Anna Marie Duff with her son James McAvoy. James McAvoy - biography and personal life. Family life of James McAvoy and Anne-Marie Duff

"You can't earn everything, but your mental and physical health more expensive" - ​​apparently I thought so Daniel Craig, when he turned down $100 million for the next film in the James Bond franchise. As for me, Craig is simply “following the signs” - his last filming in “Spectre” brought him a couple of unpleasant moments, and in general, the actor was tired of the image of a British intelligence agent. 22nd of May the Englishman was seen in London, as he got into his car after shopping at the store. And no one will think, looking at this man, that he just gave up a huge pile of money... Craig has already made good money for himself and his grandchildren from the franchise, and now, apparently, he has decided to devote his life and work to society . May, 23rd he welcomed delegates from 70 countries and gave a speech at World Humanitarian Summit V Istanbul. He offered to help people who had suffered from landmines and people who were in difficult situations because they had to flee from hostilities. In the beginning of May James McAvoy and Anne-Marie Duff announced their divorce after 10 years of marriage. They decided to divorce in a civilized manner in order to smooth out the consequences of the divorce for their son Brendan. The couple decided that as long as they lived in their common house and remain family. 16th of May paparazzi caught James as he climbed onto the porch of his house in London. That's how McAvoy refused to be a husband, but remained a father. They are strange, these Englishmen... Photo look under the cut


05/22/2016 - London

05/23/2016 - World Humanitarian Summit, Istanbul, Türkiye

Daniel Craig has promoted world leaders to unite and "start the biggest humanitarian movement in our history" at the inaugural World Humanitarian Summit in Istanbul. The James Bond star made an impassioned plea to more than 60 heads of state in a speech that also begged for more to be done to help those left severely disabled by land mines. Craig - who has just turned down a £68million deal to stay on as 007 - called for the global superpowers to come together to rescue those displaced by war and famine.


05/16/2016 - London

James McAvoy arrives at his marital home in London - May 16, 2016

James McAvoy "taking inspiration from Gwyneth and Chris split"-

James McAvoy reportedly aspires to follow in the footsteps of Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin, who remain close following their divorce.

British actor James and his wife Anne-Marie Duff announced the end of their union earlier this month (May16), after 10 years of marriage and welcoming son Brendan together in 2010.

In a similar situation were Hollywood stars Gwyneth and Chris, who decided to “consciously uncouple” in 2014 after a decade together. However, the former couple are on great terms, mainly for the sake of their children Apple, 12, and 10-year-old Moses - something James apparently wants to have himself.

"He admires how Hollywood couples such as Gwyneth and Chris and Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck have continued to remain tight as a family after their marriages have ended," a source told Britain's Closer magazine, noting Jennifer and Ben's split in 2015 "For now, he and Anne-Marie will continue living together as normal as possible for Brendan, and will carry on with their daily lives as a family."

James and Anne-Marie met when they both appeared in British TV show Shameless in 2003, which had an impressive decade-long run.

"They"ve been through a rocky year and have kept their problems incredibly private - even from their closest friends and family," the insider disclosed. "They did everything they could to avoid a split, but they know it"s for the best and are both determined to ensure that they stay as amicable as possible for Brendan "s sake."

Even their wedding was kept quiet, as they tied the knot in a small ceremony in 2006. Issuing a statement to People magazine earlier the month, the former couple shared the news.

"It is with tremendous sadness that we have come to the decision to divorce," they said. "We enter this next phase with continued friendship, love and respect for one another and the shared focus of caring for our son.

"We ask that you respect our and, most importantly, our child's privacy during this time."

James McAvoy 'follows the example' of Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin's divorce

James McAvoy is reportedly keen to follow in the footsteps of Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin, who remain close following their divorce.

British actor James McAvoy and his wife Anne-Marie Duff announced the end of their union earlier this month after 10 years of marriage, and the couple have a son, Brendan, born in 2010.

In a similar situation there were Hollywood stars Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin, who decided to “consciously separate” in 2014 after ten years of marriage. However, the former spouses are in good relations for the sake of their children - twelve-year-old Apple and ten-year-old Moses, apparently, James also wants the same relationship.

"He admires Hollywood couples like Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin and Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck, who remain close as a family after their marriages ended," a source told British magazine Closer. “At the moment, he and Anne-Marie continue to live together, as they previously did with their son Brendan, in the daily life of the family.”

Although there are rumors that one of the reasons for the divorce is that thirty-seven-year-old James became closer to his X-Men: Apocalypse co-star, twenty-four-year-old Alexandra Shipp, however, the source insists on deeper differences.

James McAvoy is an actor of Scottish origin who made his film debut at the age of 15. He is best known for the films “The Chronicles of Narnia”, “In My Heart I Dance”, “Wanted”, “X-Men: First Class”, “Split”.


James McAvoy was born in Glasgow, Scotland, to Elizabeth Johnstone and James McAvoy Sr., a psychiatric nurse and former bus driver turned builder. Financial position the family was quite deplorable. Perhaps this is why, unable to withstand the constant hardships and hardships, James’s parents divorced when he was 7 years old.

James looked forward to Sunday as a holiday, because on this day his father visited him, and sometimes the boy visited him. After the next meeting, James spent the whole week daydreaming about how his parents would one day get married again and everything would be the same. But one day the boy came home to his father without asking and found him in the apartment unknown woman. The next time the man came to James, he asked him never to come again.

After this, James Jr. lost contact with his father forever. In 2013, he saw his dad in the newspapers in connection with a drug scandal - it turned out that McAvoy Sr. and his younger son Donald (the actor’s half-brother, born of that the stranger) were selling cocaine. Now the father regrets that he stopped communicating with his son and asks him for forgiveness.

After the divorce, Elizabeth began to get sick a lot, so she family council it was decided to leave his younger sister Joy (by the way, she now sings in the band Streetside) in her care, and send James to his grandparents - James and Mary Johnstone, who loved their grandson very much and constantly spoiled him.

My grandparents lived in the town of Drumchapel, which in those years had a very crime-ridden situation. James was never beaten on the streets because, according to him, he always walked with his eyes downcast.

I had very strict grandparents. I know it sounds like I had an unhappy childhood, but I was quite happy. Until I was 16, I never left the house alone, and, probably, this saved me from mischief.

In his youth, James McAvoy attended Catholic school, where he received strict upbringing in a religious manner. For some time he even dreamed of becoming a priest, and also thought about a heroic profession like a pilot or a doctor. He also attended classes at an amateur theater club, and after classes he worked part-time in a bakery.

“As a child, I wanted to become a priest, a missionary, and maybe even go to such distant Africa to save people from hunger there,” said the actor. – But one day I finally changed my mind. I just imagined that I would have to get up every morning at six o’clock and go to church. I, of course, was not against becoming a priest; in fact, I was categorically against getting up early. For me it’s like suicide!”

Then James, although without even knowing it himself, began to move towards his destiny. One day, famous producer David Hayman spoke to McAvoy's class and told the kids several stories about life on the set. James was so captivated by his story that he immediately asked the director to give him at least a tiny role. Thus, 15-year-old McAvoy first appeared on screen - in the film “The Next Room” about child prostitution in Glasgow. He got the role of the son of a pimp, a very spoiled teenager.

James McAvoy's first role (The Next Room)

As soon as he started filming, James was almost disappointed in his choice and lost interest in cinema. The situation was saved by his partner, actress Alana Brady. “When I felt her emotions, it was like I was overwhelmed with a wave of inspiration,” McAvoy recalled. But how proud he was to see himself on the screen, and, of course, to receive a fabulous fee for a child of 1,200 pounds sterling.

After graduating from school, the young actor began to hone his skills at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama. IN educational institution the guy did it with ease, despite big number willing and huge competition. During his years of study, he managed to play in a couple of film projects (“Renaissance”, “An Angel Passes By”, “Laura Dune”). In 2000 he became a certified actor.

Actor career

Having played about a dozen tiny roles in the most different projects, he was cast as the leading male role in the low-budget melodrama “Queen of Bollywood.” In the early 2000s, he was involved in productions of the PACE youth theater, in particular, he played a man selling intimate services in the play “Out in the Open”. The performance was seen by film director Joe Wright, who was delighted with McAvoy's performance. He started throwing young actor offers that James refused over and over again.

Looking ahead, we note that six years later the actor finally agreed to collaborate - this is how the film “Atonement” was born. James got the role of a poor man who dreamed of climbing the social ladder, but was unfairly accused of a crime. James's partner on the set was Keira Knightley. For this work, the actor earned a nomination for the prestigious Golden Globe Award.

Who knows what direction his career would have taken if he had agreed to Joe Wright's offer right away. But, one way or another, then, in 2001, he had very little time left for his breakthrough role.

The premiere of the film “In My Soul I Dance” took place in October 2004 under the slogan “Paralyze life.” In the story, Michael, a young man with cerebral palsy, ends up in a nursing home, where he meets another patient, Rory O’Shea (played by McAvoy). Rory is practically immobilized due to muscular dystrophy, but his reserve of vitality and optimism can be the envy of any healthy person.

Preparing for the role, James McAvoy had long conversations with real disabled people. From these meetings he took main idea– they don’t want to be pitied. However, the mass audience first remembered him as the faun Tumnus from the fantasy film “The Chronicles of Narnia”. It was his hero who met little Lucy in magical land Narnia, hiding behind the closet wall in her uncle's house, became one of the key characters in the plot.

Another notable work, Leto Atreides II, followed in the short series Children of Dune. Next, the actor played Wesley Gibson in an action film called “Wanted,” the debut Hollywood work of Russian director Timur Bekmambetov. McAvoy's hero was a young employee who was asked to avenge his murdered father. The deceased's partners, played by Angelina Jolie and Morgan Freeman, began to professionally prepare the avenger for active action.

In 2006, the actor appeared in the film “The Last King of Scotland,” an adaptation of the Giles Foden novel. The film told about the dictatorial regime of Ugandan ruler Idi Amin, but from an unusual angle. The main character of the story is the fictional young Scottish doctor Nicholas, who, to escape boredom, came to work in a distant banana republic and, by coincidence, won the favor of the tyrant.

Oscar for his role in this film to Forest Whitaker, who convincingly portrayed Amin. However, the audience also liked the performance of young James McAvoy.

It is worth noting that James McAvoy was one of the candidates for main role in the famous film adaptation of John Tolkien's The Hobbit. But the creators of the film nevertheless signed a contract with Martin Freeman, who was more suitable to the description of the book Bilbo Baggins.

Radcliffe and McAvoy talk about their favorite films

In the late 2000s, the actor decided to give up his profession. Or rather, from the part of it that has to do with cinema. He was seriously concerned about the fact that in Hollywood he felt he was losing the opportunity to fully develop his talent. James saw blockbusters as the main obstacle to self-improvement. “All these beautifully shot action films,” the actor asserted, “do not allow me to remain a full-fledged artist.”

In this regard, McAvoy refused several lucrative roles, including work in the film “Wanted 2” by Timur Bekmambetov. The actor left America, returned to his native Britain and announced that he would take a break from cinema and devote his free time to the theater.

However, his dislike for blockbusters did not prevent him from starring in the fantasy action film X-Men: First Class (2011) as young professor Charles Xavier. The film took viewers to the origins of the creation of a school for gifted mutants and the beginning of the confrontation between Xavier and Magneto, whose role in this film was played by Michael Fassbender. McAvoy returned to this character in 2014 and 2016 in the films Days of Future Past and Apocalypse.

In 2013, the actor played the main role in the film adaptation of the novel by Scottish countercultural writer Irvine Welsh “Mud” - the immoral police officer Bruce Robertson. He was not approved for the role right away. When Welsh first saw McAvoy, he thought he was too young and attractive for the character. “I went up to the room and told my wife: “He’s not right for us.” When I returned, James had changed. It was as if his stubble grew in five minutes. He turned evil cruel man“Bruce,” the writer recalled.

He got a rather crazy role in the science-fiction thriller “Victor Frankenstein,” where James and Daniel Radcliffe surprisingly vividly embodied the images of doctor Frankenstein and his hunchbacked assistant Igor.

In 2016, McAvoy reaffirmed his high level mastery by starring in the psychological thriller “Split.” The role was, to put it mildly, not easy – a young man with multiple personality disorder. In his hero lived 23 people who were radically different in character. James's partners on the set were young actresses Anya Taylor-Joy and Haley Lu Richardson.

Scene from the movie "Split"

A year later, several more high-profile premieres with McAvoy's participation were released. This is the spy thriller “Atomic Blonde” (“Atomic Blonde”), on the set of which the actor worked closely with Charlize Theron, and the drama “Immersion” with the charming Swede Alicia Vikander.

In 2018, the second part of “Deadpool” was released: in the film adaptation of Marvel comics, James again appeared in the image of Professor Xavier - a kind of “Easter egg” from the creators of the film.

As part of his contract with Marvel, McAvoy participated in the filming of X-Men: Dark Phoenix, which was released in 2019.

Also in 2019, the film “Glass” was released, the final part of M. Night Shyamalan’s trilogy, the first part of which was the film “Unbreakable” with Bruce Willis, released back in 2000, and the second was the mentioned “Split”. The third part made viewers think about what the world would be like if it were really inhabited by people with supernatural abilities. "Unbreakable" David Dunn and Kevin from "Glass" end up in a mental hospital, where they meet "fragile" Elijah, a man from David's past. McAvoy embodied on the screen 20 personalities hidden in one body.

James McAvoy in the movie Glass. Fragment

Personal life of James McAvoy

James McAvoy lived in civil marriage with his classmate Emma Nelson. After breaking up with his beloved, he became addicted to alcoholic beverages. It was at this time that a creative crisis began in the actor’s life.

James's life changed after filming the British series Shameless (not to be confused with the American remake of the same name), where the young man met actress Anne-Marie McDuff, who played the role of his serial girlfriend. The girl turned out to be nine years older than her colleague. It was she who taught James to “respect life” and helped his self-esteem.

The relationship with Shipp turned out to be nothing more than an official affair, but the actor did not return to his ex-wife. McAvoy is currently a member of serious relationship with Lisa Liberati (born 1979). She has nothing to do with the world of show business; she works as an SMM manager. Judging by the couple's photos together, in which they are constantly fooling around, both are happy together.

James McAvoy now

In the fall of 2019, a continuation of the horror film about the clown Pennywise, “It 2,” was released, where James played the role of one of the matured heroes of the first part, Bill Denbrough. The "younger version" of this character was played by Jaeden Lieberher

Brendan McAvoy is the son of actor couple James McAvoy and Anne-Marie Duff. Brendan was born in June 2010. Both actors prefer to hide the details of their private lives, so quite little is known about their marriage and child. There is not even exact information regarding Brendan's date of birth - both June and February 2010 are mentioned in different sources.

James and Anne-Marie met on the set of the British television series Shameless, where they played love on screen. The pilot episode premiered in 2004, after which the series ran successfully on television for 11 seasons.

In 2006, the couple gave their relationship legal status. By the way, Duff is 9 years older than her ex-husband - at the time of the wedding she was already 36 years old, and McAvoy was 27.

Wedding of James McAvoy and Anne-Marie Duff

There were no celebrities at the couple's wedding; James explained this by saying that he did not want to make the private ceremony public.

In 2010, the couple had a son, Brendan. Anne-Mary chose St Mary's Hospital in Westminster for her birth. Both actors chose not to find out the sex of the child until after his birth. In an interview after Brendan was born, Duff said the following:

"I feel like my life has expanded so much since he arrived. When my baby was born, I was so full of love, as if I was a little high. I didn't think it was possible to feel like that."

Brendan McAvoy with dad

A break up

Unfortunately, in 2016 star couple announced a breakup when Brendan was 6 years old. James and Anne-Marie remained friends and continued to live together for some time to minimize the negative impact of the divorce on the child. In an interview after the divorce, James said that this event significantly changed his life, but some things remained unchanged.

One of them is a ban on disclosing information about personal life.

Some time after the breakup, James moved away ex-wife and a son, but settled not far from the former family nest. Despite the passage of considerable time, the actors continue to talk about deep respect for each other and the lack of intention to reveal the secrets of their personal lives, regardless of the fact that they are no longer married.

In 2017, McAvoy married Lisa Liberati, but he still pays a lot of attention to his son.

Brendan McAvoy with his mother

James McAvoy is an actor, Scottish by birth, born in the largest and oldest city Scotland - Glasgow.

The family life of his parents was such that they decided to separate when the child was barely 7 years old. His younger sister stayed with his mother, and his maternal grandparents took care of raising the boy. They doted on their grandson and spoiled him in many ways. The father did not take much part in the children’s lives.

James s early years was brought up in a Catholic school, which could not but affect his development. WITH early years he dreamed of growing up and becoming a priest. The only thing that bothered him about this activity was the need to get up at 6 a.m. every day and go to work. Early rises were beyond his strength.

As fate would have it, one day a famous director David Hayman, who told the guys a few funny stories that happened on the set. These stories sank so deeply into the teenager’s soul that he dared to ask the director if there was a role for him too. Soon, sixteen-year-old James was already starring in the film “The Next Room,” which tells the story of child prostitution.

After a successful film debut, it was necessary to further study acting, and James entered one of the most prestigious acting universities in Scotland without any problems, despite the impressive competition among applicants. During his studies, he managed to star in several films. At the age of twenty-one, he received his graduation diploma. At this time, he received an offer to work with the famous Steven Spielberg in " Brothers in Arms».
Later, the actor’s popularity was increased by his participation in the film. "Queen of Bollywood", in which, in addition to acting, he demonstrated his vocal abilities and guitar playing, which immediately increased the number of his fans.

Of course, one of James's most notable works was filming the film " The Chronicles of Narnia" It is also worth noting his participation in the action movie “ Extremely dangerous» Timur Bekmambetov.

McAvoy's partners on the set were Angelina Jolie and Morgan Freeman.
For his role in the film " Redemption"He received a Golden Globe.

Later, the actor was almost approved for the role of Bilbo in the film adaptation of The Hobbit, but the game was entrusted to another artist. But soon he got strong work in the film telling about the last days of the life of the great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy. And two years later he starred in “ X-Men».

James McAvoy in the movie "X-Men"

At some point, James began to realize that he was no longer developing as an actor, starring mainly in Hollywood blockbusters. This influenced him to leave the States and return to his homeland of Britain to remain only a stage actor for some time.
However, he is so in demand among film directors that he could not limit himself to acting in the theater. McAvoy's filmography has expanded quite successfully right up to the present day.

Personal life of James McAvoy

In his youth, James met and then lived with a girl named Emma Nelson, she was his classmate. Their romance lasted about six years and ended in separation. The actor had a hard time with the breakup and began to find solace in alcohol. A creative crisis soon followed. But in 2004, on the set of the film “Shameless,” he met Anne-Marie Duff.

Despite the fact that the girl was 9 years older, they began a whirlwind romance, which led the actors down the aisle two years later. And four years later their son was born. True, the couple hid the fact of pregnancy and the birth itself so carefully that the press still does not know exactly when the child was born. The boy was named Brendan.

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But when films with his participation began to be released one after another: “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe,” “The Last King of Scotland,” “Penelope,” “Jane Austen,” everything immediately changed. “Ah, Scotsman! - they now exclaim. - With an accent? Very interesting!" From an up-and-coming British actor, James has turned into a big star - he was cast as the young Professor Xavier in the X-Men franchise, and he also plays in Oscar-winner Danny Boyle's new film, Trance.

“Trust me, I'm not as attractive as you think,” James says. “When I first started auditioning, there was nothing more difficult for me than getting the director to look up and at least pay attention to me.” He really seems like a terribly shy person, even despite the stupid dark red beard (it was supposed to give him some respectability) that he grew for the role of King Macbeth in the London theater studio"Trafalgar".

— After the theater scene, how do you feel on the set? Perhaps the movie seems like something frivolous?

- No, I love cinema. And the only difference between a stage and a set is that you are telling a story not to the viewer, but to the camera. Yes, there are hundreds of people behind it, but you may never see a real spectator. Theater and literature are thousands and thousands of years old, but cinema is only about a hundred. What prospects! It seems to me that cinema, being a young art, is much more interesting. Because where all this will go is still unknown...

- So far it is moving towards numerous continuations of well-known stories, and I can’t say that this is inspiring...

—Are you talking about the X-Men? Yes, I'm currently filming the second prequel film. And if it is well received by the audience, then there will be more films. I don’t see anything wrong with this, filmmaking is a very expensive process, and no one wants to throw money down the drain.

Despite the bandaged hand - “Nonsense. I pulled a muscle a couple of days ago on stage and also broke my finger!” James is cheerful and cheerful, easily answers questions and there is not a shadow of arrogance or stardom in his manner of speaking. It's McAvoy's conscious choice not to be a star.

And why should he be a star? He was born in Glasgow and his parents divorced when he was seven. He has not seen his father since then and is not eager to communicate with him, although he made a couple of attempts, however, after James became famous. Mother worked as a nurse. James's grandfather was a butcher, and his grandmother washed floors in rich houses, worked in a cookie factory and even drove a truck. James attended Catholic school and at one time dreamed of becoming a missionary. When he turned 16, actor David Heyman came to school to meet the students. And this meeting, as often happens, changed the young man’s plans. At the end of it, James approached Heyman and said that he was ready to play any small role, just let him be taken to the movies. And he just needed teenagers for his new TV project... Soon modest guy from the outskirts of Glasgow ended up at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama. Before this, however, he managed to work at a local supermarket as a pastry chef - he filled buns with whipped cream and jam and thought about the future.

— Your character in Danny Boyle’s “Trance”—the man who stole a Goya painting—only realizes who he really is towards the end. When did you realize what kind of person you are?

— In the film, all three heroes (played by Vincent Cassel, Rosario Dawson and James McAvoy. — TN note) are trying to become themselves. And in this search they sometimes act cruelly. Gradually the film becomes dark and scary, and my hero turns from a kind, smiling guy into a rather unpleasant guy. It was incredibly interesting to play.

And I myself, perhaps, am not yet ready to say that I have defined myself as a person. I'm getting older and constantly changing, just like everyone around me. I can say that over the past two years my professional life has become much easier and requires less effort. But now the need to hide one’s privacy from others. Although I cannot say that they do not allow me passage on the street, the need to hide has arisen.

James' wife, actress Anne-Marie Duff, nine years his senior, is Irish but born and raised in London. James met her exactly when he needed it. Even though his career seemed to be going well, he felt like a failure. The actor seriously blamed fate for allowing him to get into the Drama Academy, but not giving him anything more - talent. And so, on the set of the TV series “Shameless,” he spent his evenings in a rented apartment in the not-so-cheerful city of Great Britain—Manchester—he drank a lot and, of course, this did not make him feel any more cheerful. His co-star in the series was Anne-Mary. She put everything in its place in his life.

For the British tabloids it was the most exciting romance. And being chased by the paparazzi taught McAvoy a lot. We know that James and Anne-Marie got married in 2006 and that they had a son named Brendan in 2010. But no one really knows the exact date of his birth, because Anne-Mary hid her pregnancy, and it became known that the couple had a baby only after a random passer-by photographed her while walking with a stroller.

- Why are you hiding? Don't want to see your photos in the tabloids?

— When I started, I thought that in an interview I should tell some interesting things about myself. He chatted about his childhood, how he tried drugs and other nonsense. But after a while I felt that I was losing the right to own life. I share my problems or joys with friends, but what is the point of doing this if they have already read everything in the morning newspaper?

“I still have several friends from my school days. And I can call them at any time.

— Have you often had to cry into your friends’ vest?

- More likely no than yes. But, for example, on the set I can cry very easily when the role requires it. And this is strange - because I can’t call my own life unhappy. On the contrary, I am a lucky guy!

And indeed it is. Since he entered the academy, he has hardly been left without work. He acted and played in different theaters, and his ability to be everywhere at the same time played a role: James very soon became known throughout the UK, and in 2006 he received the BAFTA British Film Academy prize in the Rising Star category.

— When talking about you, I will definitely mention that you are a Scot. Doesn’t that confuse you?

- At least I myself never stick out that, they say, look at me, I’m a Scotsman! But on the other hand, there are only 5 million of us, so it won’t be any worse if the world, where 6 billion live, learns about the existence of such a small nation. Moreover, the Scots have always been homebodies and still do not like traveling. But we smile a lot.

— Now everything has worked out well for you: you are playing in a London theater, which means you don’t have to travel around the world and part with your family, right?

“It’s really great to come home every evening after the performance.” But now I have to constantly fly to Canada, where X-Men is being filmed. No, it’s cool there, but it’s a bit far. I travel all the time, and now even the most exotic places and countries seem bland and boring to me. A real vacation for me is staying at home all the time!

— You’re probably really tired of running back and forth like that, and then going on stage?

- Tired, yes. But this is a pleasant tiredness, it’s generally pleasant to get tired of the stage, and it’s worth it. Although today, by the way, I slept well - I fell asleep for more than ten hours!

Surprisingly, when you work your hardest, you get nothing. But when you are open, feel light, you find that you have an extra ten percent of strength.

— Was it easy on the set with Danny Boyle?

- Rather, it was fast, very fast. We filmed for 11 weeks, almost every day - a tight schedule. Moreover, the same scene was filmed several times, because, depending on which of the characters was talking about it, it was presented in the film from a new angle. So sometimes I felt like I was in three films at once. It was great to think that we were all in the crazy world of Danny Boyle, and he is a big film enthusiast.

— “Trance” is also a picture about obsession. Can you say you are obsessed with someone or something?

- Don't think. Although my wife would argue with me about this. Okay, I admit it: I'm a fetishist. For example, I won’t give anyone my favorite chair, which is in our kitchen at home.

- Okay, what about greed and gambling? Are you familiar with them, like your hero?

— Not especially, because I always feel very strapped for money. Not in the sense that I'm saving money. I mean, I don't like to spend on nonsense. Although I don’t deny myself good food, for example.

But I definitely will never spend an amount that I can’t easily part with. And so far in my life I have never fallen into debt or exceeded my financial capabilities.

In general, don’t listen to me, this is nonsense. What do we, actors, do when we have played a role? We tell ourselves: no, this is not about me, I would never do that. But who knows how our lives will turn out? And it is quite possible that you will find yourself in the same situation that you completely denied a few years ago!

“In the end, all the heroes of the film, it turns out, were driven only by greed. Do you think this is true about human nature?

- This statement of yours about heroes is debatable. Yes, each of us has greed and selfishness. But I don’t think that we are all constantly driven only by base instincts. Sometimes it turns out that you simply cannot do otherwise. And I sincerely believe that good deeds we do it not because it is convenient for us, but because we want the other person to be happy.

As for me, I think that my instinct of generosity is rather poorly developed...

- Well, doesn’t family force a person to take care of others, especially children?

- Right. But on the other hand, on the contrary, family makes us even more selfish. Yes, your loved ones make you feel the joy of life, but they also deprive you of life outside your family. You are always collected, you always remember that you need to go home to your children, that they are waiting for you.

Your home existence becomes much more important than anything else. And you are forced to sacrifice communication with other people.

Although, in fact, I am quite happy with this situation for now.

Full name: James Andrew McAvoy

Family: wife - Anne-Mary Duff (42 years old), actress; son - Brendan (2 years old)

Education: Graduated from the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama

Career: starred in more than 30 films and TV series, including: “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe”, “Jane Austen”, “Atonement”, “Wanted”, “X-Men: First Class”, “Trans” and etc.

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