Effect of radiation on plant growth. Radiobiology. The effect of radiation on animals and plants. useful radiation. The effect of ionizing radiation on invertebrates

The effect of radiation on the cells of the body.

Plants of the Tomsk region that reduce radiation exposure.


Krutykh Oksana

Filinova Anastasia

ZATO Seversk

Work goals

1. To identify plants of the Tomsk region that effectively reduce the effect of radiation on the body.

2. Identify population groups whose diet contains a minimum of products that reduce radiation exposure and disseminate information about the need to use them.


1. To study the mechanism of the effect of radiation on the cells of the body.

2. Consider the consequences of the influence of radiation on the body (on the example of the population of the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki).

3. Identify substances that can reduce the effects of radiation on the body.

4. Identify plants of the Tomsk region containing these substances.

5. Conduct a population survey.

6. Check in practice the effectiveness of plants.

7. disseminate information among the population about the need to use substances that reduce the effect of radiation on the body.

Relevance of the problem

There are two types of radioactivity: natural and man-made. For man-made sources of radiation, the risk of exposure is much more pronounced than for natural ones. Over the past few decades, man has created several hundred artificial radionuclides and learned how to use the energy of the atom for a variety of purposes: in medicine and for the creation of atomic weapons, for energy production and fire detection. All this leads to an increase in the dose of radiation, both to individuals and to the population of the Earth as a whole.

Therefore, it becomes very important to protect a person from the increasing influence of radiation on the body, which leads to various violations of physiological processes and pathologies. In this project, the possibility of preserving human health in this situation with the help of nature itself is considered. Using the plants available in our region constantly, we are able to protect ourselves from the natural radiation background, and together with medications, we can effectively treat the most serious diseases that occur when a large dose of radiation is received.

Radiation and the human body

The effect of radiation on the cells of the body

All living beings are made up of cells - the basic building blocks of life. Damage to biologically important macromolecules does not fully explain the radiation damage to the cell. A cell is a well-coordinated dynamic system of biologically important macromolecules that are arranged in subcellular formations that perform certain physiological functions. Therefore, the effect of radiation can be understood only by taking into account the changes that occur both in the cellular organelles themselves and in the relationships between them.

The most sensitive to radiation organelles of mammalian cells are the nucleus and mitochondria. Damage to these structures at low doses and appear at the earliest possible time. Thus, when the mitochondria of lymphatic cells are irradiated with a dose of 50 R. or more, inhibition of the processes of oxidative phosphorylation is observed in the next few hours after irradiation. At the same time, changes in the physicochemical properties of nucleoprotein complexes are detected, as a result of which DNA changes quantitatively and qualitatively, and the process of DNA synthesis - RNA - protein is uncoupled. In the nuclei of radiosensitive cells, almost immediately after irradiation, energy processes are inhibited, sodium and potassium ions are released into the cytoplasm, and the normal function of membranes is disrupted. At the same time, chromosome breaks are possible, which are detected during cell division, chromosomal aberrations and point mutations, as a result of which proteins are formed that have lost their normal biological activity. Mitochondria have a more pronounced radiosensitivity than nuclei.

The effect of ionizing radiation on a cell is the result of complex interrelated and interdependent transformations. Radiation damage to the cell is carried out in three stages. At the first stage, radiation affects complex macromolecular formations, ionizing and exciting them.

The absorbed energy can migrate through macromolecules, being realized in weak spots. In DNA - chromophore groups of thymine, in lipids - unsaturated bonds. This stage of damage can be called the physical stage of radiation exposure to the cell.

The second stage is chemical transformations. They correspond to the processes of interaction of protein radicals, nucleic acids and lipids with water, oxygen, water radicals with biomolecules and the emergence of organic peroxides, causing fast oxidation reactions that lead to the appearance of many altered molecules. As a result, the initial effect is greatly enhanced. The radicals that appear in the layers of ordered protein molecules interact with the formation of "crosslinks", as a result of which the structure of biological membranes is disturbed. Membrane damage leads to the release of a number of enzymes. As a result of damage to lysosomal membranes, an increase in the activity of DNase, RNase, and a number of other enzymes is observed.

The third stage is biochemical. The released enzymes reach any cell organelle by diffusion and easily penetrate into it due to an increase in membrane permeability. Under the influence of these enzymes, the breakdown of high-molecular components of the cell, including nucleic acids and proteins, occurs.

The action of negligibly small amounts of absorbed energy turns out to be fatal for the cell due to the physical, chemical and biochemical enhancement of the radiation effect, and the main role in the development of this effect is played by damage to supramolecular structures with high radiosensitivity.

The consequences of the influence of radiation on the body

The effects caused by exposure to radiation in living organisms, in particular in humans, can be classified in various ways, depending mainly on the magnitude of the dose received. These consequences are listed in the following order:

1. Changes in somatic cells leading to cancer;

2. Genetic mutations that affect future generations;

3. Influence on the embryo and fetus, due to exposure of the mother during pregnancy;

Death directly at the moment of irradiation.

It should be noted that in people who received radiation, after decades, cancerous tumors begin to develop. A cancerous tumor arises at the moment when a somatic cell, having gone out of control of the body, begins to divide furiously, despite the threat to the living being as a whole. As a result, a single large mass of cells or a group of smaller formations is formed.

Figure 1 shows radiation risk factors in the human body. It shows that the reproductive organs (ovaries or testes), the red bone marrow are at greater risk.

Due to the detrimental effect of radiation on the cells (described above) of the bone marrow, a serious disease, leukemia, begins to develop in a person.

Leukemia (leukemia, leukemia, blood cancer) (from the Greek words leukos - white and haima - blood) - a tumor disease of the red bone marrow, blood system and hematopoietic organs of a neoplastic nature, which is based on the primary pathology of the ancestral hematopoietic cells, accompanied by a violation of their proliferation processes and differentiation and emergence of pathological clones of tumor cells. Changes in one or more stem cells literally flood the body with defective white cells, which is actually leukemia. Whole people exposed to radiation die of leukemia in about 5-7 years. Of all the malignant diseases caused by the action of radiation, leukemia is the most studied for us, because the time interval between the cause of death that gave rise to it and the development of clinical symptoms is relatively short. The connection between body radiation and the occurrence of leukemia is well proven. The incidence of leukemia among atomic bomb survivors depended on how far they were from the explosion, i.e. from the received dose of radiation. Although it is leukemia that most people think is associated with the atomic bomb, over the years it has become apparent that it is not the main form of cancer caused by radiation. Subsequent examinations of Japanese atomic bomb survivors found them much more likely than the rest of the population to have lung, breast, and especially thyroid cancer. These types of cancers develop much more slowly. Currently, for every case of radiation leukemia, there are approximately 3 cases of cancerous tumors. This number continues to grow, and by the time there are no survivors of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it will probably be 5.

Leukemias proceed unevenly. There are several periods: initial, pronounced phenomena, remissions and relapses. In the initial stage, patients feel practically healthy, and the diagnosis is established by a random blood test for concomitant diseases. During the period of pronounced phenomena, all the symptoms of the disease appear to a large extent, and the disease begins to progress rapidly.

As a result of specific therapy, and sometimes spontaneously, a period of improvement in the patient's condition or a stage of remission occurs. During this period, the patient remains able to work.

The exacerbation of any leukemia is accompanied by a sharp deterioration in the general condition of the patient, the appearance of fever, an increase in the liver, spleen and lymph nodes, the development of anemia, and a decrease in platelets.

During exacerbations, leukemia often passes into the final, cachectic stage.

Let us pay attention to the effect of ionizing radiation on the human genital organs. Changes in body cells that lead to cancer and mutations in germ cells that affect future generations are biological consequences of working in nuclear power plants. The effect of radiation on a developing embryo or fetus is a special case that deserves special discussion, since all efforts must be directed to its exclusion. The occurrence of death directly at the moment of radiation is associated with receiving a huge dose of radiation. The latter occurs only in a catastrophic situation, for example, in the explosion of an atomic bomb or an accident at a nuclear reactor.

If a mutation occurs in a germ cell (in a sperm cell or in an egg), the consequences will be felt not only for the individual who develops from this cell, but also for someone from future generations. The fusion of a sperm cell with an egg cell forms a tiny organism, barely visible, but carrying the thread of our heredity. Each male and female cell contains 23 single chromosomes. When these two cells fuse together, the 23 single chromosomes of the paternal germ cell combine in pairs with the 23 single chromosomes of the mother germ cell, forming the first cell of the new human, which already contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, that is, 46 chromosomes in total. (fig.2)

Chromosomes carry in coded form all the features that distinguish the human body from other animals. They contain the information necessary to reproduce all the features "available in this genus." Chromosomes are long, thread-like structural cells made up of a complex substance called deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), which is a very large molecule. The basis of DNA is formed by carbohydrates and phosphoric acid residues, which serve as a skeleton to hold in place specific molecules that carry the hereditary code. Sometimes sections of the genetic code can change places, while the order of the pairs of nitrogenous bases is violated. A defect occurs in the chromosome, which passes into all daughter cells obtained during division. When a damaged gene or chromosome appears in a sperm or egg, this damage will be repeated in all cells of the formed embryo. If this embryo does not die, but eventually grows to become a parent itself, the genetic defect can pass on to its children and proceed through the next generations. Any cell containing all sorts of abnormalities in chromosomes and genes is called a mutated cell. Let's look at the set of chromosomes of a person subjected to ionizing radiation. (Figure 3)

A mutation that has arisen in a somatic cell will affect only the individual himself, and throughout his entire life. A mutation that occurs in a germ cell is called a genetic mutation and can be passed on to subsequent generations. Radiation can cause breakages and changes in the DNA of germ cells and thus increase the number of mutations compared to what occurs during natural development. Mutations caused by ionizing radiation do not differ from natural mutations. Radiation does not generate any new, unique or unusual mutations, but only increases the scope of the harmful effects that living organisms one way or another face.

Various types of mutations, occurring naturally and under the influence of radiation, can be divided into the following categories:

1. Single gene mutations;

2. Wrong set of chromosomes, i.e. too large or small number or the presence of chromosomal aberrations with incorrect attachment of fragments of chromosomes after their break at the time of cell division;

3. Frequent but small mutations, similar to those seen in Drosophila fruit flies, which cannot be identified by specific distinguishing features and observable changes in the chromosomes.

Wrong set of chromosomes.

The genetic consequences may lie in the wrong number of chromosomes - they are either more or less than normal. Down's disease is the most famous example of a disease associated with the appearance of an extra 21 chromosomes. In contrast, some rare forms of mental retardation result from the loss of just one chromosome.

People suffering from such severe diseases rarely have children and therefore day mutations disappear in the population with the same frequency with which they spontaneously appear. Unlike gene mutations, which are too small to be seen, some of the chromosome defects are so obvious that they can be easily observed by microscopic examination of the chromosomes. In the fetus, chromosomal disruption and rearrangement, occurring spontaneously or as a result of exposure, usually leads to death, but if the organism survives, chromosomal abnormalities can cause gross physical anomalies or mental retardation, or both.

Recovery of cells from damage to the genetic apparatus.

Quite a logical question is asked: can cells really not recover on their own? It is known that the success of recovery depends on the degree of damage to the entire cell as a whole. Two types of damage occur in cells during irradiation - local damage to chromosomes and generalized damage to extrachromosomal components. Both types of damage are reversible and cells can recover from them. At the same time, the success of cell recovery from chromosomal damage largely depends on how deeply the extrachromosomal systems are damaged and whether the cell can recover first of all from these damages.

Damage leading to mutations is largely potential, or reversible. Cells can recover from them. Cells have a system of enzymes that carry out such restoration. Potential damages are not identical to mutations: they can only lead to mutations. In order for potential damage to lead to mutation, or to be realized, certain metabolic processes must be carried out in the cell. Therefore, the pathway from potential primary damage to mutation is a metabolic pathway in which certain enzymes are involved. The study of cell recovery from potential damage is aimed at identifying the mechanisms by which cells resist adverse environmental factors and which, possibly, are involved in the regulation of the rate of the natural mutation process. The study of the implementation of potential damage is the study of the ways and mechanisms of the formation of hereditary changes - mutations of genes, chromosomes, plasmids.

Cells can recover from damage to DNA molecules. In the case of the action of ionizing radiation - mainly breaks in one or both DNA chains, and under the action of various chemical agents - various chemical changes in the DNA molecule or DNA-protein complex.

Back in 1967, scientists managed to isolate enzymes capable of reconnecting the ends of a broken DNA strand, i.e. repair DNA from single breaks. These are ligase enzymes already familiar to us, as well as silases similar to them. These enzymes "work" very intensively - the process of repairing the broken ends of DNA molecules begins immediately after irradiation and ends very quickly.

As studies by A. I. Gazievat and other scientists have shown, repair with legaz sites is possible only when the phosphorodiester bonds in the DNA molecule are broken with the formation of completely defined terminal sections - 5, phosphoryl (5, RO) and 3, hydroxyl (3 , HE).

Substances and elements that reduce the effect of radiation on the body

All substances that can reduce the damaging effect of radiation are divided into two groups. The first is substances that remove radionuclides from the body, the second is substances that eliminate the effects of radiation exposure and contribute to the treatment of the disease (radioprotectors).

Nuclide-removing substances

Some radioactive substances in their "behavior" resemble the micro- and macroelements necessary for a person, due to which they accumulate in the body, disrupting its physiological activity. A number of elements and substances from plant products are capable of removing radionuclides from the body or reducing their level. This increases the resistance of a person to internal radiation.

Calcium. Thus, under conditions of calcium deficiency, the body actively absorbs radioactive strontium-90, which in its properties and “behavior” in the body resembles calcium. Accordingly, the active consumption of foods containing calcium and its compounds and vitamin D, without which calcium absorption is impossible, will lead to the displacement of radioactive strontium and its removal from the body.

Magnesium, phosphorus. The use of foods containing magnesium and phosphorus in the diet also significantly reduces the absorption of radioactive strontium. Effective is their complex intake with calcium.

Potassium. Potassium promotes the excretion of radioactive caesium-137. The mechanism of this process is similar to the calcium-strontium interaction.

Iodine. When radioactive isotopes of iodine enter the body, they accumulate in the thyroid gland, causing changes in its work. This affects the pituitary gland, which regulates the body's immune responses. Immunity is weakened in victims, the degree of susceptibility to epidemic diseases increases. To prevent such consequences, it is important to use iodine-containing products, the iodine of which replaces radioactive iodine in the thyroid gland.

pectin substances. Studies conducted in recent years have shown that pectin substances have the ability to bind (or render harmless in some other way) some radioactive substances, such as lead, cesium and cobalt compounds.


Vitamin C . In connection with the fall in the level of immune responses when the thyroid gland is damaged by radioactive iodine, it is important to prevent infections with viral diseases and support and restore immunity. This problem is solved by the use of vitamins, the decisive role of which is played by vitamin C, which is required in significant quantities.

Bioflavonoids (substances of P-vitamin action) promote the absorption of vitamin C in the body. Recently, it has been proven that certain representatives of this group of substances have an antitumor effect. Flavonoids also protect the body from damage by ionizing radiation. In addition, vitamin P reduces the pronounced symptoms of radiation sickness - reduces the permeability and fragility of capillaries, their bleeding.

Betaine . The most affordable and effective product that serves to prevent cancer and helps to remove radionuclides and heavy metals from the body is the red dye betaine. It provides antitumor properties, inhibits the growth of cancer and sarcoma. Betaine is found only in red beets. Back in 1970, Japanese scientists developed and patented a drug for the treatment of cancerous tumors based on this common vegetable.

They also have radioprotective properties. cellulose (alimentary fiber) and carotene (provitamin A ).

Plants in the rotaradiation nutrition

Consider which plants of the Tomsk region contain substances that reduce the effect of radiation on the human body and are used in medicine and anti-radiation nutrition.

Rose hip rich in various vitamins and minerals. It contains pectins, vitamin C, bioflavonoids, carotene. It is used for the complex treatment of neoplasms as an additional therapy. Fresh fruits are used in any form, dry and ground, like a decoction. In the Tomsk region, it occurs almost everywhere: along the edges of forests in forest upland and floodplain meadows, along river banks.

Sea ​​buckthorn. Sea buckthorn fruits contain a unique complex of vitamins, microelements and other biologically active substances: vitamin C, carotene, pectin substances, bioflavonoids. Sea buckthorn bark contains the alkaloid serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine), which inhibits the growth of malignant tumors. Applicable:

in radiation treatment of cancer of the esophagus - sea buckthorn oil inside;

As an anti-radiation agent - fruits, juice, oil inside and out;

in oncological practice - alcohol extracts of the bark.

In the Tomsk region, sea buckthorn is not found in the wild and is grown only in household plots and in gardening partnerships.

Strawberry. The fruits of wild strawberries contain iodine, potassium salts and fiber. It is possible to use it fresh as a nuclide-removing agent, but in large quantities and in the absence of allergic reactions. Strawberries grow in sparse forests, along edges and forest meadows.

Very good removal of radionuclides cranberries, cranberries and blueberries .

Cowberry rich in vitamin C, bioflavonoids, carotene. It is used as a general tonic that restores immunity. Cowberry lives in pine forests, as well as in dark coniferous forests mixed with birch and aspen. In the Tomsk region, it occurs in massive thickets.

Blueberry. Blueberries contain potassium salts, flavonoids, vitamin C, which is also found in large quantities in the leaves. It grows in pine forests, as well as dark coniferous and mixed, prefers more damp places compared to lingonberries.

Red sweet pepper. These vegetables are rich in vitamin C, carotene, calcium and have radioprotective properties.

Beet. The root crop of red table beet contains a red dye betaine and a significant amount of potassium salts. Beetroot is an anti-radiation agent. In the treatment of cancerous tumors, fresh juice in large quantities.

Carrot. The vegetable contains fiber and carotene, which are especially rich in the leaves of the plant. In the treatment of radiation sickness and malignant tumors, it is used in the same way as beets.

Cons in the use of plants.

Unfortunately, not all substances needed for protection against radioactive radiation are contained in plants in the required quantity or are effectively absorbed from plant forms by the human body. Plants are of little importance as a source of calcium and phosphorus salts. Calcium and phosphorus of fruits and berries are absorbed by the human body worse than compounds of the same elements that come with dairy products. This happens because the assimilation of phosphorus and calcium is in strict proportion with protein by some other substances. Therefore, it is important to use a variety of foods containing a complete list of vitamins, micro and macro elements, and other biologically active substances.

Population Survey

Target: Identify population groups whose diet contains a minimum of foods that reduce radiation exposure.

Object of study: students and employees of school No. 198.

Tasks: Find out how many people in different age groups consume plants in their diet that reduce the effect of radiation on the body.

Description: Of the 8 types of products (rose hips, sea buckthorn, strawberries, blueberries, lingonberries, peppers, carrots, beets), the participants were asked to choose the ones they use.

Statistical data processing :

A total of 300 people were interviewed. The data is presented as a percentage.

Participants are divided into 4 age groups:

1-4 grade

- 8-11 grade

- 5-7 grade

Teaching staff


Conclusions: after conducting a survey, they found that the group of the population whose diet contains a minimum of products that reduce radiation exposure are students in grades 8-11. This is due to the fact that parents monitor the diversity of the diet of children in grades 1-7. Educators themselves understand the benefits of a varied diet. High school students are left to themselves, do not have free time and do not understand the meaning of rational nutrition.

Verification of the effectiveness of plants that reduce radiation exposure

Target: Check in practice the effectiveness of reducing radiation exposure by plants: rose hips, sea buckthorn, lingonberries, carrots. And compare the harm caused by radiation to girls and boys, smokers and non-smokers.

Object of study: Based on a sociological survey (see above), 6 people from grades 8-11 participate in the experiment.

Hypothesis: We assume that children who consume plants: rose hips, sea buckthorn, lingonberries, carrots will have less radiation exposure than those who do not use them. Also, the effect of radiation will be less on non-smoking children than on smokers, on boys than on girls.

Experience scheme:

For three weeks, in addition to the usual diet, they consumed:

1. girl - carrot

2. girl - sea buckthorn and rosehip tea

3. girl (non-smoker) - lingonberries.

Also included in the experiment were:

4. Smoking girl

5. Non-smoking young man

6. Smoking young man.

After a set time, blood was taken from the participants of the experiment from a vein (10 ml.). The taken blood (of each participant) was distributed into two tubes of 5 ml.

The Seversk Biophysical Research Center conducted research on chromosomal aberrations (led by Elena Olegovna Vasilyeva)

Processing of received data: ...................

Conclusions: ............................

Research findings:

Having done research:

1. We studied the mechanism of the effect of radiation on the cells of the body.

2. Considered the consequences of the influence of radiation on the body (on the example of the population of the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki).

3. Identified substances that reduce the harmful effects of ionizing radiation, their specificity is the division into substances that remove radionuclides and eliminate the consequences of exposure. These are vitamins C, carotene, bioflavonoids; minerals: calcium, potassium, iodine, magnesium, phosphorus; organic substances: fiber, pectin, betaine.

4. Plants of the Tomsk region were identified that contain these substances and are used in the treatment of the consequences of radiation exposure: wild rose, sea buckthorn, strawberries, blueberries, lingonberries, peppers, carrots, beets.

5. After conducting a survey of the population, it was found that the group of the population whose diet contains a minimum of products that reduce radiation exposure are students in grades 8-11.

7. To disseminate information among the population about the need to use substances that reduce the effect of radiation on the body, a leaflet with a list of all recommended products has been created (see Appendix.

All of the above allows us to speak about the fulfillment of the tasks set and the achievement of goals.



Vitamin C

pectin substances





Rose hip

Sea ​​buckthorn

Rowan chokeberry


iodine, potassium


Black currant

Mountain ash


2. List of products in the human diet for daily protection against natural radioactivity.

Rosehip Milk

Sea Buckthorn Cheese

Rowan chokeberry Cottage cheese

Strawberry Eggs

Parsley Liver

Cranberry Fish

Blueberry Squid

Cowberry Sea kale

Black currant

Mountain ash


2. Kuzin A. M. series Man and the environment Invisible rays around us - Moscow.

3. Medicinal plants of the Tomsk region edited by Mordovin L. G.– Tomsk, 1972

4. Pashinsky V.G. Herbal treatment - Tomsk, 1989.

5. Peterson B.E. Oncology - Moscow, 1980.

6. H Istyakova N. P. Pharmacology with prescription - Moscow, 1968.

7. Shapiro D. K., Mikhailovskaya V. A., Mantsivodo N. I. Wild fruits and berries - Minsk, 1981.

8. Eric J. HALL Radiation and life translated by Kharchenko M.I. - Moscow.

9. Brief medical encyclopedic dictionary.

10. Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary edited by Prokhorov A. M.- Moscow, 1983.

11. Chemical Encyclopedic Dictionary edited by Knunyants I. L. - Moscow, 1983.

Goals, objectives, relevance ............................................................... .................................2

Radiation and the human body .............................................................. ......................3

The effect of radiation on the cells of the body .............................................. ....3

Consequences of the influence of radiation .................................................... 5

Recovery of cells from damage to the genetic apparatus....... 9

Substances and elements that reduce the effect of radiation on the body .......... 10

Plants in anti-radiation nutrition ....................................................... ...12

Disadvantages of using plants .................................................................. .....................13

Population Survey................................................ .............................................fourteen

Verification of the effectiveness of plants that reduce radiation

impact ................................................. ................................................. ..16

Conclusions................................................. ................................................. .........17

Applications ................................................. ................................................. .eighteen

Literature................................................. ................................................. ...twenty

"Radiation and Plants".


Any low intensity irradiation over changes
structure of plants, fungi and microorganisms.
This exposure, which persists for
many generations, on the one hand, leads to the development
radioadaptation, and on the other hand, increases the sensitivity
populations to the action of any damaging factors of a non-radiation nature. All this should be important to
maintaining stability and normal
development of species, ecosystems
and the biosphere as a whole.

The results of studying the local biosphere showed that a number of local
plants were able to successfully adapt to increased
the level of radiation that arose after this largest
accident of the twentieth century - the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which occurred at
nuclear power plant.

Adaptation due to mutation
plants. Growing flax crops
on plots located on
areas contaminated with radiation
and compared with flax grown
on the
background radiation, results
analysis showed the presence of only
was that the content
compared to pure linen
turned out to be 5% higher.

"Probably, plants already have some algorithms. On
Earth has always been exposed to radiation - from the very first
stages of the formation of our planet. In those times
the level of radiation on the earth's surface was much
higher than now. Apparently, the plants encountered
radiation, when life on Earth was just emerging, and in
the force of this has been worked out by the present mechanism."

Ionizing radiation in agriculture
Radiation mutant of winter wheat:
on the left - a sheaf of plants of the original variety;
on the right - a mutant, non-lodging, with a thick
short straw, with improved quality
Ionizing radiation is widely used in
agriculture. With its help,
disinfection of food, irradiate grain to
it germinated faster, destroy pests.

Radiation mutant in melon:
on the right - the fruit of the original variety;
on the left - a mutant, large-fruited, with
lots of sugar
highly aromatic.
Unambiguous results of studies on the dangers of such
there are no products, but many scientists are convinced that
foodstuffs processed in this way
carry a microcharge, which, when it enters the
the human body causes significant damage to its
health, provokes the development of oncopathologies, contributes
changes in the structure of DNA, leading to mutations and
viability of future generations.

A - schematic plan
gamma fields; B- view
irradiated plants
on the plots of the gamma field.
Large doses of radiation are harmful to plants, while small doses, on the contrary,
stimulate them. Radiostimulation affects the fact that plants
develop better, they accumulate more chlorophyll -
the main pigment needed for photosynthesis. They become
strong, better withstand adverse climatic conditions
conditions. Stimulation affects not only plants, but also their seeds.
For example, under the influence of small doses of radiation, the yield increased

Left: fruit slice
mutated orange subjected to
little radiation exposure.
Among plants grown from such seeds, or in their
offspring show various altered forms.
For example, plants appear with such valuable
signs such as precocity, resistance to lodging,
coarse grain, increased amount of protein, sugar,
starch, oils in seeds and fruits, resistance to
diseases, winter hardiness, resistance to increased
radiation and many others. Such plants have
the name of the mutants.


Scheme of an industrial installation for irradiation
radioactive food
cobalt:1- pool for loading
emitter; 2- trench along which the source
radiation is transferred to the working pool; 3-
pool for storing the radiation source in
non-working condition; 4- cassettes with
radioactive cobalt; 5-basket with
irradiated products, moving
on a chain conveyor; 6 - chain
conveyor; 7 - rotary sprockets; eight -
place for loading baskets with products. At the bottom
on the left - unirradiated potatoes, on the right -
There is another important area of ​​application of ionizing radiation.
It is very important that the products that come to us are largely
least would be free from germs. To this end, products
sterilized using ionizing radiation. At the same time, fruit
for example, spoil less and go on sale fresh, as if
freshly plucked from a branch.

11 Plant Mutations Due To Radiation

According to recent studies, this radiation is practically
harmless to humans, but very unfavorable
on plants. This is because their DNA is more vulnerable to
exposure to ionizing radiation.


When exposed to cells forming
tissues change structure and transmit it
next generations in the form of genetic
One of the causes of mutations can be
soil pollution and close proximity to the highway.
Journal "Physics - First of September" No. 4/2013


somatic mutations,
caused in plants
ionizing radiation
(x-ray or gamma rays): the appearance of a white
colors in red flowers
tobacco (1) and two varieties
snapdragon (2 and 3); in fig. 3
(left) - normal flower,
right - mutated after

14. Illustrative examples of plant mutation due to radiation.





It is known that radiation
affects the generative organs, therefore
ability to vegetative
helps plants reproduce
adapt to the conditions
elevated background radiation.
31Journal "Physics - First of September" No. 4/2013

17. Mushrooms

Mushrooms directly absorb
ionizing radiation energy
and use it for their growth,
like green plants
absorb the energy of sunlight
in the visible range.


The researchers have established
that certain types of mushrooms
not burdened by radiation - they
can live thanks to
radiation! Other types
mushrooms are harvested
highly toxic
radioactive isotopes -
such as cesium-137 - and
thereby render harmless
Journal "Physics - First of September" No. 4/2013
Kind of black mold
mushroom - Cryptococcus
neoformans - and others
species grow in
high impact
radiation faster than
fungi related to them
normal conditions.
Looks like mushrooms
use melanin,
to absorb
ionizing energy
radiation, like
like plants
using chlorophyll,
to assimilate
Sun rays.


mutated mushrooms,
raised in ruins
chemical plant.
Radiation background
above natural.
Cesium-137, which they
"wealthy", the strongest
acts on the cardiovascular system, liver,
heart rate.
The kidneys are very active
accumulate radioactive
cesium, which leads to
pathological changes.
radioactive substances
reduce protective functions
organism, also affect
hematopoietic, female
reproductive, nervous
human system.


Include in your diet as much as possible
vegetables, berries and fruits.
slow absorption,
e.g. caesium-137
contribute products,
containing great
the amount of potassium. It's an unpeeled potato
dried apricots, apricots, nuts.
Of cereals, preference follows
give to buckwheat, how not
containing nitrates, and


The most useful carrots, beets, radishes, beans,
red pepper, pomegranates, raisins, chokeberry,
dried apricots, apples, red grapes, cranberries, nuts, horseradish,
garlic, onion, as well as sea and white cabbage.


Prickly pear cactus.
This plant is from
growing in
Mexico where it is
plant in
high honor
(elements of it
included in
national emblem
and flag).
Prickly pear is able to protect a person from the effects of radiation and
other negative factors, as it has a bright
pronounced properties: bactericidal, antiseptic,
detoxification (removal of toxins from the body, heavy
metals, radionuclides).

23. Dandelion officinalis successfully fights radiation. Inflorescences, and leaves, and roots, and juice are considered healing.

Dandelion officinalis successfully fights radiation.
Inflorescences, and leaves, and roots, and juice are considered healing.


Chinese scientists
proved that
green tea
radiation on
organism. teahouses
leaves contain
which reduce
negative action
radiation to cells.

25. Algae chlorella. A single-celled microscopic alga that can only be seen under a microscope.

Algae chlorella.
seaweed, which
can only be seen
under a microscope.
The composition and structure of chlorella
fairly well studied. Her
walls have special
substances that help
our body to excrete
toxic elements (heavy
metals, pesticides)
protect from destructive
effects of radiation and
electromagnetic radiation.
combination of nucleic and
amino acids, proteins, peptides
and vitamins prevents
mutation processes
(in other words protect
the genetic apparatus of DNA
changes) and contributes
tissue regeneration


Forests purify the air from dust, from gas and from many other
substances, the forest increases the transparency of the atmosphere, but even in this
the same time reduces the harm from exposure to solar
radiation, reducing it seven times. Scientists have calculated that
spruce forest delays solar radiation up to 99%, and
pine forest up to 96%. Kravchenko V.A.

The effect of "low doses" of gamma radiation on growth and development of red clover ( Trifolium claim L .), and Timofeevka meadow ( Phleum R r a tenses L ).


Intensive tests of nuclear weapons in the middle of the 20th century, the use of atomic energy, ionizing radiation in the national economy led to an increase in the radiation background on the planet. These processes have led to a change in emphasis in radiobiological research. They began to pay more attention to studies of the effects of radiation in relatively small doses, which are prolonged in time.

There is no unanimity among scholars on this issue.what doses of radiation are considered small. BMost believe that the range of low doses is above the natural background and exceeds it ten times. The upper limit of the low dose range is less certain because there is a large variation in radiosensitivity between different organisms. The measure of the upper limit of low doses is considered to be the dose of radiation at which 50% of individuals of a given species die within 30-60 days (LD 50\30 ) or 100% during the same time (LD 100/30 ). The range of low doses is limited "from above" by a value that is 2 orders of magnitude (one hundred times) less than the LD 50\30 for a certain type of living creatures (organisms). In the case when small doses are attributed to a person, then we are talking about doses of 4-5 rad (0.04 - 0.05 Gy) under conditions of single exposure.

The effect of low doses of radiationis realized at the level of individual ionizing particles (quanta) when interacting with DNA (in this situation, DNA is considered as a target). Even a single hit on a biological target (interaction) can lead to irreversible damage to a gene (mutation). Changing the genetic information can lead to cell death. Thus, ionizing radiation is not the only physical agent known to mankind that does not have an effect threshold. Since even with the smallest impact (one ionizing particle), serious biological consequences can occur (of course, with a very low probability). The probabilistic nature of the effect of radiation is carried out only on those biological processes that are directly related to the functioning of the genetic apparatus of the cell. Such effects develop according to the "all or nothing" principle (the ionizing particle either hit or did not hit the "target"). With an increase in the dose of radiation, the number of such elementary events increases, and not their magnitude. All other biological effects of irradiation depend on the magnitude of the received dose - with an increase in the dose of irradiation, the expressiveness of the effect increases. For example, with an increase in the dose of radiation, the duration of the delay in cell division increases.
Moreover, at low doses of radiation, the levels of which border on the natural background, scientists register a stimulating effect of radiation. This action is manifested in an increase in the frequency of cell divisions, accelerated germination and improvement in seed similarity, and even in an increase in crop yields. Chick hatching is increased (their mortality when hatching from eggs decreases). Chickens gain weight better, and chickens have better egg production. Increased resistance of animals to bacterial and viral infections. Thus, not only in plants, but even in animals (even in radiosensitive mammalian species), a range of doses is isolated that causes stimulation of vital activity (1-10-25 rad). Scientists call this effect hormesis.

In the range of significant radiation doses, a linear dependence of the frequency of long-term effects on the radiation dose is clearly recorded. With decreasing doses, it is increasingly difficult to establish such a relationship. Who is the natural radiation background, which coexists with life on Earth for billions of years, plays the role of a "supplier" of mutations. Reparative systems eliminate the bulk of mutations, with the exception of biologically necessary ones. Therefore, within the limits of low doses of irradiation, there is no linear (direct) dependence in the dose-effect ratio, but a wave-like dependence is observed or the curve reaches a plateau. Only based on a certain dose value (it is unique for each type of organism). It is assumed that within the limits of low doses of radiation, the effects of stimulating the physiological functions of cells or the whole organism (hormesis), as well as mutagenic effects, which are comparable to the action of a natural mutagenic background, are possible.

Relevance of the topic . The construction of a nuclear power plant in Belarus requires further active research into the effect of "low doses" of ionizing radiation on plant organisms.

Scientific novelty: New mechanisms have been proposed to explain the effect of "small doses" of radiation.
Practical significance: At present, the problem of the influence of low-intensity radiation on living objects is extremely interesting not only in theoretical but also in practical terms. It becomes vitally important not only for those working at nuclear plants and stations or living near them, but also for millions of people who are thousands of kilometers away from the sites of accidents at nuclear industry enterprises.

Purpose of the study – To trace the post-radiation effect of irradiation of plants with “small doses” and propose mechanisms for explaining the effect of “small doses” of radiation.

Materials and Methods

Trifolium pratense L. (red clover) plants grown from irradiated seeds served as the object of the study. Irradiation with doses of 5, 10 and 20 Gy. was carried out on the "Igur" installation at a dose rate of 360 R/h. The coefficient of conversion of the exposure dose into the absorbed dose was taken equal to unity. The content of pigments in the leaves was determined spectrophotometrically. PPh.pratense sprouts grown on peat soil under laboratory conditions (18°C, 3500 lux) at the Gammarid plant (MED-80.160 and 300 mR/h) were irradiated at doses of 0.07; 0.14; 0.28 Gr. Approximately such doses are received by plants growing in territories contaminated with radionuclides of the Chernobyl release. Statistical data processing was carried out according to standard methods.

Results and discussion

Seeds of T. pratense L., irradiated with a dose of 5, 10 and 20 Gy, four days after irradiation, together with non-irradiated control were planted on experimental plots of 1 m 2 on the territory of the Central Botanical Garden of Minsk. The harvest of the first cut of clover, which did not enter the flowering phase, showed that the experimental plants are characterized by higher growth rates of the vegetative mass and the content of pigments (Table 1).

Table 1. Content of photosynthetic pigments in leaves

(mg/g wet weight) Trifolium pratenseL., grown

from irradiated seeds


Leaf concentration (mgg)







( a + b )

a b


a + b



fill a

fill b



mass, g






















Note: arithmetic mean values ​​are reliable at p<0,05.

The following year, a visual assessment of the growth rates of the same plants at the beginning of the growing season left no doubts about a similar trend. However, sampling during the flowering period gave unexpected results, which consisted in a smaller increase in the phytomass of plants grown from irradiated seeds. Biometric analysis of 12 seedlings selected from each site revealed: (Table 2):

table 2 . Biometric characteristics of T.pratenseL. grown from irradiated seeds


Weight, g




















    despite the large length of the stems of the experimental plants, their total weight and leaf weight at a dose of 10 Gy was almost the same as the control

    at 5 and 20 Gy, the mass of leaves, flowers, stems was less than in the control.

    stem branching, the number of flowers was large in the control.

The third cutting - in the flowering phase as well as the second (Table 3).

Table 3. Number of flowers (pcs) and their weight (g/m 2 ) in red clover in the flowering phase

was characterized by lower vegetative mass growth in the experimental plots

showed a more significant excess of the total number of flowers and their weight on the control plot

The fourth cutting - before the flowering phase showed a higher increase in phytomass in the experimental plots compared to the control.

The overall result for the two-season vegetation period shows that the indicated doses of 5, 10 and 20 Gy reduced the growth of clover biomass in the conditions of Minsk.

The observed effects are not the result of the primary, but of the remote action of radiation, which manifested itself in different ways at different stages of plant development. The reason for the unequal manifestation of the post-radiation effect, apparently, is due to a change in the genetic program of clover ontogenesis by radiation. These changes disrupted the normal course of biochemical processes, which caused the observed effect.

    The post-radiation effect of seed irradiation manifested itself differently at different stages of red clover growth. The reason for this phenomenon is probably caused by the violation of the genetic program of plant development by ionizing radiation.

    The total decrease in biomass growth over a two-year period of growth, a decrease in the number of flowers and their mass in the flowering phase indicates the complex nature of the action of doses called stimulating. This complexity is determined by the mutual influence of the absorbed dose, its power, species characteristics of plants and their growing conditions.

    The obtained results reasonably lead to the idea that the terms "stimulating doses of radiation" should be correctly used in relation to the whole plant that has completed its development cycle, since acceleration of the growth rate of the organism at a certain stage of its development caused by irradiation can be taken as stimulation.


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Primary reactions in a complex plant organism begin with the action of radiation on biologically active molecules that make up almost all components of a living cell. Biological processes caused by irradiation of plants are associated with many metabolic reactions in cells. Depending on the dose of irradiation and the phase of plant development at the time of exposure to radiation, vegetative plants exhibit significant variability in changes in metabolic processes. The reaction of plant objects to the action of gamma and X-ray radiation manifests itself in the form of activation or suppression of growth processes, which causes a change in the rate of cell division.

In cereal crops irradiated with doses of 20-30 Gy, growth of the main shoot in height is inhibited, and then, due to the activation of dormant centers, the growth of lateral shoots begins, which is expressed in powerful tillering. Moreover, the bushiness of wheat can increase by 3 times. Chronic can lead to an increase in the vegetative mass by the time of harvesting by almost 6 times.

Under the action of damaging doses of radiation, various morphological anomalies occur in plants. So, in the leaves there is an increase or decrease in the number and size, a change in shape, twisting, asymmetry, thickening of the leaf blade, tumors, and the appearance of necrotic spots. When the stems are affected, their growth is inhibited or accelerated, the order of the leaves is disturbed, the color changes, tumors and aerial roots appear. There is also inhibition or acceleration of root growth, splitting of the main root, absence of lateral roots, the appearance of a secondary main root, and tumors. There is also a change in flowers, fruits, seeds - an acceleration or delay in flowering, an increase or decrease in the number of flowers, a change in color, size and shape of flowers; an increase or decrease in the number of fruits and seeds, a change in their color and shape, etc.

In some cases, the effect of high doses of radiation on plants increases the rate of development due to the activation of aging processes - the plant blooms and matures faster. Diverse and. As a result of mutations, for example, in wheat there are tall, short, dwarf forms, plants with branching or creeping stems. At high doses, plant death is possible.

Under the action of radiation in low doses (5-10 Gy for seeds and 1-5 Gy for vegetative plants), the so-called radio stimulation is observed - an acceleration in the growth and development of plants. Stimulation is observed under the action of gamma, beta and X-ray radiation (no stimulation is observed under the action of alpha radiation). Under the action of large doses, not only the amount of grain in the crop decreases, but its quality also changes noticeably - usually the grain turns out to be frail.

Thus, the reaction of plants to the action of radiation is complex and varied. The processes occurring at the molecular and cellular level are generally similar in all living organisms. At higher levels of organization, only changes characteristic of plants appear, depending on the characteristics of the structure and functions of various tissues and organs of the plant organism.

Radioactive substances enter plants in two main ways: contamination of plants with radioactive substances that are deposited from the atmosphere directly on plants and absorption of radionuclides by plants from the soil. During the growing season, contamination of plants with radionuclides can occur simultaneously in two ways.

Contamination of agricultural plants by the foliar route is determined by the nature of the radioisotopes, environmental conditions, the physicochemical properties of radioactive substances, and the biological properties of the plant.

The levels of radioactive contamination of plants depend on the concentration of radionuclides in the atmosphere and the intensity of their deposition. A significant role is played by the dispersity of radioactive substances, the larger the particles, the less they are retained on plants. The degree of fixation of radionuclides by plants is affected by chemical properties. The most mobile radionuclides penetrate the plant, primarily iodine and cesium.

The degree of radioactive contamination of plants is influenced by morphological features. The retention of radioactive substances by plants increases with the growth and development of the vegetative mass, with horizontal placement of leaves and stems, the presence of folds, wrinkling, pubescence and resinous deposits.

The level of radioactive contamination is significantly affected by environmental conditions. Increased air humidity increases the degree of retention of radioactive substances on plants, and vice versa, heavy rain washes them off the roslin.

The decrease in plant contamination with radionuclides decreases over time due to the action of all environmental factors: washing away by rain, blowing away by the wind, shaking off by animals, falling off with dead old leaves.

Irradiation of plants occurs with radioactive substances located on plants and on the surface of the soil.

Radiation damage to plants is mainly due to beta radiation. Beta rays are more strongly absorbed by plant organs: leaves, stems, growth points, generative organs and seeds

In the total dose of radiation absorbed by plants, the share of beta radiation can be 10-15 times higher than the share of gamma radiation, depending on the type and height of plants, i.e. the radiation dose, as ku receives, the plant is 10-15 times higher than the exposure dose of gamma radiation with dosimetric instruments.

When plants are damaged by radioactive substances in spring and summer, at the time of their active growth, the content of radionuclides is highest in the vegetative organs - leaves and stems of plants. Grain harvest is less and unequal in different crops and varieties: more in grain crops due to direct contact with radioactive substances, less in legumes and corn.

Radiation damage in plants manifests itself in inhibition and growth retardation, reduced yields, and a decrease in the reproductive properties of seeds, tubers and root crops. The nutritional quality of the crop is reduced. Severe damage leads to a complete cessation of growth and death of plants a few days or weeks after irradiation.

Irradiation of plants can be external, internal and mixed. With external irradiation of plants, beta particles uniformly irradiate all organs. Internal irradiation of plants occurs when radioactive substances enter plants through the root system and letters.

The presence of sources of external and internal radiation gives mixed exposure

The degree of radiation damage (from barely noticeable growth suppression to complete loss of yield and even death of all plants) depends mainly on the following factors: the received dose of radiation and the radiosensitivity of plants during irradiation.

The radiosensitivity of plants is quantitatively characterized by the dose value that causes a certain effect - growth inhibition, yield reduction, partial or complete death. Different agricultural crops r have different radiosensitivity. Table 19 shows the lethal doses of irradiation of crops. The radiosensitivity of plants significantly depends on their developmental phase. Plants that form terrestrial fruits are most sensitive to radiation in the phase of laying and formation of reproductive organs.

Table 19 . Lethal doses of a single irradiation of plants in the vegetation phase


Radiation dose, tips


Radiation dose, tips


Sugar beet


weymouth pine

Gray spruce


Japanese larch

natural herbs

Thuja western


Oak red


maple red

Thus, wheat, rye, barley and other cereal crops are most sensitive in the booting phase (Table 20); seedling phase.

The quality of seeds decreases more when irradiated in the heading phase in cereals and flowering in legumes. In vegetable crops, the testicles are most radiosensitive in the phase of the beginning of budding.

Table 20. Possible losses of grain yield of winter wheat, rye and barley, depending on the total exposure dose of radiation and phases of plant development at the time of fallout of radioactive substances,%

Radioactive fallout, settling on plants, not only affects them, but also pollutes the crop. Contamination of the crop with radioactive substances depends on the following factors: the density of the sediment of radioactive substances; primary retention of radioactive fallout at the time of their deposition on the surface of plants, depends on the type of plants, size and solubility of particles of precipitation; losses of radioactive particles from plant debris, which are caused by the washing away of particles from plants by rain, shaking by the wind, and the fall of dead contaminated parts of roslins.

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