Angelic ranks and their names. Heavenly hierarchy of angels in orthodox Christianity

In Christianity, the host of angels is divided into three classes, or hierarchies, and each hierarchy, in turn, is divided into three faces. Here is the most common classification of angelic faces attributed to Dionysius the Areopagite:

First hierarchy: seraphim, cherubim, thrones. Second hierarchy: domination, strength, power. Third hierarchy: principles, archangels, angels.

Seraphim, belonging to the first hierarchy, are absorbed eternal love to the Lord and reverence for Him. They immediately surround His throne. Seraphim, as representatives of Divine Love, most often have red wings and sometimes hold lit candles in their hands. Cherubim know God and worship Him. They, as representatives of Divine Wisdom, are depicted in golden yellow and blue colors. Sometimes they have books in their hands. Thrones support the throne of God and express Divine Justice. They are often depicted in the robes of judges with a rod of power in their hands. They are believed to receive glory directly from God and bestow it on the second hierarchy.

The second hierarchy consists of dominions, powers and authorities, which are the rulers of the heavenly bodies and elements. They, in turn, shed upon the third hierarchy the light of glory they have received. Dominations wear crowns, scepters and sometimes orbs as symbols of power. They symbolize the power of the Lord. Powers they hold in their hands white lilies or sometimes red roses, which are symbols of the Passion of the Lord. Authorities often dressed in the armor of warriors - conquerors of evil forces.

Through the third hierarchy, contact is made with the created world and with man, for its representatives are the executors of the will of God. In relation to a person started control the destinies of nations, archangels are heavenly warriors, and angels- messengers of God to man. In addition to the listed functions, the host of angels serves as a heavenly choir.

This plan for the arrangement of the celestial served as the basis for the creation and theological justification of the structure of the celestial spheres as the basis of the medieval picture of the world. According to this plan, the cherubim and seraphim are responsible for the first push ( Primum mobile) and for the sphere of the fixed stars, thrones - for the sphere of Saturn, dominion - Jupiter, strength - Mars, power - the Sun, beginning - Venus, archangels - Mercury, angels - the Moon, the celestial bodies closest to the Earth.


archangel Michael (Who is like God, Who is equal to God). Leader of the heavenly army. The conqueror of Satan, holds a green date branch in his left hand on his chest, and in right hand a spear, on top of which there is a white banner with the image of a red cross, in commemoration of the victory of the Cross over the Devil.

Archangel Gabriel (Fortress of God or Power of God). One of the highest angels appears in the Old and New Testaments as the bearer of joyful tidings. Depicted with candles and a jasper mirror as a sign that the ways of God are not clear until time, but are comprehended over time by studying the word of God and obedience to the voice of conscience.

Archangel Raphael (Healing of God or Healing of God). The doctor of human ailments, the chief of the guardian angels, is depicted holding a vessel (alavaster) with medicinal remedies (medicine) in his left hand, and in his right hand a pod, that is, a clipped bird feather for anointing wounds.

Archangel Salafiel (Angel of Prayer, Prayer to God). A man of prayer, always praying to God for people and rousing people to prayer. He is depicted with his face and eyes bowed (lowered) down, and his hands pressed (folded) with a cross on his chest, as if tenderly praying.

Archangel Uriel (Fire of God or Light of God). As an Angel of light, he enlightens the minds of people with the revelation of truths that are useful to them; like the Angel of Divine Fire, he inflames hearts with love for God and destroys impure earthly attachments in them. He is depicted holding a naked sword in his right hand against his chest, and a fiery flame in his left.

Archangel Yehudiel (Praise of God, Glorifier of God). The Archangel of God Jehudiel is depicted holding a golden crown in his right hand, as a reward from God for useful and pious works to holy people, and in his left hand a scourge of three black ropes with three ends, as a punishment for sinners for laziness in pious works

Archangel Barachiel (God's blessing). The Holy Archangel Barachiel, the dispenser of God's blessings and intercessor, asking for God's benefits to us: is depicted carrying white roses on his chest on his clothes, as if rewarding, at the command of God, for the prayers, works and moral behavior of people.

The basis for the creation of church teaching about angels is the writtenin the 5th century, the book of Dionysius the Areopagite “On the Heavenly Hierarchy” (Greek “Περί της ουρανίας”, Latin “De caelesti hierarchia”), better known in the 6th century edition. The nine angelic ranks are divided into three triads, each of which has some peculiarity.

First triad seraphim, cherubim and thrones - characterized by immediate proximity to God;

Second triad strength, domination and power - emphasizes the divine basis of the universe and world dominion;

Third triad beginnings, archangels and angels themselves - characterized by close proximity to humans.

Dionysius summarized what had been accumulated before him. Seraphim, cherubim, powers and angels are already mentioned in the Old Testament; in the New Testament dominions, principalities, thrones, powers and archangels appear.

According to the classification of Gregory the Theologian (4th century)The angelic hierarchy consists of angels, archangels, thrones, dominions, principalities, powers, radiances, ascensions and intelligences.

According to their position in the hierarchy, the ranks are arranged as follows:

seraphim - first

cherubim - second

thrones - third

domination - fourth

strength - fifth

authorities - sixth

beginning - seventh

archangels - eighth

angels - ninth.

Jewish hierarchical structures differ from Christian ones because they appeal only to the first part of the Bible - the Old Testament (TaNaKh). One source lists ten ranks of angels, starting with the highest: 1. hayot; 2. Ofanim; 3. arelim; 4. hashmalim; 5. seraphim; 6. malakim, actually “angels”; 7. elohim; 8. bene Elohim (“sons of God”); 9. cherubs; 10. ishim.

In "Maseket Azilut" the ten angelic ranks are given in a different order:1. seraphim led by Shemuel or Yehoel; 2. Ofanim led by Raphael and Ophaniel; 3. cherubim, led by Kerubiel; 4. Shinanim, over whom Tzedekiel and Gabriel were placed; 5. tarshishim, whose leaders are Tarshish and Sabriel; 6. Ishim with Zephaniel at their head; 7. Hashmalim, whose leader is called Hashmal; 8. Malakim, led by Uzziel; 9. Bene Elohim, led by Hofniel; 10. Arelim, led by Michael himself.

The names of the elder angels (archangels) vary in different sources. Traditionally highest rank attributed to Michael, Gabriel and Raphael - three angels named by name in the biblical books; the fourth is usually added to them Uriel, found in the non-canonical 3 Book of Ezra. A common belief is that there are seven higher angels (associated with magical properties numbers 7), attempts to list them by name have been made since the time of 1 Book of Enoch, but there are too many discrepancies. We will limit ourselves to listing the “magnificent seven” accepted in the Orthodox tradition: these are Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Salafiel, Jehudiel, Barachiel, Jeremiel, headed by the eighth, Michael.

The Jewish tradition also assigns an extremely high position to the archangel Metatron, who in earthly life was the patriarch Enoch, but in heaven turned into an angel. He is the vizier of the heavenly court and almost the deputy of God Himself.

1. Seraphim

Seraphim are angels of love, light and fire. They occupy the highest position in the hierarchy of ranks and serve God, taking care of his throne. Seraphim express their love for God by constantly singing psalms of praise.

In Hebrew tradition, the endless singing of the seraphim is known as"trisagion" – Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh (“Holy, Holy, Holy Lord of the Heavenly Forces, the whole earth is full of his radiance”), considered a song of creation and celebration. Being the closest creatures to God, seraphim are also considered “fiery”, since they are enveloped in the flame of eternal love.

According to the medieval mystic Jan van Ruijsbroeck, the three orders of seraphim, cherubim and thrones never take part in human conflicts, but are with us when we peacefully contemplate God and experience constant love in our hearts. They generate divine love in people.

Saint John the Evangelist on the island of Patmos had a vision of angels: Gabriel, Metatron, Kemuel and Nathaniel among the seraphim.

Isaiah is the only prophet to mention seraphim in the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament), when he recounts his vision of fiery angels above the Throne of the Lord: "Each one had six wings: two covered the face, two covered the feet, and two were used for flight."

Another reference to seraphim can be found in the book of Numbers (21:6), where a reference is made to “fiery serpents.” According to the Second Book of Enoch (apocrypha), seraphim have six wings, four heads and faces.

Lucifer left the rank of seraphim. In fact, the Fallen Prince was considered an angel who outshone all others until he fell from God's Grace.

Seraphim – In Jewish and Christian mythologyangels especially close to God.The prophet Isaiah describes them this way: “In the year of the death of King Uzziah, I saw the Lord sitting on a high throne, and the edges of His robe filled the whole temple. The Seraphim stood around Him; each of them had six wings: with two he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew. And they called to each other and said: Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of hosts! The whole earth is full of His glory/” (Is. 6. 1-3). According to the classification of Pseudo-Dionysius, together with the cherubim and thrones, the seraphim belong to the first triad: “... the most holy Thrones, the many-eyed and many-winged Orders, called in the language of the Jews Cherubim and Seraphim, according to the explanation of the Holy Scriptures, are in greater and more direct relation to the others

closeness to God... as for the name of the Seraphim, it clearly shows their incessant and everlasting desire for the Divine, their ardor and speed, their ardent, constant, unrelenting and unwavering swiftness, as well as their ability to truly elevate the lower ones to what is above, to excite and ignite them to the same heat: it also means the ability to scorch and burn. thereby cleansing them - always open. their unquenchable, constantly identical, light-forming and enlightening power. driving away and destroying all obscurity.

2. Cherubim

Word "cherub" means "fullness of knowledge" or "outpouring of wisdom."This choir has the power to know and contemplate God and the ability to understand and communicate divine knowledge to others.

3. Thrones

Term "thrones", or "many-eyed", indicates their proximity to the throne of God.This is the closest rank to God: they receive both their divine perfection and consciousness directly from Him.

Pseudo-Dionysius reports:

“So, it is right that the highest beings are dedicated to the first of the heavenly Hierarchies, since it has the highest rank, especially since the first Epiphanies and consecrations initially refer to it, as the closest to God, and the burning Thrones and the outpouring of wisdom are called

heavenly Minds because these names express their God-like properties... The name of the highest Thrones means that they

completely free from all earthly attachments and, constantly rising above the earthly, peacefully strive for the heavenly, with all their might

motionless and firmly attached to the truly Highest being,

accepting His Divine suggestion in complete dispassion and immateriality; It also means that they carry God and slavishly carry out His Divine commands.

4. Dominations

Holy dominions are endowed with sufficient power to rise above and free themselves from earthly desires and aspirations.Their duty is to distribute the responsibilities of the angels.

According to Pseudo-Dionysius, “the significant name of the holy Dominions... means a certain unservile and free from any low attachment to the earthly exaltation to the heavenly, not in any way shaken by any violent attraction to something dissimilar to them, but a dominion constant in its freedom, standing above of any humiliating slavery, alien to all humiliation, removed from all inequality to itself, constantly striving for true Dominion and, as much as possible, holyly transforming into perfect likeness to Him both itself and everything subordinate to it, not clinging to anything that exists by chance, but always completely turning to the truly existent and constantly participating in the sovereign likeness of God.”

5. Powers

The forces known as "brilliant or radiant" are angels of miracles, help, blessings that appear during battles in the name of faith.It is believed that David received the support of the Forces to fight Goliath.

The powers are also the angels from whom Abraham received his strength when God told him to sacrifice his only son- Isaac. The main duties of these angels are to perform miracles on Earth.

They are allowed to interfere with everything that concerns the physical laws on earth, but they are also responsible for enforcing those laws. By this rank, the fifth in the Hierarchy of Angels, humanity is given valor as well as mercy.

Pseudo-Dionysius says: “The name of the holy Powers means some powerful and irresistible courage, if possible imparted to them, reflected in all their God-like actions in order to remove from themselves everything that could reduce and weaken the Divine insights bestowed upon them, strongly striving for the imitation of God, not remaining idle from laziness, but steadily looking at the highest and all-strengthening Power and, as far as possible, becoming Her image according to its own strength, completely turned to Her as the source of Power and descending God-like to the lower powers to impart power to them.”

6. Authorities

Authorities are on the same level as dominions and powers, and are endowed with power and intelligence second only to God's. They provide balance to the universe.

According to the Gospels, authorities can be both good forces and minions of evil. Among the nine angelic ranks, the authorities close the second triad, which in addition to them also includes dominions and powers. As Pseudo-Dionysius said, “the name of the holy Powers signifies a Order equal to the Divine Dominions and Powers, harmonious and capable of receiving Divine insights, and a structure of premium spiritual dominion, which does not autocratically use the granted sovereign powers for evil, but freely and decently to the Divine as itself ascending , so holyly leading others to Him and, as much as possible, becoming like the Source and Giver of all power and depicting Him... in the completely true use of His sovereign power.”

7. Beginnings

The principles are legions of angels protecting religion.They constitute the seventh choir in the Dionysian hierarchy, immediately preceding the archangels. The beginnings give strength to the peoples of the Earth to find and survive their destiny.

They are also believed to be the guardians of the peoples of the world. The choice of this term, like the term “authority,” to designate the orders of the angels of God is somewhat questionable, since c. The book of Ephesians refers to the “principalities and powers” ​​as “the spirits of wickedness in high places” against which Christians must fight (“Ephesians” 6:12).

Among those considered “chief” in this order are Nisroc, an Assyrian deity who is considered in occult scriptures to be the chief prince of the demon of hell, and Anael, one of the seven angels of creation.

The Bible says: “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor

Beginnings, neither Powers, nor the present, nor the future... can separate us

from the love of God in Jesus Christ our Lord (Rom. 8.38). By

classification of Pseudo-Dionysius. beginnings are part of the third triad

along with the archangels and the angels themselves. Pseudo-Dionysius says:

“The name of the heavenly Principalities means the God-like ability to command and govern according to sacred order, befitting the commanding Powers, both themselves wholly turn to the Beginningless Beginning, and others, as is characteristic of the Authorities, to guide Him, to imprint in themselves, as far as possible, the image of the inaccurate Beginning, etc. finally, the ability to express His supreme superiority in the well-being of the commanding Powers..., The heralding order of the Principalities, Archangels and Angels alternately commands over the human Hierarchies, so that the ascension and turning to God, communication and unity with Him, which from God graciously extends to all Hierarchies, begins through communication and flows out in the most sacred orderly order.”

8. Archangels

Archangels - This is the Word Greek origin and is translated as “angel leaders”, “senior angels”.The term “Archangels” appears for the first time in Greek-language Jewish literature of pre-Christian times (Greek translation of the “Book of Enoch” 20, 7) as a rendering of expressions like (“ Grand Duke") in the appendix to Michael of the Old Testament texts (Dan. 12: 1); then this term is perceived by the New Testament authors (Jude 9; 1 Thess. 4, 16) and later Christian literature. According to the Christian celestial hierarchy, they rank directly above the angels. Religious tradition has seven archangels. The main one here is Michael the Archangel (Greek “supreme military leader”) - the leader of the armies of angels and people in their universal battle with Satan. Michael's weapon is a flaming sword.

Archangel Gabriel - best known for his participation in the Annunciation to the Virgin Mary of the birth of Jesus Christ. As a messenger of the hidden secrets of the world, he is depicted with a flowering branch, with a mirror (reflection is also a way of knowledge), and sometimes with a candle inside a lamp - the same symbol of a hidden sacrament.

Archangel Raphael - known as the heavenly healer and comforter of the afflicted.

Four other archangels are mentioned less frequently.

Uriel - this is heavenly fire, the patron saint of those who devoted themselves to the sciences and arts.

Salafiel - the name of the supreme servant with whom prayer inspiration is associated. On icons he is depicted in a prayerful pose, with his hands folded crosswise on his chest.

Archangel Yehudiel - blesses ascetics and protects them from the forces of evil. In his right hand he has a golden crown as a symbol of blessing, in his left hand there is a scourge that drives away enemies.

Barachiel - the role of dispenser of heavenly blessings was assigned to ordinary workers, primarily farmers. He is depicted with pink flowers.

About seven heavenly archangels the Old Testament tradition also says. Their ancient Iranian parallel is the seven good spirits of Amesha Spenta(“immortal saints”) finds a correspondence with the mythology of the Vedas.This points to the Indo-European origins of the doctrine of the seven archangels, which in turn correlates with the most ancient ideas of people about the sevenfold structures of being, both divine and earthly.

9. Angels

Both Greek and Hebrew words expressing the concept"angel" means "messenger". Angels often played this role in the texts of the Bible, but its authors often give this term another meaning. Angels are God's incorporeal helpers. They appear as people with wings and a halo of light around their heads. They are usually mentioned in Jewish, Christian and Muslim religious texts. Angels have the appearance of a man, “only with wings and dressed in white robes: God created them from stone”; angels and seraphim - women, cherubim - men or children)<Иваницкий, 1890>.

Good and evil angels, messengers of God or the devil, converge in a decisive battle described in the book of Revelation. There may be angels ordinary people, prophets, inspiring good deeds, supernatural bearers of all kinds of messages or mentors, and even impersonal forces, like the winds, cloud pillars or fire that guided the Israelites during their exodus from Egypt. Plague and pestilence are called evil angels. St. Paul calls his illness “the messenger of Satan.” Many other phenomena, such as inspiration, sudden impulses, providences, are also attributed to angels.

Invisible and immortal. According to the teachings of the church, angels are genderless invisible spirits, immortal from the day of their creation. There are many angels, which follows from the Old Testament description of God - “Lord of hosts.” They form a hierarchy of angels and archangels of the entire heavenly army. The early church clearly distinguished nine types, or "orders," of angels.

Angels served as intermediaries between God and his people. The Old Testament says that no one could see God and live, so direct communication between the Almighty and man is often depicted as communication with an angel. It was the angel who prevented Abraham from sacrificing Isaac. Moses saw an angel in a burning bush, although the voice of God was heard. An angel led the Israelites during their exodus from Egypt. At times, the biblical angels appear just like mortals until their true nature is revealed, like the angels who came to Lot before the horrific destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Nameless spirits. Other angels are also mentioned in Scripture, such as a spirit with a fiery sword who blocked Adam's path back to Eden; cherub and seraphim, depicted in the form of thunderclouds and lightning, which recalls the belief of the ancient Jews in the god of thunderstorms; the messenger of God, who miraculously rescued Peter from prison, in addition, the angels who appeared to Isaiah in his vision of the heavenly court: “I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and the train of His robe filled the whole temple. Seraphim stood around Him; each of them has six wings; With two he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew.”

Hosts of angels appear several times in the pages of the Bible. Thus, a choir of angels announced the birth of Christ. Archangel Michael commanded a large heavenly army in the battle against the forces of evil. The only angels in the Old and New Testaments who have proper names, are Michael and Gabriel who brought Mary the news of the birth of Jesus. Most angels refused to name themselves, reflecting the popular belief that revealing the name of a spirit diminishes its power.

God immediately created various kinds of angelic forces. The difference between them in nature was not the result of different degrees of “cooling” of the Angels in love, as Origen taught. Dionysius the Areopagite systematized the church doctrine of the nine ranks of angels. He writes that the Upper World has a hierarchical structure, since not all angelic ranks equally accept divine enlightenment. Lower ranks accept enlightenment from higher ranks. The angelic world is a single whole and, at the same time, a ladder. All Angels, to a certain extent, participate in the Divine and the Light communicated from Him, but the degrees of their knowledge and perfection are not the same.

The angelic hierarchy consists of three triads. The first, highest, is - Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones. All of them are located in the closest and most immediate proximity to God, “as if on the threshold of the Divinity,” at the Trinity Sanctuary itself. They have access to direct and immediate knowledge of the Divine mysteries. They live in indescribable illumination, contemplate God in bright light.

Hexaptera Seraphim(Heb. - flaming, fiery), which are spoken of only by the prophet Isaiah (Isa. 6:2), are flaming with love for God and encourage others to it.

Cherubim(Heb. - chariots) - spiritual creatures that the prophet Ezekiel saw in the images of a man, an ox, a lion and an eagle (Ezek. 1). These symbols mean that Cherubim combine the qualities of intelligence, obedience, strength and speed. Cherubim stand before the throne of God (Rev. 4:6–7). They are the spiritual chariot of the Almighty (Ezek. 1:10) therefore God is called sitting on cherubim (1 Samuel 4:4).

Cherub guarded the entrance to heaven (Gen. 3:24). Images of two Cherubim overshadowed the Ark of the Covenant, the place of the direct presence of God (Ex. 25:18-20). The King of Tire, symbolizing, according to the holy fathers, Satan, is called the overshadowing cherub (Ezek. 28:14), which indicates his initial closeness to God.

The many-eyed Cherubim, according to Dionysius the Areopagite, shine with the light of knowledge of God. They send down wisdom and enlightenment for the knowledge of God to the lower ranks. They are “rivers of wisdom” and “places of God’s rest”; hence some of the Cherubim are called " Thrones", since God Himself rests on them not sensually, but spiritually, with a special abundance of grace.

The middle hierarchy is: Dominance, Strength and Authority.

Dominations (Col. 1:16) rule over the subsequent ranks of Angels. They instruct God-appointed earthly rulers in wise governance. They teach how to control feelings, tame sinful lusts, enslave the flesh to the spirit, and overcome temptations. Powers (1 Pet. 3:22) they work miracles and send down the grace of miracles and clairvoyance to the saints of God. They help people with their work, strengthen them in patience, and bestow spiritual strength and courage. Authorities (1 Pet. 3:22; Col. 1:16) have the power to tame the power of the devil. They ward off demonic temptations from us, protect ascetics, and help them in the fight against evil thoughts. They also have power over the forces of nature, such as wind and fire. (Rev. 8:7).

The lower hierarchy includes: Beginnings, Archangels and Angels.

Beginnings (Col. 1:16) command over the lower Angels, directing their activities to fulfill Divine commands. They are entrusted with managing the Universe, protecting countries, peoples and tribes. They teach earthly authorities to fulfill their duties not for the sake of benefits and personal glory, but to seek in everything the glory of God and the benefit of their neighbors.

Archangels (1 Thess. 4:16) they preach great and glorious things. They reveal the secrets of faith, prophecy and the will of God to people, that is, they are conductors of Revelation.

Angels (1 Pet. 3:22) closest to people. They proclaim the intentions of God, instruct in virtues and holy life. They protect the faithful, keep us from falling, and raise the fallen.

Saint Dionysius the Areopagite is aware of the imperfection of such systematization. He writes: “How many ranks of heavenly beings, what they are and how the secrets of the hierarchy are performed among them, God alone, the Author of their hierarchy, knows exactly; They also know their own strengths, their light, their sacred and worldly order. And we can be told as much about this as God has revealed to us through them, as those who know themselves.”

St. Augustine argues in a similar way: “I unshakably believe that there are Thrones, Dominions, Principalities and Powers in the heavenly abodes, and that they differ from each other, I undoubtedly maintain; but what they are and how they differ from each other, I don’t know.”

Some holy fathers believe that the nine ranks listed do not cover all existing angelic ranks; there are others that will be revealed only in the Future Age (Eph. 1:21).

The famous Orthodox theologian Archpriest John Meyendorff believes that for Christian tradition the hierarchical structure of the angelic world, proposed by Dionysius the Areopagite, presents great inconveniences. “Old Testament angelology is complex and does not fit into the hierarchy of Dionysius. Thus, Seraphim in the book of the prophet Isaiah is the direct messenger of God (in the system of Dionysius, Seraphim would have to use the underlying hierarchy). The Church honors Archangel Michael as the head of the Heavenly army (in the Epistle of the Apostle Jude he fights Satan), however, in the system of Dionysius, the archangel rank is one of the lowest in the heavenly hierarchy.” This was noticed by the holy fathers, so they accepted the hierarchy of Dionysius with reservations. Thus, St. Gregory Palamas argues that the Incarnation of Christ violated the original order: in violation of all hierarchical ranks, God sent the Archangel Gabriel, that is, one of the lower Angels, to announce the good news of the Incarnation to the Virgin Mary. Reflecting the same thought, the hymns of the Feasts of the Ascension and Dormition proclaim that the Angels were surprised that the human nature of Christ and the Mother of God “ascends from earth to heaven” completely independently of the angelic hierarchy.

So, it should be kept in mind that the classification Heavenly Powers Dionysius the Areopagite is rather conventional and schematic; it is unable to satisfactorily explain some facts of Revelation and the phenomena of spiritual life. For example, if we strictly follow Dionysius’s scheme, then our communication with God is possible only through Angels. However, in the Holy Scriptures there are any number of examples of people communicating with God without the mediation of Angels.


In the canonical books of the Bible, only two names of Archangels are mentioned:

1) Michael(from Hebrew - “who is like God”; Dan. 10:13; Jude 1:9) - Archangel of the ethereal Powers.

2) Gabriel(from Hebrew - “man of God”; Dan. 8:16; Luke 1:19) - a servant of the Divine fortress and a messenger of the mysteries of God.

Four names appear in non-canonical books:

3) Rafail(from Hebrew - “God’s help”; Tob. 3:16) - healer of ailments.

4) Uriel(from Hebrew - “fire of God”; 3 Ezra 4:1) - a servant of Divine love, kindling in the hearts love for God and enlightening with the light of the knowledge of God.

5) Selaphiel(from Hebrew - “prayer to God”) - a minister of prayer who teaches prayer.

6) Jeremiel(from Hebrew - “the height of God”; 3 Ezra 4:36).

In addition, pious tradition speaks of two more Archangels:

7) Yehudiel(from Hebrew - “praise of God”) - an assistant in labor and an intercessor of rewards for those who work for the glory of God.

8) Barachiel(from Hebrew - “blessing of God”) - a servant of God’s blessings.

There is an opinion that seven of them stand before the throne of God. In this sense, the following words from the Revelation of John the Theologian are interpreted: “ Grace and peace be to you from Him who is, and was, and is to come, and from the seven Spirits who are before His throne” (Rev. 1:4). This, of course, is a rather conditional interpretation. The exact meaning of this text is hidden from us.

There are prayers with petitions to each of the Archangels according to their ministry.

1. Holy Archangel Michael, conqueror, conquer my passions.

2. Holy Archangel Gabriel, messenger of God, announce to me the hour of death.

3. Holy Archangel Raphael, healer, heal me from mental and physical illness.

4. Holy Archangel Uriel, enlightener, enlighten my feelings of soul and body.

5. Holy Archangel Jehudiel, glorifier, glorify me with good deeds.

6. Holy Archangel Selafiel, prayer book, pray to God for me, a sinner.

7. Holy Archangel Barachiel, blesser, bless me, a sinner, to see me through my entire life in spiritual salvation.

8. Holy Angel of God, my Guardian, save my sinful soul.

9. O My Most Holy Lady Theotokos, all the Heavenly Powers of the saints Angels and Archangels and all the saints, have mercy on me, help me in this life, in the outcome of my soul and in the Future World. Amen

We know about the existence of the Heavenly Angelic World from Holy Scripture. That he was created by God even before creation visible world and man. We know that the number of Angels is innumerably large and that the Wisdom of God established an amazing order in this Heavenly army, creating an angelic hierarchy, dividing all Angels into nine ranks of three ranks in the hierarchy, subordinating lower ranks highest.

Angels differ from each other both in their enlightenment and in their varying degrees of grace.


Higher hierarchy Those directly close to God are Angels who bear the names:

Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones .

Seraphim According to their name, they have hearts flaming with love for God, and they also excite others to ardently love their Creator. Seraphim means "fiery".

Cherubim have fullness of vision and abundance of wisdom. They are illuminated by abundant rays of God's light. It is given to them to know everything to the extent that created beings can know.

Thrones- these Angels are so exalted and so illuminated by grace that the Lord dwells in them and through them manifests His justice.

The second face includes angels of the middle hierarchy.

Second, middle hierarchy consists of Angels named: Dominance, Strength and Authority .

Dominations teach earthly rulers to be wise and to cope with feelings and lusts.

Angels Dominations They teach people to dominate their will, to be above all temptation, and also command those evil spirits who have sworn to destroy a person.

Powers - they can cope with the powers of the devil.

Powers- Angels filled with Divine strength. These are the spirits through whom the Lord performs His miracles. They were given by God the ability to send down the grace of miracles to the saints of God, who work miracles during their lives on earth.

Powers - can work miracles and bestow the gift of clairvoyance. The angels in the picture bestow a miraculous gift on the righteous man.

Authorities - Angels who have the power to tame the power of demons and repel enemy temptations. In addition, they strengthen good ascetics in their spiritual and physical labors.


Third, lowest hierarchy also includes three ranks:

Beginnings, Archangels And Angels .

Principalities and beginnings that control the forces of nature and the physical world.

Beginnings- the rank of Angels, who are entrusted with governing the universe, protecting and governing individual countries and peoples. These are the Angels of the People. Their dignity is higher than the Guardian Angels of individual people. From the book of the prophet Daniel we learn that the care of the Jewish people was entrusted to the Archangel Michael (see: Dan. 10, 21).

Archangels - great evangelists of the Mysteries of God, of all that is great and glorious. They strengthen the holy faith in people, enlightening their minds to the knowledge and understanding of the will of God.

Angels (last, ninth rank of hierarchy) - bright spiritual beings who stand closest to us and have special care for us.

We know from the Holy Scriptures that there are seven Archangels, that is, the senior Angels who rule over everyone else. In the book of Tobit we read that the Angel who talked with him said: “I am Raphael, one of the seven holy Angels” (Tob. 12, 15). And the Revelation of John the Theologian speaks of seven spirits who are before the throne of God (see: Rev. 1, 4). The Holy Church includes among them: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Selafiel, Jehudiel and Barachiel. Tradition also includes Jeremiel among them.

1. Archangel Michael- the first of the supreme Angels, the Champion of the glory of God. He is often depicted in military garb with other Angels faithful to God. Or he is depicted alone in the clothes of a warrior with a sword or spear in his hand, trampling underfoot a dragon or an ancient serpent - the devil. This is how he is depicted in memory of the fact that there was once a great war in heaven between the Angels - the servants of God and the evil spirits - the angels who fell away from God and became the servants of Satan. Sometimes he is depicted with a spear, the top of which is decorated with a white banner with a cross. This is a special distinction between Archangel Michael and his army, meaning moral purity and unshakable loyalty to the Heavenly King.

2. AAngel Gabriel- the herald of God's destinies and the servant of His omnipotence. Sometimes depicted with a branch of heaven in his hand. Or with a lantern with a candle burning inside in one hand and a mirror in the other. A candle closed in a lantern means that often the destinies of God are hidden until the time of their fulfillment, but even after their fulfillment they are comprehended only by those who carefully look into the mirror of their conscience and

words of God.

3. Archangel Raphael - depicted with an alabaster vessel filled with healing oil. The name Raphael means "mercy", "help to all those who suffer."

4. Archangel Uriel - Archangel of light and fire of God- depicted with a lightning bolt down. He is illuminated by the fire of fiery love, enlightens the minds of people with the revelation of useful truths. It can be said about him that he is a special patron of people who devote themselves to science.

5. Archangel Selaphiel - Archangel of prayer. He is depicted either with a rosary in his hands, or in a prayer pose with his hands placed in reverence on his chest.

6. Archangel Yehudiel - "praise of God". Depicted with a golden crown in one hand and with a whip of three cords in the other. The crown is to encourage people who strive for the glory of God, and the scourge is to protect them in the name of the Holy Trinity from enemies.

7. Archangel Barachiel - Archangel of God's blessings, during earthly life sent to those who work to receive heavenly, eternal blessings. These are the Archangels.

Of all the ranks of heaven, the Seraphim are the closest to God; they are the first participants in divine bliss, the first to shine with the light of the magnificent divine glory. And what amazes them most about God is His endless, eternal, immeasurable, unsearchable love. In all their strength, in all their incomprehensible depths, they perceive and feel God precisely as Love, through this they approach, as it were, the very doors, the very Holy of Holies of that “impregnable Light” in which God lives (1 Tim. 6:16 ), through this entering into the closest, most sincere communication with God, for God Himself is Love: “The God of love is” (1 John 4:8).
Have you ever looked at the sea? You look, you look at its boundless distance, at its boundless breadth, you think about its bottomless depth, and... the thought is lost, the heart freezes, the whole being is filled with some kind of sacred awe and horror; I want to prostrate myself and close myself before the clearly felt, boundless greatness of God, reflected by the vastness of the sea. Here is some, albeit the weakest, resemblance, a barely noticeable, subtle shadow of what the Seraphim experience, constantly contemplating the immeasurable, unsearchable sea of ​​Divine love.
God-Love is a consuming fire, and the Seraphim, constantly tapping into this fiery Divine Love, are filled with the fire of the Divine above all other ranks. Seraphim - and the word itself means: fiery, fiery. Fiery burning Divine Love, by the unsearchableness of Its mercy, the immensity of Its condescension towards all creatures, and most of all towards the human race, for the sake of which this Love humbled itself even to the cross and death, always leads the Seraphim into indescribable sacred awe, plunges them into horror, makes everything tremble their being. They cannot bear this great Love. They cover their faces with two wings, their feet with two wings, and fly with two wings, in fear and trembling, in the deepest reverence, singing, crying, crying out and saying: “Holy, holy, holy, Lord of hosts!”
Burning with love for God, the six-winged Seraphim ignite the fire of this love in the hearts of others, purifying the soul with divine fire, filling it with strength and strength, inspiring it to preach - with the verb to burn the hearts of people. Thus, when the Old Testament prophet Isaiah, seeing the Lord sitting on a high and exalted throne, surrounded by Seraphim, began to lament his uncleanness, exclaiming: “Oh, accursed Az! For I am a man with unclean lips... - and my eyes saw the King, the Lord of Hosts!.. Then, - the prophet himself says. One of the Seraphim flew to me, and in his hand he had a burning coal, which he took with tongs from the altar, and touched my mouth and said: “Behold, I will touch this with your mouth, and it will take away your iniquity and cleanse your sins” (Is. 6: 5-7).
Oh, fiery Seraphim; With the fire of divine love, cleanse and ignite our hearts, so that we will not desire any other beauty besides God; May God be our heart’s only joy, our only delight, our only blessing, the beauty before which all earthly beauty fades!

2. Second rank of angels - Cherubim

If for the Seraphim God appears as fiery burning Love, then for the Cherubim God appears as luminous Wisdom. The cherubim constantly delve into the divine mind, praise it, glorify it in their songs, contemplate the divine mysteries, and penetrate them with trepidation. That is why, according to the testimony of the Word of God, in the Old Testament the Cherubim are depicted touching the Ark of the Covenant.
“And make,” the Lord said to Moses, “of gold two Cherubim... Make them at both ends of the lid (of the Ark). Make one Cherubim on one side, and another Cherubim on the other side... And the Cherubim will have their wings spread upward, covering the mercy seat with their wings, and their faces will be towards each other, and the faces of the Cherubim will be towards the mercy seat” (Ex. 25:18- 20).
Marvelous image! So it is in heaven: the Cherubim look with tenderness and fear at the Divine Wisdom, explore it, learn from it, and, as it were, cover its secrets with their wings, keep them, protect them, and revere them. And this reverence for the mysteries of Divine Wisdom is so great among the Cherubim that all daring inquisitiveness, all proud looking at the Mind of God is immediately cut off by them with a fiery sword.
Remember the Fall of Adam: the forefathers, contrary to the commandment of God, boldly approached the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, became proud of their minds, and wanted to know everything like God; they set out, as it were, to tear off the veil hiding the secrets of Divine Wisdom. And, look, now one of the guardians of these secrets, one of the servants of God’s Wisdom - the Cherub, descends from heaven, with a flaming reversing sword, expels the ancestors from paradise. So great is the jealousy of the Cherubim, so strict are they towards those who dare to boldly penetrate into the unknown mysteries of heaven! Be afraid to test with your mind what you need to believe!
If, according to St. Basil the Great, “one piece of grass or one blade of grass is enough to occupy our whole thought by considering the art with which it was produced,” then what can we say about that abyss of wisdom that is revealed to the Cherubim? The Wisdom of God, as if imprinted in a mirror in the visible world, the Wisdom of God in the entire construction of our redemption - all “the manifold Wisdom of God,...hidden in mystery, which God hath ordained before the world for our glory” (Eph. 3:10; 1 Cor. 2:7)...
What, indeed, “the depth of wealth, wisdom and understanding of God” lies before the eyes of the Cherubim! It’s not for nothing that they are called “many-readers.” This means: from the constant contemplation of Divine Wisdom, the Cherubim themselves are full of knowledge, and therefore they see and know everything perfectly, and they promise knowledge to people.

3. The third rank of angels - Thrones

You, of course, know what a throne is, with what meaning do we often use this word? They say, for example, “The Tsar’s Throne” or “The Tsar’s Throne”, “The Tsar spoke from the height of the Throne.” With this they want to show dignity and royal greatness.
The throne, thus, is the personification of royal greatness, royal dignity. So in heaven there are their own Thrones, not our material, soulless ones, made of gold, silver, bone or wood and serving only as symbols, but reasonable Thrones, living bearers of the greatness of God, the glory of God. The thrones, especially in front of all ranks of angels, feel and contemplate God as the King of Glory, the King of the entire universe, the King who creates justice and righteousness, the King of Kings, as “the Great, Mighty and Terrible God” (Deut. 10:17). “Lord, Lord, who is like You?” (Ps. 35:10)... “Who is like You in God? Lord, whoever is like You is glorified in the saints, wondrous in glory” (Ex. 15:11). “Great is the Lord and highly praised, and His greatness has no end” (Ps. 144:3)... “Great and has no end, high and immeasurable” (Bar. 3:25)! All these hymns to the greatness of God, in all their fullness, depth and truth, are understandable and accessible only to the Thrones.
The Thrones not only feel and sing of the greatness of God, but they themselves are filled with this greatness and glory, and they let others feel it, pouring, as if into the hearts of men, waves of greatness and glory of the Divine that fill them.
There are moments when a person somehow especially clearly recognizes with his mind and with some special strength feels in his heart the greatness of God: the roll of thunder, the flash of lightning, the marvelous views of nature, high mountains, wild rocks, worship in some magnificent large temple - all this often so captures the soul, so strikes the strings of the heart that a person is ready to compose and sing psalms and songs of praise; before the perceived greatness of God he disappears, is lost, falls on his face. Know, beloved, such holy moments of a clear sense of the greatness of God do not happen without the influence of the Thrones. It is they who, as it were, join us to their mood, throw its sparkles into our hearts.
Oh, if the Thrones would visit us more often, if they would more often send us a sense of the greatness of God and our own insignificance! Then we would not have been exalted, we would not have been so puffed up in our minds, as we often become puffed up and puffed up, not knowing our own worth, almost considering ourselves to be God.

4. The fourth rank of angels - Dominions

Dominance... Think about this name. Doesn't it remind you of another like him? “Lord”... This, undoubtedly, is where “Dominions” was borrowed from. This means that in order to understand what these latter are, it is necessary to understand in what sense the name Lord is used.
Have you heard: in everyday life we ​​say: “the master of the house” or “the master of such and such an estate.” What do they want to express with this? And the fact that the person whom we call the master of the house or estate holds his house or estate in his own hands, manages it, takes care of its welfare, provides for it - “a good master,” as we also say. Likewise, God is called Lord because he cares about the world He created, provides for it, and is its Supreme Owner. “He,” says Blessed Theodoret, “is himself both a shipbuilder and a gardener, who increased matter. He created matter, built the ship, and constantly controls its helm.” “From the shepherd,” teaches St. Ephraim the Syrian, - the flock depends, and everything that grows on earth depends on God. In the will of the farmer is the separation of wheat from thorns, in the will of God is the prudence of those living on earth in their mutual unity and like-mindedness. It is in the will of the king to arrange regiments of soldiers, in the will of God there is a definite charter for everything.” So, notes another teacher of the Church, “neither on earth nor in heaven is nothing left without care and without providence, but the care of the Creator equally extends to everything invisible and visible, small and great: for all creatures need the care of the Creator, equally like each one separately, according to its nature and purpose.” And “not for a single day does God cease from the work of governing creatures, so that they do not immediately deviate from their natural paths, by which they are led and directed to achieve the fullness of their development, and each to remain in its own kind what it is.”
Now, it is into this domination, into this management of God’s creatures, into this care and providence of God for everything invisible and visible, small and great, that the Dominions delve into.
For the Seraphim, God is fiery burning Love; for the Cherubim I will take out luminous Wisdom; for Thrones God is the King of Glory; for the Dominions, God is the Lord Provider. Above all other ranks of Lordship, they contemplate God precisely as a Provider, they glorify His care for the world: they see “his way in the sea, and his strong path in the waves” (Wisdom 14:3), they look with fear at how “he will change the times and summer, he appoints kings and marks” (Dan. 2:21). Full of sacred delight and tenderness, the Lord plunges into the manifold concerns of God: He dresses the villages, “as Solomon in all his glory was clothed, as one of these” (Matthew 6:29), as He dresses “the heavens with the clouds, He prepares rain for the earth.” , grows grass and grain on the mountains for the service of man: he gives their food to the cattle, and to the chicks of the corvids that call upon Him” (Ps. 147:7-9). The Lords marvel at how God, so great, embraces everyone and everything with His care; stores and protects every blade of grass, every midge, the smallest grain of sand.
Contemplating God as a Provider - the Builder of the world, Dominion and people are taught to arrange themselves, their souls; teach us to take care of the soul, to provide for it; inspire a person to dominate his passions, over various sinful habits, to oppress the flesh, giving space to the spirit. The Lords must be prayerfully invoked to help anyone who wants to free themselves from any passion, wants to dominate it, or give up any bad habit, but cannot do this due to weakness of will. Let him cry out: “Holy Lords, strengthen my weak will in the fight against sin, let me dominate my passions!” And, believe, such a prayerful invocation will not remain fruitless, but now help and strength will be sent to you from the host of Dominions.

5. Fifth rank of angels - Powers

Above all other ranks, this rank of angels contemplates God as working many powers or miracles. For the Powers, God is a Miracle Worker. “You are the God who works miracles” (Ps. 76:15) - this is what constitutes the subject of their constant praise and praise. The forces delve into how “where God wants the order of nature to be overcome.” Oh, how ecstatic, how solemn, how wondrous these songs must be! If we, clothed in flesh and blood, when we witness any obvious miracle of God, for example, the sight of a blind man, the restoration of a hopelessly ill person, we come into indescribable delight and awe, we are amazed, we are touched, then what can we say about the Powers when they are given to see such miracles that our minds cannot even imagine. Moreover, they can delve into the very depths of these miracles, their highest goal is revealed to them.

6. The sixth rank of angels - Authorities

The angels belonging to this rank contemplate and glorify God as the Almighty, “having all power in heaven and on earth.” God of the terrible, “His vision dries up the abysses, and the reproach melts away the mountains, who walked as if on dry land on the sheets of the sea, and forbade the storms of the winds; touching the mountains and smoking; calling on the water of the sea and pouring it out on the face of all the earth.”
Angels of the sixth rank are the closest, constant witnesses of God’s omnipotence; they are given the opportunity to feel it preferably before others. From constant contemplation of Divine power, from constant contact with it, these fulfilling angels are imbued with this power just as red-hot iron is imbued with fire, which is why they themselves become bearers of this power and are called: Power. The power with which they are invested and filled is unbearable for the devil and all his hordes; this power turns the devilish hordes to flight, to the underworld, to pitch darkness, to Tartarus.
That is why everyone tormented by the devil must prayerfully call on the Authority for help; for all those possessed by demons, various epileptics, whoremongers, and the corrupted - we must daily pray to the Authorities: “Holy Authorities, by the authority given to you by God, drive away from the servant of God (name) or the servant of God (name) the demon that is tormenting him (or her)!”
When the demon of despondency attacks the soul, we must also pray to the Authorities, so that with their power they will drive away this demon. Called with faith, in simplicity of heart, the Authorities will not hesitate to come to the rescue, will drive away the demon, and the one possessed by the demon will feel free from it, will feel spaciousness and lightness in his soul.

7. The seventh rank of angels - Beginnings

These angels are so called because God entrusted them with authority over the elements of nature: over water, fire, wind, “over animals, plants and generally over all visible objects.” “Creator and Builder of the world. God,” says the Christian teacher Athenagoras, “placed some of the angels over the elements, and over the heavens, and over the world, and over what is in it, and over their structure.” Thunder, lightning, storm... all this is controlled by the Principles, and directed according to the will of God. It is known, for example, that lightning often burns blasphemers; hail destroys one field, leaves another unharmed... Who gives such a reasonable direction to a soulless, unreasonable element? Starters are doing it.
“I saw,” says the seer of St. John the Theologian, - a mighty angel descending from heaven, clothed in a cloud; over his head there was a rainbow, and his face was like the sun... And he set right leg his on the sea, and his left on the land, and he cried out with a loud voice, like a lion roars; and when he cried, then the seven thunders spoke with their voices” (Rev. 10:1-3); The Apostle John saw and heard both the “angel of the water” (Rev. 16:5) and the “angel who has authority over the fire” (Rev. 14:18). “I saw,” the same saint testifies. John, - four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, so that the wind would not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree... - they were given power to harm the earth and the sea” (Rev. 7:1 -2).
The principles also have authority over entire nations, cities, kingdoms, and human societies. In the word of God there is, for example, a mention of a prince or angel of the kingdom of Persia, the kingdom of Greece (Dan. 10:13, 20). The principles, entrusted to their superiors, lead the peoples to the highest good goals, which are indicated and destined by the Lord Himself; “They are erecting,” according to St. Dionysius the Areopagite, - how many can those who willingly obey them, to God, as to their Beginning.” They intercede for their people before the Lord, “instill,” notes one saint, “in people, especially kings and other rulers, thoughts and intentions related to the good of the people.”

8. Eighth rank - Archangels

This rite, says St. Dionysius of teaching." Archangels are heavenly teachers. What do they teach? They teach people how to organize their lives according to God, that is, in accordance with the will of God.
Different paths of life are before a person: there is the monastic path, the path of marriage, there are various types of service. What to choose, what to decide on, what to stop at? This is where the Archangels come to the aid of man. The Lord reveals His will about man to them. The Archangels know, therefore, what awaits famous person on this or that path of life: what adversities, temptations, enticements; therefore, they deviate from one path, and direct a person to another, teach him to choose the right path suitable for him.
Whoever is broken in life, hesitates, does not know which way to go, he must call on the Archangels for help, so that they teach him how he should live: “Archangels of God, appointed by God Himself for our teaching and admonition, teach me which path to choose.” “I’ll go ahead and please my God!”

9. The last, ninth rank of angels - Angels

These are the closest to us. The Angels continue what the Archangels begin: the Archangels teach man to recognize the will of God, put him on the path of life indicated by God; Angels lead a person along this path, guide, protect the walker so that he does not deviate to the side, strengthen the exhausted, and raise the falling.
Angels are so close to us that they surround us from everywhere, look at us from everywhere, watch our every step, and, according to St. John Chrysostom, “the whole air is filled with angels”; Angels, according to the same saint, “stand before the priest during the performance of the terrible Sacrifice.”
From among the angels, the Lord, from the moment of our baptism, assigns to each of us another special angel, who is called the Guardian Angel. This Angel loves us as much as no one on earth can love. The Guardian Angel is our close friend, an invisible, quiet interlocutor, a sweet comforter. He wishes only one thing for each of us - the salvation of the soul; This is where he directs all his worries. And if he sees us also caring about salvation, he rejoices, but if he sees us being careless about our souls, he grieves.
Do you want to always be with an Angel? Flee from sin, and the Angel will be with you. “Just as,” says Basil the Great, “bees are driven away by smoke and doves by stench, so the Guardian of our life, the Angel, is driven away by lamentable and stinking sin.” Therefore, be afraid to sin!
Is it possible to recognize the presence of a Guardian Angel when he is near us and when he moves away from us? It is possible, according to the inner mood of your soul. When your soul is light, your heart is light, quiet, peaceful, when your mind is occupied with thoughts of God, when you repent and are touched, then it means that an Angel is nearby. “When, according to the testimony of John Climacus, at some utterance of your prayer you feel inner pleasure or tenderness, then stop over it. For then the Guardian Angel prays with you.” When there is a storm in your soul, passions in your heart, and your mind is arrogant, then you know that the Guardian Angel has left you, and instead of him a demon has approached you. Hurry, hurry, then call your Guardian Angel, kneel before the icons, fall on your face, pray, make the sign of the cross, cry. Believe, your Guardian Angel will hear your prayer, come, drive away the demon, say to your troubled soul, to your overwhelmed heart: “Be silent, stop.” And great silence will come within you. Oh, Guardian Angel, always protect us from the storm, in the silence of Christ!
Why, someone will ask, is it impossible to see the Angel, cannot speak, talk with him the way we talk with each other? Why can't an Angel appear visibly? Therefore, so as not to frighten or confuse us with his appearance, for he knows how cowardly, fearful and timid we are in front of everything mysterious.
An Angel once appeared to the Prophet Daniel in visible form; but listen to how the prophet himself tells what happened to him during this phenomenon. “On the twenty-fourth day of the first month,” the prophet narrates, “I was on the shore big river Tiger, and I lifted up my eyes, and saw, behold, a man clothed in linen, and his loins were girded with gold. His body is like topaz, his face is like the appearance of lightning; His eyes are like burning lamps, his hands and feet are like shiny brass in appearance, and the voice of his speech is like the voice of many people. And I looked at this great vision, but there was no strength left in me, and the appearance of my face changed enormously, there was no vigor in me. And I heard the voice of his words; and as soon as I heard the voice of his words, I fell on my face in a daze and lay with my face to the ground, and was speechless, my insides turned within me, and there was no strength in me, and my breath died within me” (Dan. 10:4- 6, 8-9, 15-16, 17). The angel had to deliberately encourage the prophet so that he would not die from fear. “Daniel,” notes St. John Chrysostom - who confused the eyes of lions and human body had strength greater than human, could not bear the presence of a celestial being, but fell down lifeless.” What would happen to us sinners if an Angel suddenly appeared before us with our own eyes, when even the prophet could not bear his radiant appearance!
And then: are we worthy of the appearance of an Angel? Here is a significant incident from his life related by Metropolitan Innocent of Moscow, who was previously, in the rank of priest (his name was Father John), a missionary on the Aleutian Islands: “Having lived on the island of Unalaska for almost 4 years, I went for the first time during Great Lent to the island of Akun to the Aleuts to prepare them for fasting. Approaching the island, I saw that they were all standing on the shore dressed up, as if on a solemn holiday, and when I went ashore, they all joyfully rushed to me and were extremely kind and helpful to me. I asked them: “Why are they so dressed up?” They answered: “Because we knew that you had left and should be with us today: we were overjoyed and went ashore to meet you.”
“Who told you that I would be with you today, and why did you recognize me as Father John?”
“Our shaman, old man Ivan Smirennikov, told us: wait, a priest will come to you today: he has already left and will teach you to pray to God; and described your appearance to us as we see you now.”
“Can I see this old shaman of yours?” “Why, you can: but now he is not here, and when he comes, we will tell him; Yes, he himself will come to you without us.”
Although this circumstance surprised me extremely, I ignored all this and began to prepare them for fasting, having previously explained to them the meaning of fasting and other things. This old shaman also came to me and expressed a desire to fast and walked very carefully, but I still did not pay special attention to him and, during confession, I even missed asking him why the Aleuts call him a shaman, and making him feel about it. some instruction. Having introduced him to the Holy Mysteries, I released him...
And what? To my surprise, after communion, he went to his toen and showed him his displeasure with me, namely because I did not ask him in confession why the Aleuts call him a shaman, since it is extremely unpleasant for him to bear such a name from his brothers, and that he is not a shaman at all. Toen, of course, conveyed to me old man Smirennikov’s displeasure, and I immediately sent for him for an explanation; and when the messengers set off, Smirennikov came to meet them with the following words: “I know that the priest Father John is calling me, and I am going to him.” I began to ask in detail about his displeasure towards me, about his life, and when I asked if he was literate, he replied that although he was illiterate, he knew the Gospel and prayers. Then I asked him to explain why he knew me, that he even described my appearance to his brothers, and how he knew that on a certain day I was supposed to appear to you and that I would teach you to pray. The old man replied that two of his comrades told him all this.
“Who are these two comrades of yours?” - I asked him. “White people,” answered the old man. “They, moreover, told me that in the near future you will send your family by shore, and you yourself will go by water to a great man and talk with him.”
“Where are these comrades of yours, white people, and what kind of people are they and what do they look like?” - I asked him.
“They live not far here in the mountains and come to me every day,” and the old man introduced them to me as they depict St. Archangel Gabriel, that is, in white robes and belted with a pink ribbon over the shoulder.
“When did these white people come to you for the first time?” “They appeared soon, as Hieromonk Macarius baptized us.” After this conversation, I asked Smirennikov: “Can I see them?”
“I’ll ask them,” the old man answered and left me. I went for a while to the nearest islands to preach the word of God, and upon my return, seeing Smirennikov, I asked him: “Well, did you ask these white people if I can see them, and if they want to accept me? »
“I asked,” answered the old man. “Although they expressed a desire to see and accept you, they said: “Why should he see us when he himself teaches you what we teach?” So let’s go, I’ll lead you to them.”
Then something inexplicable happened in me,” said Father John Veniaminov. - Some kind of fear attacked me and complete humility. What if, in fact, I thought, I see these angels, and they confirm what the old man said? And how can I go to them? After all, I am a sinful person, therefore, unworthy to speak with them, and it would be pride and arrogance on my part if I decided to go to them; and, finally, by my meeting with the angels, I might have been exalted in my faith or would have dreamed a lot about myself... And I, as unworthy, decided not to go to them, having previously, on this occasion, given a decent instruction, both to old Smirennikov and to his fellow Aleuts, and so that they no longer call Smirennikov a shaman.”
No, we will not desire the appearance of the Angel, but we will begin to turn to him intelligently and heartily more often. In order not to break communication with the Guardian Angel, it is necessary to pray to him daily, in the morning, when waking up from sleep, and in the evening, when going to bed, reading the prescribed Orthodox Church prayers, as well as the canon to the Guardian Angel.
Thanks be to the Lord, who has protected us with His angels, and who also sends to each an angel a peaceful, faithful mentor and guardian of our souls and bodies - glory to Thee, our Benefactor, forever and ever!

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