Sociology social psychology essays on social studies examples. Preparing for the Unified State Examination: an essay in social science. “A smart state does not prevent its citizens from earning money, it only watches it, making a profit in the form of taxes,” the American

Use the list of possible topics when preparing and writing an essay ().

Topics are divided into blocks:

  1. Philosophy
  2. Social Psychology
  3. Economy
  4. Sociology
  5. Political science

Philosophy Essay Topics

  • "Man is unthinkable outside of society." L. Tolstoy
  • "Man is of value to society only insofar as he serves it." A. France
  • "Only he comprehends the truth, who carefully studies nature, people and himself." N.N. Pirogov
  • "History by itself can neither compel a person nor draw him into a dirty business." P. Sartre
  • “History is the truth that becomes a lie. A myth is a lie that becomes the truth." J. Cocteau
  • "A world in which evil would prevail over good would not exist or would disappear." E. Renan
  • “To see and feel is to be, to think is to live.” W. Shakespeare
  • “Our views are like our clocks: they all show different times, but everyone believes only his own.” A. Pop
  • "World history is the sum of all that could have been avoided." B. Russell
  • "Life has exactly the value we want it to have." I. Berdyaev
  • "Society does not necessarily conform to political boundaries." S. Turner
  • “We should strive to learn facts, not opinions, and, on the contrary, find a place for these facts in the system of our opinions.” G. Lichtenberg
  • "Knowledge and life are inseparable." L. Feuchtwanger
  • "The fullness of knowledge always means some misunderstanding of the depth of our ignorance." R. Milliken
  • “To acquire knowledge is still not enough for a person; one must be able to give it away in growth.” I. Goethe
  • “To know is to fully understand the whole of nature.” F. Nietzsche
  • "There are two kinds of knowledge: one by means of the senses, the other by thought." Democritus
  • "He who has not studied the man in himself will never reach a deep knowledge of people." N.G. Chernyshevsky
  • "Society is a set of stones that would collapse if one did not support the other." Seneca
  • “In an immoral society, all inventions that increase the power of man over nature are not only not good, but an undeniable and obvious evil.” L. Tolstoy
  • "There is no progress without struggle." F. Douglas
  • "Man out of society or god or beast." Aristotle
  • “Man is not a thing, but a living being, which can be understood only in the long process of its development. At any moment of his life, he is not yet what he can become, and what he may yet become. Aristotle
  • “If a person has a “why” to live, he can withstand any “how”. F. Nietzsche
  • "A child at the moment of birth is not a man, but only a candidate for man." A. Pieron
  • "Man is a fundamental novelty in nature." ON THE. Berdyaev
  • "Man is the only animal for whom his own existence is a problem: he must solve it, and there is no escape from it." E. Fromm
  • "The pains of creativity and the joys of creativity are a single whole." I. Shevelev
  • "Man is nature's unexpected, beautiful, painful attempt to realize itself." V. Shukshin
  • “The most important task of civilization is to teach man to think.” T. Edison
  • “Man is meant to live in society; he is not fully human and contradicts his essence if he lives as a hermit. I. Fichte
  • "No vessel can hold more than its volume, except for the vessel of knowledge - it is constantly expanding." Arabic proverb
  • “Information without human understanding is like an answer without a question – it has no meaning.” A. Maslow
  • “Everything that a person touches acquires something human.” S. Marshak
  • “In order to know something, you must already know something.” S. Lem
  • “Those doubts that theory does not resolve, practice will resolve you.” L. Feuerbach
  • "How many, however, there are things that I don't need." Socrates
  • “The end can only be achieved when the means itself is already permeated through and through by the own nature of the end.” F. Lassalle
  • “If there is no goal, you do nothing, and you do nothing great if the goal is insignificant.” D. Diderot
  • "The beast never comes to such a terrible fall as a man comes to." ON THE. Berdyaev
  • "Man can do without many things, but not without man." L. Berne
  • “In man, the duties of the king are carried out by reason.” E. Rotterdam

Social Psychology Essay Topics

  • “We are shaped by the things we do.” Aristotle
  • "Everyone wants to be the exception to the rule, and there is no exception to this rule." M. Forbes
  • "Man does what he is and becomes what he does." R. Musil
  • “The process of socialization is entering the social environment, adapting to it, mastering certain roles and functions, which, following its predecessors, is repeated by each individual throughout the entire history of its formation and development.” B.D. Parygin
  • “When explaining any mental phenomena, a person acts as a united set of internal conditions through which all external influences are refracted.” S.L. Rubinstein
  • “Without a goal there is no activity, without interests there is no goal, and without activity there is no life.” V.G. Belinsky
  • "Man is inconceivable without contact with the people around him." A.M. Yakovlev
  • “Man is a being who rushes towards the future and realizes that he is projecting himself into the future.” J.P. Sartre
  • “Man will become, first of all, what he is designed to be.” J.P. Sartre
  • “Man simply exists, and he is not only what he imagines himself to be, but what he wants to become.” J.P. Sartre
  • "Human essence is present only in communication, in the unity of man with man." L. Feuerbach
  • "Personality is a person as a carrier of consciousness." K.K. Platonov
  • "The family is the primary womb of human culture." I. Ilyin
  • "People exist for each other." M. Aurelius
  • “Truth is forgotten in disputes. The smartest one stops the argument. L. Tolstoy
  • “Look at my children. My former freshness is alive in them. They are the justification for my old age.” W. Shakespeare
  • “In married life, the united couple should form, as it were, a single moral personality.” I. Kant
  • “The personality of a person is in no sense pre-existent in relation to his activity, like his consciousness, it is generated by it.” A.N. Leontiev
  • “One and the same person, entering different teams, changing target settings, can change - sometimes within very significant limits.” Yu.M. Lotman
  • “Good people become more by exercise than by nature.” Democritus “We must always try to look not for what separates us from other people, but for what we have with
  • them in common." D. Reskin
  • “To decipher man means, in essence, to try to find out how the world was formed and how it
  • must continue to form” P. Teilhard de Chardin
  • "A role is not a person, but ... an image behind which it is hidden." A.N. Leontiev
  • "He who, turning to the old, is able to discover the new, is worthy of being a teacher." Confucius
  • “Independence and freethinking are the essence of creativity.” F. Mitterrand
  • "The mere absence of vice does not imply the presence of virtue." A. Machado
  • “We need to stand on our own feet and look the world straight in the face…see the world for what it is and not be afraid of it.” B. Russell
  • "People are born only with pure nature, and only then do their fathers make them Jews, Christians or fire worshipers." Saadi
  • “There is no unconditional opposition between tradition and reason… Preservation of the old is the free attitude of man.” H.G. Gadamer
  • "Becoming part of an organized crowd, a person descends several steps down the ladder of civilization." G. Lebon
  • “Learn to rule yourself” A.S. Pushkin
  • "The great secret of any behavior is social behavior ... Not in the least degree would I dare to say anything about how a person will behave in a group." F. Bartlett
  • "The pinnacle of ourselves, the crown of our originality, is not our individuality, but our personality." P. Teilhard de Chardin
  • "Without society, man would be pathetic, lacking the urge to improve." W. Godwin
  • “Nature creates man, but society develops and shapes him.” V.G. Belinsky
  • "Family interests almost always ruin the interests of the public." F. Bacon
  • “All marriages are successful. Difficulties begin when life begins together. F. Sagan
  • "All kinds of arts serve the greatest of the arts - the art of living on Earth." B. Brecht
  • “The great goal of education is not knowledge, but action” G. Spencer
  • “Morality is not a list of actions and not a collection of rules that can be used like pharmaceutical or culinary recipes” D. Dewey

Economics Essay Topics

  • “Without development there is no entrepreneurial profit, without the latter there is no development.” J. Schumpeter
  • "Wherever there is commerce, there are mild manners." C. Montesquieu
  • "Economic competition is not war, but rivalry in the interests of each other." E. Kannan
  • “To make a lot of money is courage, to keep their wisdom, and to spend it skillfully is an art.” B.Auerbach
  • "Competitiveness is born not in the world market, but within the country." M. Porter
  • "Socialism is an equal distribution of squalor, while capitalism is an unequal distribution of bliss." W. Churchill
  • "Business is the art of getting money out of another person's pocket without resorting to violence." M. Amsterdam
  • “Wealth is not in the possession of treasures, but in the ability to use them.” Napoleon I
  • "All commerce is an attempt to foresee the future." S. Butler
  • "The surest profit is that which is the result of thrift." Publius Cyrus
  • "Whoever wants the least, has the least need." Publius Cyrus
  • "Moderation is the wealth of the poor, greed is the poverty of the rich." Publius Cyrus
  • "Economics is the art of satisfying unlimited needs with limited resources." L. Peter
  • "There are no free breakfasts." B. Crane
  • “The whole advantage of having money lies in the ability to use it.” B. Franklin
  • “Markets, like parachutes, only work when they are open.” G. Schmidt
  • “A recession is when your neighbor loses his job, a crisis is when you lose your job.” G. Truman
  • "The market price of each commodity is governed by the ratio between the quantity currently offered on the market and the demand of those who are willing to pay its natural price for this commodity." A. Smith
  • "The indispensable condition for the operation of economic laws is free competition." A. Smith
  • “Taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilized society.” OU. Holmes
  • "Each person should be given an equal right to pursue his own benefit, and the whole society benefits from this." A. Smith
  • “The effectiveness of a particular economic system should be judged by comparing it with alternative options ...” A. Smith
  • "Friendship based on business is preferable to business based on friendship." J. Rockefeller
  • "Even the most generous person tries to pay cheaper for what is bought daily." B. Show
  • “Economy is the ability to make the best use of life.” B. Show
  • “Capital is the portion of wealth that we sacrifice to increase our wealth.” A. Marshall
  • "Money is the measure of all things traded." A.N. Radishchev
  • "The first rule of business is to treat others as they would like to treat you." Ch. Dickens
  • “Wealth is an extra luxury, it is a theft committed from others.” R. Rollan
  • "Happiness is not in money, but in how to increase it." American proverb
  • "Money either dominates its owner or serves him." Horace
  • “What must not be forgotten is the simple truth: everything that the government gives, it first took away.” D. Coleman
  • "Property is theft." P.Zh. Proudhon
  • "Poverty is slavery, but excessive wealth is also slavery." J. Jaures
  • "True poor is only one who wants more than he can have." A. Jussier
  • "In the ordinary and daily state of affairs, the demand for any goods precedes their supply." D. Ricardo
  • "It is not the art of acquiring that should be learned, but the art of spending." I. Stobey
  • "Savings make up the richest income." I. Stobey
  • "Taxes are money levied on a part of society for the benefit of the whole." I. Sherr
  • "Competition provides the best qualities of products and develops the worst qualities of people." D. Sarnoff
  • "Without competitors, even a very rich country can quickly decline." E. Grove
  • "The pursuit of profit is the only way people can satisfy the needs of those they don't know at all." F. Hayek
  • "Three things make a nation great and prosperous: fertile soil, active industry, and ease of movement of people and goods." F. Bacon
  • “Not to lay a hand on amateur performance, but to develop it, creating favorable conditions for its use - this is the true task of the state in the national economy.” S.Yu. Witte

Political Science Essay Topics

  • "Politics disguises lies into truth and truth into lies." P. Buast
  • "Good politics is no different from healthy morality." G.B. de Mably
  • "Politics is about business decisions, not long-winded speeches about decisions." F. Burlatsky
  • “Politics is essentially power: the ability to achieve a desired result, by whatever means.” E Heywood
  • “Politics is the art of adapting to circumstances and taking advantage of what is disgusting.” O. Bismarck
  • "There is no human soul that can withstand the temptations of power." Plato
  • "Power is dangerous when the conscience is at odds in it." W. Shakespeare
  • "The whole secret of politics is to know the time to lie, and to know the time to remain silent." Marquise de Pompadour
  • "Morality without politics is useless; politics without morality is inglorious." A.P. Sumarokov
  • "The most fatal mistake that has ever been made in the world is the separation of political science from moral science." P. Shelley
  • "High places make great people greater, and low places lower." J. La Bruyère
  • "International politics, like any other, is a struggle for power." G. Morgenthau
  • "Political culture is just a manifestation of how people perceive politics and how they interpret what they see." S. Verba
  • “The difference between a statesman and a politician is that a politician is oriented towards the next elections, and a statesman is oriented towards the next generations.” W. Churchill
  • "The rulers become clever vote-pickers." K.P. Pobedonostsev
  • “State power is the will of some (those in power) based on independent strength to subjugate the will of others (subjects). G.F. Shershenevich
  • "The state is the territory of power." A. Kruglov
  • "States are acquired either by one's own or by someone else's weapons, or by the grace of fate, or by valor." N. Machiavelli
  • "The more developed the state, the more it is removed from society." V.B. Shepherds
  • "The task of the state is only to eliminate evil and the state is not obliged to promote the well-being of citizens." W. Humboldt
  • “Next to the activities of the state, it is necessary to provide an opportunity and a wide range of personal freedom. The goal of social life consists in the harmonious agreement of both elements, and not in the sacrifice of one in favor of the other. B. Chicherin
  • "Justice is a public good." Aristotle
  • “The well-being of the state is ensured not by the money that it annually releases to officials, but by the money that it annually leaves in the pockets of citizens” I. Eötvös
  • "There are no single and the same ideas of individual freedom, the legal system, the constitutional state, the same for all peoples." B. Kistyakovsky
  • "The greatness and sanctity of the state consists, first of all, in the steady implementation of justice." A. Steel
  • “Any government degrades if it is entrusted only to the rulers of the people. Only the people themselves are the reliable custodian of power and the people.” T. Jefferson
  • "Total obedience to the law of kindness will eliminate the need for government and state." O. Frontingham
  • “Lack of money, but of people and talents, makes the state weak.” Voltaire
  • “In a democracy, a person not only enjoys the greatest possible power, but also bears the greatest possible responsibility.” N. Cousins
  • "Democracy does not mean that people actually govern, but only that they have the opportunity to elect rulers." J. Schumpeter
  • "We choose democracy not because it is replete with virtues, but to avoid tyranny." K. Popper
  • "The principle of democracy decays not only when the spirit of equality is lost, but also when the spirit of equality is carried to the extreme and everyone wants to be equal to those whom he has elected as his rulers." Sh.-L. Montesquieu
  • “The democratic system is far from always and not everywhere in place. It has its necessary foundations or "prerequisites": if they are not there, then democracy does not give anything but long-term decay and death. I. Ilyin
  • “A participant in a democratic system needs personal character and devotion to the motherland, traits that ensure certainty of outlook, incorruptibility, responsibility and civil courage in him.” I. Ilyin
  • "When a tyrant rules, the people are silent, and the laws do not work." Saadi
  • “If people hoped to find better conditions for themselves in a tyrannical state of a firm hand, they rushed there headlong” F. Guicciardini
  • “A tyrant is a robber who is not afraid of either judgment or punishment. This is a judge without trial and law. Y. Krizhanich
  • "Totalitarianism is a political system that has infinitely expanded its intervention in the lives of citizens." I. Ilyin
  • “At the head of it (totalitarianism) march the most ruthless, those who have nothing to lose, to whom war is their mother, and civil war is their fatherland.” C. Hayden
  • “The best should rule in all states and under all regimes. Any regime is bad if the worst govern under it. I. Ilyin
  • "There is a minimum level of education and awareness without which every vote becomes its own caricature." I. Ilyin
  • "Citizen's freedom is the basis of the rule of law." Robert von Mol Jurisprudence
  • “All power presupposes a minimum of law, all law presupposes a minimum of power.” B.P. Vysheslavtsev
  • "The more developed, more mature and deeper the legal consciousness, the more perfect the law." I.A. Ilyin
  • "The freedom of one person ends where the freedom of another begins." M. Bakunin
  • "The right of man must be considered sacred, no matter what sacrifices it may cost the ruling power." I. Kant
  • "Legality is one of the greatest achievements of the liberal era, which served not only as a shield of freedom, but as a well-functioning legal mechanism for its implementation." F. Hayek
  • "Punishment cannot be eternal, but guilt endures forever." A saying from Roman law "In sound theory, as well as in practice, freedom only becomes a right when it is recognized by law." B. Chicherin
  • "A people with a developed sense of justice should be interested in and cherish their court as the guardian and body of their law and order." B. Kistyakovsky
  • "The strong power of the coming Russia will not be extra-legal and not super-legal, but formalized by law and serving by law, with the help of law - the national legal order." I. Ilyin
  • "Society is forced to constantly make efforts to orient its entire legal and political system towards the observance of human rights." J. Maritain
  • “The law is the right of property based on power; where there is no power, there the law dies.” N. Chamfort
  • "The law reveals its beneficial effect only to those who obey it." Democritus
  • "Any atrocity has its own morality that justifies it." W. Schwebel
  • “I consider it obligatory for everyone to unquestioningly and unswervingly obey the laws.” Socrates
  • "What is a right and what is an offense, this should be determined by the law." Latin legal saying
  • "Intention must be subject to laws, not laws to intentions." Latin legal saying
  • "The presumption is valid until proven otherwise." Latin legal saying
  • "When the law gives a right, it also gives a remedy for it." Latin legal saying
  • “In the old days they said that the law lives with freedom like a cat and a dog. Every law is bondage." N.M. Karamzin
  • “Laws are good, but they still need to be well implemented in order for people to be happy.” N.M. Karamzin
  • "The law exists in vain for those who have neither the courage nor the means to defend it." T. Macaulay
  • “The law is not a web through which large flies break through and small flies get stuck.” O. Balzac
  • “Laws should have the same meaning for everyone.” C. Montesquieu
  • “Laws are needed not only to frighten citizens, but also to help them.” Voltaire
  • "The law should be like death, which spares no one." C. Montesquieu
  • "The cruelty of laws hinders their observance." C. Montesquieu
  • “Not to be subject to any law means to be deprived of the most saving protection, for the laws must protect us not only from others, but also from ourselves.” G. Heine
  • "Bad laws are the worst kind of tyranny." E. Burke
  • "To leave a crime unpunished is to become its accomplice." P. Crebillon
  • “Law is not a concept of logic, but of force.” R. Yering
  • “Submission to the law is required by right, and not begged for as a favor.” T. Roosevelt
  • “It is impossible for a person, as a spiritual being, to live on earth without law” I. Ilyin
  • "Look into the causes of all licentiousness and you will see that it stems from impunity." C. Montesquieu
  • "He who defends his right defends the right in general." R. Yering
  • "He who spares the guilty punishes the innocent." Axiom of law
  • "The legislator must think like a philosopher and speak like a peasant." G. Jellinek
  • "The purpose of punishment is not revenge, but correction." A.N. Radishchev
  • “Terrible lawlessness can be committed under the guise of right over right itself.” R. Yering
  • "For citizens, the right is the permission to do whatever is not forbidden." L. Tolstoy
  • "Citizens enjoy the greater freedom, the more cases the laws leave to their discretion." T. Hobbes
  • “Everything that does not restrict the freedom of other people is allowed, and therefore not prescribed.” G. Hegel
  • "I see the imminent destruction of that state, where the law has no force and is under someone's authority." Plato
  • "The foundations of every state and the foundation of any country rest on fairness and justice." As-Samarakandi
  • "The true equality of citizens consists in their being equally subject to the laws." J. D'Alembert
  • "We must be slaves to the laws in order to be free." Cicero
  • “Other crimes are so loud and grandiose that we justify them and even glorify them: for example, we call robbing the treasury dexterity, and we call the unjust seizure of foreign lands conquest.” F. La Rochefoucauld
  • "Ignorance of the law is not an excuse. But knowledge often liberates. S. Lets
  • "The reform of morals must begin with the reform of the laws." K. Helvetius
  • "Unjust laws do not create law." Cicero
  • "The true equality of citizens is that they are all equally subject to the laws." J. D'Alembert

Essay Topics in Sociology

  • “Children give their debt to their parents to their children.” I.N. Shevelev
  • "The family is the crystal of society." V. Hugo
  • "The family is more sacred than the state." Pius XI
  • "A woman, like a caryatid, props up the family hearth." I.N. Shevelev
  • "The roots of nationalism are in the division of the population into indigenous and non-indigenous." I.N. Shevelev
  • "Each nation - great or small - has its own unique crystal, which must be able to highlight." I.N. Shevelev
  • "Nationalism is not love for one's own nation, but hatred for another." I.N. Shevelev
  • "The lack of a sense of national dignity is as disgusting as the other extreme - nationalism." I.N. Shevelev
  • "The greatness of a people is not at all measured by its number, just as the greatness of a man is not measured by his height." V. Hugo
  • "I'm too proud of my country to be a nationalist." J. Wolfrom
  • "A nation does not need cruelty to be steadfast." F. Roosevelt
  • "No nation can achieve prosperity until it realizes that plowing a field is as worthy an occupation as writing a poem." B. Washington
  • "Every nationality is the wealth of a single and fraternally united humanity, and not an obstacle in its path." ON THE. Berdyaev
  • “Nations are the wealth of mankind, these are its generalized personalities; the smallest of them carries its own special colors. A. Solzhenitsyn
  • "Of all the threads that bind a person to his homeland, the strongest is his native language." I.N. Shevelev
  • “A nation is a collection of people, different in character, tastes and views, but interconnected by strong, deep and comprehensive spiritual ties.” D. Gibran
  • “A nation is a community of people who, through a common destiny, acquire a single character.” O. Bauer
  • "There is not a single real sign for the definition of an ethnos applicable to all known cases." L.N. Gumilyov
  • "Love all other nations as your own." V. Solovyov
  • "Classes will disappear as inevitably as they inevitably arose in the past." F. Engels
  • “Inequality lies in nature itself; it is an inevitable consequence of freedom.” J.Renan
  • "Inequality is as good a law of nature as any other." I. Sherr
  • “The equality of man in society has in mind only rights, but it concerns states no more than growth, strength, mind, activity, labor.” P. Vergniaud
  • “The higher the position of a person, the more strict should be the framework that restrains the self-will of his character.” G. Freitag
  • "Very rich people are not like you and me." F.S. Fitzgerald
  • "The same social role is experienced, evaluated and implemented differently by different people." I.S. Kon
  • "Take the place and position that befits you, and everyone will recognize it." R. Emerson
  • "Having obeyed the law of the crowd, we return to the stone age." S. Parkinson
  • "Society is a balance beam that cannot raise some without lowering others." J. Vanier
  • "Accurate knowledge of society is among our most recent acquisitions." E. Giddens
  • “Society is not a simple group of individuals, but a system…”. E.E. Durkheim
  • “Marginality is the result of conflict with social norms.” A. Farzhd
  • “A mass is a multitude of people without any special merit.” J. Ortega y Gaset
  • "Freedom is the right to inequality." ON THE. Berdyaev
  • “It is not good to be too free. It is not good not to know the need for anything.” B. Pascal
  • "It is easy to preach morality, it is difficult to justify it." A. Schopenhauer
  • "The process of socialization in simple and complex societies proceeds differently." I. Robertson
  • “We make rules for others, exceptions for ourselves.” Sh. Lemel
  • “Great authority must be used carefully, like all heavy ones: otherwise you can accidentally crush someone.” E. Servus
  • “Youth is the time for acquiring wisdom.” J.-J. Rousseau
  • "A person ... acquires a sense of justice very early, but very late or does not acquire the concept of justice at all." I. Kant
  • "Who knows how to deal with conflicts by recognizing them, takes control of the rhythm of history." R. Dahrendorf
  • “It is much more important to instill in people morals and customs than to give them laws and courts.” O. Mirabeau

The social value of an individual is largely determined by what needs prevail in her. Ya. L. Kolomensky

With his quote, Kolomensky emphasizes the influence of needs on the self-development of the individual and giving it a socially significant character.

The formation of personality as an individual with socially significant features is influenced by many factors, including needs. What is it?

In sociology, needs are commonly understood as a perceived need for something by a person. In the first phases of the development of human society, the needs were simple and boiled down to maintaining one's body and security. As the social organization became more complex, they expanded, modified and adjusted. They acted as a motive for human activity.

In sociology, it is customary to subdivide needs into biological, social, and ideal or spiritual. There are many classifications of needs. They can be subdivided according to the spheres of society's life (material, social, spiritual), according to the subject (individual, collective, group), according to the degree of significance for the individual and society - imaginary or genuine. They reflect the very attitude of the individual and the totality of values ​​that correct these needs.

The most famous is the pyramid of needs according to A. Maslow. The American sociologist based it on physiological and existential (safety, comfort) needs. He assigned a higher level to the social, connected with the existential, providing the individual with the opportunity for favorable psychological contact and communication in a social group. This is followed by prestigious ones that allow you to achieve success in life, make a career, and improve your social status. And, finally, the need for self-actualization, when an individual seeks to maximize his own "I", to achieve happiness in spiritual self-improvement, to understand the meaning of life.

Social norms and values ​​impose a special imprint on a person who seeks to satisfy needs. In the human community, even biological needs are socially colored. We cannot behave like animals: we prefer to eat healthy food, live in clean conditions, dress in clothes for the season and depending on the nature of the activity, and relieve ourselves in specially designated places.

Kolomensky's thought leads us to the understanding that needs are adjusted by social norms and supported by social institutions. As far as a person has managed to assimilate these norms and obey the requirements of a social institution, so much is she in demand. Social benefit, therefore, is expressed in the ability of an individual to adapt his needs (caused by dissatisfaction) to the rules of life of the social group to which he belongs.

Take, for example, our football team, which, to the surprise of many, successfully performed at the 2018 World Cup. The need to prove to the fans of the country that Russian football is not dead forced the team and the coaching staff to work tirelessly before and during the match. As a result, for the first time in Russian football history, the team managed to reach the ¼ finals and thus win the support and universal love of the country's fans. Surprisingly, even those who are not interested in football followed the match. This means that the social and prestigious needs of the team coincided with the needs of the entire football community, which is proud that the Russian team did not show itself as an outsider at the championship.

But not always the needs of the individual coincide with the needs of society, its values ​​and norms. Then severe sanctions are applied to violators.

Suffice it to recall the greed, money-grubbing and desire for omnipotence of the old woman from "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" by A.S. Pushkin. The desire to live at the expense of others, to satisfy their base needs, pushing others around, for the heroine of the tale ended in failure. Not knowing the measure, she literally ended up with nothing.

The problem raised by Kolomensky, which reflects the commensurability of one's own needs with the demands of society and its values, will always be relevant, since a person cannot live outside the social environment and ignore social norms. In turn, the development of the needs of the individuals themselves contributes to the development of society as a whole and the development of new norms and values. So, this process is mutual.

An essay is a literary genre of small volume and free composition. This written form was introduced into the USE as a means of assessing and evaluating students. In a prose essay, the examinee should express his own thoughts and impressions on the formulated problem. In order to understand how to write an essay on social science, you need to properly organize your educational activities and train on this task systematically.

In the process of preparation, one should learn to analyze the content of the text; check the style, consistency and consistency of the material presented; work with the final version and make important corrections to it. The study proceeds in five blocks (man and society; sociology, economics, politics and law), each of which will be reflected in the control and measuring material.

How to write an essay on social studies - features of preparing for the Unified State Examination 2018

Every year, the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI) introduces innovations in the demonstration version of the Unified State Examination in social science. In 2018, the requirements and the assessment system for a social science essay (tasks 29) changed slightly.

Consider the amendments on specific examples:

  1. The form remained the same - a mini-essay.
  2. The term “problem”, which the author of the statement highlights, has been replaced by the word “idea”. This does not seem to make any fundamental difference. We will also talk about the considerations that arise when understanding the quote of the thinker.
  3. The requirement to highlight several ideas, if they are embedded in the author's statement, is more unambiguously formulated. In the 2017 demo, this was described by the expression "if necessary ...".
  4. Two examples from a variety of sources are still being evaluated.
  5. A more rigorous claim is made for a detailed argument and its explicit connection with the idea of ​​a designated quotation.

It follows from this that the volume of an essay claiming a high score will undergo an increase (examples will need to be expanded in more detail, several ideas need to be highlighted). The composition begins to gradually move away from the genre of light and transparent composition, when it is not necessary to thoroughly reveal the example, it is enough to voice the idea.

Plus, the criteria for evaluating the material written by the examinee have changed. A provision appeared on the correctness of the use of concepts, theoretical positions, reasoning and conclusions.

For example, if a student writes that the reproductive function of a family is to raise children, that stratification is the movement of an individual in a social structure, then he will receive 0 points on this basis, since his theoretical arguments are incorrect.

In all other respects, the KIMs of 2017 and 2018 are similar.

Structure and content of the essay

The form of a mini-essay provides scope for creative thought, subjectivity and artistic depiction.

However, in the practice of assessing task No. 29, a special rigor, accuracy and balance have formed, which follows from the structure and content of the written material.

The final version of the essay for a high score should include the following components:

  1. Quote. One of the five proposed statements by the author, according to which the examinee preferred to express his position. To do this, it is necessary to identify with which sections of the course of social science the problematics considered by the thinker is connected and to evaluate one's own knowledge on it.

    Quotes and statements of thinkers can be used in the work

  2. The problem (topic) raised by the thinker, its relevance. It is a subjective author's position. The student must identify the problem and express their personal written response to the question posed.

    List of Philosophy Topics

    Suggested list of topics in economics and sociology

  3. The meaning of the author's statement represents his subjective opinion on the designated problem. The examinee can support the proposed idea completely or partially or completely refute it. In any case, this point should be explicitly reflected in the prose essay, since a clearly defined evaluation criterion is established for it. Material written by a student without a correctly understood meaning will be evaluated at 0 points.

    The meaning of the statement is the subjective opinion of the author on the designated topic

  4. own point of view. This is the personal opinion of the examinee regarding the issue raised. The stated judgment must meet the signs of logic and certainty. It flows through the entire text and cannot have contradictory statements.

    Your own point of view should be logical and definite

  5. theoretical reasoning. Social science knowledge (concepts, terms, contradictions, directions of scientific thought, interconnections, as well as opinions of scientists, thinkers). They must correspond to the topic of the block on which the student is writing an essay.

    Theoretical argumentation must necessarily correspond to the topic of the essay

  6. factual reasoning. Two options are allowed here: the use of examples from history, literature and events in society; appeal to empirical experience.

    With factual argumentation, you can use examples from history or refer to empirical experience.

  7. The conclusion is the logical conclusion of the reasoning. It should not coincide verbatim with the judgment given for justification. With correct spelling, one or two sentences should highlight the main ideas of the arguments and come to the final conclusion, which the student adhered to throughout the essay.

    The essay should have a logical conclusion

Thus, to write an essay on social science for a high score, you should read all the quotes in task No. 29 and determine their problems. In each statement, you will need to find the answer to the question "What did the author want to say?" and choose the most appropriate topic.

You can evaluate your strength mentally by answering the questions:

  • What basic social science theoretical provisions does the proposed statement correspond to?
  • What do I need to know to unlock it?

After that, make sure that you own the fundamental concepts of the block to which the statement refers and understand its meaning.

Make a proposed writing plan, but keep in mind the time limit for the exam.

Subject to all the above conditions and regular training on task No. 29, the examinee is guaranteed to cope with the essay.

How to issue

It must be borne in mind that an essay is a small essay, distinguished by semantic unity.

Additional benefits in assessing assignment No. 29 by the experts will be the inclusion in it:

  • basic information about the author of the statement (for example, "outstanding German economist", "famous Russian thinker of the Golden Age", "famous existentialist philosopher", "founder of the rational direction in philosophy", etc.);
  • indications of alternative ways of solving the stated issue;
  • descriptions of different points of view on the problem or different approaches to its solution.

These grounds are not directly noted in the assessment criteria, but they will demonstrate the erudition of the examinee and his deep preparation.

It is also worth remembering that your work will be evaluated by an expert. A plus would be to write the text in the USE form in neat handwriting, systematized and without careless blots.

cliché phrases

Cliche phrases are understood as standard patterns of word usage, typical schemes of phrases and syntactic constructions. With the help of these speech formulas, the process of writing an essay on social studies undergoes a significant simplification.

For the first part of a prose essay, when formulating an understanding of the statement, its problems and relevance, the following phrases are perfect:

  • “In his saying, the author meant that ...”;
  • “The thinker tried to convey to us the idea that ...”;
  • “The meaning of the proposed statement is that ...”;
  • “The urgency of the problem raised is manifested in the fact that…”;
  • "This issue is relevant in the conditions of ...".

In the following paragraph, a number of standard clichés are used to substantiate one's own position regarding the statement:

  • "I fully agree with the author of the quote that...";
  • “It is impossible not to agree with the thinker of the indicated statement...”;
  • “The agent was absolutely right in asserting that...”;
  • “In my opinion, (the writer, philosopher, economist) extremely accurately reflected in his statement the picture of modern reality by the fact that ...”;
  • “Let me disagree with the author’s opinion that ...”
  • "In part, I share the thinker's point of view about ..., but with ... I can not agree."

In theoretical argumentation, expressions are used:

  • “Let's analyze the idea proposed by the author from the point of view of (economic, legal, sociological) theory…”;
  • “Let's turn to the theoretical understanding of the statement ...”;
  • “In (sociological, political, philosophical) science, this statement has its grounds ...”;
  • “The proposed quotation has a deep social science justification ...”;
  • “To substantiate this statement from a theoretical standpoint…”;
  • “In the social studies course (law, political science, etc.)…”;

In terms of selecting facts, examples from public life and empirical social experience, the following phrases are used:

  • “Let's give a justification from public life, confirming my idea ...”;
  • “Based on personal experience, (according to the stories of my parents, classmates ...) circumstances indicate the opposite ...”;
  • “The position that sympathizes with me is confirmed by examples from life ...”;
  • “Let's turn to similar situations in (history, literature, cinema)…”;
  • “Confirmation of the quote of the thinker we meet at every step…”;

In conclusion, the following speech clichés are used:

  • “Based on the foregoing, it should be concluded that…”;
  • “Summing up a general line, I would like to note that…”;
  • “Finishing the work, it can be argued that ...”;
  • "In this way …";

Some experts are of the opinion that the abuse of such hackneyed phrases should be avoided. Although when writing an essay, they help to formulate thoughts and clearly delimit the text. It will be better if you do not take a large number of ready-made clichés, but change them, keeping the meaning.

Criteria for evaluating an essay in social studies

In general, for a mini-essay, one could get 6 primary points, which are evaluated according to the following criteria:

  1. Revealing the meaning of the statement. In this case, one or more ideas contained in the author's statement must be correctly highlighted. For this, the examinee is entitled to 1 primary point. For non-disclosure, you will receive 0 not only for this criterion, but for the entire essay.
  2. Theoretical content of the mini-essay. It is estimated at 2 points maximum if a connected chain of theoretical reasoning and constructions can be traced. Separate positions that are not connected in a single picture, but related to the topic, are evaluated only by 1 point. Off topic 0 points.
  3. The correctness of the use of concepts, theoretical positions, reasoning and conclusions. This criterion gives the student 1 point for the absence of errors in theoretical constructions and terms. Not scored if there are theoretical inaccuracies.
  4. The quality of the facts and examples given. Two examples should be clearly related to the selected provisions and theses, as well as deployed. Then the examinee will receive the maximum score for this criterion - 2. With one painted example, only 1 point. Complete absence of examples - 0 points.

In the Unified State Exam in Social Studies, an essay is the most valuable task in terms of points. This creative essay should be given increased attention and practiced frequently over it.

Reading additional literature on law, philosophy, sociology, economics and political science will greatly help you choose the right argument and most fully reveal the proposed problem. Understanding the evaluation criteria will help indicate the required points in the essay and get the maximum score.

"The market, which is the pinnacle of economic freedom, is also the strictest taskmaster"

The author believes that although the manufacturer has economic freedom, deciding for whom and what product to produce, the market exists according to its own rules, economic laws, acting as an overseer. The main law of the market is the law of supply and demand. The market price fluctuates between their values. To adapt to it, the seller has to reduce costs, increase labor productivity or improve technology. Thus, the market regulates pricing through supply and demand.

I agree with the author's opinion, the market is characterized as a system based on freedom of choice and competition, entrepreneurship, but if you do not follow its rules, you can fall out of the system. One of the mechanisms of the economy is the principle of the invisible hand, which coordinates all decisions of buyers and sellers. Its essence lies in the combination of different producers, effectively realizing the interests of the whole society. Profit ensures a competent and harmonious distribution of all resources, that is, it balances supply and demand.

Let me remind you that the economic system is organizational methods, mechanisms for the distribution of economic resources for the needs of people. Depending on how the main issues of the economy are solved, it is possible to define an economic system. The market economy is characterized by the presence of market legislation, competition, freedom of choice in decision-making. The market is an overseer, as it performs the most important functions: regulating, that is, coordinating economic activity without a state, intermediary, between supply and demand, pricing, stimulating. It is especially worth noting the role of the sanitizing function, when unnecessary products, firms leave the market, this is possible due to competition.

For example, SONY was forced to sell its share, the reason was the low competitiveness of products. The market liberates itself from producers who do not follow the rules.

It is also important to remember the rational behavior of the manufacturer. Consider a situation where an entrepreneur opens a Gucci store in an area dominated by a low-income population. The store will not be able to sell goods, because in order to sell them, you need to lower the price. This will lead to ruin. It is necessary to know the Action of market mechanisms in order for a business to flourish and generate income.

In the epic about Sadko, the merchant decided to buy all the goods in Novgorod. He sent his men to do it, but each time the market became full again. Sadko himself created demand and indirectly influenced the increase in supply. This situation could lead to a shortage of goods, therefore, the existence of the law of supply and demand, which contribute to the successful functioning of the market, is important.

Thus, the market is an overseer, without which the economic system would not be able to fully function.

Jan 19


"A planned economy takes into account everything in its plans except the economy"

The author believes that in addition to its advantages, the command economy also has a number of disadvantages. The state plan determines how to produce a product, professional specialists, "planners", decide what to produce. Due to the fact that all economic resources are owned by the state, it controls production and the price level.

I agree with the author's opinion that a planned economy has significant drawbacks, and besides, it is not interested in economic life. All production is carried out according to state plans, in which inaccuracies are inevitable. For example, as a result of planning, a specialist may make an error in calculations, which will lead to a surplus or shortage of a certain product. Also, in the absence of competition and protectionist policies, domestic production stood still, without introducing innovations.

In the USSR, in the absence of choice, there was always a demand for goods, therefore, equipment lagged behind advanced countries, workers were not interested in improving the quality of production.

We all know that a planned economy is an economic system in which material resources are in public ownership and distributed centrally, which obliges us to act in accordance with the plan. The state controls the production and distribution of goods, that is, the state monopoly of the economy dominates. After all, it uses administrative methods of management, orders, establishes state pricing. Being engaged in planning, she does not take into account the most important thing, the law of supply and demand. It turns out that the state does not take into account the needs of the population, does not think about the economic development of the country, focusing on the implementation of plans.

Another disadvantage is the lack of motivation of employees who do not see the point in hard work, on which their self-realization and position do not depend.

In Orwell's story Animal Farm, a planned economy was established, the animals were assigned duties that, according to planning, they performed. But one of the heroes of the story performed his duties poorly, without an incentive to work, for which there is already a predetermined reward. The result is the stagnation of economic life.

In modern times, a planned economy does not exist in its pure form, because it does not give freedom to creativity and entrepreneurial activity. For example, China periodically relaxes its control over the economy in order to give impetus to the growth of economic indicators. In China, a number of concessions are currently allowed in relation to businessmen and private owners.

Thus, the planned economy, which is based on planning, does not always take into account the most important thing - the economy. Being immersed in planning, does not pay due attention to economic life

Dec 18


The author wanted to convey to us the idea that taxes, as obligatory payments, perform certain functions (role) in our life and the functioning of the state. Taxes are necessary in order to live a full life of a citizen and be provided with the benefits of civilization that the state can give us. These are, first of all, social support, health care, transport, utilities, the army and education.

Let us define the essence of the term "tax" as a key concept in this statement. A tax is a mandatory payment levied by the state (central and local authorities) from individuals and legal entities to state and local budgets. The author uses the word "price" in his statement when he speaks of a tax. Price is a form of expressing the value of goods, which manifests itself in the process of their exchange. The form of expression of value can be not only monetary, but also natural. A civilized society is a society based on the ideas of freedom, justice, reason, law.

The state, designed to provide the best conditions for effective economic growth, needs resources to fulfill this mission. Such resources cannot be formed exclusively at the expense of the state's own sources, income from state enterprises. And the state is forced to withdraw part of the income of the private sector in order to form its monetary income.

When income is transferred to the state, there is a change of ownership. Resources are withdrawn free of charge. Such an unequal form of relations between the state, on the one hand, and private enterprises and individual citizens, on the other hand, indicates an unconditional form of monetary relations in which the parties are not equal partners.

The state forces the private sector to submit to macroeconomic and national interests.

The government pays pensions, social benefits, finances institutions, ensures the security of the country. If citizens did not pay taxes, then the state would not be able to provide for their lives, there are not enough resources.

The state pursues a tax policy. Tax policy is a system of state measures in the field of taxation, which is built taking into account the compromise between the interests of the state and taxpayers. As part of the general economic policy of the state, it is determined by the goals of society. These goals formulate requirements for the tax base, the severity of taxation and the methods of withdrawing income.

Thus, in the work done, we have proved the theory and I agree with it.

Dec 18


“In business, no chance is lost: if you ruined it, your competitor will find it” A. Marshall

The meaning of this statement is that in the conditions of a modern market economy, one should not lose a single chance. You need to try, take risks, otherwise others will take advantage of it.
Entrepreneurship is an economic activity characterized by the transformation of the surrounding world and aimed at making a profit. In a market economy, along with state property, there is private property - a form of property in which the right to own, use, dispose of a separate individual. Certain conditions are necessary for the development of a market economy. One of them is competition - the rivalry between participants in the market economy for the best conditions for production and sale. In the production of goods - products of labor produced for sale, producers use factors of production such as land, labor, capital and entrepreneurial ability. The manufacturer who manages to use these factors wisely will remain in the black. And in a competitive environment, it is especially important to analyze all opportunities and use them to the maximum if you want to succeed in business and extract maximum profit.
Let's give some examples to prove it. The author of the Harry Potter novels, Joan Kathleen Rowling, was denied publication of books by various publishers several times. But one of them agreed to publish a cycle of her novels. Thus, those publishing houses that refused to cooperate with Joan missed the opportunity to make huge profits, because this work became very popular.
Another example is historical fact. Christopher Columbus turned to the Portuguese monarch for help to open the way to India, but he refused. Then Columbus was supported by Spain, which saw the benefit in time in this case. As a result, America was discovered under the Spanish flag, and the country itself achieved the status of a world power.
Based on all this, we can conclude that A. Marshall's expression can be useful for budding entrepreneurs. After all, in a competitive environment, it is important to think through all the options, use all the opportunities and not be afraid to take risks. And only then will the business be doomed to success.

Nastya Sadovnikova. Yu-11

Dec 18


“The economic problem: how to take away from everyone in order to add to everyone”

This statement reveals the problem of justice in the distribution of social benefits. This problem is relevant in today's market economy.
The meaning of this statement is that in a modern society there is a material inequality of people. And the main economic problem is how to collect money from people and distribute it evenly among everyone. In my opinion, the author quite clearly reflected one of the problems of our time.
Let's turn to terminology. Modern society is characterized by social stratification - stratification. The reason for this was the different incomes of the population. Income, as we know, is the money received as a result of activities. Regardless of income, every person must pay taxes - mandatory payments to the state treasury. Using these funds, the state produces public goods - benefits provided by the state for the whole society for free. That is, the state collects taxes from everyone, in order to later distribute them in the form of production goods.
In support of this statement, we can give an example from history. Communism, the socio-economic system characteristic of Soviet Russia, was based on social equality and public ownership of the means of production. That is, the state “took away” private property from everyone, but everyone was given the same number of needs. It can be said that we can consider the ideas of communism as an attempt to solve this economic problem.
The current tax system in the Russian Federation will also serve as a good example. The state collects taxes from everyone, in order to later convert them into public goods: free education, medicine, and much more. That is, the state is taking steps to solve this economic problem.
Summing up a general line, I would like to note that by collecting taxes, the state performs an important function of producing public goods and ensuring equal access of people to them. And, perhaps, this economic problem is important and relevant for modern society.

Dec 18


“To stay healthy, the modern economy periodically needs a crisis” (W. Schwebel)

In my opinion, the author's main idea is that economic crises heal the country's economy and contribute to its modernization. In the words of the author, we are talking about the sanitizing function of the market, that is, in a competitive environment, inefficient firms go bankrupt and are removed from the market.
W. Schwebel talks about the modern market economy. On the one hand, it is a mixed economy, and on the other hand, it is the economy of a post-industrial society. The post-industrial type of society is characterized by certain features. First, the importance of the service sector is growing. Secondly, the number of people employed in the field of material production is decreasing. Thirdly, there is an individualization of production. Fourthly, science has become a direct productive force, that is, the achievements of science are necessarily used in production. And information technology is also actively used. A market economy is characterized by such features as a variety of forms of private property, competition, free pricing, economic freedom of economic entities, where the entrepreneur himself answers the three main questions of the economy, namely, what to produce?, how to produce?, for whom to produce? and chooses the form of entrepreneurship, and the consumer chooses what and from whom to buy that product or service, and is the “king of the market”. In other words, the consumer makes a demand, and if the producer wants to make a profit, then he must produce the product for which there will be a demand.
The cyclical nature of production is one of the market failures, as the economic downturn hurts the population. The business cycle is a recurring cycle of economic ups and downs. The negative roles of economic downturns include: the ruin of firms, entrepreneurs lose losses, unemployment is growing, incomes of the population are decreasing, and pessimism prevails in society. But the author draws attention to the positive role of economic downturns: weak firms that do not know how to work effectively go bankrupt, weak firms are removed from the market, the threat of ruin motivates entrepreneurs to improve their products, the crisis prompts to modernize the country's economy as a whole. At the lesson of economics, the teacher told us about the situation in 2014 in our country. The fact is that in Russia after 2014, the import substitution program began to develop. The government began to focus on the development of high-tech production. Vladimir Putin set the task of reorienting the Russian economy, that is, to stop relying on the sale of oil and gas. Also, my dad told me how the crisis affected his farmer friend. Before Russia began to pay attention to its own products, the farmer was not particularly rich and useful. But after that, many shops and supermarkets began to buy products from this farmer, namely meat, butter, sour cream, eggs. The farmer's income increased significantly and he opened his own factory for the production of dairy products.
Thus, the crisis helps to make the country's economy better by removing small and unnecessary firms from the market, and also contributes to the improvement of the economy as a whole.

Dec 18


I agree with N. Askeron that the freedom of the market economy should be regulated by the government. A market economy is an economy based on the principles of free entrepreneurship, variety of forms of ownership of the means of production, market pricing, contractual relations between business entities , limited state intervention in the economic activities of entities . This is an economy organized on the basis of market self-regulation, in which the coordination of the participants' actions is carried out by the state, namely legislative and judiciary directly. All entrepreneurs in a market economic system must conduct their activities without violating the laws. A law is a normative legal act, which is adopted in a special order by a body legislative power or referendum , has the highest legal force and regulates the most important public relations . Fines, reprimands and even imprisonment can serve as types of punishment.
An example of non-compliance with the law can be the Norilsk mining - metallurgical plant named after A. P . Zavenyagin. Pollutants are constantly emitted into the atmosphere. This plant shows a violation of the Environmental Protection Act.
All entrepreneurs must conduct their business within antimonopoly law. Violation of this law will lead to insufficiently efficient distribution of resources, limited production, and an inexplicable rise in prices.
That's why entrepreneurs free market economic system , having demand , competition and supply , must operate within the law .

Dec 18


Inflation is when pockets are bursting with money, but there is still not enough for a new jacket. M.M.Mamich

In this statement, the author raises the topic of the impact of inflation on society. M. M. Mamich points out that during inflation there is a sharp increase in the money supply, but in this case it has a low purchasing power.

To clarify the proposed topic, we recall a number of terms. Inflation is the depreciation of money, manifested in the rise in prices for goods and services that are not associated with an improvement in their quality. It is customary to separate three types of inflation: moderate, galloping and hyperinflation. Note that in everyday life it is normal to observe moderate inflation. At this time, there is only an imperceptible increase in prices. However, this statement indicates the most dangerous type of inflation - hyperinflation. The reasons for its appearance may be an increase in government spending, a reduction in real production, the monopoly of trade unions, or the monopoly of large firms. Whatever the reason, it is obvious that the consequences of inflation are negative. Since the economy is connected with each of the spheres of public life, inflation also affects the political, social, and spiritual spheres of society. There is a general decline in employment, which leads to unemployment and the emergence of social tension, the depreciation of the accumulation fund, the emergence of speculation, the depreciation of loans, etc. During hyperinflation, the state is forced to increase the issue of money, but their value is lost at an even greater pace, this leads to the fact that the population simply does not have time to satisfy their needs due to constantly rising prices. This can lead to the marginalization and lumpenization of society as a whole. In such cases, the state is forced to take urgent measures to prevent hyperinflation.

An example of how inflation affects the population can be the plot of the famous work by E.M. Remarque "The Black Obelisk". We see how hyperinflation unfolded after World War I in Germany. There were many factors that led to hyperinflation. For example, after the war, the country incurs huge public expenditures, especially due to the payment of indemnities. It is difficult to track how quickly the value of stamps changes. Prices changed every day, so it was almost impossible to predict what they would be tomorrow. It is noteworthy that in the novel there is indeed an episode when the main character tries to buy a new jacket, but despite the wads of money, it is difficult for him to do this, since this amount was not enough. Subsequently, all this led to a strong stratification of society into speculators, stockbrokers and ordinary employees and workers.

The strongest hyperinflation is observed in Venezuela, where interest rates exceed 13,000. On one site, photos are posted of a resident sitting next to a large pile of national currency money, but in reality they have a value of 3 US dollars. Due to hyperinflation, the population is not able to purchase the necessary food and clothing. In general, the country is experiencing devastation, hunger, lack of food.

Thus, due to the rapid rate of inflation, it is difficult to acquire the necessary goods and services. Hyperinflation has a negative impact on all spheres of public life.

Dec 18


A smart state does not prevent its citizens from earning money, it only watches it, making a profit in the form of taxes, ”said the American economist J. Feilan.

The author of this statement believes that the state does not need to interfere in the economic life of its country, and also that the state should not interfere with the desire of citizens to earn money, because in this way the state will receive taxes and develop its economic power. According to the author, a good, developed state will not interfere with limiting its citizens in earning money for the benefit of the state, giving them in the form of taxes. Influencing economic growth and pursuing the right economic policy, maintaining a stable price level, monitoring the level of employment of the population, the state helps citizens, giving them confidence in what will happen tomorrow, and without preventing them from earning money, it collects income coming in form of taxes.

I agree with J. Feilan that a good state will not hamper its citizens in making money both for themselves and for the state. A normal state does not need to prevent citizens from earning money, because the more people earn, the more tax the state will receive. And with the increase in profits, the economic growth of the country increases.

The tax is the basis for expanding the state budget. A mandatory payment that is collected by the authorities from any organizations or any individuals in order to provide the country's finances. Taxes go to the needs of the state, and also provide funding for the needs of people, for example: health care, education. Due to the fact that the tax is a mandatory and gratuitous payment, there are people who do not want to pay them. People are hiding from taxes for personal enrichment, but destroying the funding of our country and our social projects. And because of this, public goods are also reduced. Therefore, taxes are so important in our life and for our life, as well as in the economic life of the state, because our well-being depends on them.

I agree with J. Feilan's statement, but not completely. The management of the economy by the state can indeed have a bad effect on the situation in the country. And a good example was the economy of the USSR. The state banned the work of private enterprise, so the state did not satisfy the needs of its people. The highest point of the bad influence of the USSR on the economy was the birth of the "shadow economy". The fact that the state for many years was not able to solve problems and became one of the reasons for the emergence of the "shadow economy", the massive flight of capital abroad, the lack of full-scale foreign investment in the Russian economy, which hindered the growth of the economy and the strengthening of statehood. The functioning of the tax system in the 90s showed many problems and contradictions, which found the government's response to further reform the taxation system.

I would like to believe that our state will become even smarter and more competent in its economic policy, because this will lead our country to economic recovery and development, which we really need now. Taxes are a necessary condition for state policy in relation to the economy. Because it is taxes that ensure the well-being of people living in the territory of a given state.

Dec 18


Savings constitute the richest income. I. Stobey

How to learn how to properly monitor the cost of savings? Is it true that savings make up the richest income? I will try to answer the question posed based on the statement of the Byzantine writer-compiler of the 5th century I. Stobey.

I believe that I. Stobei poses such a problem as the problem of the right choice. But why does it still arise? And each of us already knows that we are consumers. And our goal, the goal of the consumer, is to get all the possible benefits from the consumption of goods and services bought with our money. It is on this path to the goal that the consumer faces well-known issues such as limited funds, prices, and the like. In other words, we are limited in the possibility of buying, and this forces the manufacturer to solve such issues as the cost of goods and their cheap production. From all this, we can say that everyone should rationally approach the cost of savings and should have certain knowledge and skills . Then how can we learn how to rationally save our income? After all, every inhabitant of the country has income from different areas.

As you know, income is always divided into parts: the first is needed for the purchase of goods and services, the second serves to save our money. It all depends on the wages that earthlings receive. The more we receive, the less we will spend on needs, and therefore, there will be more savings.

In my opinion, I am sure that the standard of living of a citizen of any country on Earth mainly depends both on the size of his salary and on the funds that he was able to accumulate over a certain period of time, but also on how skillfully he money is spent on services and goods that he needs. Do not forget that you can insure your money in certain things: in bond papers, in real estate, in shares - all this will help to save the money earned.

Saving the budget is the most income, because if we use our part of the savings correctly and also have additional income, then we can buy ourselves more expensive services and things that we need. Since our savings are obligatory for various cases in difficult life situations. So let's say for a rainy day, for a while there is no work yet, and so on. But do not forget that if we spend our salary wisely and correctly, then this allows us to increase our savings by a large amount, but if we started spending without a mind, then this would not lead us to the beautiful.

So, we can say that I. Stobei is right in what he calls savings the best income.

An essay on the Unified State Exam in social science should be related to social psychology, philosophy, sociology, and economics. Let us analyze the rules and features of its compilation, which will help the school graduate to get a high score on the exam.

Essay Requirements

What should an USE essay include? In social science, those main points have been developed that a graduate of an educational institution should reflect in his work. The student must rely in his material on specific statements of thinkers related to the main topic of the essay, give generalizations, concepts, terms, facts, specific examples that would confirm his position. What else should an essay on the exam contain? According to social science, a clear correspondence to a certain structure, which was created by teachers of this discipline in order to facilitate the task of schoolchildren, is implied.

From the course of social science, we know about two main directions of development: progress and regression. In addition, society can develop as a result of evolution, revolution, reform. I believe that the author has in mind precisely the evolutionary movement forward, which contributes to a smooth transition from the primitive to the perfect, from the simple to the complex.

On what could mankind rely, continuing its advance? Without the development of new technologies: alternative sources, biotechnologies, modern society cannot survive. That is why it is so important to be based on scientific discoveries and achievements. For example, after the development of thermonuclear fusion by man, mankind had a chance to generate inexpensive electrical energy.

In addition to technology and science, morality can be considered as an important pillar of progress. The moral foundations that have been developed by human society over a long period of its existence should not harm a person.

I believe that even in an innovative society, it is important to maintain diligence, dignity, honor, kindness. How does a person use the Internet, which has become the greatest invention of the last century? What are the main goals of a child who turns on his laptop? I believe that the use of modern computers should be thoughtful, purposeful, justified. For example, it is ideal for self-education, self-improvement, self-development.

Innovative technologies should not turn a person into a stupid creature that has lost honor, dignity, freedom, and creativity. In my opinion, only those societies that, in addition to technological progress, pay special attention to the principles of humanism and equality, are able to survive in the future.

Only with the preservation of the family, religion can we talk about progress.

Variant essay on sociology

“Communication ennobles and elevates: in society a person involuntarily, without any pretense, keeps himself otherwise than in solitude” (L. Feuerbach)

I support the position of the author, who touched upon the actual problem of communication between people. The issue is so important today that it deserves full study and consideration. Many people withdraw into themselves, stop communicating, because they do not know the culture of relationships. The main problem raised by the author is the importance of the educational function. From the course of social science, we found out that it is activity that is a form of activity that allows a person to transform the world, change the person himself. It is during conversations, conversations that people learn to understand each other. What is the main educational and socializing function of human communication? It enables parents to pass on to their children the basics of the family's cultural traditions, to learn the basics of respect for adults, nature, and native land. We learn to communicate not only in the family, but also at school, in the company of friends. If parents constantly yell at their children, a closed, notorious personality grows in the family. I believe that human communication should not be turned into chatter, it should act as a factor for the development of a person, his improvement.

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