Analytical bibliographic description of the article from the journal. Examples of bibliographic description of literature sources. Description of regulations and documents

  • Artemyeva, T. V. The history of metaphysics in Russia in the 18th century [Text] / T. V. Artemyeva. - St. Petersburg. : Aletheya, 1996. - 317 p.
  • Atamanchuk, G. V. The essence of public service: history, theory, law, practice [Text] / G. V. Atamanchuk. - M. : RAGS, 2003. - 268 p.
  • Vasilyeva, A. V. Yu. M. Lotman [Text] / A. V. Vasilyeva. - M. : Rostov n / D: March, 2005. - 141, p. - (Philosophers of the XX century. Domestic philosophy / ed. E.V. Zolotukhina-Abolin). - Bibliography. : from. 135-142.
  • Belov, A. V. Finance and credit [Text]: textbook.-method. allowance for students on special. 060800 "Economics and Management at Tourism and Hospitality Enterprises" / A. V. Belov, V. N. Nikolashin; Moscow state un-t service; Institute of Tourism and Hospitality. - M. : Prometheus, 2004. - 215 p. : ill. - Bibliography. : from. 213-215.
  • Starostina, E. V. Protection against computer crimes and cyberterrorism: questions and answers [Text] / E. V. Starostina, D. B. Frolov. - M.: Eksmo, 2005. - 183, p. - (Protect your rights).
  • Shraiberg, Ya. L. Automated library and information systems in Russia: state, choice, implementation and development [Text] / Ya. L. Shraiberg, F. S. Voroisky. - M.: Liberea, 1996. - 271 p.
  • Akimov, V. V. Analysis of non-current assets [Text]: pract. manual on discipline "Financial management" / V. V. Akimov, T. N. Makarova, N. P. Khvatkov; Feder. agency for building and housing.-commun. household Ros. Federation, Institute of Advanced Training for Managers and Specialists, Dept. economy. - N. Novgorod: Gladkova O. V., 2005. - 58 p. : ill. - (Professional retraining). - Bibliography. : from. 57-58.
  • Venigrov, Yu. M. Elements of mathematics in physics [Text]: textbook. allowance / Yu. M. Venigorov, S. I. Egorova, N. T. Mishnyakov; Ministry of Education Ros. Federation, Don. state tech. un-t. - Rostov n / a: DSTU, 2000. - 34 p.
  • Forests of the Solovetsky Islands: (Based on the materials of the forest inventory of 2003) [Text] / L. F. Ipatov, V. P. Kosarev, L. I. Prourzin, S. V. Torkhov; [ed. L. F. Ipatova]; Archang. region societies. fund "Forest Museum". - Arkhangelsk, 2005. - 59 p. : ill. - Bibliography. : from. 57-58.
  • Management activity: structure, functions, staff skills [Text] / K. D. Skripnik [and others] - M.: Prior, 1999. - 189 p.

Books titled

  • Innovations in science, education and production [Text]. - St. Petersburg. : Polytechnic Publishing House. un-ta, 2005. - 153 p. : ill. - (Proceedings of St. Petersburg State Technical University / Federal Agency for Education, St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University; No. 493). - Bibliography. at the end of Art.
  • Personnel management: from factors to the possibilities of the future [Text]: textbook. allowance / A. A. Brass [and others] - Minsk: UE "Technoprint", 2002. - 387 p.
  • Economic theory [Text]: textbook.-method. allowance for students of economics. fak. / Number of villages. farm Ros. Federation, Department of Personnel Policy and Education, Moscow. s-x. acad. them. K. A. Timiryazeva, Ekon. fac., Caf. polit. savings. - M. : Publishing House of the Moscow Agricultural Academy, 2005. - 102 p. - Bibliography. at the end of sect.

Books without a common title

  • Institute of State and Law (Moscow). Collection of articles by graduate students and trainees of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences [Text]. - M. : IGPAN, 2004. - 310 p.
  • Gilyarovsky, V. A. Moscow and Muscovites [Text]; Friends and meetings; Theater people / V. A. Gilyarovsky; intro. Art. and note. A. Petrova; artistic I. Lykov. - M. : EKSMO-Press, 2001. - 638 p. : ill. - (Russian classics).

Books with subtitle information

  • Antonova, E. S. The mystery of the text [Text]: method. recommendations for the workbook. for 5-6 cells. / E. S. Antonova. - M. : Verbum, 2000. - 159 p.
  • Korndorf, S. F. Radio measurements [Text]: textbook. for technical schools / S. F. Korndorf, M. I. Yaroslavsky. - M.; L.: Energoatomizdat, 1953. - 464 p. : ill.
  • Yadov, V. A. Sociological research [Text]: methodology, program, methods / V. A. Yadov; Samar. state un-t. - Samara, 1995. - 332 p.

Books showing liability information

  • Beekeeping [Text] / [ed. V. M. Zhabtsev]. - M.: Kyzyl; Minsk: Harvest, 2005. - 552 p. : ill.
  • Specialized rolling stock for the agro-industrial complex [Text]: cat. / Number of villages. farm Ros. Federation, Feder. education agency; [comp. E. P. Shilov]. - M. : Rosinformagrotekh, 2005. - 129 p. : ill.

Books indicating reissue

  • Kirsanova, M. V. Paperwork course: documentation support for management [Text]: textbook. allowance / M. V. Kirsanov, Yu. M. Aksenov. - 3rd ed., corrected. and additional - M.; Novosibirsk: INFRA-M - Siberian agreement, 2000. - 287 p.
  • Economics of an enterprise (firm) [Text]: textbook. allowance / ed. O. I. Volkova, O. V. Devyatkina. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M. : INFRA-M, 2002. - 601 p.

translated edition

  • Microsoft Access [Text]: [trans.]. - M. : Mir knigi, 2004. - 288 p. : ill.
  • Nikolay (Velimirovich). Indian letters [Text]: per. from Serbian / St. Nicholas of Serbia. - Saratov: Sarat Publishing House. diocese, 2004. - 238 p.
  • Fractionated and unfractionated heparins in interactive therapy [Text]: [trans. from Ukrainian] / G. V. Dzyak, E. N. Klihunenko, V. I. Snisar, V. V. Ekhalov. - M. : MEDpress-inform, 2005. - 196 p.
  • Harjung, M. Roller skates. Warm-up and rest on eight rollers [Text]: per. with him. A. Prokopieva / M. Harjung, A. Atanasiadis. - Vilnius: Polina, 1996. - 160 p.

Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules for compilation.

Stukanov, V. A. Fundamentals of the theory of automobile engines and automobiles: textbook. allowance for students. middle prof. education / V. A. Stukanov. - M. : Forum, 2004. - 336 p.

Perova, T. Yu. Management: textbook. allowance for students. middle prof. education / T. Yu. Perova. - 3rd ed. - Rostov n / D: Phoenix, 2006. - 342 p. – (Secondary vocational education).

Adamov, R. O. Materials science (metalworking): textbook. allowance for students. middle prof. education in special mechanical engineering and metalworking / R. O. Adamov, V. I. Zuev. – 3rd ed., stereotype. - M. : Academy, 2006. - 240 p. - (Professional education).

Pugachev, V.P. Introduction to political science: textbook. for stud. universities / V. P. Pugachev, I. Yu. Soloviev. – 4th ed., revised. and additional - M. : Aspect-Press, 2003. - 466 p.

Sapronov, Yu. D. Life safety: textbook. allowance for students. middle prof. education / Yu. D. Sapronov, A. L. Dmitrov, A. Yu. Proshin. - M. : Academy, 2003. - 320 p. – (Secondary vocational education).

Varlamov, T. B. Cars: textbook. for stud. middle prof. education / T. B. Varlamov, K. O. Zhuk, S. P. Chernykh; ed. M. G. Shatrova. - M. : Academy, 2003. - 420 p. – (Secondary vocational education).

The statement of responsibility may list all authors or one with the words "[et al.]" at the discretion of the bibliographic agency.

Automated information technologies in the economy / M. I. Semenov [and others]; under total ed. I. T. Trubilina. - M. : Finance and statistics, 2003. - 415 p.

Blooming land of Podolia: a guide / V. D. Bovkun, N. S. Kvetny, I. A. Pshuk, I. G. Telman. - 2nd ed., additional, revised. - Odessa: Mayak, 1988. - 208 p. : col. ill.

The statement of responsibility may list one or three authors with the words "[et al.]"

World artistic culture: 11th grade: textbook. for general education institutions / [G. I. Danilova, A. A. Pashaev, V. G. Rozhnovsky and others]. - 2nd ed., revised. - M. : Interbuk, 2000. - 253 p. : ill. - (Moscow textbook). - Auth. listed on the back of tit. l.

Books under a surname combining two or three persons

Weiner, A. A. Visit to the Minotaur / Arkady and Georgy Vainers. – M.: Mezhdunarodnaya kniga, 1993. – 400 p. - (Masters of the Soviet detective)

Vladimir (Kotlyarov V.S.). Abode of the northern capital: ist. essay / Met. St. Petersburg and Ladoga Vladimir; [last igum. Nicholas and others]. - St. Petersburg. : Domostroy, 2002. - 322 p.

Entry titled

The title proper may bethematic or typical, those. consist only of the designation of the type of publication

Atlas of the world / chapters. ed. Ya. A. Topchiyan. - M. : Federal service of geodesy and cartography of Russia, 1997. - 71 p.

on the title page

Informatics. Basic course: textbook. allowance for tech. universities / ed. S. V. Simonovich. - 2nd ed. - St. Petersburg. : Peter, 2004. - 640 p. - (Textbook for universities).

History: textbook. allowance for students. secondary special textbook institutions / P. S. Samygin [and others]; resp. ed. P. S. Samygin. - 2nd ed. - Rostov n / D: Phoenix, 2003. - 480 p. – (Textbooks and teaching aids).


Collection with common title

Detectives of the classics of modern prose: a collection. - M. : Respublika, 1993. - 512 p. - Contents: Office of Fear / G. Green. Death under sail / Ch. P. Snow. Paddle / W. Faulkner.

Collection without a common title and indication of authors

Karamzin; Pushkin; Gogol; Aksakovs; Dostoevsky: biogr. essays / comp. N. F. Boldyreva. - 2nd ed. - Chelyabinsk: Ural, 1997. - 479 p. : ill. - (Library of Florenty Pavlenkov. Biographical series, 1890-1915; v. 2).

Gilyarovsky, V. A. My wanderings; Theater people / V. A. Gilyarovsky; intro. Art. A. Petrova. - Minsk: Science and technology, 1987. - 415 p.

Multi-volume editions

Document as a whole

Gippius, Z. N. Works: in 2 volumes / Zinaida Nikolaevna Gippius. - M .: Lakom-book, 2001. - (Golden prose of the Silver Age).

T. 1: Novels. – 367 p. - Bibliography. in note: p. 360-366. – Content: No talisman; Winners; Spirit Twilight.

T. 2: Novels. – 415 p. – Contents: Damn doll; Biography in 33 ch. ; Alien love.

Single volume

Kazmin, V.D. Directory of a family doctor. At 3 o'clock. Part 2. Children's diseases / V. D. Kazmin. - M. : AST: Astrel, 2002. - 503 p.

Normative documents on standardization

Occupational safety standards system: collection. - M. : Standards Publishing House, 2002. - 102 p. : ill. – (Interstate standards). – Contents: 16 docs.

Standards for library and information activities / comp. T. V. Zakharchuk, O. M. Zusman. - St. Petersburg. : Profession, 2003. - 576 p.

GOST 7.1-2003 Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules for compilation. - Input. 2004-01-07. - M. : Publishing house of standards, 2004. - 156 p.

Official and legislative materials

Title entry

The Russian Federation. Constitution (1993). Constitution of the Russian Federation: official. text. - M. : Marketing, 2001. - 39 p.

The Russian Federation. Laws. On military duty and military service: Feder. law: [adopted by State. Duma March 6, 1998: approved. Federation Council on March 12, 1998] - 4th ed. - M .: Os-89, . – 46 p. - (Current law).

Entry titled

Constitution of the Russian Federation. - M .: Prior, . – 32 s.

Dictionaries, reference books

Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary / ed. E. F. Guro. - M. : Infra-M, 2004. - 578 p. – (Library of dictionaries).

Vechkanov, G.S. Micro- and macroeconomics: an encyclopedic dictionary / G.S. Vechkanov. - St. Petersburg. : Lan, 2000. - 352 p.

A book (quoted) bibliographic list (a list of used sources and literature) is a bibliographic manual containing bibliographic descriptions of the used (cited, considered, mentioned) and (or) recommended documents.

The list of references is an obligatory part of a term paper, diploma or other scientific work and shows the student's ability to put into practice the knowledge gained in the study of relevant academic disciplines, reflects the independent creative work done by the author to collect and analyze the material, documented and substantiates the reliability and accuracy of the cited in the text of the work of facts, statistics, quotations and other information borrowed from various sources. A well-composed list and cited bibliographic references and footnotes to a certain extent are also an expression of scientific ethics and the culture of scientific work. Therefore, the issues of compiling and designing a bibliographic list and providing bibliographic references in scientific work should be given the most serious attention. Compiling a list is a lengthy process that begins simultaneously with the choice of a topic for work. It is necessary to maintain a bibliographic card index, writing out from catalogues, card indexes, bibliographic manuals, lists the imprint of all publications that may be relevant to the research topic. When reading each source, the bibliographic data are checked and specified. Quotations, factual, statistical and other information are issued with an exact indication of the page on which they were published.

Grouping material in the bibliography

It is recommended to submit a single list to the work as a whole. Each source is only mentioned once in the list, regardless of how often it is referenced in the text. The list must be numbered. Depending on what principle underlies the grouping of works, the following types of bibliography are distinguished:

Alphabetical , in which the records are arranged alphabetically by the names of the authors and / or titles of works, if the author's name is not indicated. Records are recommended to be arranged as follows:

1) if the first words of the titles coincide - in alphabetical order of the second, etc. 2) in the presence of works by one author - in the alphabet of titles; 3) in the presence of namesake authors - by initials; 4) with several works of authors written by them in co-authorship with others - in alphabetical order of co-authors. Abalkin L. I. Abelin A. P. Alekseev D. I. Alekseev M. P. Alekseeva T. A. Alekseeva-Beskina T. I.

Systematic, in which all books, articles and other materials are selected according to branches of knowledge, individual issues, topics in a logical subordination of individual headings, general literature covering a wide range of issues is indicated at the beginning of the list, and then material on individual topics follows;

Chronological, in chronological order (forward or backward) of publication of documents. It is used for works on the history of science, the history of the study of a particular issue, in works devoted to the activities of a certain person;

By type of publications, in which the following groups of publications are distinguished: official state, normative - instructive, reference, etc.

The most convenient is alphabetical a way of arranging the material without division by type (for example: books, articles), since in this case the works are collected in author's complexes. The works of one author are listed alphabetically by titles or by year of publication, in direct chronological order (this grouping order allows you to follow the dynamics of the views of a certain author on the problem)

Atamanchuk G. V. The essence of public service Atamanchuk G. V. Theory of public administration Atamanchuk G. V. Management - social value and efficiency Official documents occupy a special place in the bibliography. They are always placed at the beginning of the list in a certain order: the Constitution; Codes; Laws; Decrees of the President; Government Decree; Other normative acts (letters, orders, etc.). Within each group, documents are arranged in chronological order.

If listed sources in other languages, except for Russian, an additional alphabetic row is formed, i.e. literature in foreign languages ​​is placed at the end of the list after literature in Russian. At the same time, bibliographic records in foreign European languages ​​are combined into one row.

Bibliographic description of documents

Each document included in the list must be described in accordance with the requirements:

GOST 7. 1-2003 “Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description of the document. General requirements and drafting rules”,

GOST R 7.0.12-2011 “Bibliographic record. Abbreviation of words and phrases in Russian. General requirements and rules”,

GOST 7.11-2004 (ISO 832:1994) “Bibliographic record. Abbreviations of words and phrases in foreign European languages.

The most common abbreviations in bibliographic records are: issue - issue selected works - fav. op.; book - book; interuniversity collection of scientific papers - interuniversity. Sat. scientific tr.; under the editorship - under the editorship; complete works - complete. coll. op.; collection of scientific papers - Sat. scientific tr.; collection of works - Sat. tr.; collected works - collected works. op.; compiler - comp.; page - p.; volume - t .; translation from ... - per. from … Cities are abbreviated: Moscow - M., Nizhny Novgorod - N. Novgorod, Petrograd - Pg., Rostov-on-Don - Rostov n / D., St. Petersburg - St. Petersburg, Leningrad - L.

The names of other cities are indicated in full. Renaming the city does not affect the indication of the place of publication.
If two places of publication are indicated on the title page, they are given separated by a semicolon.
M.; SPb.

Bibliographic description - a set of bibliographic information about a document, its component part or group of documents, given according to certain rules and necessary and sufficient for the general characteristics and identification of the document.

Punctuation in the bibliographic description performs two functions - the usual grammatical punctuation marks and prescribed punctuation marks, i.e., signs that have an identifying character for the elements of the bibliographic description. The prescribed punctuation is punctuation marks and mathematical signs:

. - dot and dash. dot, comma: colon; semicolon / slash // two slashes () parentheses square brackets

A dot is placed at the end of the bibliographic description.

The general scheme of the bibliographic description of a separately published document includes the following mandatory elements:

1. Title (last name, first name, patronymic of the author or the first of the authors, if there are two, three or more) 2. Title (title of the book indicated on the title page) 3. Information related to the title(reveal the subject, type, genre, purpose of the document, etc.) 4. Statement of responsibility(contain information about authors, compilers, editors, translators, etc.; about organizations on whose behalf the document is published) 5. Edition statement(repetitions, revisions, additions) 6. Place of publication (name of the city where the document was published) 7. Publishing house or publishing organization 8. Year of publication 9. Volume (information on the number of pages, sheets)

The source of information for the bibliographic description is the title page or other parts of the document that replace it.

Schema of the bibliographic description

Description title. Title proper: information relating to the title / statement of responsibility. - Publication information. – Place of publication: Publisher, Year of publication. - Volume.

Examples of bibliographic description

Books without an author
Political science: textbook. allowance / comp. A. Ivanov. - St. Petersburg. : Highest. school, 2003. - 250 p.
Fundamentals of political science: a dictionary / ed. A. G. Belova, P. A. Semin. - M. : Thought, 2005. - 350 p.
Small business: development prospects: Sat. Art. / ed. V. S. Azhaeva. - M. : INION, 1991. - 147 p.

Books by the same author
Ignatov, V. G. Public service of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation: Experience in comparative legal analysis: scientific and practical. allowance / V. G. Ignatov. - Rostov n / D: SKAGS, 2000. - 319 p.
Bazarov, T. Yu. Personnel management: textbook. allowance / T. Yu. Bazarov. - M. : Academy, 2003. - 218 p.
Balabanov, I.T. Currency transactions / I.T. Balabanov. - M. : Finance and statistics, 1993. - 144 p.

Books by two authors
Cornelius, X. Everyone can win: How to resolve conflicts / X. Cornelius, 3. Fair; per. P. E. Patrusheva. - M. : Stringer, 1992. - 116 p.
Smirnov, K. Higher mathematics: textbook / K. Smirnov, V. Petrov. - M. : University, 2003. - 220 p.
Agafonova, N. N. Civil law: textbook. allowance / N. N. Agafonova, T. V. Bogacheva; under total ed. A. G. Kalpina. - M. : Lawyer, 2002. - 542 p.
Ershov, A. D. Information management in the customs system / A. D. Ershov, P. S. Konopaeva. - St. Petersburg. : Knowledge, 2002. - 232 p.
Ignatov, V. G. Professional culture and professionalism of the public service: the context of history and modernity / V. G. Ignatov, V. K. Belolipetsky. - Rostov n / D: March, 2000. - 252 p.

Books by three authors
Kiselev, V.V. Analysis of the scientific potential / V. V. Kiselev, T. E. Kuznetsova, Z. Z. Kuznetsov. - M. : Nauka, 1991. - 126 p.
Gromov, S. Economics: Sat. Art. / S. Gromov, N. Tikhonov, T. Glushkova. - M. : EKSMO, 2001. - 230 p.
Zhuravlev, P. V. World experience in personnel management: a review of foreign sources / P. V. Zhuravlev, M. N. Kulapov, S. A. Sukharev. – M. : Ros. Economy Acad. ; Ekaterinburg: Business book, 1998. - 232 p.
Ayatskov, D.F., Naumov S.Yu., Suetenkov E.N. Personnel potential of local governments: problems and experience of evaluation / D.F. Ayatskov. - Saratov: PAGS, 2001. - 135 p.

Books by four or more authors
Management activity: structure, functions, staff skills / K. D. Skripnik [and others]. - M. : Prior, 1999. - 189 p.
Philosophy: university course: textbook / S. A. Lebedev [and others]; under total ed. S. A. Lebedeva. - M. : Grand, 2003. - 525 p.
Personnel management: from facts to the possibilities of the future: textbook. allowance / A. A. Brass [and others] - Minsk: UE "Technoprint", 2002. -387 p.

Dictionaries and encyclopedias
Social Philosophy: Dictionary / ed. ed. V. E. Kemerova, T. Kh. Kerimova. - M. : Academic Project, 2003. - 588 p.
Ozhegov, S. I. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language / S. I. Ozhegov, N. Yu. Shvedova. - M. : Azbukovnik, 2000. - 940 p.
Chernyshev, V. N. Personnel training: a dictionary / V. N. Chernyshev, A. P. Dvinin. - St. Petersburg. : Energoatomizdat, 2000. - 143 p.
Economic Encyclopedia / E. I. Aleksandrova [and others]. - M. : Economics, 1999. - 1055 p.

Multi-volume editions
History of Diplomacy: In 5 vols. T. 5. / ed. A. A. Gromyko. - M. : Gospolitizdat, 1959. - 766 p.

Official documents
Constitution of the Russian Federation: official. text. - M.: OS-89, 2000. 48 p.
On the execution of the federal budget for 2003: Feder. Law of April 4, 2005 No. 30-FZ // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. - 2005. - No. 15. Art. 1275.
On the system and structure of federal executive bodies: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 9, 2004 No. 314 // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. -2004. - No. 11. - Art. 945.
On the investment fund of the Russian Federation: Government Decree of November 23, 2005 No. 694 // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. - 2005. - No. 48. - Art. 5043.

Analytical description

Analytical is the description of the component part of the document (articles, chapters, etc.), which looks like this:
Information about the component // Information about the document in which the component is placed. – Information about the location of the component in the document.

Article, section, chapter
Bakaeva, O. Yu. Customs authorities of the Russian Federation as subjects of customs law / O. Yu. Bakaeva, G. V. Matvienko // Customs Law. - M. : Lawyer, 2003. - S. 51-91
Vesnin, V. R. Conflicts in the personnel management system / V. R. Vesnin, S. Ivanov // Practical personnel management. - M. : Lawyer, 1998. - S. 395-414
Ivanov, S. Problems of regional reformation // Economic reforms / ed. A. E. Kogut. - St. Petersburg. : Nauka, 1993. - S. 79-82

From the dictionary
Interpersonal Relations // Personnel Management: Encyclopedic Dictionary / ed. A. Ya. Kibanova [i dr.]. - M. : INFRA-M, 1998. - S. 240 - 241.
Rudnev, V. P. Modern in art / V. P. Rudnev // Dictionary of culture of the XX century: key concepts and texts. - M. : Agraf, 1999. - S.119-124.


Newspaper articles
Titov V. Banking system of the North-West of Russia / V. Titov // Economics and life. - 2005. - No. 1. - P. 38.
Serov A. Results of nationalization / A. Serov // Izvestiya. - 2000. - June 14. - p. 5.

Articles from magazines
Terentyeva T. Banking services: supply and demand / T. Terentyeva // Money and credit. - 2005. - no. 12. - S. 54-57.
Bekov T. Constitutional conflicts / T. Bekov // State and Law. - 2004. - No. 11. - P.19-25
The role of law in securing interests in the Federation // Journal of Russian Law. - 2005. - no. 12. -S. 141-146

Electronic resources of local access
(with information recorded on a separate physical medium)

Great Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius 2000 [Electronic resource]. - M .: Cyril and Methodius, 2000. - 2 electron. opt. disk

Remote Access Electronic Resources
(represented on the Internet or intranets)

Guide: how to create content and write texts for websites? [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:

Making bibliographic references

Bibliographic reference - contains bibliographic information about another document cited, considered or mentioned in the text of the document (its component part or group of documents), necessary and sufficient for its identification, search and general characteristics.
The objects of compiling a bibliographic reference are all types of published and unpublished documents on any media (including electronic resources of local and remote access), as well as component parts of documents.
According to the composition of the elements, a bibliographic reference can be full or short, depending on the type of reference, its purpose, the presence of bibliographic information in the text of the document.
When writing a scientific work, the author is obliged to draw up bibliographic references to the source of information in accordance with the requirements GOST R 7.0.5-2008 Bibliographic reference. General requirements and drafting rules

The following links are distinguished by their location in the document:

SUBLINE (most common) - are placed at the bottom of the page, under the main text, from which they are separated by a horizontal line of arbitrary length.
The numbering of links is independent for each page.

In the text: The daily turnover of the world foreign exchange market ranges from 500 million to 4 trillion. US dollars. one
in the link:

1. Foreign exchange market and foreign exchange regulation. M., 1989. S. 23

In the text: If a language is a set of lexico-phraseological and grammatical means used by its speakers for the purposes of communication, influence, then style is the techniques, methods, manner of their use. one
in the link:
1. Rosenthal D. E. Speak and write in Russian correctly. M., 2009. P.12

In the text: References may be needed to present to a bank, a company, an embassy, ​​a pension fund. one
in the link:
1. Doronina L. You were asked to issue a certificate ... // Personnel business. - 2006. - No. 9. - P. 35
1. Doronina L. You were asked to issue a certificate // Personnel business. 2006. No. 9. P. 35

INTERNATIONAL – are placed directly on the line after the text to which they refer and are enclosed in parentheses.

In the text: The cargo turnover of the port amounted to 3.6 million tons (Problems of Economics. 2010. No. 3. P. 5-12)

In the text: The object of taxation by the exchange tax is the turnover of securities on the stock exchange (Lazareva N.V. Taxes and taxation: study guide. Rostov n / D, 2009.)

In the text: One hundred years ago, V. O. Klyuchevsky wrote: “Asia enlightened Europe, and Europe conquered Asia. Now Europe enlightens Asia. Will Asia repeat the same operation over Europe? (Klyuchevsky V. O. Letters. Diaries. Aphorisms and thoughts about history. M., 1968. P. 34)

OVER-TEXT - are used to link the text of the document with the bibliographic list. Denoted by square brackets, which contain the serial number of the source in the list and specific pages on which information is used or cited in the source itself:
, where 8 - serial number in the bibliographic list, from. 45- page

In the text: Exchange tax is a tax on exchange turnover. The object of taxation is the turnover of securities on the stock exchange.

In the bibliography:
12. The securities market: textbook. allowance / E. F. Zhukov [and others]. - M. Vuzovsky textbook, 2010. - 253 p.

When recording several bibliographic references to one document in a row on one page, the words "Ibid" are given in the repeated reference and the corresponding pages are indicated.

primary:(Political conflictology. M., 2002. S. 169-178)

repeated: [ibid., p. 42]

Features of compiling bibliographic references to electronic resources

The objects of compiling a bibliographic reference are electronic resources of local and remote access. Links are both to electronic resources in general (electronic documents, databases, portals, sites, web pages, forums, etc.) and to components of electronic resources (sections and parts of electronic documents, portals, sites, publications in electronic serials, forum posts, web pages, etc.)
For electronic remote access resources, a note is given about the access mode in which the abbreviation "URL" (Uniform Resource Locator) is used. Information about the protocol for accessing a network resource (http, etc.) and its electronic address are given in the format of a uniform resource locator. After the e-mail address, in parentheses, information about the date of access to the electronic network resource is given: after the words "date of access" indicate the day, month and year.

4 Skopina I. V. The role of a single regional information resource in the global economic space. URL: http://region. /modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=97 (accessed 11/27/10)

5 Guide: how to create content and write texts for websites? URL: (date of access: 02/13/11)

Links to full-text databases, access to which is limited ("Code", "ConsultantPlus", "EBSCO", "Integrum", etc.) provide the following information: 1999 No. 81-FZ (as amended and supplemented, entered into force on 01/01/2009). Access from the reference-legal system "ConsultantPlus"

Department of Education of the Orel Region

Department of Vocational Education and Educational Work

Budgetary educational institution of the Oryol region

secondary vocational education









Printed by decision of the Methodological Council of the BOU OO SPO« Mezen Pedagogical College». Minutes dated March 17, 2015 No. 4.

Editorial team:

Shadrina L. I., Director of the Mezen Pedagogical College, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor;

Pavlova A. I., head of the methodological office, candidate of pedagogical sciences;

Kondratenko OA, head of the library.

Basic requirements for the design of a bibliographic description of a document, bibliographic references / comp. A. A. Bukhtiyarova, L. I. Osadchaya. - Eagle: BOU OO SPO "Mezen Pedagogical College", 2015. - 33 p.

Methodical recommendations are developed for use by the authors in the preparation of a bibliographic description and bibliographic references in research, term papers, theses, in any field of educational and scientific activity of the Mezen Pedagogical College.

Designed for teachers, students of educational institutions of secondary vocational education.

Materials are printed in the author's edition

Technical editor: Bukhtiyarova A. A., methodologist

Mezen Pedagogical College, 2015


    Making a list of references

    General requirements………………………………………….4

    Literature arrangement options in the list………………………………………………………………..5

    Bibliographic description of the publication

    The structure of the bibliographic description of a monographic publication in the list………………………………7

    Schemes of bibliographic description of documents…….12

    Examples of a bibliographic description of a monographic edition……………………………………….13

    Analytical bibliographic description of the publication

    General requirements…………………………………………21

    Scheme …21

    Examples analytical bibliographic description……………………………………………………………22

    bibliographicdescription of the electronic resource…25

    General requirements…………………………………………27

    Intratext bibliographic link…………..28

    Subscript bibliographic reference……………….28

    Off-text bibliographic reference…………………30

    Features of compiling bibliographic references to electronic resources……………………………………………..30

    Features of compiling bibliographic references to archival documents………………………………………………31

    Making references to the bibliography…………….31




Literature lists, bibliographic lists, references are an important element of educational (abstract, course and diploma work) or scientific (article, scientific publication, dissertation) work.The rules for the design of scientific papers are common to all branches of knowledge and are regulated by the state standards of the Russian Federation.

A list of references is a list of bibliographic descriptions of printed works or components arranged in any order (in alphabetical order and by title, in order of publication reference, etc.).

A bibliographic description is a set of bibliographic information about a document given according to the rules established by GOST.

To date, the following GOSTs are in force in Russia, regulating the procedure for creating bibliographic descriptions:

    GOST 7.1-2003 “Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules for drafting”;

    GOST 7.82-2001"Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description of electronic resources. General requirements and rules for drafting”;

    GOST 7.80-2000"Bibliographic record. Title. General requirements and rules for drafting”;

    GOST 7.0.12-2011"Bibliographic record. Abbreviation of words and phrases in Russian: general requirements and rules.

The full texts of these GOSTs in PDF format can be found on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (

The list of references is placed after the main text of the work. It is not allowed to use the word "Bibliography" as the title of the list.The most correct names for the list are:


    List of used literature;

    List of used sources and literature;


If the list includes all the documents studied by the researcher on the topic, regardless of whether they were used in the work or not, the list is headed with one word - literature.

If only what was analyzed in the review and used in the form of borrowings in the text is included, the second variant of the title is selected - the list of references.

Finally, if sources were also used in addition to literature, the researcher stops at the third version of the title - a list of sources and literature used.

The list must be numbered (continuous numbering from beginning to end in Arabic numerals). Each bibliographic entry in the list receives a serial number and begins with a red line.



The list of references is arranged mainly in alphabetical order of authors' surnames and titles (general alphabet of authors' surnames and titles of books, articles, if the author is not indicated).

Sources in a foreign language are placed after the list of sources in Russian alphabetically in the following order: first in the languages ​​of the peoples using the Cyrillic alphabet, then in the Latin alphabet, then in special graphics, transliteration (in Russian transcription).

Description of electronic resources is placed at the end of the bibliography in alphabetical order.

The elements of the bibliographic description are given in a strictly established sequence and are separated from each other by conventional separating characters:

. – (dot and dash)

, (comma)

: (colon)

; (semicolon)

/ (one slash)

// (two slashes)

() (round brackets)

(square brackets)

= (equal sign)

Before and after conditional separators are placedspace in one printed character. The exception is (. ) And (, ). In this case, spaces are usedjust after them.

A conventional separating sign (hereinafter referred to as URZ) “dot and dash” is placed before each element (area) of the bibliographic description.

URZ "dot" - between the title of the description and the title.

URZ "colon" - before another title or information related to the title, and before the name of the publisher.

URZ "semicolon" - before information about other persons or teams who took part in the preparation of the publication.

URZ "slash" - before information about responsibility (authors, compilers, editors, editors-in-chief).

URP "two slashes" - between information about the component part of the document and information about the document itself, in which the component is placed.

URZ "parentheses" - additional information about the elements of the area.

URZ "square brackets" - for the general designation of the material.

URZ "equal sign" - to indicate parallel information about the publication.

When compiling the lists, such groups of publications are distinguished as:

    Regulatory documents:

international acts ratified by Russia, with UN documents coming first;

the Constitution of the Russian Federation;


federal laws;

decrees of the President of Russia;

resolutions of the Government of Russia;

orders, letters, etc. instructions of individual federal ministries and departments;

laws of subjects of Russia;

governors orders;

orders of regional (republican) governments;

judicial practice (i.e. decisions of the Supreme and other courts of Russia);

legislative acts that have become invalid.

The laws are not arranged alphabetically, but according to the date of adoption (signing by the President of Russia) - older ones are ahead.


the main documents on the analysis of which a scientific or educational research is based;

texts of works of art, memoirs, diaries, correspondence;

statistical collections, yearbooks, materials of statistical bodies;

periodicals (newspapers and magazines);

documentary materials of central and local archival institutions.

    Scientific papers:

Monographs, collections of articles, dissertations and abstracts of dissertations, deposited manuscripts, textbooks, articles from collections, scientific journals, ongoing publications in alphabetical order in Russian, and then in other foreign languages.

Electronic resources are arranged in the general order along with printed documents.

    Special types of regulatory and technical documents:

State standards, descriptions of inventions, technical catalogs, information sheets, patent documents, standard designs, catalogs of industrial equipment, price lists for materials and products.



Title. Title proper [Document type]: Information related to the title / Statement of responsibility. - Publication information. – Place of publication, Publisher, Date of publication. - Volume. – (Title proper of the series; series issue number).

    Header area - part of the bibliographic record located before the main title of the work. Header is made outin the form in which it is given in the prescribed source of information, in the same sequence and with the same signs. The title may consist of one or more sentences.

In cases where a document is described under an individual or collective author, information about them in a certain way becomes the title of the bibliographic record.

The main document regulating the preparation of the heading of a bibliographic entry is GOST 7.80-2000 “Bibliographic entry. Title. General requirements and rules for drafting.

The most widely used are the following main types of bibliographic record headings:

    a header containing the person's name;

    title containing the name of the organization;

    a heading containing a uniform title;

    a title containing the designation of the document;

    a title containing a geographic name.

Under a heading containingperson's name , make entries on works created by one, two or three authors.

If there are four or more authors, the entry isunder the heading as well as on works in which the author is not indicated or not established; collections of works with a common title.

Under a heading containingname of company responsible for the content of the document published on its behalf, make entries for the following types of documents:

    Official documents (except for collections) of executive, legislative and judicial authorities;

    Official documents relating to one organization;

    Documents that havetype title (“Decrees”, “Charters”, “Decrees and Resolutions”, “Proceedings”, “Collections of Works”, “Scientific Notes”), materials of temporary organizations (“Reports”, “Abstracts of Reports”, “Materials”), guidebooks, bibliographic indexes and reference publications of one organization, serial publications, etc. documents published on behalf of the organization.

Under a heading containinguniform title , describe works that have the most common form of the title of an anonymous classical work published under different titles, or a standardized abbreviated form of the title of an anonymous work that has a very complex title (The Tale of Igor's Campaign, The Tale of Shemyakin's Court, etc.).

Under a heading containingdocument designation , make records for the description of regulatory and technical documents containing the index of the document (GOST, OST, TU, ISO, etc.), digital (or digital and alphabetic) designation of the document and the year of its approval, as well as for describing patent documents containing in this case, the designation of the type of document in abbreviated form (Pat., A. s.), its number, the name of the country that issued the document and the international classification index (inventions, industrial designs, etc.).

    Title proper area is the title of a book or article,butheading information - an explanation of the genre, type of publication, for whom this publication is intended.

For example: a collection of articles, a textbook for university students, etc.

The general designation of the material [Document type] defines the class of material to which the object of description belongs, it is given immediately after the title proper with a capital letter in square brackets:


[Electronic resource]


[video recording]

[Sound recording]






If the list mainly contains entries for books and brochures, then in these entries the general designation of the material can be omitted, but indicated in entries for other types of documents (for example, electronic publications, musical publications, art publications).

After the general designation of the material followtitle related information (clarification information). They are preceded by a colon, (:).Clarifying information is written with a lowercase (small) letter. For example:

Agafonova, N. N. Civil law [Text]: textbook. allowance for universities ...

    Responsibility information area includes all information about individual and collective authors who participated in the creation of the intellectual, artistic or other content of the work. Write them down in the form in which they are given in the source.

Responsibility contain information about the persons and organizations involved in the creation of the content of the work.

Frontinformation about liabilityput a slash, separated by spaces on both sides (/). PThe following groups of information are separated from each other by a semicolon (;), for example:

/ Moskov. union of artists; comp. Z. I. Gorin [and others]; under total ed. N. K. Morozova; artistic V. Lisin

/ A. S. Zemlyanikin [and others]; ed. V. I. Gendin [i dr.].

    Publication area contains information about the changes and features of this edition in relation to the previous edition of the same work. The edition statement is given in the wording and sequence given in the prescribed source of information. For example:

5th ed., revised.

Ed. 2nd, rev. and additional

Ed. 4th, revised. and additional

Ed. 11th, stereotype.

Official ed.

    Output area contains information about the place and time of publication. Elements of the area are given in the following sequence: place of publication, name of publisher, date of manufacture.

The place of publication is followed by a colon (:) and the name of the publisher by a comma (,). If there is a name of a publishing house department, then a “dot” is put after the name of the publishing house, and the name of the department is written with a capital letter.

In the bibliographycity ​​name (places of publication) is written in full (Omsk, Minsk, Tambov, Belgorod).An exception make up only the following cities, the names of which are written in abbreviated form: Moscow (M.), Leningrad (L.), St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg), Nizhny Novgorod (N. Novgorod), Rostov-on-Don (Rostov n / D ), London (L.), Paris (P.), New York (NY.).

For example:M.: Publishing House of Moscow. university

If there are two publishers, the names of both publishers separated by a "colon" are given.

For example:M .: Young Guard: Music, 2006.

Publisher name it is written without quotes with a capital letter, while the word "publisher" itself is omitted.

For example:L.: Science. Leningrad branch.

The words "publishing house", "publishing house", "publishing group", "publisher", "edition" are used if they are grammatically related to the name of the publisher and are abbreviated according to GOST.

For example:M.: Ed. house on Strastnoy. - Perm: Publishing House of Perm. state scientific research university

Name (title) of the publisher, distributor, etc. are given after information about the place of publication to which it refers, and separated by a colon. The information is given as it appears on the prescribed source of information, retaining the words or phrases that indicate the functions (other than publishing) performed by the person or organization. Information about the form of ownership of the publisher, distributor, etc. (JSC, LLC, Ltd, Inc., GmbH, etc.) are usually omitted.

In the source of information: In description:

Nauka Publishing House: Science

Publishing house "New textbook": New textbook


Ural University Press: Ural Publishing House. university

Publishing house of the St. Petersburg Chemical and Pharmacological Academy: Publishing House of St. Petersburg. chem. - farmak. acad.

    Physical characteristic area contains information aboutnumber of pages, indicated by Arabic numerals and the letterfrom.

These are obligatory elements of the bibliographic description, which must be indicated in the lists of sources used when writing scientific papers.


Scheme for describing an electronic resource for remote access (Internet resource)

Title proper [Electronic resource]: information related to the title: [website] / statement of responsibility. – Resource type designation. – Place of resource creation, date of resource creation. – Mode of access (date of access).

The place and date of creation of the Internet resource is recorded when it can be installed. A note about the access mode, it is allowed to replace the abbreviation "URL" (Uniform Resource Locator - Uniform Resource Locator).

The general scheme of the bibliographic description of the component part of the document (articles from a magazine, newspaper, etc.)

When describing articles from journals, indicate the author of the article (Surname, I. O.), its title, [Type of document], then, after two slashes, indicate the name of the journal in which it was published, year, number, pages on which the article is placed.

When describing articles from newspapers, indicate the author of the article (Surname, I. O.), title of the article, [Type of document], then, followed by two slashes, indicate the name of the newspaper, year, day and month. If the newspaper has more than 8 pages, you must indicate the page number on which the article is placed.




It is used when links complicate the perception of the text. The subscript bibliographic reference is drawn up as a note taken out of the text of the document down the page. In such a link, the bibliographic information about the link object that is available in the text of the document is repeated.

When numbering subscript bibliographic references, a uniform order is used for the entire given document: continuous numbering throughout the text or within each chapter, section.

To link subscript bibliographic references with the text of the document, a digital footnote sign is used. The footnote sign is printed with a paragraph indent in Arabic numerals without brackets and placed at the top of the line.


1. Akimenko V. M. Developing technologies in speech therapy. Rostov n / D., 2011. S. 100.


8. Ruvinsky L. I., Solovieva A. E. Psychology of self-education. M., 1982. S. 140.

For entries on articles or other constituent parts of the document, it is allowed (if the text contains bibliographic information about the constituent part) in the subscript reference to indicate only information about the identifying document:


33. Zakharov S. S. Typological modeling of a scientific journal. Vestnik MGUP. 2009. No. 7. P. 87–90.

If this article is mentioned in the text of the document:


10. Vestnik MGUP. 2009. No. 7. P. 87–90.

For entries on electronic resources, it is allowed, if the text contains bibliographic information identifying the Internet resource, to indicate only its electronic address (abbreviation "URL") in the subscript link.

The main text does not contain bibliographic information identifying the Internet resource:


1. Official periodicals: electron. guide. [St. Petersburg], 2005–2007. URL: (date of access: 01/18/2007).


29. URL: http:// www. perfect. en



The bibliographic descriptions of the documents cited, considered or mentioned in the text of the work, included in the list of references, are linked by references to a specific fragment of the text.

References in the text of the document are enclosed in square brackets.

References can also be used to link the text of a document to a bibliographic list.

The use of bibliographic references of this type in the works is most preferable.

The reference containing the serial number of the entry in the list of references referred to is given in Arabic numerals in square brackets in the line with the text of the work.

In the text:

A general list of reference books on terminology, covering the time no later than the middle of the twentieth century, is given by the work of the bibliographer I. M. Kaufman.

Then at number 59 in the list of references there will be an entry specifically for the work of this author.

If the link is given (quoted) to a specific fragment of the text of the document, the serial number of the edition in the list and the pages on which the link object is placed are indicated in the reference, the information is separated by a comma. The fragment (quote) itself is enclosed in quotation marks.


    GOST 7.12-93. Bibliographic record. Abbreviation of words in Russian. General requirements and rules. - Minsk: Standards Publishing House, 1995. - 17 p.

    GOST 7.80-2000. Bibliographic record. Title. General requirements and rules for compilation. - Minsk: Standards Publishing House, 2001. - 11 p.

    GOST 7.82-2001. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description of electronic resources. General requirements and rules for compilation. - Minsk: Standards Publishing House, 2002. - 26 p.

    GOST 7.1-2003. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules for drawing up: interstate standard. - M.: IPK Standards Publishing House, 2004. - 47 p.

    Evseeva, I. P. Rules for the design of bibliographic references and abstracts / I. P. Evseeva // Libraries of educational institutions. - 2008. - No. 26. - P. 25 - 36.

    Evseeva, IP Rules for designing a bibliographic list in the performance of educational and scientific work / IP Evseeva // Libraries of educational institutions. - 2010. - No. 25. - P. 54 - 64.

    Kalinin, S. Yu. Output information and reference and bibliographic apparatus of the publication [Text] / S. Yu. Kalinin. – 5th ed., revised. and ext. - Moscow: University book: School of publishing and media business, 2011. - 256 p.: ill.

    Kalinin, S. Yu. New standard for abbreviation of words and phrases in bibliographic records [Text] / S. Yu. Kalinin // Bibliography. - 2012. - No. 2. - P. 20 - 42.

    Kalinina, G.P. Bibliographic apparatus of term papers, theses and dissertations [Text] / G.P. Kalinina // Bibliography. - 2012. - No. 1. - P. 50 - 55.

    Kalinina, G.P. Compiling a standard bibliographic record for books [Text]: practical recommendations / G.P. Kalinina; Russian Book Chamber. - Moscow: RKP, 2006. - 167 p.

    Kikalova, N.S. New rules of bibliographic description / N.S. Kikalova [Electronic resource] // My Nauchka. Newspaper of the Zonal Scientific Library named after V. A. Artisevich [website]. - Saratov, 2006-2009. - Access mode:http : // library. sgu. en/ gazeta/ index. php? id=2005-2

    Kuznetsov, I. N. Dissertation works: Methods of preparation and design: educational method. settlement - 3rd ed., revised. and additional / I. N. Kuznetsov. - M .: Publishing and Trade Corporation "Dashkov and K", 2007. - 456 p.

    Milchin, A. E. Publisher and Author's Handbook [Text]: editorial and publishing design of the publication / A. E. Milchin, L.K. Cheltsov. - 2nd ed., Rev. and additional - M.: OLMA-PRESS, 2003. - 799 p.

    Nevezhin, V. P. How to write, arrange and defend a final qualification work [Text] a textbook for students studying in the direction of training bachelors, graduates and masters / V. P. Nevezhin. - Moscow FORUM: INFRA-M, 2012. - 111 p.

    Savina, I. A. Bibliographic description of the document: Semiotic approach: educational method. settlement / I. A. Savina; ed. N. B. Zinovieva. - M.: Liberea, 2004. - 88 p.

    Savina, I. A. Methods of bibliographic description: a practical guide. - M.: Liberea-Bibinform, 2007. - 144 p.

    Reference book of the bibliographer [Text] / [scientific. Ed.: A. N. Vaneev, V. A. Minkina]. – Ed. 3rd, revised. and additional - St. Petersburg: Profession, 2006. - 591 p.

(Book description)

Title. Title proper = Parallel title: information relating to the title proper / first statement of responsibility; subsequent liability information. - Publication information. – Place of publication: Publisher, date of publication. – Volume: illustrations + accompanying material. – (Title proper of the series: information related to the title of the series / statement of responsibility related to the series; issue number of the series). – Note.

  1. Document description with one author:

    Ezova, S. A. The world of library communication [Text]: scientific and practical guide / S. A. Ezova. - M. : Litera, 2010. - 251 p.

    Reznik, S. D. Department management [Text]: textbook / S. D. Reznik. -3rd ed., revised. and additional - M. : INFRA-M, 2010. - 605 p. – (Management in higher education).

    Zotikov, I. A. Sagas of the polar seas [Text]: an unusual journey from Chukotka to Murmansk in August 1991 / Igor Zotikov; ill. ed. - M. : Terra, 2002. - 414 p., L. ill.

    Dale, D. Bob, fidget kitten [Text]: for children ml. school age / Jenny Dale; per. from English. N. Dudnik. - M. : Egmont Russia, 2000. - 64 p. : ill. - (Guys about kittens).

  2. Document description with two authors:

    Glukhov, Vladimir Viktorovich Economic foundations of ecology [Text]: textbook. allowance for students, obuch. according to special 060800 "Economics and management at the enterprise of nature management" / V. V. Glukhov, T. P. Nekrasova; St. Petersburg State. polytechnic un-t. - 3rd ed. - St. Petersburg. : PETER, 2003. - 384 p.: ill.

    Glushakov, S. V. Self-instruction manual for working on a personal computer [Text] : : training course / S. V. Glushakov, A. S. Suryadny. - Moscow: AST; Kharkov: Folio, 2002. - 275 p. : ill.

    Shipitsyna, L. M. Anatomy, physiology and pathology of the organs of hearing, speech and vision [Text]: textbook / L. M. Shipitsyna, I. A. Vartanyan. - M. : Academy, 2008. - 432 p. – (Higher professional education).

  3. Document description with three authors:

    Anisimov, Yu. P. Profitability of innovation activities [Text] : monograph / Yu. P. Anisimov, V. B. Artemenko, O. A. Zaitseva; Institute of Management, Marketing and Finance. - Voronezh: IMMIF, 2009. - 192 p. - Bibliography. : from. 158-170.

    Kryuchkov, I. P. Electrical part of power plants and substations [Text] / I. P. Kryuchkov, N. I. Kuvshinsky, B. N. Neklepaev. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M. : Energy, 2008. - 456 p.

    Nikonov, D. A. The law of social security in Russia [Text]: a short training course / D. A. Nikonov, A. V. Stremoukhov, S. V. Kryukov. - M. : NORMA, 2004. - 208 p.

  4. Description of the document created by more than 4 authors:

    Designing men's and women's clothing [Text]: textbook / B. S. Sakulin, E. K. Amirova, O. V. Sakulina, A. T. Trukhanov; Institute of Development prof. education. - M. : Academy, 2006. - 304 p.

    Designing men's and women's clothing [Text]: textbook / B. S. Sakulin [and others]; Institute of Development prof. education. - M. : Academy, 2006. - 304 p.

    Concepts. Categories: linguistic reality [Text]: a collective monograph dedicated to the anniversary of Professor Maria Vasilievna Malinovich / M. V. Malinovich, D. A. Aripova, V. V. Batitskaya [and others]; Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation; GOU VPO "Irkutsk state. Linguistic University. - Irkutsk: IGLU, 2011. - 382 p.

  5. Description of a non-authored document created by writers, editors, etc.:

    1000 and one dispute won from the tax authorities [Text] / ed. G. Yu. Kasyanova. – M. : Informtsentr XXI veka, 2004. – 320 p.

    100 terms of the Labor Code [Text]: explanatory dictionary / comp. S. Yu. Golovina. - Yekaterinburg: Humanitarian. un-t, 2007. - 29 p.

  6. Description of collections of scientific papers

    Ethnosocial processes in Siberia [Text]: thematic collection of scientific papers / ed. ed. Yu. V. Popkov. - Novosibirsk: Siberian Scientific Publishing House, 2007. - Issue. 8. - 312 p.

    Siberia in the system of international relations [Text]: collection of scientific articles / ed. ed. V. P. Zinoviev. - Tomsk: Publishing House of Tomsk University, 2001. - 151 p.

    The development of languages ​​and cultures of the indigenous peoples of Siberia in the conditions of a changing Russia [Text]: materials of the II International Scientific Conference, September 25-27, 2008 Abakan / Institute of Sayan-Altai Turkology; [res. ed. T. G. Borgoyakova]. - Abakan: Publishing House of KhSU named after. N. F. Katanova, 2008. - 400 p.

  7. Description of dissertations, abstracts of dissertations

    Lagkueva, I. V. Features of labor regulation of theater creative workers: dis. ... cand. legal Sciences: 12.00.05 / Lagkueva Irina Vladimirovna. - M., 2009. - 168 p.

    Lukina, V. A. The creative history of I. S. Turgenev's "Notes of a Hunter": author. dis. ... cand. philol. Sciences: 10.01.01 / Lukina Valentina Aleksandrovna. - St. Petersburg, 2006. - 26 p.

  8. Official publications

    The Russian Federation. Constitution (1993). Constitution of the Russian Federation [Text]: official text. - M. : Marketing, 2007. - 39 p.

    The Russian Federation. Laws. Family Code of the Russian Federation [Text]: federal law: adopted by the State. Duma December 8, 1995: as of January 3, 2007 - St. Petersburg. : Stone Country, 2007. - 94 p.

Multi-level bibliographic description (Description of a multi-volume book)

1 level

Title proper [General material designation] = Parallel title: information relating to the title proper / first statement of responsibility; subsequent liability information. - Publication information. – Place of publication: Publisher, date of publication. – Volume: Illustrations + Accompanying material. – (Title proper of the series: information related to the title of the series / statement of responsibility related to the series; issue number of the series).

2 level

Volume number: Title proper of the volume: information related to the title / first statement of responsibility; subsequent liability information. - Publication information. – Place of publication: Publisher, date of publication. – Volume: Illustrations + Accompanying material. – (Title proper of the series: information related to the title of the series / statement of responsibility related to the series; issue number of the series). – Notes.

    Kazmin, V.D. Directory of a family doctor [Text]: at 3 o'clock / V.D. Kazmin. - M .: AST: Astrel, 2001 - .

    Part 2: Children's diseases. - 2002. - 503 p. : ill.

    Kazmin, V.D. Directory of a family doctor [Text]. At 3 o'clock. Part 2. Children's diseases / V. D. Kazmin. - M. : AST: Astrel, 2002. - 503 p. : ill.

    Kazmin, V.D. Childhood diseases [Text] / V.D. Kazmin. - M. : AST: Astrel, 2002. - 503 p. : ill. - (Handbook of a family doctor: at 3 o'clock / V. D. Kazmin; part 2).

Analytical bibliographic description (Description of the article from the publication)

  1. Scheme of an analytical bibliographic description of an article from a collection, book:

    Title. Title proper of the constituent part: Statement relating to the title proper of the constituent / Statement of responsibility relating to the constituent // Title. Book title proper: Information related to the title of the book / Statement of responsibility. - Publication information. – Place of publication, Date of publication. – Volume (release) number. – Designation and number of the chapter, paragraph. – Volume (pages on which the component is placed).

    Description of the article from the book (collection) and ongoing editions:

    Dvinyaninova, G. S. Compliment: Communicative status or strategy in discourse [Text] / G. S. Dvinyaninova // Social power of language: coll. scientific tr. / Voronezh interregional. Institute of Societies. Sciences, Voronezh State. un-t, Faculty of Romano-German. stories. - Voronezh, 2001. - S. 101-106. - Bibliography. : from. 105-106.

    Pushkov, Yu. G. On the normalization of the quality of liquid electrates in their production by the repercolation method [Text] / Yu. G. Pushkov // Scientific and technical progress and optimization of technological processes for the creation of drugs: abstracts of the report scientific conference, May 21-22, 1987 - Lvov, 1987. - S. 282-283.

    Bulatova, T. A. Social anxiety in the context of psychological defenses [Text] / A. T. Bulatova, E. I. Chernykh // Bulletin of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University: scientific journal / ch. ed. V. V. Obukhov. - Tomsk: TSPU, 2010. - Issue. 2 (92). - S. 107-113.

    Description of the article from the collected works:

    Engels, F. Socialism in Germany [Text] / K. Marx, F. Engels // Composition. - 2nd ed. - M., 1987. - T. 22. - S. 247-264.

    Pasternak, B. L. Speech at the First All-Union Congress of Soviet Writers [Text] / B. L. Pasternak // Selected: in 2 volumes - M .: Khudozh. literature, 1985. - T. 2. - S. 280-283.

    Description of the encyclopedia article:

    Korndorf, S. F. Electronics [Text] // Brief reference book of the machine builder / S. F. Kondorf; ed. S. A. Chernavsky. - M., 1966. - S. 143-166.

    Medvedev, B. V. Quantum field theory [Text] / B. V. Medvedev, D. V. Shirkov // Encyclopedia of Physics. - M., 1990. - T. 2. - S. 300-308.

  2. Scheme of an analytical bibliographic description of an article from a periodical:

    Title. Title proper of the constituent part: Statement relating to the title of the constituent / Statement of responsibility relating to the constituent // Title proper: Statement relating to the title of the edition / Statement of responsibility. – Release date (year of publication). – Edition number. – Volume (pages on which the component is placed).

    Description of the newspaper article:

    Ischeeva, Ksenia. Brass band for the soul [Text]: [in December 2005 the municipal brass band of Abakan will turn 15] / K. Ishcheeva // Khakassia. - 2005. - July 5 (No. 122). - p. 5.

    Description of the article from the magazine:

    Divnogortsev, A. L. Professor Shamurin's difficult time [Text] / A. L. Divnogortsev // World of Bibliography. - 2010. - No. 3. - S. 33-36.

    Arslanov, G. Reforms in China: Change of generations [Text] / G. Arslanov // Asia and Africa today. - 2002. - No. 4. - S. 2-6.

    Description of conversations, interviews:

    Tikhomirov, S. With the "Code" you can safely get down to business [Text] / S. Tikhomirov; the conversation was led by E. Malinin // Economics and Life. - 2004. - Jan. (No. 4). – P. 6.

    Description of regulations and documents:

    RF. Ministry of Education and Science. On the orders of the Ministry of Education of Russia on the accreditation of educational institutions [Text]: order dated December 29, 2005 No. 259 / RF. Ministry of Education and Science // Department of Internal Affairs: Interdepartmental Information Bulletin. - 2006. - No. 7. - S. 49-50.

    The Russian Federation. President (2008; D. A. Medvedev). On holding the Year of the Teacher in the Russian Federation [Text]: Decree of the President of Ros. Federation dated March 10, 2009 No. 259 // Bulletin of Education of Russia. - 2009. - No. 7. - P. 31.

Bibliographic description of the electronic document

According to the access mode, electronic resources are divided into:

  • Local (resources distributed on machine-readable media and available only on individual workstations or local networks, including CDs, floppy disks).
  • Remote access or network (resources distributed via global telecommunications networks, in particular, via the Internet, hosted on a website and having a network address, accessible to a potentially unlimited range of users via networks).

The bibliographic description of an electronic resource allows you to identify an electronic resource, i.e. to get an idea about its:

  • content
  • appointment;
  • physical characteristics;
  • system requirements;
  • access mode;
  • methods of distribution;
  • sources of information.

Scheme of the bibliographic description of the electronic resource:

Title proper [General material designation]: / Statement of responsibility. – Edition statement/statement of responsibility relating to the edition, additional edition statement. – Designation of the type of resource (amount of resource). – Place of publication: name of the publisher, date of publication (Place of manufacture: name of the manufacturer, date of manufacture). – Specific designation of the material and the number of physical units: other physical characteristics; size + information about the accompanying material. - (Title proper of the series or subseries = Parallel title of the series or subseries: information relating to the title of the series or subseries / statement of responsibility relating to the series or subseries, ISSN ; numbering within the series or subseries). – Note. – Standard number = Key title: terms of availability and/or price.

For remote access electronic resources, a note is given about the access mode in which it is allowed instead of words "Access mode"(or their equivalent in another language) use an abbreviation for an email address URL(Uniform Resource Locator - Uniform Resource Locator).

Information about the protocol for accessing a network resource (ftp, http, etc.) and its electronic address are given in the format of a uniform resource locator.

After the e-mail address, in parentheses, information about the date of access to the electronic network resource is given: after the words "date of access" indicate the day, month and year. Information about the date of access to the document is very important, because the Internet is characterized by such a concept as volatility. For a year, any directory of network resources becomes obsolete by one quarter. This or that document can be deleted or transferred.

  1. Bibliographic description of an electronic document located on a physical medium (local electronic document):

    Baburina, Nina I. 1917. A poster in the revolution - a revolution in the poster [Electronic resource]: from the history of Russian. and owls. poster of the beginning 20th century : multimedia. a computer. course / Nina Baburina, Klaus Vashik, Konstantin Kharin; Ros. state humanitarian. un-t and Moscow. scientific center for culture and information. technologies, Institute of Rus. and owls. culture them. Yu. M. Lotman (Bochum, Germany) – Electron. Dan. - M. : RGGU, sor. 1999. - 1 electron. opt. disc (CD-ROM) : sound, color ; 12 cm. - System. Requirements: IBM PC 486 (Pentium or higher recommended) ; Microsoft Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0 (Russian recommended); 20 MB; video card and monitor supporting 800 x 600 mode, 65K colors. ; mouse or similar. device; sound card compatible with Microsoft Windows. - Zagl. from the disc label.

    Dahl, Vladimir I. Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language by Vladimir Dahl [Electronic resource]: prepared. on the 2nd oven. ed. 1880 - 1882 – Electron. Dan. - M. : ACT [et al.], 1998. - 1 electron. opt. disk (CD-ROM) ; 12 cm + hand user (8 s.) - (Electronic book). – System. requirements: IBMPC with 486 processor; RAM 8 MB; operational Windows system (3x, 95, NT); CD-ROM drive; mouse. - Zagl. from the screen.

    Tsvetkov, Viktor Yakovlevich. Computer graphics: work program [Electronic resource]: for students in absentia. forms of training geodesy. and other specialties / V. Ya. Tsvetkov. – Electron. Dan. and progr. - M.: MIIGAiK, 1999. - 1 floppy disk. – System. requirements: IBMPC, Windows 95, Word 6.0. - Zagl. from the screen. - No. state. registration 0329900020.

    Description titled:

    Alexander and Napoleon [Electronic resource]: The history of two emperors / Museum-panorama "Battle of Borodino", Intersoft. – Electron. Dan. - M .: Intersoft, sor. 1997. - 1 electron. opt. disk (CD-ROM): sound, color 12 cm. – System. requirements: PC with 486 DX2-66 processor; 8 MB RAM; Microsoft Windows 3.1 or Windows 95; 2-speed CD-ROM drive; video card SVGA 256 col. ; sound 16-bit MPC card; stereo speakers or headphones. - Zagl. from the disc label.

    Atlas-98 [Electronic resource]: 3D: the most detailed. completely three-dimensional. atlas of the world. – Electron. Dan. and progr. - [B. Moscow], 1998. – 1 electron, opt. disc (CD-ROM): sound, color ; 12 cm - (abc) (The whole world in 3D). – System. requirements: PC 486 DX-33 ; 8 MB RAM; 15 MB HDD; Windows 3.1 or Windows 95; 2-speed drive; 256 col. SVGA display; sound map; mouse. - Zagl. from the container.

    Bibliography on social and human sciences, 1993 - 1995 [Electronic resource] / Inst. inform. by society Sciences (INION). – Electron. Dan. and progr. (33 files: 459658539 bytes). - M.,. – 1 electron. opt. disk (CD-ROM); 12 cm. - System, requirements: IPS "IRBIS" 500 Kb; DOS 3.3 and above. - Zagl. from the container insert. – Contents: 1. Bibliography: 241280 entries. 2. Rubricator INION: 4901 entries.

  2. Description of remote access resources:

    The description of Internet resources is very difficult to adjust to standards, since it is far from always possible to determine the source of complete and accurate information about a site, server, portal. Therefore, the obligatory elements here are: the title proper with the general designation of the material and the mode of access.

    Valeev, Ramil. “I try to relate to various publications about the East with all my heart” (Letters from N.F. Katanov to E.K. Pekarsky) [Electronic resource] / R. Valeev // Gasyrlar avaza = Echo of centuries: a scientific documentary journal. – URL: (date of access: 01/12/12) .

    Dankina, Nadezhda. What was the passion of the scientist [Electronic resource]: [to the 150th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Turkologist Nikolai Fedorovich Katanov] / N. Dankina // Khakassia: daily republican newspaper. – URL: (date of access: 03/22/2012).

    Description titled:

    Russian State Library [Electronic resource] / Center Inform. RSL technologies; ed. Vlasenko T. V.; Web-master Kozlova NV - Electron. Dan. – M. : Ros. state library, 1997– . – Access mode:, free. - Zagl. from the screen. - Yaz. Russian, English

    Katanov Nikolai Fedorovich [Electronic resource]: biographical index // Chronos: world history on the Internet / ed. V. B. Rumyantsev. – URL: (date of access: 01/12/12).

  3. Description of legal reference systems:

    These include reference and legal systems "Garant", "Consultant Plus", "Kodeks" and others.

    On public associations: feder. law of 19.05.1995. No. 82 - Federal Law: change. and additional 07/22/2010 [adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on 04/14/1995] // Consultant Plus: comp. ref. legal system [Electronic resource] / Company "Consultant Plus". - Electron. Dan. - [M.]. - URL: (date of access: 10.09.2010).

The examples are based on:

GOST 7.82-2001. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description of electronic resources. General requirements and rules for compilation. When copying information link to the electronic version of the method. instructions are required.

GOST 7.1-2003. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules for compilation.

GOST 7.0.5-2008. Bibliographic link. General requirements and rules for compilation.

GOST R 7.0.12-2011 Bibliographic record. Abbreviation of words and phrases in Russian. General requirements and rules.

In more detail on the rules of bibliographic description (complicated cases of description), you will be consulted by employees of the scientific and bibliographic department - building No. 1, room. 124.

Composition. Doroganova, T.V. Bish, T.I. Istomin;
Responsible for updating the page: Istomina Tatyana Igorevna
Page updated 07/09/2013

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