The doctor leading the program about the most important thing. Dr. Alexander Myasnikov: “An easy way to lose weight without drugs is to speed up your metabolism. Birth of a son and daughter

Alexander Myasnikov is a Russian doctor. He gained popularity in the non-professional environment after the release of television programs about health, which he became the host of. The doctor gave advice on a healthy lifestyle and the treatment of diagnosed diseases. The competence of the cardiologist was not in doubt, as he has vast experience working abroad and extensive medical practice.

Alexander Myasnikov continued the medical dynasty, which consisted of great-grandfather, grandfather and father. The boy was born on September 15, 1953 in Leningrad. From childhood he knew what profession should be chosen in the future. In the Tver region, in a town called Red Hill, there is still a museum of a family of doctors. In this region, Alexander's great-grandfather, a zemstvo doctor, famous for saving human lives, began to help people.

Alexander's father, Leonid Myasnikov, was an academician and member of the Academy of Medical Sciences. Working as a cardiologist, he specialized in finding methods for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, among which hypertension is also listed. Today, students of medical universities study based on the materials of Myasnikov Sr.

He is also known for being a member of the medical board, which maintained health and well-being in the last years of the leader's life. Alexander's mother was also related to medicine. Olga Myasnikova studied the relationship of longevity with maintaining a healthy lifestyle. She transmitted her own beliefs to her son.

Realizing how significant the work of his ancestors was, Alexander followed in their footsteps and in 1976 received his education at the Moscow Medical Institute. . The young man graduated from residency and postgraduate studies at the Institute of Clinical Cardiology.

The medicine

In 1981 Alexander defended his PhD thesis. Myasnikov was sent to Mozambique as a full-time doctor accompanying a team of geologists who were looking for useful deposits in the unexplored lands of South Africa. The doctor worked in a state where martial law was declared and hostilities were going on. The man saw hardships and hardships, death and injury, helped people survive.

Young Alexander Myasnikov in Africa

In 1983, he became a practicing physician in the Zambezi Province. A year later, a specialist was sent to Angola. Myasnikov was the head of the group assembled by the Prenda government hospital, and served until 1989. The doctor spent 8 years in Africa, after which he returned to his homeland and continued his work at the All-Union Cardiology Center. At the same time, Alexander Myasnikov worked in the migration department of an international organization, where he dealt with issues related to medicine and health.

In 1993, the doctor was invited to France to work at the Russian embassy. The cardiologist managed to cooperate with Parisian clinics and medical institutions. In 1996, Myasnikov left for the USA to confirm his diploma at the New York profile institute. Alexander completed his residency, received the specialization of a general practitioner and in 2000 became the owner of the title of "Physician of the highest category" awarded by the American Committee on Medicine. So Alexander Myasnikov became a member of the American Medical Association and the College of Physicians.

Over time, the cardiologist began to think about returning to his native country. His biography and roots are connected with Russia, which means that it was worth working here. In 2000, Myasnikov became a doctor at the American Medical Center, and then opened a private clinic, where he applied the accumulated experience and skills gained abroad. The level of service and maintenance here corresponded to the highest international standards.

From 2009 to 2010, Alexander was the chief physician of the Kremlin hospital. In the same period, the doctor decided to try to share knowledge from TV screens.

Television and books

The main principle in the television activities of Alexander Myasnikov was not participation in entertainment shows, but in useful programs where he could share his experience. The doctor had enough oratory skills, and the camera constantly caught good shots, so the very first broadcasts of the program “Did you call the doctor?” were popular with the public. The main theme of the program was health, description of diseases and ways of their treatment. Myasnikov's authoritative opinion attracted a large audience to the show.

The specialist also hosted a radio broadcast on the Vesti FM channel and a TV show “About the most important thing with Dr. Myasnikov”, broadcast by the Russia 1 channel. In the latter, advice and stories were replaced by visual media material, so the audience did not have to be bored, and the program was in demand.

Alexander Myasnikov gives advice to patients through the media, and is also the author of books on medicine. Some of them the doctor wrote in collaboration with his grandfather. You can now buy collections and individual works in literature stores.

Personal life

Being a media personality, Alexander Myasnikov tries not to put his personal life on public display. The doctor proudly talks about relatives who have made a significant contribution to domestic medicine, but tries to leave family everyday life behind the scenes.

The doctor combines medical activities with caring for the family. He has a beloved wife and children. In his youth, Myasnikov's first marriage took place, but the union of young people did not work out, as the man fell in love with another and decided on cardinal changes in his life. Today, the doctor's wife Natalia accompanies him on business trips and on vacation.

The woman has a diploma from the Institute of History and Archives and in the past was an employee of TASS. The common son of Alexander and Natalia is named Leonid in honor of his grandfather. The young man is studying in France and, like his father, plans to develop in the medical field. Myasnikov periodically publishes photos with relatives in his personal account in "Instagram".

Among the hobbies of Alexander Myasnikov are hunting, sports and a bath. Following the recommendations that he gives to his wards, the doctor himself leads a healthy lifestyle.

Alexander Myasnikov now

Alexander Leonidovich Myasnikov - Chief Physician of the Moscow Clinical Hospital No. M.E. Zhadkevich. He is a member of the Public Council under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the Public Chamber of Moscow. In 2017, Alexander Myasnikov was solemnly awarded the title of Honored Doctor of Moscow.

Alexander Myasnikov in the program "The Fate of a Man"

Fans of the doctor's oratorical talent watch him on a regular TV show. In October 2018, the program “The Fate of a Man” was aired, dedicated to the biography and activities of a cardiologist.

Now the official website of Alexander Myasnikov operates on the Internet, where you can find his books, read a brief biography, watch TV recordings and make an appointment.


  • Vector of fear. How to stop being afraid of cancer and protect yourself from it
  • Is there life after 50?
  • “Infections. How to protect yourself and your child
  • "How to live beyond 50 years: an honest conversation with a doctor about drugs and medicine"
  • "How to be treated correctly: a book-reboot"
  • “About the most important thing with Dr. Myasnikov”
  • "Esophagus"
  • "It's time to heal properly"
  • "Ghosts. When there is no health, and doctors find nothing"
  • "Rust. What to do so that the heart does not hurt
  • "Guide to the use of medicine"
  • "Russian roulette. How to survive in the struggle for your own health
  • “Own - someone else's. How to stay alive in the new infectious war"
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Biography, life story of Myasnikov Alexander Leonidovich

Myasnikov Alexander Leonidovich - Soviet and Russian doctor, scientist, host of medical programs on television and radio.

life path

Alexander Leonidovich Myasnikov was born on September 15, 1953 in the city of Leningrad into a family of doctors. The medical dynasty of the Myasnikovs dates back to the 19th century (in the city of Krasny Kholm, Tver Region, there is even a museum of the dynasty).

In 1976, Alexander Leonidovich graduated from the 2nd Moscow Medical Institute. N.I. Pirogov. In 1976–1981, he completed residency and postgraduate studies at the Institute of Clinical Cardiology named after A.I. A.L. Myasnikov, in 1981 he defended his Ph.D. thesis ahead of schedule. Soon he was sent to the People's Republic of Mozambique as a doctor for a group of geologists exploring deposits in remote areas of South Africa.

In connection with the termination of the work of the group as a result of hostilities, since 1983 he continued to work as a general practitioner in the province of Zambezi. A year after returning to his homeland, Alexander Leonidovich was sent to Angola as a senior group of Soviet consultant doctors at the Prenda government hospital. He served there until 1989.

Upon his return, Myasnikov combined the work of a cardiologist at the All-Union Cardiology Research Center and an employee of the medical department of the International Organization for Migration. In 1993–1996, he worked as a doctor at the Russian Embassy in France and collaborated with leading medical centers in Paris.

Since 1996, he worked in the United States, where he confirmed his medical degree. He completed his residency at the New York State University Medical Center with a degree in General Practitioner. In 2000, the American Committee on Medicine awarded Alexander Leonidovich the title of doctor of the highest category. Member of the American Medical Association and the American College of Physicians.


Since 2000, Myasnikov began working in Moscow, first as the chief physician of the American Medical Center, then as the chief physician of the American Clinic organized by him. From 2009 to 2010, he was the chief physician of the Kremlin Hospital of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

From 2007 to 2012, Alexander Leonidovich hosted the program “Did you call the doctor?”, And since 2010, he has been a medical column on the radio in the Vesti FM program. From 2010 to the present, Myasnikov is the chief physician of the Moscow City Clinical Hospital No. 71. Member of the Public Chamber of Moscow. Since 2013, he has been the host of the program “About the most important thing with Dr. Myasnikov” on the Russia 1 TV channel.

The book is a doctor's revelation

Alexander Myasnikov was able to publish more than one popular science book, including the book-revelation "How to live longer than 50 years: a truthful conversation with a doctor about medicine and drugs." In his “revelation”, the doctor tells his readers how to live longer than 50 years in the conditions of modern medicine. After all, he managed to calculate the formula for how to survive in our country.

Personal life

Despite the fame of the doctor himself, little can be said about his personal life. It is known that the doctor has more than one marriage behind him, but he has been together with his last wife for more than three decades. He met with her at one of the secular receptions. Alexander Leonidovich Myasnikov came there with his wife, and she with her fiancé. Their acquaintance grew into a stormy romance. The doctor decided to leave his wife for his new chosen one.

The wife supports her husband in everything, helps him in his work, accompanies him on trips, even in hot spots. Together they raise their son Leonid. The boy now lives and goes to school in France. Lenya also dreams of becoming an outstanding doctor, just like his father.

Hello, dear doctor Alexander Leonidovich! I am watching the program “Talk about the most important thing” with your participation, where you all speak beautifully, smoothly, sensibly, in accordance with the standards developed on the basis of your vaunted evidence-based medicine. And it seems to be convincing for the majority of those who watch and listen. For me, a person dealing with the topic of health - the body of youth of life, prevention, diagnosis, treatment of a person - this is not at all the case. The fact is that evidence-based medicine is artificially invented, and therefore false, and, given that chemistry is used from outside, it is also black, that is, from a demon. You can say a lot about it, but I will just give you data collected bit by bit from the time of Alexei Mikhailovich to the present day, which show the failure of your vaunted evidence-based medicine. And this can be seen from the age bar table.
From the beginning of the 19th century to 1917 90-105 years and more
Since 1917 until 1943 70-85 years old and over
Since 1943 before 1969 50-65 years or more
From 1969 to 1995 30-45 years and more
From 1995 to 2021 10-25 years or more
From 2021 to 2047 -10+5 years and more
From 2047 -30-15 years

And, as we see, from 2047 there will be a complete degeneration of the people, the population of Russia. And medicine itself contributes to this - by its intervention in increasing the birth rate, poisoning by its invasion of the human body. In each of your programs, this is clearly shown. You often, and your colleagues, and others who knows who, due to the stupidity of our public, repeat that the movement is life. In fact, movements have never been, are not, and never will be life. There are always movements and there will be limitations of life. And even according to the program of the Lord God, where are we going through the movements? To no movement. It's only a matter of time how we reduce it - by condition, by age and distance. Movement is just movement and nothing more. Therefore, you at least squat, push up, stretch out, go in, barbell. Temporarily, you will feel kind of on the upswing. But in fact, you will have a recession, as it went on and it will go on, increase. The fact is that you are trying to do this through feedback, not including the primary connection. And you will know that movement is a burden. And if there is a load, then there is tension, fatigue, exhaustion, wear and tear. And you yourself confirm this in your broadcasts, thereby contradicting everything that was said earlier. Because evidence-based medicine has no idea how to treat fatigue, exhaustion, wear and tear. And if the body itself cannot cope with this, not because it is bad, but due to circumstances - it lacks that margin of safety, strength; then you are doomed to compression of the musculoskeletal system and later of the whole organism. Therefore, what official medicine offers, recommends, imposes, is all that is a “dead poultice”. And this is clearly seen from the schedule of the age bar, which is given earlier in the text. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Everything negative is underwater. And this was facilitated by evidence-based medicine for the 20th century - pharmacologization, vaccination, transplantation and something else. So, with all the praise of evidence-based medicine, against the background of visible, apparent successes in the course of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of a person, most of all evil, harm and misfortune. After all, this medicine has no idea at all what a painful process is. The pre-morbid process not only captures this process, but the disease itself. Thus, treatment time is missed. And that's not all. When a person turns to medicine for help, this medicine itself immediately turns him off from the natural process by imposing its standard treatment. And that's the worst thing you can't do. But the whole world evidence-based medicine, like ours, does not know how to do it, because it does, reacts to the most unique organ - the brain. And how, without knowing this, to carry out prevention, diagnosis and treatment. In one of the broadcasts you said that Hippocrates, the “father” of medicine, believed that the first place in treatment is diet, the second is physical activity, and only the third is the word. He was clearly wrong about this. Because the word was, is and will be in the first place. Both from the standpoint of prevention, diagnosis and, even more so, treatment. And since evidence-based medicine works according to the statement of the "father" of medicine, there can be no question of any cure for a person. After all, the fact is that in a person at the moment of his birth everything is given automatically, but this is again subject to 100% or more of the safety margin, the power of strength. And if this is no longer consistent and even reduced by 1% from 100%, then there can be no talk of any full-fledged health, youth, life. And this is in the event that you do not go against natural selection, provided by nature itself. Official medicine completely violated this from the moment it considered that it was smarter than the Lord God. But it actually turned out to be many times worse and thereby doomed the people to self-degeneration and self-death. After all, it is not clear - what is artificial, what is unnatural? What destroys and destroys? After all, how can one talk about the most important thing without knowing the human nervous system. And the whole world medicine suffers from this. But if they knew, then this is the most important thing, then the treatment process would be completely different. And she would have missed the very beginning of any harm in the body, and so you drive a gag. And this did not pass with nature, does not pass and will not pass. Also, dear doctor, I look, I listen to your program "Medical Council". I will cite only three cases from your program. In the first case, two female patients were considered. One is 52 years old, the other is 40 years old. In the second, two men (one aged 26, the other 62). In the third case, a 24-year-old male patient was considered, who did not really have a diagnosis, because he has been suffering since the age of 9, and for 15 years they have not been able to identify anything as a result of which this all happens. Because they are looking in the wrong place or they start with all the examinations in the wrong place. And take away from official medicine the entire technical and diagnostic base, clinical diagnostic laboratory base, pharmacochemical and medical base and all official medicine will look like sitting in one place in a puddle, with wide eyes, and with diplomas in their teeth, it doesn’t matter what type they are - Soviet, Russian, European, Asian, American, or both. And all your medical significance, which of you is just rushing, where does it go? After all, without all this handy-auxiliary official medicine is not in the tooth with a foot.

Alexander Myasnikov is not only a doctor and scientist, but also a popular showman. He has appeared in several television projects and has written over 10 medical books. At the same time, Alexander is practicing in the capital's clinic.

Dynasty of Doctors

Myasnikov Alexander Leonidovich was born in 1953 in a family of doctors. Before him, 3 generations of men gave their lives to this profession. The boy did not even imagine himself as an engineer or a banker. He was always sure that he would continue the family tradition and save human lives.

The boy's great-grandfather was a famous zemstvo doctor. People from all over the Tver province came to him for help. The doctor stood at the origins of the opening of the first hospital in the city. Grandfather Alexander was not only a professional doctor, but also conducted scientific activities. Alexander Leonidovich Sr. was a famous academician and member of the Academy of Medical Sciences. In Soviet times, he actively worked on the development of tactics for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, including hypertension.

His scientific data are still used in the medical literature, on which students of medical schools acquire knowledge. Myasnikov Sr. was in a group of doctors who assisted him in the last days of Stalin's life.

The boy's father was also a good doctor. He became a professor in medicine, but unfortunately died at the age of 45. Mom studied the relationship between a healthy lifestyle and longevity. On this topic, Olga wrote several books and instilled in her son the rules of a healthy lifestyle.


The doctor's family had strict rules and regulations. In their dynasty, even the names of men alternate with stubborn constancy. If the father's name is Leonid, then the eldest son will definitely receive the name Alexander. This tradition has been observed for several generations of men.

The doctor has two medical degrees. First, he graduated from the Institute. Pirogov. Then there was study at the University. L. Myasnikova. In it, he completed his postgraduate studies. This educational institution was named after his famous grandfather.

Despite his young age, already in 1981 Alexander successfully defended his dissertation ahead of schedule. Then a talented doctor is sent to Africa to accompany a geological expedition. In Mozambique, the young man worked for several difficult years in various positions.

In Zambia, a doctor experienced wartime routine and saved many lives of wounded civilians and soldiers. Alexander Myasnikov was also the head of a group of doctors in Angola. In total, he spent 8 years in Africa.

Upon returning home, the doctor continued his practice at the All-Union Cardiology Center. Simultaneously with this position, he dealt with medical issues in the International Organization in the Migration Department.

Career abroad

For 2 years from 1993, Alexander worked in France at the Russian embassy. At this time, the doctor is actively collaborating with famous clinics in Paris. In 1996 Myasnikov left for the USA. Here, according to the law, he confirms the diploma of a doctor at the Institute of New York. His future career is actively developing.

Despite his career growth, Alexander madly yearned for his country. He gained sufficient experience and knowledge abroad and in 2000 returned to Moscow. Here he opens a private clinic, which meets world standards for the provision and level of patient care. In 2009, he became the head physician of a hospital in the Kremlin. Here he worked for only a year.

TV work

Alexander Myasnikov also decided to try his hand as a showman. The doctor did not take part in entertainment programs, but conducted programs exclusively related to his profession. As it turned out, he knows how to speak beautifully and correctly and feels free in front of the cameras.

In a short time, TV programs with the participation of a doctor become very popular. Hundreds of thousands of spectators attentively listen and watch the doctor's speeches. All topics of the programs were related to health and the description of diseases. Behind him, Alexander already has experience in filming and participating in several TV shows and radio broadcasts:

    "Did you call a doctor?" (2007-2012); "Vesti FM"; "About the most important thing with Dr. Myasnikov".

The last project continues on the TV channel "Russia 1" to this day. This show has won a lot of fans. It tells about the internal structure of the body and all kinds of diseases in an accessible language.

In the program, Myasnikov's oral story is replaced by a demonstration of cognitive facts through small videos and stories. All sorts of charts and diagrams are often used. To make the program not boring, it uses stories about experiments and practical advice from various medical specialists.

Alexander Myasnikov, through television, is trying to convey to people the need to visit hospitals in case of any symptom associated with poor health. He wants to raise the percentage of trust and respect for state medicine.

Writing activity

Dr. Myasnikov Alexander has written more than 10 books. Basically, they talk about the prevention of dangerous diseases:

    cancer; vascular-cardiac; infectious.

In his publications, the doctor tells how you can extend life and fight the most terrible diseases. They also clearly trace the connection between a healthy lifestyle and longevity.

In his books, Myasnikov expresses his thoughts in an accessible language, without a large number of literate terms and drug names. Therefore, the doctor won the hearts of millions of readers. The publications tell how to live a long and healthy life in the conditions of the modern world and our level of medicine.

One of the most popular books is How to Live Beyond 50: An Honest Talk with a Doctor About Drugs and Medicine. It easily expresses the idea that one physical exercise is better than any piece of sausage. The author ironically discusses the lifestyle of modern people and gives tips on how to remedy the situation.

Alexander Myasnikov: wife

The doctor is constant in personal relationships. He has been living with his wife for over 30 years. This is his second marriage. The current wife was the reason for Myasnikov's break with his first wife. It is known that the doctor met his second wife at the next social event. She was accompanied by the groom, and he came with his first wife.

After this meeting, Alexander realized that his marriage was crumbling and he was in love with the girl from the party. A few months later, the doctor divorced and proposed to his current life partner. Now they are practically inseparable. His wife accompanies him on all foreign trips. She started a business with him and supports him in everything.

The couple does not advertise their relationship and it is almost impossible to find a photo or detailed information about their personal life. The couple is raising their son Leonid.

Alexander Myasnikov: children

Alexander has a son. Leonid is currently studying in France and plans to connect his future with medicine. He will certainly continue the work of all the men in the dynasty.

From early childhood, the boy was interested in medical literature and enthusiastically read the publications of his great-grandfather and father. Leonid is a good student and spends a lot of time doing his homework.

Seeing your son as a successful doctor is a dream that Alexander Myasnikov believes in. The family often spends time together, they especially love outdoor gatherings at their dacha near Moscow.

The doctor claims that the main reason for the increase in the percentage of diseases of the cardiovascular system is tobacco. Yes, smoking in our time can drive young people into a hospital bed and even into the grave.

Alexander also claims that daily consumption of half a kilogram of vegetables and fruits per day will help the heart muscle to work many times better and more smoothly. And limiting salt in the diet will help get rid of hypertension or mitigate its course.

The doctor claims that a person who moves a lot lives 5-10 years longer than his antipode. You should also avoid stress and not fall into depression. Morning exercises for 5-10 minutes will help get rid of such unpleasant diagnoses.

Proper nutrition is the key to longevity

According to Myasnikov, the emphasis in the diet should be on vegetables and fruits. It should also contain natural meat and seafood. In the summer, the doctor advises to eat as much greens as possible.

Sausages can be consumed very rarely and only of good quality. It is much more useful to eat a piece of boiled or baked meat. Alexander is also an opponent of all kinds of modern inventions of food manufacturers. That is, artificial seasonings and snacking on harmful foods are strictly contraindicated for use by a person of any age.

Oddly enough, just one clove of garlic eaten a day will help you forget about hypertension for many years. Nuts and dark chocolate are also very useful. These foods contain flavonoids and help strengthen the heart muscle.

The doctor focuses on weight control. After all, obesity leads to hypertension, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. In his works, Myasnikov describes in detail the effect of each product on a particular organ, both positively and negatively.

If earlier Alexander Leonidovich was known only to his colleagues and numerous grateful patients, then after he became the host of the popular health program “About the Most Important” on the Russia-1 TV channel, the whole country learned about him. He is a doctor in the fourth generation, in whose family there were doctors of various specialties, the head physician of the Moscow City Clinical Hospital No. 71, and the wife of Alexander Myasnikov, Natalya, is a real keeper of the hearth, trying to do everything to make her husband feel comfortable and cozy in their house.

Personal life of Alexander Myasnikov

Like many public people, he tries not to touch on topics related to his relationship with loved ones, so the personal life of Dr. Alexander Myasnikov is shrouded in a veil of secrecy, although he willingly talks about his famous ancestors, in whose footsteps he decided to follow himself.

It is known that the doctor's family life did not work out the first time, but now he is happy and successfully combines professional activities and leisure with his family. Alexander Leonidovich is a passionate person. He is not averse to hunting with friends, despite the fact that he does not feel like a professional in this matter. Myasnikov tries to follow the advice that he gives to his patients and viewers of the program "On the most important thing" - he eats right, leads an active lifestyle. Including at least a kilogram of vegetables and half a kilogram of fruits in his daily diet, he tries to eat less red meat, but he drinks coffee without restrictions, because he learned that this drink protects against liver cancer and also reduces the risk of myocardial infarction. In addition, he goes in for sports and likes to take a steam bath, because a bath is an excellent physiotherapy procedure.

Doctor Myasnikov's wife

The doctor has been happily married for forty years, and he met his wife when he was married to another, but when he saw Natalya at one of the social events, who, by the way, came in the company of her fiancé, he experienced such a strong feeling that he decided completely change your personal life.

The girl, apparently, also really liked him, because for him she decided to part with her boyfriend, whom she was already going to marry. Throughout his family life, the wife of Alexander Myasnikov is always with her husband - she accompanies him not only when traveling, but also on business trips. The advice and support of his wife are important for Alexander Leonidovich, for whom the family is the most important thing in this life.

The doctor admits that Natalia completely changed his way of life and helped to determine the goal, so that later he could go towards its achievement. The wife of Alexander Leonidovich graduated from the Institute of History and Archives and worked at TASS. Natalia never, not even in the most prosperous times for their family, complained about the lack of money and was content with what they had, and has always been a reliable support and support for her husband.

Are there children?

The children of Alexander Myasnikov are the son of Leonid, named after his grandfather. Leonid goes to school in France and dreams of continuing the family tradition and also becoming a doctor. The son became their late child, during pregnancy, Alexander's wife experienced certain health problems, but she did not even allow the thought to get rid of the unborn baby, for which Myasnikov is now infinitely grateful to her.

Alexander Leonidovich tries to spend as much time as possible with Leonid, and especially for him he compiled an extensive genealogy, in which he spoke about numerous ancestors and relatives, among whom there were many wonderful people, including excellent doctors.

Brief biography of the doctor Alexander Myasnikov

The first representative of the Myasnikov dynasty of doctors was the great-great-grandfather of Alexander Leonidovich - Leonid Alexandrovich, who brilliantly graduated from the medical faculty of Moscow University and returned to his native town of Krasny Kholm, near Tver, to become a zemstvo doctor. Today in this city one of the streets bears his name. His wife was also a doctor. During the First World War, Alexander Myasnikov's great-grandfather organized infirmaries on the Caucasian front, and after the revolution of 1917 he organized the first eye surgery clinic in Russia.

Alexander Leonidovich Myasnikov himself also did a lot for domestic medicine. After graduating from the Second Medical Institute. Pirogov, he underwent residency and postgraduate studies at the Institute of Cardiology named after his grandfather, a famous Soviet scientist, chairman of the All-Russian Society of Therapists.

After defending his Ph.D. thesis, Alexander Myasnikov left for the People's Republic of Mozambique, where he was a doctor in one of the geological groups. Then he worked as a doctor in the province of Zambezi, and in 1989 became a consultant to specialists in a government hospital in Angola.

After returning to Moscow, Dr. Alexander Leonidovich Myasnikov worked as a cardiologist at the All-Union Cardiology Research Center and at the same time was an employee of the medical department of the International Organization for Migration.

In 1996, Alexander Leonidovich completed his residency at the New York State University Medical Center, and in 2000 he received the title of doctor of the highest category, awarded to him by the American Committee on Medicine and became a member of the American Medical Association and the College of Physicians. Then he returned to Russia, and in 2009-2010 he was the chief physician of the Kremlin Hospital of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. Around that time, he met his first wife and began to build his personal life.

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