iPhone 5s won't turn on, battery is on fire. What to do if iPhone won't turn on

The genius of some people is simply impossible to deny. What is Jobs worth, who asked new standard around the world, in terms of mobile devices. Not a single manufacturer has been able to deviate from the established canons for a whole decade. But all thoughts about greatness and genius disappear when the iPhone 5s does not turn on; it is unclear what to do in such a situation and commercial geniuses are in no hurry to explain themselves.

Why does iPhone break?

No device can work without failures. More precisely, not a single high-tech device can fail once during its entire service life:

  • iPhone is smartphone, assembled from dozens of different components.
  • Each part of the iPhone, in itself, is a small miracle and the result of scientific and technological progress.
  • All these components are connected to each other thanks to rather fragile cables that have the ability to fail at the most inopportune moment.
  • The “human factor” cannot be ruled out; not every user can boast of handling fashionable gadgets with care.

In such conditions, sooner or later the phone will stop showing “signs of life,” and problems will arise with the sensor or some services. This is inevitable; you should prepare yourself for such a turn in advance. Understanding and looking for the culprits in this case is not the most reasonable solution; it is better to try to correct the situation yourself.

Do-it-yourself equipment repair

Official dealers always advise taking products to service centers and do not try to fix the problem yourself:

  1. This is beneficial to the manufacturer from a commercial point of view. For the repair of any, even the most insignificant malfunction, you can issue a good bill.
  2. This is convenient in terms of diagnostics. It is much easier to try to restore a device when you know for sure that no one has dug into it or performed any manipulations before you.
  3. This is sometimes simply unacceptable to the user. The user needs the device in working order within a couple of hours, and the service center advises to come in 3-4 days.
  4. This can take a significant toll on your budget. Even minor, but regular breakdowns outside the warranty period will cost a pretty penny.

AND we're talking about not just about iPhones or even about phones in general. The manufacturer is really interested in a minimum number of breakdowns and malfunctions in the products sold. But even more, corporations want the user to turn to them for help with all the difficulties that arise, and not solve them on their own.

iPhone turned off and won’t turn on: what to do?

If your iPhone refuses to turn on:

  • Simultaneously hold down two buttons - “Home” and “Power”. Sometimes this action already helps to achieve the desired effect.
  • Press the buttons and hold them in this state a little longer. Even after half a minute, don’t despair; the phone may still begin to show signs of life.
  • Put your device on charge, you may not have noticed how the battery fully sat down
  • Let it charge for 15 minutes, even if just recently the battery was almost full. If only you knew how lithium batteries suffer in the cold.
  • Click the sound switch a couple of times. From a theoretical point of view, this should not affect the performance of the smartphone at all. But in practice, such manipulation sometimes really helps to restart an already hopelessly “extinguished” device.
  • Launch iTunes on your PC and connect the cable from your iPhone. While connecting, you should press “Home” on your phone. This is an option to quickly restore your smartphone; just click the “Restore” button on the screen.

All these methods of checking the phone’s functionality will not take more than a minute. And what’s even more interesting is that they will not harm the device itself in any way. Just think, no one opens the case, no one gets into the “insides” of the iPhone. If you can’t start the phone yourself, you can safely contact the service center.

What to do if your iPhone is dropped and won’t turn on?

Mechanical damage is a separate issue:

  1. Malfunctions caused by a fall or other physical impact are always more difficult to correct.
  2. Any problem is associated with the destruction or serious damage to part of the iPhone.
  3. Most likely, you won’t be able to do it without turning to specialists for help.
  4. The problem may be due to damage not to the part itself, but to the cable that connects it to all other components.

If you have already “opened” your iPhone, this experience can be repeated again:

  • Inspect the contents carefully.
  • Try to look for cracks, signs of impact or compression.
  • Inspect all cables and correct them if necessary.
  • Check it out.

Sometimes this is enough to get the phone working again. If you don’t understand anything about electronics, have never seen microcircuits and don’t know which side to hold the soldering iron on, it’s better to take your iPhone to a company service center immediately after a fall.

When it comes to relatively expensive equipment, it is sometimes cheaper to pay for someone else's work than to try to do something for the first time.

Should I tell specialists about the cause of the malfunction? If the iPhone is under warranty, you can remain silent about it or confidently prove that the phone never fell anywhere. Warranty cases for mechanical damage do not apply, otherwise, maybe you’ll get lucky. Issues of conscience are a separate issue. Has the warranty expired? Then feel free to say, this will simplify the diagnosis of the device.

How to fix an iPhone 5s on your own?

If your favorite phone suddenly stops turning on, you need to:

  1. Don't panic, pull yourself together as quickly as possible.
  2. Check that the charging port is in good condition; it could be deformed or clogged with dirt.
  3. Make sure the phone charges properly when turned off. The reason may lie in a malfunction of the iPhone battery or problems with the charger itself.
  4. Press two buttons - “Home” and “Power”, hold them in this position for up to a minute.
  5. Play with the sound switch, then hold down the two treasured buttons again.
  6. Connect your phone to your computer, having first launched iTunes on your desktop device. Automatic recovery may start.
  7. Put the iPhone on charge overnight and check its performance in the morning using all the methods described above.

None of the options bring you closer to solving the riddle? Well, it's time to entrust this problem to real specialists.

Every year the number of users with Apple products increases, but many newcomers have absolutely no idea what to do and where to run if their iPhone 5s doesn’t turn on.

Video: what to do if iPhone 5s does not turn on

In this video, phone repairman Oleg Romanov will tell you how you can revive an iPhone 5s that won’t turn on:

As you know, iPhone can be proud of its reliability and quality operating system, but anything can happen, and one day you may encounter the fact that the display of your phone or tablet may be stuck in one position and not respond to touches or button presses.

Or the device turns on, but freezes in one position during startup. There is no need to despair in such a situation; there are ways that will help restore the operation of the device, of course, if it does not have some serious defect not related to the software.

The device does not turn on or does not start

The first reason why the device may not start is a dead battery. A phone or tablet may be in a state of deep discharge, then in order to bring it back to life, it needs to be charged for at least 15 minutes, only after that you will see some signs of life on the phone screen, for example, in the form of a battery image. If, as a result of long-term charging, you see a battery image on the screen of your smartphone or tablet and USB cable, this means that the device is not charged enough, you still need to wait.

If, after a long period of time, the screen indicating charging does not appear on the phone, check whether the charger (cable and cube) is working properly; if you are charging, use USB port, then try changing it to another one. And keep in mind that with this charging method, the phone will take longer to receive a charge than through a cube (adapter). Make sure that the hole in the phone for the cable is not clogged, try using another cable, cube, USB connector.

The device does not start, loading stops at the logo

During startup, the Apple logo may be displayed for a long time, as well as a red or blue screen. First you need to try to force restart the device. Forced launch will not harm your personal data, and it can be performed even if the screen is black and the buttons do not respond to pressing.

To force restart your iPhone 7/ iPhone 7 plus, you need to simultaneously hold down the Volume Down and Power buttons for 10 seconds until the Apple logo appears.

To force restart iPhone 6 or more early models, iPad and iPod touch, you need to hold the "Home" button and the on/off button ("Power") at the same time.

The device does not boot, there is an iTunes icon on the screen

If you see the iTunes icon on a dark background on the display of your device, this means nothing more than a failure of the operating system. To resume device activity, you will need installed program iTunes on Windows or Mac.

With this method of restoring a device, all data from it is deleted, and they can only be returned using backup copy, which must be created in advance, how to do this. To bring your device back to life, you need to connect it to your computer and launch iTunes, here you will be prompted to update or restore the device. When you select “restore iPhone”, it will be automatically downloaded from the Apple website latest version IOS.

If there are no notifications, icons, etc. on the screen. does not appear, you can independently enter the device into recovery mode, to do this you need to connect the phone to the computer and open iTunes, hold down the home button for a few seconds. Don't release the button until the "Connecting to iTunes" notification appears on the screen.

If nothing helps, you need to contact a service center.. The problem could be anything: it could be a broken battery, damaged board, etc. In this case, you need the help of specialists.

A mobile phone is an integral part of our life, an electronic device that fully satisfies a person in communication. Any object on Earth will necessarily either age or wear out. When a mobile device breaks down, this is not a very pleasant moment for the owner. Modern life, has made phones an integral part of life, and human dependence on cellular communications incredibly large, but it’s not easy, it’s due to a bunch of factors Everyday life. Even the most advanced and highest quality technology in the world - Apple - can also break down. There may be a lot of reasons why the iPhone 4 does not turn on, the most common
will be discussed in this article.

iPhone won't turn on: reasons

What to do if your iPhone 4s won't turn on?

The main reasons are when the phone has been subjected to shock, mechanical stress, or it simply becomes a victim of water procedures. But if the device has not been subjected to the above factors, then you first need to check the battery, it must be in an active state.

Checking the battery is quite easy. You need to connect a working charger to your iPhone. If an apple appears on the screen and a small battery is visible that is charging, then the problem is with the battery, or it is simply dead. If after connecting to the charger nothing happens, then you will need to remove the back cover. This will provide full access to the device’s battery.

Checking the battery

Sometimes, the iPhone 4 does not turn on due to the loss of the starting impulse by the battery. Most often, this problem happens with phones that for a long time were not used at all. To solve this problem, you need to force the battery to charge. You can easily cope with this task using a “frog” charger, it is universal. The cover is very easy to open, as is the removal of the battery itself. Both actions are elementary; no tricks will be used. The only one
The problem is a set of special screwdrivers that are intended exclusively for Apple devices. There are end screws at the bottom and have a star profile, and in order to remove the battery you will need a Phillips screwdriver.

After the 2 screws from the bottom end of the cover have been unscrewed, you need to slide the cover up and remove it. Next, you need to unscrew 2 bolts from the short cable on the battery and disconnect the contacts with the motherboard. Now you can see the terminals on the removed battery; you need to install a universal charger on them. It won’t take much time to revive the battery; 2-3 minutes of charging is enough.

After that, we assemble the device and connect the original charging unit.

For help from specialists

If the iPhone shows no signs of life, and you still don’t know how to turn on the iPhone 4, then you will have to go to an Apple service center, or to familiar specialists. Because if you are not well versed in the technology of the device, subsequent repairs by yourself can lead to fatal outcome phone or a serious breakdown that cannot be fixed.

There is no need to skimp on the help of qualified specialists. A phone costs much more than repair services, especially if some vital part or microcircuit breaks down. After doing the repairs yourself, you may end up paying a lot more for the subsequent repairs you leave behind. Therefore, in this case, turning to a professional would be a wise decision; specialists will quickly fix your phone, without any losses, and explain why your iPhone 4 won’t turn on.

The first part of the article summarizes possible software and hardware causes of failure. The second part of the article talks more specifically about all the common reasons why the device does not work.

By following the tips and instructions outlined in this article, you can find out why your iPhone 4 does not work or turn on. Also, by following all the instructions, you can quickly fix the problem.

Causes and solutions

Failures of Apple products are extremely rare. Often, such gadgets have robust housing, shock-resistant components and quality software.

According to statistics, only 3% of all iPhones undergo warranty repairs. However, sometimes the gadget and its functions fail due to mechanical (hardware) or software damage.


In some cases, software faults cause hardware failures. For example, as a result of an incorrect update, the memory chip of all personal data or the memory chip of the GSM module often fails. Your phone may be susceptible to viruses and other spyware.

To avoid this situation, follow these steps:


Smartphone hardware failures in most cases require professional repair. While the warranty period has not expired, each gadget owner can receive professional Maintenance and repairs are completely free.

However, when the warranty period comes to an end, you need to look for a paid service center. Repairing Apple equipment at service centers is quite expensive. In some cases of hardware failures, the user can fix the problem himself by following short instructions. Most often on smartphones, the motherboard, which connects all the main mechanical components of the device, fails.

A motherboard failure automatically disables the processor and memory modules. Also, the iPhone may not turn on after being exposed to water.

Battery wear is perhaps the most common malfunction of Apple smartphones. The advantage is that the user can fix the problem by replacing the battery. It should be remembered that you need to buy only original battery models.

Another very common mechanical failure is damage to the smartphone screen. Solved by completely replacing the screen. If the sensor is damaged when the screen breaks (incorrect operation or absolute malfunction), you should purchase and install a new one.

Power controller

The iPhone power controller is a chip that performs an energy-saving function and is fully responsible for charging the device. Very often you may encounter the fact that you cannot turn on the gadget, and the power controller gets very hot.

To fix the problem, you need to contact a service center, or try to solve the problem yourself (if you have skills in working with smartphone hardware).

First you need to remove the back cover of the device, follow the instructions:

  1. turn off your phone;
  2. carefully unscrew the screws at the bottom of the device, as shown in the figure;
  3. Slide the cover up with two fingers.

Photo: unscrewing the screws of the back cover

When the cover is removed, the battery connector should be removed and the power controller re-soldered. In most cases, the problem disappears, the iPhone works again and charges normally.

If this decision It didn’t help and the smartphone continues to get very hot and won’t turn on, I should completely replace the power controller.

Water ingress

A standard and familiar problem with the malfunction of any gadget is water ingress. After water, the phone does not turn on.

The problem can be corrected in the most effective and proven way - by cleaning all components:

  1. disassemble the device;
  2. then you need to clean the motherboard. Cleaning is done manually with a small brush. Special cleaning agents are used to completely remove water deposits;
  3. Next you need to clean all the parts in an ultrasonic bath;
  4. carry out drying;
  5. repeat manual cleaning again;
  6. then you should gradually and extremely carefully restore the soldering of all elements;
  7. collect all the parts of the smartphone;

Only this method will help save the device from moisture.

On the Internet you can find other tips on how to dry a damaged device:

Important! Remember, if the problem of water getting into the device is not corrected in time, the connectors may begin to oxidize and rot. In this case, you need to remove them and replace them with new ones, because they cannot be restored.

Voltage drops

What to do in a situation when your iPhone 4 goes out and won’t turn on? The cause of this problem may be constant voltage drops, which lead to the burning of the motherboard and aging of the battery.

To prevent voltage surges and start the phone, follow these steps:

  1. Always charge your phone to 100%. Frequent and short-term recharging quickly destroys the battery;
  2. Use only the original charger. If you use a non-original charger, your iPhone may simply burn out;
  3. If the motherboard is burnt out, you need to replace it with a new one.

Video: iPhone 4 won't turn on

The battery is old

Each battery has its own expiration date. If handled with care, it can last up to 2 years. If your phone is in Lately It discharged very quickly, and now it does not turn on even in mains power mode, this is the first sign that the problem lies in the old battery.

The only way to revive the gadget is to change the battery. If even after replacing the battery, the iPhone 4 does not turn on or is quickly discharged, disassemble the phone and look at the circuit board; an important contact may be loose or short-circuited.

iPhone won't turn on

The iPhone may not turn on due to a number of standard reasons: the charger connector is broken, due to car charging, after flashing, dropping in height or replacing the display.

Due to a broken charging connector

If the device is turned off and does not charge, the power connector may be broken or damaged. The problem can be solved by replacing the charging cable. In the iPhone 4 series of smartphones, the charging and microphone connectors are connected, so when replacing the power connector, you must also change the microphone connector.

After car charging

It is very important to properly charge your iPhone 4 in the car. One basic rule should be followed: the output voltage should be no more than 2A. Otherwise, the phone burns out and you need to change the battery or even the power controller. The power circuit may also burn out.

After the firmware

In most cases, iPhone 4 stops turning on after updating. The fact is that some software updates or flashing of the operating system may be incompatible with the hardware components of your smartphone.

Due to flashing the OS, the system, in many cases, fails and it becomes impossible to turn it on. In this case, you should try to flash the phone again with a different version of the operating system.

After falling from a height

If your iPhone has been dropped from a height hard surface and stopped working, perhaps the reason is that one of the cables came loose.

To fix the problem follow the instructions below:

After replacing the display

To solve the problem of a non-working iPhone after replacing the display, you should first, as in the previous paragraph, check the display cable for incorrect location.

If everything is fine with the cable, install the previous display. The old display may be broken, but if the image appears when you turn it on, then the problem is with the new display. Most likely it is defective.

iPhone 4 won't turn on, apple is on fire

If the apple lights up on your iPhone4, but the phone itself does not work, you need to follow these steps:

The article discusses all the main reasons for the malfunction of the iPhone 4 smartphone. Follow the instructions provided to solve the problem. If the solution does not help you, contact a specialized service center for professional help.

Many different problems can occur with the iPhone, but the most unpredictable problem is rightfully considered to be the problem associated with the sudden shutdown of the smartphone, after which it stops responding to any presses. In this guide, we talked about what to do if your iPhone turns off and won't turn on. There are few ways to solve the problem, but each of them can help you out in an unpleasant situation.

Perform a force reboot

The first thing you should do if your iPhone suddenly turns off and won't turn on is to force restart the device. To do this, simultaneously press 10-15 seconds buttons Nutrition And Home(Volume down button on iPhone 7/7 Plus).

According to reviews from iPhone users on, a forced reboot helps in most cases with similar problems.

Connect iPhone to charger

If rebooting does not help bring the iPhone out of hibernation, you need to connect the smartphone to charger. If the iPhone responds to charging, you should leave it on charge until the charge level reaches an acceptable level for operation (10-20%), and then try to turn it on. Or try the same forced reboot.

Restore iPhone via DFU mode

If the iPhone does not respond to charging or a “hard” reboot, there is only one way out - restoring the smartphone through DFU mode. For this:

Important! Please note that flashing via DFU involves deleting all data from the iPhone.

Step 1: Connect your iPhone to your computer and launch iTunes.

Step 2: Put your iPhone into DFU mode. To do this, you need to simultaneously hold down the buttons Home And Nutrition and hold them for 10 Seconds, then release the Power button and continue to hold the button Home for another 10 Seconds, or until iTunes detects the iPhone in recovery mode.

Step 3: In the iTunes window, click " Further" And " I accept" and wait for the download process to complete current version iOS and subsequent restoration of the smartphone.

After iPhone recovery will work without failures!

However, if iTunes cannot detect the iPhone in recovery mode, then the problem in your case is hardware and only service center specialists can help solve it.

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