"Solikamsk shooter" hunted policemen and security guards for nine years. Alexander Gerashchenko. Biography. Photos The offender, without long denials, pointed out a place in the forest where he buried excess weapons and ammunition, during the investigation he led

As the ballistic examination showed, it was the same machine gun that was stolen during the murder of a serviceman Kiselyov in July 1998. Several more people were killed with these weapons between 2001 and 2005.

A series of tragic events

As was subsequently established during the investigation, the only motive for the six armed attacks, which ended in the killing of military personnel, police officers and private security officers, was the desire of the criminal to take possession of firearms. In total, the killer managed to take possession of a machine gun, two revolvers and a PM pistol. In two cases, he was wrong: the people who, according to his assumption, should have carried firearms, did not have them. But the killer realized this only when he searched the clothes of the victims of crimes.

The first attack in a long series of murders took place on July 13, 1998, in the warehouses of the Ural Solikamsk plant. Private military unit 3426 Kiselev, who was on guard, was wounded in the head by a bullet from a small-caliber rifle. Doctors fought for the life of a soldier for a long time, but after 3 months the victim died. Kiselyov's submachine gun was stolen by the attacker.

This AK-74 assault rifle fired on July 1, 2001 on the territory of the Aktsors base. Base guard Fedoseev, an employee of the VOKhR, was shot dead when the criminal, who was outside, saw him in the window opening of the guard room. The guard did not have a weapon.

On August 4 of the same year, guard Mironov was killed from a machine gun at post No. 9 of the Solikamsk magnesium plant. He was on a watchtower, and they also shot at him through the window. The offender did not find the weapon again.

On the afternoon of June 26, 2003, an attack was made on post No. 34 of the Ural plant. The controller of the checkpoint of the VOHR detachment, Kravchenko, was killed by a shot from a machine gun in the chest, his revolver, loaded with seven cartridges, was stolen. The offender forced his next victim to leave the guardhouse and enter the territory of the protected facility by cutting the wire of the alarm system.

On September 19, 2004, the offender, using a ladder, entered the second floor of the factory management building of the Ural enterprise. Going down to the post on the first floor of the building, he fired from a machine gun at the checkpoint controller of the VOKhR detachment Popova, who was carrying a Nagant revolver. The revolver was stolen, the woman died the same day in the hospital.

Sursyakov, an employee of the department of private security at the Department of Internal Affairs of Solikamsk Sursyakov, was watched by the killer in the passage between the fences of the water utility and the dispensary of the Ural plant, well known to local residents. At about 12 noon on June 7, 2005, from the territory of the water utility, he fired one shot at Sursyakov's back and stole his service weapon - a PM pistol.

In addition, the killer made several unsuccessful attempts to attack people who, by virtue of their professions, legally possessed firearms. Only the vigilance of the Solikamsk police officers made it possible to avoid new bloody victims - the criminal was noticed near the protected objects, the alarm was raised, and the attacker had to retreat.

The criminal used the stolen PM pistol for murder only once. This was the only crime that fell out of the general picture, since it was committed, as it turned out later, from personal motives.

On November 5, 2005, at night, a criminal broke the window of an apartment in one of the apartment buildings in Solikamsk with a stone, where a young woman, Tyukhtina, was staying. The man, who was preparing to shoot, was seen by casual eyewitnesses of the incident, and the criminal fled. The killer made a second attempt to bring his plan to the end on December 23 - he ambushed Tyukhtina when she was taking a four-year-old child to a local children's center. The perpetrator shot the woman twice in the presence of the child. He was noticed again and even for some time pursued by eyewitnesses of the tragedy, but the killer easily broke away from his pursuers and disappeared.

The perpetrator was seen again. On December 24, 2006, at night he tried to break into the store building and commit a theft. Policemen Matveev and Blagov pursued the criminal, overtook him and tried to detain him. The robber actively resisted the police officers and used a firearm - a PM pistol, injuring one of the police officers. This circumstance again allowed the serial killer to escape.

Law enforcement officials, of course, took steps to identify the perpetrator. But there was no success. And one of the reasons for this was that the killer left very few traces, because he carefully prepared for the crimes, everything happened quickly, and the few witnesses had extremely scarce information. And it was obvious - the criminal is inventive, perfectly physically developed and shoots accurately.

And when sorting out the rubble of the fire in the old building of the archive, a machine gun, stolen in 1998, was discovered. A new circumstance, new accents in the investigation, new employees, new approaches to solving serial murders in the Investigation Department of the ICR in the Perm Territory, a colossal amount of work carried out in the shortest possible time by the investigative and operational group created in 2007 brought the result - success, which was preceded by consistent, the daily work of the “detectives”, the correct analysis of the collected material and the determination to achieve the main result: the evil committed must be punished, and new evil must be prevented.

The circle narrowed...

The dry lines of the protocols say very little about the tragic side of the events that unfolded in Solikamsk in those years.

“Just imagine – a person got ready for work, said goodbye to his relatives, took some of his things, some food,” says Sergey Sarapultsev, deputy head of the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee for the Perm Territory. - It seems that everything is very ordinary, nothing portends trouble for the family. But he went to work - and did not return ... He was killed, and the victim did nothing wrong to the killer, they did not even know each other.

The fact that we are talking about serial murders, it became clear not immediately. Although the killer left some traces at almost every crime scene: camouflage army clothes, bags, masks, primitive plumbing tools, flashlights, shell casings, the investigation did not have sufficient reason to believe that one criminal was acting. In the Solikamsk prosecutor's office, one criminal case after another was initiated, a number of these cases were combined into one proceeding. But by the fall of 2007, all criminal cases were suspended, since the criminal could not be found. The search for the "Solikamsk shooter" was progressing poorly.

In October 2007, after the formation of the Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, the Investigative Department for the Perm Territory was tasked with "discovering" a series of murders in Solikamsk. The general organization of work at the level of interaction between all law enforcement agencies of the region was carried out directly by the head of the Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee - then still under the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation - for the Perm Territory Marina Zabbarova. The investigation of all cases was resumed (and subsequently these cases were combined into one proceeding under the general number - 1595), a single investigative-operational group was created. It was headed by Sergei Sarapultsev, at that time the deputy head of the department for the investigation of especially important criminal cases of the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee. Helped him and worked with him shoulder to shoulder throughout the investigation, two of the most experienced police operatives - Pavel Budrin and Dmitry Baichurin.

For 4 months, crime scenes were re-examined, investigative experiments were conducted, dozens of people were interviewed, complex examinations were appointed and carried out: genotyposcopy, traceological, ballistic, including repeated, merchandising, forensic. A huge number of people, both on the territory of Solikamsk and on the territory of the Perm Territory, fell into the circle of investigative and operational study: active and dismissed employees of military, special, law enforcement units, representatives of the criminal environment, athletes (shooters, biathletes, wrestlers, boxers) and just townsfolk. The circle of witnesses was expanding, the geography of crimes was analyzed, and the closest attention was paid to any information. And the appearance of the criminal began to emerge.

- Interrogating witnesses in this case, I realized that people are very reluctant to testify, even those who worked in law enforcement. And the explanation was simple - they were afraid that the killer might be their colleague or acquaintance, he was not found, and it is not known who might become the next victim. Solikamsk was "tense" for a long time. Of course, there was no panic in the usual sense of the word, but people were afraid of new murders. During the investigation, strange, not to say mystical, events happened, - says Sergey Sarapultsev. - We are going to inspect the house, which may be of interest to us - for some reason it burns down. We plan to interview a person - he dies or goes missing. There were many such cases, thank God - not criminal. But luck also came: we happened to receive the most important information, which theoretically could not be preserved, if only because the archives are subject to destruction over time. The riddles of Solikamsk... In general, the investigative team really worked together, we understood each other perfectly, and each one was oriented in detail in a huge array of information and a rapidly changing investigative and operational environment.

By the way, during the investigation of this series of murders in the practice of the law enforcement agencies of the Perm Territory, for the first time, memory activation was carried out in witnesses (hypnoreproductive survey). Or, more simply, testifying under hypnosis. For this, a specialist hypnologist from Moscow was specially invited. The investigation had four eyewitnesses who saw the criminal in person. However, they all saw the killer briefly, in a stressful situation, and described it in different ways. After activating the memory of these witnesses, a very informative portrait of the perpetrator was obtained.

- One of the key events in the investigation was the expert's conclusion that some of the items found during a fire in the old archive of the Ural plant are components of a "fire rescue belt," Sergei Sarapultsev notes. - There were also rubber parts - and we took samples of rubberized fabrics from almost all sewing workshops in Solikamsk. The solution later turned out to be simple - the criminal packed the machine gun in a rubber case, which he brought from the army. Indeed, a lot of work has been done. In general, in the course of various forensic examinations, a huge number of objects, documents of interest to the investigation were studied (and sometimes repeatedly) - from large buildings and structures to the thread with which a button is sewn. Everything that at least something said about the criminal, even to the smallest extent, interested us and was taken into account. By the end of February 2008, the amount of information analyzed was already so great that the disclosure of the crime was already expected. And disclosure could come from different directions: from weapons; from the geographical features of the crime; from things that the offender left at the crime scene; from testimonies; from the place of work, etc. It only remained to determine the identity of the perpetrator and "tie" him to the murders with objective evidence - stolen weapons, biological traces, testimonies, inspections of territories, objects, documents. Information about the lantern that the killer left at the scene after the murder of Tyukhtina directly led the investigation team to the identity of the criminal. We have installed the entire movement of this lantern from the seller to the last owner - a criminal. At the beginning of March 2008, we knew for sure that the “shooter” worked as a firefighter, lived in Borovsk (northern part of Solikamsk) and was serving in special units of the Marine Corps. Since it was not possible to completely conceal the investigation process, the criminal realized (as it turned out later) that establishing his identity was a matter of a very short time, and prepared to escape. This information became known to the investigative-operational group, and we prepared for the arrest. For this, the forces of special units of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for the Perm Territory were involved, which worked brilliantly.

On March 19, 2008, Alexander Gerashchenko, born in 1971, was detained in Solikamsk. By this time, he no longer appeared at work - he stocked up on fake sick leave and was preparing to leave abroad.

During the arrest, a PM pistol, stolen after the murder of a policeman, and a revolver of a VOHR shooter from the Ural plant were found and confiscated from Gerashchenko.

Gerashchenko's backpack contained everything needed for autonomous living on the road: tools; tent; change of linen; money; passports, etc.

During numerous interrogations, he gave detailed testimony on all episodes of the crimes committed.

- It can be stated that the active stage of the investigation did not drag on for a long time. In November 2007, I accepted the case for proceedings, and in June 2008 I already sent it to court, - recalls Sergey Sarapultsev. - Taking into account all the examinations, a huge number of victims - this is really fast. But finding the perpetrator is only part of the job. After that, all information must be procedurally mastered and made evidence. And this is the work of an exclusively investigator: painstaking analysis; preparation of protocol forms; issuance of the necessary investigative decisions and, as a result, a decision to bring him as an accused. In the course of this close work, every word of Gerashchenko was checked, a lot of interrogations, face-to-face confrontations, verification of testimony on the spot, forensic examinations, inspections, investigative experiments, requests to various bodies and institutions were carried out. The entire investigative-operational group worked very concentrated and continuously during this period.

Diagnosis is normal

Gerashchenko's special training really turned out to be excellent: in the army he served as a reconnaissance diver in the Black Sea Fleet. In the fire department, he was characterized positively: physically developed, disciplined, able to make decisions quickly. He used these skills when committing murders: he carefully planned everything, conducted covert surveillance of the victims, found out the mode of operation and the technical equipment of protected objects, and confidently evaded prosecution.

- We talked calmly with Alexander Gerashchenko, - says Sergey Sarapultsev. - As an opponent, he was interesting to me. I would not call him brilliantly educated, but he is a well-read man, outwardly intelligent, he clearly expressed his thoughts, was interested in history and various literature. Good army special training allowed him to remain undetectable to law enforcement agencies for a long time. In life, at home, at work, Gerashchenko was a “positive hero” - he conscientiously treated the service associated with danger; probably, saving people on fires, he showed elements of heroism. At the same time, he is a brutal killer, criminally focused on the only goal - to get a firearm in the simplest way: cause death to the victim, take the weapon and hide unrecognized. He was not touched at all by the fact that he caused physical pain both to those killed and to their relatives, who suffered mentally from the loss of their loved ones. Gerashchenko is a hunter, only a hunter of people. He took pleasure in tracking down his victims, killing these people and hiding from his pursuers. All this is inhuman. At the same time, a psychological and psychiatric examination recognized Gerashchenko as absolutely mentally sane, capable of answering for his cruel deeds before the court.

Alexander Gerashchenko

Name at birth:

Alexander Viktorovich Gerashchenko


« Solikamsk shooter»

Date of Birth:


Number of victims:
Kill period:
Primary kill region:

Weapon possession

Date of arrest:

Gerashchenko, Alexander Viktorovich(born) - Russian serial killer.

Life before crime

Gerashchenko served in a special unit of the Marine Corps. He was awarded the military registration specialty "reconnaissance diver". After demobilization, Gerashchenko got a job as a fire officer, by 2006 he held the position of assistant guard chief of the 16th city fire station. Gerashchenko did not drink, did not smoke, went in for sports, read classical literature, studied foreign languages, by his own admission, he dreamed of someday forever leaving for Spain.

Killing streak

Gerashchenko committed the first murder on July 13, 1998. His victim was a conscript soldier guarding the Ural factory. The killer shot the sentry with a small-caliber rifle. The bullet hit him right in the head. Gerashchenko's prey was the AK-74 assault rifle with a spare magazine.

Soon Gerashchenko made an attempt to attack the Interdistrict Department of Private Security under the Department of Internal Affairs of the city of Solikamsk. But the criminal was found in time in the bushes, where he ambushed. It was not possible to detain him - he fled and lay down at the bottom for two years.

The next victims of Gerashchenko were the guard of the Universal City Base, who was killed in 2000, and the security officer of the Solikamsk Magnesium Plant OJSC, who died on the night of August 5-6, 2001. Both of them were killed by single shots through the windows. Having committed the last murder, Gerashchenko tried to enter the territory of the magnesium plant, but a VOKhR officer opened fire on him. The killer had to go into hiding.

The seventh victim of the Solikamsk Rifleman, as Gerashchenko was called by the people, was a young woman in December 2005, whom he shot dead in front of her four-year-old daughter. As it turned out later, he had unrequited feelings for her. Passers-by rushed in pursuit of the criminal, but he managed to escape. On the way, he threw off his outer clothing and mask. After this incident, the killer lay down again.

Gerashchenko's relatives and colleagues were quite surprised that it was he who turned out to be the Solikamsk shooter. In the Perm Regional Court, the case was considered for several months. Gerashchenko was sentenced to life imprisonment to be served in a special regime colony. The Supreme Court of Russia upheld the verdict. Currently, the "Solikamsk shooter" continues to serve the sentence imposed on him by the court.



  • Personalities in alphabetical order
  • Born in 1972
  • People from Solikamsk
  • Serial killers alphabetically
  • Convicted for life
  • Persons:Solikamsk
  • Russian serial killers
  • Serial killers of the 1990s

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

Alexander Gerashchenko
Name at birth Alexander Viktorovich Gerashchenko
Nickname « Solikamsk shooter»
Date of Birth 5 January(1971-01-05 ) (48 years old)
Place of Birth Solikamsk
Citizenship Russia
Occupation Serial killer
Number of victims 7
Killing period -
Primary kill region Solikamsk , Perm region
motive Weapon possession
Date of arrest March 19, 2008
Punishment Life imprisonment

Gerashchenko, Alexander Viktorovich(born January 5, 1971) is a Russian serial killer. He committed murders with an unusual motive - he needed the weapons of the dead.

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Life before crime

Gerashchenko served in a special unit of the Marine Corps. He was awarded the military registration specialty "reconnaissance diver". After demobilization, Gerashchenko got a job as a fire brigade officer, by 2006 he held the position of assistant guard chief of the 16th city fire station. Gerashchenko did not drink, did not smoke, went in for sports, did not drink coffee, did not drink tea, did not eat meat, did not use a mobile phone, read classical literature, studied foreign languages, by his own admission, he dreamed of someday leaving for Spain forever .

Killing streak

Gerashchenko committed the first murder on July 13, 1998. His victim was a conscript soldier guarding the Ural factory. The killer shot the sentry with a small-caliber rifle. The bullet hit him right in the head. Gerashchenko's prey was the AK-74 assault rifle with a spare magazine.

Soon Gerashchenko made an attempt to attack the Interdistrict Department of Private Security under the Department of Internal Affairs of the city of Solikamsk. But the criminal was found in time in the bushes, where he ambushed. It was not possible to detain him - he fled and lay down at the bottom for two years.

The next victims of Gerashchenko were the guard of the Universal City Base, who was killed in 2000, and the security officer of the Solikamsk Magnesium Plant OJSC, who died on the night of August 5-6, 2001. Both of them were killed by single shots through the windows. Having committed the last murder, Gerashchenko tried to enter the territory of the magnesium plant, but a VOKhR officer opened fire on him. The killer had to go into hiding.

The seventh victim of the Solikamsk Rifleman, as Gerashchenko was called by the people, was a young woman in December 2005, whom he shot dead in front of her four-year-old daughter. As it turned out later, he had unrequited feelings for her. Passers-by rushed in pursuit of the criminal, but he managed to escape. On the way, he threw off his outer clothing and mask. After this incident, the killer lay down again.

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