Dream Interpretation psychic abilities. Dream Interpretation Psychic Why do you dream of a psychic in a dream?


dream No. 1 I dreamed of a psychic woman. she helped our family. and we went to see her regularly. one day, when we went to see her, I realized that I felt like some kind of invisible rope had tightened my legs at the ankles and was preventing me from walking normally - I could only move in small steps - like a Japanese woman. I got scared and thought: “well, yes, of course - once you start correcting your life at this level, as you become closer to the world of spirits and more vulnerable to such things - you have to wait it out - this is the price.” just very scary. but when I asked the psychic to remove the rope, she just smiled and said that she didn’t see anything there and just did something that was supposed to calm me down and make me stronger. However, she did not explain what it was - she simply smiled and called him “child.” then I thought that it was quite possible that this rope, which began to squeeze my legs even more tightly, had nothing to do with some “spirits” (although doubts about the woman’s abilities also flashed through). in the end, I realized that the rope was created by me - a product of my imagination and my fears. I went to where the crowd had gathered to listen to this woman and receive healing (the sports palace - where else? :)) and gradually the feeling of the rope itself imperceptibly disappeared - while I was walking... dream No. 2 me and two other people - a man and woman – ended up in a place where physical illnesses were treated and spiritual problems were resolved (as it turned out later). At first it looked like a sanatorium. the woman accompanying us explained that for those who suffer from a bad stomach, it is necessary to refuse food that will be harmful to us - therefore, in this place there is only diet food. it turned out to be very tasty and we were full to our stomachs. further – I was both me and a man at the same time. in the house railway there was a woman from his past whom he wanted to forget. he began to build a wall to fence off her house. but then I saw an approaching train, which - whether it was supposed to take her away, or something else - does not matter. It is important that I (already I) suddenly realized how cunning those who ran this “sanatorium” were - it was impossible to build a wall - all this was a lesson. if the problem with food was simple - just give up what is harmful to you or makes you suffer, then such a solution was not suitable here. the man, seeing that the train was already close, began to tear down the wall, fortunately he had just begun to build it. I didn’t see what happened next - usually, as soon as a train appears in my dream, it becomes the main character... and then a dog came into the room and woke me up. strange: - the fact that I thought so well in all my dreams - I thought as if in real life; - the fact that even in a dream I didn’t really trust the psychic, but asked to help solve my problem; - that, once again, I dreamed of myself in the form of a man; - that dreams are interconnected; - they are all too straightforward, in my opinion... or - am I so stupid that my unconscious is tired of feeding me all sorts of symbols and allegories, and decided everything like this - head on?.. - mom’s reaction - and the subsequent explanation: as soon as I mentioned a psychic in the morning - my mother froze and went numb :) it turned out that the other day she was going to go to a woman psychic, but she hadn’t told me yet.. now my mother wants to send me to her: “you see - you’ve started having problems and you yourself you can’t deal with them - you need help!”... before that, in her opinion, I needed the help of a psychologist - in my reality there really are things that I don’t want to remember anymore

Modern combined dream book

Seeing a psychic in a dream- a sign that someone’s secret will soon be accidentally revealed to you. Be noble, do not use the information received to your advantage, otherwise you will find yourself in an extremely difficult situation.

Seeing yourself as a psychic in a dream- a sign that in the near future you will experience failure in your relationship with your loved one.

If you dreamed that you, having psychic abilities, were conducting a treatment session- this means that some worthy person will really need your help. But he believes that you yourself should take a step towards him.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Psychic- a dream hint: if problems of unknown origin arise, a psychic will help; if you are a psychic- you will be cleverly tricked by crooks or scammers.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Psychic- dreams of loss of energy, fatigue.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Psychic- your insecurity is obvious.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Psychic- you will receive salvation, which will be given to you by a strong person.

If you dreamed:

  • If you had a bad dream:

    Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

    When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

    Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

    Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

    Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

    Turn it inside out bed sheets inside out.

    Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

    Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

People with paranormal abilities - sorcerers, magicians, witches, psychics - not only exist in real world. They can also appear in dreams. However, you can safely transfer their supernatural abilities into real life.

What if you dream of a psychic?

If you don’t know why a psychic is dreaming, remember: if you turned to him for help in a dream, then you probably need it in real life. If you acted as a psychic, this may indicate your hidden abilities of this kind.

Think about it, perhaps there were situations in life when you knew something for sure and could not understand where it came from. It is this hidden gift that has helped you out more than once in difficult situations.

Such a dream may foreshadow love disappointments. Use this as a warning and you won't have any nasty surprises.

What does it portend?

If during a night's rest you dreamed of a psychic, someone else's personal information will become available to you. Attempts to use abilities for the purpose of healing say: someone needs your help.

If you have a lot of questions that you asked the psychic, this indicates uncertainty about the correctness of your behavior.

Think about what situation is so important to you that you don’t know what to decide? It's good if you remember the dream. The psychic told me what to do, gave advice and instructions. Intuitively you will feel how they can be used in real life.

In addition, such dreams can warn of energy losses. Fatigue will hit you at the wrong time - be prepared.

The magician who comes to you will symbolize energy flows and information. It shows that new information must be used carefully. This way, not only your friends, but also you will protect your reputation.

If in reality there are limitations to possibilities, desires and aspirations, then in our dreams everything is different. In reality, we want something, but avoid something, we can do something, but only dream about something.

And in a dream everything is possible, there are no restrictions! It doesn’t matter what you like and what you don’t, what you want to see and what you don’t, a dream is a dream. You should treat visions calmly and wisely, and try to understand why certain things are dreamed about. If you dreamed of a psychic, a wise dream book will tell you what this means and what to expect in reality.

In real life, a psychic is a very controversial and controversial profession. Some consider them deceivers, others are helped by their services, others are passionate about the science of extrasensory perception. One way or another, in order to interpret the dream, you should try to abandon your own prejudices for a while and simply, soberly look through the dream book, which will help you find the answer.

First, you need to remember all the details from the dream, and then find out what it means. The interpreter describes the following options:

  • Seeing a psychic in your dreams.
  • Communicate with him, talk.
  • Swear and conflict with this person.
  • Believe him, listen and listen.
  • Don't believe his words and actions.
  • Seeing him help someone.
  • Be a psychic yourself.
  • He couldn't solve your problem, didn't help you.
  • A psychic in a dream solved your problems and helped.

The dream book will tell you what all this is for – and it’s up to you to draw your own conclusions.

Wizard or deceiver?

By remembering what the psychic did in your dream, and what you did in relation to him, you will be able to understand what this dream is about.

1. The dream book says that a psychic you saw in a dream from the outside, without contact or any obvious actions, is a good sign. You will soon find a way out of a difficult situation yourself, accept the wise and correct solution, solve your problems. In a word, the solution will come by itself, and everything will work out easily!

2. Beautiful dream, in which you communicated with a representative of this profession. This suggests that very soon in reality wonderful, long-awaited changes will happen in your life. Their time has come! Don't be afraid of the new, open up and know that these changes will lead you to happiness.

3. Quarreling, arguing with a psychic is a symbol that you have a certain internal conflict. Perhaps this is a conflict between intuition and reason, or reason and feelings, you know better. But the dream book assures that only you yourself can cope with this, and if you want, you will do it and achieve inner harmony. Remember, everything is good in moderation!

4. Believe and listen to the psychic in dreams - good sign. This suggests that you have subtle intuition and a developed inner sense, that you can rely on the voice of your heart, and you will not be mistaken. Listen to yourself, you have the gift of seeing and feeling what is invisible to the naked eye, hidden and mysterious.

5. On the contrary, if you didn’t believe him, you are overly skeptical. This is not that bad, but in life there are not only things that are understandable and logical. Maybe you should listen to your intuition and feel more subtly, and not rely solely on cold reason?

6. The dream book says that if in your dreams you saw how a medium helps someone, solves someone’s problems, then you pay too much attention to the lives of other people. There are more important things, for example, your own life! Show moderate attention to others.

7. If in a dream you yourself acted as a medium, then in reality you can safely trust yourself. You can solve any of your problems and help yourself, cope with any situation. All you need to do is believe in your strengths, which you have enough, and not shift responsibility onto the shoulders of others. So says the interpreter!

8. If a clairvoyant in a dream could not solve the problem, then this is a clear hint - no one but yourself will help you cope with difficulties and achieve your goal. Of course, it is necessary to seek the help of reliable people, but first of all you should rely on yourself and go towards your plans.

9. A dream in which the medium finally solved the problem and helped you means that you are hoping for a miracle. It’s great to believe in miracles, but you should also understand that only active actions will lead to real, real success and goal achievement. Take action and higher power will help you!

Moderation is good in everything - believe the dream book, but rely only on yourself, and then its predictions will help you make right choice, make the right decision and understand which path to take to achieve your desired goal and live happily! Author: Vasilina Serova

Sometimes a person dreams of a psychic who will make a lasting impression on the dreamer. However, there will be no talk of friendship with him, he will simply leave, as quickly as he appeared. But the sleeper will remember it for a long time, and return to this event again and again. If a person dreamed that he came to see a psychic and he told him about his future, then this dream should not be ignored. It is best to immediately write it down on a separate piece of paper or in a notebook, since perhaps this information will be useful in the future, and the dreams will come true one to one. After all, people often have prophetic dreams, but they quickly forget about them. By doing this, they only harm themselves, since the subconscious gives them the key to their salvation, but they stubbornly do not see it. Killing a psychic in a dream means experiencing fear for your life in reality. In this case, you must take control, otherwise everything will turn out very badly. To go to an appointment with a psychic, but not get there, in reality you will have to make enormous efforts to solve the problem that will arise in the near future. You won’t have to count on friends for support, since they will be powerless in this, but it’s better to still ask them for help, maybe someone will be able to help in some way.

If you dreamed about a psychic, then this indicates the dreamer’s insecurity, so he needs to take measures to correct this situation. And this needs to be done as quickly as possible, since enemies can easily take advantage of this and plunge another knife into his back. If a woman thought that she was a psychic and was healing people, then in reality someone would require her help. She should not refuse to help, because she too may find herself in a similar situation.

Seeing a psychic walking down the street means that in reality a person will experience fatigue and loss of energy. Perhaps this is due to stressful work, and you need to take a vacation otherwise you will have a nervous breakdown. Trying to quickly find the address of a good psychic, in fact, the dreamer will need urgent help, but not all friends will want to provide it, so it is better to rely on your own strength.

To see a dream in which a psychic predicts the future for a stranger means that in reality you will encounter an obstacle that cannot be overcome without outside help. For a woman, such a dream promises contention with her husband over trifles, so it will be better if she remains silent once again.

A married girl had dreams that she promised to sort out with a man, the cause of which would be the dreamer’s incontinence and inability to keep a sharp tongue behind her teeth. What you dream of seeing a psychic woman in the distance expresses great danger for the dreamer. Perhaps ill-wishers or a rival turned to the witch for magical support.

Otherworldly phenomena present in our lives are often a reason to seek help from a fortune teller or magician. So why do you dream of meeting a psychic in a dream? According to dream books, having a dream indicates that soon the sleeping person’s cherished secret will be revealed.

Dream Interpretation: I dreamed of a clairvoyant - you are confused in love relationships, a quick unforeseen situation will help to unravel them, you will save the relationship. If you saw clairvoyants in a dream, there is a lot of gossip and speculation around you, reconsider your behavior.

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