes is of particular interest, as noted in the works of S.I. Arkhangelsky, A.F. Zotova, Yu.A. Konarzhevsky, N.V. Kuzmina, V.A. Slastenina, etc. In accordance with this formulation of the question, the leisure model reproduces the results of its conceptual and theoretical justification, including many structural entities of leisure (definitions), many attributes of leisure (data about leisure); many structural connections - associations established between entities.

3. Analysis of the theoretical foundations of leisure showed that at different historical stages of social development, leisure is presented as a powerful ideological (political) tool, which made it possible to present in a generalized form the normative and legal foundations of leisure in relation to three areas of interaction - culture, education and youth policy. The analysis of the legislative framework also showed that the problem of organizing leisure time for young people is one of the undeveloped ones not only in pedagogical science, but also at the level of society. This conclusion is confirmed by the study of the works of ancient philosophers, theories and concepts of foreign authors, encyclopedic literature of Ancient Rus', the pre-Petrine and Petrine eras, and the works of modern researchers (Soviet period). It turned out that society does not realize the high degree of importance of leisure as a free time resource that needs to be managed and organized. Therefore, in a situation of uncontrolled leisure, elements of asocial and even criminal leisure appeared (vandalism, drug and alcohol use, a decrease in the interest of young people in discos and “parties”), which are destructive, uncontrollable in nature, which led to the loss of spiritual, moral, ideological and semantic values. This required state regulation of leisure in the specific historical period of development of Russian society in the last decade. The analysis of the legal framework of leisure during the period we studied (the last decade of the 20th and early 21st centuries), as well as a retrospective look at leisure and its legislative aspect, showed that the legal framework of leisure is determined by a multiplicity of approaches:

From the point of view of ancient science (Aristotle, Plato, Seneca, etc.), leisure is equated to the category of “freedom” (only those who are free can enjoy leisure, “returning a free person to himself,” it is also necessary to be able to manage one’s own free leisure ); leisure should be managed by the state; To enjoy leisure there must be education.” These postulates are included in the norms of ancient state and civil law, when leisure is considered as an element of state well-being.

The legal and regulatory framework for leisure in Ancient Rus' is determined by the norms of Christian culture. In the pre-Petrine era, leisure was based on the church hierarchy. During the reign of Catherine II and until 1917, leisure gradually became a form of education and entertainment (the appearance of the first children's parks, school games, etc.).

In the post-revolutionary era, leisure was legally recognized as a form of cultural and educational work, which was carried out not only by cultural institutions, but also by educational institutions (school and out-of-school). The principles of the CPR (cultural and educational work) were based on the principles of the Program of the Communist Party, where it was an ideological channel of propaganda.

Since the beginning of the 90s. leisure began to be identified with entertainment forms, which led to the loss of its significance as an educational institution. Asocial processes among young people as a result of negative leisure time forced the Russian Government to take urgent measures aimed at eliminating social problems without a developed leisure mechanism. The very concept of leisure began to correspond with entertainment. During this period, within the framework of the system of regulatory requirements, youth leisure is represented by horizontal regulation, in contrast to the vertical structure of state legislation. The carried out structural adjustment of leisure allows society to recognize leisure as a powerful ideological tool, which allows us to confirm the hypothesis that improving the process of organizing youth leisure in the conditions of modern socio-cultural policy of the state can occur most effectively provided that educational, developmental, socially oriented (address-oriented) forms of leisure, using the possibilities of pedagogical influence in the conditions of modernization of Russian education.

4. As a result of theoretical analysis, the dissertation most fully presents youth as a special stratum of modern society: the value orientations of modern youth and their projection on leisure activities are reflected, which required revealing the social essence of youth, its psycho-emotional and socio-psychological aspects. Consideration of the foundations of youth formation in this study was based on the modern integral science of juvenile science, based on complex, interdisciplinary knowledge about the formation and development of youth as a special stratum of society.

As part of the analysis of modern youth problems, different terminological characteristics of the very concept of “youth” were identified, as a result of which significant differences in the approaches of domestic and foreign authors were recorded, and the reasons for the inaccurate interpretation of this concept were revealed. The analysis showed that the basis for various interpretations of youth as a category are specific historical conditions that give different meanings and special meaning to youth at different historical stages, determined by both the subjective and sociocultural life activities of youth. The concept of youth appeared in ancient times (Aristotle, Plato, Seneca, etc.) and is associated with the entry of young people into age groups that perform the functions of division of labor. In modern society, the interpretation of the concept of “youth” is already associated with many factors. For example, UNESCO characterizes youth as the main reproductive force of society, as a subject of social reproduction. In Western sociology, the concept of “youth” is interpreted as an age category that has achieved development and constitutional freedoms (H. Pilkington); as a determinant of socio-economic factors; “the image in which society reflects its idea of ​​the present and the future”, “the restless creator of modernity” (H. Abels); “the process of transition from childhood to adulthood” (S. Fries), etc. In Russia, the concept of “youth” acts as a term “applicable to a socio-demographic group” (V.V. Karavaeva); “reflection of the entire set of social relations”, “theorized reality expressed in an ontological scheme” (V.V. Pavlovsky); “a socio-demographic group in a state of formation, transition from socially immature (childhood) age to social, economic and civic maturity” (E.G. Slutsky), etc.

In dictionary sources, “youth” is characterized as a collective concept: “young, not yet mature.” (S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova). One of the first scientific definitions is given by V.T. Lisovsky, presenting youth as “a generation of people going through the stage of socialization, assimilating general educational, professional and cultural functions and being prepared by society to assimilate and fulfill social roles,” explaining his approach to understanding youth as a generation, the development of which is largely due to modern socio-economic, socio-cultural, psychological, etc. conditions.

The analysis shows that social and psychological-pedagogical science has not yet developed a clear conceptual representation of the youth category, but most researchers identify it with the age boundaries of youth. The most complete description of youth, taking into account their age characteristics and multi-directional activity, is set out in the Doctrine of State Youth Policy, which has become fundamental for this study. In this document, youth are characterized as a social-age group with a number of characteristics: lack of formation of value, spiritual and moral guidelines; incomplete inclusion in socio-economic relations; discrepancy between the interests of youth and society; its performance of special social functions, which include inheriting the achieved level of development of society and the state and ensuring continuity, etc.

The formation of a conceptual and categorical apparatus for interpreting the problem of youth, taking into account its age boundaries, made it possible to present in this study all student youth, in which students are distinguished as a special youth stratum. This youth group is characterized by a process of highly complex structuring of intelligence, intensive and active employment, which was taken into account when analyzing the results of an empirical study of youth leisure. Taking into account the entire integrity of approaches to the interpretation of youth, it is possible to define student youth as a subject of socio-pedagogical interaction, the initiative manifestations of which are carried out in legal, scientific, theoretical and socio-cultural contexts.

5. A comprehensive description of youth is given (definition of the subjective assessment of leisure by modern Russian youth) based on an empirical study, the main method of which was questioning. Its participants included 1,705 respondents, including 70 heads of educational institutions in a number of regions of Russia, 367 teachers and educators in the Moscow region.

The empirical study was carried out in two stages. The first stage (1996-1998), which included an analysis of the state of organization of youth leisure in socio-cultural institutions, including institutions of primary, secondary and higher vocational education, showed the attitude of youth to leisure as a socio-cultural phenomenon and the nature of the development of existing forms of leisure by all groups of youth . The second stage (1998-2002) included a study that determined the leisure preferences of students in its comparative characteristics.

At two stages of the study, 1000 university students were surveyed, including 650 students from state universities, 350 from non-state universities aged from 14 to 25 years, the average age was 19.5 years. All tested students are people with incomplete secondary, incomplete higher education: lyceum students, students of vocational schools, colleges, students of higher educational institutions. The choice of studying youth as representatives of youth is due to the fact that schoolchildren, vocational school students, and students represent the most active and interested part of the youth community. It was believed that the results could be extrapolated to all Russian youth.

As part of the first research stage (1996-1998), monitoring of leisure programs in the region was carried out, which determined the formulation of the question for all groups of respondents, students and adults, about the comparison of the concepts of “leisure” and “free time”, which correlated with the theoretical formulation of the research problem , which showed that most authors interpret leisure in the context of free time. The analysis showed that 52% of all groups of respondents also understand and interpret leisure in the context of free time, considering them one and the same. Moreover, among the general results obtained, the opinion of students is 57%, adults (teachers and heads of educational institutions) - 47%. During the research, it thus became clear that more than 50% of respondents do not recognize the difference between the concepts of “leisure” and “free time”.

From the researcher’s point of view, this may mean that in their minds young people do not highlight the active nature of leisure, and accordingly do not plan and organize their free time. However, 48% of respondents identified such types of leisure activities as: physical improvement - 8.3%; opportunity to improve your cultural level -6.3%; doing what you love - 14.7%; additional education - 5.6%; relief from physical and psychological stress - 5.5%; avoidance of problems of reality - 3.7%; development of abilities - 3.6%, etc., which may indicate the socially significant nature of leisure and the division on this basis of the concepts of “leisure” and “free time”.

Studying the meaningful nature of leisure at the first stage of the study required posing a question related to the choice of forms of leisure by young people. All groups of respondents were asked a general question: “What forms of leisure do you prefer?” As a result of a large-scale survey, the following data was obtained: the main forms of leisure in which young people are involved are: discos (63.7%) and “parties” - 61.2%, with the highest percentage of participation in them recorded by students of vocational schools (69%) , which reflects the lowest degree of useful employment of this group of young people in free time. Discos and “parties”, having been defined as the dominant leisure forms, are an obvious consequence of the loss of generally accepted norms of education, including in the educational system during the transition period of the last decade in the absence of social and pedagogical influence on youth through forms of leisure. The results of the analysis of such forms of leisure as playing sports (12.9%), visiting amateur art groups and interest clubs (1.6%), family leisure (4.2%), reading books (13.3%>), visiting museums, theaters, exhibitions (3.7%), etc., show the loss of traditional sociocultural values ​​in conditions of marginalization of leisure.

For a more objective understanding of the substantive essence of leisure, at the first stage of the study, a similar question was posed to teachers, where “adults,” in accordance with their own vision, acting as experts, assessed the choice of leisure forms by young people. The results of the study showed that teachers evaluate young people’s choice of forms of leisure through the prism of their own observations. Adults believe that young people spend their leisure time in the form of discos - 59%; “parties” - 49%; visits to bars - 14.3%; reading books - 13%; playing sports - 11.9%; non-traditional forms of leisure, incl. extreme - 9%; family leisure - 7.1%; evenings of relaxation in clubs - 5.7%; spending time alone - 3.8%>; hobbies in various types of art - 2.5%; participation in amateur performances - 2.5%; participation in political movements - 0%; church attendance - 0%. In other words, adults, like young people, claim that the dominant role in the structure of leisure is occupied by discos - 59% and “parties” (49%). This view of adults can be explained by the low degree of their participation in the purposeful pedagogical organization of youth leisure. Comparing leisure with the concept of “get-together”, adults attribute it to an informal form of leisure - meeting for no reason, talking, spending time on the street, believing that such an activity for young people can be classified as “doing nothing.” Considering that the word “get-together” has firmly entered the leisure and pedagogical environment, we have separated the concepts of “leisure” and “get-together”, where leisure is understood as purposeful, socio-cultural, targeted pedagogical activity - “get-together” is defined as a unique socio-cultural phenomenon - “a free open space where people met, free from any obligations to the past and completely open to the future. A party is a voluntary community, “to be in a party, you just have to be.” Be at the right time and in the right place, i.e. “a party” is a kind of unformulated, indistinct (and therefore painful) obligation of everyone to everyone” (V. Misiano). We believe that a “party” is an emotional and physical release that reflects only one side of leisure. The choice, however, by students of such a form of leisure as a “party” (49%) poses an additional problem for teachers of organizing the free time of students through forms of pedagogically oriented, activity-filled leisure.

At the second stage of the empirical study (1998-2002), in connection with changes in the lifestyle of young people in modern Russia and in order to further monitor the participation of young people in forms of leisure, a repeated survey of young people was conducted with a similar question: “What forms of leisure do you prefer?” as a result, it turned out that disco and “parties” ceased to be the dominant forms at this stage and began to occupy only 19% of all groups of respondents. It should be noted that over seven years (1996-2002), the share of these forms of leisure in the total amount of free time decreased by almost 30%, which may indicate that young people are filling their free time with other types of activities, which reflects a qualitative change in youth leisure. Thus, in the comparative characteristics of leisure forms at two research stages (1996-1998; 1998-2002), there was a tendency to change the leisure preferences of young people. The structure of leisure began to include: attending theatrical and entertainment events (2% at the first stage, 11% at the second), which may indicate the growth of the general culture of young people due to changes in their image and lifestyle; tourism (0% and 3%, respectively) and extreme leisure activities (4% and 19%), which are considered as prestigious types of leisure, characteristic of fairly financially secure segments of the population; passion for sports (15% and 36.5%), considered as an attempt at internal self-organization and accumulation of high-quality health-saving potential for an active life in modern conditions; communication with a computer (6% and 35%), which indicates the formation of a new direction in youth culture - working and playing with a computer. Such a form of leisure as playing with a computer is classified by young people as an intellectual and entertaining type of activity, in which working with a computer takes up 32%, and playing only 19%, which indicates, on the one hand, that this form of leisure is classified as work activity, on the other hand. to leisure. The obtained conclusions about the choice of forms of leisure by young people served as the basis for setting up the second stage of empirical research in 2000-2002. the following question, which is very important for the created model of organizing leisure activities for young people: “What, in your opinion, should leisure be?” As a result of the survey, the following answers were received: according to young people, leisure should be: more entertaining - 32.6%, active - 22.3%; included in the education system - 20.6%; sports and recreation - 14.7%; directed by specialists in the field of leisure - 7.9%; individually selected - 7%; governed by various social institutions - 6.9%; neutral - 6.7%; free from the education system - 4.9%; extreme - 3.5; passive -1.6%. The survey results show that young people want to see their leisure time more entertaining, filled with active activity content. The data obtained are explained by the fact that the end of the 90s of the 20th century in Russia became for young people a time of self-determination and active inclusion in the labor market and education.

The study of the leisure preferences of modern youth at two stages of empirical research over seven years (1996-1998; 1998-2002), including a comparison of their results, made it possible to identify some trends. A high degree of competition and full professional dedication at all levels of life have required more entertaining leisure activities that serve the function of relaxation. At the same time, the opinion of some young people (more than 20%) about the need to include leisure in the education system indicates the significant place of state and public educational institutions in the value system of young people. The focused attention of young people on leisure as a form of recreation and entertainment in the context of parties and discos is beginning to give way to active, socially oriented leisure, based on the socio-economic need to include youth in the labor market, stimulating more intensive organization of leisure activities. A new perspective is revealed on the attitude of young people to leisure in the context of the formation of meaning-forming values ​​in the conditions of modern Russian society (development of intellectual, vocational, educational, spiritual and creative, sports, family leisure, etc.). The study also emphasized that there is a difference in leisure interests in different youth groups, where, for example, student youth are less interested in discos and “parties” (49.3%) than vocational school youth (59.2%), which requires additional pedagogical influence on this group of youth with the participation of subjects of socio-cultural activities in the region. The conducted empirical research captures the content component of leisure and reflects the leisure preferences of young people in the last decade, which is considered as a prerequisite for the creation of a model of pedagogical organization of leisure for students, corresponding not only to the modern education system, but also to a new way of life and style of life. Thus, a comprehensive empirical analysis of leisure allows us to clarify its structure (according to the leisure entities identified in the theoretical part of the dissertation) and create the foundations of a general model of the pedagogical organization of leisure for students in relation to the region.

6. Focusing on the proposed approaches, an important methodological basis for studying the organization of youth leisure in this dissertation was the structural-functional approach, from the position of which the following provisions were highlighted:

The structural-functional approach when considering leisure allows us to present the relationship, interaction and interdependence of the many bases of leisure (object, attributes, connection, etc.), as well as the set of factors necessary to build a model of the pedagogical organization of leisure (external and internal factors; social pedagogical subsystem with the means, methods, forms allocated in it; interaction of subjects of leisure activities, etc.);

From the position of the structural-functional approach, the organization of leisure has a certain structure (the basis for the design of the structure of leisure and its organization were the features of the socio-pedagogical environment in the specific historical period of the late 20th - early 21st centuries, presented in the form of interrelated conditions: educational conditions, peculiarities of training personnel for pedagogical organization of leisure, organization of leisure forms);

Systematic pedagogical impact on leisure as a holistic, multifunctional (polyfunctional), multidimensional and polymorphic phenomenon. The resulting complex interweaving of concepts and processes necessary for the pedagogical organization of leisure makes it extremely difficult to create a model, which allowed, in the process of research, based on a step-by-step consideration of the problem of leisure, as well as a structural-functional approach, to formulate the principles necessary for the implementation of a model for organizing leisure for youth:

The principle of consistency, the implementation of which presupposes the unity of forms, means, conditions, age characteristics of young people, the nature of educational employment, motivation, etc. when organizing leisure time;

The principle of social and social conditionality, reflecting the characteristics of the socio-cultural environment of the period under study;

The principle of complexity, which presupposes the inclusion of all subjects of society in the process of pedagogical organization of leisure;

The principle of continuity of action, responsible for the constant, uninterrupted process of pedagogical organization of leisure, taking into account the identified needs of young people and pedagogical influence.

The existing problems made it possible to identify the area of ​​targeted educational influence through leisure time and to develop a methodology for the rational pedagogical organization of leisure.

7. The possibility of creating a three-level model of pedagogical organization of leisure for students based on the interaction of all social institutions has been proven, subject to the convergence of key aspects of leisure, ensuring the development of both traditional forms of work and innovative, progressive cultural and leisure forms of activity based on the disclosure of the internal educational qualities of the individual as a potential opportunity for self-realization: employment", activity; relaxation; Self-building. The educational conditions proposed by I.A. Zimnya acted as a fundamental dialectical principle of education applicable to creating a model of pedagogical organization of leisure for students. The method was taken as the basis for constructing the model socio-pedagogical modeling as integrative, allowing to combine empirical and theoretical research, during which all leisure activities were considered with the construction of logical structures and scientific abstractions. The practical value of the model of pedagogical organization of leisure in this study was determined by its adequacy to the studied aspects of the object (socio-economic, pedagogical, cultural, psychological, etc.). On this and other grounds, the model of pedagogical organization of leisure is formulated as a model with delineated boundaries of interaction, defined by goals, objectives, means, forms of leisure, internal potential, etc. and is presented in three levels:

The first level is given in the form of a structural model of the subject of organizing leisure time for youth, where youth acted as a subject of management by other subjects - family, school, educational institutions of all levels, cultural institutions, sports, additional education, government bodies (health care, youth policy, law enforcement authorities, institutions at the place of residence, social protection of children and youth, etc.). The collective subject ensures multidirectionality on the “S” of management - youth - with the entire available arsenal of forms and means of leisure, ensuring the achievement of the goal of its organization in the region;

The second level is represented by a model of interaction of subjects, where the subjects are understood as “8” - “youth” and “S” - “organizer”, having common meanings in the form of motives, goals, content of leisure activities and actions for their implementation, making it possible to clarify motivational and target settings of two subjects for choosing forms of organizing leisure time in the pedagogical model;

The third level acts as a model of the pedagogical organization of leisure for students, presented in fragments with a time period allocated in it (summer holidays), which takes into account the forms of leisure for young people identified as the most optimal as a result of an analysis of the activities of various social and pedagogical subjects of Russian regions.

8. A three-level model of pedagogical organization of leisure time for students, based on pedagogical influence, contributes to the development of different potentials of youth. The model has a specific goal - organizing leisure time for youth in the region based on the existing socio-cultural, socio-economic and socio-pedagogical conditions. Practical tasks for implementing the model based on a mechanism thought out for a given region follow from the target setting:

The feasibility of implementing the model presupposes the availability of means, which include: human resources; material and technical base; financial and information resources.

The model has terms and stages of implementation, which are the organizational, practical and generalizing stages. The timing of the model’s implementation is set depending on the goals and objectives: short-term model (six months, a year), long-term - 3-5 years.

The expected results of the model confirm the assumption of the importance of organizing youth leisure locally under the conditions of the priority position of the education system in this process and its leading role in determining the forms, means, and methods in the implementation of this process.

The presented model of social and pedagogical organization of leisure time for students is of a social and pedagogical nature. The elements (factors) highlighted in it are determined by the integrity of the system, the unity of all the constituent elements (entities) of the object, internal processes and connections, contradictions and trends as a result of interfacing with the general methodological principles presented in this dissertation. The model of pedagogical organization of leisure for students makes it possible to clarify, on the one hand, that in pedagogical domestic science, experience of an intersectoral nature has been accumulated, which creates the prerequisites for identifying the theoretical foundations of the formation and development of leisure, on the other hand, to design interaction with other institutions of society in organizing a full-fledged , socially-oriented, humane, activity-based leisure. An unconventional classification of forms of leisure activity for young people has been developed as a result of their justified transformation from the plane of traditional cultural and leisure forms, not supported by socio-cultural, economic, managerial factors, to the plane of innovative, organizational- management methods based on innovations. The internal consistency and logical sequence of new forms of youth leisure strengthens their socio-cultural orientation, which ensures the achievement of a high level of organization of leisure activities for students both in the education system and in society as a whole.

9. The shown relationship of social institutions with the priority position of the education system in it ensures an accessible, open, humane and socially oriented nature of leisure.

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