What is the main idea of ​​the Bronze Horseman. A. S. Pushkin, "The Bronze Horseman": the history of the creation of the poem

Today in the article we will talk about the problems of the Bronze Horseman. Consider the main characters, analyze storylines, and also try to understand the main idea of ​​the author.

History of creation

To begin with, this story was written in the autumn of 1833. Alexander Pushkin planned to get big money for three of his works, which he wanted to publish in famous magazine"Library for Reading". That is why in the winter of 1833 he sent his story to Nicholas II. The king made several notes, but the author did not want to take them into account, but he was also afraid to print without permission from above. The fact is that the tsar crossed out some words calling the monument to Peter "an idol" and "an idol".

Editing and printing

Probably, such severity was due to the fact that at that time the main work on the discovery was just being completed. In the summer of 1832, there was already a huge rock on Palace Square, which was delivered specially from Finland. In the summer of 1834, a monument to the emperor, the tallest building in the world, was unveiled. This event had not only cultural, but also ideological significance. For Pushkin, the new monument was just another monument, he did not want to hide it. By the way, after a while, the Alexander Column began to be ridiculed by many.

The literary elite still believed that the monument to Peter was the symbol of the city. Pushkin, unwilling to make changes, published an introduction to The Bronze Horseman in 1834. However, this short publication did not arouse any interest among the public, but rumors quickly spread that there was some unpublished poem about Petersburg. In the summer of 1836, the author decides to publish The Bronze Horseman and makes the necessary corrections. It is not known exactly why he had previously refused to make any amendments, and in 1836 he unexpectedly agreed to this. However, this poem was published in 1837, that is, only after Pushkin's death.

Problems of the "Bronze Horseman"

Now let's talk about the main topic of our article. The problems of the Bronze Horseman were considered in great detail by Belinsky, who offered the most common and understandable version. He said that history tells about the collision of a historical moment with the fate of an individual. We see that Peter is doing a significant thing, but absolutely innocent people are suffering from this. After some time, other versions appeared, which we will also discuss below.

Considering the problems of the Bronze Horseman in more detail, we note that Alexander Sergeevich knew well that the monument to Peter was not made of copper. Some parts were bronze and iron. That is why the author calls his rider copper, thus paying attention not only to his physical characteristics, but also to the very essence.

Protocol on the repair of the monument

Note that at the beginning of the last century, everything more people began to think not about the actual, but about the symbolic content of Pushkin's works. Already in 1909, a striking event occurred that caused new wave interest in symbolism in the works of the poet. The Commission for the Repair of Monuments published a protocol stating that there was a large forged frame on the hind legs of the horse, thanks to which water could not penetrate lower and remained in the belly. In total, 125 buckets of water were spent. This seemingly ordinary information caused a huge number of various interpretations. It was believed that Peter had mastered the wild element, and now the water takes revenge on him and mystically penetrates the inside of the monument. This indicated that in fact the struggle was not yet over.

There was also a version that Pushkin's poem has a strong subtext in the sense that it actually tells about two horsemen - copper and pale. The latter personified precisely water. Another interpretation that occurs quite often concerns the fact that A. Pushkin wanted to show a weak but proud rebellion of a person in his loneliness against the active forces of history.


Thus, we understand that the problems of Pushkin's "The Bronze Horseman" can be considered from completely different angles. Each person interprets this story in his own way and finds some peculiarities in it. However, it is very difficult to say for sure what the author wanted to convey. Perhaps his opinion is the quintessence of all existing versions. This once again proves that the problems of the poem "The Bronze Horseman" by A. S. Pushkin are very multifaceted and ambiguous. Recall that the author wrote this story in rather difficult times, when one could pay for free-thinking with life. That is why he uses allegory and figurativeness.


We have partially considered the themes and problems of The Bronze Horseman, but it is almost impossible to do this in full without considering the characters and subtext of the work, which is why we will talk a little about the theme of the work. So, the author proposes two main themes. The first is Petersburg, which Pushkin presents as a mystical city filled with madmen.

The second topic that the author considers is Peter. In his person, he connects the fate of all citizens and Russia itself after the reforms of Peter the Great, and also considers the consequences of Europeanization. The hero of the poem is an ordinary little man, on whom little depends. Note that the appearance of just such a hero was very helpful, since by the time Pushkin’s work was created in Russian literature, the time had just come when it was necessary to talk about the usual and modern man: the superman and the exotic faded into the background. Describing Evgeny, Pushkin says that he is the most ordinary person who, like everyone else, thinks a lot about money and wears a tailcoat. He behaves simply and loosely, he has few means and friends.


To better understand the historical and philosophical issues of the poem "The Bronze Horseman", let's talk a little about poetics. It is known that the author himself defined the genre of his work as a "Petersburg story". In this case, we can say that The Bronze Horseman began a new and very popular genre, which was later represented by a number of works by Fyodor Dostoevsky.

In terms of genre, The Bronze Horseman gravitates towards small tragedies that tell the story of one man's rebellion against history. Also, do not forget that the poem contains symbolic imagery and fantasy. The latter is manifested in the fact that many events are just a figment of Eugene's imagination. But with not meaningless nonsense, but a certain subtext. Symbolism appears when we learn that the monument was filled with water. Of course, the author actually means not this, but the fact that a certain element was raging.

Structural analysis

The problematics of the work "The Bronze Horseman" is very multi-layered, as we have already seen for ourselves. We see how the king makes a serious decision that will affect all subsequent history. Such exaltation of the figure of the king is opposed by the wild ruthless nature. At the same time, the image of the king is viewed against a very bleak background. He sees a huge spreading river, which is surrounded by forests. Despite the fact that he looks at what is happening under his nose, the ruler sees the future. He understands that the country needs to establish itself on the shores of the Baltic in order to prosper in the future.

Author's controversy

Considering the problems of the poem "The Bronze Horseman", one cannot help but touch upon the attitude of Pushkin himself to his creation. In the book, he speaks very enthusiastically about the new creation of Peter and literally confesses his love to him, saying that even Moscow has faded thanks to his actions. But at the same time, we see that the author still treats him in two ways. This can be seen in other works as well. First he recognizes the king as the supreme model state power, and then speaks of the cruelty and tyranny of the ruler. Such a contradiction in Pushkin's worldview was preserved during his writing of the poem "The Bronze Horseman".

In order for the censorship to approve this work, the author had to resort to symbolism. However, upon careful reading, you can see that even when Pushkin praises Peter, a certain anxiety is heard in his voice.


We have already considered the problems and heroes of the poem "The Bronze Horseman", but we will dwell in more detail on individual images. First, let's notice how much the image of the city changes. At the beginning of the poem, we see a lively and joyful city, but towards the end it becomes dark and destructive, as it is swallowed up by elements beyond the control of man. The author says that water blows away everything in its path, washing away traces of the past. But what did Pushkin mean? The indomitable element for him was a symbol of popular rebellion, but at the same time he emphasized that the rebellion, although it was merciless, did not make much sense. As a result of the elements, many people die, but for what?


Considering the characters and the problems of The Bronze Horseman, you can see that there are no surnames, no age, no mention of appearance, character traits or past. All we know about Eugene is that he is an ordinary ordinary person. The author refuses to report any individual traits.

Despite this, in a critical situation, Eugene manages to wake up from sleep and cease to be a petty, insignificant person, the destructive elements literally drive him crazy, and he cannot stand the questions that are increasingly appearing in his head. As a result, he, disheveled and indifferent, wanders around the city, trying to find answers to his questions. Finally, he understands the truth for himself, and his anger falls on the "idol".

Summing up the article on the problems of The Bronze Horseman, it is worth noting that this heroic story tells about the creation of Peter I and the tragedy of an ordinary official who fell victim to the historical chariot.

Note that dualism is very clearly manifested in this poem. Firstly, there are two Peters (a frozen statue and a living ruler), two Eugenes (a misguided petty official and an enlightened person), two Neva (the main decoration of the city and a huge threat to life), two Petersburgs (a beautiful city and a gloomy place full of poor and killers).

Actually, this is the main philosophical idea that Pushkin wanted to convey to readers: everything in the world is dual, and nothing is permanent. This is a wonderful work, which is worth getting acquainted with for everyone who wants not only to learn the work of A. S. Pushkin, but also to understand the symbolism of his works. This is really an author who, thanks to images, could convey his true thoughts and deep ideas.

Why is a work, genre-designated as a "story", written in verse and not in prose? The word "story" in the language of Pushkin's time meant "narration", an artless story that claims to be authentic. Meanwhile poetic form often makes us readers, contrary to Pushkin, call The Bronze Horseman a poem. Of course, it's all about poetry. A simple reconstruction, the translation of The Bronze Horseman into the language of prose, leads to deconstruction, the destruction of the concept of the work. The lyricism of the story disappears, the "Introduction" is not "translated" into prose - and as a result, the admiration for the greatness of Peter disappears, the admiration for the solemn beauty of St. Petersburg disappears ... and the story of the poor official remains.

In addition, Pushkin's prose of time was not yet ready for the montage of temporary plans, for a sharp transition from the past to the present, from one picture to another - and in poetic form this was perceived quite naturally. In prose, the "Petersburg tale" turns into a tale of madness, amenable to an unambiguous interpretation. The ideological and emotional complex of The Bronze Horseman is much more complex, which causes a plurality of interpretations.

During the life of Pushkin, the story was never published, although the poet made attempts to remake it in accordance with the "highest remarks." Let's remember: already once Pushkin was offered to redo what he had written, and that was with "Boris Godunov". Then he refused such a “wish” with dignity, he nevertheless tried with the Bronze Horseman, but it didn’t work out. And the analogies here are not accidental: in both works, a key theme for Pushkin is touched upon - the theme of power. In 1833, he will consider it already on a different material, which means in a different way. In "The Bronze Horseman" there is a direct polemic with Karamzin, who considered the foundation of St. Petersburg "among the swells of the swamps" to be Peter's mistake and wrote: "man cannot overcome nature," that is, the elements. With Pushkin, he overcame and cut through a "window to Europe."

It is noteworthy that in The Bronze Horseman a theme appears that has become extremely stable in Pushkin's work. This is Peter's theme. "The Bronze Horseman" begins with an ode to Peter (we note in parentheses that this is the end of "Poltava"), his work. But in the new poem by Pushkin, along with Peter, another person appears - Eugene.

If you carefully read the text, you noticed that when it comes to Eugene, the story goes in a different emotional vein. Thus, the characters - Peter and Eugene - are sharply opposed.

Poem Bronze Horseman was written in 1833, but during the life of Pushkin it was never published, since the emperor forbade it. There is an opinion that the Bronze Horseman was supposed to be only the beginning of a long work conceived by Pushkin, but there is no exact evidence in this regard.

This poem is very similar to Poltava, its main themes are Russia and Peter the Great. However, it is deeper, more expressive. Pushkin actively uses such literary devices, like hyperbole and grotesque (animated statue of a prime example). The poem is filled with typical Petersburg symbols: statues of lions, a monument to Peter, rain and wind in the autumn city, floods on the Neva...

Here, more than in other poems, bright emotional vocabulary, thanks to which the reader understands what exactly is happening in the souls of the unfortunate heroes.

Images in the poem "The Bronze Horseman"

The introduction to the poem tells about Emperor Peter: he built St. Petersburg without thinking about ordinary people, without thinking that life in a city in a swamp could be dangerous... But for the emperor, the greatness of Russia was more important.

The protagonist of the poem- a young man named Eugene, an official. He wants a little: just to live his life in peace. ordinary life... He has a bride - Parasha, a simple girl. But happiness does not come true: they become victims of the St. Petersburg flood of 1824. The bride dies, and Yevgeny himself manages to escape by climbing onto one of the St. Petersburg lions. But, although he survived, after the death of the bride, Eugene goes crazy.

His madness is caused by the realization of his own powerlessness before the elements that happened in St. Petersburg. He begins to get angry at the emperor, who allowed such troubles in the city of his name. And thus angers Peter: in one beautiful night, when he approaches the monument to the emperor, he imagines that the Bronze Horseman (the equestrian statue of Peter the Great on Senate Square) descends from his pedestal and chases him all night through the streets of St. Petersburg. After such a shock, Eugene can not stand it - the shock turned out to be too strong, in the end the poor fellow died.

In this poem, Pushkin compares two truths: the truth of Eugene, a private person, and the truth of Peter - the state. In fact, the whole poem is their unequal conflict. On the one hand, it is impossible to draw an unambiguous conclusion about who is right: both pursue their own interests, both positions have the right to exist. However, the fact that in the end Yevgeny still surrenders (dies) allows us to understand that, according to Pushkin himself, Peter is right. The greatness of the empire is more important than the tragedy of small people. A private person is obliged to submit to the will of the emperor.

Interestingly, in addition to Peter, Alexander the First also appears in the poem. He looks at the flood from the palace balcony and understands: the kings cannot cope with God's element. Thus, Pushkin builds a hierarchy: the emperor is higher common man but the god is higher than the emperor.

Topic: "Analysis of the poem" The Bronze Horseman "

Lesson Objectives: reveal the historical, literary and genre originality of The Bronze Horseman; determine the composition of the work; help to comprehend the main conflict of the poem; develop the ability to analyze the work; to cultivate in the reader a sense of beauty, the ability to feel and understand what is read.

Methodical methods: teacher's story, students' messages, vocabulary work, text analysis elements.

During the classes

    Checking homework.

Implementation individual task: message “The image of Peter I in the poem “Poltava”.

    Teacher's word.

The image of Peter I was depicted by Pushkin not only in the poem "Poltava", where he appears as an inspired military leader - the winner, but also in many other works: "The Feast of Peter the Great", "Arap Peter the Great", etc. Each of these works reveals new facets character of the king, his state activities.

In the early 1930s, Pushkin had a desire to start work on The History of Peter. He got access to state archives and to the Voltaire library kept in the Hermitage, he began to search for and collect materials from Golikov's multi-volume work "The Acts of Peter the Great" and "Additions .." to it. The materials collected by the writer have not reached us in full, but they make up a whole volume in the collection of his works.

By this time, his ideas about Peter, his services to the country, his strengths and weaknesses had deepened. Pushkin wrote: “The difference between government agencies Peter the Great and his temporary decrees. The former are the fruit of a vast mind, full of benevolence and wisdom, the latter often cruel, capricious and, it seems, written with a whip. The first were for eternity, or at least for the future, the second escaped from impatient autocratic landowner. Pushkin notes that the arbitrariness of Peter I grew from year to year.

What Pushkin realized as a historian, he wanted to reflect as an artist. Thus was born in 1833 one of his best poems - "The Bronze Horseman". In it, Pushkin expressed an insoluble conflict, a contradiction between historical necessity and the lives of living people, who often become victims of this necessity. It is no longer Peter himself who acts in the poem, but his “idol”, a monument. This image is inseparable from the image of St. Petersburg, it is a symbol of the northern capital.

    Implementation of an individual task.

Message from a trained student about the history of the creation of St. Petersburg, the history of the creation of the monument to Peter I.

    Expressive reading of an excerpt from the poem "The Bronze Horseman" by the teacher.

  1. Questions session. Elements of text analysis "Introduction".

1. Find the definition of the composition of the work in the dictionary. Remember the elements of plot composition:

a) tie (change in the initial situation, entailing the emergence of a conflict);

b) development of action;

c) culmination;

d) denouement;

e) obligatory framing elements - prologue and epilogue.

2. Is there a framing element in the composition of the plot of the work? How is it named by A.S. Pushkin?

A.S. Pushkin uses epic ways of depicting historical personality: a broad view of the world "strengthens" the personality of the hero: "... he, full of great thoughts ..", the king is shown against the backdrop of a vast space that has to be transformed, conquered.

6. Find lexical and other means artistic expressiveness, showing the author's attitude to the activities of Peter as historically necessary and aimed at the benefit of the state.

The introduction is written in the traditions of the Lomonosov ode in a high style. The text contains Slavicisms (otsel, hail, dilapidated, porphyry-bearing), techniques of oratory. The genre of the introduction to the story "The Bronze Horseman" chosen by the author emphasizes his state wisdom and patriotism in the image of Peter.

Let us explain the meaning of the words "midnight", "blat", "porphyritic".

6. What he once “thought about”, that is, Peter, standing on the shore of the Gulf of Finland, happened. What does Peter's creation look like now?

    Understanding the conflict in the work.

But at what cost did this city "ascend magnificently, proudly"? The idea was realized at the cost of violence against nature and people. The introduction to the story is intended to bring the reader to an understanding of its main conflict - history and personality.

Dictionary work. Find a definition of conflict.

conflict in literary work- clash, struggle, on which the development of the plot is built.

    Is the conflict in the work "The Bronze Horseman" unambiguous?

(The conflict in the poem is branched, complex. This is a conflict between a “little” person and power, between nature and a person, between a city and the elements, between personality and history, between the real and the mythological.)

    Questions session.

In the story next to the image of the great statesman an image arises ordinary person.

1) How is the image of Eugene revealed through a comparison of his “thoughts” (“What was he thinking about?”) With Peter’s monologue (“And he thought ...”)?

Pushkin contrasts Peter, who personifies power, with an ordinary person whose fate depends on power.

2) How is this opposition emphasized stylistically?

The story about Peter is conducted in the genre of an ode, about Eugene - in a reduced style, with the mention of many everyday details that recreate the way of life ordinary person.

    The description of the flood occupies the main place in the first part of the story.

Is it sudden for Eugene?

Suddenly. Falling asleep, he wishes "that the wind howled not so sadly and that the rain did not knock on the window so angrily." The hero does not lose hope for a successful outcome of events.

And now let's compare the description of the raging elements with the author's double assessment of Peter's plan to build a city. How does the introduction say that Peter's will intrudes and changes the natural state of the world?

How does nature take revenge for man's intrusion into its environment? What does Pushkin note in her actions?

Siege! Attack! evil waves,

Like thieves climbing through the windows. Chelny

With a running start, glass is smashed astern.

Trays under a wet veil.

Fragments of huts, logs, roofs,

thrifty commodity,

The belongings of poor poverty,

Storm-blown bridges

A coffin from a blurry cemetery

Float through the streets!

Sees God's wrath and awaits execution.

The flood should be understood as the retribution of nature to man for the violence done to her. This event is the trigger for the action.

What is the normal relationship between man and nature?

There are many compositional and semantic parallels in the poem. Parallels and comparisons not only indicate the similarities that arise between various phenomena or situations, but also reveal unresolved (and unresolvable) contradictions between them. Try to explain one of these parallels.

Then, on Petrova Square,

Where a new house has risen in the corner,

Where above the elevated porch

With a raised paw, as if alive,

There are two guard lions

On a marble beast,

Without a hat, hands clenched in a cross,

He sat motionless, terribly pale,


And with his back turned to him,

In the unshakable height

Over the perturbed Neva

Standing with outstretched hand

Idol on a bronze horse.

Eugene, fleeing the elements on a marble lion, is a tragicomic "double" of the guardian of the city, "an idol on a bronze horse", standing "in an unshakable height." The parallel between them emphasizes the sharp contrast between the greatness of the “idol” raised above the city and the miserable position of Eugene.

What terrifies Eugene after the death of the bride? Why is the Bronze Horseman chasing him? What is the symbolic meaning of this scene?

In Yevgeny's mind, this "miraculous builder", Peter, is the culprit of the misfortunes of ordinary St. Petersburg people. The rider, with his outstretched hand, seems to bless the flaring up element, but he cannot control it, tame it. Gradually, Yevgeny "cleared up" "terrible thoughts", and he "became gloomy."

The question asked before: "Where are you galloping, proud horse? .." - it would seem that it does not imply a simple, immediate answer, and suddenly the answer is received. The horse "lowered its hooves", the Horseman breaks off the pedestal and starts chasing the poor rebel. The autocrat cannot forgive the threat from the timid, confused " little man". Let it only seem to Eugene that the Horseman is chasing him, galloping through the square and streets of the capital. Some great moral laws were not taken into account and even violated by the reformer of Russia. That is why this monument is so lonely in the midst of the motley life of a huge city.

Did the elements, in turn, manage to destroy what was created by the people at the will of the great man?

A.S. Pushkin affirms the immortality of Peter's deeds as the deeds of the people and the state as a whole. But keeping the law historical necessity, the state breaks fate ordinary people, destroys them, showing state egoism towards them. This is the denouement of events, the resolution of the conflict.

  1. Genre Definition

What is the subtitle of "The Bronze Horseman"?

("Petersburg Tale")

However, in the works of many literary critics we meet the designation of this work as a poem.

Look up the definitions of novel and poem in the dictionary. What genre is closer to the work "The Bronze Horseman" and why?

The story is one of the types of epic work. The story is more in volume and coverage of life phenomena than a short story, and less than a novel.

A poem (gr. poiema - creation) is one of the types of lyrical epic works, which are characterized by a plot and the expression of feelings by the author or lyrical hero.

Pushkin calls the work a story, the authenticity of the events of which is emphasized by the “Preface”: “The incident described in this story is based on truth. The details of the flood are borrowed from contemporary magazines. The curious can cope with the news compiled by V.N. Berch.

It was important for the author to emphasize that this is not just a poem like "Gypsies", but something deeper and more ambitious. Very often, authors complicate the genres of their works. The definition of a genre in a dictionary is only a certain basis, and true masterpieces, complex in design, often do not fit into the readers' usual ideas about genres, and the author thus gives them hints.

This poem can be classified as one of the best works of the writer, in it the poet expressed his thoughts about Peter the Great, as well as the various opinions of the people. During the life of Alexander Sergeevich, the opinion about the great reformer was extremely contradictory. Some believed that Peter the Great was rewarded with a great mind, they talked about the creation of an ideal city (Petersburg). And others believed that the city on the Neva would fall and called the king the Antichrist.

The essence of the work

The poem shows the struggle between the state and the common man. The protagonist Eugene, during the flood of 1824, loses his beloved Parasha. Eugene blames Peter the Great for this, since it was he who founded the city on such a restless river. Eugene uttered angry speeches against the reformer and their meaning can be deciphered in different ways:

  • Like a rebellion against autocracy
  • Like an uprising of Christianity against paganism
  • How the inability of an ordinary person to influence changes on a national scale

The idea of ​​the poem

In this work, Alexander Sergeevich considers one of the most acute problems of that time. This problem lies in the relationship between the individual and society. The question is raised what to do when the state and public opinion differs from the opinion of one person. Is it possible for a person to defend his rights or should he obey the opinion of others?

As a person whose opinion differs from the public, Evgeny acts. He protested against the king and was punished. Does this mean that Pushkin believes that such people should perish and be silent? But no, the writer believes that such senseless deaths cannot be called normal, but unfortunately you will have to come to terms with this, otherwise the development of the world will stop in place. And yet, the author hopes that someday there will come a time where everyone will live in harmony.

The meaning of the work

The poem turned out to be very large-scale and multifaceted. The author put a lot of sense into it and you can think about it for a long time. Pushkin put great meaning into the struggle between Eugene and Peter the Great (the Bronze Horseman). This opposition can be deciphered in different ways. The three main meanings are discussed above, where it was said about the essence of the work. But there is another option: the fact that the ruler is a genius, and main character- ordinary person. They cannot understand each other and live in the same world. But Pushkin writes that both kinds of people are necessary.

Detailed literature analysis

The work is a poetic combination of historical and social issues, bearing a certain philosophical meaning.

The compositional structure of the poem is built in the form of a weighty introductory part, supposed to be a separate work, as well as the following two chapters, which tell about the events taking place with the main character of the poem, Eugene. Distinctive feature The composition of the work is its non-standard construction, expressed in the absence of a traditional epilogue, but at the same time, with the help of compositional parallelisms, it creates the impression of the integrity of the poem.

genre literary direction poem is realism, which consists in describing actual historical events, using artistic means expressiveness in the form of personifications and allegories.

As a meter, the poet chooses iambic tetrameter, which, when describing the images of Emperor Peter and the St. Petersburg capital, sounds pretentious, majestic, powerful, while in the image of the main character, Eugene, it becomes an ordinary language expressing the essence of a small person.

The main theme of the poem is the relationship of a small person with an omnipotent power, the result of which is the death of an ordinary citizen who has not coped with the state machine. The title of the poem is closely connected with the theme of the work, demonstrating the power of the state, which is distinguished by indifference to the problems of small people who suffer from autocratic power.

The main characters of the poem are Eugene, depicted as an ordinary Russian man, rather poor, but having bright and lofty dreams of creating a family with his girlfriend, as well as the figure of Peter the Great, whose image is revealed by the poet throughout the narrative of the work, emphasizing not only his extraordinary ability and excellent mind, but despotic character traits tyrant and ruler. The image of Peter is shown by the author not only as a versatile and multifaceted personality, capable of reforming state foundations, but also as a great autocrat who does not pay attention to the mental and physical suffering of his own common people, which is presented in the poem on the example tragic fate Evgenia.

The storyline of the work confronts the main characters of the poem, revealing numerous problems modern society in the form of contradictions between the state and the individual, as well as the problems of indifference and loneliness, illustrated by the inclusion in the content of the work of a description of an urban flood that claimed the lives of many people, including the beloved of the protagonist.

Option 3

The poem "The Bronze Horseman" is recognized the best work Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. At the same time, quite conflicting opinions circulated about Peter during the life of the author, some considered him a great ruler, others that he was a charlatan and a swindler, and the city on the Neva would soon be destroyed.

In the center of events is the confrontation between the state and the common man. Eugene, due to the flood that occurred in the year, lost his only love, Parasha. The young man is sure that Peter is to blame for what happened.

Pushkin raises the question of what to do when state opinion differs from public opinion. Is it worth defending your own rights and fighting? Or should he reconcile himself and obey the opinion of others?

Eugene was punished for trying to rebel against the opinion of the king. The author is not against people who defend their point of view, he is against stupid deaths, but at the same time he does not reproach the power of the state.

Realism becomes the genre direction of the work, it consists in describing the events that actually took place in history. The author also uses personifications and allegories that emphasize the reality of what is happening.

The poem is written in iambic four feet. It helps to convey the pathos of speech and loftiness over the people, when Emperor Peter speaks, his words sound powerful and majestic. But when the words sound from the words of Eugene, they seem completely ordinary and simple, they emphasize his insignificance compared to a large state.

The theme of the work is difficult relationship a person with a power that can be considered virtually omnipotent. The result is the death of a simple citizen who could not cope with the cruel machine of state power. The enormous power of the state is not able to pay attention to the individual, his feelings and attitude to life.

The storyline becomes a clash of the character of the main characters, she tries to uncover different problems modern society. The problems of indifference and cruelty that virtually every person faces, it’s just that everyone decides to deal with the difficulties in a different way.

What else to read