The meaning of sleep feces. Why dream of feces: interpretations of famous dream books

Why dream of feces

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Feces - you will find yourself in an extremely ugly story that will change your fate for the worse.

Why dream of feces

Modern dream book

Dreams in which you see feces promise profit. If you dreamed of bowel movements, then such a dream promises large incomes that even knowingly losing operations will bring you. In addition, it is possible to receive a solid inheritance. If in a dream you see manure, then after such a dream, expect pleasant surprises. Such a dream is especially favorable for farmers, it predicts a bountiful harvest for them.

Why dream of feces

Italian dream book Meneghetti

Feces - A symbol of reductionism in relationships, that is, the depreciation of relationships that, on a conscious level, can still be considered as valuable. To eat or manipulate feces is to program or nurture the negativity or death of the instincts.

Why dream of feces

Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A. Roberti

Feces are a symbol of reductionism in relationships, that is, the depreciation of relationships that, on a conscious level, can still be considered as valuable.

To eat or manipulate feces is to program or nurture the negativity or death of the instincts.

Why dream of feces

Online dream book

Feces - symbolize that your current relationship has already completely outlived its usefulness. More interpretations If our dream book turned out to be useful to you, then add it to your browser so that it is always at your fingertips. More than 450 users already use it! © Author-compiler: Alexey Krivenky. Photo:

Why dream of feces

Loff's dream book

Faeces - as was seen in one of the chats, no matter how bad fate will be with your children; there will certainly be people who will say that this is the result of a “perverted” upbringing. In principle, such an approach in psychotherapy is one of Freud's achievements that have perpetuated themselves (after the theory of penis envy). Interest in this approach is fueled by Freud's own "scatological" struggle with the consequences of his childhood experience, which is mentioned in his biography. Many believe that feces predict well-being and wealth. But it should be noted that both wealth itself and your desire to acquire it can be implied here. In any case, this interpretation is based on Freud's theory that feces are perceived by the child as something produced by him, and therefore as something of value. It would be surprising if an adult woke up, because he dreamed of feces, and would feel light and free from this. To interpret the dream, it is important to know the source of the origin of the feces and how you discovered them. For example, if feces appear in a dream in a natural biological way, then determine whose feces they are and what you do with them (you just saw them, cleaned them, etc.) - this will say a lot about your relationship with the dream characters.

If you find feces or do not see them, but know about their presence, then you are worried about the attempts of others to interfere in your life. Money can also be involved here if someone's influence goes too far or others interfere in your life too intrusively.

Realization and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Sunday to Monday

A dream is associated with the dreamer's state of mind, his fears and concerns. A pleasant dream promises a solution to problems, a frightening one - the development of depression. Such dreams rarely come true. However, for people who were born on Monday, they are prophetic.

One of the happiest characters.

Excrement dreams of quick and easy enrichment, especially if you get dirty about them.

Nevertheless, even in such a dream, you need to pay attention to details, primarily to the amount of excrement. The more of them in a dream, the more money you will receive in reality.

Excrement in a bowl or on the dinner table means that you don't have to put in any effort to earn money, it will come to you.

We saw a bunch under the threshold of your door - you will be returned a forgotten debt or paid for the work that you did a long time ago.

Step on excrement - to a one-time income.

If you get dirty in a dream, someone will send you money from afar or go on a business trip to another city, and this will bring you good income.

To enhance the positive impact of sleep, imagine that excrement is everywhere, you cannot step a step so as not to get into trouble.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

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Dream Interpretation - Excrement

Something dirty, indecent: indecent behavior, selfish pleasure.

Excrement is also associated with the clay from which man was created by Prometheus.

An indication of the image of the great mother.

Interpretation of dreams from

As was noted in one of the chats, no matter how bad fate is with your children; there will certainly be people who will say that this is the result of a "perverted" upbringing.

In principle, such an approach in psychotherapy is one of Freud's achievements that have perpetuated themselves (after the theory of penis envy). Interest in this approach is fueled by Freud's own "scatological" struggle with the consequences of his childhood experience, which is mentioned in his biography.

Many believe that feces predict well-being and wealth. But it should be noted that here both wealth itself and your desire to acquire it can be implied. In any case, this interpretation is based on Freud's theory that feces are perceived by the child as something produced by him, and therefore as something of value. It would be surprising if an adult woke up, because he dreamed of feces, and would feel light and free from this.

To interpret sleep, it is important to know the source of the feces and how you discovered them. For example, if feces appear in a dream in a natural biological way, then determine whose feces they are and what you do with them (you just saw them, cleaned them, etc.) - this will say a lot about your relationship with the dream characters.

If you detect feces or do not see them, but know about their presence, then you are worried about the attempts of others to interfere in your life. Money can also be involved here, if someone's influence goes too far or others interfere in your life too intrusively.

Interpretation of dreams from Loff's Dream Interpretation

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Dream Interpretation - Urination and defecation in a dream

Dreams of this type are never discussed publicly.

Even talking to me alone, the dreamers feel embarrassed.

The "toilet" theme is often physiologically conditioned.

If such a need has arisen for the sleeping person, then he is looking for a place in a dream where to relieve himself.

Various obstacles may arise.

The toilet is closed, people who try to wake the dreamer and put themselves in order interfere. These dreams do not need to be interpreted.

Urination in a dream is a symbol of relieving the soul, getting rid of some worries, difficult memories.

A dream in which a woman irrigates a pipe.

The penis symbol is clearly connected to a sexual past she is trying to forget.

Here, as it were, a view of the past from above is revealed.

The roof of today, a new understanding of life circumstances.

Shoes symbolize the chosen way of life.

But excrement can represent not only unwanted experiences, failures in life, but be a sign that something from a past life should be used.

Sometimes a person "pees" in a dream on the night after an unsuccessful exam, performance.

This particularly clearly confirms the significance of symbolic urination in a dream as a way to relieve emotional stress.

But the meaning of a symbolic bowel movement in a dream and, in general, the type of excrement, has a wider range of interpretations.

Excrement can represent not only unwanted experiences, failures in life, but be a sign that something from a past life should be used.

In such cases, the type of excrement gives us information.

1. Pay attention to the actions in a dream: your own and other characters. If you act only as an observer, then in life you do not have enough activity.

This is also reported by being late in a dream.

3. If you enter into a fight or are attacked, this is a sign of the intransigence of your character. Don't forget about compromises.

4. Physiological actions during sleep. Dispensation of natural needs is a factor that heals your psyche, bringing emotional release. In some cases, indicates difficulties or successes in your current activities.

Interpretation of dreams from

A person who had a dream with feces that appeared in it, such a sight can be called unpleasant. However, the decoding of such a plot itself causes more positive emotions.

The thing is that excrement in night visions is a very good sign, portending favorable changes in life. More detailed information about what feces dream of can be obtained by studying dream books.

Dreams with a delicate plot, in which there is feces, in most cases promise an improvement in material condition. As in real life, stepping into a pile of excrement in a dream means a monetary increase. The same applies to stories in which clothes stained with feces are dreamed of. If a person sees such pictures, a bonus or a salary increase will soon await him.

If a person sees a dream where the feces are in the form of a large pile, he will expect the arrival of a more substantial amount of money.. It can be either a one-time remuneration (winning) or a permanent profit (highly paid job). Visions have the same meaning, where the dreamer sees huge dunghills or street latrines.

However, when I dreamed that a person fell into and plunges into the slurry, this is a warning. This means that in the near future the dreamer will have a tense period, the events of which depend on the decisions of the protagonist. Therefore, you should be especially careful about others and monitor your own actions so as not to get into unpleasant situations.

At the same time, the dream book considers it a favorable sign when feces were dreamed of, if a person is smeared with them in a dream. In this case, the substances promise the achievement of the goal. The same version applies to dreams in which a person smells an unpleasant smell of excrement smeared on his clothes. Moreover, the stronger the smell of feces in a dream, the higher the peak will be reached.

Some dream books interpret the plots of night visions in which the dreamer manages to smell a bad smell as a signal of possible illegal manipulations. Therefore, before making an important decision, be sure to check if there are "pitfalls".

Very often they dream of feces that a person carries in for analysis. Collecting, carrying and donating such biological material in a dream means the need for support. This means that at this stage of life, the dreamer needs the help and advice of a close friend or relative. If the substances intended for analysis are lost on the way to the hospital, such a dream may indicate a missed opportunity.

Studying the interpretation of what feces dream of, it is worth noting the importance of their location:

  • Excrement does not dream of the appearance of a rich sponsor in life. If a girl sees such a dream, it is likely that her relationship with a sponsor will develop into something more.
  • Own feces appear in a dream as a harbinger of easy profit. Perhaps soon the dreamer will be able to win a prize or receive a monetary reward.
  • Baby bowel movements in a pot are a sign of a good investment. Such a phenomenon is interpreted by the dream book as evidence that a new undertaking will bring unexpectedly good results.
  • A pile on the floor will indicate the excessive naivety of a person, which can cause the loss of a sum of money. Therefore, if the plot shows such a picture, the dreamer should become a realist if he does not want to lose part of his financial condition.

When you dream of non-human excrement

The fact that explains the origin of feces is also a very important point in the interpretation of dreams. A dream in which there is non-human excrement can be interpreted in different ways.

When we dream of things that cause disgust in real life, we especially carefully try to analyze our nightly dreams. Let's say, why dream of feces? Most dream books refer to such a vision as “shift dreams”, when a seemingly “bad” dream promises good events in life.

However, if feces are dreamed at night, who “produced” it is of great importance. A dream acquires a good meaning when the feces do not belong to the sleeping person himself. If the dreamer himself defecated with the excrement that appeared in the vision, then the dream should be taken as a warning.

See from the side

A good sign or warning will bring you a dream in which you had to see feces - it depends both on the plot and on the state of the "object". What visions with feces appear in a dream most often?

  • You can just smell it.
  • See the feces from the side.
  • Empty yourself.
  • Get dirty in your own or other people's feces.

As the Newest Dream Book says, the smell of feces in a dream, when you cannot find the very source of origin of the “aroma”, means that others have their own opinion about how you should live and what to do. Try in reality to protect yourself from such "well-wishers" if you do not want them to ruin your life.

To smell feces and see them - a conflict situation is brewing in your life. How to proceed further depends on your goals. If you need a conflict to get rid of an unpleasant influence, enter it, but wisely, and if emotional "wars" are not included in your plans, turn on the diplomacy mode.

If you notice violations of the chair in your visions, this is an occasion to take action in real life. So, if the stool was liquid, you are very nervous that others do not want to recognize your merits. Problems with bowel movements are dreaming - you are too conservative, and this prevents you from working successfully, it is worth bringing fresh trends into your life.

interact with excrement

Getting dirty with feces in a dream is considered a favorable sign. The Chinese dream book says that to see yourself smeared with excrement in a dream means wealth awaits the sleeper. However, the Old Russian Dream Book attaches importance to the one with whose feces in a dream the sleeping person was smeared. In the case when the feces in which the person smeared himself in a dream was his own, the vision warns against careless actions and indiscretions that can cause failure.

This vision also has a prosaic explanation: if you dreamed that you managed to inflict your feces on yourself, then you should take up the prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. To get dirty with other people's excrement or animal feces, says the Noble Dream Book, means profit, and significant, and fun.

In a dream, did you have to go to to do your natural necessities? If you dreamed of a plot that you had to do this in some inappropriate place, then there may be two interpretations. First, your help will not be accepted by the person you want to give it to. Secondly, because of your benevolence and kindness, you may find yourself in an awkward situation, so do not trust everyone in a row.

Go to the toilet and see that someone's feces are already floating in - such a vision portends that you will learn someone else's secret, from the category of those that are not customary to speak out loud. A clean and dry toilet in a dream, according to the Chinese dream book, in reality means a quick career growth.

Such an unpleasant plot may also be dreamed up, when it seems to the dreamer that he is absorbing his feces. feces are also interpreted in two ways: firstly, you shouldn’t gossip in reality - people don’t like it, and you can make ill-wishers even where you didn’t expect. The second meaning of sleep, in which you had to eat feces, is to put your diet in order.

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