Cheesecake cake preparation. Classic cottage cheese cheesecake recipe

The cheesecake base is made from butter, shortbread, crackers or wheat flour. If desired, add sugar, cocoa or vanillin to the dough. For the dietary option, ground oatmeal and bran are used.

The five most commonly used ingredients in cheesecake recipes are:

The filling for the dessert is prepared from cottage cheese of any fat content. It is mixed with cream, sour cream, eggs, and powdered sugar. The filler is combined with fruit slices, berries, and melted chocolate. In some cases, the filling is combined with dissolved gelatin.

How to make cheesecake with cottage cheese

The curd dessert has a delicate taste and is airy and light. The products necessary for its preparation are inexpensive and are sold in any supermarket. In appearance and taste, the treat is practically no different from a classic cheesecake.

Five of the fastest cheesecake recipes with curd filling:

  1. To prepare the base, the cookies are crushed in a blender or crushed with a rolling pin. The resulting crumbs are combined with warm butter. Instead of cookies, sometimes flour and sugar are used.
  2. The dessert can be prepared using a cold method, which does not take much time. To do this, the crumbs are placed in a springform baking dish with a diameter of 20-24 cm. They are pressed down by hand and placed in the freezer for 10-15 minutes. The filling is made from cottage cheese, cream, vanillin and sugar. Beat the mixture with a blender or simply stir with a fork. It is laid out on the base, and then the workpiece is sent to the refrigerator for 6-8 hours.
  3. The filling with gelatin is elastic and holds its shape well. Beat the cream with a mixer and the cottage cheese with a blender. Gelatin is poured with water or coffee, and after 10 minutes it is heated on the stove or in the microwave. The products are combined and placed on a shortcrust pastry base. The dessert is placed in the refrigerator overnight.
  4. The treat can be baked in the oven on a baking sheet or in a water bath. Cottage cheese is combined with powdered sugar, cream and eggs. The filling is spread on the base and placed in an oven preheated to 180 °C for 20 minutes. The dessert is cooled and then refrigerated in the refrigerator.

Curd cheesecake is decorated with cocoa, melted chocolate, mint leaves, and berries.

The treat is stored in the refrigerator for 3-4 days.

I haven't made cheesecakes before. I just saw them in pictures, admired them and thought: someday I will cook such beauty and deliciousness!

And so, in the order table on the website, reader Elena wrote to me asking me to make a cheesecake. What an idea! Here's a reason to learn! Moreover, there is cottage cheese...

Let me warn you right away: this is not a classic recipe. But every housewife can make such a simple cheesecake, even if in your city they have never heard of Philadelphia cheese and similar delicacies.

And it turned out VERY tender and tasty, just melting in your mouth! Delicate, not very sweet curd mass and thin shortbread- a delicious combination! An excellent alternative to equally tender and tasty lazy dumplings and casserole, if you have already prepared them and are wondering what else to make from cottage cheese.

So, our debut is homemade cheesecake with cottage cheese!

After viewing several different recipes, I learned the following:

1. Cheesecake is traditionally made with cream cheese. This is understandable, because “cheese” 🙂 is “cheese” in English, and cheesecake correspondingly means “cheese-cake.” But since you can’t find “Philadelphia” in small towns during the day with a flashlight, what if if you find it, it will cost as much as a downed plane... you and I, dear readers, can well replace cream cheese rich homemade cottage cheese. Of course, this is no longer a classic cheesecake, and perhaps true gourmets will say that it is more like a casserole... but it is still a very tasty variation on its theme.

2. The basis for the cheesecake is shortbread. And not cake dough, or puff pastry, or anything else. It seemed easier to me to make my own universal shortbread dough. But then I tried the simpler classic method, and I liked it, both in terms of ease of execution and taste. You need to grind the cookies in a meat grinder and pour melted cookies into the crumbs. butter, mix, press into the bottom of a mold lined with parchment and place in the refrigerator. You can use chocolate chip cookies or add cocoa crumbs, it’s delicious!

3. This is the base - shortbread and cheese (curd filling), but there are many different delicious variations! I saw so many cheesecakes while I was collecting information. Blueberry, raspberry, generally berry; marble and chocolate, cherry and lemon! I wish I could try all this!!!



  • an incomplete glass of flour (3/4 (three fourths) of a glass with a capacity of 250 g, you can add a spoon or two tablespoons if the dough does not seem tough enough);
  • half a stick of butter - 125 g;
  • 1 tablespoon sugar.

The dough can be replaced:

  • 300-400 g of cookies (like “Baked milk” or shortbread, which crumbles easily);
  • 100 g butter.


  • 500 g fresh homemade cottage cheese(we buy from a trusted place);
  • 2 eggs;
  • 3 tablespoons sugar;
  • 125 g sour cream 20%.

How to bake:

Make the dough: cut the butter into flour pieces, add sugar and knead it into crumbs with your hands, and then knead until it sticks together into a lump.

We cover the bottom of the springform pan with confectionery parchment (as when baking a sponge cake), I greased the sides with vegetable oil and the paper itself, too, just in case... so as not to tear it off later. We distribute the dough into the mold in the form of a cake with sides 2-3 cm high. I have a mold with a diameter of 24 cm, there was enough dough right up to the top and the cake turned out thin. So if you have one, take a smaller form :)

We bake our cake at about 200 C for 15 minutes, so that it is golden, but not yet completely baked. In the meantime, you can make the filling.

It is very advisable to rub the cottage cheese through a sieve (colander). I don’t really like to do this, but deliciousness requires sacrifice... for the sake of the cheesecake, I grated the cottage cheese and was very happy with the result: the consistency of the filling turned out to be very pleasant and tender! Look how fluffy the curd has become.

Add sugar, 1 egg and beat with a mixer for about 20 seconds.

Add the second egg and beat again.

Add sour cream and beat again.

The filling for the curd cheesecake is ready.

We take out the crust and pour the filling into it.

Spread evenly with a spoon and put back.

A frequently heard tip is to place a bowl of water in the bottom of the oven when baking cheesecake. This is probably done to saturate the oven space with moist steam so that the cheesecake does not crack. This is how I bake sweets yeast buns, they turn out very soft, but I didn’t put a bowl of water in for the cheesecake.

My cheesecake was baked on low heat, approximately 160C, for more than an hour. Then, after 1 hour 10 minutes, when the middle had already set well, I increased the heat slightly so that the top became golden. In total, the cheesecake was in the oven for over an hour and a half, but this is an individual indicator for each oven. There is no need to rush into baking it - over high heat it will simply crack and not bake through.

Keep the finished cheesecake in the open oven for some time, about 10-15 minutes, then take it out and let it cool in the pan.

Carefully remove the cooled pie by opening the pan and transport it directly with the paper onto a plate. Then carefully pull out the paper.

They say it should sit in the refrigerator for several hours, but... it's hard to resist! The cheesecake was tasted by the household while it was still warm... and so tasted that half of it was left. So I recommend it!! Enjoy your tea and happy cheesecakes!

Here are some other cheesecakes you can bake:

curd and chocolate zebra cheesecake

To prepare curd cheesecake with pastries you need following products: full-fat cottage cheese (I have 12%), granulated sugar and vanilla sugar, shortbread cookies, butter, chicken eggs and sour cream (the fattier the better - I use 26%). All components of the dessert must be at room temperature, so remove them from the refrigerator in advance and leave them on the kitchen counter.

First of all, turn on the oven to warm up - 180 degrees. Let's make the base for the curd cheesecake: turn 100 grams of any shortbread cookie into coarse crumbs in a convenient way for you. If you wish, you can use chocolate, nut, or replace some of the cookies with chopped nuts.

I like doing this best in a blender: I break the cookies, literally 15-20 seconds and the large crumbs are ready. If you don't have a blender or food processor, you can break the cookies, put them in a bag and roll them with a rolling pin. Melt 50 grams of butter in advance (you can do it on the stove, but I prefer it in the microwave) and let it cool to room temperature. Combine the shortbread crumbs with melted butter and mix everything thoroughly.

Pour the sand crumbs directly into the mold - this amount of cookies with butter is designed only to cover the bottom. If you want to make sides, double the ingredients for the sand base.

Gently smooth out the sand crumbs with your fingers. Alternatively, after this you can further compact and level the base with the bottom of a regular glass. Place the pan with the preparation in an oven preheated to 180 degrees on a medium level and bake for about 10-15 minutes. During this time, the sand base should set and slightly brown. If this is not done, the moisture from the filling will simply be absorbed into the sand base and it will soften.

While the base is baking, quickly make the curd filling for the cheesecake. Unlike New York cheesecake, where all the ingredients of the filling are combined using a tablespoon or a whisk, in this case ideal option There will be an immersion blender. The fact is that any cottage cheese is a granular mass, so these grains will be felt in the finished baked goods. But thanks to an immersion blender, you will get a perfectly homogeneous mass without grains of cottage cheese. Place 500 grams of full-fat cottage cheese in a suitable bowl, add 150 grams of sour cream and sugar, as well as a tablespoon of vanilla sugar. If you wish, you can replace granulated sugar with powdered sugar, but this is not important.

Then add medium-sized chicken eggs one at a time. Mix the first one into the sweet curd mass, achieving homogeneity of the mass, only after that add the second and third eggs.

The result is an absolutely smooth and silky curd filling. It is thin and has a consistency similar to pouring liquid sour cream.

During this time, the sand base for our future dessert also had time to bake. Remove the pan from the oven and let the crust cool slightly. We do not turn off the oven itself, but only lower the temperature to 160 degrees.

Then we wrap the mold with food foil in 3-4 layers so that we get a waterproof shell. The fact is that we will be preparing the curd cheesecake in a water bath, so it is important that water cannot penetrate inside the mold.

We build a water bath. To do this, place the mold with the future curd cheesecake in a deep bowl (mold or baking sheet) bigger size. Pour boiling water into a large mold so that the water level reaches the middle of the height of the dessert mold.

About cheese.

By Classic Cheesecake, I mean New York Cheesecake. That's why! Only the right cheese for its preparation is Philadelphia. But, since we do not live in America, it is quite problematic to get it even in Moscow. So, for starters I’ll tell you what can replace it.

The three pillars of foreign cream cheeses are Philadelphia, mascarpone and ricotta. If you were lucky enough to buy the first one, congratulations, then you don’t have to read the next paragraph, and you will get a real New York cheesecake. If not... I recommend turning to domestic analogues.

The Karat company now makes very good cream cheese. It’s called “Cream Cheese” and is sold in blue tubs in the style of their world-famous processed cheeses. Its texture is thick, creamy, and the taste is salty - just what we need.

I also recommend paying attention to Buko and Horteka cheeses. I saw them in one and a half liter buckets... a little expensive, of course, but enough for exactly 2 cheesecakes :) Many people take creamy curd cheeses “Rama” or “Almette” - this is not quite the same, they are a little looser and saltier, but, in principle , they can also be used.

Cheesecakes with mascarpone they turn out to be fattier (80% fat is no joke), heavy and sweet, since mascarpone is a completely unsalted cheese. Therefore, if you have mascarpone, reduce the amount of powdered sugar by about a third. And I personally recommend decorating such cheesecakes with fresh berries - to dilute the excessive sweetness and density.

Cheesecakes with ricotta They are already eager to taste cottage cheese. Ricotta is loose, just a little salty, reminiscent of our domestic cottage cheese, only more tender. When buying ricotta for cheesecake, be sure to look at the expiration date - this young, delicate cheese spoils very quickly!

And finally, cottage cheese. Yes, you can replace cream cheese with cottage cheese. But it will already be cottage cheese. Or even a casserole. Tasty, of course, but... not that. Cottage cheese has a more sour and sharp taste than cream cheese, and an uneven texture to boot. However, if you can’t find anything at all, take the cottage cheese and rub it through a sieve to get rid of lumps, and then you can also grind it with a blender to be sure.

Although you can find many recipes on the Internet on how to make cream cheese at home, I do not recommend it. You won't save money. A large amount of cream produces a small amount of cheese. And heavy cream will cost no less than a jar of cream cheese.

At one time I was fond of homemade cheeses and realized that best cheeses– with sour natural milk. The rest are not at all budget-friendly and are inferior in taste to store-bought counterparts.

So, I talked about cheese for the classic cheesecake recipe. Now let's move directly to the process.

The proportions are calculated for a springform pan with a diameter of 20 cm.

First, remove the cream cheese, eggs and cream from the refrigerator. All ingredients for cheesecake should be at the same room temperature.

Preheat the oven to 160 degrees.

Preparing the crust.

To do this, in a food processor fitted with a blade attachment, grind the butter and cookies into fine, almost uniform crumbs.

The finished mass will easily come together. What nuances might there be? How to replace "Jubilee" cookies? Ordinary shortbread cookies, any, but preferably without flavorings and fillers such as raisins. If you don’t have a food processor, the cookies can be crushed with a mortar or rolled out with a rolling pin, and then mixed with soft butter.

The finished cheesecake mixture can be compacted along the bottom and walls of the springform pan to create a cheesecake with sides. Can you line the form? cling film and making only the bottom of the cookies - both options are quite acceptable. I settled on a cheesecake with sides.

Place the cake in the oven for 10 minutes, then remove it and cool.

Preparing the filling. To do this, carefully mix the cream cheese with a whisk with powdered sugar.

Do not replace powdered sugar with sugar, this is important in classic recipe cheesecake! We want the texture to be as uniform, soft, and creamy as possible, and the sugar may not completely dissolve. If powdered sugar is difficult to buy, grind required quantity sugar in a coffee grinder.

Add vanillin. It also needs to be ground in a coffee grinder first. It is better, of course, to use vanilla extract - after all, natural flavoring is always more advantageous than artificial. But finding it can be problematic. If you have it, add 1 teaspoon instead of vanilla.

Add eggs one at a time and mix gently.

Important! In this recipe, you cannot beat the cheesecake filling, just stir it! Move the mixer away. If you beat the cream too vigorously, it will fill with air, which will subsequently lead to the formation of cracks on the surface of the cheesecake. Therefore, mix slowly, thoroughly, carefully and briefly.

Add cream, stir to obtain a homogeneous mass.

Important! The cream should be full fat. Not less than 33%. Do you see how it is in my photo? This is what they look like even without beating. Do not replace them with less fatty options, because the result will be unpredictable.

Let's make a water bath. We wrap the baking dish with a double layer of foil (so that water does not flow inside) and place it in a wider and deeper container. Place the filling into the mold.

Let's pour hot water somewhere 2-3 cm from the bottom. Important! Don't neglect the water bath. Yes, it is much easier to bake a cheesecake without it and not bother, but believe me, only a water bath guarantees that the cheesecake will turn out without cracks, will not fall off, will not burn, and will come out perfect. Place our design in the oven for 1 hour 10 minutes and bake at 160 degrees.

Don't bake the cheesecake longer! This is not a cake, it shouldn't be dry. If the middle shakes a little, this is completely normal for the classic recipe. But don’t rush to take it out of the oven, so as not to get insidious cracks.

Turn off the oven, open the door slightly and leave the cheesecake inside for an hour. I usually wait until the oven has completely cooled down before removing the item.

Take the cheesecake pan out of the water container and remove the foil. Do not remove the cheesecake from the mold immediately after baking! It should spend at least 4 hours in the refrigerator.

So, we put it in the refrigerator and wait. Then we carefully run a knife along the walls of the mold, remove the sides, take out our cake and enjoy.

A classic cheesecake does not need additional decorations or toppings. However, nothing prevents you from serving it by garnishing it with fresh berries or topping it with berry sauce. If appearance If you're not very happy with it, whip the heavy cream with powdered sugar and coat the cake with it.

I moved on. I covered it with chocolate glaze and decorated it with a pile of different candies - American marshmallows, pieces of domestic chocolate and crumbled cookies. But this is only because my spoiled family is tired of the classic cheesecake, give them something more complex. I strongly recommend that you first try the cheesecake in its original form, without decorations, in order to fully appreciate its delicate, delicate taste and airy texture. Bon appetit!

Greetings, dear friends and guests of the culinary site Home Restaurant! I dedicate today's recipe to all fans of cottage cheese and cheesecake desserts. As you may have guessed from the name of the recipe, we will prepare cottage cheese cheesecake. After publishing a recipe for a classic New York cheesecake from you, dear friends, in in social networks VK and Instagram, there have been a lot of suggestions and requests to make cheesecake from regular cottage cheese, since not all housewives can afford Philadelphia cheese.

Therefore, today I will tell and show you how to make cottage cheesecake from ordinary cottage cheese, which you can buy in any store at home, as expected, with baking in the oven.

Homemade curd cheesecake recipe, down to the gram

Expectations VS Reality

I won’t promise you that cottage cheese cheesecake in the oven will turn out identical to the classic Philadelphia cheesecake, because it’s not. Cheesecake with cottage cheese learns...not at all like cottage cheese casserole, Lviv cheesecake or curd pudding.

Homemade cottage cheesecake is a complete dessert with a delicate creamy taste and soft structure. But don’t expect too much from this dessert, much less compare it to the classic New York cheesecake.

I made the recipe and proportions for the curd cheesecake myself, so please don’t judge too harshly, since I don’t have a pastry chef diploma yet

Do you know what the main advantage of curd cheesecake is over its classic brother from the city? Big Apple? There are no “harmful” cracks in cottage cheese cheesecake! Therefore, if you are still in doubt about whether to make curd cheesecake at home or not, feel free to put on your aprons, take your phone or tablet to the kitchen and go ahead and prepare a delicious dessert!

Products for 20 cm mold:

For the cheesecake:

  • 600 gr. cottage cheese
  • 160 gr. powdered sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tbsp. starch (25 gr.)
  • 125 gr. cream, min 30% fat

For the base:

  • 100 gr. shortbread cookies
  • 50 gr. butter

For decoration and serving:

  • fresh or frozen berries
  • fresh mint

Technology: step by step

First, prepare the shortbread base for the curd cheesecake. Grind the cookies in a blender into fine crumbs.

Mix the shortbread cookie crumbs with melted butter.

And mix until smooth.

Using a glass, compact the resulting mass evenly along the bottom of the springform pan. I use a non-stick cheesecake pan, so I didn't line it with baking paper this time.

Baking the sand base

Place the mold with the sand base in an oven preheated to 160 degrees for 15 minutes. Grill position in the middle, heat: top and bottom.

Remove the pan with the sand base from the oven and let it cool completely. Then we wrap the mold with foil so that when baking the curd cheesecake in a water bath, water does not get into the mold with our dessert. I recommend using a single piece of foil, folded in thirds.

Preparing soft curd cream

Mix powdered sugar and starch in a separate bowl.

In a spacious bowl, combine cottage cheese, cream and eggs. I first beat the eggs with three tablespoons of powdered sugar so that the curd mass is easier to blend with the blender.

Using an immersion blender, turn the curd and cream mass into a homogeneous puree.

Then add powdered sugar and starch.

And mix thoroughly, achieving maximum homogeneity.

Place the resulting curd mass into the prepared pan with a sand base.

How to bake curd cheesecake in the oven

Place the pan with the curd cheesecake in another spacious pan with high sides for a water bath. We set the oven heating only from below to 160 degrees. Without convection and other blowing functions.

Place both cheesecake pans on the middle rack of the oven on a rack. Pour boiling water into a large mold, which should reach 1/3 of the level of the cheesecake mold, as in my photo.

Close the oven and bake our curd cheesecake for 60 minutes. For a small cheesecake in a 20 cm pan, 60 minutes is more than enough. If you are preparing a cheesecake in a large 25-26 cm pan and a double portion, then the baking time should be increased to 1.5 hours.

It is advisable not to open the oven, but if you are very interested, then you can take a look with one eye; this cheesecake will still not have any cracks.

After baking, leave the cheesecake in the oven with the door ajar for 1.5 hours. Don't expect a quivering center in this cheesecake - there won't be one. Focus on the dense surface of the dessert along the entire diameter of the mold.

Next, we take out our almost finished curd cheesecake at home according to the classic recipe, and leave it to cool at room temperature. As in the classic recipe, I covered the cooled cheesecake with cling film and kept the dessert in the refrigerator for 8 hours.

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