Yuri Shcherbatykh psychology of success read online. The psychology of the success of the chipped. How do you know if NLP is right for you? See the list below and check if any of the problems listed apply to you.

To begin with, a letter sent to the editorial office of the Speed-Info newspaper from the Komi Republic: “Until the age of twenty-two, I did not know women. You understand? After the army, one still laid eyes on me. In short, I married her. And for the first time I got into a mess. As soon as I saw her naked, everything that had accumulated over 22 years worked out for me. I almost died from bliss, and from shame, and from fear. Is that all? But she turned out to be a smart woman, she reassured me, and I entered her. Everything came and went from me, I died and was born, lost consciousness and came to life again.

But it was a long time ago. Everything has become a habit. My beloved no longer begs to lie next to her, but silently withdraws her hand from her stomach. She does not recognize any side ways, except for the classics. But I want from all sides! And she tells me that I'm insatiable. And I was pulled to the side. But, living in the countryside, try to find supplements! As soon as it comes to sex, all you hear is - go to your wife. What do they feel sorry for once I surrender? I'm not a fanatic, not a monster, I'm a normal man, I'm only 38 years old. And everyone shied away from me. Life is leaving. And I so want to love a woman, from head to toe. And to be loved. For real, not out of obligation."

This letter, frank as the gaze of a starving soldier, and deep as Faulkner's novel, contains the whole life of a man whose need for love and sex turned out to be unclaimed. It would seem that he has everything to live a normal life: wife, shelter, work, and he goes crazy with insatiable desire. And there are millions of such people in our country alone!

Why do sex and love occupy such a prominent place in the life of mankind? Why do people take their own lives, write poems, build palaces and start wars because of love? Why do they go to prisons and break their own lives (rapes and murders committed because of jealousy occupy leading places in prison statistics in terms of terms)? Why does it happen that a respectable man in adulthood suddenly feels an irresistible desire to throw off his underpants and show his penis to a young schoolgirl? Why are some people unhappy with their gender? What to do if the husband walks "to the side", or the wife sleeps with her boss? Is onanism harmful and is masturbation useful? No matter how many sexologists, philosophers and poets answer them, they are still more than answers, and there are no answers that are equally well suited for everyone.

Scientists, meanwhile, have established that our life is governed by four basic natural needs: self-preservation, reproduction, communication and the need for information, which, in terms of their biological significance and strength, are located approximately in this sequence, but the sexual need is still called the "basic instinct" . Of course, the need for self-preservation is very important, and people must certainly eat, drink and breathe, but as soon as they drink, eat and rest, they soon remember about “it”.

Why don't they write poems and novels about food and drink, and there are not so many films about the instinct of self-preservation? But there are hundreds of thousands of paintings about love and sex, ranging from Chaplin's City Lights to Tinto Brass's Caligula or, even worse, underground Russian porn.

The difficulty of studying human love lies in the fact that the phenomenon is an inseparable fusion of biology, psychology and culture, and representatives of each of these sciences can thoroughly understand only one side of this phenomenon, and as a result, love remains as mysterious and unknown as before. . The book you are holding in your hands is yet another attempt to understand this miracle, this plague that God sent on people for their fall into sin, and perhaps as a reward for their striving for perfection.

The first feature of this study is that the author sought to consider love from different angles and at the intersection of different scientific areas - psychology, biology, medicine and physiology - tried to discover (as far as possible) the underlying mechanisms of human actions related to sexual life.

The second feature of the book is the desire to find a compromise between scientific content and accessibility. It is very difficult to walk along this very thin line separating vulgar simplification from grandiloquent philosophizing; at times, in order to dilute the overly dry text, the author had to introduce anecdotes and amusing incidents from life into the narrative.

And finally, the third


Here is an excerpt from the book.
Only part of the text is open for free reading (restriction of the copyright holder). If you liked the book, the full text can be obtained from our partner's website.

Most people want to live well, rightly, behave in such a way, so that later they do not experience a sense of shame and do not experience pangs of conscience. And this is impossible if a person feels that he is committing a sin. So what does this word mean. I propose to figure out together where this concept came from, what behavior is sinful and what is righteous, and whether a person can choose for himself what he can consider as a sin and what not.

Dostoevsky - excitement, sycophancy, jealousy, sexuality. Griboedov - hooliganism, Pushkin - irritability, Gogol - bragging. Tolstoy (who is Lev Nikolaevich) - disinterestedness, envy, deceit, coquetry, bias, voluptuousness. All this is not a random combination of heterogeneous qualities, but an authoritative diagnosis of a specialist.

It is felt that the author himself is passionate about his story, while his personal attitude to fear appears somehow frivolous. He seems to be gradually trying to convince the reader that there is nothing really terrible in fear, people from time immemorial have experienced it and always coped with it!

Review of the book "Psychology of Success"

The psychological aspects of experiencing fear are studied on clinical examples, as well as on fragments from fiction and mythology. Dumas Père and Dostoevsky, Zoshchenko and Seneca, Solomon and Buddha coexist here.

The text is emotional, saturated with beautiful turns of speech and quotations, the titles of the chapters pretend to be aphoristic. But, unfortunately, their content does not always correspond to the name. So, for example, the scientific part of the book does not differ in depth and seriousness, which is quite natural, given the declared genre of the publication. Moreover, data from various sciences and clinical experience are scattered rather randomly throughout the text. And although the general logic corresponds to the structure of the book, it still seems to me that the book could only benefit from the isolation of the results of scientific research.

Y. Shcherbatykh. Psychology of success. M.: EKSMO, 2005.

Shcherbatykh Yu

Build self-confidence;

Fulfill your desires

Achieve real business success

Enjoy life itself

Learn to influence people.

Instructions for use

What is not a success?

The dynamic nature of success

Dead ends and cliffs (which can rob you of success)

You deserve success! But how to achieve it?

Dumas - the path to glory

Correct goal setting

Springs pushing us forward

Definition of a long-term goal

Principles and Scenarios

Rules for the formation of life goals

Goal Achievement Strategies

Estée Lauder - climbing to the top

Resources and their use

Management of subjective resources

General principles of decision making

Methods for dealing with obstacles

Parent scripts and overcoming them

Where do obstacles come from?

Strategy for solving global problems in business (Lee Iacocca)

Expansion of internal reserves

Elimination of negative conditions

Fundamentals of Effective Leadership

Sale of goods and services

Aphorisms and expressions

Brief information about the people mentioned in this book

Shcherbatykh Yu

The book reveals the methodology for setting life goals correctly, achieving success in business, and finding personal happiness. after reading it you will be able to:

- develop self-confidence;

- fulfill your wishes

- achieve real success in business,

- enjoy life itself

- Learn how to influence people.

Factors that can help a person create positive programs in his life are analyzed. This gives the prerequisites for success in all matters, allows you to consider yourself a lucky person. First of all, you need to stop judging yourself as a failure or bad.

Shcherbatykh Yuri. The art of deception. Popular Encyclopedia

2005. -720 p. (Series "Psychology of communication").

Where is the line between truth and falsehood? Can a lie be good and the truth harmful? The entire history of civilization testifies that any extreme in the sphere of human relationships is unnatural and for.

Klyuchnikov Sergey. success factor. New psychology of self-development

Pages: 480 pages

Series or Issue: New psychology of self-development.

failures. The features of their influence on various aspects of mental functioning are shown. The individual features on which the manifestation of success and failure depend are considered. A set of approaches to the regulation and correction of the negative consequences of the success is described.

Book reviews by Y. Shcherbatykh
Shcherbatykh Yu
M.: Eksmo, 2004. 560 p. Psychology of communication. ISBN 5-699-05I47-X. The book reveals the methodology for setting life goals correctly, achieving success in business, and finding personal happiness. after reading it, you will be able to: Develop self-confidence Fulfill your desires, Achieve real success in ...
Shcherbatykh Yu
-M.: Eksmo Publishing House, 2004. -560 p. The book reveals the methodology for setting life goals correctly, achieving success in business, and finding personal happiness. after reading it you will be able to: - develop self-confidence; - fulfill your desires; - achieve realistically

(Visited 2 times, 1 visits today)

Previously, they thought that the human genetic set is unchanged, and that we received from our parents at birth, we will live forever with that. However, this is not entirely true, and the new, rapidly developing science of "epigenetics" tells a different story. It turns out that genes are not omnipotent, and a lot depends on the circumstances of our life: and serious negative experiences and distress can damage both the chromosomes themselves and telomeres, which affect the lifespan of a person.

Immediately after the birth of a child, a fine adjustment of the work of the genetic apparatus to environmental conditions occurs. Scientists have found that if stressful situations arise at an early age, then genes change the level of their activity. Moreover, this change can persist for life.

Twenty years ago, I investigated how strenuous medical school exams had a negative effect on the cardiovascular system, causing some students to develop hypertension. Studying the work of my foreign colleagues, I found an article by scientists from the Houston Medical School (USA), who found that during the examination session, students activate repair mechanisms that are responsible for restoring damaged sections of the DNA molecule (Cohen L., Marshall G.D., DNA repair capacity in medical students during exam stress // J. Behav. Med.). This means that prolonged and severe stress can increase the frequency of mutations in human DNA - certainly not enough to turn us into mutants, but significantly enough to increase the likelihood of cancer.

"Basic Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Techniques"and autogenic training (AT)" (1 step)

The 1st stage program includes the basic skills of a practicing psychologist: establishing quick contact with a client, identifying his problems and requests and calibrating his non-verbal reactions, as well as effective methods of self-regulation of both the psychologist and his client (the technique of anchoring resource states), and also work with negative states of the past.

Duration of training at the first stage of NLP + AT: three classroom sessions (12 academic hours) + 12 hours of independent work + 2 hours of remote consultations. The total duration is 26 hours.

Training program "Basic techniques of neuro-linguistic programming and autogenic training"

Topic 1 - Building a strategy for a successful life. Rules for setting life goals, with the help of which you can quickly achieve what you want. Determining the life goals and resources needed to achieve success. Identification of subconscious programs and internal principles. Basic principles of psychotherapy. New behavior generator. Basic postulates of NLP. Fundamentals of autogenic training.

Topic 2 - Ability to manage your emotional state- to become confident when talking with an important person, calm in an exam, etc. Resources of the subconscious. Gaining access to internal resources. Method of "anchoring" to change the functional state. "Calibration" - as a way to recognize the emotions of other people. Technique for pumping vital energy. "Autogenic state". Working with breathing techniques as part of auto-training.

Topic 3 - The ability to establish psychological contact with people and understand the mechanisms of their thinking(including what people tend to hide). Perceptual systems: visual, auditory and kinesthetic. Improved calibration. Fundamentals of "tuning" to the interlocutor. Breathing adjustment. The transition from "tuning" to "leading". Methods of verbal and non-verbal adjustment. Rapport. Working with unpleasant memories - how to change the attitude towards negative events of the past. Autogenic training - muscle relaxation techniques.

Additionally: Handout (description of techniques) and coffee break are included in the basic version. After completing the training, participants receive a free consultation by e-mail on the application of the methods within 2 weeks.

Leading: Yuri Shcherbatykh, Professor of Psychology at the Moscow State Economic University, author of the books “Psychology of Fear”, “Psychology of Success”, “Stress and Happiness in One Letter”, “Psychology of Love and Sex”, etc.

Application for participation in the training(reservation of a place in a group) send by mail [email protected]. For details, call tel. 8-920-214-1096

Few people think that they have a real “Time Machine” in their head, on which you can travel both to the past and the future. This device is located in our brain and works with the help of such processes as Memory, Representation, Imagination and Thinking. Let's take a look at the risks and opportunities of such time travel:


Thanks to the special structure of our psyche, we can mentally go into our past and re-experience and relive some events of our lives - and sometimes so vividly that we are able not only to see all the details with our mind's eye, but also to experience the same emotions that we experienced when -then. It may be objected to me that the past has already been completed, and therefore there is no access there. Physically so, but mentally, in our memory, we can experience some event again and again, especially if it was filled with strong emotions. After all, we have a record of these events in our brain, which we, like a video film on a disk, we can watch repeatedly. This property of the brain can be both a boon and a disaster. If we recall pleasant and exciting events in our past life, this gives us pleasure, but if in memory with a frightening obsession, some terrible or tragic episode pops up over and over again, from which we cannot get rid of, then this can seriously poison life. .

An excerpt from Yuri Shcherbatykh's book How Our Brain Works. (Popular psychology). — Voronezh. 2018.

Self-confidence is an important part of a successful and happy life. Lack of confidence leads to anxieties, fears, dependence on the opinions of others, problems in personal life, career slowdowns and financial problems.

Confidence is especially needed when we do not have enough information about the outcome of a future case, and this lack of information must be filled with the belief that you will succeed.

In total, there are seven basic prerequisites for confidence that you can develop in yourself:

1. Availability of skills to perform certain actions. The more often we do something, the more confidence we have that we will do it well next time. Therefore, in some cases, you just need to train more and confidence will appear and strengthen on its own. For example, my first public performances were sheer torture, but now that I have accumulated a huge amount of experience in communicating with people, I am completely confident that I can handle a large audience.

3. Analysis of the situation and search for factors that increase the likelihood of success. – In case of anxiety and uncertainty, think about what information and what resources you lack, and take care to fill in the missing. Calculate possible adverse options and take preventive measures that will allow you to play it safe if the situation goes wrong .;

4. Tendency to be optimistic. - Repeat to yourself 50 times the mantra "Everything will be fine!" with the appropriate intonation - and you will convince the world and yourself that everything will be so.

5. High self-esteem- pump your self-esteem with the help of the exercise "the sun of my confidence" (Exercise No. 1);

Annotation to the book by Yuri Shcherbatykh“How does our brain work? Popular Psychology»

Are you interested in psychology and want to better understand yourself and other people? Do you want to know how your brain works and how it works so you can use it more effectively? The new book by professor of psychology Yuri Shcherbatykh provides answers to dozens of questions about the role of the brain in a person's mental life. You will learn how the brain and the computer are similar, what is the "sixth sense", whether telepathy exists, what dreams mean, where phobias come from, why people need emotions and much more. In this book, you will find helpful tips on how to become a more confident person, how to overcome laziness, and how to deal with stress. Reading this book will expand your knowledge of yourself and your brain, and help you live a more successful and happy life. The book consists of 60 intriguing questions on psychology and neurophysiology, and answers to them, and also contains a large number of illustrations (more than a hundred). Here are some examples of questions the book answers:

Bad memories are an unpleasant phenomenon that, probably, every person has encountered. At the same time, sometimes people say: “I want to forget the past!”, And ask the question: “How to get rid of memories?”. It is possible, in principle, to erase unwanted memories or block them with the help of hypnosis - but this is not the best option. In this case, we will be doomed to repeat past mistakes and step on the same rake. It is much more effective to weaken the power of unpleasant, painful, annoying memories, so as not to repeat the mistakes of the past, but to learn from them.

This can be done using NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) techniques. One of the simplest techniques to do this is the “dissociation” technique, combined with the use of the “submodalities” alteration technique, which allows you to change bad memories so that they become weak and cannot torment a person with pictures of the past. Unlike many NLP techniques, where a specialist psychologist who knows NLP methods is required, this technique (which is given in the video at the end of the article) can be done by the person himself.

Therefore, if you have something in the past that you want to forget, but you cannot or do not want to repeat the same mistakes, just watch this video and do this exercise exactly according to the algorithm given at the end of the video. Three positions of perception will help you get rid of bad memories. The video was recorded by professor of psychology Yuri Shcherbatykh. You can write all the questions in YouTube under the video - and I will definitely answer them.

If someone has problems before responsible events, self-doubt and you draw gloomy pictures of failure in your head, then this technique is for you.

The New Behavior Generator is a simple and effective NLP technology that looks to the future and was created by R. Bandler as part of neurolinguistic programming. "Generator" is a way to program ourselves for success, a way to create a program of successful actions in the brain, which we build as directors of our own lives. I am convinced that you can and should program yourself for success, and this technique is a great way to learn how to do it.

Watch a short video with the algorithm of the technique and be sure to do it before the important event. You will be surprised how much more successful your actions will be!

This video provides an illustrated description of the NLP technique "Changing Personal History", which allows you to change a person's memories if these memories prevent a person from being happy and provoke him to repeat past mistakes. This technique works very well for mild to moderate phobias, recurring negative emotions, etc.

Important points for using the anchoring technique in NLP:

When performing the anchoring technique (resource anchoring techniques, anchor integration techniques, personal history changes, etc.), the following rules must be followed:

Starting position:

  • The therapist sits to the side of the client.
  • Adjustment for posture, breathing, tempo and timbre of speech.
  • Understand the client's map, enter it, and work based on his model of the world.
  • Use the client's words and expressions.

Anchoring features:

1. Before starting technique be sure to warn the client that we will touch him and get the appropriate permission.

2. We pre-check the place of future touches- make sure that there are no longer "anchors" from the previous life of the client.

3. Anchor is placed so so that we can repeat it clearly(we use markers on clothes) - in the same place and with the same touch force.

4. To enter the desired mental state, use the phrase: “ Imagine this situation in as much detail as possible: SEE, HEAR, FEEL"what happened to you then" + Make sure the person associated and not looking from the side!

5.When the client enters the desired state, we will definitely calibrate it by non-verbal cues.

6. The duration of touching the positive anchor is 10-15 seconds, negative - 5-7 seconds.

7. Between separate entrances to different mental states bring the client back to the current reality. We invite the client to stand up and move around.

  1. Anchor check: "Now close your eyes and listen to your feelings (therapist touches the anchor). Is that the same feeling?

    How do you know if NLP is right for you? Bysee the list below, and check for yourself if any of the listed problems apply to you:

    1. Have you set yourself many goals in life, but for some reason have not been able to achieve most of them?
    2. Do you not always understand other people, although you really want to learn this? Sometimes people hide their intentions from you, and would you like to have the tools to recognize the hidden thoughts of the interlocutor?
    3. Sometimes you really need to establish psychological contact with certain people., but for some reason it does not work - although you try very hard?
    4. Are there times when someone pisses you off and you feel fear, annoyance, anger or helplessness, and you would like to be calm and confident? Do you want to learn how to change fear and irritation into calm confidence and courage?
    5. There are some bad moments in your past that you would like to forget about.. But the past does not let go of itself and from time to time reminds of itself with unpleasant memories or bad dreams. Do you want to learn how to rewrite your past from bad to good?
    6. Do you feel like you are capable of more than you currently have? Don't you think that your perception of the world is not quite adequate, and you want to finally change your life for the better, getting rid of harmful mental viruses introduced into your brain by other people?
    7. Have you had moments in your life when you wanted two things at the same time, when you could not make an important decision, and you were torn into two parts by an internal conflict? Do you want to find inner harmony and learn how to resolve internal contradictions?

    If you answered yes to at least three of these seven questions, then you need this Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) training.

Shcherbatykh Yury Viktorovich - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of Psychology at Moscow State Institute of Power Engineering.

In 1985 at the Institute of Oncology Problems. R. E. Kavetsky (Kyiv) defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic “Structural and functional changes in spinal cord neurons after local and general X-ray irradiation”.

In 2001, he defended his doctoral dissertation at St. Petersburg University "Vegetative manifestations of examination stress and ways to correct it." In this work, the possibility of early prediction of psychological stress was proved and optimal methods for correcting the psychophysiological state of a person experiencing neuropsychic overload were proposed.

Yu. V. Shcherbatykh has more than one hundred and thirty published works, including ten books on applied psychology (including such widely known in Russia as "Psychology of Success", "Psychology of Elections", "The Art of Deception", "Psychology of Fear", "Psychology of stress", "Psychology of personal qualities", etc.). Three of his books were published in China, two in Bulgaria.

Scientific articles by Yu.V. IP Pavlova”, “Human Physiology”, “Higher Education in Russia”, “Radiation Biology. Radioecology”, “Social and Clinical Psychiatry”, “Hygiene and Sanitation” and other academic publications.

Currently, Yu. V. Shcherbatykh is actively developing applied aspects of psychology - stress management and a systematic approach to the psychology of sales.

Books (9)

General psychology

The textbook is a short version of the course "General Psychology" in the form of visual didactic material - drawings, diagrams, tables and brief explanations for them. Since the textbooks for the course "General Psychology" are characterized by a large volume and a low degree of illustration, many students have difficulties in preparing for seminars and, especially, for tests and exams.

The purpose of this manual is to give a descriptive, conceptual apparatus of the science of psychology in the most visual and systematized form. The book has a set of tests to test students' knowledge. It allows for a short period of time to understand and remember the basic psychological concepts and create a coherent system of knowledge in general psychology.

Psychology of love and sex. Popular Encyclopedia

Who are we? Gene reproducing machines, evolving sentient beings or spiritual beings? The truth lies somewhere in the middle. We are both, and the other, and the third. If you want to get to know and understand yourself better, to comprehend the underlying mechanisms of human actions related to sexual life, to get acquainted with the experience of previous generations in the field of love and sex, then this book will open up a lot of interesting things for you.

In the appendix you will find psychological tests by which you can determine the individual traits of your personality related to the topics of this book.

Psychology of Entrepreneurship and Business

The book is intended primarily for students of an economic profile who study the basics of psychology within the framework of the courses "Psychology of Entrepreneurship", "Psychology of Business" and "Pedagogy and Psychology". The widest possible coverage of topics in business psychology, the availability of presentation, a high degree of clarity and a small amount of manuals will allow students to quickly master this course.

The publication contains a set of tests to test students' knowledge, a course program, thematic plans, seminar plans and psychological tests, which makes it convenient for teachers.

Psychology of fear

A person has a finely developed psyche - this quality is inherent in us by nature itself and is necessary in order not to be in constant conflict with the outside world, but to easily adapt to it. But a subtle, highly excitable psyche is often the cause of not only natural fears, but also a large number of imaginary fears created by one's own imagination.

To understand this phenomenon, to understand the causes of the appearance of fear, the mechanisms of its action, the book of the psychophysiologist Yuri Shcherbatykh will help, written in a fascinating, accessible form and containing many examples from real life.

The author's recommendations will allow you to successfully deal with your own anxieties and fears, maintain self-confidence and presence of mind in any situation, and also help you find the right approach to help loved ones.

Psychology of stress and methods of correction

The book "The Psychology of Stress and Methods of Correction" presents a systematic approach to the concept of stress, integrating modern knowledge about the nature of stress obtained by psychology, physiology and medicine.

The structure of the textbook includes theoretical sections, questions for self-examination and test tasks, approximate topics for seminars and essays, exercises and practical tasks, psychological tests, a list of recommended literature and an approximate course program.

Psychology of success

The book reveals the methodology for the correct setting of life goals for achieving success in business, gaining personal happiness. After reading it, you will be able to:

Build self-confidence
- fulfill your desires,
- achieve real success in business,
- to keep healthy,
- enjoy life itself
- learn how to influence people.

Life will now be filled with meaning and joy.

This book contains almost all the main methods and techniques for achieving life goals, currently known to practical psychology.

The art of deception. Popular Encyclopedia

Where is the line between truth and falsehood?

Can a lie be good and the truth harmful? The entire history of civilization testifies that any extreme in the sphere of human relationships is unnatural, and often the bearers of "absolute truth" turn out to be vile deceivers. Yes, and deception as such has thousands of different shades - from virtuous to malicious.

Psychophysiologist Yuri Shcherbatykh comprehensively analyzes the nature of deception, its history, classification and technology in a popular science form. The abundance of examples and interesting facts from real life turns the book from an exciting read into a practical guide to everyday psychological protection.

How to stay young and live long

The life of a mature person, filled with energy and joyful impressions, is not a dream today, but an achievable reality.

The author of this book has already published more than 20 books with a total circulation of half a million copies and has earned international recognition. It is read not only in Russian, but also in Chinese and Bulgarian. Anyone who has read the books of Yuri Shcherbatykh understands how to maintain health until very old age, and happily follows simple recipes.

Seven deadly sins, or the psychology of vice for believers and non-believers

The word "sin" is known to every person. Everyone knows that this is something bad, unworthy, deserving of condemnation. However, if you ask people to give a precise definition of the concept of "sin", it turns out that few people can do it. Where did the concept of sin come from, what does it include, and what is true and what is false here?

The author invites us to understand where this concept came from, what behavior is sinful and what is righteous, and whether a person can choose for himself what he can consider a sin and what not. You will learn how sin is born and developed, which sins have biological roots, ways to get rid of sins, how other people can manipulate your sins, and also that some sins have positive aspects.

What else to read