Sea of ​​Japan geography presentation. Presentation for the geography lesson "Sea of ​​Japan" (8th grade). What reasons influence salinity?

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The Sea of ​​Japan is a sea composed of Pacific Ocean, separates from it Japanese islands and the island of Sakhalin. It washes the shores of Russia, Korea and Japan.

Northern part The sea freezes in winter.

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Area and depth of the Sea of ​​Japan

Area - 1.062 million sq. km. Greatest depth - 3742 m. The northern part of the sea freezes in winter.

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The question of naming the sea

IN South Korea The Sea of ​​Japan is called the "East Sea" (Korean: 동해), and in the North - the Korean East Sea (Korean: 조선동해). The Korean side claims that the name “Sea of ​​Japan” was imposed on the world community by the Empire of Japan. The Japanese side, in turn, shows that the name “Sea of ​​Japan” appears on most maps and is generally accepted.

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  • Slide 6

    Slide 7

    Flora and fauna

    Off the coast Far East There is a mixture of warm-water and temperate fauna. Here you can find octopuses and squids - typical representatives warm seas. At the same time, vertical walls overgrown with sea anemones, gardens of brown algae - kelp - all this is reminiscent of the landscapes of Bely and Barents Sea. There is great abundance in the Sea of ​​Japan starfish And sea ​​urchins, different colors And different sizes, there are brittle stars, shrimps, small crabs ( Kamchatka crabs They are found here only in May, and then they go further out to sea). Bright red ascidians live on rocks and stones. The most common shellfish is scallops. Of fish are often found blennies, sea ​​ruffes.

    Slide 8

    Flora and fauna

  • Slide 9

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    Main ports

    Vladivostok, Nakhodka, Vostochny, Sovetskaya Gavan, Vanino, Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalinsky, Kholmsk, Niigata, Tsuruga, Maizuru, Wonsan, Hungnam, Chongjin, Busan.

  • Slide 11

    Economic use

    • Fishing; production of crabs, sea cucumbers, algae.
    • Sea transport
    • Fisheries and mariculture
    • Recreation and tourism
  • , Extracurricular activities , Ecology, Competition "Presentation for the lesson"

    Class: 8

    Presentation for the lesson

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    Attention! Slide previews are for informational purposes only and may not represent all the features of the presentation. If you are interested this work, please download the full version.

    Target: to form in students knowledge about the size and geographical location of the Sea of ​​Japan, about hypotheses of origin Sea of ​​Japan, about the natural features of the Sea of ​​Japan

    Equipment: multimedia, computer presentation, atlas maps, textbook Geography of Primorsky Krai.

    During the classes

    1. Organizational moment

    2. Learning new material (see presentation)

    Slides 1-2

    (Teacher's opening speech)


    1. Dimensions and geographical position Sea of ​​Japan.

    2. Hypotheses about the origin of the Sea of ​​Japan.

    3. Character coastline Primorye.

    4. Properties of water masses.

    5. Inhabitants of the Sea of ​​Japan.

    Assignment: Analyze atlas maps and find out the size of the Sea of ​​Japan Slide 3.5

    Student report on hypotheses of the origin of the Sea of ​​Japan Slide 4.

    Slide 6. In the Sea of ​​Japan, there are surge movements of water that have an annual period of fluctuation. Severe storms at sea are associated with cyclones, which can be divided into two types:

    • tropical (oceanic origin) – typhoons;
    • continental (from the interior of Asia). Sea salinity is 34%.

    Assignment: Analyze the map on page 10 of the textbook.

    Slides 7-16 Student reports about the organic world of the Sea of ​​Japan.

    Question: Which economic importance for humans has the Sea of ​​Japan? For residents of Primorsky Krai?

    3. Reinforcement test slides 17-18.

    Continue the sentences:

    • I'm not a hall that...
    • I was surprised that...
    • I'm proud that...
    • I found out that...

    3. Homework: paragraph 2, work in k/k.


    1. Geography of Primorsky Krai. 8-9 grades: Textbook for educational institutions general secondary education. /Baklanov et al. Vladivostok 2000.

    2. V.V. Tomchenko. Tests, questions and assignments on the geography of Primorsky Krai. Toolkit. Vladivostok 1998.

    3. Kakorina G.A., Udalova I.K. Teaching the course “Geography of Primorsky Krai”. Methodological recommendations. - Vladivostok: Dalnauka. 1997.

    Sea of ​​Japan The Sea of ​​Japan is a sea part of the Pacific Ocean, separated from it by the Japanese islands and the island of Sakhalin. It washes the shores of Russia, Korea and Japan. The Sea of ​​Japan is a sea part of the Pacific Ocean, separated from it by the Japanese Islands and Sakhalin Island. It washes the shores of Russia, Korea and Japan. Sea of ​​the Pacific Ocean Japanese Islands Sakhalin Russia Korea Japan Sea Pacific Ocean Japanese Islands Sakhalin Russia Korea Japan Japan The northern part of the sea freezes in winter. The northern part of the sea freezes in winter.

    QUESTION ABOUT THE NAMING OF THE SEA In South Korea, the Sea of ​​Japan is called the “East Sea” (Korean), and in North Korea the East Sea (Korean). The Korean side claims that the name “Sea of ​​Japan” was imposed on the world community by the Empire of Japan. The Japanese side, in turn, shows that the name “Sea of ​​Japan” appears on most maps and is generally accepted.

    Flora and fauna Off the coast of the Far East there is a mixture of warm-water and temperate fauna. Here you can find octopuses and squids, typical representatives of warm seas. At the same time, vertical walls overgrown with sea anemones, gardens of brown algae and kelp, all of this is reminiscent of the landscapes of the White and Barents Seas. In the Sea of ​​Japan there is a huge abundance of starfish and sea urchins, of various colors and sizes, brittle stars, shrimps, and small crabs are found (Kamchatka crabs are found here only in May, and then they move further into the sea). Bright red ascidians live on rocks and stones. The most common shellfish is scallops. Among the fish, blennies and sea ruffes are often found. Off the coast of the Far East, a mixture of warm-water and temperate fauna occurs. Here you can find octopuses and squids, typical representatives of warm seas. At the same time, vertical walls overgrown with sea anemones, gardens of brown algae and kelp, all of this is reminiscent of the landscapes of the White and Barents Seas. In the Sea of ​​Japan there is a huge abundance of starfish and sea urchins, of various colors and sizes, brittle stars, shrimps, and small crabs are found (Kamchatka crabs are found here only in May, and then they move further into the sea). Bright red ascidians live on rocks and stones. The most common shellfish is scallops. Among the fish, blennies and sea ruffes are often found.

    ICE CONDITIONS In the Sea of ​​Japan, the ice cover reaches its maximum development in mid-February. On average, ice covers 52% of the area of ​​the Tatar Strait and 56% of the Peter the Great Bay. Ice melting begins in the first half of March. In mid-March, the open waters of Peter the Great Bay and the entire coastal coast up to Cape Zolotoy are cleared of ice. The ice boundary in the Tatar Strait retreats to the northwest, and in the eastern part of the strait, ice is being cleared at this time.

    Slide 1

    Japanese Sea

    Prepared by Kuskova Anastasia

    Slide 2

    The Sea of ​​Japan is a sea within the Pacific Ocean, separated from it by the Japanese Islands and Sakhalin Island. It washes the shores of Russia, Korea and Japan. The northern part of the sea freezes in winter.

    Slide 3

    Area - 1.062 million sq. km. Greatest depth - 3742 m. The northern part of the sea freezes in winter.

    Slide 4


    In South Korea, the Sea of ​​Japan is called the “East Sea” (Korean 동해), and in North Korea it is called the Korean East Sea (Korean 조선동해). The Korean side claims that the name “Sea of ​​Japan” was imposed on the world community by the Empire of Japan. The Japanese side, in turn, shows that the name “Sea of ​​Japan” appears on most maps and is generally accepted.

    Slide 7

    Flora and fauna

    Off the coast of the Far East, a mixture of warm-water and temperate fauna occurs. Here you can find octopuses and squids - typical representatives of warm seas. At the same time, vertical walls overgrown with sea anemones, gardens of brown algae - kelp - all this is reminiscent of the landscapes of the White and Barents Seas. In the Sea of ​​Japan there is a huge abundance of starfish and sea urchins, of various colors and sizes, brittle stars, shrimps, and small crabs are found (Kamchatka crabs are found here only in May, and then they move further into the sea). Bright red ascidians live on rocks and stones. The most common shellfish is scallops. Among the fish, blennies and sea ruffes are often found.

    Slide 10

    Main ports

    Vladivostok, Nakhodka, Vostochny, Sovetskaya Gavan, Vanino, Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalinsky, Kholmsk, Niigata, Tsuruga, Maizuru, Wonsan, Hungnam, Chongjin, Busan.

    Slide 11


    Fishing; production of crabs, sea cucumbers, algae. MARINE TRANSPORT FISHING AND MARICULTURE RECREATION AND TOURISM

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