Who performed the Hajj. Hajj. History and traditions. Hajj in scriptures

According to the Shafi'i madhhab:

  1. Ihram.
  2. Standing on Arafat.
  3. Walking around the Kaaba (Tawaf al-Ifada).
  4. Ritual run between the slopes of Safa and Marwa.
  5. Shaving or cutting hair on the head.

Types of Hajj

There are three types of rituals associated with the fulfillment of the sacred duty of the Hajj:

  1. Al-Ifrad, performing only Hajj, without Umrah.
  2. At-Tamattu, first performing Umrah, and then Hajj, separately.
  3. Al-Kiran, Umrah and Hajj combined.

The most preferred species is At-Tamattu. This method of performing the Hajj was recommended by the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) to his companions. Hajj at-Tamattu implies the performance during the designated months of the Hajj, first of the rites of Umrah (small pilgrimage), and then the Hajj (main). A pilgrim performing Hajj At-Tamattu must sacrifice an animal. Those who are unable to perform the sacrifice observe the fast for three days during the Hajj and seven days after it.

How to perform Hajj Tamattu

ihram. A man must take off all his clothes and put on two pieces of white cloth, which is called ihram. He should also wear slippers. For women, ihram is ordinary clothing in accordance with Shariah. Ihram should be worn in the state of ablution.

Intention. Pilgrims traveling to Mecca by land, dress in ihram and make their intention on the spot in the miqat. (The leader of the group must report the location of the mikat).

Pilgrims traveling to Mecca by air make an intention for the Hajj above mikatom. 15 minutes before being over the miqat and while crossing the miqat point, the pilot announces this to the pilgrims, and if necessary, his announcement is translated into Russian by the group leaders. It is enough to make the intention in the heart, but it is better to express it in words:

اللهم لبيك عمرة

"Allahumma lyabbeyka is dead"

After the intention to commit Umrah throughout the pilgrimage, it is recommended for men to loudly, and for women to themselves, it is recommended to repeat the talbiyya:

لَبَّيْكَ اللّهُمَّ لَبَّيْكَ، لَبَّيْكَ لا شَرِيكَ لَكَ لَبَّيْكَ، إِنّ الحَمْدَ وَ النِّعْمَةَ لَكَ وَ الملكَ، لا شَرِيكَ لَكَ

Lyabbaik-Llahumma, lyabbaik. Lyabbayka la lyaka ball, lyabbayka! Inna-l-hamda wan-ni 'amata laka wa-l-mulk, la ball lak!

(Here I am in front of You, O Allah! Here I am in front of You! Here I am in front of You! You have no partner! Praise to You, mercy and power belong to You! You have no partner!)

After arriving in Mecca for accommodation and a short rest, the pilgrim should go to the al-Haram mosque to the Kaaba to perform Umrah. First, they make a tawaf (a seven-fold circuit around the Kaaba).

Tawaf start and finish at the place marked with a black line and a glowing green sign on the wall of the mosque. At the beginning of each circle, the pilgrim salutes the Black Stone with his right hand and turn of his head with the words:

بسم الله الله أكبر

"Bismillah, Allahu Akbar!"

It is desirable that during tawaf the right shoulder be open and the left shoulder closed with ihram:

During tawaf, you should turn to the Almighty with requests and dua, you can read the Koran. At the end of each circle between the Yemeni Corner and the Black Stone, the pilgrim says:

رَبَّنَا ءَاتِنَا فِي الدُّنْيَا حَسَنَةً وَ فِي الأَخِرَةِ حَسَنَةً وَ قِنَا عَذَابَ النَّارِ

Rabbana! Ati-na fi-d-dunya hasanatan wa Fi-l-akhirati hasanatan, va kyna ’azaba-n-nar!

(Our Lord! Give us good things in this and the next life and save us from the torment of Hell!)

If the pilgrim doubts how many circles he has made, for example, whether he has made three or four circles, then he continues, counting from three, that is, from the number in which he is sure.

After the end of the tawaf, the pilgrim performs a prayer of two rak'ahs, if possible, in the place of Maqam Ibrahim, but if this prevents other pilgrims from performing the tawaf, you can perform this prayer anywhere in the mosque. It is advisable to cover both shoulders during this prayer with ihram. According to the sunnah, in the first rak'ah they read the sura "al-Kafirun", in the second - "al-Ikhlyas".

Then the pilgrim sets off towards the as-Safa hill, drinking Zamzam water along the way.

إِنَّ الصَّفَا وَ الْمَرْوَةَ مِنْ شَعَائِرِ اللهِ فَمَنْ حَجَّ الْبَيْتَ أَوِ اعْتَمَرَ فَلاَ جُنَاحَ عَلَيْهِ أَن يَطَّوَّفَ بِهِمَا

(Indeed, as-Safa and al-Marwa are among the signs of Allah. Whoever performs the Hajj to the House or Umrah is allowed to go around them. And whoever chooses good on his own initiative, [let him know] that Allah is the Rewarder according to merit and Knowing). (Sura Al-Baqara, verse 158).

لاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ الله وَحْدَهُ لاَ شَرِيكَ لَهُ، لَهُ الْمُلْكُ وَ لَهُ الْحَمْدُ وَ هُوَ عَلَى كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ، لاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ الله وَحْدَهُ، أَنْجَزَ وَعْدَهُ، وَ نَصَرَ عَبْدَهُ، وَ هَزَمَ الأَحْزَابَ وَحْدَهُ.

La ilaha illa-llahu wahdahu la shara lahu, lahu-l-mulku, wa lahu-l-hamdu wa hua 'ala kulli shayin kadir! La ilaha illa-llahu wahdahu, anjaza wa 'dahu, wa nasara 'abdahu wa hazama-l-ahzaba wahdah!

(There is no god but Allah, who has no partner, He owns dominion, praise be to Him, He is Almighty! There is no god but Allah, who fulfilled His promise, helped His servant and alone defeated (enemy) tribes!)

Then the pilgrim begins Sa'i - movement from as-Safa hill towards al-Marwa hill and back. Between the segments of the path marked with a green light, men should speed up their pace. Having reached al-Marwa, the pilgrim turns towards the Kaaba, and repeats the ayat and dua read on al-Safa (see above). Then the pilgrim again returns to as-Safa and reads the ayah and dua mentioned. This is repeated seven times. The path from as-Safa to al-Marwa is considered one segment, and back - another. Thus, it turns out that the pilgrim ends Sa'i in al-Marw, having reached it for the fourth time. Throughout the ceremony, it is desirable to read the dua, sacred verses and dhikrs. Having reached al-Marwa for the last, seventh time, the pilgrim, without reading the above ayat and dua, can leave as-Safa and al-Marwa. Sa'i is considered complete, and the pilgrim can perform the rite of hair shortening. Men cut their hair or shave their heads, women only need to cut a lock of hair the length of a finger.

At this Umrah is considered complete and the pilgrim may take off ihram and wear normal clothes until the 8th day of the month of Dhul-Hijjah (the day of tarwiyyah).

On the 8th day of the month of Zul-Hijja, the next stage of the Hajj begins. At the place of residence in Mecca, the pilgrim puts on ihram (performing the same actions as for the first time: full ablution, cutting nails, etc.) and goes to Mina. There he is accommodated in one of the tents for pilgrims. In Mina, prayers az-Zuhr, al-Asr and al-Isha are performed in an abbreviated form in two rak'ahs, but they do not connect in time.

On the 9th day of Zul-Hijjah, on the day of Arafah, after the morning prayer, the pilgrim leaves Mina for the valley of Arafah. Staying in the valley of Araf on the 9th day of the month of Zul-Hijjah is considered an obligatory and main condition for the Hajj. On this day, Az-Zuhr and al-Asr prayers are shortened and combined, performing them during Az-Zuhr. On the day of Arafah, before sunset, the pilgrim should leave worldly affairs and devote all this time to worship, reading the Koran, dua, dhikr. It should also be remembered that on this day almost four million pilgrims are in the Arafa Valley at the same time. Therefore, it is important to be as organized as possible and follow the instructions of the leaders in order not to get lost and keep up with your group.

After sunset, the pilgrims are taken to the Muzdalifah valley. It should be especially noted that it is better to wait for the transport in tents, and to board only at the invitation of the leaders. Pilgrims should observe calmness and dignity, let the elderly and women go ahead, help them when boarding transport.

In Muzdalifah, pilgrims pray by combining al-maghrib and al-isha during al-isha, while al-isha prayer is reduced to two rak'ahs. Namaz al-maghrib and al-isha in Muzdalifah is desirable to perform immediately upon arrival, without delay. If a pilgrim is delayed on the way to Muzdalifa, then he is allowed to perform these prayers on the way. In Muzdalifah, stones should be collected for the rite of throwing stones (49-70 pieces). The size of the stones is indicated in the picture.

After midnight (dawn), the pilgrims return to Mina. After the morning prayer, the first day of ayyam-tashrik (days of throwing stones) begins. The time of throwing stones lasts 24 hours: from the morning prayer to the morning prayer of the next day. On the first day of throwing stones, the pilgrim goes to the place of al-Jamarat. On this day, he throws 7 pebbles only at Jamra al-kubra. Throwing each pebble, the pilgrim says: "Bismillah, Allahu Akbar!" After returning to Mina, the pilgrim cuts (instructs to cut) the sacrificial animal, cuts his hair and removes ihram. His state is called a small tahallul, he is allowed everything that is possible outside the Hajj, except for marital intimacy. After that, the pilgrim goes to Mecca to perform Tawaf Al-Ifada and sa'y between Safa and Marwa. It is allowed to postpone Tawaf al-Ifada until arrival in Mecca and perform it after all the rites in Mina. Further, the pilgrim can stay in Mina until the 12th of the month of Zul-Hijja, but he will have to leave Mina before the time of al-Maghrib prayer (or the pilgrim should stay until 13 of Zul-Hijja). Every day of stay in Mina during the days of ayyamu-tashrik (except the first), the pilgrim must perform the ceremony of throwing stones, throwing seven stones at each Jamra, starting with a small Jamra.

After the completion of the rite of throwing stones, the Hajj is considered completed, but before leaving Mecca, the pilgrim should perform tawaf al-vada` (farewell tawaf). Tawaf al-wadah (like any tawaf) consists of going around the Kaaba seven times. After its completion, the pilgrim must leave Mecca. At the same time, it is advisable not to linger in Mecca without a reason, and not to make purchases (this can be done before tawaf al-wada).


  • A minor can perform Hajj, but this does not relieve him of the obligation to perform Hajj in the future, when he reaches the age of majority.
  • Rituals that a child cannot perform (for example, throwing stones) are done for him by parents or accompanying adults.
  • Women during the period of menstruation perform all the rites except for tawaf, which can be performed after the end of this period.
  • Women, the elderly and the infirm are allowed to entrust other pilgrims with throwing stones. A pilgrim who is entrusted with throwing stones for others must first throw stones for himself, then (immediately) for the person instructing.
  • The elderly and the sick, who have no hope of recovery, have the right to entrust someone else to perform the Hajj for themselves, provided that he has already performed the Hajj for himself.
  • Also, those who have already performed the Hajj are allowed to perform the Hajj for the deceased.

What is prohibited in ihram

  1. Cut hair and nails.
  2. Apply perfume to the body or ihram.
  3. Men wear a hat.
  4. Marry or be married.
  5. Marital intimacy and affection.
  6. Men wear tailored clothing.
  7. Hunt.

It is considered excusable if the one who violated one of these prohibitions did it out of ignorance, forgetfulness or coercion. Whoever did this intentionally should ask the Imam or Ulama for clarification on what he should do as atonement.

The most common mistakes and violations

  • Participate in unjustified and excessive crowds, for example, in order to touch the Black Stone, or to quickly complete the rite of throwing stones.
  • Throw and leave trash behind.
  • Women to use cosmetics and be among men unnecessarily. (During tawaf and throwing stones, women should try not to collide with men).

May Almighty Allah accept your Hajj and forgive us all our sins and mistakes!

In the Qur'an, more precisely in the 196th verse of the sura "Al-Baqarah" and in the 97th verse of the sura "Alu Imran".

And in the hadith of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) it says: O people, indeed Allah has obligated you to perform Hajj. Do it. Whoever sincerely commits it, without swearing or sinning, is cleansed of sins as on the day of his birth. Umrah (small pilgrimage) until the next umrah is the expiation of sins between them. The only reward for completing Hajj is Paradise "(Ahmad).

Hajj is of great importance for Muslims both in this world and in the world to come. Hajj improves the physical condition of a person, cultivates generosity in him, helps to feel the equality of all slaves before Allah, reminds of the Day of Judgment, strengthens the bonds of brotherhood between Muslims and unites them, promotes their unity. Hajj reminds us of the history of the prophets and their companions, provides an opportunity to visit many shrines (ziyarats) of Islam, cleanses the heart and soul of a person. It contains many other obvious and hidden blessings and wisdom. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said that one who, having the opportunity, did not perform the Hajj, will not be a true Muslim. Therefore, a person who has the opportunity to perform the Hajj should learn the rules for its implementation and make the pilgrimage as soon as possible.

Pilgrimage- the most important ritual, without which faith loses its usefulness. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) also noted that the shaitan is never so humiliated, despised, disgraced and angry as on the day the pilgrims stay in the Arafah area, for he sees how the grace and mercy of Allah descends on people and their sins are forgiven. It is said that among the sins there are those that are forgiven only by staying in the area of ​​Arafah.

Once the damned shaitan appeared to the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) in the form of a wanderer standing on Araf, thin, yellow, whiny and hunched over. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) asked him:

- Why are you shedding tears, why are you emaciated, why have you changed your face, why are you hunched over?

To which Iblis replied:

“Because of the many people rushing here. I'm afraid that their hopes will come true, and that's why I feel anguish. From the neighing of horses on the way to Allah: if the horsemen hurried to me, it would be better. From the consent of people to be obedient to Allah: if they obeyed me, it would be better. From the words of the servant of Allah, who asked for the death of the righteous for himself. Woe is me! He really is one of those who know, if he is capable of such an amazing act.

In the hadeeth of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) it is said, that if someone left his home for the purpose of performing the Hajj or died and died on the way, then a reward equal to the reward for performing the Hajj every year before the Day of Judgment is recorded for him. The one who died in one of the two Holy cities - Mecca or Medina, on the Day of Judgment will not be interrogated, and he will be sent to Paradise .

Hajj- this is a universal worship, for it is performed both with property and with the body.

Hajj differs from other pillars of Islam in that it is performed only at a certain time and in a certain place on the earth, while performing such pillars of Islam as prayer, fasting, zakat can be performed anywhere in the world.

Allah Almighty has established rules and laws for His servants in such a way that the person who commits them benefits both in this life and in the Hereafter. The Holy Quran, talking about the Hajj, mentions the benefits and wisdom contained in this pillar of Islam.

Some Wisdom of Pilgrimage

1. Muslim unification. Islam emphasizes warm, friendly relations among Muslims. The precepts of Islam contribute to the rallying and unity of Muslims. For example, residents of one block meet five times a day at a nearby mosque, performing the obligatory collective prayer there. Residents of each settlement are ordered to gather in the mosque for Friday prayers once a week. And all Muslims of the planet have the opportunity to meet once a year for the Hajj. The Hajj is the largest regular Muslim conference in the world.

2. The revival of a real Muslim brotherhood. All Muslims, regardless of race, nationality, perform the same rites and rituals, ask the Lord - the One for all, turn in the same direction, i.e. towards the Kaaba.

3. The attraction of all Muslims, no matter how far they are, to the center of the Islamic world - Blessed Mecca, from which the light of the religion of Allah spread throughout the world.

4. Manifestation of equality among Muslims. When observing the rites of the Hajj, any privileges are excluded: master and servant, minister and worker - all are on the same level. Indeed, here is a place that reminds of the equality of all people before Allah. Also, the Hajj is a reminder of the Day of Judgment, when everyone will stand before the Lord without clothes, in fear of interrogation, where neither the nobility of the family, nor property, nor position in society will help.

5. Hajj is a reminder to Muslims of their pious ancestors- prophets and messengers, so that believers can be deeply inspired and faith strengthened in their hearts. Each place where the Hajj ceremony is performed is associated with some historical event.

First of all, let us remember the first man on earth - Adama (peace be upon him), who for the first time barefoot, covered only with a cloak, made a seven-fold circumambulation of the Kaaba. In front of the Kaaba, the pilgrim presents the image of the messengers of Allah Ibrahim (peace be upon him) and Ismail (peace be upon him), who rebuilt the Kaaba after the Flood.

Also, believers represent the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), who helped with the restoration of the Kaaba, made a detour around it, kissed the sacred stone "Al-Hajar al-aswad". The hills of Safa and Marwa remind the pilgrim of Hajar, who was looking for water for her son and the future Prophet Ismail (peace be upon him).

Being in Mina, where pebbles are thrown, he recalls the Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him), who in this place drove away Satan from himself by throwing stones at him, and the Prophet Ismail (peace be upon him), whom his father led from there to be sacrificed. Standing on Mount Arafa recalls the first meeting of our forefathers Adam (peace be upon him) and Chava on this mountain, and therefore in some sources it is called the mountain of meetings and expectations.

On Arafah, the believer represents the image of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), who, making a farewell Hajj, bequeathed to the believers: “O people, your Lord is One, and you are all the offspring of Adam, Adam was created from the earth, and there is no advantage for an Arab over a non-Arab, except in piety. And after me, do not be like unbelievers who are at enmity with one another... ».

6. Hajj is the education of the pilgrim when he, while on the road and facing various difficulties and inconveniences, must show patience (sabra). On the Hajj, a large number of Muslims meet in one place, and here it is necessary to show steadfastness in overcoming difficulties, modesty, tact, and pliability. Hajj also cultivates generosity in a person when he slaughters a sacrificial animal on the day of Eid al-Adha or when he distributes alms to the poor.

Conditions for the obligatory performance of the Hajj

If the following six conditions are met, the Hajj becomes obligatory for every person:

1. coming of age .

2. Profession of the religion of Islam .

3. Sanity of mind .

4. personal freedom .

5. Path safety .

6. material and physical ability .

The opportunity is considered in two ways: the availability of transport and the means necessary for living and maintaining during the period of the Hajj and being on the road. A woman additionally needs an accompanying close relative (mahram). If the pilgrim has dependents, then he must leave them funds sufficient until his return. Anyone who, due to health reasons, cannot perform the Hajj, but has the material opportunity to do so, must authorize another person to perform the Hajj for himself.

The main components (lasso) of the Hajj

When studying the order and norms of pilgrimage, it is necessary to pay special attention to its main components (lasso), without which the Hajj is not valid.

Hajj consists of the following six obligatory components:

1. Intention along with putting on ihram (special unsewn clothing consisting of two pieces of matter).

2. Stay in Arafah the ninth day of the month of Dhul Hijjah.

3. Tawaf- detour around the Kaaba.

4. Walking (sayu) between Safa and Marwa hills.

5. Haircut or shaving(at least three hairs need to be removed).

6. Compliance with the sequence of execution in most arcana .

Necessary actions (wajibs) of Hajj

It is necessary to pay special attention to the wajibs of the Hajj. They are also mandatory, but if you miss any of them, then the Hajj is not violated, but it is mandatory to pay a fine for this.

Hajj has five necessary actions:

1. Entering the Hajj at Miqat (the place of entry into the hajj. Pilgrims arriving from Russia usually enter the hajj in a miqat called Zul-Khulayfa. It is not far from Medina. This place is also called Abaru Ali).

2. Spending the night in Muzdalifah .

3. Spending nights on tashriq days (after the Feast of the Sacrifice) in the Mina Valley.

4. Throwing pebbles (in a certain place).

5. Farewell tawaf around the Kaaba .

If at least one of the above five points is not performed, then this person on the Hajj must pay a fine.

Actions forbidden for those who have entered the Hajj

It is also very important to know the forbidden and permitted actions during the Hajj. After entering the Hajj or Umrah, until their completion, pilgrims are prohibited from:

1. Copulation with wife and foreplay preceding it.

2. Performing a marriage ceremony (for oneself or for others).

3. The use of incense (the incense with which the pilgrim perfumed himself before entering the Hajj will not damage the validity of the Hajj).

4. Contact of any fats or oils with facial or scalp hair.

5. Removal of at least one hair from any part of the body (if the hair fell by itself, then this is not taken into account).

6. Cutting off even a small part of the nail (it is allowed to remove a broken and interfering nail).

7. Men - wearing sewn clothes and shoes with a closed front or back, covering the head with a hat or something else. For women, cover the face and hands.

8. Hunting in the territory of the Haram, as well as damage to vegetation in the territory of the Haram.

Deliberately committing the acts listed above without good reasons from the point of view of Shariah is a sin, and therefore it is necessary to repent of this and pay a fine. After throwing pebbles and removing hair, all prohibitions are removed, except for intimacy with the wife. And this is allowed only after the complete completion of the Hajj, that is, after the completion of all the arcana.

Varieties of fines on the Hajj

There are five types of Hajj penalty:

1. For failure to take necessary action- fine - sacrifice of a ram; if this is not possible, then it is necessary to fast for ten days (three days on the Hajj, seven in the homeland).

2. If a pilgrim removed three or more hair or nails at the same time, perfumed himself with incense, deliberately covered his head, put on sewn clothes, oiled his head or beard with oil, kissed his wife before throwing stones on the day of Eid al-Adha, then he should repent and choose one of the following three expiatory procedures: slaughter a ram, observe a fast for three days, or give three saa (that is, seven and a half kilograms of wheat) to six poor people.

For one removed hair or nail, a fine should be paid - one mudd (about 650 g) of wheat. For two hairs or two nails - two muddas.

3. For killing game, cutting down a tree - a fine - equivalent to game or a tree.

4. For intimacy with his wife. If a pilgrim deliberately copulates with his wife before throwing stones on the day of the feast of sacrifices and cutting hair, then his hajj is completely spoiled. However, he should perform the rites of this Hajj to the end, and then he must be reimbursed next year. In addition, as a penalty, he must slaughter the camel, this is the responsibility of the husband.

5. For interrupting the Hajj - a fine - a sacrifice of a ram.

Ethics of visiting the shrine of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him)

Visiting the grave of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is a very important Sunnah for a pilgrim and one of the best deeds that bring him closer to Allah. The imams of all four madhhabs agreed on this, because the hadiths also testify to this.

Traveling to Medina, it is advisable to bless the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) more, when approaching Medina, it is recommended to perform a full ablution, cut your nails, remove hair, put on clean clothes and perfume (if the person is not already in ihram). If possible, it is advisable to go to the Medina on foot. You also need to go with humility, tenderness, with sadness that you could not see the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) alive, in order to have the hope of seeing him in Eternal Life.

As you approach the mosque, you need to renew your repentance, give alms, for there is a command from the Almighty to give alms before visiting the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). At the gates of the mosque, one should linger a little, asking with one's heart for permission to enter. You need to enter the mosque with your right foot. Then you should perform salat there (tahiya). After prayer with Khuzur, that is, remembering Allah all the time, they approach the grave of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), and, standing in front of him, lowering his head and closing his eyes, one should quietly greet the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), as if he stands in front of you.

Abu Bakr and Umar are also welcomed, may Allah be pleased with them. Further, turning towards the Qibla, they read the dua and turn to Allah, asking to endow us with the intercession of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). And they ask the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) to intercede for us on the Day of Judgment.

After that, they perform ziyarat at the Baki cemetery and read a prayer to the deceased there.

Let those who wish to start life from scratch begin the pilgrimage with sincere intention, and the main sign of the acceptance of the Hajj by the Almighty is a change in the character of a person for the better after it is performed.


Failure to fulfill this fundamental minimum of the requirements of Islam testifies to the weakness of a person's faith. Those who do not comply with this minimum will be very severely punished in Eternal Life if they do not repent, do not make up for missed duties and are not forgiven by Allah Almighty. Whoever denies the need to observe the obligatory prescriptions of Allah or one of the pillars of Islam becomes an unbeliever.

In addition to the above five pillars, there are many other precepts in Islam that must be observed by every person. For example: honoring parents, maintaining warm relations with relatives, observing duties and rules of decency towards neighbors, showing respect for older people, showing mercy and compassion for younger ones, etc.

There are also prohibitions in Islam. For example, the prohibition on committing such grave sins as killing a person, adultery, theft, drinking alcohol, drugs, usury, gossip, slander, slander, envy, enmity, causing harm to others with the tongue or physically, oppression of the weak, appropriation or use of someone else's property, etc. A person needs to move away from such deeds, as well as repent of previously committed ones, for if Almighty Allah does not forgive him, then a severe and unbearable punishment awaits him in eternal life. May Allah Almighty protect us from this! Amen!

The amount of reward intended for a Muslim for the fulfillment of these instructions depends on the number of these deeds, the sincerity, thoroughness and diligence shown in their implementation.

Pilgrimage (hajj) is one of the pillars of Islam. This is a set of special religious rites performed by Muslims in a certain place.

The place of pilgrimage is Mecca, as well as its surrounding territories, where some Islamic shrines are located. As a rule, the months of Shawwal, Zul-Qaida and Zul-Hijja serve as the time of commission, while there are some disagreements regarding the latter among Muslim theologians. Some scholars argue that the entire month of Dhul-Hijjah is included in the number of months in which it is allowed to make a pilgrimage. Others believe that the Hajj is allowed only on the first ten days of a given month.

Hajj, being one of the pillars of the Islamic religion, is one of the direct obligations of Muslims to their Lord, and believers must perform it at least once in their lives. In the hadiths, one can find the following order of the Mercy of the worlds of Muhammad (s.g.v.): “Verily, the Almighty has charged you with the obligation to perform the hajj ...” (hadith from Ahmad).

However, not all people should go on a pilgrimage to Holy Mecca.

Conditions for obligatory Hajj

1. Practice Islam: Hajj is obligatory only for Muslims.

2. Age of majority: pilgrimage should be performed only by adults (from the Islamic point of view), i.e. reached puberty. It is not required for children.

3. Mental capacity: the person must be of sound mind.

4. Personal freedom: the believer must have freedom, that is, not be a slave.

5. Availability of the opportunity to commit: in this case, as a rule, it is understood as a material opportunity for making a pilgrimage, since a trip to Mecca and living there for about a month requires considerable funds, which for some believers are unbearable. However, there are other restrictions that apply in certain situations.

It should be noted that a believer can make a pilgrimage not only for himself, but also for his other relatives and friends who, for one reason or another, could not do this. But at the same time, a Muslim must first perform the Hajj for himself, and later on for other people.

Ritual actions of the Hajj

Hajj consists of ten main ritual rites performed by believers. All of them are divided into pillars, the fulfillment of which is strictly obligatory, into necessary actions (wajib) and desirable (sunnah). However, different theological schools consider the obligation of certain actions in different ways.

1) Ihram. First, the believer enters the state of ihram, that is, the Muslim puts on a special robe, says aloud or to himself the intention to perform the Hajj, prays two rak'ahs and says the talbiyah:

لَبَّيْكَ اللّهُمَّ لَبَّيْكَ، لَبَّيْكَ لا شَرِيكَ لَكَ لَبَّيْكَ، إِنّ الحَمْدَ وَالنِّعْمَةَ لَكَ وَالملكَ، لا شَرِيكَ لَكَ

Transcription: “Lyabyaikya, Allahumma, lyabyaikya, lyabyaikya la shyarikya la-kya, labyaikya; innyal-hyamdya, wa-nnigmyata lakya wal-mulkya, la shyarikya la-kya!

Translation: “Here I am in front of you, O Allah, You have no partner, here I am in front of You; Truly, praise is Yours, and mercy belongs to You and dominion, You have no partner!

2) Entrance to Mecca from a certain side, as well as entrance to the Forbidden Mosque through a special gate.

3) Making the first 7-fold circuit around .

4) Ritual movement between two hills - Safa and Marwa (on the picture).

5) Standing on Mount Arafat.

6) Stay in the Mudzalifa valley.

7) Stoning of Satan in the valley of Mina.

8) Shaving or cutting hair on the head.

10) Final detour around the Kaaba.

All Muslim theological schools attribute two rites to the pillars of the Hajj: circumambulation around the Kaaba and ritual standing on Mount Arafat. A number of madhhabs refer to the pillars of pilgrimage and others from the above rites. Moreover, if a believer does not observe at least one of the pillars during the pilgrimage, his Hajj is not valid. If the believer missed any necessary (wajib) rite, then he should make a sacrifice in return. In case of abandoning the desired actions, the Muslim only loses part of the reward.

Some hajjis, in addition to Mecca, also visit the second Islamic shrine located on the Arabian Peninsula - the Prophet's Mosque (SGV) in Medina.

Virtues of Hajj

Hajj brings many blessings for believers both in the earthly world and in the eternal world.

1. Hajj - the path to Paradise

In one of the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) it is said: “There is no other reward for the accepted Hajj, except for Paradise” (Bukhari).

2. Hajj erases sins

The Messenger of Allah (s.g.v.) explained: “ The one who performs the Hajj and does not swear and sin will return home clean from sins, as on the day his mother gave birth to him.(Bukhari and Muslim).

3. During the pilgrimage, the prayers of the believer are accepted

There is a statement by the Grace of the worlds of Muhammad (s.g.v.): “Those who perform the hajj and die are representatives before the Almighty. If they call on Him, He answers them, if they seek His forgiveness, He forgives them” (hadith from Ibn Maji).

4. In the Hajj, the believer is able to receive many rewards.

A believer during the performance of pilgrimage rituals and other good deeds is able to receive considerable rewards from the Lord. For example, praying in the Forbidden Mosque (Masjid al-Haram), located in Mecca, where one prayer is a hundred thousand times better than prayer in an ordinary mosque.

5. Hajj unites Muslims

Pilgrimage serves as a means of uniting believers in one Ummah, since millions of brothers and sisters of faith from different parts of the world gather in Mecca every year. The pilgrimage is made by representatives of different regions, states and continents, having different social status and level of financial wealth. On the days of the Hajj, they all become equal, as they put on the same clothes and do the same thing, which, in turn, erases any boundaries between Muslims that take place in everyday life.

6. Contributes to the moral and moral enrichment of a person

In the Hajj, believers are zealous in worship and strive to refrain from committing all sinful things, which has a positive effect on the inner world of a person.

7. Leads to cultural enrichment

During the Hajj and visiting shrines, the believer can better get acquainted with the culture and history of Islam directly in the places of origin of the religion of Allah and see with his own eyes some places of worship that he could previously only see in drawings, photographs or videos.

and Medina those Muslims who have reached the age of majority and have physical and material capabilities. The word "hajj" in Arabic means a strong desire, intention and visit to the one who was exalted. And in our religion, this means the intention and visit to the highly revered Kaaba, in order to perform special services associated with certain conditions and rules.

A person who denies the obligation to commit Hajja, departs from Islam and falls into unbelief. It is impossible to postpone the Hajj for someone who has this opportunity, because it may happen that such an opportunity will not be presented to him again. Who will die without having time to commit Hajj, although he had such an opportunity, on the Day of Judgment he will appear before Allah as a disobedient, for he did not fulfill his duty to Him.

If there are six conditions, the Hajj becomes obligatory

1. Reaching the age of majority.

2. Profession of the religion of Islam.

3. Healthy mind.

4. Be free.

5. Path safety.

6. Material and physical possibility.

Six components (lasso) of the Hajj

1. Intention along with putting on ihram (special, unsewn clothes, consisting of two pieces of matter).

2. Stay in the area of ​​Arafah.

5. Shaving hair (minimum three hairs).

6. Maintaining the sequence of these pillars.

Significance of the Hajj

Pilgrimage- the most important ritual, without which faith loses its fullness. The hadith of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) says that the one who performs Hajj for the sake of Allah, without swearing and without sinning at the same time, will return as pure from sins as on the day of his birth. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) also noted that the shaitan is never so humiliated, despised, disgraced and angry as on the day the pilgrims stay in the Arafah area, for he sees how the Grace of Allah descends on people, and great sins are forgiven them. It is said that among the sins there are those that can be redeemed only by staying in the area of ​​Araf.

Once, Iblis, cursed by Allah, appeared to the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) in the form of a wanderer standing on Araf, thin, yellow, whiny and hunched over. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) asked him:

Why are you shedding tears, why are you emaciated, why have you changed your face, why are you hunched over?

To which Iblis replied:

Because of the many people hurrying here, I am afraid that their hopes will come true, and that is why I feel longing. From the neighing of horses on the way to Allah, because if the horsemen hurried to me, it would be better. From the consent of people to be obedient to Allah, if they obeyed me, it would be better. From the words of the servant of Allah, who asked for the death of the righteous for himself. Woe is me! He really is one of those who know, if he is capable of such an amazing act.

In the hadith of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) it is said that if someone left his hearth in order to commit hajj or died and died on the way, then a reward equal to the reward for committing hajj before the Day of Judgment. The one who died in one of the two Holy cities - Mecca or Medina, will not be interrogated on the Day of Judgment, and he will be entered into Paradise.

Fulfilling the blessed hajj dearer than life in this world, and for those who perform the blessed Hajj, there is only one reward - Paradise.

Islam distinguishes several types of worship, among which there are obvious and hidden ones. Hidden worship is the worship of the heart, for example, love for Allah, sincerity, repentance, hope, fear and hope in His Grace. There are two kinds of open worship: the body and the property. So here hajj- this is a universal worship, for it is performed both with property and the body, and besides, it also has hidden sides, for example, purity of intention.

Hajj differs from other pillars of Islam in that it is performed only in a certain place on the Earth - Mecca, while performing such pillars of Islam as prayer, fasting, zakat can be done in any corner of the globe.

The Almighty established the rules and laws for His servants in such a way that the person who commits them received benefits, both in this and the future life. The Holy Quran, talking about the Hajj, mentions the benefits and wisdom contained in this pillar of Islam.

Wisdom of the Hajj

Now we will briefly mention some moments of the pilgrimage (Hajj) that have deep and hidden wisdom.

1. Unification of Muslims. Islam attaches particular importance to the warmth of relations and friendship between Muslims. Allah created the pillars of Islam conducive to the unity and unity of Muslims. For example, residents of one block have the opportunity to meet five times a day in a nearby mosque, performing a collective prayer. In addition, all residents of the settlement have the opportunity to meet once a week in the mosque for Friday prayers. And all Muslims of the planet have the opportunity to meet once a year at hajj, so the Hajj is the largest regular conference of Muslims in the world.

2. The revival of a real Muslim brotherhood. All Muslims, regardless of race, nationality, perform the same rites and rituals, ask the One for all Lord, look in the same direction, i.e. Qibla.

3. The attraction of all Muslims, no matter how far they are, to the center of the Islamic world - Blessed Mecca, from which the light of Monotheism spread throughout the world.

4. Manifestation of equality among Muslims. When observing the rites of the Hajj, any privileges are excluded, everyone is on the same level. Indeed, this is the place that recalls the beginning of a person's birth, when he has no advantage over anyone. Also hajj- this is a reminder of the Day of Judgment, when everyone will stand before the Lord, in fear of interrogation, where neither the nobility of the family, nor property, nor position in society will help.

5. Hajj- this is a reminder to Muslims of their pious ancestors, prophets and messengers, so that believers can be deeply inspired, and so that faith is strengthened in their hearts. Each place where the Hajj ceremony is performed is associated with some historical event. For example, in front of the Kaaba, the pilgrim presents the image of the messengers of Allah Ibrahim and Ismail (peace be upon them), who built the Kaaba. Also believers represent our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), who kissed the sacred stone "Hajar ul-Aswad". The hills of Safa and Marva remind the pilgrim of Hajar, who was looking for water for her son Ismail (peace be upon him), and Mina, where pebbles are thrown, reminds the prophet Ismail (peace be upon him), who in this place drove away Satan from himself, throwing stones at him. On Arafah, the believer represents the image of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), who, making a farewell hajj, bequeathed to the believers: “O people, your Lord is One, and you are all the offspring of Adam (peace be upon him), Adam was created from the earth and there is no advantage for an Arab before a non-Arab, except in piety. And after me, do not turn into infidels who are at enmity with each other.

6. Hajj- this is the education of the pilgrim, when he, being on the way and facing difficulties and inconveniences, must show patience (sabr). On the hajj in one place there is a large number of Muslims, and it is necessary to show modesty, tact, compliance. Hajj also cultivates generosity in a person when he slaughters a sacrificial animal on Kurban or when he distributes alms to the poor.

Let the one who wants to start life from scratch, proceed to the pilgrimage with a sincere desire, and a sign of acceptance by the Almighty hajj is to change a person's character for the better.

May the Almighty endow us with His Grace and make us slaves leaving this life with faith! Amine.

Many Muslims who decide to go on the Hajj begin to study the literature related to this pillar of Islam, but often, finding a lot of information in books, they cannot imagine exactly how to do the Hajj after all. In this short article, we want to briefly explain the sequence of the Hajj with all its conditions and obligatory actions.

1 . A Muslim begins his journey to the Hajj by fulfilling all the duties entrusted to him. If he has debts, then he needs to pay them, if you need to ask permission to leave, then ask him, and if he offended or insulted someone, then ask for forgiveness.

2 . It is advisable to choose God-fearing companions, especially those who have Sharia knowledge. Performing Hajj with such companions will be much better and easier.

3 . Before leaving for the Hajj, you must carefully familiarize yourself with all its obligations and conditions. Scholars have pointed out that it is obligatory for all who wish to perform Hajj. However, this article will help you with this, inshaAllah.

4 . From the moment of leaving the house, a Muslim can enter into ihram, and he can also postpone this entry until the miqat (a certain area for the start of the hajj rites). But it will be better if he postpones ihram until he arrives at the miqat.

5 . If you decide to enter ihram, whether in the house or in the miqat, then you should first bathe, cut your nails and use incense, and then put on the clothes of ihram. This garment consists of two large pieces of white cloth. The lower part is called izar, and the upper part is called rida. They don't have to be stitched. After that, it is advisable to perform a two-rakah prayer for entering ihram. She is Sunnah. Next, it is advisable to turn towards the qibla and say: “ Lyabbaika Llahumma bi hajjin ...”, making the intention to enter into the rites of the Hajj heart. This is if you intend to perform the Hajj. If you want to make me die, then say: Lyabbaika Llahumma bi umratin ...» If you perform all these actions, then you will enter ihram and the following things will become forbidden for you:

1. Putting on sewn things.

2. Head covering without good reason.

3. Combing hair if there is a possibility of hair loss. If not, then this is undesirable.

4. Shaving, cutting or pulling hair.

5. Nail trimming.

6. Use of incense.

7. Hunting or killing land animals.

8. Conclusion of a marriage contract, for yourself or another.

9. Sexual intercourse.

10. Actions prior to sexual intercourse.

If you do one of these things, you will be fined. Except in the case of sexual intercourse, because it spoils the hajj and obliges to pay a fine.

6 . A woman in all these rites is like a man, except for removing sewn things. She remains in her clothes, but it becomes forbidden for her to cover her face and hands. Also, she does not raise her voice at the talbi (Lyabbaika ...)

7 . After you arrive at Mecca, it is advisable for you to take a bath before entering this holy city. The best place for this bathing is the Zu Tuva area.

8 . Next, enter Mecca and go to the Kaaba to perform tawaf al-kudum (welcome tawaf) if you are performing the rites of the Hajj. If you perform umrah rites, then you will perform tawaf al-umrah. You need to start bypassing the Kaaba (tawaf) from a black stone. If you cannot approach him, then it is advisable to kiss his hand and push towards the black stone, and if you can approach, then the sunnah is to kiss him. But only in this case, you will need to raise your head and step back a little so as not to get your body outside the boundaries of the Kaaba.

9 . Next, you should continue bypassing around the Kaaba counterclockwise, turning to her left side. And each time you reach the end of the circle to the black stone, this will be considered one detour. There will be seven such circles.

A Muslim who circumambulates around the Kaaba must cover the avrat and be in a state of small and complete ablution, since tawaf is like a prayer. If during the bypass the ablution is violated, then it is necessary to perform it and complete the remaining circles. It is also necessary to be outside the boundaries of the Kaaba. If you go through the "Hijra of Ismail" (it is surrounded by a small fence), then this circle will not count, since the "Hijra of Ismail" is located inside the Kaaba.

For men, during the performance of tawaf, after which the sayu will follow, it is advisable to expose the entire right hand and go through the first three rounds with an easy jog. The remaining four laps will be done with a normal gait. Women don't have to do this. It is also advisable to do tawaf near the kaaba at a distance of about three meters, if you do not interfere with this and do not create inconvenience to other Muslims.

10 . After completing the detour around the Kaaba, it is advisable to perform a Sunnah prayer behind Maqam al-Ibrahim. Next, it is advisable to come up and kiss the black stone or point your hand in its direction, after which you will go to perform other rites of the Hajj.

11 . Now, leaving the mosque, you will climb the Safa hill and start doing sayu (circumvention between two hills). It is worth noting that it is necessary to start sayu with Safa. Before performing sayu, it is advisable to read the prayers indicated in the books. Next, you will start walking towards Mount Marwa until you reach the green sign. From this place, it is advisable to start an easy run to the next green sign, after which you will reach Marva by normal walking. This will count as one round. Then you will also go back towards Safa Hill, and when you get there, it will be considered the second detour. There are seven rounds to be done. As for light running with sayu, it is desirable for men, but not for women. It should also be noted that sayu is not performed except after the salutatory or obligatory tawaf.

12 . After that, it is advisable to stay in Mecca until the eighth day of the month of Dhul Hijah. This day is called "yavmu t-tarvia". On this day, it is advisable for all pilgrims to head to the Mina Valley in order to spend the night there. After the dawn of the next, the ninth day of the month of Dhul Hijjah, the pilgrim must go to the Arafat valley. It is advisable not to enter the valley except in the afternoon. It is considered sunnah to stay in the area of ​​“Namira” until the afternoon prayer and perform it there, combining the lunch and afternoon prayers.

13 . Further, in the afternoon, you will enter the Arafat valley and stay there until sunset. While standing in the valley, it is advisable to remember Allah more, to ask for forgiveness of sins for yourself and your loved ones. Standing at Arafat is a mandatory component of the Hajj, without which the rites of the Hajj will not be counted. For standing on Arafat to be valid, it is necessary to be there at least for a moment between noon and dawn on the tenth day.

14 . After sunset on the day of Arafat, all the pilgrims will head to the Muzdalifah valley. When you reach the valley of Muzdalifa, you should perform the evening and night prayers, combining them and shortening the night prayer. You need to perform these prayers during the night prayer. You must stay there until midnight, and if you leave before midnight, you will need to pay a fine in the form of a slaughtered lamb. It is advisable to stay in the valley of Muzdalifa until the morning prayer, collect stones for throwing there, ask Allah in the area “al-mashar al-haram” and stand by it. All this is Sunnah.

15 . Further, the pilgrims will return to the Mina Valley in order to perform another obligatory action - throwing stones. There is a place called Jamratul Aqaba. During the throwing of each stone, it is desirable to pronounce the takbir (“Allahu akbar!”). It is necessary to get into the pillar located at this place.

16 . After throwing stones, it is advisable for the pilgrim to slaughter the sacrificial animal, if he has one. It is advisable to do this after sunrise on a festive day in the Mina Valley with the intention of drawing closer to Allah Almighty.

17 . Next, you need to shave your hair or shorten it. For men, it is desirable to shave the head, and for women, to cut it. This is also a necessary act of the Hajj. After that, the pilgrim completes the initial stage of the rites of the Hajj and all actions that were forbidden during ihram, except for sexual intimacy, become permissible for him.

18 . After completing these rituals, you will go to Mecca for the performance of "tawaf al-ifada", which is also a mandatory component of the hajj. Its time starts from midnight, but you can perform this tawaf at any time of the three days of tashriq. Next, you will perform sayu if you did not do it after the salutatory tawaf. Now, if you have done throwing stones, shaving or cutting hair, performed tawaf al-ifada and sayu, then you have completed all the rites of the hajj. From that moment on, everything that was forbidden during ihram, up to the conclusion of a marriage contract and intimacy, becomes permissible for the pilgrim.

After the lunch prayer, it is time to throw stones. First, you need to throw seven stones at the place “Jamratul Ulya”, then seven stones at the place “Jamratul Wusta”, and then seven stones at the place “Jamratul Akaba”. This order is required.

20 . Then you stay overnight in the Mina Valley on the second day. And after lunch the next day, it's time to throw stones again. And it is also necessary to throw stones at the Jamratul Ulya, Jamratul Wusta and Jamratul Akaba.

If you throw these stones on this second day, then you can already hurry to go to Mecca. This concludes all the rites of the Hajj. If you want to leave on the second day, then you need to leave before sunset. But still, it is desirable to spend the third day in the Mina valley for throwing stones.

Upon arrival in Mecca, it is advisable to drink zam-zam water and make dua.

If after that you want to go home, then you need to make a farewell tawaf and then go to your homeland. This completes your Hajj.

May Allah accept your hajj, prayers and supplications!!!

Sources used: 1) "Al fikhul manhajiy"; Authors: Dr. Mustafa al-Hinn, Dr. Mustafa al-Bugha, Sheikh Ali Ash-Sharbaji. 2) "Al-Mu'tamad",

All the rituals of the Hajj described in this article correspond to the opinions of the scholars of the Shafi'i madhhab.

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